Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1888, p. 3

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m fod 8t nfcc that e i foreign ffi rets and ircig r totepi k the arid at u rpest int vp thei cheapest sfock that tre uenuoaw- esribbotf small ww els blanket i it boots art i id mantle mak- is infirstdaa ader a comt tent head witf hoe 7 f depardfteat have a large fewest go ts and suitings jvhite cottons tr yard faty lts yaa to els per jdj j cts per yard mored sauny nd gro giam tr yard worth i silks for 25cts kress goods kje j per yard worth 5cts per yard i other goods m ispectfulrj soli- linspection and re you of the goodness and stock pfllinerv open av friday and 2s and ante- sustained nted procession keaufaful goods lowyou is san- lepd co house f peoj cf artec i tiz tea at ledlction xt sis weeks white 3nes teast toroktc ii itivatok1i n to the j s weeklies- ajjbrocesses f prnitgn ik and pai id ninor cjs j li ihealtrt 2j fessrjrs cf of tbe bit olto jw i r ft 3f0e188s tfr- do is n hcrun 1 wwjsj town hall ggggof lectttr cn6t ihe am jikox chukch xctok ntftessof lboturbs for 8889 cn6tlheinpl2cti jm tl acton vioqdlj- j ml d p moutliy x- ibjtg iwtieli hoi gxhruj d jist subject simdhro mit- fjekttr cor 60 cats leetsm coturaraco u oclock thejietawusrchuacii actonj ayro- a- fjifforo ka phj pastor ptnonic lotcr ltcnao u ids tm q4 xi eaquv l bibleac4uiuclcciyuie pijtoc ju1 codijly ioritcd lad ruilcw ilmrs ciccni at- rt th door o h t n headquarters for xkas s openinc op ondccfol duoa ot jpjiddaj toy books g lit book bibles absbus plash albams sartp ahjcms fork dasct writin lcifc gu ml n goodf capt nd sa vlcc gh klt eliuxt ccaets fickle sluids better dim knives sg mqi ui4 fcrkt gthwasnrer wicheij broocht eir jiagt chuat locket kcklet luut 83nr tbimbles lad kipkia eiagt- cobm uitsmtd ciitrjlhe fiacst stock tid r price inde to tail e-crj- one geo hykds actok okt ijt jutnn rw jrcss thubsuay oecehbefi c 15 haxymxobj locals cihitea lj tlie evertliotitiful mdihrt fr tress ecrwrteit gtorgetoti ftir tomdrrotr sttxuori hic320 ucr1 doi two weeks oiare la the khorlast day school closes tiro weess froa tomsr goelpu wili daminale ilk citv coaccii m the ettoing uu year igoodnje to keep good ooaipjuiy ad be oaeo tbe number sieerialness tci cccopitioa re close tsjtd idle men its seldoca hippy icr ein busier foctnerlr o litae- boachia taken net i license as acciian- tbe general sessiat will be held in tbe coort hoa ildtcc oa taetdty cett lllhiast the pope his appointed december sut u k dy of general thtcispvii in eonaii cttboiic chorchea the male is luc tosigbt recariced ji yomaain tcni as ehepnt cp at 2 in tbe n to let in her instead do the seflert makers acd bnycrt of cbtstzrai coods realiia that only tboat rto weeki r until chriscisas thfl royal tempurs will ccaimencc a eneiql revival meetinss in jliitoa tocight ihtf will be aided byiha uicelfiioc duet of ffamiltcn j partimwho have stray stock on or abaci their premised should lear in mind that the iaw makes it ccmpnlsory to ad- tectiie them the methodist soaoxr school at edsa icht wilt hold their ananal giartginmeiitt december 13th an excellent programme bai been artangetl sl thomas yocn j ladies have armed a aaoditibn to work for the poor espec ially to make aod repair clothing far chil dren they shooldlnac have a monopoly m uii line a fartyfoot exteasion isbeins baili t tha cordaran tannery under the able lapennteadeoce o ir wilham smith jr thii buiiiesi hxjc largely increased tad- mr jacofat uin good spirits over his bcccesa twentyone yearc from last sanday health and weauier permitting a thoroah tory vote will be addedto the rotera iiati lcc parucoiart enquire at the canada glwe worja tor thomas perrynian jr eeadthe advertising colomna of the fan ptzas lire basinets men of actoa sntepraenled there and they ace not fraid to tell the people who they arc rtett uiey may be found and what they hire for tale 3y a report pablished in the herald zxphsint agricaljaral society hju a baiioceatlic72onhand leclading the priagahov andhe govecament grant the rtoaptt for the year amount iovslli and the disborsemeuu 50jij john weatherlsy a itilton pensioner got his pension two weeks ago and had bea drinking hard ever since some lime hon- y night he died and was foand iu the ntorning and boried at the expense o he owc leaving a boy ten years of ifie to the tender mercies of the public tht other day while mr harry spiers ssoatfbrarabithunt be was surprised in notice three o his hoands cfaasxag a flock of sheep he at once called ibem to him wd they approachtdshot ihenidead harry thought a great deal of his dogs but coald not toleraw ibis fcind of misbehatioar georgetown herald a sensible wj- of disposing of misbehaving cars ist friday despatches brought he anwelcomemxormatian- thacxrs a-e- ffauacc of st thomas danghtet of alex gtaot esq of this place hadialien thrtwgh a trap door into the cellar and ht her life was dapaired of a suh- pmott letter stales however that while mrs wiflaoe was badly hurt she it now re- eorering ameetiog was held in st- josephs tqrch on slonday erehing for the purpose of organizing a choir some lwelre mem- oof tfaecongregatiori joined under the wersfaip of miss itatue hayden of goelph in miss hayden a thoroughly oipeunt teacher o vocal music it eared and the pahlic may soon expect to a firsclass choir in sl josephs v canadas christmas published by wm bryce toronto is- an excellent xmas jootenir pnreiy canadian in character itii u iflacrated paper f iatoi urge mp oonwning fllostruons of canadian pods and tcenery it also oonuior a ctwditn christmas story boroaneeof the boclaes ly mr campbell bbaw lor of the oafcmle star and it accotn- jed with la eiccllfnt engraving of ihe w protincial parliament boildlngs 7a pod bedstead set of springs and bt at speight 4 sons for- warerooms xwfioeflfor beoti act eaforeement fa torimbflfogtufe tof ttjisjtwo lmttm respectively were im7s id ijbttis- i f home gleanings nurh at u of ft local clrrnctcr rud aulnlfiritluir asltsltlt oiuble dcut arrefitod an old man and his wife last srtorday uiguuu our ftrecls hctplcttly diuuk tbby and ihcy had come from baxric and were on their way horn to sl catfnriaea they were kept iuraol until w6uday meming and ucrc allowed to go after rcccmiig a souud icc- ture mihon xttrt the result ctcirelissneix j while hauling a tquirwl aroucd a jbuth heap near cunpbeuvtlie jwupp a few daa ago uiogua carried by a youth uamed llitiiet got caught and wcut off the charge urikiag the young fellow in the arni and breikiiig- it the doctor had to lutractsorucgoor 70 graias of shot before lie could get ihe arm tuiei 1qq or three xcdths this time llaunau armstrong keroflhe hoau cuowu the c p bholsi liiltoa was oa alandayconvkied by major babcrlsoa aal walter li hiuduy for selling liquor without liceuse she was fiaed tloo and coju or throe months imprisonment thic woman was found guilty of a similar oltencejiu august last and tpent 30 days iu gaol aitotier sarse stolen last friday night a valuable horse and burxy bclougilg to jic bucphcu elliott of esimdug were stolen from the driving shed o the cominetciu hotel so far- there i no trace of the thief or the stolen property xo suspicious looking etraugcra were noticed in town- on friiay and though messages ere tent in various directions uolhicg hascoxe of them ckdmpiou laalb auday niht burcltrs effected an ectrioee into the hoose of sir d a- scrog- gie oxford street while ihe household were at church and took 3sia mosey and saute gold jewellery same losj papers belong ing to unlock co barristers toronto were ata tiketi it is believed that the burglary was dooe by parties i ac quainted with the house ko traced his beea found of the thieves we hire been very much pleased with the interest ttkeu in the letters oa the dairying interest in canada by the farm icg community aud our readers gen- erally ifr w il lynch th author de- trr credit for th interesting miouer in which he places b4jbrolhe public thiscom- maapace sject third letter amaug hie eritifih dairy farmers will ippear in osr next iesue and is replete with interesting pointers xir lynch is a valn- able aothority oa dairying sttbsttsctoleateuismcxics knox chuath s5buth school is hard at work in practice for their christmas enter tainment which vu be announced in a few days the uethodist scfiwl will hoi their usual curistmis tea aud anhvertary on christmas evening acd a meeting will b- held to complete arriinoments this evening tee disciples annoucoa by ad vertisement in another eclurau their cbrist- mas tree for wednesday evening the 2cth inst and there is every evidence that the children of acton will have a merry merry christmas if their elders can accomplish il a- succ college thesfiij ytarof the gnelph business college ais that institution in the front rank among the commercial educational in stitutions of the country a positba it has attained throcgh the tbroaghueas of the practical instrurtion imparted to its papils by the accamplishedr principal ilr ifio- cotmick the uollege apartments are large well lighted and ventilated and the central location of the city p gnelph un doubtedly has its effect in attracting the large dumber of both male and female stu dent from a distance who each year are found within its walla thecurricclum it oost complete and is given in detail in the college announcement which shouldbe in the hands of all who contemplate taking a business college course and will be for warded free ca application whisjcey profits vr pprertr sokisexr- a hotel keeper in this county has or did hae very rectutly 5p barrels of beer hold ing go gallons each if all places that sold liquor during the last year of the scoti act had been eearched at the same lime it would have been very difficult to find 50 barrels pt beer or ale jit ooehotel can keep 50 barrels iu stock jiow maoy will 27 keep in stock even supposing each bad only a few barrels any ot our readers can connt cp how much it takes to buy 50 barrels of- beer when sold over the bar at 5c ft glass and three drinks to the pint it would amount to 830000 hard cash for beer alone not counting other liqoars this beer and the whiskey sold with it make a lzrge nuisber of drenfceu meu and cause a great deal of porerty and misery uffotirtr the ftsk jubilee szngrs the concert of the fisk jubilee singers at georgetown last fridsy evening was well attended a full house greeting this pri vate compaay an excellsot programme was presented freely encored and graceful ly responded to the company- comprises a nsciber of the old originil fisfcs who ap peared in acton several years ago but the wellknown faces and excellent voices of of hisses jennie jackson slattie lawrence and mr louden were missing there was utile variation in the numbers sung hut their rendition cridently pleased the aod- ieac throaghout to ifessca b d war ren of the ffcraldwi a c sfckinley l d s was dae thepware affardeihy hav- ing these sweet singers again a number if our citiueus took in the concert i j swiss bell ruvrs acton has almost had a surfeit cf enter prises for the entertainment of the public lately andvaried tastes have been appealed to however it seems there is ye more to follow for will ti smiths swiss bell bingers and concert company will appear in the town hall on saturday night a prjgrammg ofrare musical and other in teresting features is promised their advertising herald bears this cocplei f refined in speech action and dress as sures oar artists great success tbe bur- lingtoa umch says- the performance was one of the most pleasing things that has come to burlington for soma time the bell ringing was excellent and the cor net solo by miss mcneil was repeatedly en cored thfiocariuo quartet was interesting from the novelty jibe over tore by the hell ringers band with the bells andb fiat cornets was excellent and the entire per formance waa pleiaitij methodist anniversary beuy1ce8 lie suuday senuoni able aud earnest aud lie fait rrta hi uicut oflbe y p lulon a coutplete sucreas the auuivenary sonicos iu ttia metho dist church on suuday aud monday were of a very iniereiiiog and succesatul char acter ou suuday prof pauton ma f g6 of the ontario agricultural college guelph preached two very able and im pressive scrroont la large and appreciative audiences tttllifl tnocuiug ha tqpk foe his tcrl john 12 2l sir we would cm jesus his diviiioos ot the mbject wliyj how and whcrcv aud en lirgcuicut of the poiuts brought out render ed the discourse very plain iudeed and easily followed to the first ha roaaouef that su should see jesus in order that proper idea of life be secured the chiefj cud o man is to glorify god and to eujoy him forever to fiud rest and a lasting hope for none is so good as hope in the locdjcsjs how by faiih i believe iulhe lord jesm christ by hungering aud thirttiiig after righteansnes tor ihose who seek shsli find and to ihcsc who knock the door of mercy lutll be opened vwlierev lu uature the rook ot ages the stir of bethlehem tho lily of the valley the rose of sharon the sun cf righteiaincis in the services of the sanc- taary iu the lives of his followers i willtceep his miud iu perfect peace whose miud suii oa me the application was practical and pointed and impressed the cougregxtian very deeply with the great desirability of having jesus reiguing in their hearts the evening service was uuuturlly we attended the discourse was from joshua 7 1 and the subject the analysis of a sic it was intended particularly as a sermon to young teen tbe spiritual microscope was focused upon achan and and the growth of sin very vividly demon strated achan saw tho wedge of gold he coveted it he took it he hid it and he paid the penalty for his sin in disobeying gods command he referred to the sow ing of wild oats and whit a tremendous and unceasing crop they bore the sowing is always c risky experiment the ioflv ence of sin was portrayed and young men were exhorted never to allow stains upon the family name the childreu to the third and fourth generation suffer far the sowing ot the wild oats there is a most poisonous element iu sin he spoke very forcibly upon the deplorable results from the sin cf the using of gods portion of our talents money and inflcence instead of de voting them to gods service sin break the connecting link between cs and god the remedy far sin is the bipod of christ jesus and the guidance of the holy spirit a sense of spiritual power pervaded both discourses and every hsirer felt benestted by the earnest aud practical truths and ex hortations given by this godly layman dur ing the day tbe collections of the day were large and satisfactory if the sunday services were sneoesaful tbe entertciument of the young peoples union of the charch wis in na degree le so this was their first entertainment the admission was loir the audience large the programme excellent and all con cerned were delighted with the result the programme opened with an anthem by the choir accompanied by organ and cor nets it was rendered in the usaal excel lent mmntr peculiar lo the choir rev r w williams or gcelph then ledin prayer rev dr gnord who occupied the chair followed in cry happy speech ifeasrs hill janes williams and turtiu tha sang a quartette in good etyle a reading by the inimitable john strachac the dutchmans htppines in life followed and pleased everyone tbecuoirlhen tang that grand old anthem guide me o theu great jehavab most creditably a read ing poor house kan was then rendered by mrs rev r w williams of guelph which moved the audience totears itwas a pathetic temperance story by one who had filled the unenviable position at differ ent periods m life of ihe drunkards daugh ter then wile and lastly mother and no one could tell the story with better e2ect than did 51k williams rev t a iloore of princeton wellknown to oar readers as one of actons saccetsful boys made a short and very interesting address he dwelt upon the desirability of earnest ness in connection with church work and congratulated the joccg people upon the manner in which thiy were exerting them- selves in ther awn sphere miss kennedy of georgetown followed iu a solo when the heart is young which she rendered exceedingly well hiss kennedy renders valuable assist inse to georgetown metho dirt choir mr strachan gave the school examination with telliag effect as a mimic and impersonater mr strachan has no superior off tbe professional plat form a male quartette rowing swiftly down the stream by messrs miller nickliu turtin and williams was next on the est considering the practice they had the piece was well sung revr w will iams then gave a recitation entitled the abbott ef canterbury mr willifms hss an excellent reputation as a pulpit orator and platform speaktr and the audi ence conceded that he could hold his own with credit in the role he assumed on man- day evening as well the next number was a reading by mrs willums the firemans wedding which was ranch en joyed mr strachan was again called nd gave santa clans in tbe mines wbich was his best during the evening tbe pro ceedings closed with the anthem teaoh me thy statutes by the choir and the benediction was pronounced by bey t- a mcore the success of this first effortf as expressed generally by those present has so pleased tbe young peoples union that they have decided to hold a series of similar monthly entertainments at ten cents ad mission and they may rest assured good audiences will greet them personal mention fararrapliiufiiipruiig visitors to and from acton with ythom free fttsi liratleri areiforunacauftlntcd mr j pyfe of barrio aa in iowa jester- v i llr kd hemsirect is now a residcut of denver col i l i j mr g c clark of peterborough was iu town on tuesday j mr h hwotdouof parkdale was in town over sunday mr and mrs a- l hemartct visited friends in kelson last week drdryden ofrockwooj was the guest- 6t acton frieudi ou monday j mrs jno- bennett of milton jrisiled fricuds here during the week mr aud mrs a a ruby of goelph isiled friends here this week j col kerns ii p p made tbe filkk peess a pleasant callycaterday mr sinclair of toronto was the guest of hiss mattie blick over sunday j mrs elissbeui gray of toronto fpeut literal days this week with acton friends mrs hugh cameron of point edward lias beea the guest of acton friends daring i he week mrs 0car browu of richmond hill ins been visiting friends in limclioaseand acion for a week ur fo rev mr druran ins been called to the iastorateof the presbyterian churches of georgetown and liinehoute alderman gawdy ot g aelph has acceded to the desire of numerous friends and has consented to stand for the mayoralty for isss rev and mrs t a moore and their little daughter eva of princeton arrived in town on monday and are tho gcests of he editor the friends of mrs eh snyder of jark- dale will regret to lesrn lhat she slipped it her door one day last week and falling heavily upon the right arm fractured it at the wrist rev james lavery of miltoa win has been in poor health for some time has on ihe advice of his ptiysician gone to ber muda h left there en wednesday morn ing accompanied by her sister as we go to press an interesting wedding ceremony is being celebrated at fairview place between miss kelhe allan daughter ot col w allan and mr jno a canon b c il toronto particulars in next anncc to motheks arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ot cut ting teeth if soend at once and eet a bottle of mswihslowss3athinfisyrup for children teething its value in incal culable it will relieve the poor little sul- erer immediately depend upon it moth- rss there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcca regulates the stomach end bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole ktetem mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throueboct the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mss wrxswws soonrrsa svxcp and lake no other kind danfersaf dclsr- u we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our coane be eosld we realise ourdangerhaw speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when the monster disease has fastened his fangs open oar lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neg lected cold it is diseases of the throat and lungs fcronchiiis asthma cocsemp- tion and other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly cot to have ome good rem- edy available for this frequent complaint one of the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles anticonsumptive syrup this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influ ence in curing consumption and other dis eases of the throat and chest it promotes a free and easy etpec to ration soothes ir- ritalioa and drives the disease fom the sys tem to invigorate both the body and the brain use tbe reliable tonic milburns aromatic qzinine wine guelph kakcetf fatal accident at ottawa flour trolicr ficrstoce white ciaicra scot alicat democrat wheat spring vtheat itodir wheat- bran barley oats rye peas fy straw wood per e crd esriperaozezi eattr carry pitted battcrroils cnoata poiatocsperbag apples pork latsbslljs pelts hides wool deo i 1s s 73 to s 00 2 id to 1 s 1 tf to i os 103 to 105 iojmicj 1 fi w 1cs igj to icg it 03 to it oo 0 m to 0 60 0 22 to 0 ss o w too es 0 to 0 g it 00 ta 15 co 3 co to 5 00 i 00 to 50 0 is to 0 10 0 17 to 0 13 o is to o n 0 12 to 0 la 0 10 to 0 15 0 to to 0 so c x to 6 s 0 s3 to 0 co 0 5 to 0 to 3 50 to t 50 0 so to 0 23 last 8aiardayasjobn liitteu a ypang mau empbyeduo beardmores tannery ww engaged fa oiling and cleaning ope of the engines he had his band caught below the- slides and tbe fitsb muscles and tend ons of the second finger ofbii right hand wero torn back cleir down to tbe bone several other fiogeri were bntwed bat not serioasly dr stiwy dressed tbe wound- edliaod jk bed room bet complete for 6np t speight a sods fnroitare tbojt other jaruttare proportumatcty losr m orrawa dec iimrs a wo man over 00 years of age who has bei ill for some time was accidently straneh the shed of her eons house this mrfing she is supposed to have beenstandiign a board which slipped and a rope which was hanging in the shed i opght her under the chin and strangled b r i as opiuifsmngulees sextexcb- acmrux pa dec 2 tbe jury iu the haines- gardner opium conspiracy return ed a verdict of godly as charged in the in dictment for gardner and an acquittal for haines gardner was immediately sen tenced to two yearstn the eriejoanty pen- itientiary on the last verdict making bis fall sentence six years in the ponitebliafy and 110000 fine december oth will be charies wesleys sondiy among methodiau througbonfc the world weiley 100 years ago what strides methodism has made in tbe intervening century for lame back side or cheat use shiloua porous pttiter tprice 25 cento for sale ty n garvin j r b jermyns noted millinery dry goods house acton worth wear style strength choice cheapness js the combination offer ed in our great stock of new and fashionable goods and includes all things new and deslrabfe for fall and win ter wear dress goods we have bought larger in this line than ever before too heavy we thoccbt a flnt but the terylo- prices are and will eastiaae mehiz the stacks of these goods dovi when we say low prices that meac from 13 to 50 cheaper than other houses in thk vieinitr- ah tue latest cocrtne and make rith citable trim- dues cay be icucd en csr cocntcrs and we will be pleisei o thow yea these lovely goods millinery we arc nabed in this dctrtnet sod wc woaji advise all ntinr really ehoic ooda to eotse is early 0r itoct is very choice aad a penosii icijieetioc nicst convince you that this is the leading basse in the county in this line offjoodi 1uxtle akd clsteii cloths increal variety staples flazncls shining shoetics linens cot- tans cottocades denims winceys tictiag cretocnea priou kiptii towells towellicfi c blacjtcutromi 1 r i ladifis come direct to i 99 upper wyndham treet guelph fob your dry goods evcrytiitcfl entirely sc w choice and cheap finest print fa the city elegant paiicm gentlemen lau ihotiog the finest ran gescf imported suitings worsteds and pan tings in the city our styles arc correct oar prices arc the cheapest our fit and workmanship tro unaurpaascd k2iecibcr tho pue 99 upper wyndham street j i r e nelson- 1 fiite itfftifihnntifi to loan lew thonsinadollaraoukajm pjopertrhi iuiasaf eaaxjand npwarflff anhrlo i jmunhavfiwwartlowa j emjqcftnspo srbayed i ayearluis steer stray cdipde the ptmnliea ot tho amiertlgnod lot 27 rftn c etqoeaug alwntlhe iu sspthilcr owflor cao hve tb aaoie by pjavin projiertv indjsjing fxpeusos cjlofpatt esqiealiij yovj7rii w i ot jlor u mult itr souse lot hor sale the hcosc aid lot ou italf itreetj onoaita thoa 0 moore rcsideeo ia offered for laic pomcsiicp oven at oucd for fall irtl- culari nl lo jatuts herns acton to ths owner jaues butler hlgbgauout notice of ulsit gijoo reward the aboo reward 1u 1o jild to any person amifititig infcrniatlon lhat will lead to j the am- aui convtction ct the persona wbt l diftrojel sue ence on cvi rropcrty comer ilil aud mi ttrecta etc jfiecob draper f orilljk mie p h morris from the catawishcont tf hlanraacc t co uic opuciaa pf wcstrcjj ii be at the store of the aicct a cnjer for cow citation aadtar the purioae ct ttvituig u all ditficdlt and ukusuai cases o idhlpeotive sigjbit the most p erfect a ida to yliloc kcorn -the- b laurakce spectacles and eyeglasses mr p h morrjiis emiaatlrqcaiadto adjust bpcctacle to ccry case bcre relief can be af forded and as his visit h for the conveaence of the public no charvc beiag inade for consoltalios cr any crtra charge for the spectacles adraai3 ihoeu be taken of il note tffe date of visit for one dayonly tuesday 4th december 18bs at the store of j j b fejabsqk merchant actou headquarters for hardware alio stefll and haberdashery 133 dosea ladiea kaadterchief s fancy edfifl at 5c worth 10c 55 down ladies collars at 5c each i vdoscn ladiea wool hcse froa lsc to t5c per pair 1 uutet blaefc wool hoc large sire and heavy hand 15c children from lie tip ladles caafciaerc gloves frcm lsc cp ladiea kid gloves bettors sjc- and cp ui to ee the alpine the uteat wool hat for udics furs- furs furs wc are telling persian lamb caps less this last leaaon kows the time boots and shoes ladiea dont fail to see car elegant kid boots at ttco also a line cf tne goods with toe- cana whichis the race fn sew yorfcafldtoronlo felt boots verj low thia year groceries always cheap rbjermyn butter and eggs wanted t have cow ia iwck kails canadian and american faturs all tires iuxnt si chisel pointed wrought clcct finiahn j and tactslimics- eincea strxrtaai screw hociib2j sctlwi catlory bnocns ares 5at harniners wrenches planes jaci inives q ans r12es kexchers- towder fchct shells caps eaacr bare door tellers ptciirc i rubier heap scap stene lud asbcstosi babbit metal c i t class j uuairesaixi cat to order free patty feints ac paints oils a stock cf rcschess rtcrd and gtta percha painti alway en hard in all popular shades also white lead drrai in eolltad lead v ked yeow ochre and alu drycoiors lioiledand jlawoitcnntinc yarcishe5jariaeheiac4c machine oils lardis glycerine acber bact and caster croceries i a fell line of fine tcaa ccce sugars tcbaccc eaisic ccrranis rice barley tapioca flax seed aluciiosiii cream tartar ilciies ctive- lard baca ijicjuaff store a- bootietarch soaprlae yeast caiehakinpowdcrkoia cocoa- cnt chocolate enrscts 3picesoracgp and lcraon peeloathical- svrcp molasses y invars wtite wina and cider in act everythir nsoally found in a fixst casa grocery lamps a full line all shapes saes and designs shades glotioscciniiieye lanterns ac cheap crockery classware lnclsdicg tea dinacr and toilrt setu in plain cohered and china alabastine anathcrlo cf this jajrropia jast to hand in all shades- wallpapbr a ian ck ca land of rich and kobby patterns from r a roll cp a larg lot cf reai- azi txcsn sac roil to tea at yacr cwn pree to be cleared c dont forgptonr c teas lattten all and ocr prre calec ircau rroi is- a itraurr y cant veil do irithont sole agent for bimmj coainoa sense elib bisi gnrity sub lock ad crouta hotltr aim blar- enccs icrfccttfd faiycuccs j ib pearson ladies of acton your special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range pf mantles and mantle olotjis at the lion i absolutely pure this powder never varies a insxtelofparily irreairthmidtlioiemnienoai mara oeooomical thaattm ordlnarr wnda and eanuot be sold in ootnpetitloa with tbe multlttidejouow tataliort weight ainm or phosphafe powders bold onlr tossl botaa- bikmotpom co iw wall bl kv houe lot for sale imik inucrilcr hcrvtiy oifrs for sale tb l hcure atiii jni m ihe sooth west ccmer ot wijiard jalm itrteu tbialitlie ftneat availr alfie cirinrfor umiuidft uioii in- the uuilneu janrtiou ot oar cnttrpriiig lawn tbe liotise js built wit aheavv liabct fralae and conld t readily retneved tonna very reaeonable aprrcnuicrretnucsto alexaxdtt gfeast s jteeqsastbay j ctijayeil titjfpreiii ilio abacriber ij jet cou 4 tutsig aboa the 1st of octolcr a pair of itoni cm rcj the odibt fpottcd rising tr years plil tbe owner is re- qaeated v prtc pre pert r iiay espenae aod take them i lffitell mams esqccsing decistlt j fruit tree small fruits and ornaments brjrhibberjr rtxll bcook acton has been appointed bole atnt fcr thii section for the well known old kcchesler norsert s monlson-pto- priatcrand ispropaxed to tafa order for aox ofhe fruit trees cnajl fruits or shrubs walcr areabownin the illnstratedcataloeaet oftba nursery the products of the old rocheste nursery are known to be cencralw roljabte ana correctly oanied add i caa jconiiw aatlfjaqtcrjr rcsalta to all vhft jnircnaac tock ixooim prices reasonable llevbjjcookannt tax collectors kolic j the itcond initilrhect fi thfe uses of tbe mnalcjpalitr cf accattn dnp on iho lit december all uses mm be rd lfl 1t th lclh inst and ibe elector w l ue in tbe ton hall on thursday fridavnaj 8attda ol ihu week to receive them oaiir to 1u0 cban la the munltipslaet ll is pultalarlv lteeesaarr uiactflcrofleciors books be closed by tile 191a inic a latest thomas eastox i collected sabbath shcol entertainment 4sd christmas tree tbe disciples will hoid trir annual stmdar school iurtiiiiicc oa wedueslay december the ccttrtsinmei in aud reciusc speechetrr ic or tuevi coasiratfj lew iscce ajtigiag read- rie futrq tlrt i zc unieak- aud rvajer t0ecjottr pices afiood tiire isctd all are welcomed so fee at the liocr zi a coicetfii mil be taken npat the cle- doors bpen at 7 p in commence at 8 pan admiuistrators notice cheditoes op ellen mcljair t- deceased 1 pursuant wilerised ptatawi of ontano 1sb7 cha ittr 110 the creditors of ellen jfcxair late tha uwniliip o erin la the coqtyonvci iugton wife of i b wcail of ihomtrce plac farmer thjecasodwboaltd onct abcut the uih day of febrnary j 1688 are hereby notific ailnjquirtfl to aend bhon or before ilondaitlie seenttenth day of decani ber lft briio preroid or othexwiie cvlitered to duncan jjcgibboai of the town of milton solicitor for john mllrtbe administrator ap- taxiintedbythesurrocllfl court of the cootty of welungtoh their christian and burnarqosy addressraand descriprijtij the full particular of their accouuti or claims and tho natnxt pf the socnritt if am held by ibcm and fnnticr ujto noucu cbat dnrald admlnla tratcrwill prceed after tbo said seveateenth day of december 1w to dirtribute the asset of ine said deceased smonc tbq iartim entitled thereto batiofirccrd tw lie ciaiini of which be then shall have bed noticoacd bo will dot be responsible lor tbo taid assou or aaj part thereof s3 aintributd to airy lierson orjjeraoni of whose claims he may not ihavo recaivhatouc at the time cf thvlitribuuon pf sach aaaetf datedat hilton this 7th koveniber duscax licgibbok solicitor for the admtaiattftcr 0 elledlicxairdeeeaaed harpers young pedple illustrated tanoit sao oakpetb 70 bale the o4dcrthnied has a bomber of fijatxilaai rabearpsttfor sale at teasosablb prices call arid soo them carpet rags porebued tqiotht ulichbwi c pii um mmrn b a loll auelph gclagow our mantles joji will find worthy of our inspection never before had we such value or variety in dolmans iackets wraps and paletots inj ever staleof cloth for adies and children j our milliner- this season has proved a remarkable suc cess the beauty of pur showroom is a current topic of re mark and our values are unequalledjn the dress department in this department we excel we- claim f to iiain miss tcdd one of the most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country 7 harperi young people begins iu tenth ol- lime with the flnt number lu november dor- ing the year it will coot afu fire serial atorica in- eluding dotymacs- by kkk idnnroe the bod ilustang by o sicdjarii and a day ia waajand by b kmuakitlrickneltthur- v low trial by j t trcbridgp the tbrta wiahes by f anstcy and braader llattbews a series of fairy tiles wriitini and hlcatrated by bowdlyt- hoao studies iu k rural hls- tirybydr felix l oswald little experi- ineuu by oha b htrrick glimpaei of childufe from djckcns by marvarct e sanf iter articles on siorts and pastimes lbort swnes by the best writers and humorous papers and joms witb idany hnudreds of illustrations of ticellut quality every line in the paper is saieatd to the most rigid editorlil icmuny iu order tbar nothing barmiql mj enter its columns an epitome of cterjtlilug that is attractite and desirable in jmeuilc bterature doston coraiea a cuty feast of good things to tho boyb aj etrls in every tidily which ll visi- brooklyn uxios it is wonderful in its wealth of pictnres iufor mauon and interest chklsti is arvocitr teed s tostae prepalu 200 per year vol x begins xottmbar g1sss specimen copy tail on receipt ofa fwceaf aidinp sixole nrxuaisfivii cents each remittance ihould be rnado by post-office- honey order or draft to avoid cbance of loss keictpaptr are not o copy jfais adctrtitt merit vmiout uic express crdcr ot harper i brothers address sabpekarothebskcwyprk t m u- r our range of dress goods plete we show a magnificent and plain goods with braid and jd fes4 and trimmings is most cora4 assortment of combinations trimmings williansonci 1 j a sr4 m only bnsiuess more w t lnilellbnille to ttwtib hl ftw label anft t np i a uiat hlrojy qf ut fhee jsess iu fin tat we hiie ti eneltentlirt ot tab ipnban lh grwt amjonty qfwtuga u pld up yet we toe gome who appear teryoarelomibeat ta luiler unl w tllowtdilielriabicij pturitojetintnetn r rr r-r- lt ui bear from elli qchdftripgj and time ipakvutt dilor ji heart lacl jlp xoobejmluri ilvsi t rranrhiwr i j actor w oni hvf i va -a- s hm

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