Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1888, p. 4

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mvp ttvi tuhrbdat dkcemlier 6 1668 oh 1 ml bio if when i am pillowed in death whan bit pale leal to wt oh my brow wbea lost in my fcreruh ficacrliu breath ton iu think of me kindly a now iuitboooftqwmoaticnlhjtiine not often to think ol my bier bat when rin remembered oh i boar me the n i foadffectioct joare gittn me here when the heart bjat of hope la iu caket it ab the life wiping jnilio to it recx the aurer card looted ud mr lincntohiat heed dropping low en the pal monarch i broul when i quietly bleep qtth the larfi reltet creen from the world witching fattuitx ftr away ohifometimcr recall what woini and hatt bees tiad lott me aa nil as today i aak for oo fonder affectioni to breathe it tribute with ympathya ear so bloatoma of beanteooi pillow lo wreathe than the onea yoo haw colled for me here and when in the future aballawed ipeu front the past to thy ipirit ihall come wni memory whisper yoo lore me u well as wheal wuvithroaai homer keep the gate khtt a fanner waa ono day at work in bis fifs when ho saw a party of horsemen riding ahoat nil anxl he had one field thai hcwia ipefciihy anaiooj they ihoold ook ride otw u the crop wu is a oondi- tioo to be badly injured by the tramp of horsea so be despatched one ol hia boys to the field telling him to shot the gate and then keep watch over it and on no aocoont to anfferit to be opened 3beboy vent u he vai btddeo bnf wat oaroely ai hii pint before the huntsmen came op peremptorily ordering the gate to be opened thii the boy declined to do atatinc the arden he had received and his determination not to disobey them threau and bribea were offered alike in tain one after another came forward as spokesman bet all with the same result the boy re mained nmnorahle in his determination not to open the gate after a while one o doue presence adtanced and said in com manding tones my boy yon do not know me i am the doke of wellington one not aoenstomed to be disobeyed and i enmmand yon to open that gate that i and my fneodsmay through the boy lifted his cap and stood uncover ed tefora the man whom all england de- lighted to honor then answered firmly i am son the puke of wellington would not wish me to disobey orders j i most keep flas gate shut and not allow any one to pass bat with my master express per greatly pleased the sturdy old warrior hftad ha own hat and said i honor the man or boy who can he neither bribed nar frightened into doing wrong with an sxmy of snch soldiers i cooli conquer not only the french bat the world and hndtwfr the boy a guttering sorer eign the old dnke pnc spurs to his horse sad galloped away while the boy ran off to bis work shooting at the lop of his voice hmrahl hurrah rre done what hapolean couldnt do pre kept out the duke of wellington etery boy is a gatekeeper and his mas ters command is be thou faithful unto death are you tempted to drink to smoke or chew tobacco keep the gate of jour mouth fast closed and allow no evil company to enter when evil companions would counsel you to lie to deal falsely a disobey your parents keep the gate of your ears fast shut against snch enticements and when the bold blasphemer would instil doubts of the great truths nf revelation h keep the door of your heart locked and barred against his infamous suggestions remem bering that it is only the fool that has said in his heart there is no god food foe yoekg chtxdhex for supper mihr toast bread and butter and a glass of muk with- possibly a little stewed fruit will be quite sufficient for young children hot bread cheese and hashed meat and vegetables so often the supper of the hearty workman are alto gether too indigestible for young children id fact it should be the doty of the mother to learn what foods are easily digestible none othersshouhlbe allowed her own powers of digestion or those of the father cannot by any means be considered a safe guide in hie selection of foodfbr her little sxfcsixg his qwx feesceiphojc a bachelor physician of cincinnati was once called to see a young widow you are lonesome said the doctor tour husband has been dead for three years id adnse you to marry again u oh doctor m marry you tomorruw if you will have me ah i ah well p muttered the doctor stepping back and moaning you know madam that physicians never tike their own pr oawgers at deity if we were allowed to look iato the future and see the fatal consequences tost follow a neghxted cold how differently would our course be could we realize oar danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with mtny it is only when the monster disease has fastened his fangs upon oar longs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neg lected odd it is diseases of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma consomp- two and other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect cold sod ft is folly not to have some good rem edy available for this frequent complaint one of the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is biekles anticonsumptive syrup- this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful infin- ence m coring consumption and other dis eases of the throat and cheat it promotes a free and- easy expectoration soothes ir- rttatibo and drives the disease fom the sys tem advice ro ifotsias- are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so sw at once and get a m bottle of y mrs winslows soothing syrup to children teething iu value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little snf- erer immediately depend upon ft moth- rss then is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcaa regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens awgnms redooes inm and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wmslowr soothing sy rtrpforcfcildren teething is pleasant to um taste j and is the prescription of one of thaoldesi and best female physicians and nsrst istne umted states and is for sale by all a ngguts thmntrfimit the world rieettwefiweento a bottle 3nre ajad m jfor- wro boorxna m ad tale r other klndi pxl wmw jingl1s ajjd jokelets half an hor wlih tke wire hrn the wits nd the parnrraphi of the diy the fountain of perpetual youth was one of the dreamiofantiquity ithsl becnwolu nigh realised in aycre sartaparilla which puriflrs the blood rtves vitality to all the bodily function and thus restores to age much of the vigor and froahnom of youth shilohy coogu aud couiamplion care is sold by at oo a guaarntoo it cores cou- sumptiou foe tale by k mcgarvta james hgilmour of t gtlmoutaco wbolessje grocers lirookvilk isyi i hiv aicd ttmarsc kliitc foe a uvere cold and coagh which it ircmcdiitcly roll cd iud cured orcreatmiky ehera u uo other tnedianeof lacbgeuer- klaufalueu in the household as hsgyardi vpliow 01 for the care of rhcumiuura ncaralgia sore throat and all internal and external pains an4 inari the laperiorily of mother graves worm exterminator it shown by its good effects on the children farchase a bottle and give it a uial why will yoacoagh when shilohi care will give immediate relief price 10 els floctssnd fcriaieby k mcgarvin k mceae wyebridge writes i have sold large quantities of pr thomas eclec- tricoiljitis used for colds sore throat croup ac and in fact foe any affec tion of the throat it works like magic it is a sure care for burns wounds sad bruises the canada stained glass works of toronto have again increwed their staff department tbe church and home orn amental glass tdrned oat by this firm can be relied on bblh fordcrabity and excell ence of design persacs requiring glass in in every ityle or quantity whatever should address the makers mccnslrd eon toronto to inrjcate both the body and the brain use the reliable tonic slilbaras aromatic qcinine wine a ufktaliutfea 2 there wts only one bottle of hag- yards yellow oil in manitoba i would give onehacdrel dollars for it writes phillip h brant at montith manitoba alter having used it for a severe wound for frozea fingers with as he says astonish ing good results a nasal injector free with each bottle of shillohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents for sale by x mcgarvia safe certain prompt- economic these few adjectives apply with peculiar farce to dp thomas electric oil a standard er- tehuuand internal remedy adapted to the relief and care of coagus lore throat hoarseness and affections of the breathing organs kidney troubles excoriitians tores lameness and physical pain victoria carbolic salve is i great aid to mternxi medicine the treatment of scrof ulous sores ulcers and abecesses of all kinds haltuz fa farva there it msch in a little as regards bcr- dock blood bitters you da not bare to take quarts and gallons to get at the medi- icine it contains every drop in every dose hw medical virtue as a blood purify ing system regulating tonic sblchscare will immediately relieve croup whooping cough and bronchitis for sale by k mcgarvin i expel the worms by using the safe and reliable anthelmintic freemans worm powders if you want to buy or sell a farm ad- ertise in the toronto it mail that paper reaches- 100000 farmers homes every week and yoaradrertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in- serted in the toronto jtcchg uail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a ward far eve insertions address the msili toronto canada mr henry marshall reeve of dunn writes some time ago i got a bottle of xortbrop lymans vegetable discovery from mr harrison and i consider it the very bestmedicine extant foe dyspepsia this medicine is making marvel logs cures in liver complaint dyppepsia etc in purifying the bhos and restoring manhood to full vigor grand eesiu far several years b h brown of kin cardine buffered from dyspepsia he says he tried several physicians and a host of remedies withcut relief his druggist reecminended b b b which he dechues prodnced grand results for which he gives it his highest recommendation for dyspepsia and liver complaint you haves printed guarantee on every bottle of shuohs vital izer itnevertails to cure for sale by k mcgarvin- 1 paine s i celery compound acts at the same time oh vhe nerves the liver thebowels and the kidneys this comlined action gives it won- flcrfol powerld core all diseases why are we sick decac5e we otiow lie nerves to remain weakened and irritated and these great organs to become clogged or mcrpcd end poisooocs fiomon ore i f therefore forced into liie blood that shoal be- expelled natarilly we i celery r j compound will cure bilioasirzsb felts cokstzftxov kiuhet cos pllibtfl tjeihant ciseaszs r 1v rttfii bttgcwa tibk vctrraloia abd ax1 itest0u6 disord ess by quieting and itrengthentng lie nerves and causing free adion of fhe iirer bowels and lhiueys and restor- iog their power o throw off disease yb7 amdirr xflicmi faint asd aba1 wbjfxrbtudwtlhtilct ceutapunl vhj iri b tcscd e r d iao ritrti kiijwrj ft wbrosan urrmtor dak htaiaahssl jfhj h alcrpum biu i vu piixt cwjer louroamo and mom in bcslifa it t an cotirclf nfcta dm timed j h id j cucav sdd bf au drvgpitt jyuslm weuirichaflosontcoftprlstas vk causiadcsteet many portodt wonder tx the ticed wirn and woary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent cause it maybe poverty of lbs blood or a disordered stomach itn either use the itomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with maoy person i i boy will follow a dull heavy headache name and mauy other symptoms that precede ft well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using h each am a mandrake mixture prepared by j 73 meachun 183 yoogfl s t root a chemist ol niuetoeu years ciporieuce a bint worth heeding life loses half its rest when digestion is permanently im paired barely then i speedy meant of storing this essential bodily comfort is worth trying every rank every profess ion bears its quota of evidence to the bene- ficcnt iufluenco upon the stbmacband also upoa the liver bowels aqd kidatyr of korthrop lymaus vegoubla discovery and dyspeptic care or celebrated blood purifier what is the wise course suggest d lo the sick by this testimony we leave them to decide are you made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skin shiloha vitallzer la a positive oure for sale by k mcgirvio la a dread fa 1 ceadhie hattie e manlhorn of mill village got says my cough wu dreadful i could not sleep at nights onj account of it bit when i used hagyards pectoral bal sam i had rest and was quickly cured all druggists sell this invaluable cough remedv th the third page of the toronto davg hail it noted for want advertisement if you want to boy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings il you have lost or found any thing if you want to find oat where anyoue is advertise in the toronto daily ifcif and read the advertisements on the third psge of that paper the charg is two cents wordeach insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada a pleaitacduty i feel it my daty to say write john boctac of desert p q that burdock blood bitters cured my wife of liver corn plaint from which she had been a chronic sufferer jler distressingdsineul symptoms soon gave way and i can highly recom mend the medicine to all suffering as she the rev geo h thayer of bourbon ind say both myself and wife owe our lives to shilohs coosumpton cure for tale by k mcgarvin eehasas beef ins and wine h you arc languid and weak and your appetite poor my boef iron and wine is the tonic be sure as an invigorating tonic it is recognizsd by lh medical profession as the best strengthening medicine thes fsr produced it h icvtkibe as a moodend muscle maaer especially in those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or in- foodof wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of boef toe stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to build up the emaciated system hackmetack a lasting and fragrant perfume price 2j and 50 cents for sale bf x mcgarvin eetfaadcemftrf re he sarrerfaa browns hoasebold panacea has no quaf for relieving pain both internal and rternil it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhccmslisin toothache lamb go and any kind of a pala or ache it will raost surely quick eu the blortdaud heal as its acting power is wonderful browavhausehoidpan- acca being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedx iu the world for cramps in the stomach aqd pains and aches of all kinds andisforsale by all dragmstsat 25 certs a bottle the teacher who advised her pupils to strcnguictt tlir minis by tlje use of ayers sar- sajiarilia appreciated thc truth tbal boiily buih is eiaeniial to mental vigor for penon of delicate and feeble ftjustittttion whether yoang or old this molicine is reiuarkalily beneficial be sure yoa got ayers sarsaparilla- everj- ppring and fal i takes num ber of bottles of ayers sarsaparilla and am greatly beutfiietl frs james h- eostioan stonehaiu lla i iive taken ayers sarsapsrilla tslili great benefit to my gtucral health us thirra l crerar ialmyra if 1 jfy daniiter iwelveyars of age has stlftered for ihc last jcar from general debility a fen weeks snct welegnii in give her aver s sarsaparilli herbcaltb has greatly improved mrs harriet k bailies south chelmsford mass- alxjut a yearago ibegnn using i ycrs earkaparijia as a rciueuy for tlebtlitj- and neuralgia resaltf lig 1 rom malarial exposure in the ariny i was in a very bad condition but hix bolfles of the sox- saparilla with occasioual does of ayers i greatly improved liiy hcalih i amiowoble to work and feel dial t cannot say too much for your excilkt remedies f a pinkham botith molnnciis me i jily daugliter sixteen yean ohl is ttufiic ayers sarsaiiarilla with gikl ef- feei kev 8 j grahain luited lrethren church ijnckhauuou v va i suffered from nervous frostration with lame hark and hearlache and have been much benefited by tue use of ayers sarfapariiu i am now 8u years ut ace aud am satisfied that itiypreseiit health and prolonged life are due to the use of ayers barsaparilb lucy moflilt kjiiiugiyconii 1 mrs ann h farnswortha lady 79 years old so woodstock vl writes after several weeks suffering from nervous prostration i procured a bottle of ayers fiarsaparilla and liefore i had iaken half of ft my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla 6 prepaj1zd bt dr j c ayer it co lowed mass prieelt u wt 5 vtatih t5 bottle the- lamest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scalej3 4upr0vq show cases honey drawers hett clippers i aid bdtcluf somiu addxxujm toll wriu fa isbt 0 wilson a son 60 i spunade stncetneast 1 t torqnto out kauioo this paper ewy llsw j vriu h kelly fiibtixere merchant tailors having jail puaod into itcck ibe fineit aaaortment ol importea and domestlo suitings paatinga and overcoatings that hava avar been ihon in tha county wa ara no in poiition to nit uj paraonrtqolrini anything in clofning onr prloaa ara ttlght iniw will piarantea every garment to be perfect both in fit and finiih no lit no iila hnn dradi o pattern toieleot irom we alio carry the loaat etook o nacktlei collar cnfla and bhirta to be found in any hooae weavof toronto ajjting for a ihare of yonr patronage we remain sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros j 4rthe- gblasgow house fkctonf we take great pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that our millinery show has a large assortment of the newest goods in trimmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed -o- miss smith whose ability is so well known and appre ciated vilt again be in charge this season ladies we invite your inspection believing we can give 3ou entire satisfaction our full stock of dress goods ladies and childrens ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of all the novelties of the season is new complete emourning goods a specialty- we are showing something verj fine and cheap in boating shawls and caps j -w- we also invite special attention to our very full stock of staple goods special drives in grey flannels -o- our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and defies comparison groceries fresh kkd cheap i in short ladies and gentlemen we are showing the largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock of dry goods milliner- boots and shoes and groceries ever brought into acton come and see for yourselves we are always pleased to show you through ramember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae fc co groceries dry goods boots shoes fresh reliable season able cheap call at- jcr nelsons acton h a stone georgetown bttzaidh dxcorator ihoum sign ind ornamental painting in uu lateat sty lei lessons ikoit padtcg claiiei wedneaday srentnjt tbnnday and satordaj aitemooos orturi left at free prcu office acton or ad dreued to box 16 georgebnra til receive prompt attention ho stone the new whterburv i hailwav fnaal cand trunttra e mii exreib l amjiiiptaij 7 00iiin l throogll exp 0 00 oin 1 aoeo0j tessli low pmvsejl tim or cioraia tuiti y- oolni weitp 15 im and iblkifc oong eut10 ajn and jssll- j i i t4 1 up ir oral leiilu holding tkra n each idih tie rami hbv inhia and ok name ovu inttvut- bji ul red ink acroa fafmtffuu brirart cf imitations rrftlmjta tutu and vtm trill not be dmftifdti irlririgfronia dijordernl sttte of the lin fitoaiach and pottpis each ai tjytiepiia or indtgtauottla atbctlons headache acidlttr of the btotnach 3 dobtlity hanaea or voatttofc a4 i price 23 cents prbottlat ptuted 0lt att datoii lawsss03 caaiaw i coisukptioi codgbs j asthma crourf au rjlstes ok the th80at lit plitmonaby or0aioi it in nithrri 00mtjhptiq5 llijpeehc mun other brnwdlrf tod ikdtoeserfa imahlxd br rnritciurlin uu idnclbretnrbeervbek ai expcctoiuht ir xai n it coktiins no opiom in any wi j pkicz be tie xxd sloo rra l satts lawhsfice cdiuafa ufiitrol jgtulm uoxtbbal the principue of i treatment series j sj just out wool wool wool limehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for all wool offered in j cash or c0oos- t we have alarge a we ndllassorted stock of bl anketb tweeds flannels stocking tarns knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers o carding spinning weaving jlnjtsoj all unoja of ooatom work dona to ooxninal prompt and batlafaotory mituwr a good reuablo item wind pendant set watch tith lecoadi hnd stock just opened b savage guelph burdock blood b1u0i dysp inwg will cure or relieve lusness dizziness dropsy fumniing acdwf na of the skin r wgestiori jaundice erysifaas salt rheum rleartburn headache ana eryy jtxeim of dis srolucbsowxlb0kblod3 t lqunqtna oo jgssbtal destroys aftlo rem or all kinds in adults swettas cannot harm dguicate worms hildften or ybup and he most -hilip-t- urdogk pills a uwci ri matbiuouaiieso inoiatamoh dirt hcaohche iw stohaph uvea thkv ant hiloth6im iiiaarnein and 6aia jayaoq i tfttatdcicz acolt ah odstinatt bir otaaau i aid cc hstipatlon ntxo sick orima dowtlo h aho hioaifr va aip ll the or chrjonic iqcasctai- n jffashnibioii wcwtjij- eainect throat and lung scrgeoo will next visii acwnj dominion hotel friday november i6t4 in thq afternoon ok5 day only catifijlh thboatcdbip 1 a lev qdit of tha hnndreda of- by dr waahtnstons new method halation f chronic bronchitis cnh i j an english charch cleiyman wpmlt- v iiftp dtt wlrhtkotos v dsab 8ib i am glad tobe autoieocm thatmyajanghter ii quite well agai ai t is the bftdond time she bas been cure i df pi bronchial troubles under tout treatn ecb wi thaaiaal romediei tuil i with to e pnft ttj frntttud pjease accept my since thawp- yqm truly c b petm lira job mekelvy kingloa7 out 0 and conaimptioq johii uckelty effijtoa ont caii nk- lira a hoppipg kinfftoo onti brtneflt oodiamption tij mr e scott kincston ont cat ira ima and tbroat lira 3ul betram hirtoirtmithoa catarr tiutoat i ll jamailatthotst muter acton ont c tairab biv3 adtbrot p praacim bcrun ont cifarrhuwadaal throat i mn kdlie eby berltn ont enlarfbiftm f winitp u cornnna oat catarrh hip heinr 5ott beflibon asthma lirtp wagner near berlin onu catarr v headandthroat j leri kercher suacobx ool catarrh m and throat i- j colin campbell pt- edtird ont litami jame sucet dntton onu catait errors ofyoyth nerrom debility seminal losm anu ftgw tore decay promptly nad ennnenutcnreo r spermozone ie pot interfere with dietovniaaltyerilwtto and folly rttore icatftigor ud ior maohooa sent to anr addteu p reeeipiofprim ouedollarnerboi 1 aasofmddbvfs stobe ehp t sjs5ieii to pmsl to wka ua ma f3d mmlislauitianlblvmlnrin ii ta tw v i-

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