Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1888, p. 3

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tolli many jsa i the dollai cqis r jackets gl nanjackei lthern for autifal xboas bear mngsr eifore purclosfi this magg and astonishing ijmt forget ijjjjs mantle mas c jnor our millinew qt forget qurn mng depaitmoat int stock to chowe itesnght- suitings- want ice8i6 fqrs ii 6 22 foirifk db cipthuigi clearing pao nf genfsfnpqi things lrapl i footvrear 0jv libbers now i tie i nee to save mopct tag out of our nag- irr r icleod co bra hotsgr tirj iw prices suck of m 1 idtetbs peopled r iiest six weem jdest of ib vlfs ai weeuil- 1 y0ted to vit i processes s fruit rt etbck and lifts v nj3- ithe meteodistghukch 1 1 aotoh f bet q a qifpoap ma phj- i pastoft rrouapu hover avenue pabfic 6mc iftsj am and fcm feauday chooltj3 bibtc claw conducted bv urn rwftcr ml cordially invited strangers visitors alway vdcauic at- tntlt ashen at the door tu l wocw pew btewud- town hall- aetou course of lectttres for 688 0 under lh auspices of jknox ch ko3 jlctgnruicii hortcv mouday jan lit finbct oriental scenes pno1 rer wm cochrane d d- monday pfibtrtt subject ticouijdilcro har- sfctbt j melan gardiner moudav hel t sobjecl two year in uatuef ord ttcktts fbr ratir coarse so cents leeqires coiuruetrcc at s oclock merry christmas geo k aotqn t the ttocfc for stocjuues i the stock uiit ifiuioqcabelvei aui crowd oar coaluer a the btockiocs that hau alon tlje cliia- oey ar ot all tizes and shapes so oar xmi ttick iaclode sach a variety thrt vre can mmljaajstocfcinbig or little if yoa ooh tnt to vaste time in hunting aroandfor someuitni that will jmi rnit toa imiethinr nice enough to eire and not loo cosily to set come to oar store first it q1 saw yoa tim and trocry is well as r jfioaey to bain with us wc want yoar trade but we want it on the solid bias o our desserts we wilt try in ouriair treat ment fair prices and good bafrcaius to mbcit the patronage oc all who visit xn see our stock first and yoa trill be content geo hynds actov ont ml xtoit fttt kss thussdai december is isis maxy 1ek0r locals citulfd br tae evtrlliattiitfttl and alert free pn4s reporters undl met last evening municipal election mtlteci continue mnaxtaiilr quiet the indications are rather unfavorable for sleighing for christmas goelph chrisnias fat stock show opened yesterday and will cocuuae loay cold wetlher apain this fax the veather hu been mild thongh for december the firm of gay i- hnsbana clcthiers guelph hare decided to call a meeting of tier creditors the county council hare granted the county aericultural society sioo to assist tfaenrin their deficiency thehachelocsxadbinodicta of ixicn i and rocfcwood held their annual asremhly in the town eall here last night dr lbwry i e ifcgarrin and jl e s xkfchn retire from the boani of trustees of acton ablic school tr ii year dr washingtac tin throat and icng 1 speaalist will be at the domicios hotel on saturday dec 29ui from 2j0 to 550 pun i the atataie labor tax collector is on hi rounds he is surprued at the remark- ly finr young men in town wuo are over si yean of age elder james eilsocx of gcelpfc is ex- pociedto pteaiiin the disciple cfccrcfc acfcm first lordfi day mominand even- aj at tie usual hour a cheltenham farmer sold s ton and a i halfalqiiiousto a- j bell of brampton the otherday onions are said to give i return off300totheacre kelly bros of acton lave rented the aton btfefy occupied by sir 51 e- ecanels and are selling a large bankrupt stock e 1 dryjods georetawn hcrrrjd the reward for the conviction of the parties who destroyed llrs secords fence en halloween is now increased to 2000 this shooid have the desired effect mr- j d lefierma from gaelgh ni selling goods by taction icesquesieg i without licenfe last week and was charged before the beete of hilton wilt the offence and plead guilty this week and paid 2000 fine i john sauitan a boy of sixteen years of age was sentenced by judge stiller tlie other day to fire years in the pecetansui- thene reformatory for having stolen a pair of boots from henry williams oak- rifle mxjg asmerville tie able and oqrebua manager of the gaelpli ajid on- tariobariagi ind investment co is 05 i to undertake the management of the huron and erie loan co of london- his re- moral will be generally regretted the new advertisement of the hani- tdoth house georgetown will be foupd elaewbere in this issne ifeesrs ifcleod co offer wonderful bargains all this month and for week of the holidays in all departments they show an immense toeki 0 sir lachun kennedy desire cs to in timate that it is his intention io afewdays tocallupoa all those who subscribed to wards the erection of he fence aroundthe old cemetery with- the jview of obtaining the sums subscribed in order to meet the exj ease incurred- home olkaneng aw inlcrg j sewou accittttitilafitmon f the cw11w14jm mr wm uautey urmcr who lives j outside of uiuon wm lu his mo on thursday uighi ue had fclaueru with hint but it wet cut wid wheu he attempted to jump fovu to the lowecfloor of the barn he alighted as tndcofajdoor which was open iujurinc lumscltvcry seriously j public school siamuiitjbfli i the wmiaoiuuil eiamiuatiou of the pqpua of acton public school will be held next week as follows oa thursday fore- uoon iu sfisa dorlands department in ihc ifternoon in mr moores on friday ioreiiooiii corrirjaus deparnient and in the afternoon mituimcphailit tlic pablic generally is iuviled to be prtscal the preseuoa of pareuls acd friendj will enconruge clh childrcu and tesxhert wfiisjw y costs 50 and caste l j m erin village ca tuesday ii willis pleaded guilty to violauon of the scot j act ahdwasfiued wo and costs today at the cocctlhouse the thrice adjourned cisci gainst li swackhammcraudcajideraoa oospribge were settled the defendants throwing up the sponge end being fiaodsoo uii costs which annulled to 05 il one ciseaadosc witu who calmly ignored the eumnioat to attend was finei 5i3j to tcich him to respect the law a4 qlhunklued ken bxzruloj a cumber of men were employed on baiurdaycuuiog down timber in the roods of sir w j douglass tear ucrlingtoa one cf them was an old man of go ntmed robert jtccsxter living in barlintoa stccartcr was shortrighted and walked in the way ota filling tree which struck him oa the hack erasing severe intcrnsl in- juries he was removed to the village and three phyricus attended him wrjiout avail he expired csxly utit motutcg deceased was uaraarried the devils bererife frzely zcifcioej the whiskey bssines has got dosm to its oldtime wholesale capacity in ieton again rull time is pat in every dy of the weetani doable time on saiday there was no lack of evidence da this patat last saaiay drunken men were to he seen in and about every hotel in town and numbers staggered aloag the streets boozy icdividcals who had spent all their meneyfor whiskey and hadnt the v here- withal to pay for beds occupied qowoy coaches iu the cells on saturday iai day night attxckxtf by z stnge do jcast thcreday eyecing sxxs s-ise- cord was in rutledges meat ehcp waiting for the butcher to cat her a roast when surly dj belonging to mr r gibbons attacked her andimpiautej his teeth in the iastep of her left foot she started out of the shop andhr attacked he agaan bat was prevented by llr rnfiedge from doing any further damage dfc lowery dressed the injured member and foand an ugly weens ifr secard has riuce been con- fiied to ler bd it is pinicslt to ender- staad why e2chi3siicros cars shocld be allowed to run at larger they thoald be c33nced eo that they caasbt harm the l public or elie be peremptorily destroyed- the charges a53 isst jtz dje killer the chsxees 0 jciciil ptrtitfity made some tixe sgi th llr eager clerk of cozti again- 1 judge ililler of this county will be csrixliy uvestigatcd jn3ge killer denies the statements made by hr esger and has complained to the government that theyduve cat beeuwhh drawn in order to give an opportunity either to pro re or retract tiis public ctafement resectiagon the judge the government will iustlmte an raqwiryin whlcii llr- e f b johcsoa deputy attorney general will ct as com missioner the inquiry will b jpeaed on the 20th last- at itiltoc hr s h blake it is unaerstool will eppexr for ilr tger and if r 0 iter for judge miller the winzepsjuzcvsj dinner after the coaeurioa d list tuesdays sessxoa of the county coaacii whli torey eq warden invited the members d the oocucil and the coanty oscials to fh wal lace house where a dinner had bee 1 pre pared in the best style of thzt well movm hostlery uter full justice hid bee done to the excellent spread the warden a dress- ed his guests in a shcrt speech ia which he expressed the pleasure that he felt it meet ing them at the festire board inf 1 rmicg them that a nmnberof the gaticmn pre seat had long distances to drive rni as others bid to travel to their hemes by train and had little tif to spxrc the usual toasts would be omitted- the company then dispersed the occasion was 1 very pleasant one cttamfiijx i itrbntrac guelph kev dr butler the eloquent hctarer wiilrecouct soeaes persotnlly witnessed in the sepoy mutiny and the success of mis- sloaaryeuort ia the gin eti valle hrilhnj lecicre in the norfolk jf ethodist church guepu oa thirsday 20th icst the dr was a missiorary in india at the time and tells mjst what he saw prof c c james the boaud ok kdvcatiox eockwpodxewg agricaltcra collegeguelph says cf kev dr butler having heard hhn street vividly the auother aluck at twchc auillfilonsa mnrkofgoodwm to mlsvporlaud- the hccriturrttvuiurwcom jtlettsidtflntdernde in office the board ot trnstw o acton pdbue school met monday ereoiog ilbmbera prtut mours toomtu ebbage george hyuds dr lowry and a ekicklin upon motion mr george uyuds took the chair the miuules o last meeting wew wad aud approved the secrctarj- reported that he had com- mtaicated with mitt u e carletofi lb diotce of the board rorteachcr of third de partmonl and receded the reply that en the interval she had been engaged elsewhere uisslda moctoo the socoud choice then accepted the posilioo bal last week rcsigu- ed the chairman then instructed the secretary to advertise for applications for the vacancy 1 a number of appwcitiout weiepreseuted to the bcarj after dee cousideratiou of the various applications preseuled it was moved by w h lawry eecouded by a e kickliu that the application of hiss agues halliday be accepted foe the position of teacher of third department i at a salary of hjq for the coming year carried j the commiuee on finance presutwl their sixth retwrt recommeudid paykent of accounts as follows james ron for wood 417 00 h l ltorc accouiit hail globe ktlquj trj- tcslf 5 13 hirti coniuy 50 actoa haukicg coi ititoa ocr cue tcttio u the report was adopted ifoved by a e kicklia aecouded by w h la wry that the secretary he requested to pablttli the aieetiagfor the nomination ad election of trustees to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement through lapse of time of hessre w h dowry j e ifc- gxrvia aad a e kicklin aad that h p xloore be returning o2er carried the retirement of ilus lena doriand who his faithfclly filled the position of teacher of fourth department for the past three years was referred to when the fol lowing resolatioa was unanimously car ried moved by a e ivickha seconded by thomas ebbige that whereas miss lena doriand teacher of the foarth department is about to sever her relationship with this board aud whereas by her uaiform cour tesy kindcesa aad affability during the three years she his occspied the position she has endeared herself to the children uader her csxe as well as to their parents acd whereas this public school board de sire to place oa record their recognition and apprcciiuou cf her services as a teacher aad as a lady be it therefore resolved that a copy or this resolution signed by the chairman and secretary of this board be transmitted to xlits doriand as an evi dence and erpressica of our sentiments and hearty good wilt the secretary mr h p moore inci dentally remarked during the evening that the present meeting marked the completion of his tenth yearxs secretarytreasarer of the board it was then moved by dr lowry sec onded by thomas ebbage that whereas mr h p moore the secretary treasurer of this board his cow performed the duties pertaining to that office for a period of ten years ia the most satisfactory mianer not a single complaint ever having been made during his long term of office and whereas this board desires to signify its recognition of his faithful service be it therefore resolved that an increase of ten dollars per annum be made in his ealiry carried i the board then raioumed preach kvataiblll news while mr geargeeisterroofcvfraa pav ing the ficwr of his tew bank stalies a few daye ago he had occasion to use an are in fitting a block when the handle came in contact with some blocks behind him which cfiufed the axe to descend an the forefinger or his left hand almost severing it- from the hind the assistance of mr james anderson was secured ted he found it necessary to pctscveralaiiichfib in the fingtr before baadaging it it is do ing as well as coxld be expected bat it will be some days before mr easterbropk can attend to his duties with any satisfaction mr william drtdge attended thehodel farm sale at guelph dec 5th arid par- chased a fine durham heifer calf sir mon ths old for 5000 mr jeremiah smith lies in a very criti cs condition with some ailment of the heart and bit sluht hopes are entertained for his recovery mr george anderson is very serioasly ill with a kidney trouble and his family are very anxious aboat his recovery mre burton wife of samuel burton edeii mills his become insane last friday this heated aa iron with the evi dent intention of barning to death her four- weeksold baby bet was prevented from acoompushing this horrible deed steps are being taken to have her placed in an tsvluoj personal mention taraffrojihs keiptctliig visitors to aud from acton with thoio vrcclmi keaderi are j n or leu acquainted mr jtf taylor o listowel was in town on tumdy mrs j p8ecordof oriliisis the guest of mn s a secord mr thomas mil bum o toronto visited friends here this week- mr jno cameron spent sunday with hii mother iugaelph mr hud mm wm scydcr cf eloca visited friends here over bauday mrs j a cartoo of toronto wns a gaent at fairvicw place yesterday mr jsmes first brook of toronto vu a guest at saniorldd villa this week mrs john cameron left last thursday to spend a few weeks with bee parents at highgaic 1 a number ot our citizens attended the church opening services at rockwood on sauday aud monday mr doaald kennedy left oa monday to take a position at deafer colorado his many friends here wish him abundant success mr oliver springer of burliuctoa has returned from his acstralisn trip he is delihlel wiih lii voyage boh from the benefit derived as to heillh aud also from a pecuniary point of view miss forster who has just resigned her position as teacher ia georgetown pablio scloal started foe iudiktucsday morning she will arrive at the hsidtjuirtecs of the american missionary society new york and leave for england rod- for her des tination about the 15ui in company with a missionary and his wife to became the wife of revwp byers of the dcugal con fereace formerly a resideut of hilton utettary notes kltbooils the gunmsker of moi- cow by s cobb jr and galloping days at the deanery by charles james have just been published by williacibryce toronto they belong to his home series aad are sold for 15 cents the groans cinnaritis krwaija wc are in receipt of the globes christmas number it is a very credltawe production filled with choice reading aud nicely illustrated three handsome plates stanley pork vancouver bc lake rosseau maskofca and a good catch go with the num ber and are quite an addition to an other wise excellent publication for sale tt the bookstores tne civiiiiv auuxic roa nlit ylle the copp clsrk co cf toroato are out with their old reliable csaodiia almtnic and miscellaneous directory for li3 in better and faller farm thin ever before this is the f octysecond year of publication and the nejr edition js exgerly welcomed for the useful and valuable information it contains the same firm hive issued a bean tiruinicstntedcaaadiic almanac of no ordinary merit the illustration are good and the cenenl laiie of the aew publication is rst-cai3- grits come aumic this wellknown annual fnnlio is now in the bookstores- for ten years canadas own and only comic almanac bos delighted her people and the new number is decidedly the best of the lot the calendar pages are unique aad ingenious the double page cartoon irrepressible tugof war is firstclass while there are several fullpage cartoeni of no less merit aad any number of side splitting illustrations the letterpress is capital reading ten cents will secure the book at any newsdealers modest tix for so enjoyable a wzlaaq sorely the cffildszss favoarn our little oaes and the karsery coutianes to be with out a rival in all the world as a magazine for the yanngest reader its poems stories and sketches are selected with the greatest core are amusing and instructive and every one cf them is illustrated by the very best artists all the reading matter and every picture is original prepared ex pressly for this work under the direction of mr george t andrews whose specialty is the prodacgon of fine hooks and who has presented to the public some of the most elegant artistic volumes oa the counters of the booksellers it is printed from hand some type on fine paper from the start it has been fully recognized as improving in the highest decree to the taste as well as the mind and morals of little children it contains no cheap borrowed illustrations and its pictures hive long beeu considered an edacational agency of the most elevating character published monthly by thi russell publishing co bostpu itlo a year a trial subscription tor 3 imonths for 23 cents ri and lecture ixonsider him one of ti e ablest and most eloliuent men i have ever heard be has few ejuxls ia america dr but ler was the founder of the u s jlirthodist episcopal church ia india and pafised through the terrible year i8tt the time of frotu our own correspondent tbi only item of unusual interesffrom this place today is the reopening berrices of the methodist church on sunday the neatiittle church was packed at every ser- tice eev mr boyle of brampton preaened excellent sermons both morning nd sevening and rev dr giflbni of aitpi delivered an able discourse at 3 odtt k in the sflernooo the choir of the lome carter stratfordand bessie career the mutiny- he is the author of the widely known work 4 the land of the ved a and jus lectures hare drawn large audiences night alter- night in toronto and other iplaees- tho weddizg bellsj the wedding at fiirviwr piae list wednesday created quite a stir in skis1 icirciesj ai stated in cor last issue mr j acarson e c l of the law firm of bidgerow carson of toronto was mar- ried to kellie f daughter of lieutcol allah the ceremony was performed un der the gaslight at three p m by eev 3 alexander of kdrval assisted by rev j w ne enoi charch actoa tae bridec- aids were muse3 annie burns koronto churih assisted by members cf the pres- bytei ianichoir rendered suitable music- durii g the day oi monday eveoiog the reopening tea- meet ingwm held in the town halt like the hatch the previous day this edifice was iopacked after an abandon sup- per lad been partaken of rev mr walk- er t ie pastor was moved to the chair and ddi cue were made bybevs dr giffotd kek 07 biyle brampton birks kasaaga- p strichao bockwood and couch the pni k pastor music was gfven by the choir cfdiin st methodist church goelpb od by bockwood quartette clab tho ooeedhigs hwtod until midnight the improvements to the charch cost ia the wighborhood of 1800- with the h2 ouctioqs of sunday the 177 taken in at tfteioitee and peraoaal alcriptioui near v tfce whole of this soxn has been raised and the methodist of oar villace and their camct pastors have a neat and comfortable ltf worship j -azicb- ockwood dec uovl088ti totukrji costoria is recommended by physicians far childrba teethiug it is a purely vege table prepiratiou iu ingrediena are pub- lishel aroandesch botle it u pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless it relieves constipation regulate the bowels quiets pain cores diarrhua aud wind colic allays fevenshuees destroys worms and pteveats convulsions soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep cos- toria fn the ehiidreas panacea the moth ers friend 3j doses zj ceuw eatrznee exmlsstioss j the high school examinations begin at l30 p m ca wednesday 23th isst for hilton crrr they are held in georgetown mqwdand oakvihe on acton thegfoomsmea were messrs irthor hceechnic birruter brampton r j midenuaa barrister toronto and arthur smith nephew of the bride tor onto lie bride wore a dress p while corded silk en train orange hiosc4msanda handsome lace veil ajnoog the gaesta pre sent were col kerns if p p and wife of burlington mr and mrs a 5c smith toronto mr and ilra h j hal berlin mr and mrs g w- bsdgerow toronto sir w g murdoch toronto mr aud mrs james goldie guelph mrj d mc- dougall registrar berlin mr ti hend- ersorj exmp mra w h stjrfly mr and mrs donald cameron mrs j w rae mra james anderson miss corrigaa of actou mrs- mckee of woidbridge mr and uff t a smitii chatliam the preseote were numeroas and after the breakfast the hippy couple left for their home in toronto the christmat globe juat to hand is a marreuonsly handsome publication of sspageij in addition to three huge and haadsome plate engravings it is beiuti- ifullyprinfcdon qeavy paper handsomely illustrated and heads the list of christmas publicaijoos samples may be seen and oopifli offered at ihe newbdealers a bed room set complete for ig op at speight sons furniture shopl other faruitarb proportionately lovr mr humphrey the poitmaatetof rcd- neywts made the recipient of a ftold-head- el cane bn hw goth birthday hebore the honor bravely spiree hatel at fergus has been sold ia mrjc morrow of the american hotel a good bedstead set of springs and mattress fox 10 at speight a sous for nitare warerdoms fergaa for ihe bum of 70qo u yoa want to bay or bell a farm ad- ertise u the toronto irvtty uail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every v eekj abd yonr advertuement should meet tt a eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted 1 a the toronto wecltg tdt tor five cents i word each insertion or twenty cents f word for five insertions address the mi ill toronto canada r b jermyns noted millinery dry goods house acton worth wear style strength choice cheapness is the combination offer ed iri our great stock of new and fashionable goods and includes ail things new and desjrable for fall and win ter wear j dress goods we bare bouglit irgcr ia tliis lino tbaa ever before too heavy velfcaacht at first but tie very low prices are aud will continue melting the sticks of these goods down when we ny low prices that means from ts to 50 chcar thtnjpther hoas ia this ricicitv ail the latest colorings and makes with inltable trim- mfnctinij- lie foend on ocr eouawn lad wc u1 u pleased to thox yoa the lovely gobds 1 i millinery vye ire rushed hi this dcpartu6at and ve would adris all tantinr hilly choice foods to come is early our stock is very choice and a persoaol tssiiedion uizst convince you that this is the lealins house in the coaatj- in this liue ofgoods 1 jtiktle axd ulstu cloths in great vsxiet i staples fjaciaijhirticsv linczs cot tar cjoides dcavia wincejs ticldag craooclrittuvtttis toxelk totelliag it buaxctsfroaifisjjeriiirut renelson merchant tailor cuelph will have something interesting to say j to the people ol acton who avear clothes next week rito bttiistmttis money to loan few thousand dollars on farm property ia iiimsof fltaoaod ainrardi apply to irulllkar-btswarttdwb- 4 esiurid v o m i steer astrav stkaved uirouuapremismof theatiberil lot 19 con 2 eslurtinc about the 60i ot aosut ajmilinff itnr tlie owner can hsvt him byinvring pniertv and paying expenses william mills esnnig dec utblsbs strayed- avearhns s uirftraym uioa the protuim tt the nadcnicnixl lot7 con c esqneaintt aboat the is fiptenrur owner au have the amc by iirviuc jtuivny and parlag eslisf cmoffatt iliqaetins norstth l- house hit for sale- i j4 notice of visit tuie hootiv acl lot ou main street opolla the c iloore iciidnice 1 oflurea for iak rossmsicr civeii icuce for full parti- culdn tili tc jtliti jhiius actcn or to ihe cvwr james llftlek hichcteoirt hvle f si- moeeis from the csisbliihment of ii lacncce i co tit qticiaci of ifontrcal will be al qeore cf the agent as under lor ccnstiluuoc sad ferine iizric af svitiisma h dimctjlt and umrsual cases 0 defective sigs1t the most perfect lids to vision known -the- b laurance spectacles axd eyeglasses llr v h itort- ikcuiinejyqtmi3ed wadjast spectacles to ctcry casa tchcro relief can b af- forded aadik hi visit iilcr the cenvcttiene of the i lvlc uo thargc ixdzs mada tar t coctsjuuea orasjcttra charge frr the 5eciaccs advactogc ifccad leukca of it note the iute of vibit for onej day only tuesday 4th december isss at the store of 1 i j b pearson merchant actou headcjuartersifv for hardware rbave vot lu iock ssilscaxdiaaarjl 4jnerican fsuera all sites ixcialio si snd chisel poiaitd wrought clcnt finish tii and tcteaiiiics himrefifitrs tand screw hookbuttf 5ctcve cutlery stwus a sa hainatri wrenthes plants jack tunes gens rifles lievclvcn lowdtr ssct shela cai5 rarer earn doer rollers rtckin rubber hempi soar soti and aibestcs i3ahfci metal ac class kll itl and cut to order free 1iilty poinutc paints oils astodof ieschenk frvnarcd aadgatta pertha pinu slwat cu had in ail pctfular shades alo whitajad drj- snd in oil ked lead y lied velaw ochre and ill dry colcrs itoii and hiw oih turreutine varnishes jiaii thctiac 4c machine oils lirdiue glterine amber black and caai groceries afullliavofficetcae coc- scgars tobaocc baisin currants bice btrleytafioca flaxseed alus rosin creou tsnar liclles cheese lord ljaca itlackiub stave booti etarch soapbiae veas gate hating powder soda cocoa- tiat chocolate extracts spices oranj and lemon lee oatmeal symri molasses vinegars white wiae and cider 1 in foci everything osaallrfocnd ha a first class grocery i lamps a full line all thiies stes and designs shades globes chimneys lanterns ac cheap crockery glassware including tea dicner and toilet setu in plain coiored and china j alabastine haberdashery 160 dotca radios hondttrchlere fancy edge st jc worth 10c 33 ddltn lodia collars t jc each id doten ladies wool hose from l5c to t per pair ifisy black wool hose itrse site and heavy and 23c childrens from lie up lkdies cashmere g loves f rcta 13c cp ladies kid gloves t bullous uc and cp ask to see the utina the latest wool hat for ladies j the favorite hedteine for throat and lanj diffi culties bas ions teen and still is ayers cherry pectoral it cures croup whooptns coagri broacliltis and aathma sootbes irrilation vl tuo larynx and fauces strengthens the vocal organs allies sonrnes ol the lungs prevents consuiiiptloiif and even in advautxd stam uf tliat disease relieres coubiug am induces 6cep tbera swovtber pretaratiou for dis eases of tlm throat cud lcdgto be coai- pared with this remedy my wife bad a ditrefsins raticli with jiaius iu the kide aud breaat vve iricd various uieduiwt h none did litr nuv good until i t a battle- of a vtrs cberry sectoral vrhicli bas cured a teffllibar hrs glenn bad tba 1 rslcs find the cocgli was relieved by i ue ot ayers cuerrj iectal i lave no heiicaiioti in retxjinuieudiug tliis cough medicine to every one afflicted robert horton foreman hzidtigfy hcrrillton ark i have been afflicted with asthma for forrv vears lturt sprinc i was taken ivfui a violent conpb nlncli tlireatened to j terminate my days every one pro- noanced me iu anisuuiption i deter mined to try ayers cberry pectoral it effects were magical i was immedl- atcly relieved and continaed to improve until eodrelv recovered joel billiard guilford conn sixroontbf ago i bad a severe bem- orrbage ol tbe lungs broagbt on by an incessant cougb wulcli jeprived me ol sleep and rest i tried j various reme dies but obtained no relief until i be gan to take ayerh cbenj- pectoral a law botties oi ibis niedicine cured me- mh e coburn 19 second at lowell luss for children afflicted wiih colds coughs eore throat orcroun i do not know ot any remedy which will give mora speeur relief than ayers cherry pectoral i have found it also invalu able incases of haoptng cough ann lovejoy 1237 washington street boston mass ayers gheny pectoral fbzriud bt dr j c afrer co lowell mm boialyilldnijsisu price x six bottles panoy bag carpxts por bale the undersigned hosa coniber of firstelssi raff carpeu for sola at reastmablb prices 1 all anrt toe them carpet rags purchased tluothx uitcheiil tuils- furs fur3 vc ire selling persian lamb cas 10 less thanlait season kos the time boots and shoes- ladi dont fail to see our elegant kid bootsat 61fl3asoaline of fine goods ith loe- coiheh is the rae in kew york and toronto felt boots very iot lhi yoar i grocflrim always cheap rbjermyn butter and eggs wanted another lot ufthisjtiitly popular eolsdiniae jest t a hand in oil thadca j wallpaper alarge siockcahacjof uich and svjfiy pitcnas froci 5c a r cp a larca lot cf m- mctefroaicac rclltotcn styourowu price to be ceartd cct j r dcat fort our si tes uat them all and csriure ccfeefrish tqzz1 i a xnrj yoa cant veil co without sole agent for livouie cuviuiqu scse saih balance tinvfty sash loch snd curtain ilctn also blsur- cnslerfictcdbl j b pearson ladies of acton your special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of mantles and mantle cloths i at the lion x 2000 lleward hk alovintird wil l4ij to any cron funishr icfpmiatioii ijj will etd to mvi rud couriclion cf tnc iervns who itrcvcd tic tcucti cxi tcr iirojcrty cornet mill ia iiiiii ttreets cton cobd rawer t9t07illia acton j 0 jpaso io house a lot for sale thk ialacriltr he rtby effers for sale lh henso acl lot cu tbe roath west eorner cf li and john iirll tliu it the finest artu- sle corner fcr huildine upon in tho bnallieas criicu of otir cureryriaing town kthe bouse is built with shcavvuiuterirauie and could b readily removed tucus very reasonable aitpiv on the rrtmiesto alexasder gbat steers astray stkayed to thejrcmisls f tho subscriber lot 33 con 1 esqatsing about the 1st of octour 1 pein of sloers 4ne red the other lctted risius if yean old tho owner ts-re- qucsud to prcvc irujertr jay cxpeae and take thtn feteb 1uxk ksntifsiiig dec 1st 19 t fruit tiees small fruits aijd ornameital shmbbery j- reyfi ucook actockfts beo appointed sole tgent for this sootiou for the well tnawn ojd kochestcr nursery s uoalson proi- imetor nd is prsiwrvd to take orders for ant of the fruit ercea imall fruits or abrebs wbich are shown ia the illustratedkatolofrues of ths nuraery the products of tbe ola rochester nursery are known to be generally rduaulslanil correctly named aud i can jiromlae aatifactory results to all who purchase stock from m prices reasonable eev uiicookaceot sabbath school entertainmbbt christms- tree the discipies will hold their annual eundsy school kniertairmejit on wednesday 26tu deeember the ectertaiament ill tuclodo einging read- urs audrecitatiuasbythe caihtrflq short speeches w j be given bv different speak- crs the everton choir have kindly ccugnfd to be with us and will reader icuie choice pieces a good tiujc icxeetid all are wclctonle ko tee at the docrfcl collection wfl h taken j- nr bt ue close doors cc2a at fl p m is coll commence at 8 pm only biisinessjlothibg more wc f espectfuly intitfl every subscriber to examine his addreseflabel and be sura that his copy of the ffgee ybbssu paid for- we have an excellent liftof sub- acnbeis thegieal zsajonty of whom are paid up yet we biff some who appear very careless about tpe matteri and iate and the5 make tha editors pieart glacl adcrwed ihkii subscrt tioato get ittarrears let us hear from all ibch during thismonth u p uootteedltyri proprfetor xexox ox the principle of treatment guelph glasgow our mantles 3 will find worthy of your inspection never before hajd we such value or variety in dolmans jackets- wraps j and paletots in every style of cloth for ladies and children j our millinery this season has proved a remarkable suc cess the beauty of our showroom is a current topic of re mark and our vajues are unequalled in the trade dress department in tjiis department we excel we claim to baye in miss todd one of the most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country nwashfflgtqmidcjim e niuer1 tbrost lung burgoen will next visit- acton t domjkiojj ectex saturpay pecember 29 one dat only s catajuui ttlboat cubed afewonlrof the hundreds of wonderfal curs 1 bydrwssmcgtousnew ljetbodr of in j halation rjhronic bronchitis cured j an engllah church clexpman ipeaks bzctobt cobsltall ost dbwasatngt0s diua bra loniglad to be able to inform jpm that my dsnghter is quito well again aj thisj is the second time she has been cored of gtmrs bronchial rrottllea antler tout treatment when the usual remedies failed i wish to pri ay gratitude fleoae accept- my sincre thaus yours truly c b patttt uis jno aeexelrj kingston onl catarrh and consumption john uceelty kingston oat- catarrh mrs a- hoppiag kingston oni broncho consuinption ilr e beott elngrtqn ont catarrh head antf throat htljuo be tram harrowsmitigdatoaurrfc tarrah head and throat p praacif betltn on catarrh haad aad musnelllo ebyusrlinonceniarcedtjwtt f wins f vpdranna ont catarrh was henry scott berlin onuastnina mrsp wagnor eaij berlin oat otlekzb bead and throat 1tj karcher btjocoba ont cauzrhbaaa and throat 1 i colin campbell pt eaward onu asthma james btacet dntton ont catarrh l i ouii range of dress good and trimmings is most com plete we show a magnificent assortment of combinations and plain goods with braid ajid trimmings j d williamson co ffuresvrjh c jmatism irkrbfairsh worm gqwpers tortuto a bio wnc una oaaiit tctttvtr tt irntli cmunaob pki sm

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