Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1888, p. 3

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jpfv mr themetilolibtchuich i acton ileqqg ftrrl andast dont mantle lit nor ou it pnt forgeijoj lhirigdct pat stock icm i rices right suitings hce 16 loik fcl6 22 de clo it clearing of gentsf pishingsij s lootwearj abbers now fcnce to sayeij ag oat of oifi ck ji icleodf bra oeoetowh sssss w pricesffigl i ssk of 5 tive the people eg il wihidlita ieitcnosjl nt3ft ih g vheug- crinsatobi asd genti miner sni fbcfore- d eevio a otrttcrd wa hj i- h pmftor j j pathc senrir iftttvin nod tix sunday diooltak ttibleclmaeoaductedbytbc pitnr all roriially invited s4tbpwi sod visitors always welcome at- iure esbcrs tt the dour it tittiagt ire dtsiwa piiir to h l moofc jyttwrd twnhall acton v goorse of lectures for 6889 under ic autptoes of knox church agton jco1 bvg branch howie monday jan tl subject oriebul scanoi sft i her wm cochvtoft d d- jioniur ista 8oicet scouandho mar ias rst j mclean gardiner mncrasv ucb-i- sobjec two year a bsiutford htefrris ttop satire coarse 50 cents ixtam couimcace at oclock sfsffl h0m8 gleanings wliteh ere huy t total chararle all interesting rvi and ram tcac blur now comes xmas and we are fully prepared for it looc bo- fore yoocommeuceti giviog xmn cifu or jjoostt we tre aetivtly enlaced in pre paration for the holiday trade the task has demanded mocs patience care fooney ill of which lave been treely ex pended and uav oaf work is done and before the end it accomplished f lease accept oar cordial invitation lo csillo trouble to show you oar groat stock ce watties clocks jewellery tys uolli albomtvbooki bible vases btlverware xma and new years cards ac wishing yon a merry x mas geo hynds actox the leaping stoke for xmvs tresekts aljc rtoit rit frcss thtrsdav decestber 20 18s urn juxor- mens cauitedly lieetertheaflitfiilaeil alrrt free press jbeiwrlert rtvaliser bst ax adv merrr iterry christmas to all fileifihin is desired for the holidays a crceaqiristmis and awhitfi eister adtertise stray iij it the ftrx pns- writs miary on ice and tindaess on tairble j sciiool cxsaiinauans todir aai to morrow a week from ctxt ifaaday is iomr stwfi day ccristmas brill socc hive come and gone al there waa soae epriciike tvcxtiicr the itt ci uie week looks something more like winter thin it did a feat days a0 4r batlers lectare en the spoy he- bsflioc in gaelph to tiight i jlhe hi echocl inspector bays he can bonestir praise oafcrihe high schoot npt school meeting for the election ot trustees next wednesday 26th inst it win be difficult for the bairns to ddle dbonon ihenighvof thesftk the neu year will be ehronisled with an ttlipse c the jnn on xrx tears day jaelph grooerj wilj not treat their enstbmers to christmas presents this year sensible george sleemaa prewer ot gaelph if in the field against aid- gowdy for the lufcnity limy an absent member of the iimil will be ydoomedhome to share lh christ mas tnrkey knot chcrcfa saibath tchooichrirt- mes entertainment vnh be held on kew teaf s nipfat mlilopy beard of health crgsi the oaaadl to qnforce the adoptioa of dry earth ekaets in that town on wednesday erenins ihe 2th mst- the disciples will grre their eonday school christmas treal anthtrbi tt from trphotdtt muu t mrthjiloirhsm a yoanc man jnearbtrctlnme who ti beci b ibetcuiordciaartmcut of u public jhod licrdnrilbo mtlel shovl term uumll ojth typhoid ttvtraboul hr weeks ago jll secaiej lo be doinfi fairly well uiijer prilobertsjms care but jarty yesterday murntiiffhe wagtaken with loon- 1 vnuions and died abont- wo- bouts jfter- wards mr donham was a promfauifi youu maraud a rihy b hi papis odfwiioh fitai accident at 0vetowti mx welltodo firmer ot georreuiwu while ties valine fot-a- foandatiou of h baildin wa fauily is bred by a bank cf eaatluialliiji apon him on tuesday jboth le weiw fcrojicu iturul injarics rtcivcd and mr- uradleyiiac- cumbei mhcoapleot hours lie levies a wife aud tou chddrcoj in icourortablo cir cumstances xr bradley wis weukaowii hiroufiucutthecoauly ue took conaidtr- ihle ijtemt in miricaltural mattera aud wse oijo of the promotora and the first president pi haltoa firraeri institute ilia ontimoly end is ouiversajly refirotted mr a f and propntlor of the cvrrai was sub jected to an uinoyaace lut monday infihl at the cnin station in toronto that cost him some orry which his high cluractcr was soon abt to get over it appears j thit an old lady happened to be robbed of her money while mr cajnpbell was jostling his way to hie ticket office and iq her frenry charged him with being the thief alter the anooyincc cl in arrest and other humiliations mr campbell proceeded oa his jsurcey the old lady regretted her mis take and putting herself under his chirge until brampton was reachci biltza hotel school eximziziticzs the folia wc is a list of the names of snecesaf ul candidates ai the late profession al exsminsttms for thirdclass certificates in thiscoanty with the marks secured by tieh lujna bertha harrison j 727 4cie mccnaney 713 bertha eardg31 lizzie moslrmcry qzl fannie patton 303- edita harrison 505 annie border 502 lkitcfuluie 5ig belli dufi 53 guxtixiiiii fred thompson fc jezra poweijc i e nixon gt4 r hr-gai- lie rs t h lawreoce 53 w f lain- d t j mcqcesncy 5s3 t h blictlodjoo c c laing 50 george pattersoajv3 i 7e rsszl t ci ccwr rczzixc at xrye a iarmer uamed copp living in selson township has entered an action against henry foster j t- of barlington elaim- in- koow for false arrest it appears that a short time o mr conpe cowt were ipored ted for th efieza c al lowing thsm to be at large he was coed 1 and costs by the 5 p this mr copp re- fesed to pa y bst was given oac week to ehange hie mli at the weeks end mr copp was of the same opinion still and made an insiiciou remark to the jistice of the peace who accordingly sentenced mr copp to spend twelve days ic giof seven cf llem far not paying the fine and five far contempt cf court mr copp was bailed ccti at the end t the sercnth dky and he cow proposes to test the corracirjess of mr fosters legal learning r form r ffajkecoref cfx gearcetavni wan conttalie hsrleyi ot gecrgetowri went to gaalpa last thursday afternoon to take back the man dnglaa clarke who was ar rested by chief randall for threateindg lo shoot an jictel keeper clarke has a bad recor here is a list of offences for which he was committed by judge millar j for iheep stealing he vz sentcuced to pene- tangnihflne for fonr years for barning the jarn pf mr ptriggitsworth an old resj- dent of the cocnty he served seven years in the penitentiary ini for giealicg ac overcoat he was sent to the centml pri son- thecextonelce for which ee wis chargfed wis the stealing of a horse from hewer ijwerijcke gnelph- this charge was cot i clearly proven and he tot the beneftol the doabt he then retnied to georgetown and entered an hjtel afad ate his tea the landlord asked him ffor pay for this krhen he drew a- revolver and used i personal aibfltiom i urafrtplis reiivfiliig vultorsto aud trota at tou with 7 hom prtft irtm fiendcrs atfm- h ur lett armlnteil mm h p moore aud eddie vwied frieodff n toroulo on tiifdy miic ilcttie crcach o georgatouru visited ac ion friendi ovtr banday mr 2 mfucncy of rrtnlford it a guot al ihe home ot her father mr john mauhewk uev dr gifforddelivtroj an address at a soriee in the methodwl church nerval f methodist churcli last evening a nambcr of weddincs are announced to be celebrated uurmg the jiolidayi the proccsxiou will coajtccacc to movo lhf week owing to the rrclbiigcd iiness of mrs crcwviu mr w m crewton htts been un able to leave liocie to recuse his work in mubkoka ilcv byrcn latf of this place- hat bctu engaged to uu the pastorale of bain- hstii centre haldmiaud coouty until ccaference lie his hssumed charge of his field mr wei kanuawiu who has been at tending parkdalo model school has com pleted his course and successfully passed the cianiiruilious for third olasa teachers certificate the particulin of the marnage of mr w j nickliu formerly of the fatx pjuss ilaff and an estimable brooklyn young iidyappcar io turdomestic vents colamu thq fjux piikss joins in hearty congrala- utions and good wishes i the editors tault some threaieniug lacgnags lowartl him mia forester ol glenrilliams wsi he wfll ijow hare to answer for tins con- jdoct t3p0 presented with a purse of 5000 in goldl- prior to leavin for india last week- acton churches are very active this year in pro a joyens christmaslide fortheyoangsters rdundas standard have- you been to j h matthewi- harnesshop 1 he gives yon best ralne for yoor money and is bound to pl mr 6 s balls of bockwood baseora- posed and compiled a volume of poems which is said to contain some real merit mary e mcdonald a guelph servant girl has ialleo heir to m7000- she is not married but engaged to a nnuerin gaelph the fjtzi petss has been favored with a splendid calendar from mr a laing agent of the perth motnal insurance co the crowwys onlyhiu a dozen cat tle were offered ai the georgetown decern- ber fair and only three or four were sold the methodist fiabbath school anniter tary entertainment tea and chrislma trees next tuesday evening christmas night ber mr smith c elora will condnct the services and preach in st albans church both rooming and evening next sunday mr b iniog kassagaweya sold a first fue sheep hwtweek to salcbell bros ottawa for the governor generals christ mas ttble dont fail to bang dp your stockingf on christmas ere for your friends are sure to visit b- b jerrayns and buy something just lovely the average schoolbay or scboougirl will tfcinkhimself or herself doubly biased whenischool closes tomorrow for cbrist- ma holidays ko father who spends monfrybujhis own person or pleasure should neglect lo buytometmng for the bairoies before oron christmas eve mr samuel iohnftoti who recently moved to acton jim sold to mr d- cook the northeast half lot 10 con 4 erin 100 acres for ft3900 intending parcbasers those who wish to do tbe economical wi carefully scan our adtertiitdgcolomnf before invefting and it will pay tbent a literary society ha been organized ai hornby it has about sixty members and will meet every tuesday evening dor- ing thewiiiter good for jhoroby mr johu wuiuou ltverymafl if now driving the bcarse or speight flr son undertakers he ptirchaaed mr- p manns fine team of bucks foriba purpose mijobablswepo batar- day bad the mistorfine b ha e one of ber mn broken whfla r og out owftdi tbe from kate she ptw tklfto tier wettoherlritanbiesjcing itf m v r dffttyto redwpd shjre wckii not tm actptisse exa fcraer actcz bo the followfcg from the saciimento caiv esidcr will no doabt be read with in terest by our readers avcrrpreitj wedming vns cclcjrad last eveniag at liceolii placer 22ly at the rea- ieace d ihe brides tislr wrc ttoacus how ard- tat canixactics pirc- vere ii lcsy tocsvad ascable and well fcnowa facing iady of uia plae tzil w eidscj ssiili a popular coisncralal tratcier of str francisco tbe fc- presiv jcamase ctrcmocy was pcrfonned by eev hm- afceaigiit cf vfoofflsni endemeath a jcsjctliul cassive coral bell ted in tiic pres ence ocilt cf friend and agt frcs san fnxeisco saemmesta lircoln utefcson laze stocfclac andcther places ifr and lfre smith wtrc thereciricau of a itre ccber of elegant and cosur prcmsta after tlj aewly- diirried cowrie rere heartily sad wixtnlj coc- gratciaudccttehoipyaed bright fltcrc be fore item ili- iircsesfut dowu to a icap- laatt rcjsast at the cosclctios of uia r sapper hr tnd lrt sciilh uioc the oregon trafn for san francisco where lr etidth has had prepared a sice hczz 2 far bh new partner in life the gentleman above referred i o is the eldest jsoo of the late chitles smith of fairviewplace andgrsjidson of lieatcol allan crsortowtisnevrpresliyterua inistsr tbe indnction of ber a h drumm into tte pastorate of the pro b3terian church j georgetown on tuesday was an in teresting event the sertices of the day were largely attended in the uternoon eev ai gilray of college si presbyterian charcb toronto presided ber je had dowha- mhion preached an i sermon from the subject wl truth t i em the way the truth and the lift eav walter beid weston ad dressed the minister and ber wm patter- sou of cookes church toronto addreseod tbe people aftfce couclusion ot the in doctiop services a ssmptuoui tea wis par- takenlof in the basement to whjch irauy citizens and visitors sal down tie even ing service was fijjo largely jatteoded short addresses were delivered bbev mr masoo of the coogregatiooal church georjtownbev 1 b gordda of the baptist ohardi ben james argo kot- val j- w bae actou b had low mtl- too lr mctawh central chcrch tor onto ber mr patterson and the r ew pastor her iv g wallace bd the ft rmer pas tor presided and the meeting tvas much eujoyfcd by all bev mr drue m comes to georgetown under vcry fato ble aus pices his church is one of the finest edifices in the country and he h tbe pas tor of a liberal congregation we hive received from the publisher mr wm bryce toronto a copy of an in teresting new volume canada from sea lo sea it contains sixty illustrations of ciues tad loxns between kova scotia and british colamua with descriptive articles it is a very neat publication aud will no doabt receive a hearty welcotbe from the canadian public we have received cbpy cf the besuti- ful premism falls of niagara pholo- lilhographed and copyrighted by the pub lishers by of the western advertiser london onl they gue this picture absolutely free to every sahscriber the premium is clcc worth the amoant of the subscriplioq but thecrrferis bound to keep its position as the most largely-cir- culaled journal in western oatario its circulation ii now core than double that of any other ontario joarnil octside of the townto press while its nomeroas editions daily morning keen and evening are circulated far and wide we arc assured that the combined circulation of the ad- ctrfiter ii larger at present than ever be fore tt has i prosperous icokilcstit and deserves its increased access the bractford ttwtrw lias iasaed a splendid christmas lumbr which is a credit to the ogce ard cf cru ilterett to 3rautford and its c tineas its coutents arc well gotten up especially the history of the rise of the place froat a h raid up to the position it new oxepies intadigj por traits x the prominelt toiiness menof the city tbe loudoa free pccs hai issced a very fiae number replete with christmas stories and beautiful pictcres the typography is excellent and the artistic manner in which it u displayed reflects great credit upon the fete prist printing and lithographing de partments with the new year oriji enters upon its thirty- second half yearly volume a fact which speaks eloquently fur the merits of this unique and favorite canadian journal ko forncrauempt in the field of humorous jourcalismin canada was cer saccasafol because in no former ctsc wa there the barpy combmaton o tlemects essential to the success of each a vtctcre in the first place aa uucommonfcrtuily of invention is required to keep a comic paper abreast of the time and this ranstbc backed up by an artistic ability equal to the task of interpreting the bapfy thoughts evolved in a popular manner secondly there mast be the solid baria of right principle apon which to build truth honor lairnesi and good taste are all as essential to the success of a comic journal as of amagazine of the highest class all these features have from the first number distinguished grip m a high degree it stands oday alongside of the very f beat productions of its di in the world t enjoys r a fame far beyond the boudds of canada to canadians it ought to be more and more an object of patriotic pride and certainly bat utile can be said for the patriotism of any canadian who pretends to culture and can afford the price whose name is not found npon gript sabscriptioa list the suhscription price is almost ridicuiouely low when the rates of similar aud not eqaaliy able journals elsewhere are con sidered it is only two dollars a year al though the paper contains sixteea pages filled with bright original humor of pen and pencil and always gives without stint political cartoons on passing events which for point power and humor arc certainly unsurpassed in any humorous paper of the day a drunken br ale or a husband living in up east end went home hit friday night and bcit hfs bardworklor wife un mercifully she his carried two blick eyei and many pilnfnl braiwe since the fnet picsa carrier will preiont hit annual address to his patrons in town next thursday how much hi faithful mrvicei have been appreciated daring the year in hit weekly visits in all kinds of weather will tben be demonstrated the children will give as well as re ceive at their christ mas entertainment in they are jetting up a box of clothing for the poor indians at saugoon who are unable to flam suffici ent to keep them comfortable bev wm savage will distribute the gifts there mr r prune of j e mogarvin 4 co hatl tbeinwottune the other evening whflu going down cellar to step with all his weight upon the bottom half of a broken bottle which one of the children had left on the step during their play the wound nquired a number of twitches and mr craiuo gets around with considerably diffi culty xmasi xmas a merry christmas to all r b koted millinery dry goods hou8e acton thd correct place to pur chase presents for your- friends handkerchiefs i i handkerchiefs tliouds of silk hifldkercliefj tirgicc from lsctcutol5eii tlcj- cate very j kelly brptlierir m m i irchant tailors having just passed into stock the finest assortment of- imported and domestio suitings paatiags and ohrercoatiays n ever been county we are now in a potiticm to tuit djt perionraimridk bdjrthlbg in clotninx oar pricei in bight and we will guarantee every garment to be perfect both in fit and fioiih ho st no aale hon- dredi of pattemt to select rom we alio carry the finert liook ot necktiei collara cnfli and shirte to be found in any henso wet of toronto aikinrfor s share of your patron jje we eemuo sincerely j kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros merry merry christmas shawls shawl cts ct lorclr sfcavls in all ihad just the corrocl thlig to girc to your hat i irl your coasiai or tour aoiiu gloves gloves kid glavi in ulcl and colors from c ccuts tni nierc 1 nothinff roc couid give a friend tfcatl more uttely to plcam or more usefol ulan a pair of glove the glasgow house acton wishes all its customers the jr j compliments of the season and would remind them that the 7 i store is full of bargains for the holiday trade henderson mcrae co remember our famous 50o tea excellent hat is eden mills sibbth school last thursday eyening the methodist church at eden hills was crowded ou ihe occasion of the annail entertainment of the sunday school if ter a bounfifol lea bev mr conch took the chair ana opened the programme the part taken by the scholars was performed tery creditably and addresses were dourerod by hers h h barnby ajma g e tnrk and d strachsn and mr e e dollert mr john strechan also gave his usual excel lent readings the proceeds amounted to nearly vso- smffm a bed boom sett complete f rtl up at 6pei it a sons furniture b f other furni ure proportionately low 1 ae bapustaofactbn ioteriil ginug niu si and literary enlertoiomi nvintheir cburijh with tbe sasuuoce ol c e -geore- town baptist choir and otbec op new tefr ij btei putiher ishiejuwt imi toilet cases toilet cases uniab hand illrror and comli in bcaiutui cases only f i jx furs furs furs if yoa want yoor friends lo think kindlr ot yon on i cold day jast give than a cap waff or lloa we have a bin astortnicnt in tuis line and si prices that will tempt absolutely pure this powder nerertarlea a mart tl of jrartlj strenelhandwhotesomouess itore aoooonueal chanbie onlnaryundltaiid eanttasow in ionrptulonwluithemeittto4eoiioanort kcmembjr your friond- st xmas also rcincin ber thai we show the largest and bat sasort- tjd rtock of dry ooodj and fancy goods lu actou and st prices which compe tition cannot luceassfnllf follow dress goods and millinery redacted in prices groceries always cheap rbjermyn moueyjtltosn- a few thousand dollar ou farm irojmw sninsofaioaiabdu snuykfi inponthepreniliesoftnesubserttir sot is coax esquesinj about the stt aarmtatelhmllarttuoht can m wm by proving prejerty and paring exjwnsssw tuquefldgdeclltlittfe f stbayed ayearluib iteerstrayed irpon the premises of thoouinisiiwllotr ibd ekusstef about tho ut september ownef can bare tie lame by proting proifcrty and paying axpiums j i cliortitt j eatludsidinotstulues 1 black terrierlosfi- a1ivituile toward wiilbe pari for she rf corny of a black terrier pop sue months old bat long hair and a white spot onfront foot to be toil a jofjxstovs hotel alisel0st lobt oiituoe3thsinibcrott ths road t- tirccn saliuoaville ballinaltd and acton a black tilisa ritb a brokta haucue co cbudrtn clothing ic tao flnde win bo suit- abljrwrdelby loatidg t with john hccv miller kalldoqmllo oz at the rkefcpitej office atton- fi house lot fof sale thk boose antilot on vain street ontit tho cr moores rosidenco ti offted tct sale possession piven at once for loll parti- calm apply to jsiaea btfrns acton or to the owner i i euhesbutlek bishcateddt 12000 reward a tumlahing lofonnaoa ufit will- lmdho tbeairt and conviction o the permswbo d9troyod tie fetice on onr propirty earner- mil and main streets acton s v afpsecobd drawer 89 qrluu house lot 6 me ihe inbscriber berobjr offer for sals tbe a boose acd lot on the twatb irect comer of mill and john ttrceu tela is the finest atfl- abie corner for bahdibginpotr in the busldefli portion of obi enunrriiibrjtowiu the hoot is built wtth a heavy timbi tramsd obtud fee readily removed termitry raatwname apply on tbe itemises to vm xm m 8teeb8 aspa strayed totbenrtmltesidf the subscriber lot s8 coo i effqoealng about thelst of october a pairs of steershom red tbfc other potted riatng two years old the owner is re- quested to prove property pay expenses and take them i pbtkb mass eiesindcl1839 xinas aad new year the undeigiimercbantaof acton wiib 4 view to treatiut all custooieis sjoe are nnder agiremcnt togvei do cnztunh vr keir years presents this season rbjcimvn wjkinf geo bavs wmtilumi t arww j b pearson t heodenonucbaoitco ugmattiwws kellybrot chathio v jc ttal jnockelson vrdensy bathdeft johnroo fruit trees snialltruits aid omamentaa shrubbety revb b cook- acton has been appointed sole axent tor this uctkti far the wn known old bochester nursexr moolsontaw nrietor and is prepared to lake orders or my of the trait trees small fruit or abrnbs wnfch are shown in the lunstfated eaidoktm of tte norsery tbe products of the old bitsfcr norscry are known to be fenexmlty reliable su eorioctly nained andj caoa promqafl slnsetotw molt to all who purchase stock front me mcreuonablc ali sabbath school -asb- christmas tree tbe disciples will bold oteiz anaoal buaday school enwicalnment on wednesday 26tti decembei i tha catcruinment will inclose alnhg retovc j inn aud recitation by the children abort saeeehfiawuibccvenb7difftantits j era tne everwa ebolrhate alodly j contented to 1a with oa andwfll i 1- render souw choice pieces j a good time is cxpoctcd all are wejocune hd fm at the door is a colleetlea will be tks npatthcdcttfi i li- doom open at 7 vm- commenoe otb po- rm vjfrs groceries dry gobds i boots srtoes fresh reliable season able cheap caix at l ipi r4 i a iii wool wool wool johnsr istewto sons limehouse wdolle mills are ndwprepared to pay the highest narket prices for all wool offerecj in cash or goods- i we have a large a wendllassorted stock of bianket tweeds flaknels stocking yarns j knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to s apply tlje requirernenu of the fanniers it lb faotw ursoloustoai we a done ii carding spi nninj weaving ms our usual rorap and bauafactorj manner

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