Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1888, p. 2

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borjt letigtat charlouctolureuoauikui december the wife of uebryt lepag a diuhlcr- majuuxd- tbokncwbuciat tii raidc of the bride father on cbriittum day by eliler ftfwtor ot rrervxi mr hcnj thoonwon of detroit ta uin lftora uocbter of mr john black eramoaa dutimi uobtox emotrbv kt j dredge of etqacslng to martha morton of aiaodhihoo the 14th d- c hoi hh hd john j uccakvcl hotemwqx on vcdueada doc 1mi it thf residence of the brides father by trrfkth uddoh a jno- uccanel of mootrmlto ury earloiu mm daachier at dr hoberaoo eiu j j ud mtrorot icil- tqo j flntboostottiroa saturdar the bad inl tl sanderlatid ylllt the rraldenc of w hbtorer eqbrtheut dr qutord mn aonie6tory to ifr james fintbroot of tor- ubuttai oakvtilev ca wad dec aflrfe wahia vtje of cecil g uttutt afiftcf tfi years fj jtctfltt jfwfe f tm u fl thursday deciu3er 27 68si votes 1vd co v3cxt8 moil of the ministers it ottawa borne for the holidays and wry little got- eminent basincs rill be dooetfll liter the kevysir i the toronto c osusjaii completed shows that citylb have a population ot 166000 exdoaive of parkdale this u a gain of over 20000 ia yer the new york herald of friday printed ft aecaatiaoal story aboat a piot to usaaain tie presidentelect harrison the uniter- nl belief is that then is bo foundation fiar it r there will shortly be dominion bye eteje- tiuns ia loer provinces protencher tn manitoba hamimani ontario jolietle in qaebec and cumberland in kay scotia the lioeoted hotelkeepen of otta bare decided to notify all brevets to cease setting to onlicenaed grogreriea and anyone that ia found doing so after soch notifica tion will not be patronized by any licensed hoate beepecting the halter dominion elec tion petition one step has been taken he hcgibbon for the petitioner moved i oegoodehall a weel ago before fal- oooridge j for an order to examine mr john waldie for discovery which nt granted j r i the claimc of the central bant liquid- atoa wen unauy disposed of br the has- terinordinary on thursday he declined to reopen the case as requested by atreerr and said that his decision rendered a week ago would stand as his judgment a we stated last week the decision cuts down the claims of ths liquidators to beiweesjone third and one half of the tocfioq asked the forest eihotel keepers enped every arailable room in that town the other day in order to prevent p k camp bell from trying scott act cases against them hjr campbell grasped the situa tion and ad joorned the cases for a weeil when the defendants and witnesses will be required to appear at watford eight or ten miles away the foresters are now in quiring where the laugh canes in the st marys arjiti want to know why should not the election act b tmend- edso utis gire the seat to the candidatie with the next highest number of- totee when a member has been unseated anil thus put a stop to the chances of hating so much annoyance over elections in constit uencies that cannot keep dishonest tcalls wsgs and fitedoliar men ont of t midst a good deal could be said in faror 44 this proposal she wnfnt of the finances of the niumcipality published last week by the council must be in every respect satisfae tory to the ratepayers by this statement the assets which are shown to reach f 10500 do not inrhjfa the public library valued at f 100 and the public school busdings it 13500 thetptal assets of the mnmctpaiiiy amounting to 115500 on the other hand the total lis ww frg of the town mrfnrfmg both fawn hall and cemetery debentures only amount to 15600 so that actca has 110000 above liabibties a very ctieditabl bowing for a small nninieipakty i the etatntes of ontario have established certain qualifications for members of muni eipal councils the persons disqualified from being members of councils are judges of courts having dvv jailers keepers of- house of correction sheriffs dvpntysnerifia sheriffs baflifflt high bail iffa chief constable assestora collectors treasurers- and clerks of municipalities county crown attorneys deputy clerks of the crown clerks of county court clerks of the peace inn keepers saloon keepers ihop keepers- lieenssf to sell liquors by re tail license commissioners inspectors of licenses police magistrates persons baring by themseltes or their partners any inter- et in any contract with the corporation and those who are prosecuting any claim against the corporation i good readixg this lime of the year when everyone is endeavoring to provide amusing and in- structive readmg for the fireside toronto saturday sigju should be remem bered as one of the best written cleanest and most elab oratejy illustrated papers published in the dominion it contains twelve pages of wading matter andgicturea nuny of which re reproductions of the finest works of art in europe while iti page of humorous se- h jlectioni are direct reproductionf of the choicest pictures and paragraphs of the t englisli and american comic papers the pabliaberschauengff the world for an equally attractive illattrafednvecentuewt paper u contains ihe fa mlzyheruld stor ies which appear simultaneously with their original publication in england and throughout it is a paper for which every father of the family should subscribe by special arraogcmeau with the publishers we are enabled to offer toronto saturday nigfd and the feze paias at 1235 pet an num it it certainly an opportunity of which all should take immediate advan tage for we are really giving oar paper and r the 8ardajf tflgm for aliphuy more than tbeprice of the latter k 11affy new yeah before we again address our readers old father timo wih have ushered in the new year snd ail our young men will form good resolutions and people generally will de termma la live more economically and to lead a bctttr life during the coming twelve montlm the passing away- of another landmark fu the journey of life is cue eminently ctlcnlatod to startle the most flippant and to chum the uplifted cuu4o tremble in the savollcrs hand ju looking back a year there is much reason for congratulation canada has been ipartd many of those evils which hive cursed the people in other countries la many fevers pestilence earthquakes and internal national troubles have caused wide- spread distress death has been busy at his grim work and many a vacant chair will groct the memories in thousands of families in other parts of the world in oar own country we are glad to say it baa been very diffcreut although there are many whose voicci arc now silent that twelve months ago wished us the greetings of the season yet canada has enjoyed a healthy peaceful and fairly prosperous year for which her people arc grateful vith the hope thtt the coining year will prow sill more prosperous to oar country we sincerely wish oar readers and friend a happy and prospcroas kew year jtaxit0ba wivs the case a trtnniiih for llie pruvln la lie railway crossing war with uie c f- e ottxwi dec 22in the supreme court today the judges unanimously decided in favor of manitoba in the red river valley crossing ca the following opinion of the court in regard to the manitoba rail way crossing case was read by chief jus tice rifchie this court baring heard the council from the province of manitoba- also of the canadian pacific railway is unanimously of opinion that said statute of manitoba ii valid and effectual so aa to counter author ity on the railway commissioner in the said statute of manitoba mentioned to con struct such a railway as the portage exten sion of the red river valley railway cross ing the canadian pacific railway the rail way cdmmitt first approving of the mode and place of crossing and first giving their direction to the matters mentioned in sec tions 17 175 and 17c of the said railway act the chief justice added that this decis ion would be putoa the records of the court and a copy forwarded to the railway com mittee of the privy coancil the decision of the court was a pleaaant scrprisevas the general opinioa was that the canadian pacisc railway would come out ahead owing to the wording of sections 306 and 507 of the railway act wkjoteg dec 2f there is general re joicing on the streets of the city over the decisions of the supreme coart on satur day in the manitoba railway crossing case attorneygeneral martin it congratulated on all hands mr martin in an interview said vt are going right on with opera tions now we intend to reach the por tage at the earliest possible moment a few days delay will be all that is snfikient to get started after that time the work will go on with all haste mr martin doe not anticipate any further difficulties hetfcinki the verdict will be of great bene fit to the province aftee juxr years an acton dclrlr pars a dcu nearly half a century old the dundas klgmdard gives currency to the following story years and years sgc back in the 0s mr nash who was the pioneer in the fur business in the old gore district ecld a man some goods in the usual way of trade then aa now there was a larger credit than cash busi ness done and the transaction was slated mr kaah died ii years ago and his part ner in life followed him in is7l the e- ufe was wound up but of course many outstanding accounts were never collected among these was one owing by a party cow riving in the village of acioc who ahail be nameless the strange part of the story is now to be told on the 7th hut mrs w e gray of this town received a letter addressed lo her mother the late mrs xaah it stated the facta regarding the debt above stated and on the 10th the money in liquidation of the debt was re ceived what a memory that man must have had il years carrying around the intention to pay bat never able or was it a case of reawakened conscience we incline to the former belief and regard the man as a hero who of his own free wili- afiec a lapse of fortytwo years and when all knowledge of it has gone from all but himself paid his debt it would be inter esting reading to know the struggles through which he has pascecc before being able to do the thing his heart dictated but that we suppose is without the probamlites we doff our hat to the acton debtor who has thus paid a debt of tl years standing our readers will now ask who is the man kockkood kews iros oar own correspondent hi dan strachau is home from queens college kingston for xmas holidays the wedding of mr john sinclair and miss black two ex- teachers of the hock- wood school i announced for tomorrow a large number of the rockwood young people enjoyed an evenings sport in the acton skatinrink last night the salvation army serenaded a number of the villagers late last night or early this morning the entertainment might have been better appreciated had the hour chosen been a little more seasonable issi has been tolerably fruitful some weddings are past two in this neighbor hood are being celebrated today and yet it in said the procession ha scarcely begun to move it is along time girls un til next leap year colin patton a youth who works for mr mewilliams eramosa while performing on a pole fa the barn on saturday fell and struck his head 6u the frozen ground with sach force as to render him unconscious for some hoars it is hoped that although his injuries are very serious that he will ulti- maieiyrecover x y z rockwood dec hzih ibm methodist s 8 axx tv clirutmol tulcrtafoiurul ami trtci in evcrhtcnikt8uivtrul tiiq annual entertainment and christmas tree i lu coajiectiod with the methodist sabbath scuoolon christmas evening was a decided aucccti the attendance was largo and all present seemed lo enjoy them selves abundantly tho proceedings com tncucod witb bo tea for the child rii at six oclock after the little folk had been well filled with chriitnns good things the adults sat down lo tea shortly before eight oclock the lance audience baviug assembled in the auditorium of the church and the sabbath schuol child re u assumed their poiilio ou the pyramidal teats back of the carillons tress the excellent program me wai opened with the opening chorus by the shool followed with prayer by rev j v ilje of kuox church the programme was as tollowi j thefccboo i chairmans addras her dr glffcrd 3 caoni wpicauiato carillons t lie school i kiluon xtelciuooe jfoaaago nclhcliiruiewj 5 do tno winftter hot jlcrcy clifford c chores 1 inswetl uraiiihro the hcbocl 1 kcidics i l f saiil clio- acsie bciiesoc i k kccitatioaj ateloiiboae order 9 do d4iicoarvia tbi ffrtt 8ich clifton a ford 10 bt2ucrson4- th4 soldier boj- uyliuethiiour uorc ii ktcitalicu cat tails iurrje crooch five iakutts kbst the tobacco rarabu iarbrgffford liktciulicc ii rccitailoc tie frost ktflff charlie toircrs i 1 do cfcrutem etocklcffa eddie uorc ii charts tucglorioaajbattjcsroand tbaschooj j i ecciutioc a tcairaaco boy iuoaacraine i i lkciutioa two liud swcfcinji iuble brain j it q-eariciic- herry ucrtycbrutmm tbociuordlirotbeft i ifseiuiioa jtovlo jiaie up adifraacif j i 91 itecitatiou tte ifodeni bufl bella htcpuccsoq dl rociiitljc- horey on boards jolia icrfciaa 2-chom- iurchinz to glory theechiioi x reeliitiau aliule girls sikeh jjcisyklciuc 3c scretir- kcpcrv i j e 1c3jtui i3 chords god be tith you till wc m siit tlie school s1xta ctixcs this programme was rendered with great credit to the chiidrca arid pleasure to the audience and the excellence which char- acleriied- every part of it was surprising when the fact that only two weeks were epent in practice u made known at the conclusion of the programme old santa clans in his quaint costume made his appearance to the pleasure and delight of all the children the distribution of the presents nowrommenced and it occu- ried aboct an lout to denude the heavily laden trees of their rich and abundant fruit when the proceedings ame to a conclusion and the benediction was pro nounced the children hied them to their respectire homes with their arms fall of present their pockets full of oranges and sweetmeats and their little hearts over flowing with happiness and satisfaction it ia useless to add that the members of the committees who had in charge the pre paration and carrying oat ot the christmas anniversary are thankful that christ mas comes but once a ydar iauiers icagazixe competent critics have frequently re marked that the anther of benhur had in him the elements of a dramatist their judgment npoa general lew wal lace will bescstained by his play corn- modus in harpers stagadac for janaary the action of the drama develops several powerfnl scenes the vigor of which j e wegnelin the artist renders with fidelity in as many illustrations one of the draw ings entitled this baiting thou lhalt rue forms the frontispiece of the ifaya- zinc there is a suggestion of the greek chorus in the band of bacchantes the refrain of their bong on to rome dominates the whole drama it catches to gether in a phrase the leading thread of the plot aiiviccro mornxei are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth 1 if so smd at once and get a bottle of mrawmsiowssoothingsyrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little sdf- erer immediately depend upon it moth- zs there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhia regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the umted states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfire cent s bottle be sure and ask for mas woslows soothixa stect and take no other kind owen sound snd tlie poison works badly injured fas runaway gcewhdec 22 the horses of wm elgie oneof the oldest farmers in kichol township took fright at the grand trunk station oo the arrival of the afternoon ex- jresf from toronto today ud ran away mr and bin elgie were in the democrat aid in turning a street corner both were violently thrown oat on the hard road- they were at oooe taken to the general jhosptuli both were noodnjci tor sev- agd boors but at latest reports bad regain- scocsciouanas and ft is 4 w thought bey by recover 1 ownr sorxd dec 21 the voting to day on the bylaw granting 15000 to the poison ironworks company to relieve the town from the dredging contract and to purchase and enlarge the dry dock result jed in its being carried by a large majority the vote stood 483 for and 10 against caiuampaaa cared an old physician retired ifrom practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy ind per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all kervous com plaints aftflr having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to maker it known to his suffering fellows actcstosby this motive and a desire to relieve human buffering i will send free of charge to all who desire iu this recipe in german french or eng lish witu full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes iff powers block rochester x y the third page of the toronto dallg if all is noted for want advertisement if you waut to bay or sell anything ix you want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise ia the toronto bally uauins read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertiou ad dress the mail toronto canada the saloons on sunday nzwyork dec 21 the excise revis ion commission decided today that al paloons be kept closed on sunday and that he atle of intoxicating liquor shall not be permitted on4hat day ktiandtoniririo die aaffcrine browns household panacea has no qua for relieriflgpnu both internal aud xteraal it curca pmu intlie side back or bowels sore threat rheumatism toothache lumbago aud any kind of a pain or ache it willmostiurelyqnick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pn acea being- acknowledged as the ffreat pain reliever aud of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment lo the world should be lo every family bandy for use when waotcd u it really is the best remedy in the world for orsmpi in the ftomach and pins and ackes of all kinds ud is for sale byall draggiitsat 25 ceru bottle a meeting of tho hal ton agricultural society will be held at milton to- mo crow at 9 ptnt for the purpose of consider fl the advisability of mortgaging tbo lands of the society to pay off the present llabllit the fhek f11139 has frequency re marked tha evil effects resulting front al lowing children to rnu tho streets atiulghfc ud last sunday evening in hifl sermon rer dr ulfford referred iu pointed iterm to the same matter parcnu wcro given soma wholesome advice on the vuljedt- ud it is hoped with good effect it is a fact thai the great majority of wicked ways and actions into whlch children fall are learned on the itreets after night are you made miserable by indigestion conitipaiiou dizziness loss of appetite yellow akin shilous vitalireris a posit iv ears forialc by n mcgarvia hackmotack a luting and fragrant perfume price 23 and 50 cents fof sale by x mcgarvia shilohs vitailrer ia what you nefcd for conitipatioo loat of appetite piizinesa and all symptoms of dyspepsia pr ce 10 ud 75 cents per bottle mcgarvin for sale by k if you want to bay or sell a fans ad- ertiie in the toronto lhj mail j that paper roaches 100000 farmers nomei every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class ire in serted in the toronto ifiy sfail foj- five cents a word each insertion or t verity cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto cuada the rev geo h- thayer of bourbon ind say both myself ud wife ov e our lives to shilohs co as amp ton cure tale by n mcgarvin for thew 11 not a more dangerous class of disorders thu those which afiecq the breathing organs kollify this danger with dr thomas eclectric oil w pul monic of acknowledged efficiency it cures lameness ud soreness when applied ex ternally ax well a swelled neck ud jcriek in the back and as an inward specific possesses moat substantial claims to public confidence shilohs cough and consumption cure is sold by us on a guaarntee it curcsicon sumption for sale by k mcgarvin not fcuod aus jege- weighed in the balance but wanting northrop ud lymai table discovery and dyipcptic cure has been weighed in that just balance the ex perience of an impartial ud intelligent public both remcdialiy and pecuniarly it is a success its sales constantly increase testimony iu its favor is daily pouring in the question ofjts efficacy in dyspepsia liver complaint kidney ailments and for blood impuity is decided why will yoa coagh when shilohs care will give immediate relief price 10 cts 50 cts tad u for sale by x mcgarvin a nasal injector frtc with each bottie of shillohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents for sale by x mcgarvin j herbams bf iran sad ttinr if yoa are btnguid ud weak and joar appetite poor my bf iron ud wine is the tonic be sure 1 as an invigorating tonic it is rccogaixed by the medical profession as the best strengthening medicioe thes far prodaoed it is invaluable a a blcodandmsscie maker especially in those cases when weakness is the result of imperfect o in- food of wasting fevers or excess of uy sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine ud the tonic powers of lron snd is admirably cal culated to build up the emaciated syen croup whooping cough and broachiu mraediatcly relieved by shilohs cere for sale by x mcgarvin i james h gilmour of t gucocr co wholesale grocers erookrille says i hare used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately rcli ed and cared foe lame back side or chest use shilohs porous plaster price 25 cents for sale by k garvin ruelph 1luieets i floor flloucr flour stone 1 whit clanocj bcot wheat democrat wheat sprinff wheat kodger wheat bran bye peas est straw woodpcrcord efipiperctorca batter dairy packed batterrous cheese w potatoes per baff apple pork lambskins pail hides- wool dccstihis8s 2 75 to s 00 2 60 to 8 3 1 c3 to 1 03 1 os lo 1 03 100 to 100 1 ci to i 01 lolw 101 li co to h co 0 50 to 0 60 oh too s3 0 go to 0 65 0 60 to o 60 is 00 to 15 oo sco to 5 00 0gtow 0 is top 80 0 15 tot 18 0 is to 0 a 0 12 to o is 0 13 too is 0 33 tod 0 6 so toff 00 0 oo to d to 0 so to p to 3 50 to a 00 0 to 0 23 children cry for pitchers casforii r whca hafey rrst ci re save her czstortz whea lie rns a ctujd siie cried or gutcrii when jlie becama jlits the ciaato caxtari when ihf wl chfljrca he zc letr car oris t powder absolutely pure this powder never varies amarvolofpuritr itreoalbaodwhcdaaomenew more- economical thanibfl ordinary unas and cannot be sold in ootnpuuon with the multitude of low testabofl welgitt alnm or phosphate powders bold only inoani both basiifo 1owuaa co 100 wai i 81ky t kelly brotliere merchant tailors hriaf jut pmmd into itock lh ffnmt aimrtment o- imported and pomeatio suitings paatings and ovtrcoatlagi uui bf m wn awa lo th ooonly w tr oow in potilion to toil ny penoormairink injiiif ia cltiiiaf qwt prieal ar bifkl d vt will jpurenut ersry tnirment to be perfect both in fit ud fioiih no flno pon inii o pttkcu to mltot from we tleo any the ftneet itoek of kecktih coluri co ud burto to be loud lau bout wtet of toronto aikii lor ihre of 70m ptrone we kenuin sineerelr kelly bros butter and eggs wanted f kelly bros merry merry christmas 1 1 the glasgow house acton wishes all its customers the compliments of the season and would remind them that the store is full of bargains for the holiday trade henderson mcrae co sumsifor oar fmoai 50c tea ai wool wool wool limehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for all wool offered in ca or coo we have a large and well assorted stock of blanketfl tweeds flannel stocking tarns knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers j 1 l roll carding spinning weaving aot to twt n kiaa of cmtom work doie in oar imyl pfnfm ffmwtbtfftymlmmr r- i 1- money to afw uioniud jotlm oo pji steer astray sulm t ttprraleevbeiililr him bj prannt fw fflffijiw w liqumtus ucc yiij law r f blackitemecttn aslitabli rt1 i t j l jj wjm ipfe house i lotfi tbkhouw ut lot on a tbo c uoory roldae i s aj lotmuioa cto t onc for m cnln t1- uvvna bimm aflon n 2000 ewarsh rphe tbore revanjwo b mii to ll x inrniiblng intortaitioa tbht will ci inrftrreit and conviction of tbo msm3 dtrojbd lb toco n ont raonstr 2 mill ind uiin itrecu ictos 1 j p skcoffli d steers astbayj smftied to the premimt ot ths sou ft j8 con i eiqoesing about tb ocrfer a pain of iteervoae red tk p3 rising tnrean old thaoroerjia qsejbd lo rrore proiertjr py tipeaits i3 tak iheio r i peteb xajs roqueting dec lit 19 yr james sutlb tv xiuas aud new yeafc j tbe ondsnigoed merchants ofaetoa wok a 1 view to treating all trtuusoen alia aadr agreement to pto do chrtctmu or ss tears preaenu this teasoo bh jennyn wxiu geo havtil vvfflissiat t acnew jbpeaiott recdenon mckae a co l o msttbeti keybro chiatba1 t jnocsdktt h dean y jfcuedeeajobbw eroit trees smallfniit3 and ornamenal ffiirabberjr r e kbcook acufi bbei tpphot4 sole scent for this tectioo for tha vdl ksowh old uoehester sarserf b mtraliot p prietor and u prepaxed to tut orders fir tar ot w trait trees imajl fruits or shndi frkl3 are mown in the illustrated eatakmas t thi dnrarr the prodneti of the ola pfrtwer noraerr are knovo to be geserallr tflkhj tri cottectly named and i can jrjroinisa tatllietin rrsolu to all who pnrpnae stock iron ot price reasonable i nevkuco0kaiw m groceries 3 dry ciodps i boots shoes fresh reliable season able cheap r foi it hf -cillat- j c nelsons li oojn li lerjmt clrrulitipii lu ttjtai ojtirit free press lokdon canada the free pwmia the onlvnetrawpermih wert reeeitlnit tho aaaociajedprem despauhea it eontaini all the news by cshje t graph telephone snd ataij up tojuw tp sflifij to preas it gives la cach1o pripn aadralaable uluitrations of wen and ttw and is the only newtfiiper in canada employ o iuornartiau 1 tlie weekly freepr woo pes tear postgk 1 eeubllsbwl newly htll ft century the three qracgs 1 -avd- by the lakeildi two 1uxdsome c11b051ds j aho bcutuul illtutifttod cltristuis spibct eotbprising x pftfes eiten evsr rtv to boriiuhcxluerforbfi3 v 0o0o0inpbellliu3fsr comiaulnfi new aod vscftil articles j yneto sgealt the tooef lixrwivf doeemeati ere offered in cabdt acenu send for agents outfit i aud terms l the free pris li the only mojjniijg and rtniiig paper published in weitam j ontario it 1 ocwftrdod on ftjl c4rly uiorniw 4 teichinemiilftcoivtaecntoronlb dl- or bj 8 uu ud ia the otflr lilr 1p ej od it pouu wm ot london beon ijb gg noon tie lire sewstianet of the f- frir iterstu txxuee iiw- ool by 4sp t m addreo i i huepuisspslstlsbcft loxdoc

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