i m i xiona irtsi reiojd tb imper- pj s2l m xew year sst tjg wjjh iff qaiths iaaxuf1 ntai shitbfaer 1 t this kcaoa lorlt m r x eany moaw s 1 to ob taafasr i tuna or afcxow 31 rsaxifld wait rfii irfacti of ih os strict 1 tj be poesllj nu aai eekbooqklj goods j booti ssdes liable seasdn- cheap i iix ai- inelsons ectok- l weilot press tot eicfa tom js x in canada i free l i postage tbxb riy hal a cwnst- traces v -ast- j by the lakes me chfiohos tub a the ok sjr rooimi c w iforajortkw t terwa ig and jtvaoj jtario- y ivcentirooj ess s fywn hau actou- 1 hojte gleanings ootjess of lectures for 8888 under the upico kkox church acton l rev c5 flraacfa howie monday 4n iijffl subject oricnul bciuet 1 vskev vvni cochrane ddz moods- wb lsh subject scotuadkhtto mar- vjvbe- j ucijji gaxdinw itfoodar mem suliicittrorctlnu4ulcford fa itvirdtirc count so oats lecture cviaiahiccais oclock j the jcetaoblstchuhchi acton bet a a- glvford icju phij- pwtor i tinocuc ivjtw avcuiie j rubli services ltsj lm- ud t3 saodiy ichooith titiciheondactdliytho ltoc all cordiauj- invited j ctjinecn iud tuiton limts rclctiuc hi- tuatitt oiscn tl ui door h ittlnct desired piily lo il t moorc itswrard kow comes xmas ijd in fully preyawd for it loix-be- oce y commenced cinng xaui pifit or thocibt we were ictivtly etyced in pre- prtions for ihe hahcuy iride the yux bu demuded mtich pueoce cre pjoer til of hich hate been freely ei- peoiffl and cot oof work ii done tnd ve qfevethe eadit ucompluhed please toon oar cordiil inviutioa to cali to oooble w itow yoa oar creat slock of witches clocks jewellery toys dolls ijbams books bibles vises bilverwire jmif iod kew tctb cards tc wahing yoa i merry xrniz geo hynds the leuhkg sxqrefor xmas presents pcctrm jtrtc fjress iuhespirdeceitbee st tsss ifaxy jhxor locals couiled uy liie ettrthauhlfal iod ilrt t free press keimrlcrt f svrite 13 next week ketnember ttc eocisl it the ilxcse to- cigit nominilou o keeve and cflancillore ctit mbcdxy st noon school xrasiee election next tcodces- dit it ten oclock open rote go ind enjoy x pleumt evecin ia the biptiit cncrcii next kiiadiy the iosses orr of geortoxnwill kmf it the entertainment ia the epttst disrch next ifbedty tht fax pteii is ia receipt q some sae sunpies of printing from tie csce of the sloszt forest etprxrxiatif usr e h ibrsiiam of barlinctaa j as decfined to accept s call to st johns rnsbyterixa ctorch in hamilton xke sibbsih school innireraary in the bxgtisj charch next monday evening promises to be one of anusnil interest elder jcilgotir of gnelph will preacli in the disciples chapel next sabbath cxrninaad ereningat the osoal hours it is s remarkable fact that of the i i paad jury at the recent sessions is this estmty not one of them had ever served on a rnnd jsry before l mritj ander thgaaspice of the lad- ies aid sociefy of encx churali jbclii be held at th macse this thareday erenu almissioc 10 aezte all welcome mr john latsoc v s- is talking of disposing qf his practice here with a view b removing ia dakota where some rose colored crters havebeen msa frtm the readers of the fujijba are cordisi3y invited to atlccd the s- s anni- tersary entertainment in the baptist chcrch next hondar eveninfj xew tears i remember the cnierttinment in the baptist charch kew years ew the georgetown choir the fi orr 2ias gordon and others will take part inthtf programme ah the papils who attended the comity model school t the past term were successful ia aasiog their exanjinationc sevenl candidates were plnctodat bramp- tmhodelbchool hrsamoei warden jr was elected trustee to fh the vacancy in lome school board yesterday messrs jolm mcleaii wiuiam moore and samuel wotden now compose the board a concert was held in the town hall bnqfctflle last frmay eveninff at the bon- elnsion of which dr winn ho r removed to campbehrille was presented withafiold watch and a fine parlor snite send the fcee peess to distant friends hi any part of canada the united states or grtit britain for one dollara weekly letter can thas be sert for a year and it will e gratefnlly accepted by the reeipienta try it the list of convictions retnrned by the magistrates to t g mathiesoncjerk of the pace is the largest that has ever been puhhahed in the comity of hallos the hat contains the names of over seventy de- feodanis mflfen sou messrs j e mcgarvin t co have commenced the removal of their trank and vakse hacnfactory to berlin and expect in a week or so to have bnsiofias in oper- atioa again in their handsome new factory iherea vnersi recret it expressed at their temonl the haoies which arc beicc vacated iiy the employees of the trcnk factory are filling cp jest as fast ax the occapanic can fietontby families who have beea incon teniently doabfed np with other families in tingle honses owing to the scarcity of ijiliiegs tiiisteadocthe uaaal addrese the car- rier hoyt wiu preaeut their many pairoas with lcopy of uie fuix pts handsoroe calender tor ibs which beinjjpqwexecat- edat comiderable expense this will be pre- seated on kew years morning instead of today as grevioosly announced so institclioa in town makes greater efforts to seenre pleasure for tbff children flian the officers and teachers of the par aples sahbath sefaool thar annual en- lertainmentis in progress as we go to press od there is svery iaiicalion of a snocess- fol resnlt the christmas trees present a v pretty and inviting sight indeed f the newrink was opened last monday evening with a large attendance of skaters and visitors a general feeling of satisfac tion with the arrangement effected by mr smith the proprietor for the comfort and pleasure of pateans was expressed the oft weather of the present week ijsj pre- eluded the intention of bedding a carnival any definite date the rink will be opeo daring the seon on monday wednesday thursday and saturday eveningi the baud 011 moo day an4 tuareday evenidgs which an- hutly f a iral cliaravlrr nud 1 all ijltckcufl a chrts tiuis raaejt ottoriae at bnmp on in uiwce to the appett of liov j philp pastor orsu pauls melhodiit church for lltcoq lutjbuuday towards the exuactioa of the floating debt as a curitma ihank- 9ffnug lb ood the congrdgaliou put upon uw plate uf flit scott act ptnllues ki enn anthartday before pm lowes messrs mcdonald blackwood and rains- dcu were ctjod oqand costs each for vio- lation of llii scott act and friday morning inguclphsjfiimilir enc was imposed on james burai marden there are at pres ent only twi outstanding in this riding ana oncia the dity all of which there is good prosectof uitiag i ajiaiher adrance or a termer if alojiaa- last tokt the sad death of a prominent canadian judge john mcguicessof bil lings sionilna wu audouncod another canadian has been appointed to the office vacated by jhe deceased that of prohale judge of yellowstone county the ap pointee is ffohn d mathcsan who wss formerly a practuing barrister and mayor ocmiltaaont irome sgjlqqts ppojnotian fimtpji the folloivitig is the result of tee promo tion examination held ii lome school the figures after the name denote the per cent taken jby each scholar frctn into re class lottie moore k jennie waldie 77 bensonmclen 7g mary cleave g7 kellie mcdoogtll c2 lyndi g maggielyai gl jtaie waldie go erom n to ni class idafercley7 katelasby g3 from part n to u class fred ryder do bertie gamble g3 joe lynd 50 btp tist ff g a uzi rerstry on kew years ee mccday evening a literary and mceical entertainment of un usual merit will be held in the baptist church music will be furnished by lee excellent choir of the baptist church georgetown addresfesby revs dr gif- ford j wirae w cweir guelph and d b gordon pastoi of the charch and recitations riu be renafcred by miss tena gcrdon gargeiownand mr w t stone of toroatoj a most enjoyable evening is anticipated- admission fifteen cents address u d prese ji ti g an miss daisy corrigan who is aboat re moving to toronto was the recipient of an address and bible itst thursday evening from the members of the choir of knox church during an interval in the prac tice mr a t msnn read and f the address mr t lawsou handing at the proper time a jaeantifcl pocket bible miss corrigan made a very appropriate re ply thanking those present for their acts of kindness during her connection with the chair and wr their gilt of that evening serioizs rtzstfcc accident one day- last week at kcsrs- robert sons quarries kassagtweya on a hlast being exploded a piece of rock struck jkor- man richardsbu soa of mr e arichard- gon miller m his breast the blow itself did not hart the young man seriously bat it ksocl him down and the back df his bead struck a jarred stone which inflicted an cgly woond tearing the scalp badly dr freeman fortunately wis driving by it the time was hailed and dressed the woend which is healing citantpkix kerry hferrr ctrtstmas owing to the chiracter of the weather on christmas the famihxr greeting sadnied altogcthfirjcaseasonableand oat of plicc the entire absence of enow and mti in plenty gara the day the tnpeirtnce j of a spring day instead of midwinter christ inas withect ehow is deprived of its great est altracioa christmas with rain day of despondency h it were possible to peb80xal mention tarflctiiilltcivclinf vliitorttq aud krotn actou with tthom frw 1itu header art iv ff orlm acqoalnteti speight ipent have postpord the festival ontil a more seasoaihle cccasiaa msny people rcald have considered the suggestion a wie one there were no merry sleighbells and there was very little snip abont the day pressuuoo to eer john keil a very successful social was bell at the ctariss street presbyterian church i tor onto last week being the faqrth anni versary oi the induciioa of the bev john xeil-b-a- formerly of kassagaweya it was for theeongrega- id feeling tcward by making idsotne per- also of a rcplenisn- his mother i of the can t far miss alice henderson li homo from al to a college mr jniui llou of aiitoraw the gaest of principal moore mr aud mrs c c christens iti markham mr r u kelwn of gaelph wi in town oncbriatmudsy rev byron laiug of haiuham centre was home for christen mr alex irviug of tlicafaloti was the guest of friends here this week mr h u word on of parkdalc came to acton forhii christmas padding mr thomas ross of king spent several days this week with friends in actoa mrs f wright of east saginaw is the guest of her sister mrs john speight miss hume of alma college is a guest at the home of d henderson esqeimp miss minnie williams of alma college sl thomas u a guest at sunderland villa this keek mr and mrs l francis were guests at the wedding of miss black eramosa on christmas day mr j m fernlcy of brantford spent a couple of days among his many friends in actoa this wcek mr harry jenner of johuslowu k is spending the holidays under the parental roof harry locks well mr j y kanntwin manager of dr mcgarvina business at elora was in acton a couple of days this week i mr john cameron went to higbgate to epend his christmas holidays he will re- tarn in a few dsjs with mrs cameron miss annie boomer who has been spend ing the past year in patterson rilie iowa and saginaw michhat returned to acton mr bcbt kicklin who has been in the korthvwest since harvest returned home last week he intends to more thence in the spring mr w kanuawin has been appointed teacher of s s ko g paslincb he will be oneof the youngest teachers engaged in the pravioce christmas day being his eightecnljr birthday mr fancis warne of carman man arrived here last saturday to spend a few weeks with friends ia his former home the old gwtleman is hale and hearty and speaks in tne most encouraging terms of the prospcctavf himself and family at the korthwest we clip the following from the aspen col clmiikk mr donald kennedy of acton canada has arrived ia the city and will in the future be identified with shill ings mammoth dry goods establishment mr kennedy comes with the most natter- ing credentials and is receiving a cordial welcome candidates foe trustees tiitmortlie faiiawinvomlastobeeitctcd to scats on the board of tester of acfoa publlr selwoli thought antticg ban to express thei their pastor which him the recipient dan iamb coat purse of epld for ing his iicrary to lady belored by gregatian was preseni lined coat r ul acaden4 mr aj wooalingtof mansewoodj met with an accident on friday last which we regret to say cost him his iifct it appears he was moving some furniture to manse- wood station for mr- p campbell and his horses taking fright ran away throwing him off on to his head and inflicting an ugly wound just above his forehead medical aid was at once summoned bat the qnfor- tanate man died aboat seven hoars after the accident from hemorrhage of the brain deceased was a sober industrious man well likei and respected by all who knew hinr he left a wife aui sir children to inoarn his untimely ecd deceased was buried on tuesday at 2 o clncfc rfjrntr ann sciree it bsllizslid the congregation of the presbyterian church at ballinafad held their lnneal teameeting last friday evening rabies iaiened with good things were pxcpa ed in a hail adjoining the church to which b lilding a large number repaired and judging from the hurried flitting to and fro of thecsiters with steaming fitchers and the mage dis- appearaace of cake pe and saudwici busi ness of more than an ordinary press ng na ture was bemg attended to the after meeting wis held in the church which hf the way is a very comfortable bailcungand lias been recently verr tastily pspered aud otherwise renovated the bev mr kay was disappointed by a noaiber of speakers but the want was more than made up by a vigoarous address from be j w rie actoa also reailatiousbymrcrelwood and mr eac the cboir t3l knox rhurch acton under the leadership of mrj a t mann furnished very excellent music dor- 1 iog the evening and carried out thetnusical part of the prograrnco most creditably i the singing of the chair was thoroughly j appreciated by these present especially the j quartette by messrsla weon hanoi dowry and johnston in which the foar voices chocded most harmoniously the mem- hers of the choir were invited to- a special tea after the close of the meeting when the rev mr kay ja the instance of the ladies oflhe congregation presented them with a most handsome threestory cake indicating their good wishes their appreciation of their services and kindness in beingwesent on behalf of the choir dr lowry accepted the gift thankiog the ladies not odlmor the valuable cake hot for the kind attention and courtesy during die evening land ex pressed the hope that the acquaintance formed would be frequently renewed- fn the future tbecoogregtionorbailmaiod ia getting along very agteeably auderjtne pas torate of rev mr ely who was inducted to the change last edmmer at the meeting of the nomination of trustees to fill three vacancies in the board held at noon yesterday thefouowingcandi dates were proposed and seconded 1 de lower nominated by geo hynds seconded by alex grant 2 w hstoctv nominated by a e kicklin seconded by thas perryman 3 a e kicsxd nominated by thos perryman seconded by alex secord t jvss cuanoi nominated by geo hynds seconded by alex grant 5 du c e sticey nominated by alex secord seconded by thos perryman- g w p bests nominated by robert creech seconded by a e kicklin with drew 7 tuos h hucixti nominated by geo hynds seconded by alex grant 6 2 mis mttteewfi nominated by i francis seconded by d henderson toicasrniorc than three of the above candidates stand for election polls will be opened at the usual polling places at the hour of ten ana on wednesday january 2nd castor i a for infants and children mstotusmwuadaptedtochikbtfaei i oastoru colic oobeupauon cracommeiidttueuperioruuriireacrdun i boor btomact diarrthza erucuoioa abomtooie haacaailli j blo t alwft i prooo dl- mflaoxiortetbrooklriiht wiibs isfcriou mecoufoi ttti eaxwue ooxpaxr 71 murray street k t address and fresextati0v last week the following address was presented to miss jeau mclean who for the past year his acted as teacher ia lome school the address was accompiuied with au elegant plush drouiug case dnxahns uclnxx wc uio icfilt cc lhis hootakc thie optortnuy oicejtojas cur blsh birecjttioa ot jczz miuy nol3o qualities as a teacher and ladr yccr entries cctcru to axsiit us in sdricsn ccucajou aad iho csecllcct ractaj inftuece trhieh jou lave crtedovcrcewc ihallalnys rciacvcr fdxh gratitude and acectton and now as the use lts zamv wheu c mut crcr oar pleasant reldliosi cc ijoixi yoa nill do uc thefconor to iccept this tdirc vxct2pa1dcd by this trnh gift and the caiturst vith troa or iaany loving hearts that your whole future may be full of icnihice and crouiiodwith lofperity signed oa twbilf of the school lfottc liooi kii11 jicd3viiil lvcmc sciikj ekiceics vk isth i- miss mclean replied in suitable terms and when school was clcsed bide the chil dren an affectionate farewell aprofltalilf bcilucf those who take an agency for a reliable enterprising house learn their business and stick to it getca in the world people who have any idea of engaging in any canvassing business will do well to write george sticson 6 co portland maine the great art and general publishersj they c2er the most exceptional advantages to those who are sufficiently enterprising to be willing to make a push in order to belter their condition it costs nothing to try women make successful canvassers as well as men full particulars will be sent to those who address the firm their full address is given above dangers of delaj- if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected ccld haw differently would our course be could werealleeoardaoer bow speedily we would seek a cure hut with many it is only whet- the monster disease has fastened his faog3 upon our iuns that wa awaken to our folly what follows a oeg- lectedcold it is diseases of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma ccosnmp- tioa and other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have some good rem edy available for this frequest complaint one of the most enlcacioas medicines for all diseases of the throat and lans is bickles anti consumptive syrup this medicine is composed cf several nicdicinst herbs which exert a most wonderful infiu- ence in curing cocsumution and other dis eases of the throat and chest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes ir ritation ana drives the disease fom the sys tem i killed with whisker- last friday aft event cccarrep in town by which the potency of fne licensed tangleleg dispensed by the tavern keepers under the crooks act was clearly and fatal ly demonstrated a well known business man in own had aifox terrier which he very highly prized and with view to re taining its miniature size by stunting its growth with the administration of doses of whiskey he secured the services of a couple of friends when all was in readi ness the usual do5e was given but sorrow- fol to relate within fifteen minutes the poor little fellow was stretched out- in the embrace of death the owner is much chagrined at bis loss it was claimed when the scott act was in force that the beverages concocted and sold were unfit for the human stomach ko doubt they were not but what mast be said of the veritable dead shot now dispensed it is hoped the public willindule sparingly if at all in i the poisonous beverages now offered j a caajdisacatjargas paper hitherto we have been accustomed to ex- pect childrens papers to coma from the united states we have now ia welcome one however printed in our own coantry and if it keeps np to the standard of the sample before xkz the imported article will have to devise some measure of retalia tion or get qat- it is well printed on toned paper has eight pages containing twentyfour columns is beautifully illus trated and carefully edited and the stories and other reading matter whileof thehigh- est order are just the kind to attract and delight our boys and girls all this pro vided semimonthly for only fifty ceats a year the proposal it to distribute it ia school clubs it could not be supplied at the price ender any other plan tbe kind co operation of teachers will thus be absolute ly nercaaary to success samples are sent to all teachers but if any have not re- ceived a copy to date a poet card to the pabliauers grip publishing co toronto will seenre it aak your children if they have seen it cae and effect many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persaas they will follow a dull heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using meachams mandrake mixture prepared by j b meacham 133 youge street a chemist of nineteen years experience best of all cough- medicines ayers cherry pec toral is in greater demand than ever ko preparation far throat and lcnj troubles is s prompt ia its effects so i areealile to the taste and so widely 1 known rs this it is the family medi- cine in iliiiiiainls of households i have ffend for years from a bronchial trouhle tlut whenever i take cold or am erpased to inclement weath er shows itself by a very anxoyin tickling- sensation in the threat and by lifiiciilty in breathing t have tried a great rainy remedies but noue does sa welt as ayers cherry pectoral which always gives pronpt relief in returns of my old complaint ernest a hepler inspector at f ubic roads parish ter- re bonne la 1 i consider ayers cherry pectoral a most important remedy for home use have tested its curative power in my family many times during the past thlrtv years and have never known it to call it will relieve tha most serious affections of tbe throat and luns whether la children or adults mrs e g edgerly council bluffs iowa twenty years aco i was troubled with a disease of tbe lungs doctors afforded me no relief aud considered my caw iiopee- i then began to usr ayers cherry pectoral and before 1 had natlied one bottle found relief i continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected i believe that ayers cherry pectoral saved my life samuel griggs waukegan 111 six vears ago i contracted a severe cold which settled ou my lunjs acd scoa developed alt the alarming symp wms of consumption i had a cough nlpht fiweatx blesjiug of the lungs pains in chest and sides and was so prostrated as to be confined to my bed most of tbe time after trying various prescriptions without benefit the financial statement of tbe affairs of the municipality published last week ihould haveincluded between 70 lad iso more to the credit of tbe cemetery account for notes held for the purchase of plots this makes tbe cemetery revenue above ex penditaro over 1100 for the yearj a very creditable showing considering the excel- lent general appearance maintained at tbe cemetery daring the season the annual sabbath school entertain- ment of knox church will be held in the town hall next tuesday evening kew years night tht prospects are that an nnosaauy interesting programme will be presented the children have been prac ticing for some four weeks and bae heir ehoraaee ac perfect a new years ship laden with present for tbe children will be an attractive feature of the ereoioga pro- ctedinjja 1 1 xmasi 4t a merry christmas to all ninfs noted millinery 4 dry goods house acton is the correct place fo pur chase presents for your friends re nelson merchant tailor cuejph extendi lo bu maay jiatrom iii acton al tcluitj- the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs sic f0k the holiday thade ii yjet complete the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in i the city grbaf- bagjairl8 lou thehjlidav mammoth house georgetown a us s at 10 an announcement of interest to ever household in this section will appear in this space next week speight son j a speight manager notice of visit handkerchiefs handkerchiefs rl thousands of silk handkerchiefs raa train l5 ceuu to tl5 each they cake verr iceepublc jtcsccu shawls t shawls stacks jftovely shawls in an lhides just the correct thine to give to yocr best girl ycur cousins or tout aocta igiovcs gloves rromtha osubhshmentof b laaruie it co the opuciana of lfontreal rf bo at the flora of the aent u under for consul tation and for tbe purpote of uitine to all difpicxtlt and ulfusual cases of defective siqhct the moat perfect aids to viaion known -the- b laurance spectacles and eyeglasses ltr i hvorrisueiiiihenurqaahflodu adjust bpecucies to everr tan vbere relief can he af- forded tad as hii visit is lor tb ponvenience of lb irauiic do charge being made for consnjulicra cr any xtra ehare for the spectaclec idrsntaee abonjd be ufccn of it note the date of visit for one day only friday 28th december r888 at the store of j b pearson merchant actou ladies of acton tour special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of mantles and mantle cloths at the lion wm mcledd co give all this month and- for a month ater the holi days all through january wonderful bargains in all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods and beau tiful alt wool hlenrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches j in vidthworth 60c per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery- woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefji fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster clothsof even- description and a fine stock of sealettes r also clearing out regardless of cost in many cases ess thar 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth s30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boas bear boas lynx muffs bqar muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our milliner department i gents dont forget onr or dered ctething depament a magnificent sfock to choose from and prices right i a big- big drive in suitings la suit regnlar price pi6 fori sl s20 for s16 22 forl8 ready made- i clothing and overcoats at clearing iprices a fine stock oi gentsfdrcaps- gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubtiers nowisthe peoples chance to save money by purchasing but of ourtnag- nificent stock t wmmcleodco jiainiotl house georoetowu- it 1 i m m h g stoxste t geohgetown y to rally from the first dose ot this medicine and after using only time bottles am as well and round as ever rodney johnson springfield 111- flyers cherry pectoral fuftbxd bt dr j c ajer k co lowell mats ild brail drosguu pril sixboutes kidglpves in hlscs and colon from s3 ceats cp- ttenj is cathiog roo could glte a frieddthatlsmorehielytoptease 1 or more useful than a t pair of lores toilet causes toilet cases kind jfirror sad comb la beautiful cases oal-u- jfurs furs furs if you vaatyoorlrieuds lo think idndjr of yoa ona calddariait eivfl thesi acaft mns or boa we have big awonmsoi hi this i line and at prices that till temit i ecaabtrjotzr friend at kins alio romem bcrthalwe ihov the largest and best assort ed stock of dry goods aod fsocr goods in actoa aud tt prices which oompe- i tition cannot taccotifally follow idrcsi goods and ulliinerr reduced ia prices groceries alwafra cheap rbjermyn guelph glasgow our mantles you will find worthy of your inspection never before had we such value or variety in dolmans jackets wraps and paletots in every style of cloth for adies and children authors cox uaaniactorcrs of trusses artificial limbs and appllancei for all de fonnluesof ujahnman body bpioal ditaaao hip joint dtiesao diaaasei of the kqm and ankle knock knea bow leif club poet etc also geutches ii ghur6hsl toronto nnzsiou vzcorltor i oose siu and arimantfifsintijig in tho lalcit styles les50s3 is ptlraixtisq cuieu wednnday tenins thomlkj urf j satuldayittemoons i otdor ll at ftc prai offloe a i drtiaaed to box ik ooorseovn win reoelt prompt mmic h j burdock b will cure oh relieve biliousness dizzwess our milliner this season has proved a remarkable suc cess the beauty of our showtoom is a current topic of re mark and our values are unequalled in the trade f dress department in this department we excel weiclaim to have in miss todd one of the most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country dyspepsia- indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache i dropsy 1 a tmbhn our range ofjdress goods and trimpiingsis most com plete we show a magnificent assortment of combiriations and plain goods with braid- and trimmings 1 i j d williamson co m urdogk pills lmdheli0kf dltsw hohtacht p tltaw w li ct10n k4 va1mmx ejddat aii aii