Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1889, p. 3

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ims town hall actou coobseof lsotubes for 8889 under uw aaipioetot kkox church acton vo 5itcvg branch- howie monday jan jj sflbject oriental bcanoa vlkev wra ooehrarte d d- uondly jb 1st baliicd- scotland hero uar- jtascv j mclean aaiunsr jlondav yen- subject i- two jr ib uattrcfon ftektts far satire cvum50 cents lcctthc couimanet 41 s oclock hvh tuner j the jlethodistchukch acton i aaio ituttsi 7 ml oar bratm- jstoa mitifi 1 ol s3finc jettb msmalli jkv q a aotord ifca phj pastor fsroaafie bdmavwino prtjie servfeei iftm aja and 830 bondav wkol ttx blueclsaaoortdacudhythi rastor ml corluuly intltaa grtogen and titian always welcome at- xstin nshen it uwdoor jfrfttiiniamdealwd apriy- u h rtuani yrsunrd i rflit jfntt jfrtt rtss toebsdir january 51889 vilest acnmltifil5 s tfce wtajhtifi drj cav aglttcrttraj lir new laaj im ritkelg lang ti13 jftxy it locals colmed liv the ettcthoofhtful tail ajcrt fm press keporterc school opens neil monday- rink open tonight bandia alt-end- imc- rcanmta your sidewalks after the oct floras with the opening jear the longcdfoc 00 present it respects chas scbmaei gnelph m fined 30 jx violation of the scott act on saturday theprocecdt ot the ifethodist sajbbatii aiool christmas entertainment amounted ttlmjc jtfae aev officers and teachers o the sabbath schools for 1 will take their risees nest sunday knotallmen bay these present has bsoi the mercantile rendering ofmhc legal pia the fast week or so jack bntler was fined f on wednes- hj for being drank and diforderly on xinu day ietoa etfttrwer ketbwiliiaas of gnelph oc cupied the pnlpit of the ifethodiat church hst eonoxt morning and evening the prisoners in the gaol were not for- pblten on christmas day bat were regaled nth roast beef and nlam padding mhtoa i v ilr v gripps has rented the reai- ffioa ind five acres of mr david wshxm- ax on jiain street and will operate his zpiriel garden there we sincerely trust that it has leax to ifionr readers a happy new year- if it ba not it has not beea froni lack of good rahes on the part of the free pkisr mrs beader of elora xnd itrs arm- jlhejr of west garafraxa are wintering lor tro months in the jail here in default of payment ofscott act fines ifcrcxry vr lonnan assistant teacher at georgetown high school was the recipient c t kfmff7ni oxford teachers bible from tie scholars prior to his removal to drara- oaadnllc tceansnal meeting of kassaaweya agricnlriiral sociery wih be held on thars- oaythe iqthinst the question of a wb 1 diyflbqw open to adfeining townships sfflbadebsied the m lectore in the coarse tmder tne aaspices of knox chnreh- will take pitae on ifonday evening lith jahoary then bev g branch howie of palestine sih lecture in the town hn on oriental sewsjst i hill up ta irs in eaen ise a of kern anil ipostags- tf or iflbfr ij xttzp ill ritrgeeii who has been teaching gaging class atqspringe for the last dx see grre a concert in tifc school hoase on friday eveniog tth mat a very interesting programme has been prepared r the occasion i the sta of teachers of actonpobhc siool for the present year is as follows iboa t moore principal hiu oaasie mephail second department alias kaggie helrille third department and miei ifag- pt scdougall f ourth departmcit the annual te- meeting of the sleiho dist chorch lunehonse was held on xew tears night beva 3c fennell d b gordon and a h dnnnm of georgetcwc tod the georgetown methodist choir pro- tided the entertainment ifr f sehiverea an evangelist woo bis labored sncoessfnliy in many presby terian hethedist and other churches n canadiia nw anil towns will commence ipetiat terrices in the norfolk street hetho- dirt cftojcht goeipli tomorrow i the donations of clothing etc by the children of the hethodist sabbath school on on tirif w and filled to f oterfloving a large packing case it was shipped to chippewa htu the headqosx- ten of the nsissionary near sootbainpwn oa enday i the exhibition of the hilton poultry and pet stock association opened there on wednesday about 400 birds bein shown nd the show a success the judge was hr bicknell of buffalo ny and his narking was very strict a good many birds heing disqualified amy young the gienwilliams girl who set fire to the house of her employer jcr ettetcanet st- thomas for spife but whom the jury acquitted although she had tdmiited the fact has been sentenced to the hercer befermatory for two years or the uatid gives a list of geergefowns improvemetiis of th past year footing iip mvtfi this includes u00 for the new pcesliyterian chnreh ehjxw for clarkes new hotel and 51000 for the new sigh school- the above is a very cradi- kbit thowiug and we congratoute our istertowu bffico- the old year lies a dying to lum iic across the www hii ton sad hrir dcth ride posthaste bnt heh be gone before his face is growing sharp and thiu- alack oar friend is gone close inp i tis eye tie b his chin step from jthe twed let him in that standeth there iloneaod wiiteth at the door the social at he uanselast tburs4fly ereniug teas quite a pleasant affair lfot- wiuiitand tle onpropititioas weather jthe stteadance was very good the evening u most enjoyahy spent besides jthe ttul social intercourse an iuterestipgj if informal programme gave variety to the proobedidcf uiis home oflma college ndered an ebcellent recitation thelfau rffemberionmfll hr wulim gofon of gienooe tang a nomber of scottish ngs hich warmed the hearts of she osnw otu hhunderspreaenandpkasedajl ilev dr gifford sog m excellent style rbe brkhth01sfarawayr vbsiuos- lp- ioa and hi gordon sog whe 1 ye v jamie and him meliw ap a munbetof instfxmeuul solos with 1 ood tfe mm lea3sikg8 wuhlfirc moitlj of a lorlclnrrtrr and ml interestta teaai tinf t nottal thokorval methodist uannlior wti iqctwniidorinthetousuroids thi pcakcri of urn evening far verfwicty und entertaining especially so dr gifford ol ac ton whok klorict were both practical and tmnsingbjid wehfltlcd in hii dincouw tw choir of the methodist charch george towndowma special mtiillon or u bcaourol anthems which were so well rendered by them con htratu piinful aeclrfenttoaa ojd atf last stturday oioruiug mrs a a se- ord mother ol mr alex secord mauagsr of the cantdagtova works mot with an scoideum s very terioascbiracter toalidy of her advanced age- she was going across the room at bcr sons residence and failing to notice that the trap door to the rellar was open walked into it aud falung broke her left leg befow the knee the fracture was redacod but the old lady suffers con siderably from her tnjarics prabwniflaitrtraia prof brown late orthe 6 a college gaelph has been appointed by the gotern meat of victoria principal of the central agricultural college of that colony with headquarters at melbourne it is expected that the insulation will be in full working order some time in the spring meantime prof browu is arranging for the establish meut of branch stations which will also be under hit direction and besides he is doing some literary work for the government in connection with dairying tfcrttny missxcirt services the annual missionary services in con nection with the methodist church will be held nett week as follows on sunday morning aud evening rev dr gifford will preach from uie sabject the feign of christ ou earth and on the following tuesday evening a platform meeting will be held at which addresses will be delivered by rev glb turk gaelph and eev dr mclean missionary to the blood indian thesemiiaiqnary services promise to be unusually interesting ana tier exltcar editor lde hppr mr campbell shaw until recently pub lisher of the oakrille star arrived in shel- burne monday evening and on taesday he and misa msxy f bowes were made one the ceremony took place at the resi dence of the brides father mr e f bowes victoria street rev t j mcclelland offi ciating daring the afternoon the citizens band serenaded tle happy coaple they left by the evening train for new york from which point they sail pec steamer city of para for california where mr shaw wql resnmfr literary work confining himself chiefly to writing for the leading magazines miss bowes was a general favorite in shelbourne and oar citizens unite in wishing her and her husband hap piness and prosperity shelbarne coc- the disciple s ganairgrsajy the entertainment in connection with the disciples sabbath school last wednes day evening was marked by a degrees of sneoess similar to that which has diarscter- ised all the holiday entertainments in this vicinity the present season mr george black had charge of the services the programme a very interesting one was as fallows pact i i usic 7ber cfccal stvsczs evcrwn choir f speech by li cfczircitn 3- ettiiaii tot mse ramsay chorus brtag tjiem iu the cbildren 5 lied titics he y wort willie g cruy 6 kaics4blihzrcciiigxrertaa choir t reciiado2aftrcertvictrcriprmhi2t rtirc orr i chores coicicff ve were corliss tlie ctildrtn- 9 sols chrisis xltiuie ut putt u i chore ur c licjileheui eezicz cbcir s liecittuca- 113 do whiildi lihuuc uorton quartet te 111 tel ittoja two boys lai tvo girls 5 itciic daisy ksvt exezicafhair c ecititia aitacc htnfor vthtf louis orr 7 charts scgcr the dildrea la cotnc the cbildmi 6 teciiition macggr md tht buet i iryiv kniicy in addiuda to the ibove ihcrt iddresses were made by eiv 1 w ve sir sinclair torocto lr jno blsct miehigxa itctsrs fe p ifocre and pfiendertoc ciilp the rftf was enjoyable throughout knd the climax was reached when the gaily decorated christmas trees were- stripped and the products distributed among the children kaoxchurck s s ezteruicrzezt no one could widi for a more successful entertainment than thst of knox church sabbath school in the town hall on new yearsevening every seat in the ball was occupied and these were supplemented with others in the aisles the children oc cupied seats on the stage and when the curtain rose at eight oclock the picture presented was attractive indeed there were the little folk in their becoming holi day attire the beautiful arch of ever- greens decorated with oranges bags of can dies c and numerous lines hung with books and other presents bev mr eae occupied the chair and alter a few appro- priate remarks opened the programme which was carried octas follows 1 0ilciss45c zzili andcnoc 2 cccr harry kct year tic school 3 tuxzlllio tb nett little clock sfsy prentice i solo bye btbj bje jezizle k 5 ifotiaa wee- the infant cuu c itecitiitcn tmverrvoarc iurcia kennedy 7 solo- the ceuisbed prayer siincie vezki 6 volsutcr song eishtboyc s cro tie school 10 eecitaticnwltt i fccoxliceje hardies 11 quartette two vajt anil txo giru 12 addreist eevjiises atko 13 solo sipctboncdscpsiia fioic camxbii j 1 tcciutlaa when im his gerdos hcnderwa l3 beta driven iroin houks hahie eo is llcduidp hr chni canadian kace jtv wamie 17 son t6e little lfotherix girls li icciuioakrioatijekat hide of the doiiar herb heudcron 10 cdtji the schcol 9 bcciucion uttle boys 6cech johnnie davidntu ti uatioti sons the infant ctas b bcciuticn the little hoys ltacat charhe bjilcr in carol tbc school ti bociutioi kiui andoron 5 eewrt of knoxsd dublin sejittb schooli by the tioicrintendants alex kennedy snd d hcaderwn 25 doting addrwj jiiton henderson as will be noted the children almost ex clusively provided the entertainment and they did it very satisfactorily and with credit 0 their instructors when the pro gramme was concluded the presents were distributed to the joy and delight of the little ones all of whom were well saprilied an interesting ersotw tb d iheudersoh in ls fn behalf of ibv oodj suver botier bm aiidasettotl the gospel to rt expresaad his ipj rrierrmgtoshevory rriatipfjsejtisnjtbetweshsorm d4 liimsei tbp tntoft theuched prooeefli 5b5f- terr cotu abounds a flaifon mr w 0 morris ot kelson has sold nine acres off his farm to in amorioin lyn dlcaie of six gonutroen who have ti thilr oomrowida oaplisl of three million dollars the clay of tha land fats been tested q chi ctgo si louis aud philadelphia and li pronoancod by experta to be ih very best gradofortbe mtngfaclare ot- terra cotta ware tha company pgrpose bolldiiir a pur to connect the proposed works with the main liue of the c p hand will make things hum lu the near future thu will make terra cdtta works no 8 for hilton both within a few miles from mtltpu rnebspujtaifarfjiiaineiit the entertainment lu the baptist church on- new years live was well attended and the proceedings wero marked with inter- oat rev mr gordon the pastor occupied the chair the choir of the baptist church georcctown mug an opaniug chorus after which rev dr gifford led in prayer ad- dresses were delivered by hrw c weir gaelph rev j w rae and rev dr gif furd the misses orr of georgetown sang several infectious miss tena gordon gave severaliyciuttous and mr w t stoue toronto a coaple of readings the whole was interspersed with singing by the choir the programme was au enjoyable one throughout and all ibu parts taken were carried out with credit to those who ap peared castor i for infants and cwtdren irwoncmjiuscperiorwaotnmaiuonl boor btebledisjthojrrusa 1 tnowntome e 1 aacwa li d i w od pcaamltf m m6ooxjordetbrookl7s wltcuax mtdjostfoa tm csjrwra oowxt t7 murray street k t one hundred and twentyeight tramps were entertained by this municipality dar ing the year col allan slipped on tht icy sidewalk the ether day and suffered a severb sprain of uie right foot the anniversary services in the ma- thodist church erin were held on sunday rev dr gifford preached both morning and evening daring the past you seventyfive sni mils were impounded in this municipality as follows sf cattle j29 sheep 9 pigs and 3 horses a newspaper poet demands to kuow whew are the girls of the past bring ing op the girls of the future dont you know i a green chrislmas may make sfat churchyard hough it is open to doabt but there is no question that it keeps down the bills for fuel tha paimcrston teymc office was damaged the other dayto the extent of 20 by fire which was discovered and put out before it had got much headway a meeting of the executive committee of the canadian press association will be held in toronto toiuorrow to arrange for a winter session of f be association k the dead year is clasped by a dead december so let your sins with your dead days lie a new life is yours and a new- hope remember we build our own ladders to climb to the sky this week we present oar readers with a handsome calendar for the year this will dp found both useful aud attractive if any extra copies are desired we will be pleased to send them to any address 00 re ceipt of a stamp for postage rev mr davey stated in a sermon re cently that h had seen more drunkenness in georgetown during the past two months under license law than during the whole time the village was under the scott act and mr daveys spectacles are clear white maple sugar offered at this season of the year is generally looked upon with sus picion bat the fseetpeess is in receipt of some genuine maple sagar made on christ mas day from sap which run the- day be fore the maple sugar was made by messrs zimmerman bros on their farm near gaelph this is the latest novelty which the toronto confectiouers cannot surpass the christmas number of the nsp- anee ezprtu was onq of the finest issued from a country office- wehare- ever seen it bears the impress on every page of the mister head and hand of the office mr h c stovel formerly of the mount forest gsntdiraic it was printed from new type special cuts and engravings and em braced in issue of 800 ocopies mr stovel deserves credit for his enterprise- the ddixtaior one of the finest jour nals of fashion culture and fine arts ou the continent h published by the batterick publishing co of new york at the low- price of 15 cents per number each issue contains illustrations and descriptions of current and incoming styles for ladies misses and cbildren articles on the new est dressfabrics and representations of the latest ideas in millinpry fancy work 4c the literary department is also full of in terest a series of gospel umperance revival services will be opened in acton on thurs day 3lth iflst under the aaspices of the royal templars of temperance the meet ings ui be held alternately in the presbyterian and methodist churches the excelsior trio of hamilton will pro vide the musical pari of the programme and will be assisted in addresses by the local ministers and temperance workers the royal templars three excellent councils in this county each with a mem bership of from 100 to 150 and through their operation much good is being accom- piisned there is room for a good council in acfon the life boat crew commence services in georgetown tomorrow evening tosxksi kxatchbull news from our own correspondent another wedding is announced for new years days and still another a little later on wedding bells seems to be all the go now wont some one move to have a little mora music from the old time sleigh bells soon mrs- james lind of knatchball is lying very ill at present but it is hopd she may toon regain her usaal health again mr thomas whn knitcbuil has a covr which gave birth christmas uight to twin calves both cow arid calves are mart and doing well although mr wilson has followed arming for the last 25 years this is the first time be has been tha pojsessor of twin calves they have dubbd them paneh and judy after 1st jan the post office at knatcb- bull will be in tlje store of mr t b allii son he has got his desk and boxes ar ranged quite covenient for the distributing of mail matter knatchball dec jlst 1858 personal mention tsngtiiilw keipocliiig visitors to sud from actou with vtlioro free tress headers arc f ere orlcutacquainted mr william gordonofgiencw visited 1 acton friends last week j mr alma grsnt of st marys spent s day or so here a week ago mr fred secord of rockford 111 is home on a visit to his mother miss luzie campbell of brampton was the gaest of friends here last week miss minnie adams is spending a few weeks with her friends at ursytoo miss ena carrie of weilasd has been a guest at the mansu for a week or so miis laing of the o a c gaelph wss a guest at the home of mr a liing this week rev j j redditt and wife of fork were guests of acloa friends over new years mr aud mrs thomas godfrey of klora were guests ol mr james matthews over sunday mr thos gowdy jr of gnelph spent several days this week with friends in acton mr richard n tburtell of tecswater was on monday elected to the council by icckmation mr and mrs k p moore aud eddie spent a coapla of days this week with friends at newmartetf mr wu3graydodci streetsville who was shot at by burglars about a year ago still suffers from the effects of the wounds mr robt anderson of acton filled a place around the christmas board at- his home here mount forest rcpracataticc the fete pejs extends to mr and mrs alex gowdy of gnelph heartiest congrat ulations and best wishes for a- life of hap piness and b access mr and mrs r d warran of the her- aid georgetown and mr and mrs w t stone toronto were guestf at cedar creek farm over new years rev j s colling of walkcrtotymwf fergus is prostrate with an abscess on the back which will lay hitn off daty at least six months ifrnrry mr w h lynch of danville qcebec who is favoring the press ofcacada with a series of vaiubld pipers on dairying is one of the leading prohibitionists of the pro vince of quebec cat v early in two by s sou- hjuiiltos dec 2 a serious accident occurred near dundat yesterday afternoon by which mr w j borer a young man aged about 22 was fatally injured he was engaged in his fathers saw mill at rock chapel and while grinding a shaft ou an emery wheel the belting caught id the frame and palled it oat of place causing young borer to slip he fell right across a large circular saw and his body was cut more than half in two he was assisted into the boose and dn ros quickly sum moned but nothing could be done for the unfortunate man who lingered until this morning and died at 5 oclock retaining consciousness until his death iladsbjncs mi amiivcrmiry loxtox dec 30 yesterday was the 79th anniversary of mr gladstones birth day and notwithstanding his absence on the continent scorei ot letters and tele grams of con gratalai ions were sect to ha- warden mot of the messages express a vish for the early triumph of home rale- he goes driving and boating daily at naples lord and lady dufferin visited and took lunch with him on saturday urakned while stating muxx out dec 30 fred geary aged tsirty years was drowned in moira lake yesterday afternoon while skating with a number of other boys charlie richards went through the ice with geary but was rescued by one of his corapumena who caught him by the hair aud held him up drowned while crossing the ice wicturaourb jfec 80 alfred falar- dean aged about 58 years broke through the ice on friday in crowing uatchedasfa bay at wanbausbene and was drowned the deceased oame toi waubaasheno about seven years ago and is supposed to have relatives at st saovenr qoebec ha was in the employ l the georgian bsy- cod- solidated lumber company and was a steady qalrt man and a good workman a pott btaoleyjon friday tolicemagu- trat leonard fined 3 c pshkburat end cdtsh- e the beottac rich and poor prince and peasant the millionaire and dsyiborer by their commonmse of this temedv attest the worldwide rep utation of avers pills leading phy sicians recommend these pills for stomach and liver troubles costive- ness biliousness and sick headache also- for rheumatism jaundice and neuralgia they are sugarcoated con tain no calomel are prompt hut mild in operation and therefore the very bcslinetfidne for family use as well as for travelers and tourists ml have derived great relief from ayers pills five years ago i was taken ao iii with rheumatism tat i waj unawe to do any tak i look three ijoxcs of ajers pills and nil entirely cured siuce that time i am nevey williuut a lor of liee iiills vcter cliristetweu sherwood wis ajrefs ptlls have oeen in use in my jfainily ujitvards of twenty years and have cointiletaly verified all tliaf is claimed lor tlieifi th attacks 6 lilies mm wldch i suffered many years they aftord irrvatcr relief than any other iiiepduoiver riedt f auams hoflybirinsstexas saw useil ayehs pu1 for a num ber of vear and have never found any thing eijiial to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system ialwajskeep them luttua house bd- jackson swibiflngjesdetffv two boxes ol ayert pills cured ma of severe headache from widen i was long a sjfferer emrna knyes bubuardston uflss whenever i am troubled with coti silpatlon or suffer from loea of appetite aj pills set we right jgaia a j kiser jr koik house vi iayers pills are in general demand among our customers our sales of them exceed those of all other pills com bined we have never knowruthem fail to give entire sattafactlon- wrigwluonelly ban wego texas aytrjs pills j thaxnr or im fww- igzgdmiitmm f r en4soh merchant tailor cuelph kxtcudi to hlnuany ustrtjus ihactoii utl vkluity the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs i tics scarfs j collars cuffs c koli the holiday trade 1 is most coinilejto the cheapest line of person lamb caps in the citv t 1 i house bign and ornainenlal palatini intho litcjitptylei 1 a merrj christmas to all r b jermyns noted millinery dry goods house acton is the correct place to pur chase presents for your friends- handkfefchiefs handkerchiefs thoiicdipffiilthxndlerchfefi rsngfiy from u cell to sijs5 b1l ttej- majca very scccptable rrcscats sliawls shawb lovelrhars iq alitfedesutt the ktthlotrtocitecoycnrsvstsirl stacks of oorruct par coasiui or voar aanu gloves gioes kid gloves in blstck amr colon from 33 ccnti up there it nothing yoa could give a friend that is mors likclrto plee or more nnlnl uulaa pair of gloves toilet cases toilet cases brash hand uerror ud ctoia bckatlful j cases oajr 1j0 furs furs- furs if you irsiit joar friends to think kindly of you ou a cold dar just give them a cap uofl ot bo wt haye a wgisrtinem in this line f d at irfces that will tempt iteuieniljrbjr tricadc at xmu ulto reuieia bcr tnsl we ihow uie lrsost sad host assort ud itock ot drv goodi and fsnoy goods in acton and at priocs which oompe- tltion cannot laccefurfallv follow dreu goods and millinery reduced in prices groceries alwaji rbjermyn ui y r vt 1 i i- i i r oif liuiftl are you married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager- c ixl i uj fr rnoiroi to fumlili roor net anil eoiy lituo home or to rovlenlib yoar home it a lettlod ooe fa inr n fe tl vcrj iotct ttees there ii oo nielc of farainr we csonot rawly sad farther ire deliver to f unlmri mi you htve uo trrsnetag freichl cliirse tnd ran ao risk of hreaiuo heeuniitu undertaking our thtnyarc yon crrieaee iaihii hoilaeiwhu rmoited iucoatiuciiig the lmhhc of thti catre conimnnny that wo apply orkciui work ia alvorden aau lu ye waitu eouiiart tui taose of ihe city at oaeialfctty pricea our hearse r issn cxceuenioiie a cd ocr team slwsji clients dccomliij spiciwaiicc wu nasc plaa- sar n lavirtae uie pablic to call on as far aathuigrtq aired in out linos 1 speigiit son lessons ik oil iaintino cuiset wednctmuy evouila tharsdsy and fiajardiy aitcxnooni order 1l t free prensiolsco acton or ad dresmd to uot 16 gflontowu will woelvs proniin attention h-ckbtonb- f notice of visit 2zi t- s ldohes from the establishment of b laortnce co the opticians of montreal vill b it uw store of the agent as under for coristuttiorjandforthe pnxpom of trailing to all duticttlt and itjntjsuaii cases op defective sight the most perfect aids to vision enown the b laurance- spectacle axd eyeglasses ur ih harris u enilnentjt qualiflod to adjust spectacles to every cam where relic can be si- forded and ss his visit in for the convenience of the pnblic ao aharsfl being made tor concojution or any extra charge for the 5poctaces idttntagt should betlkcn of it note the date op visit for one day only friday 28th december 1888 at the store of j b pearson merchant actou ladies of acton your special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of mantles and mantle cloths at the lion quelph glasgd w ourmantles you nll findworthy of jour inspection never before had we such value or variety in dolmans jackets wraps and paletots in every styje of cloth- for ladies and children our millinery this season has provecf a remarkable suc cess the beauty of our showroom is a current topic of r mark andour values are unequalled in the trade dkess department great fokthe houpvvsat mammoth house fieonetow mcleodco f l will give ail this monthand for a- month after the holi days all through january wonderll bargains in all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine cdmbiqatiob french dress goods andiean- tiful all wool heiirietta yresvt gcpkj6 in all colorf 4odhches in width worth oc per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from jc per yard up laces ribbons milliheiryjv woollen goods shawls silk- handkerchiefs hem stitched- handkerchiefs- fancy goods for- the christmas trade mantle goods ulster plolhs-of- ever description j ani a fine stock of sealettesi also clearing out regardless of cost- in many cases less than 50c on the dojlar- shbrt jackets f jackelsjlqngulsters dolmans fjjr jackets- a fine lot of astrachan jackets wortly 30 some of them for 15 fursabeiutifr stotkri- eluding lynx boas sear boas tynx muflshbear miffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains d ladies dont i forget pur dress and maiitle- making department ftor cur millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a rnagnificeht stock to choose from and prices right albig big drive in suitings a suit regular price i6 for 12 s20for 16 22 fori 18 ready rriade csothing- and overcoats at-clearing- prices a fine stock of gant s fur caps gents furmshirigs ladies and gents fool wear over shoes and rubber now is the peoples c nance tc sae money by purchasihg out of our mag nificent stocl r mdu wmmclebdco house 3e0bgetpwl 1 mammoth ruftiock blood will cure oft relieve doziness dropsy rurrrbiing of jutm in this department we excels we claim to have in miss todd one of the most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country kfi- i if iav si range of wesnow inpoods dress goods and trimmings is rndsijcoieif a magnificent assortment of comburations tothpraid and trimmings 4 d willamson svco f eiuousness oyspepsia iho1gest10n jaun0ic ehysipeflb salt rhe1jh heartburn headache ahd ovary speclu from- cuscmarad f st01licabo tmiarow0ojtlscffiwft 1eabt of the shn iurdock i-pills- vs rpkaiuouvjion uaidmmon oliim vaiiin ai 1 tomlptt itasfaanaatiwalnii cjcavaj9i rtaaewi fu ratanurr o o 3trdaiatralwatt x3trtlmt10lt zirttt wck itajutaxtrwtl wilvlailk fuiwiant rrafuww mum

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