Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1889, p. 4

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m y fofctmtfrtm thursday jakuarx 8 1888 cittjgmtj yolks to xt mo the ttmtmt taw in all the 6et in a frame of ahtniox with ijet whow lancuacc this u my mother i ant rzsft torldtome i liver hair ndeity- uot fair ten uftla beads hat toufd their sweetest sleep cpon the pillow of hettong breast the vorld it vide yet oovhare does it keen so safe a ha von kooompldui a rott- bar hands are neither beautiful nor fair yetfoamed thrj- iorelj- la her childrens eyra j we fount our ail j ttrcacih and coiufort thorc j and u her hand vera rodgh tc wore not wise til counted something gtvttt to be a queen and heed a kingdom to srisflraana rill to be a mother such as mint i ween li cmotnins better and inert nobla still oh mother in tbe changeful year uow flars sinee at a child i leaned afioa your knee u1 hu sot brought to me iorfortuse shown such tender lore inch ywniinj fympatby let fortune smile or fror which eer the will it matters not i com bar fickle ware i oeter shall be quite bereft until htttcmv mother honest blame and fraise i- qiels attextiosi did you ever step over a broomstick t ea4 then this fable one upon a time a palaarcb being foil of year said onto his son choose for thyself a wife my son who never ateppeth orfer a broomauck and sifter the death of bis father the son remembered the word and being desirous of takiig to himself a wife laid one day i appoint this broom stick to choose for me a fife and so saying be plaoed it on the groond before hit boose tbe women ofj the town passed bj one oj one some stumbled some jumped over it at hut certain young woman stooped md- put it in ita place against tbe door true to his promise the jasmg man offered her his hand and she being prudent and a little inclinedto senti ment accepted it fortbisitj she became the wife of a wealthy and educated man and he tbe husband of andtderiy andindos- trioai woman j i this table teaches what thocgbt gqcs despotism may govern without faith but liberty cannot to wql what god wi2xu the only science that rives nsresi kerer be afraid to use the highest mo tives in doing the smallest deeds he thuttnmningarsoabokanotuthe vitpeeses who are admiring bnt only at the mark who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity who aims at imediocrity will fan jealousy is the meanest of all human passaona and a fellow never reahxee it so forcibly as when he cant help beijealoaa cwag down to bis boots himself somer- rffleomrxal paterfamaias why ethftll you dont mean to tell me yon want to marry thai baldheaded professor wiseman r ethel itistaurue is aeld but think bow many yoang men of oday are bali on the inside of their heads h tke idea constant header xojve dont know afran actual case where a i man blew hie brains out by blowing into the muzzle of a gun io see if it were loaded but we can point oat several cases where the victim blew tbe top of bis bead off xecfcamk been im tad wlmc if yon are languid and weak and your appetite poor my beef iron and wine k the tonic be sure as an invigorating tonic it is recognized by the medical profession u the best stmigthening medicine thes far prodoeed it is intaluable as a hicodandmuscli mater especially in those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or eicearof tny sort it contains the nutriment of beef tbe stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and n admirably cal- culatod to bom up the pwmtf system shliah s yttaflzer is what you need for coostipaiibnv loas oc appetite dizzineae and all symptoms of dytnrpsia price- 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by k hcgarrin i per 1 cwsdmbuh cre an old physician retired from practice jiaving had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of conaimipsion bronchitis catarrh asthma and all fliroat and lung affections also a positive and radical core for kerroos debility and all kervons com- puiniav after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make known to his suffering fellows actus tea by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i wlu send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng lish with full directions- fox preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this papet t a itotes i4flpmbiocjcbocheaterk y jingles and jokelets half an hour wuh ihc wise hn llio wlu audthclvrnpraiiliiofthc uaj the kev geo h tuayet of bourbon lod say both myself and wifo owe oar lives to shilohs cousamplon care for tale by n megatvin milburnv bf iron and wme u pre pared from fresh beef soluble iron and pore sherry wine combined with choice aromatic ahead or all e hare ued hagjarda pectoral baleani in my family foe ycart and have foand it ahead o any preparation of the kind in curing coid- etc i can epecally recom- mand it fovcluldrcu alex iloltat mill- brook ont catarrlt cared health and swwt breath secured by shijohs catarrh remedy price to oeuu katal injector free for sale by k ilcgarvin james h gilnioar of t gilmoar co wholesale grocers brookville says i have ased tamarac eliiir for a severe cold and cough tchidi it immediately reli ed and cared for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of shiloks yttaluer it never fails to care for sale by k ilcgarvin there is uo better remedy for worms of any kind in children or adults than dr lows worm syrcp- a valaable dhcflterr f p tanner of keebing got says he has not only found b b b a sore care for dyspepsia burts foccd it to be the best medicine for regulating and iavorating the system that he his ever- taken b b b is the prcat system regulator r that hackicg cocjh can be so quickly cured by shilohs cure we guarantee it for sale by k xfcgarin if you want to boy or scil a farm ad- ertise in the toroato thy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class arc in serted in the toronto ifhy afatt for eive cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the ifsil toronto camda- bardock pills care rick headache by- reg ulating the stomxefc liver and bowels a care far oeafaets there have been many remarkable cures of deafnessmadeby the use of hagyarda yellow oil the great hoarshold remedy for pain inflammation and soreness yellow q cures rheumltitm sore throat sid croup and is useful internally and ezter- nsily for all pains and in j cries shqohs csiartfa remedy a positive cure for catarrh diphtheria and canker- jlocth fcr tsle by x garvin there is not a more dangerous class of disorders than those which aflectlhe brtithicg organs nullify this danger with dr thomas eclectrie oil a pul monic of acknowledged eincieucy it cures ixmesess and eoreness when applied ex ternally as well as swelled neck and crick inthebaek and asan inward gpecinc possesses most substantial claims to public confidence skinjiiseafies are most annoying because so noticable- dr lows sulphur soap heals andcleanses the skin brake a dewa after soifering with dyspepsia kidney disease loss of appetite and pain in the head until discouraged i heard of b b b toot wo bottles and am happy to say i feel as well as ever ifrs bafos e herry xex albany x s weighed in the balance bat cot foznd wanting xorthrop and lymans vege table discovery and dyspeptic cure ha been weighed in that just balance the ex perience of an impartial and inteiliant public both remediauy and pecaniarly it is i suxess its sales constantly increase testimony iu ita favor is daily pooxing in the question of ita tfjacy in dyepepsia liver complaint kidney ailments and for blood injpuiry is decided bhilohs cure will immediately relieve croap whooping cough and bronchitis for sale by x ilcgarvin presence or hiatf presence of mind is good m cafe of acci dents and emerceucies and when coupled with hagyarda yellow oil will often aave life yellow oil cores all painful injuries- barns scalds bruises frost bites rheama- tis and neuralgic jains and is in fact a handy and reliable surgical aid caase lad bmtei afany persons wonder ai the tired worn and weary feeling that oppeaaealbem with out ftby apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in eitiket case the stomach blood and liver yi are not performihg their rtgnlar f unctions anij with many persons they will follow a duil heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms thai precede a well i developed case of dyspeicia purify the blood cleanse the system of tbe clogged secretions by using heachkms wn4r mixture prepared by bj ifeacham 133 tonge street a chemist of nineteen years experience laacersriea y if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our coarse be conld we realize lour danger how speedily we would seek a cure bat with many ft ir only when the monster disease has f his fangs upon our lungs that w awaken to oar folly what follows a nee- feefed cold it is diseases of the throat and jungs bronchitis asthma cbnsomp- tion and- other diseases jof like natore itjbijrywa than madnessto neglect acotd aodit fa lofiyrxrt to bare some good rem- eijovaflawrfforiiisfreq complaint osotthetdost effir30fli medicines tor alifiatsses of the titroal and tongs it blcues anti 6yn4 this rn is oompoaed of several tnedieijral hrbs which exert a djost wondcriollnaa ooe to cshng consumptto md othsr djs csueii of ibe throat andmisat itpromotea a free and easy eipectoratwd ioottes ir- ritftioo and drives the dlaeaae fom the sys- jphn hays credit p 0 says his shoulder was go lame for nine months that he could not raise his hand to his bead but by the osfe of dr thomas eclectrie oil the pain and lameness disappear andalthoogh three months has elapsed he has cot bad an attack of it since paines celery compound acts at the ame time oh the nerves the liver the bowels andthe kidneys this comijiaed actiaa gives it won- dcrfulpccrloccrcajidisciscs why are we sick eeeacse we allow the nerves to remain weakened sad irritated end these great organs to lecomc dogged of torpid and poisonous iraajors are lliercfoce forced fata the wood that should be expelled naturally rms compound will cure buiousiressfilei coksitjation kobtt c0- winrn vjhsltl t diszasm rrjcaxe wzaeffessehxbxa- t15wy imraaicia axd uj xzsyoue his0hszes by qajeting- jadstrciigtlicning the ncrtes and catisinj free action of the liter i cw c s end t ijnc and restor ing their j ewer to throw otf diicase wlrnherbtltoiif fit aattaehcsl why tonatnuj with vtlet contuttiaal vejihchttaed netvitcriendkiittjti wot culiire nrrrou or rick kaasadwsl ttiytalefuiiiiiilits u faixzs criny cottroom and rejoice in ikilih it u oh aiuvetjmscta bk rcmcdf bannlttt in oil ok smfyalf dntcpift pritlj30 suftrtyoo r voirnii tho new show rooms of the mocaailand stained glass works toronto hare at- tractedcohalderablo notioe sinoe they open ed to the public there are examples of ceiling and wall paper decorations iu var- ions materials representing a wide range 6t prices while their specimens of charoh and hoose glass are voryiaporiot aod to tereitlng the irra send samples of wall paper and can to any address use the safe pleasant and effectual wonn killer jlolher graves worm exter minator nothing equali it procure a bot tle and take it home ob the vrnrc of 8arvnt ion for three mouths i could hot cat a full meal or do a days work i bought a bottle of burdock blood bitters began miug it and iu three days my appetite re- turncdja a wwk i felt like a new man it was woudcrful what one bottle did for me writes arther ahchiti of udalsnlle iluskoka who buffered from dyspepsia willyoo affer with dyspepsia and liver complaint suiiclvs ytalir is guaran teed to cure you for sale by x ilcgar vin ilr if ixxcaw custom house toronto writes t ily wife was troubled with dyf- pepsix aud khcamxtism for a long time she tried he different medicines but did not fiet any relief until she used xorthrop a lymans yegetablc discovery and dys peptic care she has taken two bottles of it and uox finds herself iu better health than ehe has been for years whopping coagh croap sore throat sud den cotdc and tbe lung troables peculiar to childrenare easily controlled byprompt- ly administericg ayers cherry pectoral toil remedy is safe to lake certain in its action and adapted to all constitutions ffeitaadcamtarua the sartcrlas ibrowns hoasehold panacea has no quxi for rclicvicc paib both internal and rtrctl it cures paiu in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lanibanp and any kind of a paiu or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as ita acting powsr is wonderful browns householdpan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liuimeut in the world should be in every family handy for nse when winted as it really is the best remedy tn the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all fclads andisfartxle uysiidraffinttsat 25 cerls a bottle when the blood is impure tlucfc and sluggish or thin or impoverished there can be no health with these conditions all tbe fsnctiqss of the body are impaired and the result is a variety cf dangerous complica tions th best remedy is- ayers sarsap- arilla sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible coach shilohs cure is the rem- edy for yea for sale by x mcgsrrin the third page of the toronto dojlg sfcil is noted for want advertisement if you want to bay or sell anything ifyoti want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodjnnfs if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise iu the toronto deity hail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the hail toronto canada advice to siothees are youdisturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth h so smd at once and get s bottle of ifrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immediately depend upon it raoth- r s there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhaza regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tons tnd energy to the whole nvatern ifrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians six nurses in the united states and it for sale by all dru2gists throashout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for has wrsslowa soothum sxacr and take no other kind beauty is deired and admired by all among the things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use of ayers hair yigor xo matter what the color of the hair this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm should the hair be thin harsh dry or turning gray ayers hair vigor will restore the color bring oat a new growth and render the old soft and shiny for keeping the scalp clean cool and healthy there u no better preparation in the market i am free to confess that a trial of ayers hair vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article its use has not only caused the hair of my wife and daughter to be abundant and glossy but it has given ray rather stunted mus tache a respectable length and appear ance it brixton oakland ohio fy hair was coming out without any assistance from my wife either e tried ayers hair vigor using only cue bottle and i now have as line a head of hair as any one coald wish for e t schmlttoa dickson tenn f have used ayers ilair vigor fu my family for a nurnlcr of years anl re gard it as the best- liairprenaration i knovvor it keep the scalp clean the hair soft and lively aud preserves the original color y wife ha used ft fur a lour time with most satisfactory re sults ifenjainia jl johnson ji d thomas hill ifo ify iur was becoming harsh and dry hut after tuing half a bottle of ayerx hairvigor it grew black and glossy i cannot express the javaiid gratitude i fee jiabci c hardy delavtn iii ayers hair yigor vkefakkd uy dr j c ayer a co lowell mass hold by lniiikts and perfumers oyenes bmnaiiidsiitiywiliti igkjngotenbt 4 toronto ai- ondtorpi0 eadquartefcs i- j for hardware irimtowiiiiiooknauacaaaduliaudainerioalipattornanileimlocucalao stml and js t chim pointod wrought clout flalshjh8audtacka all atiaa hlbiit8traptuiiabnwbookbuttsoronciitlorr brwosi aim bawa haamtn tttrilllaii plane jack knlvoi ounl jlillw hoiolven powder bhoksbella cap iumb ilirn door rollin raoklni luaubor emp soap atone and alberto f uabwt metal 40 gjass all bucs and cut to ordor free 1uuy tohiu 4c paints tfc oils alteeaolpauchen torcha paluta alwars on band in all pcmular bhadm alobitloaddryandlnoillltdload v had yellow ochre and all dry colors boiled aud kan oili tarpcntina virnlhef shallie 4c machine oils lardinc olycaruie ambor black and castor groceries ifalj lifli of fine teat coffee fiugarn tobaccos itaiilns currants hice barley tsioxa flax aaadajamllodn cream tartar hcklei chaeae lard baeoo bladcias btova it bootlbtarcb soap blae yeast caltr baking powder soda cocoa- not chocolate fitracusiicci orange and lomon teel oatmeal bvrup molasses viaccsrs white wino and cider in fact everything uaually found in a flnt class grcccry lamps i foil uns all shapes sues and daiur shades globes chimaeyf lanterns arc cheap crockery classware including tea dinner and toilet setts la plain colored and china alabastine another lot of llikjustl y popular kaisociao inst to hand in all hades wall paper a large stock on hand of kichand nobbj- ittcrcs from sea roll uji a large lot of rem nants from one roll to lea tl yoar own price to be cleared out dnt forget oar soc teas beat tbonisll and or pare coffrc fresh groend fa a luxury yon cxat well do without sole agent for brads common sense basil balance grtvitv sah loct and caruiu kouerr also blaur- enccs pcrfccled spectacles j b pearson urcat clrfttliuou in wealern onurlo free press london canada the free press t th onlr newspaparin the wait roccling tbo asnoclstcd lheaa dettcbea it contains all tbe news by cabft tele graph talepbono and mail np to tbatnour ot goinir to preas it gives in each imuit orlclnal and valuable illaitrstions of men and tilings and is the only newspaper in canada employing its own artists the weekly free iress 1100 per ybae postage prke esuuiihed xcarly hfcll a ccnwi the thrie oraces -and- by the lakeside two havdsojie ohkoji06 ajw a beaatlul illastrawd chritinaknmb 8 pate siren ir r ever- lubacriber or if 800000 ix peeilluhs comprising kew and useful articles riven swtv free to sgeols tbe most ubersj ln- dacementa erer offered in canada to agent sand for ageaii ootnt and terms the free press u the only morning and evening paper published in western ontario it is forwarded on all earjv morning trains njsibing all places between toronto aud wind- sot br s am and is the only dally paper receiv ed at points west of london before the after- noon tbe five newspaper of the est a5jx per rear postage free sold by agents every where address free ruessffilktixg co london cuoni exhausted vitality the science of lite the great ifedical work of the age on lfanhood nervous and physical debility pre matura decline errors of toath and the untold mis- j erics consequent theieon 300 pages 8 vc iij prescription for all diseases oothjiull gutooly 1j by mall sealed illustrative sample freo to all foong and middleaged men send now the gold and jewelled uedal swarded to the author by national medical association address p 0 boxis35 boston uass or dr w h pab- kee graduate of harrud uadical college 15 years practice hi boston who msr be consulted conadentisjlr specialty diseases of man 0fficexobai4sch5t for manhood how lost how restored j ait published a new edition of dr cnltr- velts calabrmted easar on una badical cure of 6peirhatorrhoa or meapaeity induced by 1 excess or early- tijiscretfoo the celebrated author la this admirable 1 essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years ucoesaful practice tfxai the alarming conae- qaenceaof earlyfrror may be radically cored pointing out a flode of core at once simple certain and effectual by means of which every sufferer no matter wbat his condition may be may cure himself cheaply privately and radi- rscthis lecture should be in tbe hands of every youth and eterr mn in the land sent tinder teal in a plain envelope to any addreas on receipt of four cents or two postage tamps address the oulyonreu uotucl co christmas gifts- new gold watches new silver- watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings- cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings open till il ii ui all this week b sayagce auelph uric rr- kew toaa fxlbox4a5 ghoice goods suitable f0ilxiis peesents gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflers silk handkerchiefs storeys gloves and mitts shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph -gjreat- bargains for thk holidays at mammoth hqusb georgetown jwm mcleqd co will giveall this monthand for a month after the holi days all through january wonderiulbargainsin all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 4 inches in width worth 6oc per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c per yard tip laces ribbons milliner- woollen goods shawls silk- handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulstei- cloths of every- description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in many cases less than 5ocon the dollar short jackets j jackets lond ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth 830 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boas- bear boas lynxmuffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular price si 6 for 12 s20 for 16 22 for 18 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is the peoples chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag nificent stock wm mcleochfc co maiqioth house oboeobtown authors cox hannfactaren of trusses astnicial limbs and appliances for all d fonnltfesof u human body spinal disease bin joint disease diseases of uie knee md ankle knock knee bow legs dub feejt etc also chutches 117 chur6k st toronto -foe- groceries the dominion boot fe snoe store kbnney bros jtaix street actox have much pleasure in thanking their numerous patrons for the liberal snpport accorded them during the past and wish them all a very merry christmas and a prosperous new year prices in all lines will be reduced for one month on cash purchases kenney bros new goods tliis week x -at- f he right house jersey jackets gimp trimmings jet trimmings qailted satins collars corsets bustles canton flannels press shields hose bapportert elastic corset laces etc jast see tbe new german mantles direct from tbe best berlin makers examine the charming millinery cot np iu the best french styles inspect tbe drees goods they are the latest french and german deehtns tbe corsetbave n amazing sale in french german brjtish anj canadian makes remember watkiov entire stock bu been boajibt for prompt cosh ut the lowext possible prion and are sofa at small profits see tbe grey cottons white cottons cotton and flannel sheetiuss pillow cottons blankets of all kinds flannels denims cot ton ados docks canadian tweeds batting waddinrs cotton and woolleu yarns underclothing of all kinds for all aea and sues canton flannels ate are selling of very cheap handsome striped dress goods down from 3cj to 30c other lines down equally low the following goods arc reduced to half price many of them less than half price ostrich feather in buck white ntid kew colors astrachan cishmere and kid glove ladies batchnls and purses several hues of dree goods grey flannels ilsntlefl aud mantle cloths shot and watered silk plokhes boys jersey table covers feather triramiok down trimmings fnr tnijirnlifkrt of varionk kinds b sre to aee ibe ojrtain mantle and mantle olotb departmenw the carpet department i filleil witiibeaotifiil wlvfrifalmoiybry article required for fumishiuu iionaes mind and enter the doors east of the carpet window muoy make ptiiitakea and douh ret into tbe bight house corner sing and hotbaon rtreeu i hamukw dec let 1688 qekaltfrirxlb c rasrisrs dry goods boots shoes fresh reliable season able cheap fl rtulwayl m i in grand trunkhs doiioust csifjcl mixail j3 eiprf jii througb eip jjmia mail j througb u accom 10 cepjoillurttjiswa 7tfej tikeorciosijioiiitui jtlj j oolne wctii li aa and a sbpjmi qolo eailm 80 lm atj 5 aieij k ampbeils it- pmpqlind grxcutbijfd77riubvci up in ctal icilus kdjlnty tr 01 inch- irui tc mw tiri rtvit e and the name eff- inrcfctr ikgcn bell in red iiv acrcsi 04 fact ttiu harare cf imitaiimu rrioejah ufij and ynt vill net be din ffoiqje j f 3fidstt ciiibfiwtfl fi emi fjl arisins from a diicriercja of tbeuta stooachand iiotels snihits j v dyspepsia or indijiestiofl sa4 affectiona headac j aoitlity of the 8 loas of atmetite qstcl ji pebiutyyaoaea ortaitin j price 25 centa per bpte p6fcsi3 ctt et vlylf i lawbctts co m ore 311 isali th remedy for ctuko c0hsuipt1oh godfih colli asthmv cbolip ay diseases of the throatj utcj pulmoklsf osi jl nr in iitnrrl liaa oosbtjhfnok hib beh5 c when other rerwdirt sad famiktmli fiiirtitfltfrtasaartl ewnninwodej by fnmntnj mijtjivta xbrsxs in fart bj ttcrtlvdj lo hufi it pwd trial ktrrnci ttbrtxjrdt as an cxpectohant it hli ao j it contains no opium injanyfgj ptictf ee 50c ssd too rtae davis fclawbsscscol central ajeittm mostbejls errors of yqut kertocadebilrtj- losses aoi ftia tore decav promptly and pentfanaaflrtcrifl- spermpz6ne doeanot interfcreththtcriisnwoertpetioa and full j- restores lost tigorairdiiinirw4et manhood sent to any address hiteajaioa recetplof price one dollar per bol saltsseocjr schoftrtd tfficu stoke eip sirl to- uwa8hih6mmdllhlps eminent throat aaalocj 9nrjeoo will next visit acton domtnion hotel 5aturday december 29 from 2 uail one day only catijtrh thboat cukeb j c nelsons i aoton tv a few oidv of the hnndrods of wonderful rt b bydrwashiadonssew method f halation v chrpnic bronchitis cored an enjusb tfbarcb clexffytuiui fpealis i rictoin- caexlltojt d u i fjtatejj lbalmrdaaelt qal 11 amj is the nconi limo she an bo oorfd cj p bronchial troupes under car ttctoiet9 tbo tillial releklibs failed liillrto topt cratllodo pica acceit pi fao haute votus truly cj1 lm-rr- unjoa irckelvr kinsiton oat and coninmption join uekeltr kibpson one ca-b- sfscs- kinoa oalitinbbl stakbetrao harrowimiiflvcata jaraoa ilatthetrl r martcr actccj out c- tarrah bead and throat i eraeck berlin onlcatarrh haafv- a f wfik p jl corunna out coarrh nef- hem6cottberhn0ntauiu bra v wsaer near i tleiha oat trtarn head anctthroai lt tcaa ltfkarelicstjcob- ont catarrh b coluoimpiejl lt elrj ooualthm jamei staecf dtloa oct catanf faratmairumkl m waal tatm upataawlaaataia taaaonawltaft imt robonto steas 106 york st t i v4rjck-i- n lgeorkej m igb sf liiu i 1 h ii lir iu i n u tbmawbwswsfcasststfaw bantam smi hwetlt hasau ata m mm aaatciisliawiilmjj talhnwrjimtmvmsia ik mkm 6hbt3 couai13 o proniworjuiewal j per lnatrnctionaj t g p sharpe pn ja ietajvtj teitditoslherftou3fcyl in a m-

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