cixtxe npbel volume xev no 28 acton ol sd 10 thuilsljay january 10 188i pbice thbjeelcets npoun s pje ortl 05 cqushs c or sis eeircnia r arertttttfmq3igj ohaht ft vis m si 3 opium i3 uj dj 3 of yo iozone jitfe r- cjietcrilll illlli i iiirm 1 h m a stoke eta rtaim rcbcished yerr thursday morkikg it rsr fle press power prikt1nq house actok oktarto subscription rates- ittta fiwsii lsaxnrsj sqcrt 1 tereeicoxtui jsct j if nalpaidiuadnnce mirjwiubeiitrsd xoptperdiseoa- yyi till all trrotra arcpstd cxeepl at ihe advertifuna rate it jut jl ra c uo i i uo tbio wi3w 3iog 0jo 1 st00 1 i3ro 20jj itoa ua j 11iu too 1m i lt i gojl un 2oql ijwi acton banking company stort christie co -bakkers- acon ontario a general aaxmxg bus1kkss piaxsactkz kotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits cmtltdvcruselealsfe watt per uae lor the rtt awrtiofl tad cents per line or etchisb- u number ofltcc -taaedbvlbcspaceoeeapiodmcaturedb- tiiefi3bdxocran 1 lttrtis33 iihozi ipccifi direction rii b inert till icrbtd ad clurcod 4ccord- i trr ttatorydrertijamcattmait ix piid cltf f ctrsct fcitcruwrneate cctt be it iln offim bt ja oatulvj othcrriie ttit ti fae iel1 orcr cat ti foiiotlnc reek kpicoore efiitor iaj prourielar usiitss fitrcrtorp- itt h lowrt xtb xtcps- gnisilecttncicohcclftiaemror osrtacirrodeaw atlhebo4dof fredcricfc otheyg j0hsilawox graduate of oaario verricajy collepe tcrcato yet- nsirtsaio actos oct otbce ickeoay p toot 2i finx tort midtaee ialhe rear gote tnnieii to wendaets tri certiet ixcilistiiut or dir rrodpur eticcded 10 for sale cheap t- r naiie unjcnlsnodu prepared lo furcisfcoa tho a ihortcit notice iu cr qaioiitr md t bot- tca iiriccf erstcltit cedar rails andfencepoats staves headingshrigeb wa3htubs ter tubs pork ffarrels wood flour 9l feed ad tnvtiics in ihcic licet the funic it to ccd l better plicc thtx thomas c moores to bcyicytticgia tlicuboycuuef jo lo cad oat il yoc ut iadiiul to kicj fortcyuiiaff ptrr- ccud fromtyis iilidoksiaycaiccraud he wotldulcthcucet itachtnery a suvc jointer nesj-lj- ce- cud t khiulo bolter mdiatiu rooj coulilfoagoldie uq- cdjogia etke or iajloc fcr cxii j thos c moore acioa oat e bexkett lds dentist i gcoerrovy ovriaio tohsstok t itcleax brrjterf saucitcrt yotre coavcyisccrs ta frnle fnidi to loa 0m ttf kill- acioe f-b- joekstoi vtk a- itclcik t aritowat ui itaser to lotn omce dirt tuctdxr tad sttrdxt orncr iutihekt eloct jletoa cpctiirs nglltdx atjx abaird lurrirtcrs solicitors tv tceorro ixd geoccnotk 5ascretctbocjtgrgtori tcdsj kiac crect otct tcroato r r iiur i ehjltqs cj- zaxxd ttl tidgerow gaesox i co eikbetss solicttoks t kotakie coirt gnawrt corcaarch tad adelaide stt tcrcato ctasdju- ttrioae x o i2i ctb addreu baiseror ctrlieot josxtuiacsecx cocotyartoasrr xmas goods days bookstore quklph fine books toy books fancy goods leather goods plush cases fine glass goods toys dollys c picture frames -at- witees beoteees piottjees witees eeothees cornice poles btaocr jeods itauldicgs cords xulsi gitss bevelled hirron actisrs materials wiusof kewtons at waters brothers 25 wtindhim steeet otjelsh jjltekts seccbed hexel oelit otti ttcsj- tcirt practice ko plet ko pir hescsteeet irimciple dfmi m ut4odlnbs- v i uvisitct rpji hotel 4rf drpkvt fo of 5gg- rarehes far tie coaatiej o wciiinjtos tad htltoc- oriett lezi tt the fcrr pacts osee actoc or itcrrctiieaceis aetoa tui be proaipjjtt- todedta terais reasoatble- hio caaej to lota oe the oot ftromhle tcrttiad tl the lowest rttes of- inwsest k fcu of 1 shicd npttrdt- johx day aecextect gtxlth orr omcc jsece hctrl eloefc llxrtct sqatre gbtting tilings clinstmas wad foi day sells cheap -kight- ocirrr if i couls kzzp it so blzixcis xcsax sziccso to t f- clipsl bookbrxdee slgecrptt squire gneilhoaurio aesomt eogtx of ih tintff iec to order peno tia ot ercrr dekritnios ctrctcnj booad eziiajcexljttatirrociptljdoae welhngton marfie works qussso st axnapk hamilton clark peoprietors wholefiile ind retail desjers in uirble gnnite aud everything peruinicfi to ceinetery rorb direct importers o tilkisds- o granite tnd setrble etvisghlcly visited the iisy ciifcedrfrtaile qturricitsdiitviaapfrchticdthecatire clock of en j md red grtcitt oacuicntf hetdrxaet erocsec crct etc ol alcxtrdcr tiylar tt lew thxacoittckill catit iurthcr notice sell tt prieei cercr before lcova ia oaurio fcr lo- ittace crtcite taaacacats tt hih 00 it rrs6ilfrositeiioft to au ort tud ateritlwtrrtatedllrsteltsf isitics ttaticc ttrthicg ia this uae will do veil to ctll tod lee ci before prchitiag elsewhere ts we ftrtatee ocr price tre froi 30o53perccatbelolll olherdetlcrc clothing at low pricks to the fr01st of all coiipltitiox tve place ouk elegant and substantial goods eplendidinqityl complete in assortment oycrsowing in generous eirgiini wkks wouexs axdciiuduexs boots and shoes bssss q7ss20ss ftc m prices tht olwjs ied to epcedy fues lowest prices cosrsiitesr mu good quality caiitom work and kapairinfr promptlr attended to w williams mill street- acton jutt t hlutbaby ijlas lu my i net- woull ibst i could keep you o vritli your btby chtnu herpletf diflgiui cnfiiirf douj fjdcu btir vbeu the itiamif oe hngerv ciaybt from other where iuue ejct uklac lacsuau hpt tint ctuiiol ifctk itolyioly liquldcrv diuplc ci jocr cbtvl dtiatylittleblokioiniiat world of woe thui i ftln ircald keep jou for i love rou o koguuh littl duuscl ictrcely itt yctrt old twt htt oevir wcry htir at diwr fold rcjesfi bjny tucn ill the liuc it piiy tncpo tbtt cever cctiet itlkicj til the diy islcc cyct icdreicg loader of the world tboat j here you ecuie to udl them htt ta cigijr thout wfcouic little dtacttu ho nlshbor kvnv tbuxlloactokecprouforlloteyoc to sober little tcboolgir iritli year itoi of booti and such erica iaipentucc ja year lanled loou solvfcs crv ltablnac ioriu over taais vend th tooth for tponse cttc tad forkugir plume eedii boots of romtacc in jur bod at uihl wiiiaj cp to ttady uh the aioraii lifht autioct tt to ribbaas deft to tie t be- fallot coctrtiictioai i would licep you kj sweet tel tliouihtfcl mtije hittiiy by ujy if do all the world befurr joa tud thu crid it wide hcani tre there fnr wiuniua hearts tre thcrt tu brttt hti your own thy miidtujutbeuu to cka tc thtt rovcortliwuiasglowitgcu jour clttl shy tadteader uitidea i woald fiiu foreso all the coldea future j at to ltcit her to ah tholktcuiuaaribfciv that the m fair uipc for rare uufoldiasiu the upticr tir now the rose cf dtwnics turas to lily while and the cloehut eyelids veil the ejts fruia tight allthcit iiaiiiuiauta i tit htrltow iube tid child tnd uitideutll ire with ljc now t o i uiy hctrt it brctun but out love i laov ktfe tnioss the tacels he will tsep her to stltd fsmiljt iuaiittg the 0xxlaxeapbee shop- inx steett actok ia e isy ihtve t yuh hxir-cat- 1 good teatotm i3exailitrtiajihiapotlwtrtcvet- iittorc tsatitaipzi is cxdt coaditioa iiict a children txir tttiilr cat h woedekvtoanriti artistt j hfci lioadit the stuck tt ii chsii tulcr t rtu- re th desiriato pvc the cipe of actoc the btacst i will scll it t lircaatu mcr- llir tad sales3iek waxted ppltixektijositioaseairteieed with ttltry taderp3es ptid any detenaimsi cm eta sscce wiiii at peculiar tdrtaue to be- eacci- stocfccotnpieteiaciading tctcj- ftrt- tt rpe olfitfree ximethiimpcr j address t oaee bfiows beotaees star- eryaeseochelerk y jaelpli bniiness college gueephoktaelb rreat prtillcttlx for the next six weeks ii ii wkvve the meechakts- protective and collecting absocoitiok of cakaj3a head office hamilton ontario ertthlkhed wo is ta aiociuca cf liinets tad cofessioatl iaca object the collection of debts and tc iircreat it tacinbcrt froui anting bed i debu by f craiihiec theia with liu cf rwrtiet who flo not j itcrchuitt utd others hi viae tceopou to collect will tad it to their idrtattge to become metaberi tc hundreds of iceoaatt tre bciac collected throcgh it thtt coojd act l collected iatny other wy tttoy ta iccocct thtt htt been acd sad thea retcraed br the titilifl tt no good ifterpottiaeilc merefciat to grctt eiente litt been collected through this bert by remitting iqb to oar utctcerc tt htruiitan will receireby retam aitil fall ptr- ticaltrc certiuctte of iccajbcnhii etc a moaithikot jtb mills co managers skeletons hturthcir use wrooiit ccaffciuu iu dr iarkte1 cttrrch dr ehiltlethes sptrkle wtss gteit min tn s ss3kil wry he wit the vicar d tn important kabarbtn church whcreiu t highly respectible and not wholly oninlelli- gent coacrecttion is wont to tssemble for worship in thtt congresstion the ptstor hid no enemies while he coaldboist o s itrte nthcber of thoroaghgoicg tod trdent tdmiren the mm wis sdmittedly kell- fitted for bis post- he w kindhesrted liberal minded qnickwitted silaent speak- er tnd in the opinion of mtny a thocght fnl as well as eloqeent preacher bat in tralh thoafihtlcl was jast whit dr sparkjewis not his great ill ficnlty and cae that iccreaed weekly- was aboat ideas when he knew what lo lay he coaid say it well ko man coald produce a more brilliant coruscation or effective a re- vp from a paltry amocnt o material bet then the foci had lo come from somewhere ard that was the doctors difficulty he had a reputation to main tain and he was folly almost painfully cocscioas of the fact- when 3r gmndy the peoples warden invited a friend home for scnday he woald say the misses will do the best she can lo provide a bit of dinner ind we call promise voti a good ser mon at all events g randy who was good fellow- though a jenrybaimer used to repeat his little joke to tfcfe parson and no donbt he was a fair representative of many others m the congregation under these circarosunces and being sorely htrused by the recurrent drying np manly pretence a cood clear toice and jail inch an imoanl of preaching ability as would satisfy the coukrecalion withoat endangerinc ine vicars sseeodeucy and popularity amony the several applicantp the doctors favorite wan lie v jonithau cribbcr but uii was necesiiary in ap pearance at lent to contult the wishes of the coucregatiou who were eipecledtofind thefandi ft was arranced that before arriving at a decision the yoarid- raaa should be invited to ritcach on a certain fiandty eveainc sot of course a trial sermon the vicar was careful to explain that is a thin i abominate and woald always set my fce against hat jest to jet yon see my people try yoar viice and that sort of thine cribbcr being a prndaat yoongmanwis nite sutiiced with this way of patting it when the day arrived on which mr cnbber was to try his voice dr sparkle was suiterinc from a bad cold in the morning being btnglehanded he had no choice bat to get throngh the eerrice as well as le contd and bem a mm who when pm to it was always equal ta the occttiott he ncqaitted himself very credit ably he delivered a striking and pathetic address from the words the eooiishnoss of preaching tad the physical disability nader which he wis evidently laboring only served to heighten the effect of his al lusions to the earthen ves4f to which celestial tceaxcrcs were so often irtraited but in the evening obedient to his doctor6 orders tie good man stayed at home leav- ing the whole service to jfr cribbcr and sabmittipciinnelf patiently to such cod- dims measure as his wife thonght fit to enforce as the night drew on dr sparkle became ven much depressed despite ill his wifes e5orts to cheer him j i arabafe yoa woald have been pleased dear it yoa coald have heard the way the people spoke of you when comingcat of church this- morning the grundys hid some friends with them and they said that thpy never heard a better sermon generally the vicar was keen enough to listen to any little bit of tittletattle of a flattering character but oo the present cc- casicn he teemed distressed rather than pleased turning nneaily oa the pillow his wife ad made him go to bed early he merely taid in a languid voice and voa ray dear whit did yoa think ofitr i think it was the most beactifcl ter- tronyoa ever preached replied the lady entfacstically though all your sermons have been splendid of late some months ago yoa remeiaber yoa complained of feel ing exhausted and insisted that the foan- tain of your ideas was drying up but it seems to me that ever since year ideas have been brighter tnd mere original than formerly they have babbled and sparkled as though to match yoar nanse this was an old family joke and it al ways need to please him xow howeer it seemed to have lost its efficacy- the worthy man threw his arms itupatienty on thecoaaterpane and ciclaimed bitter i feel exhausted andntterly dried up touiiht anyhow im fit for nothing von have stadied too hard lethe dear your brain has been lover- wrought said jtrs sparkle affectionately we mast go for a nice long holiday whea the nw curate comes only last week dr brigg sid that if ever i man had earned a holiday yea had ah by the way i wonder how cribber is getting on interrupted the vicar glad apparently to change the topic of con- venation i ehoaid like to hive heard him myself yon are better where yoa are dear i aiacb better orged the good woaitn by my tioatment of the subject and they j woald thai read a meaning and a reference into the perhapa confused language of a young and inexperienced preacher which were not really inieniel lo bs csnveyedby him mr grundy who hid a profound ro- ipect for the vicar wu duly impressed by this exposition of the case bat recalling the withering criticiima to which the on- fortunate cribber bad been subjected by i mrs grnpdy aud her nendsatthesapper- table the previous night he ventured to make a further ft and xo doubt there it great force in what yoa say sir aod you are well skilled in the workings of the human mind as be comes au ahe minister of the kcw testa ment but there arc some things mrs grundy and those i have heard speak cant get over heads aud divisions and illustra tions all coming in pat poor dr sparkle was ia a terrible fix so fir as words went he had always been truthful and he was no nitatally a mean mac bat what was he to do now there was grundy waiting to be galled and it was inratnbeut en him lo say something he gave a little sigh and spoke in his soft est accents well you see mr grundy not having heard this wonderful sermon i cannot dii- cuss the mailer in detail nor would i wish to think anything ta the disparagement of a young man who has been very highly re commended to me several partial ioiu tons occar to me none of them reflecting unduly on ilr cribber possibly he may have looked into the sama commentary ir grundy gave a knowing nod possibly mr cribber may hare read some article of mine in one or other of the religious periodicals treating thii tabjeet i say possibly thoagh i do not at this moment recall btving written anything about it mr grundy give another yet more know icg nod and there is yet another hypothesis connected with the obscure topic of uncon scious cerebration and reminiscence tlell yoa candidly i have preached on that text before at the abbey once and else where perhapa m cribber may have heard me my thoughts may have passed into an impressionable mind they may have been reproduced without the slight est consciousness on his part that they were jpot strictly original there have been most remarkable initances of this phenomenon x i mrgrundy was evidently impressed i think he said i can unaerstand i how it happened now and the explanation yon have given is very interesting but perhaps under the circumitances yoa might find some more suitable gentleman for the curvy- i almost think you are right grcasy assented the vicar eagerly ilr cribber seems scarcely up to the mark for such a coagregatioa as ourr there were several other applicants who were most highly re commended mr riayfairfor instance i am sore he would be popular said the churchwarden well ithall give the matter my best consideration and you may rest assured it will be my with to do whatever is for the highest interests of the congregation dr sparkle spoke in hir most dnlce tone but as soon as mr grundy left the room he sat down and wrote as follows to mm m iii remain kmkxtifi we hive come lo the feaeou when roya- terioui deaths will alternate with the more i honest report o death by e of aewer gases i there ire thoaand of housesiu- every- one of our urge cities that are unfit j for habitation owing to the large imposs ibility of tare and proper plambing the i ase of lead in water plumbing is also 1 dangerous to an extreme a case hai re- cettly floated through the papers of a urn- f ilypoisoned by the lead cement on the pipes which careless plumber bad placed in the hoaewell i is to much of mechanism about oar modem house well furnished with conveniences that either j the occapan1 must make a serious itody of all phtsea of sasillioc or run the risk of losing his life there w wme reason for followiag the advice of a baltimore editor lo ignore the plumber and sticllo the old fash ioued wtshbasiu and kerosene lamp globe diiwa the researches of if teissereoc de bert show a marked tendency of the earths cloudiness throughoat t heyear to arrange j itself in too es parallel to the equator a belt of maximam cloudiness may be traced near the ejaitor to btijdi cf light cloadi ness extendieg from 13 degrees to 35 degrees i of latitude north and south aud two rores recently hd this pfcasnre iufortns bi that of greater cloadinessbctrwccn 45 degrees he was greatly surpriteu a the magnttode and godegees beyond which the sky seems i of the establishment it sogieited to his to become clesrer toward the poles these tiind u enormous insurance j company or zones have noticeable tcadeney to follow banking houie at the main bffioe wbdijb the sun in its change of declination moving j is principally devoted to the pitcnt bosinem northward in spring and sodth ward in fall forming as it does important a part of the zones of clear sky correspond with re- j the establishment roy bo seen the mem- giona of high preasure the disuibation of j bera of the firm aodftheir able corps of ex cloadlineaa ia a direct coutoquenoe of the j trainers ready aontis to the jinncipala- course of the wind is offered toevafyone j and here may be it is a psychological fact that a man of seen inventors froml omtsof thscoontry showing their inodelland dttwiuga and trcjviiurivita f ft iasia mrtatli cin inamiim haateufc ihc aged year j liiofoltmriuciahitrati with rclacaifttaily moaning ofi wiji lli3eriin iati gjlosi of old jot tnd urwwsyn upon what untried measirclcai ways ha thou veutarcd 0 frail jetr nviioii there bv tofiur nuntiishcd dija aiclsi 0 brief yiabrt art oar hear j uo tner as kiow i witi the yot- it vanished 0 gmlear ct vg iih patient stfiviaa cease w know dread orron shtjuj 0 aj year djtmruachfauitoagutbscltat crisialr a bjanteaon voiao ibttillufjlfills lo in i atr tilt liirit liiri ilinh frcmdtdjyup atibsjor tttuisi ind taras to aladacas ju jay bora of urrow aidco uato joy i kafn lcvo perfect tjikt set rfkiia ia the kk ij uob lcouipl hie rnibhisorvsl- tvtevt offices dfthe saiynric american perhips solc of our readers have visited the extensive offices oliho scatfc amcr kau at igl broadway sw york but many have not and to such th following accoant may be of ituerest a xor respondent who brainpoweris haunted aud driven by an incessant instinctive craving for intellect ual work as the atldete suffers muscular irritability when inactive so the intellect- tual man with ill this blood sowing to his cerebral organ tiads himself driven to to mental activity ft seems a biological law as it is a social law thathorever power ia there all power tends the brain- wavog of a strong intellect are so incessant that they impel and hurry the mind t here and there in search of new problems on which to expend iu force sachan intel- lect is always employed for inherent in it self is the stimulus to brainwork cfiinfiinj explaining their inveiaiona the model vtyicvenforsfonrfalargeand interesrf- t ijg collection and are kpt in a ipom by themselves the larfiqoorps of draofihu- i men who prepare the pifnt drawings axe for the most part cxpeiriencea mecbanica elebtricians crcngiucors some of them having been connected with the c pti cntofiice mostofifl correspondenceli carried on by type ffc 1dd ihi iutes a seperatd depi tment where s nun- ber cf experienced tijjc witters and iteoo- graphers arc awtlly employed tbe susan 1 dark room where tj photographs of the varieties- patent drawiugs areijoffiedbd where uie i photographs fof tbecstitectujal department j are developed is also on thifloor onlb t r j floor above may be found the editorial 1he advee of thomasfferf on lo every po and subscription one in anger is that he should stopand j edgr departmem lentjy and alowly count ten before he opens archiujctat1 pepartment oocopies of the wellspring of his ideas dr kpirkle had his attention arrested one morning by j lbe atcmy td lira ia r tha night an artfullyworded circular rhich hefound jr grqodv wm brinc c ij lue dc in among his letters it begin is follows theirioro tnd then we m ulk things iitth schoustic tear lit gradatie tre tgt ttaogrxphgri ete by tctcy c the luass basise hoasa in crtdjs tad the aed slaie toaaj- aea aad coraen dawrias alhcroajch baiiaestedocstioifwiri coasnlt their ca weiftre by ttteadia the gaelpa katiaets oiler fcr terais ted particulars addres ifirtccoeiace wy principal lumber shingles amd lath tie eadctfisned deafres toiaforsj the poblic thtthefcts cowoafctaa tad yill keep ta ttoci t fall iiae of piae and heailoei sx well as otaertjads cf lamber alto first aedsecond eua piaestiasles lath acton pump factory -and- planinq mill thos ebbaghmm i have roaiiud the maatreajcut of the pamp tjseiaess in aetoa tnd roild resjiettfaus inform tu jtrtiee iu vaat o iiuuips thtt we tre aow preirtd to supply tbeaa froaj w barber bros paper makees georgetown ont snurrtv ptn n ai cixitlu tte old eis wooden pcap to fihe best voice pungcade t pmps for vtuid hffls or eociwsus htnrrpciciiiriiicolljciict ol hro i tapphal on tiiorf noti- i deep vtehs a spediltr coal wood iith i taa prejitrcd to sspply tu fcindt c store c3ti i hive tito a cood stock of wood eiri ood ash cedar tad iimwoodtt reatos- all prises wood tadcotl delivered jaicks bbowk uiie 1 tpecliltt of machine finished book papers high ge de weekk xevs tte paper used in this jotiruil is from the ibove miua to babbee 6 beos- mutual fire ksurakge co mpanr l- rh3r tex cousir o vsiiisgxoir estujli2eir 1810 headoffice cuelph claret huilliiitmcrthzscluniteiotix cii 0 dcriptiosf of ytopcriy oa iho pwswae onas davidson pretheot secretiry jtohntayub aent prices eiokt eveey time our planingmill latuitcr dressed while yoa srtit uoajiiuf ic made to order we uive also t qctntitj of laiuurr for sale saitablc for baildina purposes orders by mail will receive tpiapt aud ctrefal atteatioa shopatfootofrlver street tuosebbace haaflcer istmas k ureat variety i desire to iafonu tav ucnicrous customers thtt have purchased tfee variety of goods for the xciac trade comprising spleadid lot of toilet articles la r new harness shop jh iatthews prop iatk of kulvi 6sm f hnr khov okite itctfirvin t woe tiwre tela laimly nf wanu ta ttc line of light and heavy hasne88 oilmerrthfng ft tbhamew un kept la bwck lttifhpc liroinltjr ltcnal to collui wuniikct not u hurt u srattliews icfou weating sin t stircheil desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weavin all kinds of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirtingvand dress goods striped or plaid twill or plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and 6very and i willgcaantee that i wuigiwgood satisfaction ta all farmers tnd others who will favor me with their patronage i t hitchell hair tooth and kail bmahea the finest perfumes la the market have also the ciiett stock ia j ladies satchels ever sfcowu ia artoo i for xiaas prostate i have a beautiful scloctfoa of albums booklets c iloved by the spirit of sympttly tad actcit- edttliehaublyboiefcbr t decire to irouiota the highest cads the rriteriddresochiajteir to his overxtoasht tad sortlyopitrsej brethren htvias had taeiccptioatlly wide esixrieacc of ptriih wort fa towu tnd coaatr tioag rich tad poor educated aad laonat h believes hicself lo be felly cacrciunt with the ites tad reqaircaeat oi etch separate cltis ia the couuauaity ko aac better than the present writer knows what it is to have toitcisxe acid ttaaltftoditpf other rocttioas two three or tao lennoat t week he has sasered hiaiself tad eta therefore feel for his brethren who tre safferics accordingly he is aasjoaat the low est price that will c4ver actatl oatiy to injiurt to his brethren the tvaults of sermon prodactioa which has been ierfected by himself after years oc tnrfaus toil tad profaaadtc jy alter a fiood deal mere of this sort of thing thecircularxveut on to explain that clients could be provided either i with the finished article ie a lithographed eermon ready for immediate delivery and careful ly adapted to any specified class of hear ers or 2 with aj though tawakener or skeleton containing outlines illustrations apphcafions etc which could be filled iu or amplified according to the taste and talents of the purchasers finally a guar antee was given that the same sermon or body of notes woald never be sent to two clergymen residing within fifty miles of each other and that as far a possible a yet wider area of distribution woald be ob served j dr sparkle smiled as he read the boas bastic document and was about to throw it into the wastepaper basket when some thing stayed his hand i wonder whether many clergymen i avail themselves of this sort of thing my deary he said tossing the circular to his i faitbfal wife ivho generally sat with him for au hoar of amorninc to deliberate ly get up and read another mans sermon aeems to me absolutely sinful bat all men are not gifted like you lethe dear and i suppose there are some who find it very difficult to preach a good sermon aaggeated mrs sparkle it is the dishonesty of the thine that ahoekffrfe explained the doctor if a i ottr his mouth to say a word the probability is that by this proxas be will cool off add hence speak more advisably th his lips men often say in anger what 1 jey have oo casion afterward to reret a candidate for the ministry when being examined for licentare was asked whether he thought that the bible odgbt to be fix- ed up to suit the notions of men he re plied i have always thought that the bus in ess of the bible was to fixmens notions and notrto be fixed up by themv a very good aiswer when the politician wants to pick op somethii hot without cettmj burned be uses the oficeholder there is dothingiike leather exceptiug of coarse the upper crust of tha youjfg wifes first pie cioer chopping mills at eockwobp v will reopen for the seasons bus in est- on mokdav 3rd september chopping weighed in and weighed oat land roller mode to order 8 team and water pipe and ajt connection aapplied cut anitbreadod promptly bbbagu epckwood wt also keep all the aatioriid bebool jiookl aud school sopplfec hyma hodkslons ivncili slates ink ktc we koii a larje selection f biectaclea to salt all sights fiiyc ui a call before purcbitfng- get the place drug store man cait write a sermon or hasnt time fet him honestly say so let him take a printed book and read from it but to go into the polpit with a lithograph and de liver it aa his own is a thing i can not conceive any christian maa daring to do it would be different if it were only the notev said the rady wheffcad been ex amining a specimen tliough tawakener that haibeen inclosed with the circular t dont like the idea at all it savors of untruthfulness replied the vicar in a lofty tone 44 the important thfug is what lira grundy the mocthpiccc of the flock will say remarked the vicar as he settled himteu amcc2 the pillows pleated appar- eally with his own wit on ifcaday morniaj tlt vicar was so far recovered that he was able to receive ifr grandy in his study the worthy chunh- worden was evidently ill at ease his in quiries as lo the pastors health were pro fuse and ioncdrawn out his observations on the weather diffuse and inconsistent at length dr sparkle foaod it necessary to bring him to the point well mr grundy i am waiting to hear how every thiag went cs last night 44 oh firstrtte sir firstrate large congregation beautifal anthem offertory above the average aoditr cribber 14 a most excellent young man as- 1 be lieve sir fine voice made a good im- pression that is on those who hadnt heard you in the morning the vicar smiled and looked well pleased at what he deecced a neat compliment in tended for himsell well my friend yoa mast remember be is hut a young man and without much experience we ought not lo be too criti cal we all had to make a beginning oace 44 it isnt that sir it was the coincidence that lirnck the people 14 the what exclaimed dr sparkle a vague sense of uneasiness creeping over hitn the coincidence sir he gave us the i foolishnee3 of preaching over again i mean his text was the same as that which yoa soby expounded in the morning hither iwkwirblioghed the vicar i fdar it would have embaraased the poor young fellow had he known about it bat after oil the thing might easily happen the words are in the evening lesson thoagh i took ihem for my text in t morning you see the arrangement for mr cribber to preach was aomewbat hurriedly made 41 but it isnt only the text tt isthe ser mon itself the people ate talking about jsir i didnt pay much attention myself bat ilrs grundy will have it that though the words were different the substance the backbone the skeleton was jaat the same the skeleton exclaimed the vicar in a horror- stricken voice well that is the word my wife nsed j said the churchwarden apologetically i didnt jjuite follow hor myself for i thoagh ive beard of people hiving akele- i tons in a cupboard i neter knew ol one in the top floor manager o this department ans and here may be seen the pvp u4 ilalao dumber of draughtsmen at work preparing the plans and general deiigns for the archi tect and istiliur edition- of the scientific american which ia published monthly and has attained a widespread cirtnhytioov th printing of papers unearned on in a separ ate budding at tlii entrance pf the main ofioe which alone occupies floor ipaoeof 60 by ico feet may foe seen one of prof drapers remarkable recording barometori with which iustrameni a complete record ia kept of the atmospheric chaogea this barometor was baipeciailyforthecteiuj fc america and i ti a remarkably floe and sensitive aa nrej as a very expensive eer jonithaa dcxit eih ircaj hatthetr cf the sennoa delireredby yotfltst nibt i regrctthat i am oblified tocoaclode that yoa are altoccther un- saiied to tay curacy uy people have becoaic acccstcaoi to cririatl cr at til eretjtii lade- peadeat thcushtin the jmlpit and i c not sap pose you would yourself maintain the ap plicability of either of these words to the di- coarse with thich you favorod theiu i return the tcstimaaitlf yoa scat inc aad beg to rctatiu yoars fiithfuliy 1 sr ahsu- having sent this illtempered production to the post the unfortunate man was forth with ashamed of himself and would gladly have recalled it he blamed himself for 1 all that had happened and became a vie- j lira to horrible remorse and abject fear i his wife who had learned something of what had paased had her own suspicions but like a wise woman she kept them to herself and did her best lo comfort her husband that very afternoon ker jonathan crib ber in hot indignation sought out the clerical agentnrno had made up for his own lack of brains and energy snd bearded him in his den at first he stated his case without men tioning any names i can only say replied the suave cler ic who devoted his energies to helping his weaker brethren that for originality of thought aad freshness of treatment x con sider the foolishness of preaching to be among my master pieces i coald show yoa numerous letters that i have received in referecce to that very sermon there must i take it be something very unfortu nate in your voice or mode of deliver kow 1 am about to form a clerical elocu tion class and i would strongly urge upon oui 44 hy voice is excellent sir i have been congratulated upon it again tnd again j roared the her jonathan instrument- j some idea may 1 htd of the extent pi he as the lancers is about ta com mence i he ba9idei j a tbo pflwof the sock shall thave your hand she softly 1 ofk ama over ooe 44 with oil my heart hundred oersous a rfm ployed by mann a building lot in an fast end ravine q their sevenl publications and in bears this sign drops cartload of dirt eiteu patft denarimen in this lot and see it fill np a nau who formerly acted as fireman to j a locomotive refers ta las recollections of i that time as tender reminiscences j one of the questions of the day is what is the use of paying so much per foot for woodcarpet when jou can hare- the bare floor for nothing dolbtflh cojlpumevrs when ponderoas samuel parr had con- duded the spttal sermon before george iii the latter remarked 1 heard something doctor in j our sermon today that i never heard before may i respectfully ask what lhatavas vour majesty lisped the gratified divine who was expecting a bishopric well doctor i will tell you i heard the dock strike twke ycry doubtful was another compliment paid to the late dr arrnstroog of ijurslem dur ing the sodden illness of neighboring rec tor be had come to th rescue the congre gation was scanty but the eloquence tf the doctor excited the enthusism of the parish churchwarden i am downright sorry sir to see yoa fishiating in thin ere poor little place a much worser gentleman would ha done if we coold only have found him the agrcty afcxwee dr barton was a punster he said the fellows of my college wished to have an organ in ihe chapel but i put a stop- to it whether for the sake of the pun or be cause he disliked mnsic ia uncertain he invited for the love ol panning mr crowe and mr rooks to dine with hiro andhav- 1 r jb j iag given mr birdmore another guest a tnru lqc i do not donbt its power sir replied i j the agent with adeprecatory motion of his 1 t l hand but it may need you talk about letters air bead that 1 said the irate cribber interopting him and flinging dr sparkles note upon the table the agent reid the letter and then after a few minutes consideration he remarked 44 do ybn mean to saythat yoa gave them the foolishness of preaching in dr sparkles church v ido and why not i paid you for the sermon 41 you told me yoa were in lincoln dioi cese when i sent it to yoa and so i was but i came to town to see after dr sparkles curacy i hod a perfect right to preach the sermon said rev jonathan fiercely yes i suppose yoa hadto your own risk admitted the agent but it baa lost me an excellent cor racy continued the irate cribber and you have lost me an excellent client good morning ing said mr rooke mr crowe i beg leave to introduce one bird more- he married bis niece to a gentleman of tbe- hopeful name of buckle mrs buckle gave birth tc twins a pair of buckles h claimed the doctor a friend of his hav ing reestablibed his health by a diet of milk and eggsj took a wife so von have been egged oh to matrimony said the doctor i hapo the j will sit easy on yoa hr the clk uc 1ut mn glidtoue hid very little ptronr in his gift while h ws chancellor of the eschequer but lie wajl of course impor tuned cohstanuy by crovids of applicants an instance o tbelersottal interest which he look in men cisea may be given a clerk oat of place vjrocb to siy that be had borne bis mistprtjnes a long time with resignation but aa incident had bstppeoeft i which knocked tiieart eloan out of himt aod he appealed artor3ingiy to mr gld- stones pity thepeidenj was u followi the derk bad replpd to an unaeriakera advertise man t a no fond d hnnself one of a long 7f of similvplicifivs beforq tbe undertakers ofiico- two street arabs passing by exclmmedl eb bill what lot of chaps waiting to be measured fcr their coffins ffhia was too much for ther clerks feelings t he returnoi home and wrote to mr gladstoc the iumqr and r pathos of thtinhident toucbe t mr glad stone and after inqoi y he g ve the appli cant a clerkship i vtld k1ttk5 oflj r1s the in habitants ot he quaj ter in which the institute is situated hi ve for soma time past bit upon aauaioaa xpedient for getting rid of their sbpernnoos kittens when night t canopy ovetlhe scene the language t larobta somewhat s loftily they emergrf rom jthahv abodes with baskets in which he little creatures have been deposited wt nd their way to the palais mazaria undjv ien no one is look- the cduriryard the consequence of ri matibaveris thtt at the present imdrnf t ihe attics and oej- lars of the temple literature science and art are overran rjth a jhold colony of u 1 mrs sparkle felt rebuked not so much a pulpit mr grandy laughed at hsa own i for what the had said u for something she j smartness bat a dark clood settled upon bad ventured to think- i the- broad brow of dr sparkle jitbinkbeaijastsaidrrayelythat some lime after this the vicar found ft the- people mast have been misled ty some oecesasry to appnifltf nff enraurthe old one baring married a rich wife and forth with xipl over boprtce the reqaire- metjla wr ihe vaiahtofficowcro a gcntlti- paasing resemblances and fancied analogies hearing the same text tbe thoogbu of those vrho wero present in tbe morning would u aurally run in the uucu suggested on the following sunday dr sparkles pulpit was occupied by mr playfair and it was announced that the vicar in obedience to tbe peremptory orders of his medical adviser had gooe abroad for a few weeks j the doctoris sow witb bisfaithful wife by bis lideveoniitina his energies and lay ing in genuine stock of fresh ideas he has resolved for the future to hive no secrets froni mrs sparkle and to eschew skeletoiis itviidon traih how to stop a dow f1u1it a verj desirable piece of knowledge is how to stop a dog fight choking off douching with water etc will sometimes answer but very game dogs will hang on even under a parhp and choking off is sometimes somewhat dangerous a certain means ie showering something oyer the dogs that will produce sneezing be his will ever so good the motion of sneezing involuntarily opens his jaws pepper answers very well but an off is probably the best as it can be used ad libitum and will certainly produce the effect if entmgh is used id a large kennel a supply of snuff should arways be kept on hind cits in a wild state bn3 sue alarming di- mentions haa the u iance attained that the academicians a djtht mployees wbcf are located in the aj oining boildings ban bean compelled to js it penmsfto sot is sentries and keep v tdh anc ward over tbe culpary establish ci nli jt 1 aving heen as certained from f4 lfpl ej penance that these feline c real or f i save teen aala lor the good things oft isilife meat fishand ariety of other ti aliisom i edible have been purloined repe tidly i nd for once in a way there has be jthe aillesi evidence the blame fqay fajtj pe loif oo the eat very recentsjr thgeldled in atlanta gt an old mub who wft once svery pronan- ent citizen caaoooqnk of bp hooesty in- dastryi repecubili5yj aud ealth indeecl he waa so goodajjmaq tsit his friend never whpliy forojc br fokoftuo this nan evil hour t ojrodtactedthebiwt wife at breakfast ll my ffear will will yon have some more of tfie stewed potstnes i ooosed them my has band no ive bad euoogbvv wher what is the best way to keep potatoes had so lived thojij john baabtaa think the best way been fetter paysjf far you to iecp potatoes is to stev tmi wasexoeptional prominent bpntlej of taking a kiij and in ft littja wb tbe man and oeglectorof priioner jthi thsfewfrienda the grave erplsii the virtues 6f hlj t way i tr him revcrtiici if ls illy tjithhli fribodl tbo bthfi contiollicl him if dnumidt imlmuu3 alten ilr dji bt dtod ud ftdlavm hi nculsi 10 tuutiy rememlend ylii atthoulb i bit farmer fltjv tiok c uadjbtai obootoa i mm