pkt ttn v liit 1 g j luia ji small fn -k- coos 4j- agricaiturirtj ar usoftee aat forbjb w i flt aceshonl cais m tn odd t iesicax atskoiaa inj new to timii shall acton i- i codbse of lectores for bas9 inaer the auspicea o j knox church acton v ilimj uranch howie- motidai j ait ufc street occuulrctoo j vo kev wqi coehraue d ix mocuitv f lftli sijt bcotlodltcw mc- kcton jus line i rvt uadts the 2 iimti tbes i sd stjfsfa bigs ctn fv isbesecctcl i cerjjonaljo tiu em i ta a siht ii orieoji i 3c girea ioneryarte gcssxaemai tizoel hx wtllim 1 fc 1 witness for 1889 lsting- than efjri l-jiiac- picts ctabtfc- taidpichot 325 is rroriir tie i ced 1st the met l pa radstkr jp ria thsabulb beta uil state f li picr far c i aia- odcaiilsboh pabeitan mdbw uiohi- fe0s1v imos ire rues om in gtneroas barpa art ajrucaiuml md shoes iotzsssozs javf ood oualff i lk and bap r attended to j feet acton eh brosvf town onj it wekv f irf this ipf dckrtytcr entire ccuret 50 ccntr the jlethouistchltictt acton j bevxi i gotord 1jl pujd past0r iwc scniw tu md til sccji jckv blccascoodacleiitjvuict iratitr cicxv it lic door 4 trlliinwc desired ily lo h i moy j home ulkaxlsgs illlatcttttiiik mil ten s kaiidi y nr uajb on monaiy mitt bruth wu fined lud hobt storlcy 5ii tor ixing drank tnd diiorded ini attiukit thoaitt lecj 0 cbrikmn uitut in millon llrotlnaidhi fine but motley eui io col foe 30 djyi all lilcbcr wis ecel f forbcmcdronlc clirilnus uieul gou stcaditd wjs rested uil wodoodty evening clb lilt md lodged iu ibe cooler toe being disorder iv oatiinrsdjy he tu brougbl be ore uieilsyvji mi fined ij md costs msyor usi still some discs ol i like o to sclilc avrorwrr flurriu-j- streeuitie bincelbc big bortltry inslrecltuue spring uisl liulo lown ins mide t reeled ilst nrill be hud lo bet it h english dairy methods oiiiturhon of the fsrluboue fmteni ud tbe lnctorjnie enjllib irj -uutd- k ihilite 8nsirestlnn tu caua- lhn rsnu glrl hit rrtott fm rcss xrnbsiiiy jisfiiir 10 iss mxvirixor locals ijuici by itf evtrttoalnfui aa aim drcai is joira to 13 ceats in gcplphi btoa his neither sufcet lamps dot jaa victorii wis mimed 19 yc4rs tbe riii o yesterdij puyedebihrfac xi tie sleighing itrs e a secocd issellidc her hoote- boil e etc see ifly j the kria jr has clunked its nime to lirtoritnij rfntiir fecki oa ifiu street gentiemiis farf usquire ol thotats eitton there kill be t tisible eclipse of tke tomactok tt midfiight teuzics his beea right lively tfcis reek iii the lid of the tleishing the merry tueighbells were heard tir jx rst time this sewen oq jlondir behttco gaelph naw employ i 50 jfcued rorfcnieri jn their orgui ted piano rcrfcs j theirccil rnecticg of ejaesii agri- eilxzril skiety will be held it geargtoku ts-iir- cocdierirg llic t limited quantity gc rct which fell on ijanity the sleighing hii bees very rood j the schocl children crotded to their plies iz the public schools at the opening c tuesday morciog eemesber cer g brandt hawses isleresthi lecaire on oriental scenes a ihe lawn hxll neti ilonqaycttnini eiaesiiokxihjpcoujiclpiid oct fcls kst year foe rtirr forahecp tilled i r aces within the boends cf the torn- ihip ifears herdersoe hciuc co in ji2a a stochulrinfi aale foe a masth dcr a wlich goods wili be elaaghtered in til dfgartmcets the financial itaiemeat of el thomas jaz toe ccrrett year shonf a deficit of si5- 73 bet recent skott act fines will wipe bat pa- is averaged over two robbcrte in a week aai desate the vigilance of both local and trained de tectives tic desperadoes are ttill t iitgc the last nee rcjicrts two thieving opera- tiogeootliursdiy nicbtat uie lioasci oi sir tuotats hassard and mr sltdih at mr uiisardslhe intruders gotacoidwiich md chain tlaed at 7j aud tome cash aud from ifr jtadius they obtained m cash and a larcc en tuber cf valuable the r p utuesltr 22ad icsi the public atili remember with jileaj urc 4be excellent programme presented by tbe yoang eoplee unfoa oc lhe iltthodist cborch at tteir opening entcrtainnienl on the rd of december and we have no doabt tbe annoenccment that another catertln- raeat is to bcgivcn under itsacpiccs will bo received wiuieqqalpjciszre tcesday even- ing iiad icst ittbe date fired and the pro gramme wbich is in every respect equal to the last oas will icclade licside the oatiile talefit revghccbbledickbdgajph ilev j w churchill georgetown john strachan kockwool and others cujptfjle carelessness rata a rifle harry lch uouig yctrs cc be toe of tbams lntb mihoj hidanarrow eajae fro insxitdcitboi new years diy he wia other eli idien were aroacd a tlbe oa which a winchester rise was lyiug whe a yoaac tctn preseat was trying how the cartridges were pat into the rifle whea i wect o5 sending the billet into the ede cf harry under the arm it glanced cf tbe ribs and tore tbemcsclesand fiesh for abcat six inches from the tiba leaving a ragged and cgly woand over an inch wide one or two of the other cliiid- rea had jost a moment before arisen from range of the barrel jiutoa hjvi wcrdfrc2z termer gtec tbe many friends of hr geo ltolxoa of rosalia waihicgon ty formerly of toltonssiihshere vdl be pleased to hear thahie is doing well in his new bome in remitting or the past and prcsect years if r tcuton says i send this with aany thanks cor past favors and especially for your valuable paper which has same of the choicest reading matter in it that has been my lot to read for fame time i am more disgusted with tbe iiqnor trasc every day it is terrible in this westaru country whirc they use revolrers eo freely and have no respect for their neifihbork- i have been pleasedopte the success of aclon acd iu eurroqirrca as i shall alfiiys have a warm place iamy heart for acton and its people we hive had ery mild weather and no snow yet i lx amount i eer ur gatord preaches anniterttry sermons m elcra sext sand rer e i chown bd of ekra will dr gutora s pulpit the nt meetingof the new board of trances of actou public school will be ceil en ceit wednesday afternoon 10 th iast ai one oclock i tite crooks act u improving things tocderfuhyin this town a drcnien- wo man was found lying on the side c the mad on ifain street one day last weeij special services are inprogreseio eaox church this week and will continue aext weee eer ir tait of berlin is tit- mgifx kae and- the serrices are fratgnt wits merest vhat about that concert whicn wit to cccnect aout holiday time to raise funds isc matting far the town hall ttalrt jfaay of our readers wonder c hat ha he- come of the scheme the cumberof births marriages and r detriis reported to the division eegirtrax cf tie toirnilip of erin for the year end- iagslst december is8- is aa follows bues 7 mamagec 30 deaths 37 tee new dam for barbers paper hfls at georgetown together with the electric light dynamo is said to have el- reidycost liaooq tha eleclricitv ii a- tended for bothpowerxnd light j weil reap year is over and the bache- bn who hive been liring ia fear and trem- biisg can once more emerge from iheir hldrng placs and hold- op their heads moagthe residents oi che earth the claiapvjtt adrise the hotelfceeperb j not to sell hcaor ip drunken men- that is szea advice for- a whiskey sheet to give- to withhold from the men what haa cftea been by it termed one of gods good cratcrec iifrrwr the adv of jlr john williios lirery man wol be- found- in another colamn ifr williams gives the business his entire attention and pleases all customea j his horses and rigs are in good condition and aleays present a neat appearance if esrs j7 e ifcgarrin 4 co jhave completed their remoral to berimj and hate their bsinss now in running order there only one or two families hive is jfit removed thence the others wili re- cuin here until spring acatsit on the old back fence bis comrades all had fled and ar a natural consequence tilings flew ahoat his head bootjacks bottles stools and brick the ldghbors wild did foe bat he his chops did calmly hek and loudly yelled irajriai there have been extraordinary winters outthe present one beats the record every tody says however we shall pay for the eild spell and whit everybody says eecms y be true for tbe indications of winter in earnest are very marsed- the cewicdoancementbf jfessrt g uj eyan l co dry goods merchant cgeiph appears elsewhffe in thisjiatae this firm eacceeded the wall known john hsgg tt son and have in every respect sus tained the repetition of that well known trtabuilimeat tince coming into possess ion i tbe annual couventiou for twd of the dociinion alliance for he fcoppteasion of the liquortraffic will be held in tbe tetnneraoce hall teroperkoce straetto- rodoon taesdsy and wednesday january 22nd and inilwv commeocing oo tues day at 10 a m i tbe mildnew of the weather this wiu- terlas not been entailed for miayiyeitf t and is a great surprise to people who ire pending their first winter in canada and bin always aaeociated the holidajs here viui reindeer sledges iid soowshoa kissiczsrr afectir- the itissianiry meeting inthexfethodist church oa sunday aud tuesday evening were marked with success on sunday rev lr ginord the pastor preached ex- celleat sermons en the reign of christ on earth from psalms 1 s and 17 on tuesday evening a large congregation as sembled to heir revs dr mclean mis sionary to the blood indians at fort mc- leodkavtandrevgrturkgulph dr ginord presided iir tort referred to the importance ol missionary work in a few well chosea remarks he casually re viewed the missionary wcrk of the ilttho dist church and concluded with the hope that a realizing sense of the needs of mis sions would be felt by alb dr mclean rate an interesting ascription of his ex periences amon tbe indians he referred to the difficulties of getting to the far west in the early days of the inconvenience of preacbiug to the indian throasb a drunken interpreter and the satisfaction andsucccis lie had experienced in the work since he be came master of the language his address was full cf interest and lie was listened to with rapt attention throoghoat during the evening the choir sang several anthems and selections which were mnch enjoyed the collections are in advance dhs yeari and there is every prospect that the sub scriptions will epical if not exceed those of they heve tome qceermeetings up in wellington county the ealnjerttea tdt graplt sajs the annual meeting if the cheeefeiory is fired for tomorrow how did tbe factory get aloug at its annual meeting bro lacy wu it are we going to do frieadf in the year that bis just come to battle that fearful fiend of death whose messenger ii rum shall we fold oar hands and bid htm pass as he his pied before leaving his deadly poisoned draught at every un barred door as well as tbe maple sugar made from sap run on christmas day referred to in last iisne churches in brituh colombia were decorated with natural sowers col- tpcted in the gardens on the tame day onnew tears day an crcursion steamer carried a party of pleasure seekers iamong the thousand islands we are in receipt of an excellent cal endar from the office of the newmarket era rft is printed in three colors and bronzed and th arrangement results in a very neat effect a number of specimens of ert fob work in cxls programmes and circulars are also to hand they tell of the superiority of that office in its job de partment i the houskhofi fall tojjf hort down aud jr the c round ftirtlue xuojlua fau 0nt jan 7 on last friday evening about nine oclock a large mass of rock fell from the precipice of the hcrsesboc or canadian falls and an satur day night at ten oclock another mass broke away in both cases tbe noise made by the tumbling rock alarmed the residents in tbe vicinity pa the canadian side the massive stoae building known as the table rock hoase was jarred to such a degree that tbe doors were thrown open and tbe occu pants who bad retired jumped out of bed greatly excied by the unusual noise and vibration of tbe building resembling severe shocks of earthquake the same sensation was experienced at- the residence of gate keeper whjstler on cedar island sd also iilf a mile op the river where dardew ifccameroii lives the effect of these dis placements on the contour of tb falls ts qoite marked the cuaoge being from that of angle at the vortex to the original horse- shoe shape tuk coopkratlveiktnxmk 1 yhk ilkwlxtiosof ulttfjl hcrsotcrwt in iccorlicct with the ciiiitiil act ti uittulsl i- kniiission ot the ulllior iii the fact of charges in the conditions ot dttttsh agrkaltcru referred loiuafotm- er letter arc found new problems to vex the british farmer one ol these problems though a minor oicu a inwblesocrc oae itisihcdimcaltyof nxinxt iau inuniuiis one rpcakcr at the conference argued tint this problem simple as tlraay appear actaally prevented farmers nuking butter at all another fpeckcr aid he adver tised for a uiikerj goacrcesn andltadtweo ty appucaiiouv and for a dairymaid had only oae i what a pity say we all that the uinetceu unsuccessful applicant forthe nurtcry do not leara to handle the churn aa well as the milk bottle and so increase their htaess for a home at well xs chance for employment punch has touched upon this question scene a farmers daughter playing i piano accompaniment foe her brother etuging pausing she says do you know jack mamma says i must teip in the dairy she helped when she was a girl i toldher i would ratfcer go out as governess as to dairymaid ihcy sceuaed to be almost as extinct as the dodo those tobe obtained did not sufficiently know what ought to be their work so remarked one disgusted farmer at the conference an other insisted that the sooner they traitied np good dairymaids the sooner they should produce iu england the batter and cheese for which they paid the foreigner 13- 003goo a year have we not a lumvimn itocltu ix cimim arc tbe farmers daughters learning to make butter as their mothers did or wtiertkc korpd cotidtiijkc does not the mother find it easier to do the whole work herself than to initiate the daughters into the mysteries of the oldfashioned dairy it certainly is true in some parts of can ada that whits the girls have opportunities which their mothers never had for acquir ing graceful and pretty accomplishment the mothers largely monopolize both the knowledge and practice of dairy art and even in some measure of the household art girls- take the advice of one who will not willingly stand second to one of his sex in his appreciation of and admiration for lovely girlhood and who will ask for oar daughters every accomplishment that their hearts desire or that will make them more than ever charming in the home that advice is not to allow yourselves fromfalse ideas of life to lose tbe goldca opportunity of girlhood to profit from all the rich experiences of mother in the short time that you may have the privilege of a mother under the same roof that shelters yoa let not a delight in brilliant accom plishments create a disdain for the com monplace acquirements in a word try to anticipate as t girl your estimate as a woman of the relative ilce of what may be learned or acquired in tbe days at heme with mother there arc various ways in which a rcuniy xiy ri imiii first young people may be taught by means cf schools bow to do dairy work this question of dairy schools and the training of dairy maids may well be left for f oiler discussion in a later letter second parents should see to it that the more intricate rule ofthumb process of days gone by cives place to the simplest and easiest proc known to the progres sive workers of today and one best adapt ed to the changed conditions under which we are living hake the age which gives you a sewing machine nud an organ give you a dairy suited to the new conditions which these other things hvc helped to bring about thii can be done i have iu mind a mother who has provided hertelf i with the best im pie ccenta she can get and has adopted the btst process she cio learn of hiving no daughters she has tnsde her yonngeit eoa a most efficient help he is now able to churn wash and salt the butter hi the churn lcmugto the mother herself only the shaping or packing and the general overtiiht even the liasbaud whose whole life hat been on the farm has now beau to tile a considerable interest in tbe dairy work acd bet ins to pride him- stt on htuug ecquircd tome knowledge of tbe tit of battermaking it h nfe to say that under the old system aud the necessity of tkillfal hiud manipulation the mother would have been today doiug the whole work herself almost wbolly unre lieved of even tbe more laborious part of the next thing noticeable in the dicus- siens in eogland was the fact of a strong inclination towards coorcritivj uimvimi this subject appropriately follows that onejast discussed hiving done the best we can with the home dairy let us make the most of that great corrective cf iu de ficienciesthe cooperative dairy let us see what our english friends have to say about this question one speaker favored small dairying becaue it has been more profitable than grain growing his com return grain growing did hot pay his labor bfil prof long expressed himself is donbtfol about the establishment of creameries owing to tbe low prices of dairy goods he favored the xormandy system of buying up butter aud blending it in a packing house other however favored co-opera- tion said one epeaker it is next to impossible to manufacture a uniform sample of good batterinthefarm dairies to compete with that made in fac tories the building and fittings are quite unsuitable if factories were established on large estates for the nse of tenants or else were on cooperative principles either milk cream or butter could be collected or delivered there in bulk and treated and dis tributed in accordance- with the tastes of modern consumers bcttercouldbegraded at the factory and consumers would know what they bought indeed i local industry might be reestablished were the factory system extended another speaker ifr howman also favored creameries where the farmer would send his milk to be separated leavicg tbe cream to be dealt with and taking back the skim to be used on the farm he said 11 the greai difficulty in cornpetingin the baiter market is caused by the batter that is made in farm houses being not only small in quantity bat variable in quality and color and am convinced that if we comuiued together aud formed batter fac tories we should be in i mach better posi tion to compete with the foreigners who nowcut as out ju our markets profeawr sheldon who is o well known in this coo a try was not at the conference last ifay bat in ljg be read a paper on this tabjflct which took a dark view or the iiliv hocul- svetljlf j in england he confessed to having iost hope that reform was possible in home dairies in theory said he reform is within reach- iu practice it not we cauuot for infants and children castor is so well adapted to children that i recommend it u superior to any prwerfptfon known to rac hjl acnra ud hi so oxford st brooklyn k t cacteri ns wie coactfpaii sour stomach diarrbcsa eruetatioa kffis wonna fiitta alocp and promotes ai- ioot injurious medicanca tin ccmca oowast 77 slcrrar street k v well expect that the future will indcoiawo- ple to improve their dairy goods any more than the past has doue and if it be true that they have not as a rule improved them in the past then it is pretty sure they will go on juit about tbesameinthefuture what then must be done imm not one of those who believe that tbe best of butter aud cheese cannot be made and it not made at the farm hnes i merely sy this that the great balk of butter and cheese made in farm houses ii not by any means is good as it mujht be and as it ought to be and i affirm my belief that it will be neither better nor worse as a rule in the future than it has been iu the past if i happen to be sound in this notion it follows that uxia iv x c1avi tu sykil3 shall we be able to effect the needed re forms and what must this change of sys tem be many there are and their num ber grows who think and believe that cheese and butter factories provide the oaly system under which we can attain the best results and yet we are not blind to the fact that erea they are not always i scccesi theifail like other systems if not well looketrfterif the head man is not skilful and mindful as well sometimes they fail but uot often and when they do the cause is uothard to seek as a rule i fivorthem because they save eipense and produce even goods and take labor from the wo men at the farms and pay fairly well as things go i endorse prof sheldons remarks so far as they bear upon the advantages of the factory system so far aa they bear coon the home system and its future there are two weak points first the hom dairy is a fact and has a lease of existence that is indefinite eo far as we are able to ecc now it is and it likely to be a large factor in the problem before us the factory has not replaced the home dairy to the extent tliat men have expected either in england or in canada believing this to be true i am an advocate fnr the improvement of the home dairy prof sheldons reasons be lieving it will not improve are- not conclu sive because thing go oa badly when no adequate attempt is mane to improve them is not proof that they will not mend when ttw era of improvement sets in therewas a time in the history of denmark when there was more need than prospect of im provement there came attme when there was less need than realisation ct improve ment we need only to know that the home dairy ii a permanent factor in our problem here to realize the necessity of urging its improvement to far as improve ment is possible while believing in the largest possible improvement of tbe home dairy i woald crg the largest possible lxtosigx ol tee ilctoli fciateu while there may be difference of opinion as to what extent the factory system will sapplant the older system all are agreed that so far as the oae las sapplaatel the other or it likely to do so so far has the industry been advantaged while we must not call into tbe error of looking to the fac tor- system as a care all we may safely regard it favorable as one of tbe most im portant at oar hand the ffatul fatnitr pei quotes in con- ncctioawitli the publication of my letters the following extract from the hand xnr yvrlrr bearing upon tins question co operation is a step towards a mmrijii xxi vomxrvt uiiximmx it encourages a wholesome aud good- natured rivalry itcneoariges strict and methodical bnsinesn habits it breaks down the petty jeibuaies aud distrust so common in farming communities and so harmful to tbe best interests of the farmer it encourages public spirit and enterprise the farmer who his aa interest in the creamery and can examine the books from time to time can easily see how his returns for creim compare with those of his neigh bors if his neighbor is beating him he will be sire to carry his investigation still further and see wbat breed of cows what foods what care its needed to even the returns an intelligent creamery patron woald certainly see the necessity of provid ing good roads and conducting other need ed improvements by driving some of the selfish lelfinterest feeling oat of a farmer acd developing public spirit the coopera tive creamery would work good results here followed a preference foe the cream- gathering system which because ii will be discussed in other connections i do not quote here w h lynch danville yue december tig th 1s33 great bargains for the holidays at mammoth house georgetown wm mcleod co will give all this month and for a month after the holi days all through january woriderlul bargains in all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods iu all colors o inches in width worth 6oc per for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c per ard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of ever description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in many cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth 830 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boas bear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular- price 16 for si 2 20 for s5 1 6 s22 for sls ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is the peopes chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag- nificentrstock wmevicleodco jcamuoth house georgetown renelson merchant tailor cuelph extend t3 uii luiur ltrot iu actou ba rkiuir thc compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs ax for the holiday trade the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the citv imafe- j a ave you married mas merry christmas to all or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager can suirjly you with all the furniture requlrui to furumi our ucv aij c v little locit cr torciilcsistiyourfcocicir a tcttiod oc ii tcy vtyfc 11 the viry aw est rice ttcrc ii lo article cf ftuiicrevc cacao eiiy aud faniicr e deliver err funtureasd yoa haveno arrai freymt ciarpes ed rca no risk ct brtaias we can salt all undertaking our thirty- vcytiri ciirieice luiliis lzviucss uas resulted ia cocviaciu tin- public of mis entire cooiiaanitj- that e tappjj- flrstcjaa wcrt mail crdjrtaaj ii stjlcs ubid ccutare with tiobe of the city at cae lalt city iricvi our hearse la aa excellent oc acd our tcai always rrae a bccoaiit appcafaa wc have plja- t rtf ia iavitic the iiljic to call c cs for aaythia roqaiiod la oar lines speight sc son to farmers and threshers tjaaonvqurltaotuneryonly the wellknown ipeeeless oil q gold medals have bccn lwarded it daricg the last three yew j try ilso oar popritl axlo crrciljfor yoat wifigonbindhone powers these oils ire aiediad highly rocommeddedattbesiodel farragaejph farmers aaicfor them nae noother hantifactarcd it ijjis cityoll worij by 8amuel rocers co toronto ladies of acton tour special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of mantles and mantle cloths at the lion we were glad to notice oa ifonday that sir hugh ifclonghlin of kassagaweya who for some six weeks has been confined to his house with an axillary abscess -in- derthe right arm was able to come to town for some time his life was despair ed of but under the professional treatment of dr lowry he has so tar recovered ask fori iyers sarijurili when you u comma p an cared an old nhjsidan retired from nractice having had placed in bis hands by an east india missionary the formnia of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuates by tois motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send line ot charge to all who desire if this recipe in german french or eng lish with foil directions foe preparing and naiag sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a mora ho powers block rochester n y c mir- yi g it kt liwjimrirei vith i v years ci inifauiiiiiktl utt iulln c1ll df 1 diseasfs yon can mako im uis- lave in nreferrinj ayers safsaparilla to any other the fiircnmiit of mi- eriiljiotkliiimlicinc xyrv araiiarilla still tlicuiost loh- iilar twin iu mtat- tr deuiund ihaa all otlurs mtnbiiicd aver- suricirilli is jchiic faster ll11v ever ufniv 1 ivit hcltae to rtujnieul it cilnrs w whitimiii ijnisist albany iml i am safi- iit kkvjc that my sales of aytrs sarlltllriiafa tcil u of aiiytntliorrtiid ti pves-ihoroiizli-ri-fac- tioci l ii- bilsh ucs muiucs iowa avrrvparsriciruhi and aycrc pills nrt tin- ihs wiliiij mlkiiiys in jt pltirc f fau rchitiid t f i e to ct iisrt 11- tiiniw 0 isickliatts lliarmacit iceland ni v have ioitv ayrk parmiariila hero for ovf r tbtrly years and always rtuiiuinl it ulieti nkciltn nsma the lt hlkfdiirii1crtw t mclean itrupgist auuiiuiphk t have sold yonr ineueiic fur the lift mvtutfli vet and itlwajs keep ihctu in hock iwj they an- ctairivs tiutc l luitliiti m kihi frthe ytnith- fid motkl zs ayers fcaiaianlla it l parker fttx iakc wi avers fariaariuanvfthe bct ftlvfactioi jfatiynilliviuu i have ni ftock i recommend ii r u mw- dctors say i tinrxil it over the counter it never fail tu mwt lle cases fnr which i rcmuiiuotid it icen where the doctor nrthpiji hn- iwr i no avail o fc calhtitm mmimuttth kansiw ayers sarsaparilla pnkiijied by dr j c ayer k co lowe macs price ii all iwujm worth 8j a loille v gbuelph alasqow our mantles you will find worthy of your inspection never before had we such value or variety in dolmans jackets wraps and paletots in even- style of cloth for ladies and children j nn noted mill goona jjuse act n is the correct chase presen frien d place- to pur- tjsfofyour handkerchiefs tloutacds of bilk hatjil 1 15 cents to 165 c4cl acceptaidt shawls ajndkerchfefs cfcbiefs ranging from itheymaketccr wcsnta j shatfls stacticf lovely hlwfeka u sliadet jut the corrwrtthiagtokintiyoiirbeit tilrl 1 youi glovt kmfilomliackiul ui tliero is uathlc trivsd ihaiiini pairul gloves v hofok irom 33 ct nta loa tould glvo r ifcdytoilca inil tlim imftl jj toilet cases toilet cases uruil iliml mirror ud comb i bcaatifol cmciotjy 1 jo f i- furs thrs lurs 1 i 1 11 you waim our trieiov to think kindlr of you oaa coldtiaj jratrfril thenj a cai muff or bo wf bav liig assoronent in this llae ud at fritm that wll tempt bern ember yoar bcrtlialwbihow od stock ot dry- in acton ana a 1 tidoircanoot press our milliner this season has proved a remarkable suc cess the beaut- of our showroom is a current topic of re mark and our values are unequalled in the trade dress department in this department we excel we claim to have in miss todd one of the most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country ourrange of dress goids trimmings is jnost xom- plete we show a magnificent assortment of combinations arid plain goods with braid and trimmings j d wiilamson ico- qrocerie ixmu alio remem tl s largeat andbct aucrt- g odi aod fancy goods t prices which compe- mjcenfnllt follow 1 aad luilinary xlln pricfa i i i j always cheap rbjerpnyn scientificamerican y tj iildrcn cry for pitchers castoria 11 zejby vza lick to gtb htr catorla lx itu vai a cm ibe cried for cmtoru dm becano 3iiw abe dnoe to cmtorta cv hii chlwrcn abe oration cauorla umom aourcurx wk biu0u3ncisc0hstifati0r inciacotiot 3iikcc dick headaci d caoc or rz cttouach lkn no doactp thy fins uit3titr5ocl ao pnoppt 11 acne aiio rona a audabutfipj vtocoitkcn duio cnrcioin tiir yjtut fo cunc cf phhwio 3 occtiiiatt cjcca5cc percheron horses islijs boxs stock rimgrobk lab wra coatr lleuia atoet 100 toibiriijmatiimltait ritmobtaijrmaw horn i u fbemch coach homts imkiiutrcxnm ilchitectiliulldelo a edttioo of 6olmllse amriou w a ml rocctn f8aco taw eoelalm 0jg utoompbio latert teonnio ctrri f lssker j- 1