fcri vjolume xevxo 29 jt xforr fttt rcss fivert thursday mokxlxg it the jt re8s pqwtr printwq house f ictok oxtario subscription rates rtirtiit ft- stziostbi socn ifaolpaldtaadraace m yiir will l chafed so paper discon jjjis-xfll- arrears axe isld except it the po of the publisher advertising rates- flwa ffiar i i ra i6 mo 9jjw itvo 3 houmo llieebi itnefrc tfco i to ejje jtoo itmf 30 lfl0 100 gogg ielins i acr i- cc v litd s a croup k t t ci lltvcsjtioav kj it u c cauii pyailidwrtitcsicsls g cccu jyirlinc lor lh inttamrtioa snisceauperltaefoxcach wb- a the oambr et lin itrtnicat6 witaost rpeciic direction j rolbelowrtfritill lortud ml ehtrjed tcccrd1 ijrir rriii3rriirwunicctniaji be pttd pasff for eostrtet tdvertiscaienls aiast be un ofi br 5 ul cs tnesdtrs otherwise uorl tk left crerfcciil the fouotic wet hltooee editortadfrawieiar us iruss ii ircctcrrr h lowryh b mcps gndsiteol trinity cailfceiteicbcror r of pbysjatas tad s rpoa j5c sairtdea itiiiefaetd of frederick get ados johk lawsok graduate of ontario vekriatrf couece toronto vet- pecj sageon artoa oat offle la eeaar jm boo ai thoe itorc ia tbe rr kxib aciined u to tocadacss ted coniacites iflohtkjtt crdxr prospuj- tttccded to l bekkett lds dentist gcobclt1jl oxtx8io tohkstok sicleak forstcrl sclictort- kouries cocrrvxiers tu fettle tssdi iot ofceitowii eall acto e f b johxstos wjc a vr t a mo wat bisnrsi scliczic koiicr pcclic uacertolo4a omn dirs tscsixy tad miztxt crrt tirrtb3cfc actor cpsiirs fletltox allax i baird harisxers solicitors t toi31to ist geocgctcnrs ciascmtlaii eloct georsetate ta1 6g klzc etrect ctst tcrocto i t z illt- j e2hjos bj- j nitp iu1 of yotrnpt- iozohb bii diet rztlraj tcex f rir tad teres pdefiat- istobe pa street fc sxg vitality m dadgeeow caesok 4 co eibsistkas soucixobs sotaiuea- nriiirtccrcbardiadaaitlit sts tcraalo catdt thtct so lzts ctble adircc eidgsror ctsiattut joss c1es0secj pato its eecueed foe kyek110xs eeket- teiat orawi cinnr tverr tetrir ixcce ko ptiei acton baukius compauy storet christie 4 co -bakkers- acou ontario r- a gexkrjl baxetxa busixes j tluxsacmd sotss notesdiboaanted and interest allowed on depoaite for sale cheap rpjie undersigned it jircprcd to cunuli oa ibt a iaortelnolicitttajiiatnijtadit bot torn priccf nictw cedar rausandfenceposts 8tavesheadingshingle8 wa8htubschurnsbut- tertubspork barrels l wood flour feed tad tnjihfas ia these licet- the luiiie ii lo and t letter pltce lata thomas c moores to bctiayttias fa the tbovc lines tiso to and oot il roc tre indebted to hlui lor tcitbinc per chutd troai hun his boots sty soaie tretad he vaaldtifcetheaiaacj 3achikeay a sure jolaler icttif ce- tad t sbiasli bolter tad ct ia good coaiitioa golile ugh culloga latie for tslc loc for ct thos 6- moore acloa ontj li j ik actox oktauio thuesday jaxuaey it 1889 price tfhbee cests p1ctu re f it kaifes witee3 beothess- t winras beothehs cornice poles binner rods koaldicgs cords ktils gulss bevelled jlirrore ultlsrsjlteiuls viasoc 4 kefftoss waters brothers 25 wykbhim steeet cdelfh wellington martilewortcs q7ss2c 5 ctclpe hamilton clark proprietors wholesale ud eeliil dcalen in iltrble 1 granite jid everything pertainicr to cemetery ivork direct importers of til kinds oegrtnitetnd ikrbe htricslttcly visited tbebav of fuldyfirtaiti ggtmesad httia pcixhaed the eatire rtoci ko i4y i qetttadrodcrtaiuraioaaiatiheidxtae croaes eras etc of alcnader ttylcti lf yu- reitstreet thta costire tilj aath farther aotice tell ti pricceacvcr before taoira ia oatario foricr licctseo arcnosm cttargrsaiteaziats fthigbflo 7fd rra coate cf scniaston ted hitoaeeftx8fse4jqltlft30 allvorfc tai lew ta xerais reaoahie- taytiiiac u this lice m ca tell to ctll tad tee lisa tsoay to loxa oa the taost fxrcrthle v as before pureatcas elsewhere ts gatrtatee stsallltrs- ot iatotr i i y otherdexlert tohxda- i v iechxtect 1 grcltx okt rnciqieei hoar ksci luitet scxrejj f- pis scis tjsax saccessortot fchxpa booseixdes fc- gectstic sqatre gceipe oattrio- lseoia boots of til tins aude to erder tttaiiaxlsat ererj-desictiascirefallybaaad- taaas tad proaiiitiy done clothing at low prices t ee sa2clax barber shop itcx srrrrr acrox is tuy uixtc t ftytisa utireat t pood ses-fotai- exajitnasatcpootlwtgirea- kteorc t kamdtadpat ia arttdta eondiaac ldie d cilaxeas htir tuuiy cat i 7 e- wocdes tocsoritl artistij htviiisboqut the fetoci csf if hreaatu h- chtat tiilor tt- 1 rttc ca tht tloitr tad desiring to gire the iopof actou thceaeat i willscilttt saleikex wasted- school bodies lcopybooih f exercise bqcks slates j a full like day bookstore arjklph day 8ells cheap the merchakts i protective and collecting associattoh of 0an4da head office hamilton putario esttbusbedlfisfl u ta anoclttloa of barlnetk ted urofcssiactl aea ht ring for its object the coflectlozl ot debu aadtoiireventltc memberf froai autfng btd debt by famltaiag them with lisa of imrties vho do not ir uerchtau tad other httia tocoaots to oollect vill and ittothelrtdvaattire to become members ti haadivds fit iccotmtc trc beiac collected throogh it thtt eoald not be eoneetedtatny other tty iftayjm tecoont ththtcbeo cued tad then returned by the btilfff no good tf tcr patting the tnerefctat to grett expense htx been cucctol arocgii this ubocfttioa uerchtquviihiag to become mem bers by reaiittiag 61od0 to our jftaigers tt etaiiltoa will rehire by reteru q fall ptr- tiealtrs eertiaettc of mciabcrtkitij etc testi- aioaltlt sect j i j b mills co fltanagers actom f livery j busljlne sge of the pablie tad ialoreis thcaz t well equipped and stylist rigs can tl- t wiys be secaied at bis sables a coiaforttble bas taeeu th dtr trsiafi tad those t eight il ordered ctrefcl ctteatioa gfvec toereryorder the wta of coaaaerdiu trtvel- lers fally net johx williams otr somzbodys mot3er the woujta vtt poor ind old tad gray j beat with the chill of the winter jy tlie itrootvu vet will i roccut woir and the vomini feet verc tged tad ilon- she itood tt the crotsing tad irtitod lcag aloao mictredfor unid iha throug of humta beings vho passed ber by sor heeded the gltace of fcer iiikicls eye uowa the ttreet vfth innghtcr tad thoat oltd la tha frwdcun of cehool let out otme tha boji like a flock of iheflp htillug uic saot piled bite tad deep tut the tomu to old tnd grty htstanod the childrca on tfaelr sy vor offered t hcl pfag htad to her so meek tud timid tfrtid to stir lct ihe ctrritgxhccls or the hones feet shocld knock her down ia the slippery street at uit ctaie oac of the merry troop the gtyest ltddic of til the groap he paosed beside her tad whispered io- ill help yoa if yea tnt to go her tgod htad oa his strotg voccg trui she puced tad so rithost btrt or hsnu he guided the trcaihlicg feet tlaag xroud tfctt his owa ttre rai tad itxoag thea btck lo his frieads tiia he went hi joexng hetrt btppif ta ecctcat shes somebodys mother bojs yoa know for til shes tged tad poor ted tow and i hope some fellow will lead t hnd to help my mother if the should iuu1 at t crossing tetry tnd old tad grty vbta her boy perfatpt is ftr iwi aad the detx old troajtii bltssed the boy vjio tts somebodys ioa sad pride tad joy tkd jfamilu juaiiiitg pnuyeyrrciioasgatrtnteedffiiiistiir- j a sad expenses ptkl aar determined mta j ta ncceea with cs pecalitr tdvtattges to b- t stocfceoiepieteiaciadiag intay fist- j sagipmvfffifr oatatfree ktme fmrpaper j ailrescstonce beotstc kkotheks arj cqneaeocaeierk y great kkict ix for the next six veek crtielpli b ashless college gceleh oxtieio 1 iir be a tow restored y kiwi imtirgjri 1 lie unia e 1 1 i is iie i rm ebreiopejs eiilt4iel0 ji pitth schousac tr its artdattes ui j- dw eaiployod t boofcfceepers bcsiaekt ai steaogrtphor cfcy mssy of the iesi vaiiaes hoasec ia cantf yn the jaaedsitlet lorg mec tad womea drtiriag ban new edactlioa wall caasait their eltife by titeadiac the gseipb bcsiaess pirticaltrs ifificcoeiace i prineiptl lumbe r shingles and lath ti oadersigaed desires to inform the public 1- thttheatf novoahtad tad vili keep ia is fail liae of piae tod hemlock te well 6 of lamber tlso first aad secoad ooal jv i eitingpiireatsedtaecotlhceiaes ot urc rsaiiiitaiprepszed tosopply til kiadt of 1 ihxretisot good stock df wood e tad mil wood it retsoa- rfpricei woodtadcotldelitercd ahesbbowk mutual fibe irsurjuhse company or rru russesfjg isasss sea qcb f fc also cectcb lord ttw i j efrirrrsgep 1810 head office cuelph p nier esanniot of nropcrtr oatte wbuae onas davidson president secretory jdhktaiflob aant j actok puilp factory ixdr- plantna mill thos ebbage man i ctje reaoiued the isnngemat of the pmap boiaes ia acton tad iroold reeiectf ally icform sjl parties ia wtat of pampsi that wt urc bopretredlosapply them from j theld stria wooden pmnp to the best force pnmp mndw pumpfffor wind mhis or hock wells supplied oa short notice j deep wells a speciaitr i peices right every time i our planing mill lcailtr dressed rhilejoaiit jfoildicgs acaitqa to order wehtre tlsotcintity of lamberf or stle saittfcle for baildiag parposes orders by mtil vill receive prorupt tad ciref k tlteatiop- r cop at foot of river street th0sbbage haaacer to the front of all cohpetitiox ive place ock elegant and substantial sckkis splendid tn quality complete in assortment 1 orerflowin in generous btrgtins alexs woiceksairdclfllljeexs boots and shoes j stbszss otesshoss te- 1 f lt prices tht slvt ja lenft to ipeedj ssjes lowe8t prices cosnsrrsr na i good quality cubtom work pid eepairink promptly attended to w iiliams mfil street acton new harness shop j- h- matthews prop late of ekki j hll t kirchell desire to inform the people of acton and etiitoaidins thai he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy rag carpetir flannel ebeetinjr shirting and dress goods striped orpuid twilior plain also bed blankets sod rxorseblaasets yards wide and over and i willfiairantee tuat i will rive good satisfttctioa to all farmers and others who will favor nje wilh their patronige t mitchell fancy goods ixpreatvahieti i desire to iafona lay atoueros custotaers thtt i htve parchssoa t fine vtriety of goods for theimts trade compjfsiagt rplendid lot of toilet truclcs ia hair tooth andnail brushes the ficesx perftnres in the market- i hsvo tlso the tucst swck in ladies i satchels r ever shows in acton par xaits present i bare t bctatifnl selection of i a temperance slor fnw wreck ltae to wumngtau a venae mr franklin deeriae citkic his nray to tom lockes wellstocked eajooa it was the rcomicc of february 22nd wsshinfitonvbirthdity and ifr deer- tng peked hit wiy tlou throasa wreck lane he thocht what a relief it woald be to reach the more even walks of qcincey street at the far end of wliih was the wtrra saloon there were stringent reasons for the mans picking his wty through the ice tod sloth of wreck lane bet co as carefauy as ha mifiht certain spertcres along the sides and soles of his shoes soon made his feet like icmps oficc it was a thocsand pities that franklin leering shodd wear such thoes elill an other thousand pities that with his good name and gifted with mental abilities shove the average he shodd he creeping through the enkempt roads and by the miserable tenements of wreck lane bat then it will be readily understood how bach things came about for it was told at the oatset whither his eteps were teadinj he still had some remnant of mm hood left for he felt a tense of thamewhile plod ding along thtt there had not been oat meal enoogh for breakfast the only dish they had and neither his delicate wife nor their little boy frank codd enjoy what little there wis the room wis so cold bat there it wis wtshingtoas birth day and a xitronsi holiday tnd once tt tom lockes there wodd be wtrmth and jollity and general forgetfdness of the dis- agreeahle things ia life it wodd shorten the distance consider ably if he shocld go through washington tvenae on his wty to qslncey street tnd the morning was so bitterly cold mr deer- ing decided to go that way there were stringent reasons again why he asaally troided the avenue first he wis likely to meet old friends men in prosperoca cir cumstances with whom he used to associ ate freely bat tfew years beicre then again the handsome residences of wash ington avenue always gtlled him not thtt the owners or occupants were to any extent responsible for his sad decline bat still tie eight galled him all the same and he had hardly reached the broad sidewalk of the wellkept street before he met a welldressed man with whom he nsed to play when a boy he greeted his form- er friend in a churlish sort of way taking tn u i glance the thick fur collar and cons of his long oremoat and as he went on he marmcred something aboathis cursed i lack then t man passed him carrying a pair of fine stoat beets evidently they were on their way to some man far whom they had been ordered at one of the finest residences oa washington atfeuae the man with the boots stopped at the basement door it waa the hoase of tom locke the winedetier tnd distiller a decided frown settled en franklin deerines natoraily fine face as he paced on once he felt strongly inclined to tern back and go home bat then it wus wuh- iatoct birthday and of coarse he mast celebrate besides it wis cold at the place he called home he had some moaey in his pocket for he had forseen that today he shodd need money he was a journal ist when he was anything in the business world and even now an article from his skilled pen written when soberand he rarely attempted anything when otherwise was almost sore to meet jready accept i ub j to iafotfci the public i litre opened a kboi nitc ifcgarrias drofc k- lean sopnlr soy wants ia the line of j uqfitand hevt harness bl bmslw fmiib md htrness nrervtfiinjj in humes ten kept in stock keiirinc promiitly attended to r c j h 3attlew8 actou cidefl chopping mills at rockwood will reope s for the seasons bnsiness on monday 3rdseftinibek choppioc weighed in and weighed oak land rollers made to order steam and water pipes and all connections supplied eat and threaded promptly t3brafe i bockwood albums bookleti c i we also keep all the aiitborued school books and bcbool bapplfes bymn hooks pens isaeils slates ink etc we keep t large selection of spectacles to iait tilaights- give us a ctlj beforapure bas doat for get the place j j mcgrkjeitrijsrs deuoi j- store had tom locke received poor franklin deering is cordially as nsual that mom- ing things might have resnlted more fav orably for the ramseuer but some rather tut yoang men belonging fo wedthy fami- lies of waahingtoa avenue happened tobe ib the saloon when mr deering entered and tt annoyed tom locke that the shabby man with his dilapidated appearance throaghoat should have shown himself jast then his looks were too snggestive of a kind of sequel to the first part of the drama in which the stylish young fellows at the barwere figuring for the second time franklin leering felt strongly tempted to turn about and go home hut he felt bare his feet woald freeze should he attempt the long wdk back with oat warming them he passed to an inner room farmihed with wooden ey chairs and soon the young men in the store went oat and tom locke all smile and cor- dialty was asking him what he woald have he thinks my money isasgood as any ones once he can get hold of it wit boot seeming o disgrace himself thoaght mr deering v he ordered some hot whiskey paying for it at once bat before tom locke bad time tug thought had struck him with inch sad den force that for the first time within his recollection he paused between the liftiug and the draining ot the glass of intoxicating liquor then be jet the steaming mug down on a stind near by and began talking to him self yes be said in alowaraamjlikeway yes it seemi to me 1 have helped lapport all his show and glitter all this luxury and extra vagance all this vice and ruin quite long enough quite longenoagh the idea occars to me somewhat strongly that i shodd like a boose on washington s venae myself it would be decdcdly agreeable to bave a man bring to my door sach a morning as this a pair of fine custom made hoots i recognire the fict that ilrs florence deering shade of my wife forgive me yes mrs florence deering wodd look fifteen times the lady in handsome clothes that tom locke ignoraut wife ever could and ia to my frankie may god forgive me i really do nolknaw but i can easily imagine how i the child would look in a nice suit of clothes with fine long stockings and jtnnty little neck bows to set him off washingtons birthday is it wonder what washington would think of ine codd lie see cie 1 i find a great deal to excite ad miration vividly readinglrvings delightful boots life cf washington i read them aload evenings the first winter after- flor ence and i was married i wonder if there is really tnything to hinder my retting back to manhood respectability and ta washington avenue i came freezing np from wreck lane to celebrate did u welljn less than fifteen minafcs qaite a crowd will congre gate in this place bat will they be patriots i representative american citiknt or any thing deservmc of inch horionble titles seems lo me i am getting down deplorably tow in the social or ciliseus scale when it becomes a matter of discomfiture to mine host that i present myself before yoang prentice will hocse albert perry yoang fintan and other brainless young fellows of their guild- but it caps the climax the way my money sounded rolling irto that drawer where it evidently struck against more ci the fcime kind how i wish i codd get it back again but never mind spirit cf george washing ton forelend jt shall be the fast the very last washingtons birthday eh i bhoddnt wonder u it proved my birthday m a new grand sense as he finished bis deliberate soliloquy he pushed the glass of antosched liquor farther from him and rising passed into the oater room whyrdeertng called tom locke in his heartiest tones where goiagv im going to washington avenae said itr deering an undercurrent of reso lution in his voice which affectedlfr locke unpleasantly oh come btck and have another drink urged tom come therell he no end p fan going in a few minutes whatll yoa hive now fil stand treat the man who had ignored his wifes pres ence in his anxiety to detain his customer but taking care not to brush against the kadims rich fan and costly velvet mr deering only repeated with aggravating firmness i tell yon i am on my way to wash ington avenue when franklin deering in a perfectly sober state entered bis poor home in less than an hour from the time of having left it his wife only quietly looked her aston ishment but the man poted the look of relief which stole over her face when hs said i i focud it sotcold oataide it reminded me there was same staff in the cellar i codd split up for kindling a man can do a great amount of whole sale pondering while splitting wood and there is doabtless great relief in sometimes sending surplus mental emphasis into the vigorous stroke of an axe once while the steady work was gotngoo little frankie remarked with a sagasity beyond his years why mamma it wands to ma as papa cuts that wood as it he meant to keep bosy always they had a belter dinner at the deer- ings that day than for many months be fore and during the meal mr deering told frankie just why the day was celebrated and the child asked so many questions that mr deering promised to bay hiru t yoang peoples life cf washington next week readers of a widalyctrcdtted paper were delighted within a few days more over a fascinating skech eettiug forth the vdue of holidays commemorative of great men and of great events an nnftmiliar aignt- tare concealed the real writer bat from a part of the proceeds of the article frankie 1 received his life of washington sirs deering qaick to catch signs of amendment about her erringbatgiftedhns- i band gave strong steady enccursgemect ie only it might continue and it did something of the heroism always attaching to the name of oar coun trys first chief magistrate seemed to have entered the mans seal on thit important birthday j some inherent recognition of his true state forced itself at once when for a moment the saloonkeepers usual wel come gave place to a glance of contempt the soaodof his wasted money sent a shaft ot qaick conviction showing him what be was- and what he might be it took a long long time to accomplish his resolve because a downward coarse is always swifter than the prcce of retracing ones stes but by the grace of god the mannevr dickered in his timely revolt on til with his little family he entered wash ington avenue to stay and hi always retained a strong mental conviction that his inner life and private walks emerged also from the sadness of a wreck lane into a veritable washington avenae for his boah mrs harriet a cheever in the illustrated cfirugan itcei- 6f lilians piaxo kecital lilian said mr parker coming into the room whert her daughter sat studying dont wajhink yoa coald get through with jtdavessods this afternoon in time to run down to air poulion s and see bow they are 7 v when i was there last week miss em meet was on usually miserable and i am anxious to hear from her why yes mother suppose lean go lilian answered hesitatingly but but you dont wish tot i dont care mnch about going there lilian admitted sow howcaiyousay that expostu lated mrs parker seating herself by the table when ibey think so much of yoa and are to kind oh i i know interrcpted lilian theyre just as kind as they can be and auoctthesylihrel the squirrel as a pet is almost as well known and as jjreaf a favorite as the rabbit it can never kpb thoroughly domesticated however as the cab bit and cannot be per muted the same freedom the squirrel family is large and contains many species some of these ae found in evtry country in the world except australia among the principal species are the gray red ground black cat prarie fox auj flying squirrels the three firituatned varieties are about the only ooes which thrive in confinement the grocnisqairrel is generally called the chipmunk the foxsquirrel which is most nameroai in the sooth it the urgent of the species the flying squirrel is found throoithodc the country east cf the rocky moantsios squirrels hibernate in the winter months and beciu ia the early part loss and a aix 1 iarrowed that the golden day was dead lis light no more be- eonntrjideftdornhjg hot whilst i grieved bfbold th east graw red with niorwnd i limbed tlut merry spring was forced tfl go and doff the wreath that did o well becoin her i but tihilc i aiurmurcd at hct absence lo twas stiamer i mourned becaaso lhe daffodils wcro killed hy burning kics- that toorched my ctrlf posies i dot whilst for thiso i fined my hands were 811- i with rose half bnaenhearied 1 bewailed lbs end ql friendship than which iwao had oace seem ed ucticr r- hot whu i wept 1 fouiid a iitwer friend and destr i do really like them very much i shodd enjoygoing there but the plain honest for use daring the coid weather whcretef truth is i cant bear to play on thair old its home is fcand wfiether iu a hollow rattle pen piano and they always want me tree in a crevice in a rock or in a hole in to play it basnt a particle of tone in it j ihe gmand it is alwav seen to be arranged and is so small that my pieces run over j con vehientjy and neatly most squirrels both ends and then they are always keep two or more stores of food apparently wanting mo to play those tiresome old- with the idea hat the enroachment of man fashioned things they bave there especi- or some cf iu ether enemies may mtkeit ally the maidens prayer which i parti- handy id fcave more than one place of re- cularly diafike i foge ahboogh the klow may be deep that was marys piano and marys j over these holes in winter ye the squi music said mrs parker meditatively somewhat sadly how often i have sat i and thus i learned old plcosurvs are estranged i i i i oaly that louethiagbettcr maybe- gifea of acta mu laviog in their supply of nuts t jla rr j i utd si last re find this earth erebtagod vor heaven t i good words cieitifir- a promtoent gentleman iu a neighboring city is always made sick by the smell of wawrmeions he can detect the odork one i carried through his boast two boors before lie cooes in whedpercep- j j tible to no one else it makes him deadly work of five tcahs pcf a a- feqimg the english elsctri- cun iht wa tbat in 162 an electric dymmo far woo iwtita weighed 8m ponndt the epece occ qpied vu 320 cubic feet the hone- power repaired wfta153 end the commer- ciel etaacy a c7 per cent the 1887 to reech hb money drertbe door oj the j rf 1mg store opend end a lady and a tattl toyj n m cobij on tiut embroidered ottoman bright then but faded now by the fireplace listening j to her playing those very pieces and what a pleasure it was to see how her father mother and aunt enjoyed her music that maidens prayer was mr fodsons favorite he gave miry a pair of kid gloves because she learned it in two days ah those were happy times for my old friends who have been very lonely nw for many yean how old was mies mary when she didv asked lilian she had often heard of that intimate friend cf her mothers girlhood aod knew how greatly she had been loved aad how tenderly mouxuea- kot quite eighteen replied mrs parker and she has been dead twenty years haant she 5 one weald think in that time mr and mrs podson woald be a little used to it and- not miss her so very much they will never cease missing her they ware so wrapped up in her of six chilh- ren she was the only one who lived to grow op and then she was ruch a lovely affec tionate girl so devoted to her parent of course tht piano was new and in good tune then oh yes it was considered a very fine instrument then it was a present to mary on her tenth birthday i was in vited to spend the day with her and in the afternoon aunt clara that is miss em- mett took as to a pinonma to get us oat of the way when we came home tha pian j wa there how delighted mary wasl i suppose she began to learn to play right away yes and learned very rapidly the rest of her life the piano was a great source of enjoyment to the whole family well said lilian after drumming on the french dictionary a few minutes if they wodd only get a better piano id be perfectly willing to go often and play their old malic they codd afford a new piano couldnt they of coarse they codd mr dicn is very well off they codd afford to live on broad avenue or up by the park if they wished bat they cling lo the old place and all the old things becaaseof their associ ation with miry that piano is sacred in their eyes yoa ought really to feel com plimented that they ask yoa to play for it isnt every one they coold bear to see at marys piano playing her music j i know said lilian slowly ioaght i to be more willing to play when it- gives them so much enjoyment thoagh i think it is rather a melancholy kind of enjoy ment yes bot if they like it o lilian we j younger people are not half considerate enough of old people there is so mach more we might do to comfort their last years old age even under the most favor able cifcam stances has its sorrows and privations which we might do something to alleviate when- 1 think of those old friends of onrs wearing oat their sad monotonous lives in that lonely hocse i feel so sorry that we dont try to do more to cheer and comfort them while they are still with as dont say another word mother you make me feel so mean cried the impdsive lilian from this time on im going to do my amount of playing for them th go right now and give them a regular piano recital when she reached the large oldfashion ed house on a half deserted downtown street and entered the parlor she found mr and mrs podson seated on either side of the fire and miss emmett lying on the lounge theytvere all invalids more or j less and in this winter weather much con- fined to the house how they brightened when rosy brighteyed lilian came in bringing with her such a refreshing whiff of frosty air i after listening sympathiringly- to an ac- connt of their various ailments delivering loving messages from her mother and un folding her little budget of home news babys latest wonderfaldoingsandkeddied remarkable sayings she deftly led the talk in a masical direction by repeating some remarks made by her german music- teach er daring the last lesson aad when they had donelaoghing at her fanny imitations of broken english she asked shall i play some for you this ofternoon v it wodd give them so much pleasure they all declared so lilian with mrs pod sons help brought the old gray portfolio from the lower part of the bookcase in the parlor and for more than ab hour sat at the piano playing oldtime scbottisches mar ches dedicated to the early heroes of the war my maryland with variations and wiqdiog np with the maidens pray er the little audience could hardly thank her infficieatly ah i my dear child said the old gentleman potting his trembling hand on ber shoulder you are if it finds it neceisarv to vacate one hole 8iclc s of fla fito can alwavs tell where the other are siiaat- the hod i have bad ptv ed though til the ordinary landmarks may caiiar p inference to poisonous be obliterated wood the britiih natural- sabrtancei poin ly has never idjtfrrf irt tells of a friend who found one of these- nie add no externd poisua that thave ever reserve tores which a squirrel hadprovid- handedha done md harm except m nnfii edforan exigency and the friend in a iqa i once wofe a pair of mmotjjv moment of thoagh uwn determined to bliu and wore to c play a joke on the sodrred he accord hm color c4me cfi oa andpoisoaf inglv replaced the cats hv small ronnd rae a condition that j stones and cartfdlv concealed all eviden- bad to be lifted from my blb in sheets cea of his visit one cold clr fn winter sidce lhst time i cadda ev p5- m several days later he paasedtheipot and wain water oat unpleaaav found that the sorrel had called there a j resalts in ciean m en f i 1 short time previously ta be kuew by n ao wlstg witb hi the fact thtten inches of snmv had p tellat once from tboanffering i experiehm scratched from the top of the bole outside 1 ifaat lherb mm lhrcad8 in lho h of which the su bad bw cast w the ast lsqhaaheenredtjy disappointed animal this itruck the itoextensivelyused whichu raadeor gal- joker with remorse he mijl oevcr vantred iron covered with a coating of xina felt the tillv 6 practical joking so much iu a word mntioa p p mv-life- ftncv the poor little fellow nip the f b articles as the citnc ech pedith cold tad scantv food but forsee- oi fte the ri ing a- long winter rooked to economize formic antoe80iae and poisonpus lalti his little hoard as loru as possible fancy- tnon- squeeze should be made eitberof him vlt determined t6 break this-per- j p irod or wood a 1 tlb 80m hspslns lastmigaziaev and cheerily j observed where the services bright brushing awav the mow fally confident i thc rail are k that a good mealawaited him as the re- celain zinc is a metd which u readily at- wardof histoid job and after all finding j h f nothing but stones i never feltmore mean land ashamed in my life and really food or drink should ever be allowed to come in contact with it would bave given a gainea to hare known that injured sqairrels address he shodd have bad as fine a lot of natsas wodd have put him beyond the reach of poverty had he lived to be as old as methuselah teicpeeaxce jots- ax lkportaxt event the chicago vn says of high license in that city to come home to our own doors t be number of arrests fordruakand disorderly conduct in chicago has increased 53 per cent in the last five years of high license and the consumption of beer has inrreased 07 pen cent during the same period the saloon insceuce waa never j before so potent in politics j at a meeting of brewers in sandusky o recently the followiag woj posted oa the j wall as a motto dowu with the white- iivexed clergy and the sunday schools 1 the saloon men recognize these as their j enemies any preacher who does not make his infiucuce felt in his commqnity j againsi driakieg saiocgs is of little vaiae to thatrcommunity london is curiously- nnmoved over the impeodin g election fbr he new county coon- cil which occurs this month except for the occasional advertisements byecsmdi dates in tjie papers and sporadic editorial references no one would get an idea that anything of the slightest importance was pending when as a matter of fact it la the biggest governmental change that hasbap pen ed since the fall of sedan london with nearlj 500c000 is to come lntomant aptl existence manage her own affairs and vote her own supplies cbotrol her own expenses- and improvements for the first time yet nobody beems to take thefaiiiu est interest in the matter theqneswioi the admission of women to thecoancil will be tested by mis- j trie cobdeu a danghtex of the free trace evangel who is standing as the liberal candidate in the bonpiey division and is likely to be elected spabkles mamma what u the mtter with my a prominent brewer ia philadelphia re centlysaid lo a citizen a jprohibitianist thumb is hurts me every time isqaeeae yoa never can destroy the beer business i it dont equeeae it dar bajifl every step yoa take makes as stronger dont sqaeeze it bow can i tell whether it this year we will sell 100000 more barrels j hurts than last year we have come to stay a little girl who was ill called ber mother we will cot permit any fanatics to dictate to her bedside and said eery pitefloaly to aswhat we must do we have money mamma i am awful sick jost swalldw- to buy all the lawmakers we went infive upward and her motbct sympathised years all yon old mopers who groanln your w her deeply charches ou sundays- will have to stop for confession of inability could not go -for- we willdrownthemout with bandyof music uberthtniu the prayer of a good brother this is a free country and we will do as more osed to dry goods than leading the we please well said i- do you be- camp meeting 0lord we are u iretvi- heve in the bible and god v the bible as weak as 2co wbasting tbreadr andthepriest aod god are made for wo- smallboy to his mteri 4i edith t do men children and fools you know why i think yoa are like a cat the chriitiau c wcrl tells the following 1 that has fallen into a hogshead otjtto- incident in connection with a church in a j lasses because lam so sweet ko certain town in kentucky one of the i because youre so slack ap members was in the habit of coicg into a k does the drawer believe there wa saloon and takicg a drink whenever he felt i any sincerity in the request of tbecolored like it but had a holy horror of an organ boy who when his torn came to lead the la church in a discussion of the subject be said if voa bring that organ iu here it will split the charch i aad a camber of ethers will leave the pastor replied i can preach either with or without the or- gan in the church itis a matter of indif ference to me bat as the church is di vided aboqt it and some say that it will drive them oat of the chorea i think the tviseet cocrse for ua is to pat the organ in the saloon and see if it wont keep them oat of that place also- by a late decision of the supreme court of pennsylvania saloonkeepers are made responsible for any injury loss or damage suffered by their patrons in thesdoon or as a consequence of their visits there and the supreme court of nebraska has decided that a woman may sue and recover money her husband has squandered for liqnqr i have personally no prejudice says canon wilberforce against those engaged to the liquor trade but i am utterly tired of seeing this bright world turned ina jail or hell in order that the great brewers and distillers may become millionaires and 1 peers fourteen lumbermen engaged in a log drive recently at one of the rapids in ffie mattawt river canada secured whisky got drunk decided to ran the rapids board ed a boat which was capsized in the middle of the rtpids and all were drowned prayer meeting observed o lord i pray thee make thy servant conspicuous llarperi magazine hattd llck- both elegantly dressed came iu through j the doorway mr deering was attentively regarding the newcomers whom he recog nized as the wife and child of tom locke when all at once besird the piece of money be bad just handed out roll into the wine- sellers drawer at the sound be stopped with the hot i drink halfway to his lips some couvict- feet requires about 112 horse power and has a commercial efficiency of over 90 per cent a given current coats one fourth as much j in 1882 a word of caution yes said young stiggers the insur- anoe clerk i nevdr was so swindled mod robbed in all my life i feel like going 1 down and jumping overboard every time i j- think of it what ia the trouble said the fellow at the next desk why yoa see i atood inline at the star theater from u pm taesday night until the next morning not tbat i was go iog to put ap for any 45 seat but i thought id sell my place m the line like ihe other fellows did you understand well- long about g oclock when i waa almost ready to drop for want of sleep a fellow in an ulster with his bat down over his eyes comes np and offers me ten for my place 1 tbat was lucky lucky bat wait of coarse i told oat and let the man squeeze into my place aad then i held out my hand for the mon- ey and he gave you a counterfeit eh worse than that it seems it was old skidmore my tauor and be just chnckes aod says thats all right mr stiggert ill just credit you with ten on your little- bill by jove if i hadnt been bo played out and exhausted id have ayaasinatefl him tcxes oii iji v 1l dont be too hasty in getting your back ap acsiist the teacher ofyonr children- take the advice we find on this subject in an exchange before listening to any com plaints of your children about the fiend- wbf t kind of boys go to heaven ask ed the sanday school wperintendeat dead boys yelled tbeyouogeat member of the iafant class mothers own girl jost like her in atten tion to as oldfolks 1 i w np aod excited over it it were bet- then lilian felt rebuked for her previous 1 i a i ilecollect that yoor an willingness to play as she hastened j 6 or halmoxen cherubs drive you erazy home in the twilight one lineshe could j na tb time and bear with the teachers remember no more of some verses ahehad wn0 making for you inteuigentraenand heard jiertootber aay kept repeating itself j woine 0 as unpromising material as yon oversandxiveriolimniod it waa be j were yourself twenty or thirty yew ago tlu effat of tobacco- it has been so clearly denyjostrited tht- the use of tobacco serioualy impair the nerve centres that it bas been forbiddeji uia studts of the uuted stteniintfrar whnessof their- teachers and getting j1 j ud oavu dertai itisid to fttforal thfrdevelopementpftho brain inert th i developement of optahiglandstoanjbt itxti table heart and bribfifbn premature een ility ixrthe ypoag kind to the tgod old lady who has jost given a penny to aamsjlboy now my dear what do yoa ay i give me another eecollect that besides yoor bqy who of oouree all know to be an angel he or she bas to contend with tbat boy of your neigh- boy and yoa all know equally l well what terror be is d sullivaii majoofsd oot wrilaii- htvo beenwling dr tomaa fiephricotf ii for some yean and have no hetitaionla aayipg that it ha given better j than any other medicine i have- over lajlsw i consider it the only patent toedkln that cojmmorethjmmisremrflriitooiizw 1- i-