t- kt uw 1- tin- 1 stress jwtvto whct voiuste xlvxo pquni uifi rv rv rrltjcksf c r- j ss fjjc rtoit jfrce 3 wss is rcnutacd every thursday morkixg j it tee fret press power prwtwq mouse actok oxtauio sussortption rates ottixije tflav fin uoxres seers tttretkostll iitt invariably lu advance it not paid lu advance jjjj per vear will be charged ngpaperducon- losed ul in ar paid except it the aoyertlrlnqratef trier 11 vk ko 3 uo 1 imo mladic lofncln ila-h- mo- if saw l urn 1 fun 1 cjm assoa isi siooo 1um taj floo iso casual aitervseccnts 6- cents pcrune lor the 5ftiawriioa aaijetfutspcrunetar each sab- jaacaiibmrticcemh the number oc line tooedbrthcipaceocesftedcieasaredbt- c tile tcw nonpareil- iltetisl wiihost pacific direction till tm i averted till forbid tad charged accord jjjlr tixactorradrwtimmeaummt be paid j advance csaajm for contract advertisements tacit le is the ofl- br ajaoutucsdaya otherwise t leftover until thetollqcini week h rtioore editor and rtotricuir iiaihft- r crug i i gouges cold i- 1 croup ran z v escue i l jrcif rr it has ao cagxu pluil in slt fora i i 3l jtjxteeji f yputhjf tl losce iad peaui- jbusituss birtrtxjtrr itf h lowry m bmcps j grid3tcojtticitcojictrucsibctor coiictirtrjriiaiaadscrcvcas ofioeaai residence at the head of fredcrfct uw acioa rpni actox oktario thursday january 24188 i- 1 1 f xt i pieice thbei jents acton baukiusi- couipajny storet christie t co -bak-kees- ictott ontario a oilvkilil baxmxg business teaxsacred money i0a1ted ok affsoties h87ss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits never leave actik wlica jcu tin xt sg fiiod cu irticlo tad 1 cheap tt harness shop ci1 hal fco il ie bir- johk lawsok graduate of oaolrio vcicrjaarv coue tcrocto vet- rjurrssrsima acton oal qffite in keacj- jipjiboccaaltboc hare residence in lhu rear gjrtec tiioiifleduc tosndaeis and certicat ulealtiht or day proaiptij- atteaded to l bessett lds dejntist t0hk5xoka- ifcleik binaterk soicitort kourics coavcyanccrs fc rrrat taads ta loaa 0m tots hall acton ef bjoassriis wit a hclris ufiht mid heirr harness blante bells curry cobe brcsher whips 4c llavcrcuif tu artim to jjiyrd sul cndtaor topt the let lvtoa to those vrho tirc imc with tlir introuac i liavc 1 tmtjl cijcuv aad ca afford o sll chcau coliars warranted not to hurt i 1 h matthews actoii school books copybook exercise books slates a full like days bookstore quklph fjoetnj day sells cheap j a howat biexirrs souttoji koriii pccuc maacr to loan oma oitt tccsdav ard saturday orna itattherx bloefc acus cptuirt qhiltok auuik o bilrb bartuav sojjcitcrt tx totaxto isd geoccnetx 0ascrmiaiaiisbjocfcgoaietotn aad sg kia street eaat toronto t i iils i- seilioi el j cj dadgeeow cabsok 4 co eabfilstesa soacrtoes kotauls oirt cb corchspifc and adelaide t tocoatq rjff teiepaoacxalv cable addrca badfieror fithgeeot joes ciqstcx totsotarronsxt picture frames -it- witebs beothess iot1thes -at- i watej1s broteees canjce poles dinner rods iloaldjnge carls kails glass bevelled ilirrok aarisrs matehuls vi2sorfc kewtbas -at- waters brother 5 vrtkdham street guelpe the merchakts protective audcollectiug issocutiqk op cakad4- head officehamilton ontario kttauikhcdls u aa afsocjatica ct bciiuetk aad profcsatuaal tcec haiag for ita object the collectidn ot dabt acd to prevent it member from miking bad debts by icrtuhiac uicni irith uata ot tiartiea vho do not tv jlcichacla and others bavins aceoaal to collect villccd fttotheiradvaatae to become merabeirs- huiidreds of account are beics colleeced throcgll it that coojd not be eoiltctcdln anyother ry ijlacy an acconat that ha been aaed aad theh returned bv the liliff as no pood after pattiag the merchant to great expense baa been collected through thi tasocutioo uereiiaauvitbingtoueccmcmoui- bcraby remitting tjlojo to oar auatern at hagilltau xriurectdco by retain mail lull pax- tierlark certificate cc mccibcchip etc teati moaialtfcnt j e mills co managers ixekis secchzd ros cctestioks ekky gkist ottiwju cisini ttcslr teta pactioe so pitezt ko fy w seitsxreet lirrt iccnaseit fcr the cosmic o wellinfion aad haltoa oriers leii ac the facr paras osactca or at cr reiilgace 13 acioa trill be proaiptiy at- tadito tersu reaaanabld alto doner to loan on the most- favorable icra aad at the lowest riles of icterect la k2ii of 330 aad cprarda 5zone cjj i licr zszmi 1 11 i rr tad iefirts fezttct i iddress poccu fk xrrijci soicassaen vitality i gil- ably-bmt- ssaaplidw to tvtrded to the su juocatis- ad3i a ifedlcal k r lfe35 of t i- ii w wr loop iw restored kia ct dr ww i tii icinf4 ira ilirtyye at- of thitii rrir it the lai of ot cj or imi i lciiciicc fatal sc cox lusses itotciaim limbs itef io ckctcbes j5oi toes dit j ibchtcect gctxtk ost ornceqeei hotel block loifcet qnl- erixgis kukax scesscmo t f cbipnn boosekdek st gearget satire goelftolino jl3333 lfeotc of 1 kinds tne to orfer fcxisrf o erery deriptioa eaxfailrbooai ksiif oeulr ti promptly done- wellington marble worts qtrasso st citslps j hamilton clark i proprietors wholesale and retail dealers id- ilarble pranite and eterythicg pcrtainic j to cemetery work direct j importera of ail kinds of granite and r iarbe bavins laie3y visited the bay o f tic dy granite qsarnessnifcaviacfthasedthcentirejttoci 1 o gray and red5raaitemonaiaeataheadatontt croaea nisi etc of alexander taylor at leas thajj coatve ill anta farthrt- notice aell at j priflpbdorer before- toot2 in ontario fcrjn- tuoe granite monomenu thih 00 t ft e ah tort and majexialwimatedfirttelaaa partica riatinc anyacins in this una till do vrtll to call and see ci before pnrtaaaicc eljerfccim aa tc caranteo ouf pricca are from jqtowperceatbeior all othirdealart i acton livery 10 bus line the uajeisicaj rcpectiiii v toticit the itrca- age of tit pshlir and iaiorms theai that weil equipped and stylish big can al ways be secured athif tables a coiortabc ba uit all dav traiat asd those at ciht ir ordered carefnl attention glvea to every order the vaatc ot conzajercial travel lers f ally met jqhx villia5ts i-riohi- to tele front of ill coupttbtiox we tlick oltt clothing elegant and substantia goods t he haxljlk barber shopi xfjxasrcixtartox at low pricesl i aa trvcr thave a tyliah haircct a good teafoam j aiechifitrtriathxiipooalxyapv- liaxou iaredaaipatia rtcia4s condition- ldiea aaichlllreaacairtastiltcat j iawosdettoaoriaiartista i salesiex wanted pltakerrioailiocicjaraat6dthijdar aadetpasca iid any determined aaaj eaajiacceetl tilh nc peculiar adraatagei to be- 1 fnaerx sujcieowplete ineiadiac laaay fat- mlhae nwaaltiea outfit free same this paper addreae at once- beowx bbothees mar- j strymeafcocaeaierx v t 1 gruelpli baslness college j guelph oxtirio j tiavasbjtthestocic of 51 lirvaata iu cutct taiior at a rate on the dollar aad desirias to give the iieoie cf acted thebeaefit iirilltchata i splendid m qcauty complete in assortment i overfiowtds in generoas bargaicb meks woileks akbcmldreks gre1t kedxctiux for the next six weeks boots e vex y znck a max he tat ou tho porch in the iaathiic ai i rent down tho slrocl aaoinanhccbalr rcultcr bat whom face aa a blouoai ttct iiiiinii mc tbhik of a garden where in rjiltc cf th itoel aad uiuk of bleak notumbcr weather lato frigraut lijics bloc 1 heard a fooutep behind me and the laund of a merry laugh and i kavr tho heart it came from wonld be like a comfortfnf fuff la the time and the hoar of trouble hopeful aad brave aad strong que of the hearts to lean cu when te think all thicjs go wronj i tcmed at uie diet of the gtcialch and met his manly look a face like his give mo reasarc like the ge of a uleaaaiit book it old of a tladfut purpose of a brave and darinjj will a face with a iromiie in it that 0od pant the ycaw tulah ho wcjt up the iihaay silgiaf i saw tho womant eyes grow bright with a wonius welcome as tunshiae varmc the tkics hack aaiu sweetheart mother he cried acd bout to klw the loving face that ww lifted for what seme mothers mi that bey will do t depend en i hold that thia is trae from lads in love with tlclr mothers our bravest heroes grew tuxths gracdosf tcartc luve bltu loving heart hince umc and earth bekin and the boy who kiuc his mother ucrerjinch a man iaiiiit of lurlinc wiluhim liou1n have eud o uio room ind wiltenawtberleam cone off in an opposite direction with a o cold ai the dainty riuga and pin it ooo mattered reference to an miritiar engage- meat it was the ncht of a little blonde-hair- uined werrf removed rom their fatfahoed caaca he watched motionleul breathleaaly silttt jfamift httmttg a handrctl-bflwars- xhe two clerks employed- by james ilait- bylhe jeweller o royal ton were fiittia j told hiraielf ed rubbercoaled peraon iirajujlimi with a i a tho eafier hands shifted the filitteridk dripptoif umbrella ou a windy corner which j ihtnfli eeiriuji thii and replacioe that brooch i him oat of tbe hitter reverie into which he had fallen in a twinkling the umbrella waa furled and iu hie possession and hmy ford waa lajclyeivconrtd under hie own clinging to bis arm and looking up ut him laughing yoa laved me from a watery crave ihcdeclaredciylj why walter brooka whats the matter to whom should he go with hii troabca if nut to her ehe had promised la ihare them all some day a day in vie- of hie modest salary and her ponionleaa coodi- tion preaqmahly far away into whose ean could lie more properly pouthis woes but as he recounted the cvenu of the marnicg to the eager fiirl at his aide he foand himself omitting instinctively that unpleasant feature mr ilaltbj t saspicion how could he tell her a hundred dollars susy repeated breathlessly oh waller it would be enocgh ehe slopped timidly to help us to settle down said wal ter patting il practically so it wo old dear i and the thought waa so cheering that he almost forgot his unhappiues and chatted comfortably with hii liule fof as they trndged along throagh the rain i do hope yoail discover the thief and get the hundred dollars walter she said hau laughing as he ielt her at her door thick ot the chairs acd carpet it would bay it waa tbe thought of the trustful look she gave him as she said it from under her rabber hood that kept him from going quite distracted that dreadful afternoon or so he and shoes k g wax fifth schouatic year its grades are now employed aa boofcfceepers bcfiiaess managers steaognpheit etc by many cf tie lazpsx baarew hoasea in canada aad tne etir ates- toamj men aad womea d a mcroaaa basiaesa edocatioa will cocsalt their own weiiaxe by ageadiag the gaelph scauuax cohege for terms and parueuiara address mitaccobiack ciy principal- t ftuit trees small fruits amomameutaislinibberj i kevuiicoofc adon wjiu1d io tet lor thi lectioo tor xhe el toncoaiadiamrsiikire ioja lirikortsdupreiiirei to lt orir tor cjv oftlieiniiltrtfijl fnitt or itntbs wtioa tremors in e isartixtcd catloct of uje narwrv tbe prodact of the oj1 eocecter xoien- e tavo to be ceneiillr reiike nd eorrtetlr timed ti i cfprotnueiuasorr tazxjhth who parcbim itoci rom nic ftwrbie ev u b cq0k ascct ioiok pu3ip factoriy planing mill thos ebbage x i i have rcsamed the iaaaaieajea pmp bjsinehfi ia actoc aad wold respectf ally inform all parties in want of pamps that we are now ireparei to seppiy them from the did style wooden pncpj beat force pmnp nade ptoaps for wind mies or eoci ttippaectoii ehott notice- deep wehs s epecialtr lumber shingles and lath f ul desirea to inform he psblfe l last be baa notoa hand and iu p l mct a fill line of izc and hemlock at well u other kinds of latnber ajto first aad second tilts pine thingiet lath obaijwood uttinjpsrcbxidthecailbtulnem ot krc sb3iitbiapreptred toapplr 1 kind of store col i bre ito i goed ftoct of tsood hifiiuod aibcetruid mill woodlt rmmo- bla pricec tvoodndcoldeiiterod jihesijeows bfilges siabtt eyesy tike our planing mill t of tbo etfnujr ce ire to toe ytelk s172b3es q7zss0zs ice i m pnocs thxt sinzys lead to speedy sales o lowest price8 cqisatcirr wira- j coo d quality custom work and espairitfo promptlr attended to w willlims mill street acton i ja ac i careful lcaiwr dressed while yon wait if ouldingc p made to order vie have alto a quantity of lujber for fale saitable for building crjtoses prdetx by mail will receive protiijit ex attention shopatfootofeiver street titos ebbage ujaaccr fancy qoods ix guleat variety i dire to iafona my numerous easterners that i have pcrchaseo anne variety of goods for the xmas trade eomprismga splendid lot of toilet articles in hair tocii and nail brushes tile finest perfumes in the market mutual fire insoruhce co 3h t jtirchell desires to informthe people of acton and ar rou that be is prepretl to take orders for weaving all kinds ot fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and lhs goods striped or plaid twill or plain j also bed blankets aud horacblankctstwo j yarda wide and over j and i willgaarantcq that iwillgiyegood j satisfaction to all fanner and otbera who j forsmaalceatnu ihavca beautiful scloction wilhavor me with their patronage j r of t mitchell 1 or ihz-7- ooihttt 07 toxtzsw wtabushed 1810- eat office cuelph iwnafdyagauefiadtilliotbf i havo r the finest eiock in ladies satchels fvertbown ia acton anlci other letniptioni of ptt prbtilaiitsote system fwswae oaaada freaideot jqhktavliob arf gioer chopping at bockwoodj will reopeo or tbe seion bnsinest ou mbvdav 3rd september srvhi choppinn webbed in pd vt ltnd mllent msde to order 8ean aiiri wautr ptpm aod iil connectiom sripplfed j cut od tbrcsded promptly w bbeam i boqkwood albums booklets c mills we also keep all the authorised school books and school supplies hymn hooka pens feneili slates ink etc we keep alaru selection of spocfaclcs to suit i all sights j givouaaeall before purcbaafmj get tbo place over the regifteroce raw and rainy spring morning trying to amuse thexselnea iu the absence of a customer the door of th inner office opened sud denly and a tall geatlemau wilhgray-ting- ed nwastache and gold- rimmed glasses came i out their employer being iu feeble health harvey chapia was his manager and the two clerks walter brooks and dick crane stood in wholesome awe of mm ir slaiihy wishes to see yea both said ilr chapin rather gravely the yoang men exchanged puzzled glanoct and fouawed mr chapin into the office ifr xiahby sat at the desk his face was paler than asaal and his brows wtre contracted he poahed bwk his whiw hair with nervous agitation as they entered an aopleaaant business yocug gentle- rasd ii began abropoy his eyes were fiied with peculiar sharpuesa oa walter brooks the young man embarrassed by the sud- den ttrnticy flushed slightly and hr ilaltby and his manager exchanged glances briesy then the old gentleman went on lapping the desk for emphasis ir chapin his made the surfim discovery that some of our most valuable jewelry is missing that department is more espec ially under yoor charge brooks rave yon observed it he had cot oree removed his sharp gaie from him and walter grown more and mote confused beneath it was conscious that his voice wax not quite steady a he responded everything wai safe last night sir i could swear to it unless it has been taken since then sir ilaltby dapped his desk impatiently doat avoid the point it iras tken sicce then the questiou i put to yoa was had yoa discovered it sir chapin ton was regarding him thoughtfully even uicfc cranes roand blue eyes had grown somewhat suspidocs walter felt- his color coming aud goiug f i had not bo said he was aware that the thortuecs of his reply seemed 0 his heaters like sullen de fiance he wu aware hat ilr ilaltby hid darted another significant look at his man ager very well said the former gravely and panted something must of coarse be done he continued presently and since it is desirable to avoid publicity and j since as mr brocks sacgest with a half i smiles the theft was obviously committed sitise last evening hr chapin and i have hit upoa the plan of night watches strictly amacgourselve yoa brooks the jw elry heiog in your care particularly will watch tonight crane tomorrow eight and jr chapin the next we can hardly fail of obtaining a clew in this way and i offer hundred dollars as an incentive a hundred dollars cash down to the man who discovers the thief if meantime thfl old gentleman con cluded with his eyes still fixed oa his sen- ior clerk if well if the offender be among ourselves he will have an opportun ity of replacing the articles in which case it being the first occurrence of the sort there will be no exposure yoa may go walter brooks as he got himself oat of the room felt that he was quite a different person from tbe lighthearted boy who had entered it he wsnt to the window and stood look rag oat at the drirzly morning wretchedly dick crane with an awed glance at him had betaken himself to the hack part cf the stare ha might as well have said in so many words roseate the thief said walter to himself growing helplessly wrathful at thfl thought who would its soon he felt i hand laid 00 his shoulder mr chipio was looking down at htm kiadly through his goldrimmed glasses dont lake this too much to heart my boy he 6aid earnestly i wooteay the od gentleman hasnt some nensenso or other in his head about ybu but i will say that i believe hes wrong i have perfect faith in ju brooks aad if we dont clear ihii up fnaide of a week i much mistaken walter looked op gratef ally why the manager went oa reaaaar- iagly yon may be the very man to solve the mystery aad get the hundred dollars- liberal offer by the way if yoare inno cent brooks and i believe it yoa may ilr chapin treated him with unchanged friendliness when ha came oat of the office once or twice on some small errand he spoke a cheerful word to him and beamed down ou him with encoaraging kindness to dick cranes unconcealed amazement yoa watch toaight brooks said the manager pleasantly as he started off to supper well let us hope youll get a clew and the money i susys very words the young man felt a gleam of hope in spite of himself and a glow of gratitude toward the manager it was fen oclock that night when the last belated customer hid dropped ia the porter had departed and walter was left alcne he tariied the gas law and sat down near the heater the room wis growing cod he dropped his head into his hands and tried to think of something cheerful of susy of ilr chapin a kindness and aym- pathy ot the possibility of winning the haadred dollars a footstep which had been coming down the street slopped just oateide a key grated ia the lock- walter rose to his feet with startled haste took a step forward and rin almost into the irms of ifr chapin himself did i frighten yoiii said the manager rabbiug his feet on the mat paltiog the young maussh6ulder and laughing well no wonder how dismal yoa are to be sure he added in a jolly way glancing aroand the shadowy room was feeling rather blue walter re sponded ha could have embraced his com panion m his sadden relief jbut hnw ha do e come to be hcres said ifr chapin more seriously well ill be frank with you brooks if hid come according to the plan proposed jly mr ilaltby this morning i should hate come in quietly at the back door taken up my stand behind that grbop of statuary and kept a sharp watch on jour proceedings tharc there aa the yoang man tarn- cd a horrified face upon him w remember that was his plan not mine yoa can judge oi my failh iu it froraihe way i have followed it but be added with a genial laugh walter returned his smiling gae with eloquent eyes his many sensations the shock of this disclosure his powerless anger and hia great feeling of thankfulness o the man before hiai made it impossible for him to speak i dout pretend to be a characterread er ifr chapin continued bat i do flat ter myself that ikuow an honest man when i see one the sight o the- yoang mans emotion touched him he took off his glasses and passed his hand across his eyes see here brooks he concluded in a matteroffact tone were making two fools of oorselvej and all about nothing wheres the good infoaving friends if they dont stand by yoa get on your hat and go home and dont lie awake worrying about this bssiness either it will come 1 oat straight enough yoa mark my words i oh im all tight im going direct ly- and before walter cocld otter a word of all that was ia his heart he was hustled in to his overcoat in a friendly way and into the street the rain had ceased the sky was clear and the moon was coming up walter stood for a moment hesitatingly and then tamed up the street cot in the direction of home for he felt strangely un easy after all he was deserting hi post should he not have resisted the managers kind pebaasioas and remained it was this feeling an anreasonabje one he told himself which caused him when he tam ed back at last to ignore thelhorl cut be might have taken and retrace hii steps he could take a look at tho store in pass ing aud satisfy himself that all was right m i his thoughts ai he walked briskly along were full ol the atrsmgo events of the day he almost ran into a late pedestrian or two ia hia absorption he was brought to himself by tbe knowl edge that his rapid walk had brought him in front of the store and that dim light was still burning therej jhjb palled oat fail watch iobewilderment i aud consblted it by tbe light of tbo moon and thrusting tbe selected articles into inner pocket with very unghosthke deft ness a sadden misgiving crept over him tbe man before hitti was tall and strong if it shoald co tne to a handtohand en counter t tle man had finished be had pat the last shining trinket into his capacious pock et he had closed the showcase softly and he had lifted his hand to button his coat with a strangely familiar motion which oaased the young mans heart suddenly to stand still he caught his brath with a gup be clutched ihe door weakly it was with a great effort that he kept back an qatcry of coo sterna t ion the face turned calmly toward him was the mild complacent be-spectacledcoante- nance of the manager walters senses seemed deserting him he stood gazing at the apparition from his shadowy corner with only half appre ciation of all it meant his faculties seemed beoambed 1 perhaps it was the flood of wrathful ia- dignatioa which swept over him at the tboagut of the dupe he had been perhaps it was the thought of susy and the hun dred dollars which roused him to the real ization that something must be done however that may be the manager coming slowly toward the door with a placid mas in expression strongly resem bling that which he usually wsamed as he walked down the aisle at the close of the benedictioa found himef seized fa a pair of strong yoang arms and whirled throagh the open door ot the inner office heard the bolt slipped sharply and said to himself after a period of deeply an pleasant medita tionthat he had rather overdone the bene volent basin ess it was not without an effort that ifr scarcely less- disturbed appeared fancys young man he glocvd lueasily from tbe fireman to the stove bat he made no reply he waited apprehensivly for what was to j follow ilr bet youve got apoaud of assorted i candies in your clothes this minute for fan j this came so directly iu the form of an interrogation that mr crawford anhesiw- ingly nodded sol t hoaght pursued fanpya brother j kow i ntiit to tell yoa thai if this fire business is to be carried on by me there j has got lo be a different arrangement of swards i not yon can come here an cut j yoar owe wood will yoa divide on them i candies whywhyi i trardlyhhetodothat tommy i got these for fanny yoa j know j yes i know said tommy grimly j when i see yoa ccrae up here agaiu i shall expect to sen yoa lugging an axe- over j yoar shoulder mr crawford looked aghast j bat toimy he expostulated you j wont go back oa me like ill pay yoa tor doing it oh whatwjlioapy ill give yoa fifty cents a week hope lo die yes said mr crawford eagerly then im just yoar cheese said tbe yoath the hard lines meltiog entirely- out of his face theres nothing mean about me bat i dont- want to go ulong in the dark this thing had to be settled some way or another for it was eating the life out of me but now that is fixed youll find me up to the mark every time and if i dout make thatsieve rear right up on its hind legs my names not tom crawford arid with a noorish expressive of the deepesfeamestness lie ttjaei out of the room daabury xcvt tvto 0 2 akhoi l j 1 coscloivlvt copy fob the pb1xtek if anjoue asks how shall i manage ao that the printer will not make a lot of fool- ish errors in my article j the reason able maltby sitting ia that same office a few j d manifest reply is write it prtcuel as days later dispatched the porter with a j yon want it printed dont pat in a ran- sammoos for hii senior clerk he did not d series of dashes for punctuation on- find it easy to own himself to have been so less dashes are what you desire the printed amazingly in the wrong as the late events j article to be oruamenicd with if yoa wish had proved him to be he found it so distasteful to fact thaae simplified matters by omitting all em har assing details as mr chapin will not resume his daues mr brooks be aid with a rather grim smile i have concluded to offer yea hia vapttnt position yonre yoang to be bare bat ill try yoa yes yes thatll do as walter attempted to speak and by the way i believe the reward i offered goes to yoa he poshed toward him a loosened leaf of his checkbood and resumed the morning paper in away that proclaimed the inter view at an end all of which gratifying aa it was to the yoang man waa totally eclipsed by a word or two from little susy ford that very evening well then i sbivt be halt ready- bat say the twentyfifth eimua orrtx a practical boy depend on its coming oat all right cheer i j it wu a quarter ot twelve no it coald ap not be mr chapin he must have gone walter pressed the band held ooi to him long ago silently tbe unexpected kindness bad i he felt his heart beating- fast and hia somehow brought lamp into his throat i color forsaking him as be laid a noiseless he was hardly surprised that mr malt- hand on ths door and poshed gently by oa his wa oat should have passed him j it was not fastened it opened silently ivtxva stoeb in silence and given some directions to dick crane contrary to hutiisaaj custom be was not surprised when be vfent home to dinner that dick who had always made and he steeped aaaiioojly inside a tall form staruingspwctral and almost indistinguishable iu tcw faint light was bending over ft plateigtaai caeq at the tommy observed a xelsoo street mother to hereon ayouth of thirteen years yoa must cut some wood for the front stove mr crawford comes tonight mr crawfard is a yoacg man who is keeping company with fannytommys sister tbe time was a wednesday even ing tommy had been skating since school and was now anxioasly awaiting his sup per the snuouueement came upoa him with disagreeable force is that old rooster com in around to night he injpetaously inquired thomas cried his mother ia a voice horror thomas having eaaed his mind some what of the harden proceeded to the wood pile without further remark he vm act ia good humor as he looked aroand for the axe and articles foreign to the search were moved with graceless haste 14 this is a reglar dogs life he moodily ejaculated first its sunday uight an then its friday night an every little while an extra night thrown in dont see whats the use of a girl about the hcase u ive got to cut wood every time that fel low comes ill know the reason why i wont be pat oa like this i aint goin to be made a hack mule of no sir for all the crawfords and fannies on earth its all nice enough for them tobe toasting their shins an actiu sicidsb bat i notice that i have wt to do sir the work its played oat by jinks i aint that kind of a hair- pin id just like tohave somebody tellme- he added looking around for the person in question how much of candy and oranges an other stuff fanny gets that i get not one whiff by gracious not one single soli ury whiff an hee i chop wood for her an if it wasnt foe me theyd shake all the teeth oaten their heads oh theyre a sweet pair they are closing his remarks with this gloomy ob servation on his sister and 00m panion he worked away at the wood until the amount necessary was prepared aboat seven oclock mr crawfords knock soended at the door fannys mother was to have let him in but tommy volunteered his ser vice he escorted the gentleman into the front room and then backing himself against the door he pointed to the stove which was throwing oat a most welcome neat and sternly inquired is that what yoa call a good fire yea indeed said ilr crawford rub bing his hands gratefully ah observed tommy in a tone of relief although hit face scarcely relaxed the severity of his expression you couldnt very well get along ia here without a fire could yoa hardly i sp03e not xow who do yoar apose made that fire- why i i suppose why i dont know said mr crawford apparently em- baraaaed by the question ko well i can tell yoa i made that fire i cut the wood for it i cat the wood and make every fire you have here ive been doing it all the while youve coma here and yoa and fan have set by it and toasted yourselves and ate candy and locked oranges yoa an fan have had all the comfort of it an ive done all the work every hit ol it ah not pas- smell of the cudiei an oranges have i had not a living smell insunotiv it primed properly in paragraphs write it properly in paragraphs if it is to be ar ranged line for line or in coiamns br in a tabular form write il so ii certain words are to be capitalized pat capital and un mistakable capitals to ihenit every time you write those words leave to the print er no discretion co option no doubt aa to intention yoa can make one complaint of the printer and only one ion may not properly say he spelled lha words wrong he did not punctuate he did not pat capi tals where they belonged- you csji reason ably sndjustly say in criticism only this he did not print my matter as i had plaintly written it to many who write doubtless this will behard saying aud there are some whose just and original thought and piquant ex pression have raised them above the need of attention to the mechanical proprieties of writing ao far as editorial acceptance of what they write is concerned though one cannot but wonder that such writers should so strongly desire to have what they write properly printed and yet be nnwifhng to take the only means to attain the end for it can be attained in no other way the individual peculiarities ot punctuation of paragraphing of capitalizing are no less potent factors of that indefinable personal flavor which we call style than the words tbetlsekes as witness carlyles writing for instance this work can bo done by no other person kven if the matter be copied j and rearranged and fixed ap lor the prilter by a perfectly competent hand the j original flavor inevitably become in the j process id some degree delated and mixed i with that of another mind- and one would j suppose that the most careless author would be sensitive to such a change to writers of less assured position the matter of making olear wellarranged well- panctoated copy is a very practical con sideration indeed an editor may be will ing to puzzle and stamwe throtgha writ- tea article which he is sore he will find to be good but to thai bother over a doses manoscripa of whose quality he ha notion is too much for human nature to those wb cannot or will not study tha nksities of panctnation it mayyet bo worth while to say that there are three riles which comprise tbe weightier matters of the law and which invariably observed will do wonders for copy that would otherwise be intolerably bad i barely it cannot be a very great task to keep inmind these three simple things t 1 make sentences put an unmistak- able period at the end of each leave a wide space as in print and begin the next sentence with an unmistakable capi tai 2 make paragraphs do not make them long and begin the first line of each far in from the margin 3 write proper names and unusual and technical words very plainly liven with many shortcomings if only these three rules be carefully attended to thy met apn au ocoan trip tjecwed drawn to one another of all the folks opta tbe ship host tuttod 10 each other tiidy sailed across tho ocean bltir and it was plaassot wuslbcr tim days paaaod brightly for thi two ihey were drawn much togotter they sat upon tit after dock bnjoymtbe ricaiicmuiionf thflectlag book tblydllttla reck piiio speodinrcrws the ocean yoi io her he ibcuiod all in til nd be socmed hefs forever tyas wondered oft whit would wall mhcn fate the so hearts shoald sever arss itill theycooedaid sighedand sailed ac row the briny ocean jjift that ujrjyfcrc coomb prevailed to part acne had a notion- at last across ti ocean wide they reached the oiat of parting ho looked so sod and softly sighed iith her tho toon sems4 atartinc llii hoar at last arrived to part he said in tones of sorrpw ihopo it will dot break your heart llrnifo meets mo tom6notr bald the forgive the little thocst doused by what im importing i meet my husband on ihe doci jlsd so youd beet be startinu i- what is yuub boy ytdbth fiew he is wohh asking to sign tbe tutal abstinence pledjss sccpxi he is of sufficient raluelobe- seot to a band of hope meetis to be in structed as to tho effects of af bohol upon the human system thcu he is of anffkieat importinoefor yoa t know where be spends ail evenings and vf ho hia associates are 1 foueth he is of mora vajoe than man household pets and isi entitled to more pf your time and attention flip wto say nothing of tne value of your boys good character he has coat yoa for ood raiment abd education more than the average siloon- keepoiwforjiis li cense j both r as the twig ia teftt the tree is ioeutted it will be of great importance to you whether yoar boy is valuable citi sen of a corse to you and tie eighborv hood n which you reside if- be tum out- good he will be worth his nusjhc in fpitd if otlierwiie better be had never been urn setenth being immdrtalj he il worth a lifes work to prepare him ior a happy hereafter j what is yourboy worth j tell me the value of his ioul and ill name the price ot tbe privilege to sell in toxicant 4 ia it too much to ask thr fathers of caoatav to at least set enou ih value ou their boys to yearly drop into be bauotbox a slip of paper that will tou a the sent merits of this journal 1 we demand tbe prohibition of the liquor train whats your answer vtf ti j uatediosial item ad old german had freqienuy etatect that he was gcdogto give hisdaosfbserfso- 000 after shewas married she had toveri threj times three and finally wie- married after they had been married 1 bout a month it oefcured to the young merot sr that a mo tion po take up the appropriat 001111 would be id order when he had sacceeaed in makpghis old fatherinlaw comprehend tbe situation the old gentle ijancatentsv tioufly shelled out la- whole douar the youifg husband still lingered be waa waiting for the permrmarrce n go on but the eld man- ran down abv ci ttain by say ing ya i give that isoxop jwt not afl at vouot i pays you won dolla veryyeto so i wont get all thatmc ney butil the yeaija ds1sot7 xaj ya der aa blenjta thnbs doni he in a hurry my dear poyh ijifti3t u j setkv bcixs tpb eeb itftldy sevan yvtheperfactnainbtt and hi the following seven roles are fai hfolly obasr i vedfthey would do poujatbins toward tsslk- ing f perfect raun before thou openeit thy mijith think ftrptrwbat thoa shall apt at secondwwby thou should apeak il- tiiirdtq whom thou speak floonu concerning whorrj or whatthoo art aboat to speak ffth what will result therefrom gxth vhat benefit it caa prodoo seventh who rriay bellsuwingr v the fc it yondg housewife to hosbaijd wboaaysho kaqwe how to cook how ibqg do yon broq chicken edwin edwin oherh w loos u t iieramaker tt ere doesojt htojs eqoogh here a make 1 ytdelong j society belle dear me bkiw moch more is deeded aboat half a yard ivell take it off the neck littfe boston prl aa the hair hrmh i reached or ilamms tl e oonaecaute- if these inter- nets- and the prsvalency mfnable cilucatiotia are slowly ttppini my very life i j yoang wife hatens i thoa shall be npeiibvud j james ttatjon arefond of thoa shall be innocent from the great irans gressioas qutrita yonng haibandiyea hftp and sixly things yoadg wife well if you market aud order bonl wc aqciegg well hav it for diiner here are a few of the silly things which some menaid they would do aocording to the- result of the presidential election trundle a wheel barrow throagh the streets ran the gauntlet between two rows of men armed with clubs canvass for the sale of sewing machines and give the profits to the winner bit a- straddle the ridgepole of a barn f ea ten hoars shave the crown of the head wear a petticoat eat a boiled crow walk on the hands and knees sweep tbe street with a broom swim a river get drank wear a straw hat ou christmas day eat a quart of raw oatmeal i shovel snow off tbe neighbor walks all j winter i walk barefooted a long distance a city girl exclaimed on seeing a water melon growing my i always ipoaed watermelons grew in water t nervous passenger and you are sure- there u no danger office f ofhcernot ablt the captains jut tht unhappy boy knit hia eyebrowi aadjkhtbtiakeanapwuititcofw itinattvely olenebed hia hand anythirig j j agnes tomroyhow old about to 4 s f beard you aaj lhamlj will atop at the poandi o bam areyoorf tommy eight how old are yod agnejf seven i tommy cone now youre older 1 yoa women never tell yoar real asea judge prisonir the evidence shows that iyoo brutally asbslbjted the plaintiff have you anything tot ffer in extenuation f j prisoner no 1 ir my lawyer took all th money i had there are se feral large ooiivolledtors ie the united states jay goatd ia prib ably tbe largeat j j let thiabeyopfrcoustautmaxim thati nlan can be good enough to neglectithi rules of prudenc4 j he iraaginea tpat hetias satisfied his ink tellect when he has neverio much u eiertj- 1 t it i every manisiusomeiort a lailoib to iimself ko one ever reaches the height to htoh hdupirosi y people call it putting up j at a how- iecauae there is 64 much tbef hare tor pat ipwitb t j it u ao easy thing co be phuoaopw bit jluhartoraklenpay the manwbcjhas lived ior hju he privilege of heihghu eirij tboartm r weahoa lewis hanatterbeitlutenw- m ki v m m t mi