v tttoiuslb nawajmrtya on tbe i8u1 iru the ih of ur wm tfcomaa of k sr riuvgltat to pauls mans port arilmr oa 8aotojr h january uw ths vlti ot ibe iter john trinslc of daughter married v imtuo riacuaat ih nsilduicc ot the bruet brother w hli px kq itridn trttlqlrtur andv16li brtfetctal w saacloan ula- george tt rvwllo km ot xvocdilocj ooubechtrf of ue county of oxford to timm c eldest dauchtar of tfi uu jaiac 1 yout blccar kq tlyotublcctrkaq v cfcrrrtng flat jlurr ont darrwcx stoarr at suluta land villa acton timttvidmoeoluit ortdei auwron oie ord- january by tordrglffor dr jkdrvdpn luxjcyoad lojtonle third tvachtcr of v store- esq bmvc actou 22txzk ihilvncnxp in kasaacivti tuomia henderson agd i la eaqaednc on ho 16th january jlebl wif of john kicltvu esq agti il sirteu jiehl youi ud s modthv bow at unieboum oa iheifiind lnu wtditm hogg atd 35 rn sccoatx in actetu en the tttwl january elba ucnuuuk vidovouili c ajlsordand toother of councillor ait boeord agod ynn ud three mouth sijc jktttm fm fss hlhesdayjakcmir si 1883 votes ixdcolethts january 30th will be election da- k hsldi- mud dr mantagn aod mr colter will enter the contest for thetiird time it leut fie banks in oi tuio hive with in the put three monthio derednewuaraei at their cucalation chfcngijg the style of their note no doabt awjni to serersiooaa tafeiu which bars staled a great deal of trouble the address in reply to ihe tpeedi from the throne at the opening of the dominion parliament will be mored r mr s white at p for cardwell and i bonded by mr kefay the recently elecd member for cumberland 1 oauic uui jul yean a deputation of citizens if toronto wait ed on premier mbwat ont ae 10th to pre stot a petition tor exempti n from taxation of buildings op to the tain i of moo the object is to eacoarage s orkmen to own horses for themsdres tfr howat said the matter would be bronil op next ses sion- those dersona who are slill in doubt as to whether prohflitiotl will prohihit ahookl oorrespoadwitha kansasntaa whoitingaol serrinj oat asetenteen yeanimprisoameni for selliiu sod elssses af beer snd the fines and costs standing against his property amount to 116000 here la sn authority on that moch discassed qi for the year 1888 the total number of i settling in or p tg through ontario was 93j37 agaiaai 8w77 for isst of these t0j57 went to the states against 67180 in 1887 1s5 went trjqnebec against 3 in 1s87 j463 weni to llanitooa aeaiou 3s and 20 533 asttbd in ontario s eompared with 15732 fclr 1s8t of last years mttfea u su were english 8601 irish 398 scotch 993 getman j19-scan- dinarian 8 swias 768 american and 171 from other nations the new oauncil t for the flrt tint j re iniullijd iuto offlct ind rocfl it busu whe11e tlb je3ibuk will work to dc ia order point which if the iwopla it tto bandied esrs pd from tie hocbe left lac tictorii bc in yofcihim y j tpux of fianadftn cotton to j ib87 it u only tent tm i wiui cotton mill recently to firm firrt slupment tu jsiuflin in a snuil lot but k weu were the jipuuse pwm thxt it is utimtted they hi received daring the put year nini bondred cur kads of cuarftui oouol rnnr eotton msiiiilactaras an confident that wbenpropetlj opened ap khe china and japasoe mirketa will be o the largeai and moat paying cbaactssr haltok as socffitv- ibeannnal meeting of iiuilum agd- tarii society w held ia the town ball u3tas kit wednetdsj when the diraelon repurt was rabmitted iiidawtediiiowicr ttattiefprineairhehnere en april mtb 13650 wu tmsn in li the gale and 6500 paid for prize monsyj theiill ixir wu hid on the 11 n ociober but owing to the inclemency of the weather the at tendance ni eiiali onjy 1ql5s being ctoeived at the rate the commiitee re- coaunended that a number if baflding lots be mid off the front o the i roeent groondt tod the two fields in the rear be purchased from mr t patterson bt the snnrrof 18q0o0 the report was idopted the financial report wu tjben read thow- 1 the following receipts tasmtxte grant at eleven oclock on moi d morning tue followma mtmben elect ol acton hnnici- pal council met lu the cancil chamber and siusr making tho nextsary declart tioni otqalifiction aodcfoliice took their teu reetc w h btorcy conxtutmia ur lowiji alei bccord j a speight and john u irvty when the cooncillon li id aiinmed tbeir places at die board the rmyq addressed tbfl membert he said be with them had been elected by the people to do public business lor the people ho catered open the basineu ft tho year i ith the best of feellnss towards all the nemben ot the oooncii bot he said rimors had been current daring the election contest uyiaff wbat certain candidates woald or would oot do it elected he looked forward how ever to harmouioas actio c and did not be lieve any trouble would oo aramongstthem darioc the year the year woald brin vrqrfcfnd the cooncil woold find plenty to keep down the tixet u woald meet the approval would be necessary to guard every aveuue of expenditure daring the year the low assessment of lhft wucon truted with that ot other towns and viu lasin the county where actualcaihvalue is the basil of assessmcntj and he thought a higher assessment if j equitably taken would be ot much advantage as both the uaessed value ot the municipality and the rttrf of taxation would present a more fav ortbla aspect to the general public ha wu in favor of assessing unoccupied and unimproved nonresident property at its full value in say event further on the jleeve jpoke ot the public improvements suggested in last isaue of the fuse putsi and thought many of them should receive the attention of the council among other matters the inauguration of some system of waterworks should be considered the lighting of the itreetswav also spoken of and tho scheme of electric bgh ting advocat ed by the fetx ptixs pit favorably refer red to 1 in concluding his remarks the reeve ei pressed himself much pleased with the per- touulol the council of the present year and wu satisfied that a better coaacil had nerex been in charge ofthje affairs of the municipality v dr lowry then referred to the election rumors and for his part found they were generally set afloat by irresponsible parties who have no interest either in the members of the council or the public weal he wu satisfied thai the reeve would find the members of the council ready to wort for the best interests of acton and harmoni ously with him and each other the business ot the day was then pro ceeded with p a bylaw for the appointment of auditors wu introduced and read the required nam- berof times the name of j b pearson being proposed by the reelc and that of a e kicklin by the couacil uauditors thearjpointmecu were confirmed and the bylaw passed j upon motion the council went into com mittee of the whole to appoint the standing committees for the year with br lowry in the chair the committee ioei and lows friixcr dr ixmy a r sc r joha hixrer tars hill w h sionr j i dtlottt ceinmatt comtrmx vr h etorcr- jx sicigiit the appointment of the standing com mittees for the year were confirmed moved by tt e lowry seconded by i a speight that the cooncil adjourn to meet on monday evening that the regular nightsfor a ifouday erenlngri daring the year at 7j0 ociock carried- i ailmfwion teey rent ac members sobseripttonr donati aas amcni received on mortcaffej 7ouireceiptj 670 00 00 co s758s 4ej0 aoaod 2sffi33 expexnrrcarl brlalsiiecdaetrmatirermsperlistan- tmal beportj br poctum alleghlttin grvxi iif lo tomihip bodyties hones 330 cattlelffi ebeep isj hgs ml poultry 3k dtirjjftjc jet- gtajbs8boot5 i oriiarfaiidgsrdatapimdtictti imilemeati ttc zx finearu 0 laooes uori t 75 payment of old mortgge yilinffpatbnds taa htrlmtngr secytreas lad other cxpesjsoe 213 370 00 thsoo us 00 103 uj s5 2j u3 00 iit75 cm men 103 00 ontcezs elected tbonaasellk3tpreai- dent eoberf stewart vicipresident a c mcmillan 2nd vicepreiiilent dntrc- tobse dixson afcram strk wo wsl- dle ohamcdbugalut cbiaholm col campbeu david hotcheon eiby euj and d w campbell hosoeiai dimctoeit m e mitchell s dice t k harris e q baiter alex aldia andh h spiers acditoes stobiison harrtson and h mccouom j kicholu awrey esq mk m elected to represent the ditisinn of halton in the council of ajyicaltaraj and arts association col campbell and thomas elliot were elected u delegates to the pi avincial fair 1 a meeting of the direct its wu then held mr wflliani clements v secreury and tressnrer the spring show wiu be bjeld 23rd april and the fau fair on 10th i nyported as foi- 28th insc and meeting be the ocr boibd of edccati0k tic lfcn oertttl to loot afwr the eduction of our bon and llils the members of acton public school board met on wednesday tgth inst for organizatiod j after the trustees elect 5fessrs ts h storey a e kicklin and t h hardink had subscobed to the declarations of office theytook their seats at the board with messrs i francis geo hynds and thomas bbbage h p moore the secretary took the chair snd requested the board to elect their chairman for the year itwu then moved by w k storey seconded by i francis that tbcmu eb- bafie be appointed chairman carried mr ebbage after ihankmg the members for the honor conferred upon him took the chair j upon motion tht board went into com mitee of the whole o strike the standing committees for the year the funding committees were then ap pointed u follows tduxa ccnamrzzi e kicklin george hjtku pbopebtt cciotrrrce thdicxs zblnge t k eardfng eciplit coaafiirm uac fnsuds w h gtorey oatrrxsa coiocrrrti wff etcrej ceohrniis the report wu adopted i r it wu theamovedl7ylfrajcis6econded by a e kicalio that the board adjourn to meet again in five minutes board resumed- the omirniftee on finance presented tiheir first report recommedding payment of accounts u follows acfoa lodge lox s lots tnd laicrert 621 00 ke0o am h- ftvm vood hplooreliitoaiidui yltegarriu lapplics appointed uui october a kill dotrttttd fuiezice ont jan 2 the township of dawn in lambton belonging to eobt v the totally destroyed by the be rstiog of the teamboiler on satorday las loaf about 2000 ho person wu in ured u toe bands were at breakfast 4it drop into tte fa u pejem aanc- turn aodgive os that local it m which snd deoly sunckjouiu uw ails it walchai of ibe oibi rt u an ibspj stioa in the bjrryii momenta of uieda as a good m foe uulfkcc pbbsb iw mill in county of carter wa h v moan election cxpaic8jic c c speight rent oi iouiac booth b pearson supplies wm bvackhamer repairs x steiibenton repairs 2 00 1io s 3 13 the report wu adopted the fact that the attends uce it be fourth department larger than the room can accommodate wu referred a sad created considerable discussion moved by l fraud seoonded by a e kickhd that half time for tie junior and bxtermsdiate classes be adopted in the fourth department and that tbe classes meet as followi the senior and inter mediate in the forenoon and the senior and junior in the afternoon that the school hours be extended to four oclock and that this arrangement take place forthwith carried j moved by w h storey seconded by george hynd that tbe next and subse quent regular meetings of this board be fixed for the first monday of each month at he hoar of 8 pm except when it con diets with council meetings when the meeting will be held the following monday carried j the board tben adjourned aurii imitibi europe dtiiffer of riiadi loiinx her forclgu usrkeu altoyejtor iiiroutjatttesutn orivioxs a bedboomteucomplpuforiirap a speight a sons foraiiursbop furaiture proportionately low i- iuoctbtotid in aecordanes with tbe copywrljlit aet aud iitiluhcd by liormlsatou of the author it will only bo repetition to say that while on tootie hand trade in canadian cbceso hairiaumedmagqtllceutpropdruudl slid promliios caufderabla lucrcue our butter oipqru have been dwindling to com- ln lively liusiguificant proporfioni bat are wo ready to think u possible that wo sen in dinger ot loiing oar butter trsdo aitogeuier the prof poet ot low prices in any esse wheu it first preacd itself upon my notice wua most uupromisiugono but itwu an even worse outlook to find dealers already discouraged not to uy actually disgusted n haudhng canadian butter all because ot ooulinned disappointment aud loss which have bccii repeating theniielvcb with crcsiinc severity i e verywhere throughout great britain there wu bat on story danish halujr the favorite aud increasing ly ic irish butter improving constantly if tjowly bat canadian butter literally worse than nowuenj for it were belter for its reputation it it had not appeared at all on the market this retrogression iu our industry bu becu going cu for years ia some dties canadian bquer wss already practically out of the market altogether there wu one market however where canadian bat ter had teemed to have a firmer hold than elsewhere anil hatwu i no tauatol lactxr while banish butter bad been supplied iu other centres for a few years bristol consumers were only beginning to know much about it during this very season of is3s it wu being skillfully boomed and it wu being sold very largely the danish batter supplied a somewhat exacting de mand the less i particular demand being supplied of course by the indifferent quali ties of butter and by margarine it u need less to say uiat there wu no booming of canadian burterl it did not compete for the more exacting demand but ran its chances aainstliharyari and even then u we sre about to see ia the effec tive phraseology of tbe dsyit frequently got left what i learned in bristol wu through the means of interviews with im porters and here i desire to say that notwithstanding i our repeated fail urea to utisfy their needs with our batter supply and even the severe losses to soma of them due to that failulheiinns visited did not thaw any unkiediy disposition towardv canada onlbecontraxytherewuafriend- iy feeling manifested and an evident wish that ocr desire and hopes to improve might be realized doubtless one explanation of tll friecdiiness k the continued profitable connection with canada in cheese trade so farreaching and valuable are the advan tages of a repuiaticn for good tervice in ally line j tit socio of these interviews i wu accom panied by a ion ot mr downs the immi gration agent st bristol when we were returning from them he remarked that i had been given some wei rilltf tu sttilujh ily canadian readers will kindly allow me to offer some of these curatives without any sugarcoatiug with tbe hope that they may be swallowed for the benefit and health ofoardsirj-jndiatr- mr price jf messrs price a- ivrkcr referred to the increasing tendency of the market ia late years to losses on canadian butr lat years trade was a severe culmination of that bad tendency the buyf ng was unusually spec ulative in view of expected shortage- and many dropped money in their transactions as a result nothing but creameries and finest eastern townships dsiries would be touched this year nothing doubtful would tempt the buyer to make the cul mination more severe even the best of last years butter wu under iu usual average creamery baiter u a rule said mr price had been good but last season even it had been faulty irxbeing bluey which wu probably a blue mould doe to the wood of the package they were obliged to strip turn it act cf the package and scrape of the bluey portion the difficulty wu not only the direct loss on the bluey butter but the indirect loss in haringto examine all the butter because of some of it being bad messrs 3 lovell fc son said that last year must have been an excepuon- ally poor season for butter production for the percentage of western ontario butter rcfased was perhaps an average of 50 per cent whereas the average quantity refused the previous year wu not over 10 per cent creamery ran up to from itm to 110 shillings but they bought the west ern at about 10 shillings and snbject to approval at that all of which goes to show that some of bar canadian butter in the market even at the heavy discount of from 1 j to 20 per cent is bought subject to suspicious approval and wita the certainty of half of it fxrso exftslij jlltotltkrh i this refused portion wu necessarily got rid cf by handlers for vrhat it would fetch and it would be soldu lowu from go to 70 ffrfllingg for confectionery purposes even after so discreditable a downfall uthis the poorstcflhsd ariskof a still lower drop on this jaw level it hid to compete with margarine which in the words of an im- porter many confectioners are now using instead of butter ii this is any encourage ment far making poor butter any maker of such in canada is welcome to make the most of it the encouragement not the poor butter j not only wu our reputation suffering among those who had been burned had lost money in handling our goods bat other dealers who had merely been aware of these losses were afraid of our goods one dealer iles had been called to inspect several hundred packages even of cream ery which had suffered from bad tubs and bad packing this tot proved a esjrioufl loss to the im porter from his experience mr lies ex pressed himself in plain words u dis gusted with thse fa nits in oar butter and he would have nono of it had he con fidence he would be ready to bay 600 of creamery but under the circumstance he would look to ireland tor lis supply he believed not ode in tea of the bristol im porters would bay a package this year while frankly telling me of the glaring faults in oox butter all seemed rady to tender some excellent i lima rou occ iqtcuz gchixcz iwifl quote that gijen by widgery of messrs crewe a widgery as something in which there wu a general agreement mr widgery said it is no aw to send goods here unless they cab be sent fresh mild cheap and come regular or uniform danish goods were now coming in at a vow price aud tbe consumers were begiujiog to haves praferecci lo a mild cheap article like the danish or even margarine oar firm has hitherto kept out of margarine bat we do pot know how long we can con- tinoe to dao think ii u we will tbe peoplfrof edgubd ace disposed to eat mar garine knowing it to be such i another other season should tell the story dsniah but- i ter bad bithertolxn confined to eirming- ham and other msuufsctttrjcg districts ud bristol bail taken canadian batter for tin agrleoltortl districts the manufaa taring population setrned to be more par ticular as to quality than the laborer in agricultural districts nov evtm this lest exacting bristol market is being closed to all imperfect foreign butter all that mr widgery said was cofirrood by dlher importen otberi said they could not sal canadian butler must sell irish or dauish said one there has been a revolution in bristol batter market this very year da nish batter which had merely bocu ixilro- duoed in bristol before was takiag ft strong hold of the trade there had boeu opened iu bristol this leuon a retail shop for the sale nominally- only of danish goods and trade being done wu exceed- jng large indeed the second shop had cpeobdor wu about to be opeued thus wu the enterprise and success ot the european brought iuto sharp conlrut with our lack cf enterprise snd our failurt with a force which i wish could be impress ed apon all canadians interested one pioco of advice given by mr clark or messrs cisrktt sou was intended for our fanners ho said hey mast j trior hotpixc ncrtnc j said he we cannot have butter too fresh holding it means loss in every way by taxes commission storage depreciation speculative disturbance ot market ic ia doubtless it is u a general rule sgainst their own interests that butter be itored either by farmers or by deaersin canada orby dealers in euglaad the holding of any farm product ells ia the long run against the interest of the producer and even the middleman this truth is more emphatic in regard to batter than perhaps anything else and the particular had con dition of our batter industry demands that it be heeded all the mote carefully there are indeed possible exceptions to the general rule a it hough nouc were dis cussed at these interviews for instance where butter is mide at one seuoa in excess- ot the demand it must be held over by some one either producer or dealer till wanted in such case it must be made and packed with the necessity of holding in view and provision made for proper storage this would be legitimate holding what is objectionable is ipecnktivc holding the farmer who speculatively holds butter wheu he might dispose of it for a rcasoouble price to satisfy an existing demand is not alive to the best interests of himself and brother- producers the dealer who is not satisfied with legitimate profits bat must needs gamble as a speculator deserves the burning which comes sooner or later to these who play with fire better than he de serves he confidence ot hardworking farm ers whose earnings he would tax to swell his own unlawful gains this u strong lan guage but it it ill considered applied u to those whose rale is to speculate and who trade legitimately only as aa exception the interests of all concerned trill best be served by all heeding and acting upon mr clarks excellent advice to stop holding bat ter speculatively mr lies complained of erioas loss from the evil of mow tsjuciktetitiav other commodities than dairy prodaci mr ilea daimed saffertd from this evil he mstancedashipmentof bacoa which had been two long months on the way it had lain on the seaboard so long that the delay caused a fall ia he receipts from 3fi shill ings to 21 shillings it is easy to see that such experiences do not improve the tem per of our valuable friends the british im porters and are adverse to the great inter ests which have been and may be developed in this productive laud dependent upoafor eign needs for a market what lesson should we learn from this one of the importers said that the correction of all the faults of our butter trade woald encour age a considerable trade in bristol it woald do the same elsewhere this then is the lesson that the faults which have nearly or quite lost us oar trade must be corrected to enable us to regain it how to correct these faults andtopromotca bat ter radft will be thequestioa uppermost in the letters to follow jan 12 1883 w h lvnch i ifalifers h1gazlve not a dull page mars the editorial depart ment in harpers uaqazia for february george william curtis ells some capital rem of a dinner giren by thack eray at old delmonicos william dean howells reviews the hfeworfc of walt whitman apropos of the poets latest vol ume november boughs and then makes what he calls rigzag approach to a great norwegian poet and speaks of the variety of bjornstjrne bjornsons great- neas serious thought along with char- scteristie grace and lightness is woven into the texture of charles dudley warners essay in the eduore drawer in the same department appears a poem and a portrait of james witoomb bjiey h w mcvic fcar who now draws exclusively for har pers publications makethe illustration for a colonial valentine a charming bit of verse by clinton scollard newest wit is found in the collection of facts and fancies w qrteat seini- anniial sale -at- g b-ryan- 0 wc have now commenced our great semiannual sale to lost for 30 days every cl l our customer spaca will sot penult it of our putmierairfntf llic mauy ceimine barcaiusvs 1 offer durfas tbitalc carefallr ffonc tbrougii and pric marked down to flstiroi that wiu astonlaii tbe fojloniuff are a few ot the manv baikahu whlelt tiii uiaks ihu sale a notable- one fu oat commercial history hop lsi irmu dross goods in tbfs department we bold ha uj goodf and largest stock a tbe wtt mr ily an hivihg purchased a largo amount of drea good st leu than lb manufacturers cost of production luchockiandbtrlpcs we ars able to sell thctn at a carreipoodfogly lov figure van thk rnices 100 yds drwi goods at 10c worth 1 6c s50 yds stripe fc isc 300 yds check i7e 300 yds check se u 30c 1000 yds plain goods at 5e worth wcsnd 35c iliicr kood in proiwrtiou ramnanta oue able will be derotod to kcuiuaxi of lilack and colored orass goods st prices wblcb inuit insure a speedy clearance- j houm furnishings wc hib a few af those cheap ulanlcu left at afcir soiled niankcls lo ic tlcarod out st cott couifcricr rerj cheau unbleached linens ifoduccd from 3i ccnu to li cent cr jlrd ia it jcst kivciil value in hicacled dainailf a fc toiled rieacbcd table cloths quail tv at cost price wo hive three or four tniaji colored tibia cloihf rcplar price- jju wticli wc will clear out at tllj iood value in table nijikio a fcw square 1riokeil d0lie rtjtilar lricc ijltjto utdoldal tcperdoicn staples ty crtoiidc regular jinco eenu cottons hsn- tr ibaa ever x iikcial lic of grey flannel at etc icr cretonne regular lnca 15 eenu will be at 13c ier yrd grsad value hcmcanu of prints ticklnpi uclt 4c at cot rice grey asd wfciur caucus cli 8xjcla value in cjuilt b our lino a tjc worth u1jd wonderful harcalni in towellinpi suirtluci tickings funnels ac j y ladies tors and mantles xfthlculv 1cset1i two at 00 reduced to aj two at 33j rodaoed lo uw one at m300 reduced tojj ifuffi caj and collarette 1 in seal puritan umb aatrachau anti other varieties of fun to be cleared oat at cost price- suort jackets colored audblscli froni w upto12id these are mlunf at half price j a few childrens jackets at a teat rtdictfou lone ifantles ledacedto about cot tihort dolmans st cost for fuxtiiriejtlcalara curctliill our coods will he placed cu tables as nearly as poulblc la tlc centre of the siore ani jstcet marked n plain figures ujercau do not miss tuci baxvains remember the place gbbryan cfe go aueiph the leading dry goods house 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son remnants and winter goods -at- the rigcht house eemnaou o prints urea goods wiius collont csnlon flannds denims grev callons cotujuades pojowcottonj saeet- inct bhirtines tiekincs moarnins goods lc msrkodjoipn in many cases to bau price blanaets down from 1wq to ij from h50 10 m from 1575 to 0 from jg35 to 5 msnue clothi from s550 to m from j3 to 11j0 from j25 to jac ladies mantjes from tl6 to 10 from iis jo to f 0 black cashmere gloves from 50c to 33c from 80c to 15c corsets from 75c to s5c childrens plosh caps from jlj3 to 75c from oocvto 50c from 50oto 25c atoettts rom 65c to i sft and flowers down tery low millinery down to aboat hairprioe knitted bbawlixrom t237j to j150 from l to tl-50- from 1875 to u0 faadnators froml37 to 75c from hlsj to 63c from u to ms from 87jc to astracan gl creatlt redoced dress goods down from ttc lo 20c from 25c to 20c from 18c lo 15efrom 12j0 to 10c best black hilks from i287 to j225 nioe colored buksfrom jl47j to u from 8115 to 90c from it to5c colored satins from u2o to 81 watered silks from is to ii jo silk plashes from l50 lo ii velveteens from ii to 75c fromjoc to 60c felt hats at half price in rew styles lots of other goods sre oflerin equally cheap the sale continnes every day new goods this week direct from the makers genu 8uk umbrellas lidies katnral wool vesu madras mnslins black and grey coat canvas crash toweliin white tolle tapes pins dress linings whiw laww and mnslins braids dress buttons grey cottons white cottons coubnades denims iwninr stripes tickons white and weavim yarns snd wrsps shirtings canton flanrlels sheetings pillow cottons ginghams chambrays seersnckers table and shelf oilcloths dress trimmings bibbons corsets dress steels mens underwear cashmere hose cashmere dress goods mind the carpet department almost every article for tarnishing booses is kept there enter the door east of lh carpet window many make mistakes and do net get into jthe sight home -gklv1- taking stock ojfxjl it -at- hamiltpn jan 12th 1889 thomas o watbixlsrsj scientificamerican- irtst351p bnadway tit li the oldmt and ott prpular scmnufleiaad roecbantcal paper pafrhabed awl has th lamsi circalatfoa wf any paprr cclu dan intltewlts fully fllskmed bat eten of wod knarar imrt pnwlrted weetly tnd r7tc oopr itkwttayaar tubrme uucx a 1v- fta m architects boildeio edition of scientific aaeriou v k gnat iqcck each imae ooatalbs oosbred huiuetaphlc piaus of country aod diy reatdtm- t public kfliidlnj nomerotu coaratldcf all plan ind pcciflcauons for uw use of pheatudafcar frajjinrtft htuot apnjrcslioaii for american and ran 1 elen laient send for lundboofc oarres- puddcoce iirlctlr ciiofldenlui trade marks i is eam root btark is nx tiiteri id tho pat em umrc ppi i hrxx a co aod ttocsi tmaiediate prutectlito 6eod for uandboofcj coptbiit for brtota eharta amps cc qaicfclr pimcsrcd addreu ucss fcco pairai siicitra gxmiul ornn n bhoaiiyxr jl t money to loan i a t hoosand dollars on farm property ia ij 1000 and uvwards apply to 1 uuha stewantown- eaquesing v j sale f 6hiiohst vilailter is what yaa need for conitipation loe o apifcrtf dlezwbbs x andallaymptomcocdybpepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by k mcgarvin children cry for pitchers cartoriaj whca dafaj- traa afct care her cutoria j when siie wat a cfcilil she cried far casioria j when the became hiss sic drag to castcrti tben the had chudna she javc then caarorta just what the people have been sait- ing for hotlinrakeic son milton take stock ist february and before ijjen they want to turn thousands of dollars worth of goods into hard cash to accomplish thzrvtheyavj decided to lose money on the following goods let every shrewd purchaser carefully peruse this priceiist then go andsecure some of the bargains childrens woolcaps and hoods ioc each 6 yds check shaker flannel for 50c 8 yds stripe flannel for i navy blue flannel saleprice 17c yd jet trimmings that were 25 30c yd for 7c yd allwool tweeds and full cloths will be offered at 39c yd genuine good tweeds wholesale priceicnocked out brown black grey old gold myrtle navy silk top plushes 44c yd 1 jqmr cton wo commence stocktaking in feby 12th acd petioni to that wc will slaughter winter bowls i look 0 oiu intciieslo wewaut mouej aildiloij y aut the aroodi betacmber jou don ihafetotoy a certain number of dollars tyorth ia order to get a tnflin discount oar reduction rieuus20jpci cejt aud your fire centa buvsatthe same pnoe as your uerabuors fivedollars doyot twlay as nowisthctietopro- 1 cure a sopph at ypnr own prices below o give t litt of i good9 which hold go d till idmad id 1 thc 12th 0 fcbrnarj i i it hew goods 190 yd ladies black cloaking for ggc 125 d ladies brown double fold ulstering for 75c st blue hone shawls for 39c pvercoatev uliters jacket blankets fji8 v underwearl plannelgi shtrting i sheeting tickiugg towelling tabling curtains s carpets liress godds dress silks j plushes velvets ribbons laces corsets bustled gloves hosiery bnibroideby lens felt boots onlf si 50 ll wool blankets large size 250 regular price 35 1 this reduction i for gash i onl j batter and eggs wanwd i rbjermyrr 1 m tlw a lb itlx i powder absolutely pure tbispowilsrovrertarih anuxrloimiity tmtfftnaotltrfiolsfoiiienisi more economical ihib lw otlhtutt fcifflfr d csjluiot bo solal ul oomptitit wjth tbe ualtltooa of lovtattaqoit wdfbt alum or pbotpbate powder sold on j ineatu botal touna poirogb coloq wau big plunder price no object great drop in prices of fine scotch wool shirts drawers 820 good for 175 an immense quantity of mens wool undershirts regular 75c goods to be rattled off at 47c each mens navy spot cambric shirts usually sold at 1 just tfiink 2 for 99c great reductions in brussels tapestry wool and hemp carpets during this sale hemp carpet from 9c yd up boys wool knit caps 25c berlin wool all shades 7jc oz andalusian wools all shades ioc oz bustles gc each odds and ends of fancy goodsplushes silks satins c to be cleared ovtcheap bottom dropped out of the prices of dry- goods mantles and dolmans 50 jess than whole- sale rates a lot of mens stiff felt hats 25c each readymade clothing prices will suffer mens suits 8375 good heavy overcoats tweed lined for 5 mens 3 cordovan lace boots sale price 2 ladies 8100 unci 81 25 felt hats new shapeb this season will bo sold at at 25c each great offering of dress goods 25 80 35c goods for 15c i lbs jaiian tea dust for 85c 3 scrub brushes 10a new lemon l 19c lb 5 lbs sulphur 25 5 lbs salts 25c hgllinkake son theliugmercliantsmiltonr pitts kjiiv vli asunccjp 1 foalllioushccts clflstlpat indiocstion bl2imcs3 htdichc jlf ms o toich lusn amd 00 thiraiiecilstinac i sfhi iii acwoh o rot hu- to buacoos dwcold ttcro v trutjciit uu fbrc of chik aud dnsrmatc ci i i ooois l fas v iibi sgfcfti hasss 4aqd fttfatl c sf tv bja wa f nuaq baa isit