Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1889, p. 3

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mm v- thejrethodistchtkch acton 8et o a qifpobd mjl phjj- pastor j rroaage boarr aenuc jv sfrrit 1oj0 atu aud tan huaday lor all cordially inrisd onuun ani tiritots alai 1mciic all idltiakdmrf anjv lo 11 ivmodtv rsteaari- j rkkat- at ton ru stocktikw5s will siangbtw jter oomi vrr4 loht interest uouey and la dont havi lumber- of doiwjji order to gel j discount i e cents bnjsi as tout ueight sdiyiot tietjetopro uppk at ywt 111 priees pit- ve a lkt ef i ick bold good ii of february town hall actou roubsb op lectures eor 8889 endcrtheanspioeaot kkox church acton yai-kcy- um- cochran q- t- uooday flfih sobl bootlind ucro har- sikcr j meleaji gsjiioer jloadav kv subject two 1oars in batucford ticktts fvr extir course so ctnts i lectures cominoac at s oclock j leursuivjixualll 21 iss3 jaxvirixpfi locals co by lite eytrtuotiplitfiil aud alert frw ftcs reporter roiderljjj boots only siks ankets largigg jlar price s3- lion- is of rfonlyv eggswanll erffiyri sleirjua ajtaia coanty cocacii met on tuesday the wtilhcr is rather peculiar this aheeiiei was adopted asiu list week to slew days j tbe rink ili be open to-night- actan ct band in lueodance- the farmers wont do any plotinj ia ia ricicity for a week or two the storm of sunday and monday was saite bi irdiy in character short account frequently settled fciie i5 friends try it credit cacre thin oa can afford to tee bat no credit will make laoremqaey messrs- j ba pearson and a e xict- lia hare been appointed municipal auditors 3c uiprwent year 5ieeiiic ot ail interested in acfca crioa asncaltiml society in the town feii tody at 2 oclock r william itoore ii ranninc t sfcicgle r on his bth larm ia the first conces- cr 1 me or so vest of acton heart j d wflhui co of tic licsugoelo fire our readers a special anita tion to visit thea tils week mr samnet s balls who recectly iaoed a little book o poems died rather raiiajy at eockfei iait wednesdar tight r the ajinnal meeting of the ieotoal rin inaranoe company of the county cx wehifson wl be heldou tuesday i2lh fehraarr georgetown can now boast of a real int size jones ainoos its cirimns- hr jooes it the oew assistant master in the hz school the anneal meeting of e central rinners isstitate of oatario will be held intiietark chambers toronto on 5t tih and 7th february ihe preshrterian manse and iwerity- fje ares adjoiniog irfll be sold by pablic suction at the door of the town hall oa friday 22nd february j the alton correspondent of ineoraae- rjje says that ifr ttm algie vhe ooted secnlirist has become a contert to chrirtii city c a elph ifaxt i a good many people evidently believe tiit a yeara subscription to the fe bia is a good inrestmeiil kew subscri bers tzil renewela are erery day matters teat excellent publication the gutf- sih jovrunl ffabrier pnijlisbed by e b eigxr montreal has among other im provements adopted an attractive new leu fiog the fonpwiag iwwsy hem appeared in ia st is ie of the chicago brdxtl jnkridi j e ifcgarvin tt cc of iactoo have commenced to remove their irnii factory to acta j a cew subscriber in kv in remit- tiag his subscription says dont mit a smnber of the feet peess if y6a vijne your life- he evidently appreciates the feet pixas highly f at the county council ontaesdayjltr ml felac cf oakville wax elected wrien hr eloreys namewaa favorably ed for a second term bathe praerri taother have the honor this year there wasnt a solitary quadra the juraarr faihast friday georgetwo liir isnt what it used to be- cattle layers ho at one time came to the fair to jpnf- chase their slock now ga to- the stables in the eenctry insad flerajd thejiecary number of qerlmlit fjvx has reached us from tie publuoers tie eosselltnbjiehing co- boston mxss this is always interesting its illotfra- timi sni teaiicg matter are especially ad apted to please and interest the ehildrev wtnctmaker tht celebrated phi del- i pcia merchant has idcvb ed his adrttlis- j icg 500 per cent because of the 31 seacoo ifc wisely argues that it is iatheduliinnes ihe dealer should take special pains to let e public know the merits of hi wat for some two yeirs ifr wo eogjj kimith lircefao ase has been eaneriag fromconsamption aod daring a revere lemorrhae from the lungs on tuesday he expired pie w a straightforward jbosi- ness man and well thought of by his rieigh- bers j the tieam heating arrangement put in ihe fixe puosce last spring by uessra fiv king co georgetown is floing nwst satisfactory work wehaveajcora- fcrtably heated office at all times ani powafor out presses ttc- at a cost for fuel leu than that formerly erpenaea for keatlcg with irtorer 1 we are in receipt of a copy ce the sialic of vj issued by the sheppard pah- fobingco toronto which owing to the present discussion of th relations between cioada and th united states will be sore to excite more than nsual interest it is a ceatlittls volume in attractive cover and tads like an old soldiers yarns anmveraary sermohs were preached in the methedirt church- elora on bpaday by the eer- g a giitord o actonw a ery soccessful teanjeetidg was iield last bight thechurch was erowdedon sun day at both services and all present were delighted at the excellent sermons deliver- d by the gifted preacher elora cox houiurake fc sou the hve nierchanfs of milton are bavuig big sale of goods prior to taking stock jost to gireyoa aoj redace idver home gleanings vhlrh nrc mostly of n loral outractet aad aluatrrrsunr a 7eat bctpn fav the oeit lectorc iu uic kooi ohurch course will be delivered by dc cochrane o brantfordoq monday evening 18 h feb ruary ani promises to iks the most intwwt iug of the course tbo ur jectarwl lo tu- sonliargtislwoekuduie liunl o that plaos lays to tty thai tlie audience were delighted with lh lectort would oaly bo a mild term those who missed hearing it most assured- ly missed a praud treat thavi unacquaint ed wiui th ur would not believe that a lecturer could touch upon the many points of such a trip to do them justice aud jjol throach u one evening bat mr cochraoe is an cxpion in this nwpect a maniciptl pgh tcms summing up k defeated aldermaoic candidate in kmitca farnuhes the following report of his canvass and of the vote persons who promised to vote for me good moral living j una and women g27 doubtful ones not so cood living- 11 j refusals sg ballots marked tor me igj relative of ananias 3ii2 the kingston mans experience is doubtless that or some of urn candidates iu other p3ice j3caticafrsaaaeccra i it is oar sad duty this week to chronicle thcjcath of mrs a a becerd mother of coaucillcr keojrd which occurred oa tues day evening tbe oj lady uevcr rallied trcm the sheet rvecicd when she fell dawn cellar and broke her leg seme weeks ago she was ft years of age her huhand datd a cosple cf years ago mm becord has eu joyed tlie esteem ef all who knew her dering her residence iu acton bow the crixt fzrcd zt ike elections with the exception cf one every news paper man in western oatara who was a candidate for municipal honors cams on victorious among these were ii t iiat- ler of the stratford tiutc elected mayor a w francis of the woodstock timet reeve jimes bryan cf the liickuow sru- f reeve f pratt of the stratford ad rcrtivr aidermac wi r jjavis of the mitchell wrcic- j m dounelly of the samia sat and g f bobbins- ot tht et marys journal councillors a nirrovresetpe list mocdsy moroinc messrs fl tt j holmes were shipping cattle at the gtr yards here and among others mr c swtck hammer had delivered into the yard a ball a couple of yoangmea were en gaged iu pelting a rope around his neck he made a dash at mr swickhammer who was standing with hii back to the fence and 6truck him with his head the horus do ing on each side cf him one of them passing completely through his clothing and against the fence with such force that it was broken oti close to his head mrl swackhammer was badly bruised across the awomen but is aroend again he is sincerely thankful that he escaped with his life lest sis hxzd the milton champion says last friday a young man named charles everett liv ing with his father on dinias street town ship of kelson was engaged in cutting straw he got a thistle thorn in one of the fingers of the right hand and tried to get it oat with his teeth while doing this he continued to push the straw with his left hand throcgh the cutting box his fin gers were caught in the rollers and his hand drawn throagh the knives- which cut the fmgers and the har4 nearly up to the wrist into half inch pieces ccfortcnate- iy the young man lost his presence of mind or else be might have thrown the machine out of gear and saved all bat the tips of his fingers w oursubscnbtndesemit during the last two or throb week scores of our subscribers have paid up and tonew- od their sobecriptfoni up to the flrtp jftn uarylx ttiey fiavo duue wu ud jwe pprcciate their action kowduriug tle next two weeks we wul those who have still up to dale forgotten their duty in this re peel to come or ward and let the dollar year iu advtiee l rocordod iu iheit favor la this oouiiectioa it is a pleasure td record the fact that wo are adding many new names to our already large list of subscri ber j aaotfierswade the latest swindle scheme is thus oper ated this person who it ia he intcndi to swaidlc recvives a cifcuur otteriug to fur nisu free of cost a lifesued crayon portrait worth 3o npon receipt of a cabinet sired photo tbe liberal otter is made the circu lar stale for the parposc of introducing the wotk and building up a trade j after time a ttecoad circular is received stating uiat the crxyon is complete ted and as a cuaxaijaco of lis safe arrival longest fram ing it a pricelist of frames is encloiedwiih the circular aud if the aame is seut the vic tim never sees the picture or frame- the value of advertising john wusraaker the merchant iirince of philadelphia says when i came to my desk last wednesday morning i vos naturally thinking about the christinas trade which we had we did a greet deal of cbrulmas business iu this store this year daring the leu days previoas to christmas car sales averaged aboufloo- 000 a day the graud total for ihe ten days falls only a few dollars under a mil lion i spent 3000 a week in advertising and l pay a skilful raau a former news paper editor and a good oce 81000 a month to do it for me i make money bj it advertuing ir the ievcraea wilii which ihii etore has been raised up i da not see how auy largeand succesiful retail baseness can be docc without liberal advertising conlinuocs advertising like cotuinuoas work is the most effective j messrs w h storey son hive eecared tlie control ot the sale m the do minion nt the saskatchewan buffalo robes and mats an entirely new article manufac tured by messrs kswman co gait and intended to supply the place formerly slled by the real buffalo skin which ii becoming extinct the goods are of an excellent character anq will no doabt find much favor both here and in the northwest hilton election trial chief justice armor will try the hitlton dorninioaelectionpetitiaqoutaesdaynext 29lb intt at milton paxticularslwere de- ikered an monday eight days before the commencement of the trial thejadgesof the jaeeas eench division have deter mined thit eight days is a proper i and rea- eonable time to enable the respondent to meet the charges made in the particulars tii local ltgulttur the writ for the election of a member for the local legislature for hamilton was iisced last week the vacancy being caused by the appointment of lieutcol gibson as provincial secretary xomhiition is fixed for the slstinst and polling day for february 7th the address in reply to the speech from the throne at the opening of the local legiliturewill be moved by g d smith and seconded by ej dvis kxatcllhcll vews stationed twuers know ibcy sbraw bosinem the tp usntcrtalajneat the ten cent entertainment given by the young peoples union cflhe methodist ohexcion tuesday eveuipj was an ccixuaji- cftlraess the program from erst to but ws icleresuhg and ep jayable and well re ceived by the large attendance present mr john straeban of tiockwood in his several readings sustained his previous reputation for excellence at every point- mr gilcriese a yocng lawyer from george town gave two nr three recitations in a most creditable manner he will bebearl- ily welcaajedstany fature entertainment octke society the male qaartettes by mesits jeans kicklin hill and williams were well rendered the choir excelled themselves in fact they never did better at any entertaihment in the church the cornet duet by messrs hill a brown was something new and pleased everybody the juvenile quartette by the gtfibrd bro- thers and the reading by h f moot ef were also well received the entertain- raent was pronounced firstclass and the receipts cocsileriivg the low admission fee very saiicf aclory wetxiss bells at seven oclock usi evening a very pleasant ceremony tie perforraed at scn- derlaci villa the beactiful residence of w bl etc rev esq pateve this was the tuarriace of miss jennie the third daughter of mr storey who recently ccmpeedher coarse at alma college st tnomas to dr j k drydeo of bociwood the in teresting ceremony was aolernoiredby esv dr gilford pastor cf the methodist church the bride who was elegantly auired wis attended by a college mate miss maggie kobicson of consecan find mr l tor rance ot guelpb filled the position of groomsman the wedding was a qaiet affair the guests being confined to the family and a few friends bat the bride was the recipient ofmsny handsome and costly presents the happy yoang coaple re ceived the heartiest cocgratclatious of all present after the ceremony the wedding repast was partiken of acd at 10 pm mr ted mrs dr dryden left on a bridal toar to kew fork and other american cities they carry with them the warmest wishes of their msof friends ajotxi1 erect the following from the chicago ciir- dmu ainafcati will be of general interest to ocr readers kev m k gofdon b a president of groton college a former resident of win nipeg was married a few days ago at holy trinity charch winnipeg to miss irene e ritchie of that city diaghter of the late j e ritchie merchant and ship owner of annapolis x s the eremony was per formed by u rev o fartin the bride was neatly dreswd iu a travelling costume she was supported by her sister miss lis- d ritchie while mr gordon was attended by mr a k maophersonb a barrister there was a large qqmber of the relatives and friends of the bride and bridegroom present to witness tbe ceremony and mr aid firs gordon were warmly congratulated tney were accompanied by a large number of friends to the c p b- depot where they took tbe st p il k m train for dieiffd- tirre home carrying with twmmtbelvio- nipeg rcc irtti and sun say tber iranarit wishes of their many friends auhalintiifm by the many beaalifui od fajatbw pnjp- cat of which tbey were tnerpjetflsvtbo many friends of mr gordoa oojrttclale feesonal mention larosttiilnkoipctliirtalitorito nud frupi acton withwoa iw press ben j en atek morlcwucjittiiuted miaihattie thurston lui been visit ina friendsai trafalgar duriug the past week mrs s t hnmberstonot of newtpd- brook spent a couple- of days this week with friends here mr and mrs johu carson cf toronto were guests at fairview place over sunday mr g w jscksou ion of d jackson of the firm of jackson hallett guelph was visit ing his brother avor mcganins last week mi bessio deforesl of georgetown was a guest at ilia home of her sister mrs ax hemstrimt several daa during the j woekc j it it a noteworthy circumctuce tbat the j three most widely known publishers of cheap popular literatna john w lovell george mauro of kew york and the ogilries of chicago are canadians mr donald d mann of winnipeg son of mr hugh mann of this place arrived in ghili south america last week after jk five weeks trip he wont out to take a largo railway contract with the chilian government mrs johu shiltou of parkdajc formerly of georgetown aud gleuwilliaiiis has wou additional honors at tlie toronto conserva tory of music the malt oi saturday 6ayi the vocal scholarship offered by siguora auria and good for one years free instruction was competed for oa wed- nesday evening and won by mrs clara e shutou of psrkdslc yemh castor i a for infants and children catftort li w vdl adapted to ehfldiea that i o i recommend it as superior to any pntcripttoa i g3 2s fh- i i wttsmjnrionttnimlrftinn tire canticn oowixr tt murray street k y 111 bo oxted 8t brooklyn h t defeaudixg caxadiavs bcnilo jan 19 heury james aged twenty yean was arrest last night at akron charged with using the united states mail to delraud his plan of oper ations was to advertise in ihj canadian papers foe carpenters cowboy fcc who would like to go west gaarauteeing tn pro vide them with good positions at large sal aries and to give them free railway tickets to the west in return jor this and as a guarantee of good faith hey were to send him 200 detective girwu slates that the fellow has beea working the scheme for aboat two weeks and the akron postmas ter says that during that time nearly fifty letters per day have been received by james the youngfellow confesses his guilt claim ing that hard times forced him to do the crooked work his parents live in toronto and until a few years ago he lived with therai the carnival in tlie rink last thursday evening was quite a euccess mr smith gave the skaters good ice and did every thing to reader his guests comfort and pleasure the prize forladyss cesiums was won by miss min statham second miss maggie matthews comic costume fred storey aasfiu kelly three mile race inson smith joe kelly two mile race acsoc smith and george statham the muirkirk correspondent o the ridgetown piaidaer says robert scott kiatyre has relumed from colorado and reports dull times wajies for carpec tcrs 1 to 3 a day and f g a week for board- ko sabbath no morality yocng and old male aod female swear like troop ers not much attraction for canadians in colorado surely from oar uvii co rrc fondest rev mr teeter who has been tsi missionary at medicine hat korth west territory delivered very able dis courses intheebenezerandbethelcharches on sunday and oil monday evening he gave a lecture at ebepezer onthe korth west bet especially iu regard to the missionary enterprise iu that part of oar dominion special services have beed held foe the past two weeks in the methodist charch at eden mills by rev mn walker pastor of the charch assisted by tbe misses hall of guelph band workers of revd savage- much good is being done may god bless and prosper them in their wock a heavy rain etonn set in at knatchbull on wednesday at cooa and coninued un til some time during the night and hy thursday morning the rieigfairg had all disappeared and it looked ks if something had got wet the wmd was blowing great guns bet cot much damage was done beyond iecelung ibefeacet wi cap- eiriag a number of trees about sir iaches of snow fell and monday eo that sleighing is very good and the weather seems to have got over its late spree and settled down to business in earnest again- in consequence of the slippery roads oar villtge blacksmith ia kept pretty clinching the pes these days there are several cases of kassagaweya at present the many friends of mrs on sunday busy measles in ander son knatchbollwill be glad to ehe is now in a fair way to uscal health mr adam anderson and his bride have got settled down on their farm kt knalch ball may their shadows never grow less boottaerey knatchbull jan 21st 1689 learn that ocover her eeis agriclxtxkil society the annual meeting of the above society was held at andersons hotel ospriage on friday i8th iost in the forenoon a clarke and j h thompson were appointed to aadit the treasurers books ia the afternoon a j ccrrie presiding the meet ing empowered lh directors to sell a lot to mr wj smith- ihe financw1 statement was then read as follows tvtotfl touhmcefreil lat year a amaait for member fees 2 271 co for ipeciai frtms i 55 00 from govt- grant i ill 10 admission chaises to show grounds 33 3i ur itxtaia for rcsl j 15 00 i rna das trcisarcr overbid l touu iy total ijd for xtrltcn- i h 63 lyniyimofctotinderectioit of buildings iosnrance cx 13t 01 eutfuiaguiof irtilldfug aad grounas tl 10 worfcfnj expenses tat year i 170 00 ifikcijaoeoascxiieiiscs 20 si fhls 88 the auditors report found everything correct and was adopted the following officers were then elected putsnevr d mcmillan vicefiuuiiest h mckinney saotltutv tntascitgit lftw bart duiectoek j doff j kirkwood j sinclair r akcrt r lang h mckiriney hkerr j sjodroto j hurst andrew clarke c h walker s c blackwood llie now president having taken the chair a vote of thanks was tendered mr carrie the retiring president who suitably responded best of ah coegu niwliia3 ayers ciieny pet tarzl is iu greater dcciand than ever so paiunitnta for tbroat and lung troubles is so prutapi ia its effects so acablc u uit tiite and so widely kariwn i-ii- il u uie faintly medi cine in tim-i-iiiil- of loaslioida 1 hiit 7itxl for22rs from a bronchial iniiiltjammnvver ttaka vt kijuivs itxif by a very annoying tilling mlalion n the throat and by tiiciltv in eirtliiu have tried a great many ftialics btitcoue does so well as ayers cherry ivrtoral wbidi always gives prompt rvlitt fu relurns of my ji1 compiiiut erneit a kepler iiisjiector it public roctdt parish ter- re koniie la i cocshltr ayers cherry pectoral a most important remedy for home use i have tested u curative power in my family many limes duria- theiat thirty years and have never known it to fall it will relieve the most serious affections uc the lliroat and lungs whether iu cliiliren or adults mrs k g edgerly council lilufts iowa twenty years ago i was troubled with a ibse of tbe lungs doctors afforded me ua relief aud cousidertf lay case hopeless then began to uj ajerk cherry pectoral aud before i had finishetl one batlle futtud relief i couiimiedtn take this medicine until a cure tviu cltftied i believe that ayers cherry pectoral kitvetl my lie samuel grig waukegau iii sie years aro i cottrarted a severe com wiikh ftiltii on my icugs aud soon derelopci all the alarming yict tauu of tinuitrtiin i had a egugti nislit sweatjs hleedujj of the luugs juiiis in chest and sides and kli hj prostrated as to lie confined to my bed most of the time after trying various prescriptions without benelit- tny physician flnnlly delenatued to givu me ayers cherry pectoral i took it and the effect was magical- i feemei to rally from the first dose ot this tnediciue and after cing only thi bottles am as well and nound as even rodney johnson springfield iii ayers cherry pectoral ramao bt dr c ayer co lowell mass bidtafindnaffelrti fricetl ixuouicfti choice goods suitable for xjlvs presents gentlemen s dressing gowns silk mufflers silk handkerchiefs storiiylsxloves and nitts shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph percheron horses isuto bok st0ce filut onm ilia wijm ceotr hkkipa abotttqminbndiqiisalioaliadd prioitiakabeundieai7 hone niaianlmd ukdsa lars eaiabwue lib uumt of lb bned fm br bali iadimalyaoeifaiitli ftuoli kkh fbehch coach horses bettrtlfaltr fcrmm hljlwijrppjiir bui liou tod mint fa- prt tctiob wtd oddfrtlj pstronan of tht fitaeh got- roment for eu- lofne ud hitot tb breed address detroit udb for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins ltew gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b sjlyagce guelph ltta bbtttiscmmis for sale hottbkhold poodssofaciulaiiiicilsoffciiiai cjcfcl aslomeataj tnc druii stove taues cciilwri secretin- srdfolje cook stmc ltirtors iardesin firpleiats tooli iicksad other ates crov liir grind titones sars wheel lrrtiwtr3il wuuon tuid sleigh pood stove pipe hiitic fccmitcic haicptitcijoatopre cp hcjittckpit uill sell bv iirivkc ae lar cish cr lrtlitl tries t al oc hill ttcir vsjcc s a secokd fiikd secok1j for sale steac pjajring kill carpeniir shp and dwelling owlvu to the deaih at ihe tzovtklaz tie late eterllccaaitiic aoovc rrcerty is osbrvd or isle la the village ot acton coasty i ofhajlon the jrviniies re tiiaued ia the baxinesfi paruaa oi lie tors aad hive tie leading business tor the jus h yn lfachi- ncrj- ted tocls i ricli crdtr apiiy oa the premises la yv 1 lit lask attoc ou great bargains for the holidays at mammoth house georgetown a liberal 1ffer ax artistic trekc lsc fiscal calendar ucactifclhtlecori itii hiphlycsivliod rturrealored iletune mpreataliug the tour saions winter sjtisg huuucr ayd fall- will be sent tzfm to suv itros who tends fix oanufor waiie coiiyol the kew vert lju- geil address u0bfut toxkeus sow puhllurr 175 uinx styxin kew vort city this calendar l fully worth ij cente the 44 witness for 1889 more interesting than liver ufarclulavertl j acopvof ii- ljioo liiiturc clirist he- forc tilttc f jr the ncjuctl ui ui i3 cents to every oli or new ttitrtcnbrrtriaftaifflir ll- daily wiaeis and picture weetly 3 25 125 mutual fue iiistu tince company of the- county of wellington tub general annual hcctiug of tiia above company rill be held ia the companys office iu the city of gnejpb on tuesday lti ot february next at s oclock pan when the direc tors keport far the year will be submitted with the financial statement alio the election of diroctors and aor otlier uestotesrdevaot la tbe meeting bv order chas da1ds0k sccy the fohrwicc iperr will give two weekly iu- sertioua seudicg inarkfld copy of the paper with ecount o this office waterloo cliroclcle ber lin telegraph fenres kewbcord uoniit fox est eiaminer ireston progress and acton free fresa i gaelph january end 13fe3 idea of tlie way tbey axe going to r very lar stock read their uewj 1 t i iii vm biawtfawoiterooiaibbholrufcii wra on tho wdlmorrilad oca s which ts jz tl tetaqtzoome ug ie tbr m- oato aoil extend io tim m vario- k bbwtitur itiieruto cofc i et wishes tot eoiilioael jjrospenty yoi sale by k mcoikio auction sale op land tiiekkas ch lands aud mvudux herein- tt aftr idfliitlaned are held by the nndcr- aujned u trustees for the ate of the congrega tion of knoxcnnrcb acton and uave become nnitefloasar- to he retained for such use and it baa been doomed advantageous to toll said lands kotio is hereby glrea parsaant to b s o chap ot boo 13 tbat said lands being all and sloguurjbatmrtoipttrcelottractoriand and premises ittuate lyfsfi and being in tbe vulaae of acton in tbe township of esqneaing in the connttrfh4tonoapuiiilitjtdmomaninat twenty oor and onebam fccree be the aamt mororiebeins composed of thofiobth rast- crly qaarter of the east half of lot naiuher teven iu abe second conceailon of the if ting ono half twenty- said townabip nf kitqaeatng excepting cue b acre at the easterly corner thereof eonrcred one mcdonald wll be offered for salo by inblic auction by william herastreet aactioiieur at the door of tbe tonn hall iu tuevllap or actou ou frlilar the tweutrwoml of fcbrturjiwi at ttjvb ocujlfi voos tho irrbverty will bo offend for salo subject to a reaerred bid tebiis tenporcefltontbsaayotsals aud tbe bajftoea wftbfn two weeks theretiter the vendors will only la reqqirad to prodnce sqch tleeds or evidfioooi of uus as are iu their inuewlon and will not furnish any abstract dated this tweotyaeeond day of january ad joukstoh ft ycleaf voodors bolioiton thekorthenzilefscicroulj- w cents per annum nnblislm famxbdy tll best illus trated paper rcblished lor the price foil oa interesting idspropri4e resding far yocng mdod7eryrouiarntie kahhath schools of the dominioa snl united suics soaday schools desiring a pood parr f tstrbuaan tend for aspics ai rates agents wanted liberal raaiccctaaoi saniplo copies nirttroe john mcdottgall son publishers moatreal c everybody read- tliis there is money iu it in order to reduce the slock to facilitate his annual- stocktaking j c nelson will give a cash discount of ton per cent to all persons purchasing vijxl worth or otqt of dry goodbor4mihktsli- pers dvcrshcioirfiolbch 4x from xow uutil feby lgth wm mcleod co will give all this month and for a month after the holi days all through january wonderlul bargains in all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods arid beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in width worth 60c per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christrrlas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of even description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in many cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmansfur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth 30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boas bear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or jdered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular price 816 for 12 20 for 16 s22 for 18 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is thj peoples chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag nificent stock wmmcleodco ma3qioth house georgetown i fdr j hardware havonov in clock kail caadtanand american pattern all sizes iu tntvalso stsai anfl cbiwl fouitod yrocgau clwit finishing and tas all sims hlnaos strap t and screw hook batt berths catleryl 81 iuw iuuikti iiumiiiwiiui v-aa- ajpooniiaxes saw hanobotf wrenchwplaiies jack luivexfauftlitii itcvoltcrs fowdrr blict imrejla cajfa jtaiaiiuanidoorroikrslackhjciknblwraouivlaitujuoandaabcitoa liabbit metal ie class all silts and jut to oilier free luits- iuiutsi dc paints oils j a slock btleueliotf lrcarii nl gutu itrcha jsint olavs on hand iu all poiralar sha1 also whitoixiadiiriandiaollillcjjead v 1ej tthow odire snd aft drycolors uoilcd atidlawoihtunhnuih- vaniishcsjaiiji bheiucar j machine oils i lardiue tilyccrinc aiuuir iilsekaud caster i croceries afall line of fiiu tin colli sugar tobcccs ilalsins currauis uuc barlcjtspioca flat heed aluinhosin cream tartar ficilw chrisc lard lucoh dlckingl bto6i hooti starch soap dice- yfiut cair makiuk fowdemioda coeoa- tachocoiaueiractiviictitrausca3dliiifon vvl oataesj v syrup molaatstipitrs iwliiu- wine aad cider 1 in fad cvcrytliiiy usually fuuitd ii a first oajtocery lamps a fmllijjfallkharblzcj aud uciibus shades tu-ciiiiacr- lautetus ac cheap crockery glassware ladudiijgtea dinner and tcilet u iuhi ceittttl and coins alabastine aaoliilriot ef ihiijuijy popular kaiubiiac iit ijitaadin allhadea i f wall paper i large stociou baud ofkicb slid kobhy patwrni from 5c a roil a a urge lot ofrtni- roii up a fr juj tie roll to ten at ear own prico to be clertd ctcis beat lhca tvlliad onr purt- cvcie ircui groinnd b a luxury yon caul wcl do wiaiout l sole agent for u yam cenilccsitst as iiiincegraviybtih lock au j cuzuia hollcri auoblaor- ir tacts 1erftvacil fejicciaelfs t v j b pearson are you married or about ito be speicht son acton l a spejght manager i- can iujrply ywj with all the fumituie required to fumiji voor new cd cosf little horns or to rcilecish yocr home if a tcttlod one iu any style at the very lowest urieoc thore is no article hi lamiinrc we cauant supply and turther wo deliver oar furniuire and ycajavc uo arranging frribt charges and run no risk of breakage can suit all undertaking r our thirtyfive tiirs crieriexct in ihia bntiyss has rtsulttd in convincing tbe public ot this entire community that we supply firstciscs work in ail order and hi styles inch compare with those of tbe city at one half city prices our hearse is an excellent cue and our tja slasjt precut boewming apiwarance wo have pla- inico tcvuiaj the public to call on ui fur anything requlrectni our lines speight son to farmers and thresliers rrson vburmiielunervonly the wollkncwrl pssseibss jd3el lv 1 11 j li 1 m 1 c been awarded it during the lat three yeaawi wakgotisadd9orse powerb them oils ire uiedaud hifjhjy rmomrflebdedaithemodel farm gaelph farmers ask for them asu do other idalwtaxcdatqiiccaoittolltirorltsy 1 samuel aocers co toronto ml m i everybody coma and secur ijargaicc all good marked iu plain figures terms cash jc nelsons acton- vs cboiceit ami cbcattxi btuck of gro eatlc in tbe town i ii american agriculturist 10o column aud 100 engraving ui cacli iaauo 48th tear 1150 a t4- hand tiiras s cent stamps for banirla copy nnsuah or oerman and pnxalamujat of ttiaoldat and paat ajcrlcoltdra lcriodlcali in the world addroaa t i riwjsmas aheici5 igbiccwbist 751 sro4ww htw to- wehope in the course of a week or so to be in a position to announce to the music loving people of acton i one of the greatest musical lreats ever heard in canada arrangements are- aboutcompleted bear this in mind and look for futunj developments r in the meantime we draw attention to the great reduction we are making in i i dress goods arid mantles we are offering between two and afireef huridred pieces o our best dress goodsjata uniform price 2o cciits per yard vil ladies wanting a mantle illidt well tb visit the lionof guelph as we are selling all oiir j i u doljians wraps and santles at cost -jl- 1

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