Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1889, p. 1

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tfuntj jfe- i r mpounf iioi cmgis c tkkt initio i ohous v t nrrcrrl tiii toreasieessbfisfe drjlnt rr his itt mifc- i j t df jtias iktix t opium in is oftotjibf miil losses uiftk ffozdhe wilhd3etorm3llo loas rigor tod xmnt jaflfct 3 tr tddxesa pobcaat j3 oor r bo r fjj luo sto eta ww of lite errvrs ef lic-rr- so obi wigfe- ill iinjed2 etrsiri jttdiofl lg ir dibk g how beto l sereiitio2 0 0 rare 2535si trusst lij4b8 j st toi volume xirixo f ijcrtdit jfmfjrcsj u rtbluuxu- jilyerv thursday morning acrns j ffttt press power phtkhnq house acton ontario subscription rate8 ixitxix i sis kornnlmctft tannc voktus lnriably a advance llnolpaidtaadrioce jjsprt4rciulieelird boiiapcrdiiccn- ti3l till u arrears an patd exctpt it tti ilioo 0 the abliiker aovertlainq ratep live igjws jcal lino ditchn 1 som i00 j30co tm istsctis 0j jsli ewt 1uw tj im uoli r too 3m sw 100 coil ijtcrtuoaicatx 6 cent peruntor the tnliawrt i3cattperlqctorech fab- iiaectiarticjc caih tb anmwr of ufcet ff adttrtim2tr ithooi ipctfie directioai till 6 fofrtfrl tst loctid tad cbt5tl icoaid iitir tnatiiarjtixcrtiumtzumzft be id caa fcr cootrtct tdtcrtiieoiealmuisbe ic ls offlttf bj- s us oatuedrt othcric trin b ic 0t catii the louotitc cel h tuoore editor in rl proprietor uastruss fijrri0rp vtt h lotrr it b siop8 gndsiiecjthiijcolieifcmberoe ce3cc c ffcrtriictmid sarceoat 0fiii rciilc2 xt uieheid of fredcdct aret aetoc john l1wsos gatiduite of oauria veternnry gjuere torocloset- biatry sii2 aefcaa oct office la keiaj- pr- tkkt ii ioc flare reiidence iath rmr btextri2ed if to toaainesa ini cru5cilrt 2- i all oils jllt or dir pttjunitlj- headed tc l beskett lds dentist ccqigetotv ovrinio t0hk5t0n dr jtcleax j birnitcn soiiciuaii iouricx ccc fc pritiie leads to loin 0cc tott hill acias e f b joffiffitojc 1 wit i mclcix f altovtit bitttsxee soucttqe noxjjit rrsuc if oaey to lotc omcr dat tuesday tad sitsrdij- ornct ifitihcttbioct- acton upt hiltqy atimv d baird j birriiierssoiiciort4i toccxtq isd gxoegetotx j qai qoeliaaat biocfc gcorgetoxg ud8c kiae street cict tcroato j 1 t t illlt j sktltos e-i- bjjjtd bj oidgekow cabsok4 co i aaeeetxe solicttqes i- kotaittei grert ctieti car cfrarcju icd adelilde sn toronto fit ttlepisoe ko liti cable address iladaerotr criuze0t ogy mlsoyccit cocaotvattqeixr 1 iteki5 secured j foe ikveknoxs reskx gkist ottivi cxxici- i tcct tears practice- ko patent ko piy irtk bxitstreet j lizrsszit kvcaaxrrb j far lis ccaues of weuiotaa acd hiltos 0r4e lef at lie farz pbess office acto or altajtetideaein akoa till be promptly at- teajed to- lenu reaonaile- al moaet lo loan oa the noit tatoraoie lgstiaiu the iorttt rates of isleteal ic tijof cjoq tad optirda j actou- baukiiir corapauj storer christie co -uakkers- acton onlnrlu a oexmul baviriya uusisfyss thaxsmrkd sotss notes discounted and interest allowed on depobtta in ontario thubsday janabyai 1880 price thbee cekts never leave act0x vvhiecjou cm txt 1 piwd ui article ml it cljttpu i h matthews harness shoi callacifoc if lie is utitpiing the lxt bir- giiui iu f light and heirr huncss blintevs bells currr cocibs eruifcss whips 4c- i livetoujc to artna ta mviaj ui eedcavor loftvc tic bost utislirtion lj uc ijo firor lc ith tlcir pitroaic 1 tivr uuill ckxc5c id caa iffurd tokllcbeap collars warranted not to kurt 1- picture frames -at- wites brothers pictures jfc -at- i witees brothers cornice poles banner rods hoaldiagst ccrdskuk gis bewoi ilirtort aktixrs ujtzpuls v vtvisor kektoss waters brothers 1 25 wyndhah street gueiph johsdit 1 irchetect gcelphchct 0mcrq2ficlhotfi eloct ltirket sqasrt f rascis sc to t f etipnaa j booeetxdee geortisqirt gacipbonlarla acoual bocfci of ali iacf made to order periodical of etecy description earef oily booad iialiajneauttaipronipuydoae wellington hartite worts qt7h2sc 5t6ttbla i i hamilton clark proprietors wboksaje ud retail deajersn ilajble grtnjte and cvcrjlhieg pcrtainicg to cemetery work- direct iaporters of ail kinds 1 of granite lad seirble hants lately ritiled the bay otfctidycracitfl qtarrietaciuatiaciiurcbaiod the entire stock o jrar isi red ctailecoaaaeaialcadioie croaaea urn etc oc alexander taylor at leac thin cost c rill cntil f enter aoticc tell at prieea cerrer before tnoirc in ontario far in- taaoe graitc n3acnt 1l hinwg 7 ft et55ft3o9fteijo10fttlid all rorii and material rairanted srctcita panics ranting anything ta this line rill do r ell to call and tee cabejore pajxearjag ctcrbcre as re graractee our jirices are frotb 30 to 50 per centbelor all otfcerdeaiere i mse haxlan bjlrbee shop icnxsrctetacrps ieirsvcattydihaairciitapxxiiarocci f aaetalluxiiatiu3pooaiayapteii uasora 1 ooaelialpatia trclm eoadiuoa ltdiea j add eaiidieat hair tiilr cct i ihvrqedektonoriilartiit salesliex waxtedj pepltaxext iosioai raaranteed nth lalary aadezpecsea paid any determlngrf tnac eta niceeea til ck fecsliir idnniac ta be- cianerx stoefc complete iaciading micy facs- s h tpe onlfittrec same this paper address a once beox bkothhbs knr- crrmekochesterk v guelpli business college guelphoxtaeio lltm sciiolastic tear iia gradaatec arc nor employed ae boofctecpers ba facts kanasenriogriperetcbt many of the iaresi lasiic honses in cataa and i the coiled slaiec tonig men aid sotaea desiring athoroach bgsineag edacatiott rill consult ineir orartliare by attending the gaeipb bastiese cisc for tennx icd particolari addrem hiaccoehick r principal fruit trees small fraits and ornainenaj shrabberr kviljcoot acton has been anxtittd sole tjeni for this section for the i rtll fcnora old bochestr arsery s if ocisoii jto- lictor and is ireired to tatc orders foe any of the irai trtea cmalj fruits or siircbs rhicti are than ia the illairled cataiopaes dtthe bjnnerr the jrodncts of the old kochtstcr xart tnora to be generally reliahla lad wntctly aimed m e can promise isiifactory ulu ia hrho iurchaae itoct roto uic prices rettonaule t uev it is cook icect -acton- pump factory -lvd- planinq hill thos ebbage man i hare rtnutl the mtuiicmcct at the pctnp bntines in actoa and trold resiiecf klly lafarm all jtanie i ret of piujiti tfcit we are nor precxed to npply them frosa the old st 1b wooden pucp u the best force pczip made pusips for wind wws or roct wells supplied on short noce deep wells s specialt prices right evert ttke our planing mill lumber drtised rhile you rait xfoaldil- ic uiiae to prder we hate else a quumtr of lcmber far laic eai table for bniidiug parposex orderi by uzsil rih receive itoliipttnd careful attention shop at foot p river seet- tuosebc1ge uaaaep school books copy book exercise books slates a full like days bookstor qijjblph day sells cheap the kerchakts j ruotectiye aucl collecting assoctatiok op canada- j head office hamilton ontario eiiabliihcdh 1 is an atsocfatioa of business and profesaiouil meu baring for its object too collection ol debti and to preheat lis uietnbers from making tad debtc byfnrnishior theni rith liitx of inrties rho do cot pay ucrchantc and othart having acconnta to collect rill find it to their adraiilig to become mnberis hnndroda of accounts are being collected utroogh it that could not be couectea ta any other- way idas y an aecocnt that baa been ined and then retcrocd bythe tiailht as no rood afur patting the merchant to great expense has been collected through lhia snociitlatl uichanuruhlnglo become metn- bers by remitting flo00 to car uanagcrc at haxsilwarll roceive byretnrn mail lull par- uccjars ccrtillcalc of membenhlp etc -toati- taanials t ent j j b milk co managers acton liverjy j 1x1 bus line the endenigaed ra ctfcll v wliciu the patron age of the public and informs theia that well equipped tad striish rlgi can ii- kijt be secured at hi tulics a ccinfaruhle baa meets all day traina and those at afcjht if ordered caretcl attention given to cverjordcr i the rants of comuiercial travel- i lew felly met jcihx williams -right- weaving 31ti t mitchell desires to icfonn the people of acton and enrroandings thtt he is prepared to take orders for weiviajjajl kinds o fancy raff carpets flannel eheetine shirting and dress goods etriped or plaid twtllof plain also bed blankets and sonebiaaieutwo yards wide and over and i will guarantee that iwillgiverood satisfaction to all fanners and others who will favor me with their patromge v t hitchell lumber shingles and lath r desires to inform the feblic l that he has nor on hand and rill 4ep in loctifniliiaecfpine indhemlocfc asrellas ber kinds of lataber also first and second elapie shingles lth i coal fitwood hatingpnrclasedthecoalbasfnets of ifrc osaiithiiia prepared co snmrir all fciuda of storecoil dharealsoa good stockof wood aarawoodaahcedarand uib woodatrpason- sbleprkef woodandcoaldelltered f everrbodr- read- to the front or iu coitreimox we ruce ooe elegant and substantial goods 1 i splendid iu qnality complete in assortment ii orerfiowinj in generocs bargains mcxv womlws akdcaf ldeeks boots and shoes etjbbsss oveabhoes fee at prioes that always lead to speedy sales lowest prices cojctlstrst rtth j good quauity cabtom work and eepairinr promptly attended to- w williams mill street acton fancj gcoods rthiil ixaiieat vahiety desire to inform tuynumcrocs custouicrs thit i have pcrchaaod a tine variety of goods for the xmas trade comiiriiingi splendid lot of toilet articles in mutual- fire insurance comphhy or the 1 00tott of wsmsatw i zstolunxd i8f0- kjeadofflce cueiiph nirenaiidiusevreii4iiiseuiiulactoriei nd ul other icription ot property rrnipasotsyndj p w 6uie puas davidson etmideot bctel7 john tajuob attesf there is joueyiu it in order to reduce the stock to facilitate his annual stocktakixff j c nelson will give a cash discocnl of ten per cent to all pcrsoas parchaving f iw worth or over of dry goods boots shoes slii- iere overshoes ilcbbers ic franx now uatil eeby lgtlt evcrjbody cooo and cocarf xrgaj4 ill ioods laarkod tnjain figures terms gaish j c nelsons orlrtt ortpoaraphy jftrtctilieros lattcrlncc from utyartrlnidcrfs hicr lrtp jo thhiic 1 icun more iuiii tqcalllinkriitcfer huto bcrt t tkrtn out west au here he fills this letter chok willi uaioovwhat he rasod laat ter itldlailjqqlhliitock ia hst sits mt ia lblaleil lihow lhscntccrsclis kris alien vsi orlcjaaj but dicors row it icli aglti a kohoga chap tr reed the wsy hedui cict the jru o iwche it pcta icr iced my ipoilin ettyfcet i alat at pellin wt the frcntch ttfltaa bftttlrutrfii i talvcriate i never rcntch the alfcrbet liie thls- jut lisnen kcru hec 0 a vurd uoct what 1xe bad tcr ay ior rfunybent an tjiclli the herd giilnci git out that btirud jatrjifrciii tow till kingdom turn tcr heer its came fixilt thatawsy b-jtho- dst this ityle fit ycr car kit get isfpclt goat hie kot with c i rwsr ao bescr wall that jut gits inc hcifer noa aint thet fer a lciicic insu the tt jew ever heer liuldcstny catmhiiut bcpui ter csh out all thtr ukt dadfctctcdallftred orthogtrfy thcfs hcrt- marieriay wet vort cf iictkokaiclt with i- llacoctt an now heee ninktt hir hirjtn ccd hie kallers ipclt with alu hlvinnrtcl reods mrtie tmorfol aint it wall jkt wait heiis wcu thet tother reck hi cots lite blocmin at tr gau- ixiihloii- grcat ijecrer kvcry stni he- talcs kexpettin vmiscr my k spcllin bco hie hnncy make ilshney an lacdy moses marcy nie here chnckt the books awsy hir roctcrbcssirv r tabaca thar thar mirier ef it chnrc- ycr lauh tec that elitcnt 111 ttop bat ton the thins ad jums this invite he hec tent he wants us thar on kriinns day ter fccat oa feient pi his tenant itarts phct hizkrischri thet jist eites me a picter he iietoms hir kociplcrnients hy anserin in that tame ktile an tpcjhalhoct no tents au when the cnverlcic i drtus fcr kriitcfer i twar de rite p c-h-r-i- totvlier hkkiuahd llupaldt of conrirf rjd min mint cmr ately i yoa love iiirn tliorir i no more to be iid bat oh if il wsx only mr martin lcnnrc blutlicil aittly it was ye ihey ire lnore bo said yoar tnor mother and my nifce it was the oii alory rwnaway miloli with apoortiian bat lenore should have let us konr wliere lia wia it was donald 4m m siltui hsmiil lia would starve btfon he touched her fathern mouey bat when my brother died and left everytliloj he owubd to me lie know aud i knew that it was in truit for liidtmber and i have ueter to ached a daluc of iier money i lived in the old hoaie becaau i coald keep it im better order o bat i have spent only my own small income i have tried to find leo ore bat my tu vest ration 1 were sli made qaielly until this win ter i came to the city to seek ray niece and providence directed my steps bete i did not look for lenore s child but for herself and her child is not like her not at all like her ko loaise aad i ofteu spoke of hit mrs mitchell was pare blonde and len ore bas dark eyes and hair like ber father yoa will tell her let her come to me sona oh my lenore my poor dead darling but she ceased to weep for the dead when j woot ye the arms of the i mag lenore were once more iroand her and kisses pressed apon gtltd jamils iuaiinxj liens hauls lt 1xxa ulluis hair tooth and kail brashea the finest ferfuines in the market i have also the fcnest stoefc in ladies satchels ever shown in acton for xma presents i have a boaatifal selection cf j tj6 choicest and eriu iu the town choacvt hci albums booklets c we also keep all the authorized school books and school supplies hymn books pens r pendfi slates tnk etc we keep a large selection of spectacles to suit all light i j give us a call before pardiaaing dont for- j get the place 1 deuo store she is certainly very slinky miia maria west said nibbing her nose in an odd way as the had a faahioa of doing when not well pleased very hiss locise tvest answered briskly we will not do so well with that room as we did last winter bat there it has been vacant a month and we had bet ter take iffst drake than have it so all winter bet she bargains forevery cent perhaps she is very poor this last sajkesiioa came from lenore s darkhaired girl of nineteen who was knitting at the window with many anxious glances into the street well miss maria said slowly i hope she can pay ber boird for the missed west kept a large board- logboose the profits of which they and lenort hltchcuuvcd in a qafet way in- i dalcins tn a few extravagances bat never wanting any comfort it is traelhat while the olijer ldies wore dreies of cheap ma terial all the week and black silk on sun day lenore 1 pretty face was set off by the choicest of costumes ihedatntiestbsts and all the pretty details of lace ribbon and embroidery that the faahioa dictated when she remonstrated she was speedily silenced they were not especially amiable old maids as s role they kept strict watch on the servants bat for lenore they never found a cross word from the hoar when the orphaned baby looked first into their faces all the fountain of motherlove that dwells in every true womans heart was poared forth upon her to educate her well to cultivate her decided musical talent to dress her prettily to make her life one long sunshiny day miss maria ind miss loaise were content to workearlyand late to save in all personal expenditore and to eabmit to any amount of selfdenial so she grew up in the midiiof strangers coming and going as strangers will in a large city boardinghouse the two old maids were very dragons of propriety bat when edgar casswell fell in love with lenore he wooed ber go delicately so re spectfully that her heart was gone before xj maria or miss louise suspected he had paid her any attention beyond that she received from all the gentlemen board ers she had always been kept away from the public parlor as much as possible hav ing her piano inter own room and sitting there most of the time bat there are many opportunities for a persistent lover who fires under the same roof with the object of his devotion and edgar casswell seized j apon each and all of them j miss maria robbed her nose till it was a fiery crimson and miss louise sobbed in a sawaed gnietway that went to lenores heart when the state of affairs became known he cant get married on ten dollars a week said miss maria that is one comfort u lenore reproachfally wheiyoa know we would go on boarding here forever and ever iwoald not marry anybody who to take me awsy bat to think of yoar loving a strange man laid miss louise dolefully as if it was the first time she had ever beard of such an inclination in a girls heart i cant help it lenoresaid softly he jl dojlieve be is miss maria said w mr diion his employer told roe he was a model of morality and stead tnees and snch a dear nice face said len- ore not handsome exactly bat to frank and true verse ldid well when i picked it ont didnt iv when twis mother went back into the dear auat leuore said caressing her j room she saw a locely cracker on the little i loved yoa before bow much more i tsble shall love you now there if that ted dijut leave his and only today miss drake said i cracker jest like him he left itfor bob- was thinking i must alter ray will and let bie i know well i will hear bobby say the money that bar iain idle so long be of 1 his verse thoagbt the mother ate somewhere i will send tor my lawyer i bobby showed that he was making good and tell him i have foaud lenores daugh- j progress in forcing his thanksgiving verw ter foand her through her own kindness j it wus certainly very comfortitft to a bun- to a desolate old woman bat for that i should never have seen yoar mothers peart pfu never have dreamed yoa were not miss wests niece leuore icaauot think uow i am too ill to make legacies but yoa will remember all tbey have done for yon paint tlui ke hid rfud un ancient wid- i miiclimls pride 1 suppose that kept ber ower of large wealth who uccnpieul the whole parlor floor paid like a prince and had one fool und apparently part of the other in the grave he bad made love lo lenore in such cpeti fashion that the whnle hnune conld ee hi devotion apd he took his refusal in high wrath andleft the house in a fary i hated liti lenore would say wbea- ever he wis menlioaed sgd her brawn eyes woam blaze angrily her little hinds clenched and her voice trembled with emotion kerffered himself to ne as if i was for tale telling ms hpw much pin money he woald give me how many jewels boasting pf his carriages and the big hoase he had kept closed since his wife died he told mc all his children would hste ma bat that i could defy them all and ontdress the smartest of thcinv fine temptations to marry an old horror like that and the old rrsids were rilenced by the young maids indignation it was edgar assweis hojr lor retaming home when tha misses west sad leooce were discuss ing the new boarder there was seldom j ber withered lips any one in the parlor at that hoar jait be- fcre the six oclock dinner tat iiuce heir cngsceraent edgar knew letiote woald wait for intn there 60 as i have said the had halt her atlcnlioa fixed upon thestreet bat the said i fed sorry far her aanl lome she told me cue was all alone in the world and she bas come to- the city to board for the winter became the is so desperately icoely in her own home aud she u very feeble too ohituiuube dreadful to have no one to love yon when youare old the tears were ia her eyes as she spoke acd presently petting dawn her work she went to the room occcpied by miss drake to sec if she wis setjed comfortafcly it certainly was a very okllsdy who bade her come in and sre moved slowly like a per son weak as well as old host my old servant last week she said to leucre she wss my maid for fiftyfocr years mere like a friend than a servant and i am lost without her i must have same one lo replace her bat i dread a stranger let me help yon now lenore said gently i can put yoar thinghawsy if yoa tell me where yoa want them but do not like to troable yoa lecctc laughed a bright little laugh that cast trouble to the winds for once she forgot edcar as she unpacked and put in order a very plain wardrobe and some heavily packed boxes that were not opened dinner found her still busy and all the evening she spent in miss drakes room consoling edgar by an hoar down stairs after the old lady retired au through the autumn and winter mist drake occupied the room at the misses wests and in the spring was preparing to retcrn to her country home when she was taken very ill the love that had sprung up between her and lenore had strength ened with every hoar of their intercourse miss maria and miss louise would certain ly have been jealous had not lenore so contrived that the hoars she spent in miss drakes room were those when domestic cares absorbed the two old maids bat when miis drake became ill dan- geroasly ill lenore undertook the rare of her as a matter of ccunc and a most de voted nurse she proved herself- her opin- 101 regarding the old isdys poverty had never changed and the dainty food broosht to the room the extra service required from the fcrvtnts were entirely orcilted ia the bills miss mam rubbed iter nose and miss liaise sighed bat submitted to leo- is promptly us posstbje come ap on my ii bobby and give qs k kifk fore i to said tflj bobby crotches cuttrrejover the floor promptly sad he nettled for a moment in his brotht-r- arms thou ted weul oil 8try ttd i dijotiiavo more break fast than that cracker for ye this mornin said ins mother following him into the ea- that is all right mother bay do you spose lie kitow ooul thanksgivid what lin adoin ffery penny i ciu mike by eilio beyond tother boys boars i set it down here and save for bobs thanksgi rio see how tijey grow ted took out tbe paper thai had the re cord of the extra sales i tell ye mother boh shall have a good tbanksgiviu xivell live huh now tink- ham dari he says hes gut his eye on a fine chicken btubbs the batcher has at the door of his shop he hopes stabbs wont take it in for the longer its out tbecheaperit 11 but mother umt a ciiiokenat all its an old rowoiddy we are gain to have a gennywiaechickeu for boils thanksgi ven yes sir now mother yoa bear bobs vejrse f tell him it is a tbanksgivin the ilxxt barbl i uhiut vroi aioni till he ciikci tj via aiidraiced snjujn a iiiji of itfc toiksatarvuuut muci ho tuwr viul their dan with inch a word tl keatr it ou a change liefrtbhjnjuitu emm thoo wbo raugii with all thir iniht tiirougli iohtics date ball aid sin and la tli or rati totfuiuch tfilh cliia prosperity i ii bisj indccal a verity the craft tboul j heed if you voalil tain a measure sash the way u plala dont talk so much jledlikholivserfext r gry little fellow to know there was a place where food would be abandantl the days taming like golden wheels toward thanks- ginng revulved slowly but sorely and at last came the day before thanksgiving heres yoar times bresi aiid her- the hedgehog cautiontiy approached the sleeping reptile and teired tne end of his taij between his teeth then he rolled himself up in a compact ball aad awaited development the soakfly awakened by the pain turned apon his enemy and fiaght with his fang the hedeihog re taining his hold a lowed hfmielf to be dragged back aud forth during tl e struggle aad metnwbio the sergentb sws had become lacerated and nseiess fro d constant asssnlts upon tits spines of its eiemy iu a few minutes tbe sepebt had become ex hausted withhia efforts and tbe hedgehog nnrolling himself disemboweled the ser pent apd ate htalncaj iu this ease the bedgebog does not kill tlu serpent bat obliges him to kill himself by dashing apoq the sharp spines indeed indeed i will bat yoa are 1 raid ted wu shrieking he conckled not to talk of legacies you are to get well and let me make amends for the long years yon have spent alone bat the shock of her sadden discovery wu too much for miss drakes strength for a few days she lingered lenore never leaving her and then passed away in sleep her hand clasped fast in that of her gentle norse edgar casswell was provoking at least so lenore said as if it made any difference who has the money she told him you would make a fine fuss if i tent yon away because yoa inherited some money and by sach argumeata she conquered him then the misses west proved equally frying utterly refusing to load lenores moaey bat after she wu married they were coaxed to come and see a handsome cottage she bad had built cloa to her own hoase coaxed to superintend its completion coax ed to send oat the famitare they prized the most to make it homelike coaxed to sell thereat and give op their boardinghouse and live near their darling because lenore said i really can not get along without you miss drake was my eactfaec s aant yoa see bat yoa yoa are my otcn own aancs no matter whose daughter i am bobbys veese ic thu lxv eijwisij 1 ore it was a locg nines aud the- patient as the day crew hotter and hotter weakened visibly the doctor said change cf air might benest her when she was strong enough to be moved but did not suggest any immedi ate action she hid been nearly three mouths fading away when one evenioc lenore came in great histo to miss maria oh come she cried miss drake wants youl i think uhe is delirioas i had on the little pearl pin thtt was poor mammas and she cried oat when she saw it lenore leacre and fainted away and now she says she must see yon why aunt miria you are as white as a ghost are you illl no i am not ill stay here dear till i call yon then white and trembling like a culprit who expects sentence of death she went to miss drakes room the old lady had dragged herself ap to sit in the bed and her eyes were fixed intently upon the door come oh came here she said tell me tell me yoar niece is she your niece dcnt deceive a dying wo man i will net miss maria said i will tell you the truth but let me make you comfortable and she gently propped her up with pil lows her hinds shaking as badly as those of the patient t she lenore is not your niece no bat she docs not know that it is twenty years since her father dooald mit chell and his wife came here to board i think they were very poor for they took a back room on the fourth floor and they were very saving they were here about eight months when ilr mitchell went out strong and healthy oue morning and was killed by the falling of a wall left ifter a fire his poor little wife went into conval- stacs and died nn hoar after her baby was bom there was money enough to bury them bat we never knew anything about their relations or friends mr mitchell was from scotland and we supposed bis wife must have been a foreigner too as no one came to claim the baby although we felt it oar duty to advertise we tried faithfully to find her people bat now oh we love the child we lovo her if yoa have any claim upon her let as share it v i shall not live long to claim her was the sad reply bat have you nothing of hex mothers txropting the pearl pin- i was sure that was lenore pii hiss maria went to bw p and re- j turned with a small jesl boxfurpf irink we kept these snvsa44baghwe let lenore ase the olbtning home of the yeesaid miss loaise relactanu valnitad itoiifwe were- not able sa educt81l di3awe and is so considerate and kind p- j uthw j bntwjwtidhe listed lenore pntting her pretty head down i needo4 i x xp oqfhiay shoulder and her hand ui wt tuku uesuing on miss loutsav i her f heres jer timet press and her- raid l sang out a sharp shrill boy voice in the streets of uw great city very late one sultry november tuaht latost news f rom yoarrrap more ihia ooe psscrby said seems to me that tittle feller will have a late sopper if be dont start for home qaick but ted thompson had a parpose in these protracted sales in hit pocket was a fold ed slip of piper penmanship aud figares were on it not elegant penmanship aud the figures were uneven ted laughed when he looked at them and whenever he sold a paper he took out this scrap of paper enfolded it and set down a mark saying one more for bobs thanksgiving when he had sold his last paper and made the last mark in his account then he said now for home and some supper not a very nice home was teds for he lived in a tall tenement- hoase squeezed among other tenement- houses tall and grim and all hada thin look as if much crowding had pressed them together and flattened them up the dirty stairways through long lean entries with an un wholesome atmosphere ted made his way reaching a door which he eagerly opened and in a half suppressed tone asked bobby ap mother i a voice issned from the dimly lighted room well ted im sorry bat the little fel ler couldnt keep iwake no ways yon come and see him ted followed his mother who had a womanxioas face into a little bedroom she held up the lamp while ted looked j down on his brother bobby a child with i a eweet face now placid in sleep a little pair of cratches by the side of the bed in dicated that bobby was a cripple do do yoa spose hed wake if i kiss him jest easy you know i guess not ted the peaceful face stirred a bit when the retailer of news from europe gave a jesteasyyoaknow kiss tedj lifted his deep blue eyes toward his mother and said dont yoa spose ha thought it was one of the angels i told him aboat when i came home from sundayschool the last time them as takes care of boys and gals ileepin7 i shouldnt wonder ted there were tearmarks on her face for she thought of her children who were with the beaatiiul angels of god teds father was there too did he say his verse mother fore he went to bed asked ted as they passed bat to thb kitchen table on which was teds scant nipper yes ted that verse i is it any wonder that u halt- j starred boy like ted should pick it oat of the bible as a typical verse suggesting many blessings this was it they shall hanger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the sun light on them nor any beat for the lamb which is in the midst ot the throne shall feed hem and shall lead them nnto living fountains of waters and god shall tripe away all tears irom their ejes tne next morning this family of three arose early for ted mutukeoat his news now and then over the thoaght that this very niaht on his way home be would be able to stop at the shop of one sfubbs and bay a gennywine chicken for bora thanksgiving- he was so much absorbed iu happy thoughts that he did not pay at tention to 1 horse and carriage turning a corner near hint jsst as he was starting to cross the street there wu each a commotion too on every hand the horse cars rambling tbe heavy drays thumping grocers wagons rattling the rivers shoaling merrily just before thinks giving and saddenly la the midst of all the confasiou ted slipped oai there in the street and the team turning the- corner roshed upon him oh oh 1 how everybody looking wished they could look away just then and yet could not do it i take him into the pothecarya store here bawled a policeman as poor little ted was lifted ap oat of the pitiful tar- moil do yoa snow who beis inquired the elegaut mrs stately all her silks rustling as she beamed apon the apothecary oh yes i said dr drags they call him the smart little feller sells early and late especially late i spose they are poor folks and he has to o marm i there are lots of em jots of poor theyll have a mean thanksgi nn iisomeboiy dont favor em thats to marm biiceman jast broke down marm fairly cried saying he foand in this poor liule chaps pocket some peonies in a paper and it said for bobs thanksjiivin he knows the family i tell ye that take- hnld of ye here the apothecary wiped his eyes 7 do yon know where he lives sir t down in back alley i think ah i believe i hive some hoases there my agent has told me o l better go down and tiko a look at em said dr drugs bruntly i i i will said mrs stately who did not personally know how poorly some people lived iu the world she had never seen her grimy ou tenement bonses- sbe kept her word went resolved she would da lots for the folk there and es pecially for bobby and his mother that though coald not save ted it was soon evident that if bobby had foand in mm stately a rood friend on the earth he woald soon hive liule friend- in heaven this thoagh was tbe seventh for six litis thompsous had all foand a home of plenty in the skies thanksgiving moroing camc new bright golden oh sobbed bobby pointing at ted lying on his bed he hes openinvhis eyes mother im he goin to git well t yes opening them and coming back to this world a moment a od- going also to get well say yonr verse bobby your thanks came the words oh so slowly and feebly ted stopped and began again they shall anger no moret then he stopped and forever his eyes chut again a smile seemed to flatter on his face like the musitsof a bright wing trying lo rise hes goue to spend thanksgiving in heven said his poor mother cover ing her face with her hands then bobby dropped his head and sobbed bitterly wataimsn mast j a pucky hex- 1 dr ijitzgerald my grandma who lives in pine bluff ark his an old yellow hen whioh lately hatched a lot of chickens she andhtrliitleonbs were put in a garden jnfft back of tbe hoasei id a little while tbe old hen begaji to make a great noise and the little chicks to cry so we went to see what was the tnauer there was a very large rat trying to get a little chick andrthe old hen was fiththir him with all hor might prekntlykr eat thongottbe old hen was too baridmor him and he would run off bdt nqhe ben followed him and fought him ontil the rat was dead i knofw tkistohetroe fori had to pack the deaft rwt off wasnt she a plocky bin h -i- a financial deadlock i the chinese oolonyjofkew york has a municipal gbvemmcnrof its own and 12 j of the leading chinamen an chosen officers j thereof they keep ipb money and papers of tun municipality in a big iron afe tbe safe is locked with 12ponderons bras pad locks each 01 the 12 members of fcbv chinese council or boird of aldermen has a key to one of these padlocks when the t safe is opened aji the 12 most be on hand geo liyu dod tbe distinguished mongp- lian doried afe daysago was k member j of the board at aldermen and now the j municipal aflains of little china are in a muddle they can t find the key to ufe- lock hu padlock and even if they could no chinaman would fill the place officially j of li yudoo will accept an eleo- j tion to the position for there is a chinese superstition that the dead man wonld be jealous of his siccesscr i abcaetretisitilfeheabtofateee 1 j a white pine j- tree iwaa out recently in garret go an ty near tlierslte or tb old brad dock roadiandcoarerted into shingles it wu a large tjree and by expert woods- men estimated to bo ki leaat btt9 years ou in cutting it ip the saw going through some tongh snbktauce then sappossd to be aknot attraowdwxtqnuon ni investiga tion disclosed aj ballet imbedded stlthin two inches of the hart ithe tree at this point was 32 inched iu diameter about one- third of the builet was tawed away- the remainder weighing at- least an ounce being left in k cornet of tbe butt end of a ahingle tuaifcall iflisnpposed to have been shot from a acaket by ooe ohbraddocki men during tbi campaign which calminat- in the disaster ht fort da qaesne in ibis event the ballerwas imbedded in the tree- 133 years agojiaih 4ir growth borving it deepeivjjt isj moat interesting memento of the illstarrud coedpaign of 1755 balti more sun t why we eat xlscb pitk that was a qoaint tonch of history which dr griffiths gave his hearers arghawmat church yesterday aboat the mince pie says the boston advertiser his was a christ mas sermon with all the rest- and in the course ofit he said the mince pie what ever it may be to weak digestions is also a harmless relic of the old medieval cus tom of teaching troths by visible emblems even as the passover was shadowed forth by the roast lamb bitter herbs unleavened cake water and wine this composite pis is a picture and symbol of the manger of bethlehem in its original oblong shape it typified the place of tbe cattle and by its meats spices and f raits in their order what was present at the birth of jeans the flesh of oxeu and of the shepherds socks tte oriental frankincense and myrrh of the magi and the food oat of the earih for man and beast to eat mince pie was once test pf orthodoxy that u blaftn catho lie orthodoxy for this reason thispartioj alar delicacy is tabooed by the ultra tro- testants nbw however we have won this hutorieal symbolic pastry from all sugges tions of roman eolesiastical dooatnion and can eat it without asking any qaestiocix- cept for digestions sake as tanooently as we batter hot cross buns jkjxt brother yoi are jast about to send as a bit of original oetrj snffera word of ad vice dont theije are noi sixty good poets in thesa jnited states wbichis 4esa than one for eery one milhontf the inhab itants dont you see that the chances arc too many agaj 1st yoa it is probable that yoar poetry is only frose ran mad we are writing this ai much for our own protection as for yours because neither of the editors o the herald s snre of good poetry when be sees it ol coarse we both enjoy good poetry andlread none otfter we know what is goodt jwcauso we know what tha world has irironounced sth yoa osn easily imagine our imhiiament when a piece of original poetry comes into our sanctup vs at once say a mitlioq chances to 004 this is not good poetry and we are afraid ta decide lest it sbcald 1 appesx how utterly lacking in poetic taste we are so ibr oar osvn sakes and for yonrs also wtj again say dontl ucoto- dui herald m the b 1ile spt seltariax j the oewspi peri report that in a case in which suit wis brought by ths catholic taxpayers to prevent the reading of king jamess version of the bible in tha noblio schools at iax leaville wa jadjje bennett deoidedthat 1 neb reading wasnot sectarian instruction i ftbe children of tfae potitiqn- ersbeheldiwere not obliged ltd usteorif tbey did not desire and the bibis had been decided nponjby the authorities aa one of the textbooks for wisoonsin there was nothing howevw t to prevent the children from reading a version of tbe bible acoerted by the catholic ehnrch if they preterred this decision bean npon its face the ejidences of fair- djsrjasyfmate judgment 3at it mil b crfnrseie nasvt- iafactory tosnoaetownprnina biola itself is a sntariaa book when noitoisejd nndex thsdirectipa j of the priests of tfieir pwn chnrob ildtward gower fort coingtoni h y nov 19 shot and killed bis wife while he was intoxioaied u ajorvfnnre isbe who wont idrint at bars bus kips a jn under hisitiodftac 1 j j f- in gehevkjibere js a wineshop to every seventy inbspiuunv j

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