i town hall acton course 0 iiectubes for 888 t ncfcmho anipioes ot knox church acto notke fyuhrh- voriu j mcun gardiner motnt hctit iiictrttnn uiulcjpnl ticktts for jfaorc ctaurse 50 cents cctarv ociuoicnce t s oclock wni cochrane i d moado subject scotland hero mtfr- themetaoulstchukcii acton i at- bey g a oiffcbjj ma phi ipfcstor pouir service 1030 uu wd wo sundar kliooiux lubkaasicqadaotfldbruio i- ttor au cordially invited 1 ojiufh aud visitor ijiji wtjcqtmr ju- tdfc osbcr at the door ay wclcquii- al- lo h p uool cton lyoa douthwefcij 1 number ot f la order to gttatp uipg discount m le6t it boots ohljr ction is for- only jertn m 4ge0 1iynds- 1 try g llynjtffor watches an jclwy try g uyudi forpscucleti try gtlirnd for weddirtc presents try u hynd or birthday presents try g hyn for s books tt- unidfor laveioitkoiftpi r trf hrndi for combs a- utir brash sl try g hyudi far albums vises tic try grilynds for wfcll tper try g ilynds for window shades 4 trygillyndslor spring roller i call is anise outgreat assortment c 1 u cheap small profits quick returns j gire a call geo hynds acton aljtixrtoit jree usll thcksdit februaev t 16s juxy soxor locals collated by the fcrer thoughtful and alert fret imsficikirter council meeting next lionday e valentines will be 02 deck next thi xe- iioa- rnsiyleruli teatneetingat limehciuse to-night- the mercsry registered s htlav icro oere on tnesday night keeping the sidewilis clear ol suov so aneeort this winter alter ill ojrdooodiiia commercial trarel are a drug on the market just now an oyster sapper by the ladies a ihcl methodist charch u down for 5th mu cfa hrjunejljogie o kassiriweya s paithised the aw green property miia street acton uajfa ethibitioa irill be teld cc tuesday md wednesday 6u1 and jdi wober teesnfer hs ic the coutnet fa ottnrorte uii electric lllil the imcc hcf3 let cs htvc your axreixi noif- lloat it to be danced tfiin pleae we dk- eke dctnisg- unfcird acthoay his sold his firii of lcresiot ly con- 7 erin to kijert ackett for k-50q- r the board of edaauon met on dy ctenicj- ko bnsiecss of impcrtincc noe before the boud the ritlinfis ot the spring assur will le held in icltou oti jlondiy 1 1th hcch jttde kase will preside tic lccmcx botchers fanncrs md milkmen sic busy hsttcstic j- the ice crop i v3 pood htnahqtiis broctnli buists the ullcat myw va uieajulinenirllxjpr ijcrbyiliirt wvjis r xixt inches high in his webi- l the sjo pissbeorcr train iaitllffidxy niit from the east wu delayed three hi iuts by the enpiae breiking dora in the cu l zx limehoase uot is our electric iidhl syitem bm- ki on is i qaestion freqaeatly uked osx local legitlitod rlmtoh hevefcw lays fotcoueideriii of the miuer hover t the cucative committee met on lou dly treeing ted trtfcngcd for the qnasl meeting of the bible society to he iieu on taesday eteriing 13th inst an inters ilinff meeting is utiapxted bsv mrwestaiaeottnowdetota the whole 0 hii time to bt johns chcrcuand coogregition tt eoclorood eer- j epli feaaell of gorgeiotrun chajie 0 si- alhins and preache on fccnaay fler- dooni home gleanings whlrlt rxt mostly af a jioril dtanrterftu r al a wodfroax over th lints tbe following rrom mr john h clwkli lecturo manier in cilifotuii coolaioi good word for tlic kurt pnvss job depa ment l wiiit soocircoiwawithcacloi td- ttiitler at your cirltcst couvcoioucc i mast havt thorn cauuol get sucuicircu arerlicroaltu ot 0 nice iad coiapl a job t j chuhoiai los aiifleloi ca 1 a arcu eujiss term enclosed cud potno for oo year 11 b- scripliou is be way a wtiutaaoa woi id read it the uw word potoo ahoold be generally adopted it is simply a on vcaiciil coulracfiqtrof pout office mm ay order tbe four iuitiala making tbo wrd and ii said to i already in eiteualve im among hosincm hoasei oat iteadcr il- yonr anbacriptici hai cipired send in pbmo formers be wkrc y tbe itonlrew vcnry warns farmers that octtain parties are gotujt waod roqlrcw county offering to tell ou behalf ot the tvfooio grain and seed company w beat at ij ier bushel ukiug uolcaliu payokui for the mne and also cftcring to uhc in rclarn part ot ueu gears crop al a higb lignrc tliejin pry invcsugafi be matter and found it to be a tharoaghbicd bffiudlc oar firmers will do well lo hi vc their ualuus m a licnrj coniitioa in m ucipaliou of a visit from thaw otlyloop ed thwks obituary the late mrs a a becurd whose f uli x- al took place eu the itth oil wasdaubr ol tbe late thomas ecgtcc ilcnama iarjcr in the itoyal xavy bbe wasjajid- ckcpliter xlr geo j liwe usher ot he black uodru tbe upper hecee of the cai ia- uian iarlument from its first session to he tncof histietxl in itslchcrgraodniouier ilfg ehibeth lswe u miea mcgrsth was the tclner of a u it loyalist ind came to da country with first eettlew after the revoluiiaa sbo was coasin of the ute colc john asd william senois of kiiara and col 0 k servoss ot barto a- 0 7 vr 1 acton lodze ko j7 ancient order of united wotkctn was orfixnized in this village en friday cveaicg feby 1st byj j b kiion depsty grand ifistcr assisted bvu c walker ct gcelph tbe following osetrs were insujicd fcr tbe coreat term past uin li woimxil ktcv- focj-jco- willuia kccrcv ovcelxijohii 3 kelly iacmicukicitrsi f wocicliuun fiyircu m wiuiuu a koivy llrrrzx-rfjn- y j- ifirviiiiauisaih lvmih wltxhhi wniitiii j li orro vlrceki jon l uecdci tcrtetsjsctb hub tlt5 tadt dgraht this order has been in exiatencc in on tario fcr about ten years and its menuec- ship in the province at present isalwit thnt pubua jcnf rtl ntfj at lut wo are able tooi ouooe tbai the en tar lam cut which babc iu talked aboot for tba lait ihrtfl i eari lo 1 aottreuandi to pnrchiiiniatltiigrarihe h n biuiuin i to bodirneiittd lo the pu iho the delay oai no doubt been wlib for he programme li ccitasnl a drawing out and promiaea good rouud money v worth 10 all who at tend u ui iuclude ao m reoiutioni stamp speeches comlp tong 1 a force the tailor oft taraworlkyaid a laughable ketch how booea got bli mw suit borne flue now tccoery pah ted by a oonplo oflooal atoatean will loa i attraction to tbe affair the oomtoiuee promue that a thoroughly cujoyableentcrt littment will bo pmeoted th t sjta unx carnival the mooud carnival la aotou riuk look place on towiay evening aud wu very largely auendod visitors wore present from all tiro turroaadinc towns and vulaca the capacity of tho riuk wai taxed but iho cobtamcs were uotvfery uumerboa con siderable interest vas centred in tbo akat- iuc races i prizes were awarded a follows five wllluiu v speight berlin g sutbira actau g little mfitou muv icucs iva tmo xiu c wauoo georgetown t wheeler georgetown c trotter arian i bos itit1- imlc 17 a smilli k ebbie j keliy ios uui under jlo fred smith c ebbake fitltil tnuivhit mvik look vxuv h kcuny fastlr niv ksviili- itisi minnie hutliim fancy siiii glmliav ii fields g oelph fincv aiutt laiy mi clara kim- shaw birittiajilym mis xi mattbews brjil tsit grwu lfarry jeans and hisa uamsbaw i blst isittuxn kerry jcaus bist nioci george adame kxatckblll xewsl the very the sacramental eerrices in methodist choafi hut banday were interestujs ber dr giflord the pistor preached able and impress re sermon and waa greeted with large congregations inornicg and ereninff a social onder the auspices o lidies aidoc knoi chairh was hed at v the resident of itx joseph andi raon borer arenne last thnrsday enin the auendance was large and an eojoy- able evening was spent- iroceeds 5i75 theacnnal meetidg of the belgians tract society will be held rajraj ttxsplirs c tezzpcrzrcc on wednesday ercning last cosncilko 5jo at the above order wai institutet in acton by itr it d beman p c hsmil ion tritli fortjsetcn charter mempcrs after the institution of tbe council the fol- iowic5 csiers were elected and installed scilc cduvtiixt w k laiti- vict cotixiuj03 ltui- lottie e siist fxr ccvstjlieh1 koorc ciltrlirs ucv c ii oxij lixiaitxi scitatafivjoiiii ii yrtu iltlvr slctjtzlux ifiis liitj- lsnl xt fivamxil six utiir jilhu c4tlt3g tmiafkf 11 mm mry llruwn ifrriili ixch t s lrr tnt r frv jr t j rti gtael irtlur iiu tcfatexs ailm icicr w i i rum eil dutaid mcdoaau thii new tcnjpcnucc oruiialioo raenccs cttcratiacs cudcr very ixvv able auspices ltsninberihipilrcxdyeml ticca many ot tlic mast cannt teapcriiicc workers in town wboc aimiu naif iug with the orxuizatioq ii solely to cucatirxsc united effort in the temperance cause the iloyai ttcupurs of tempcnncc is a chris tian tcinpenujcc and proliihitloa society with its doors oieawide to crcry man and wttnm desiring to unite in tbe effort to combat the grel evil of icteulcranccv its objects arc- to teach that iifccjpcrance and alllhat produces or ansiajus it ehould be regarded as a crirnc and to tcek to over throw the trail c in strong drink to edacate the yonc in temperance principles and to reform and strcncuien the fallen and lo improve the moral ialeliectosj and social condition of its meaiers soveraj candidates wereinluatedlaitifoudsyeveo- in and jcite a number ol propositions from others anxious to join were also pre- seated the meetings are held ou tbe rst and third llgniay of cadi monlh in tbe oddfellows hail irxjtc our 0 u corretikiudcut xtxt david corknatchbull is suffering roni e rysipelaa in the face i one day recently while if r george stranceriassagaweya was attending to the duties ot his farm be had tbe misfor tune to fall and fracture cue of his ribs but is now retting around all right again while if r sicpheu barbirec of kasva- gaweya was loading saw logs one day hut week he had the misfortune to have one of his feet badly crushed by a log rolling oait this will necessitate his laying os work for some days j mr colin kitching is visiting friends in kiccardice and vicinity at present the ccoiuiitlee appointed to get up the programme for the bloomibary entertain ment to come ofton the evening of the 15th iusi ire sparing no means to make it a grand success and it promises to eclipse any previous entcrtaiument held at blooms- bcry j there is a family residing not far outside the borders af kassagaweya whose bead is so inhuman thai his young son aged 12 or il years dare not troat his life under the same roof with hii father bat has slept- in the swamp all eunimer and when the weather got ioq severe he crept to the bam at night but had to return to the ewirap early in he morning and watching his chance when his father was out to steal up to the house to gel a bite o food to keep him alive he was seen by a neigh bar last saturday with barely enough rags on him to cover his nakedness let alone keep him warm the poor boy is more to be pitied on account of his not baicg hi tatoral senses bach braiaf inhumanity should be looted after by the authorities j biamsiurli etiaftfcbuli fcby lib 11 tiie uoxtiav kxaiflkatlusn both the koox church on friday evening at 1m otlbcfc- ur dr hpflait agent of the eociel will address the meeting upon the aims c f the lodety and will deliver a lecture upon general gjrdon r rwhife on his retarn from weiag his young lady home from church last b mday ctening a young man in town came icross youth of the town dead drunfc ana lean ing against the fence fast aafeep he mused him from his drunken stupor and n home tbeocilha itotff 7w is a new can didate for pawic favor it is a sprightly aheet able representa the northern dj itricts lad gives the population daily ncwi in a torm never before attempted in that ction the enterprise u a worthy one and bould meet with success urchj a qaartette of rowdicit rcodfn u the ight bidcouf on taeaday cvouini with iheir constaut volleyrof oaths and cations while on their way from the val to the g t ii depot to take the for georgetown a uiglrt in tho ould have sobered them mpre carni- 1 kp bubc goo bhejiherdbfju and mr br tac of eramo6 the parties who made awi f with the latter infant by drowning it iu fraia and wlw were found insane jury at too last amioas have been r moved the former to hamilton aeylnm a id the utter to toronto a ietiiiyufor a yytcoii tlio ko u act hl been rtctd ved by iho minister ucetrom gotjpb tba date for lb onthere rilleoon beuame 4 ward oconnor biu beeft jtleotet toramg officer fo- tbe city of gnrf b ana vc henry hortop kvertoo lor jhi aiitv- trsuuliu of the ludl of artou iumir srlukii in january i- knan church annual mcciir tee acnnil meeting b knoi cl acton vrai held on honda y tbe 2slb janu ary the pastor her j w eae opesed the meeting by the readicg of scripture and prayer the report of last year shewed markei increase in every line of the cherub s work the treasurer report shew id the financial matters of the church ic be in a eatisfaclory condiliaii and no with standing that certain special expense t tad been incurred- during tne year the n venae exceeded the expenditure by sl35 the plile collections amounted to wll the raifsionary society reported that by the collectors 2f3j had been raised tor the schemes of the church the thankigiving collection 3079 was also devoted lo the same pcqjose the sabbath -school- re ported that from an average of 30 in 16s it had increased to 100 in 1s and that during the year the coiiecucas all of which go to missions amouutod to h0ilc the womens foreign ifissiauary society re ported i00co for the 15 mouths it had been ia eiuteuce the sabbath scaool at dublin held for the summer months in the southern part of the congregation arcraged 35 in attendance and contributed 703 fo the schctnes of the church these amounts plus 5 isxo gives by the pastor to lha go- fortii fand make the total amount colle- tedby the varioa agencies cf the charch for the general schemes 571738 the jladies aid lately organucdf reported upwitrds of f 2000 in the treasury the report of the eeaioir thewed that 71 new members had been added during the year 33 byjprofes- taiisionind l by certificate 8 had hecn re- hivjrofcd hy certificate and 1 by death leav- the monthly examinations of the pupils in tbe four depertmcats held list friday resulted as follows hut luulmint smt tut gils annie fatephenion ii samuel laird 2t albert laing v wm fortune wti sarah laird jryis inr clo hume haeales 23 bella steithensajiw bobcrt mcdonald 117 scsijk cod clihiuuic morton tiog lewis orr i3 milton henderson 205 clara moore 2g5 liizie mclam 2gl jnaoc 3lii cusa james moore 76 wuiianiginordi2fo- fred uyder tll marks possible 10 each clxssioot t moore teacher gixoit vlviktxlst stxiot clisi4chariie moore til iloiiic smith 213 mabel boss 20y lntetrjlxuti puis johnmcgill 7k llobert gurney i3 tom suiton 230 wulie lowry iio jnxiu cuetf minnie edwards 0 eddie ikicuin aw george maun iiu marks possiue in each class 300 c mc- pnail teacher j ruitij lcijlutjiixr jrvidn cus easscll cameron 200 ella aqdersoo 177 lena holmes 177 brruiinjluteciu charley deanzol allen campbell 170 arthur moore 170 ettie laird ig3 sexioc clissv jennie creech 2u3 ada francis iw ellen stewart 1 marks possihle iu each clasi i3g- m melville teacher iocrru iaictmest biaaoc clim mabelgrantl jessie brown 217 george lovis 190 brmuurifutii ctta john moore 170 lizzie creech 100 mabel craine 130 jcyioc cliss ahce alien 185 llollie xicklin ico harry loyis 150 marks possible in each class 300 m a mc- dougal teacher estkaxce lttekatuue pbb80nal mejiflok lfrnuiusertpfeuaf fjittorelo uid from acton wltk me tree pmileitlcrt ah re o wacq i mrt a 0 beardrnoro has goou to city to remain until tprinx mrd m johdiumof hamilton wae in towu thiiweek fora low daye- mil ellia ben of berlin spent a day or so with acton friends this week messrs l mcbrinc and ym 11 speight of berlin visited their friends here this yveck miss lizzie doonan of fort gartiot mich is visiting friends in acton and vicinity hpu joseph martiq of st lou i m wae born at milton ont and formerly lived sfottawa mr g w l mcnamara of kouui bay city mich was the uuc of councillor sccord last week dr and mrs drydcu of uockwuodliave rtlameifroio their bridal lour they were in town yesterday the elcctiou ot mr j s larac of oshawa vs warden of ontario county is a victory for tba temperance party mrs l wright of saginaw mich who has been visiting friends in acton and elsewhere in the county during the past month left otf tuesday foe home mr ii s holmes agut g tliis away ou his holidays he is visiting friends iu stratford londouaudgoderich mr slit tin relieving agciit is filling tbo vacancy mr alex waldic has been iu toronto- a couple of days this woek altcuding the annual meeting of tho central farmers luetitute as a delegate from tho county agricultural society mr w u climieof tho itowuauviile 6tfir secretary of the canadian lrcsaassociatiou celebrated his nfttetii birthday last week he was the recipient of an address and testimonial from his fellow church vorkers miss mary griffin one of the oldest resi dents of the western peuiiiguu died at the residence of her brother mr cyras grifeu at bradford the other morning she wu born in gnmsby in i3c- and was a sister otdr griffin otbrantfocd and kev dr griffin of stratford at the quarterly official meeting of the methodist church last monday aftcrnoou a hearty and unanimous invitation was ex tended lo rev dr gifford to continue his relation as pastor for the coming conference year ther invitation was gracefully ac cepted by the dr who enjoys the conn- deuce an esteem of all his people mr a a farmer ageal of the mis souri tarific ii it at seneca kansas well- known iaactofihasbeeascrsouslyillduring the pait week and for come days was not expected to recorcr a card iait received from mrs firmer says however that he is now on the mend rev j e farmer bd of milwaukee his brother was called to his bedside wheu he was at the worst stage of hs illucss a short lime ago mr charles matthews son ot our esteemed postmaster yvho has for several years baa occupied a poiitiou in the photo studios of messrs jg audcw hill of detroit and monroe mich look charge of a photo business at hillsdale mtch the standard ot that town says chas matthews of monroe the new superintendent cf mclnlyrea gallery has already become an enthusiastic hillsdale itc mrs j e mcgarviu aad little daughter edna left hut friday for stratford where she will reside with her aislcr mrs j h wllooi until a desirable house can be ob tained ia berlin mr mcgarviu is irayci hog in the iulertsto of hie firm and cou- scrueutly away front home most of the time our citizens generally regret the removal of mr mcgarviu and family they have been residents for ten years and have always been kind friends and agreeable liaghbors kg doubt when their fortune is made iu berlin they will return toactou lllepit marked or iboovtobe r 8peichl a son actoli j a speight manager j caubiijtiilyjomriiliblluiflfuruilirerwjuirthl tofuruuh vour utrv aud vo- littj iioui or tu rufltmlab your bomo it a wtued cue iu any ityl it ui very oet iticet tborc ii uu articlo of f urultun vc caanot smplv and further wo deliver our furniture and uring rrblebtcbarjea and run 110 risk of breakin we can suit all you have ao trnuri absolutely pure tills powder uevor varies a uiarvolofpurity ftnmfftii budwholasoroouom moro ooouomlcal than the ordinary kiudi and cannot bo sold in comiwttuon with tha multitude ollow test abort wdgbtalura or phosphate powders hold only in cam uoxh bahko rownanco ida wall 6t ny undertaking our lrtyflvujum uiirioiio iu uibjbtwiuoaba iwulted iu coutidcuir uie ublk of uils cuiiro commuulty that wu uily flntcui work in all onion uitl iu styles t rhlch eoiupantwttil uioae of lbedty t onu half city iirlcw ouk heakse- fokale horikhoidtoi6tofainulliihltyorwtk usttul widornamciitaj hue drum fit tablwrcuilwrd stej btfdar cook bkivcltirronuanleeitirliiiitlein wits toob lickaud olliur axnt crow liar urind htonfl saw wbcelbarrotrbuiru wtspou and kloipi jjjod hfirn- ripe luutic furniture i hiid dccldnl co yivo- up hpnmikcxiiuk wjlt soil uy iirivntd vale lur tmh or ilittaiiiicut t out ttaiftlair talue k a sfccokd j fllku secohu it ati ivcdlvut otic tud our loam ouayt ttrweut a bccvujiu aviearaucv sure luluiithig the public to call wo bavu plw- ou on for aoythlug roqutrad in our lilies speight cv son remnants and winter qoods j xr the illgcht house hamilton fefk ucuiuuiu o 1riau drew jsooda wbita ooitooa canton yimuelf uenlub grey cottoul cottouodw iillou cuttxnis iuf shirtiub tiokiogl hddrbmi goods ato marked down in many caaef to ball price blanket dovn from tf0 u 2 ftom w50 to 1 from 76 450 from m3s to i mantle cloths irom 550 to m rom 3 to tl50 from 27o to 75c ladies mantles from 116 toimb from 91350 to 9 black caabmere glomes from 50c to 25c from 80c to 15c gorseta from- 5cto2c cbildrtniflnillapa rom 1125 to 75c from 90c to 50c from 50c to 25e aisrettec rom s5c to 30 feathers and flowers down terylowtfjiillinerr down to abont half price knitted shawls from j28i to 1150 rom 8260 to iij0 from m75 to s150 faiolniton romls7j to t5c from i114j to 03c from 11 to 60c from 87jc lo 5c aatracan gloves reatly rodeced drcuxjooda down rom 4uc to 20c from 25c to 20c from 18c to 15c from lllo to 10c best black bilks from i2j7j to 8235 nioe colored bilks from 187j to 1 from s115 to 90c from ii to ioc colored batins from 1jj tojl watered bilks irom 12 to l50 bilk pluabes from 1150 to ii velveteens from ii to 75c from 5c to 60c felt hats at bail price in new styles lota ol other eoods are ottering- eqoally cheap the sale continues every dy new goodsthis week direct from themake geniastlk cmbrellaaladiea natoral wool vesu madras mnslins black and grey coat cakvae crash towellinc white telle tape nerress lininirs white lawna and moalins braids dresa bottons grey cotjons white cottons cotionadei uenims awnine stripes tiokinira white and weavine yarns and wraps sblrtimrs canton flannels sheetincs pillow cottom ginhams chambraya fseersockera table and shelf ouioths dress trimmings bibbona corseu dress 6teels sfenl underwear cashmere hoso cashmere ureas goods mind the carpet deparlroeut almost every article for farnishini homes is kept there enter tbe door east of the carpet window many make mistakes and do not gt into the eirhlhoaae hamilton jin 12th 1880 thomas p tjtjjj3zstx hi iulttiust ou oardcuiii- is au luttuicut getting keadv fur stock- taking air itoobiitisc p moiic a theianart uisfftm loan j liunbgi siurvon lanii itnovrty u iil iipariu anly ritewartlowu kkluctlngjy alii htiwml atvluuv l iiir liilsliiiiglcs- rplik umlcrisiciidlhmo on jnutl at tbclr uiuf l it idmeboui b abont mvxuo lottof jhw inuifiw i uuitni with annphuitity of luiiibcr or imnw or blhar luiwnss t ntaaouablb prirt a tock or lioi aud ocd uiutes iln ou jiaiid t f tvloitjueoniebs a libera 1 offelt j an artistic twelva iaco annual cclcudfr bcaatifully dcconiodwitfa ulublyfluiabed mucrcajortd victurcs resptccntiut the four easou viuter jqtriuj miuiijicr wjd lu will bo mut trco to uy ucrxiir who mod nx ctuiuorttiuiircutiytrfi tho lc- york htt okit ajdrtes j hobluituonxeusstijssj ruliusltijn jtiavlixluistutkt new york city thuijweiidjrufnlly otth2iwuu for sale 1 steam plaining mill carpenter shopana dwelling i 0yiyhuliki tvallici li roirieior ths lu- ititrmtaiuinthti aborc iwopcrty is otfurrai for sale iu tbe yilkfc o actoo county ofhaltou tha jiitjuhsc arc situated iu fae luitia jrort ion cfthv town pud hto done the luadiuglfiisuiusovfor iho iflst 1 jun uachl- uery and toota in ftrsvcui order aliv preuiirttsui iuja v mtcinx aviouodl rdinfortablb dwelliugs fohsale 1 tba uuc ucw doulia frame diveluus ou wrat boitcr atcutc tfco storey x with kitchen atachrtl toft water mefli- tout iu crcry respect and runts for i per month v- 1 tlm tjrickcaad riidtiiico ou v 4130 two storey with larpo kjuhon attached hard anil soft water iu thp house terms and iiarticulars luado kiiowu upon ap- jdicatlou at r w1ue 1e3s office 7 attow firolusuraiijije ooiuiuoiy -of-nie- county of ajvllingtoh phk ricacral annual mtctinriof tbp abort a comhar will iw utad hi tie compani 601 ce la th city of gaelph on tuesday 12th of febnurv next at a ocjok u jiibeb tno dhw tors liciqt fjr tbu vcar pill bo snbinltted wtb tbo tluaiciai sutcuicnti also tba kiocuon of dirocuin aij anyitjict tncucei relerantta tbe nitwtiin dyxitdtr c1lk uayiubok ny thofulawtu twi wockly in- teirtioiu kaaina inaxiwlicojy of tbo i4ier aecouut tothi oilicc waturloo chroolel uer- lln tlrniflirfpt xwrltocord mount koc- at uxauiiitoe 1raifton trosteo aad sathoa fhxl vtvt- i 1 r rtluclilijaiibfu7lfflajlsai j aucniok sale o lan vukkiasuiiilatkfcf and nmiumm liiiiin- t afttr mtntiiwod xo clu by uito- under j suniod as tnuafcj for tu use of the ctiubrwfa ua or koox chitreli adton- and tatebeootpu unnecessary to be retained for such ose and it has been dccmd advaatbgeons to su alfl ladds kotiae i jrtrtby gtrftii ptmoaoti toi u o cha bclni all and lingular tha ccr premise situate certain puoel 03ft premise situate king tod twin of acton in the township qt esqul county of hajtpprwuminflvadmmfanrnieot twenty four d one naif acres be thoimo more or lew ljcincoinpbacd of the south east- ertjfiaarter of- the ed bu lot vumlwr tveuiyeven in the sotkmu coucoaloa of the taidterwntalpof bincinp cxccpdobona half i acrqauwxuurlycopltirkaibioctwtcy to j ltod for salo if you own a few foot lot its not w ruuch to boast of in tbe way of width on tlic sur pbae lut il sock dowu j coo miles deep till you meet tbe mau half way that owns tlic firoaod lot on tlic other stlc lust think of it take my advioe an buy a few foot all ruand you an 4000 miles undtryua and set it out in vicfca plants an seeds an itll bo better tlian puttin your money out at a hundred per cent to say uothin of the health an the pleasure youll get yes gardenia pays ask jamesvick seeds- man of kochesicr x y for his circular and sec anut to ifoxui are you disturbed ai niit and broken of yoar rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once agd get a bottle of aire winalows soothiugsyrup for children teething its aine is incal- cnlahle it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it it- cures dysentrv and diarrhaii regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and giyes tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs wtnslows soothing syrup for childrea teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest end best female physicians and nurses in the united states is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslows soathics syrup and take no other kind jobs drives and bargains all alontf the line auwtm vy wuiiiun ifclnstrocw auetioneor a um tlwor of uie t j tinyn hall in uic vihst pi artuu o frtiliiy tlir tiuty4iind otyfmarvayr i it twuio t f txwii soos i twrinrty wlltc 47itu1 fur salosutijccl- to atacited util v teklijjtfu ikt mii on uic day of sale and uw balance wiuiui tvo ircckn tberoatter tho vendors will only borwiolrodt pwduco such tfictls orccideutefvof title as anrinuioir lxjckion aud will not furnish anr abstract- datullbtt hdiityscrjud day ot january al 1mb t- t- jollxiitos k uclkak l i vcutlorvboudton ii iv- bed rock price from now till feb 10th i jut voting tfljj thciacm berbhip at the close of toe year 2l9w compared with 17 at iu befiuuiug special reference wns tnadc to the 1 loath of tufjohu kinnaiid a member of i lie bos- siii iu ufriitwunn who had died at tfio as of mneiyfive the maiiscom- mittee reported tho sale of the uidse to jl james lufittli and a commit e was yllutod tojixlliucin uin vil afju for aa practicable the advisability of i ilrodin ln the orin and nymnal into the regular tiitftchdrcb was dweoese f and v test vote uken wbkh resorted in a treat wajojuy vol ng in favor of their 1 itrodac td he meetiog vna ikned i tlt he 1 itvuetbetion a tnc following are the literature selec tions for thejuext ulffb school entrance exainiuatioosi to be held on july 1th iul and fitli 1889 luoads rauk and rivers i the death of the flowers 3 iroli the dtcfud village tliobattlco llaunockhum j hot- uciiuy sweet atou r keslpiatitsi lwl kiudl 1glit dora i a bccncfroujplmubou 10 kbowaiialpiuitijuiof delight 11 thalicritajc 67 ra otfl 1osi00 u71u 1c110h ij sbsb sal 277s3i 12 soufc of the hlvcr m lauliagof the illgriui 1 1 kdiiburi after hoddou ij kotjonal morality thtj outnang arc tho selectiuoflasped ally prewrib ai for memonzation at this examination 1 dujibaf e iracu- llist on oit w lln fliul u iy ocmako it 3 tuj ildlh o uiattdou 1 tullaryin lleateu 3 uiitvufw mbdiruifia 7lciikind 8 before bed n 0tbi three labars- jobiiingtmljhar- ii edfabutgb ifter itoddflb utltturulnllxttnau 119 v iw ol a cyclonr if i were queen of france or whats better pope of borne 1 would buy imperial cream tartar baking powder for my cook and take it home lock vol fir it ifyou arc troubled with a cold or cough however light tbe attack look out for it do not allow it to settle on the itragb break up the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with hagyards pectoral balsam ready cash commands the lowest prices bring in your cash and secure bargains while they are going overcoats readymade suits tweeds purs mantle goo ds boots and sfioes the witney f0rtb89 ureal tuduct hkiil for mure lnteifestihg than iver liib watkcrs aud 8ub- trs y liiyuf ujitlaiutu picltsttt uirirt bty fursiuau for uic unnilaal tum of j3 cents to erery old or ni nbstcilcr rcuiilling fw daily witness ank picture sgi5 weewy 4 135 tltu xortlicra musiailit ouly ceite ptr aunuia pabllbod faniiciiuy tho boat ufo- tratedtaiuriubushudjfar tho juice tullol iuterfttuur aud ttpjtop iaw rcadins foryoioh and old very iwiiulai in uwltabbath bchooto ot tbu dominion and doited btatoa soaday tichudsfritiajkm ipr fo aistributtoj send forsajuiflcbaniln tei agents ranted lldersl rctaudctatlou sauiila copies whilia free t joanmcdouaallftjbok- i tabiisners mnntroal m ulhmtitwfbwets j clw o s 3sas3rsitras c ar rnhht t yhmn n41 tiu if- vemm utu s i wlfitljraa9 jou swrntk u 1stm v terrvii1rtr js y1ck 4iiafbastsrf 1 r urclock lood never leave act0x wliou yun con yet os good au artirio aud s cheap at halesssilol fall and sec b ho is nut fciilug uo btst bar- taitw in v ugki and heavy harness blankets bolls curry combs brushes twhips c ihsvbconjbto aettiu to suv aud will emlesur too6 the best tausiaction to those wbo- jivotinewitbtbeij jiatronage iuava small espenaes and can afford to tell cheap 0pliiaiiwjfo hurt w i t xztliis tvkiisisifesita