Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1889, p. 5

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f jlctnjt fm fos thprsdayfebiloibr tu8sk sbt ijonnj jolks jingles anii half an hour willi uic nltliifarawi jokelets ulir mcu utc wlu uttlio dfty psuyxr u u dol ht4jtt this clamour of oar taper uu that all the tlr with wearrfng selfish junou luanotfakk to boldly count ill gitta ta oar tbe pride thai ith y far me lilt wtalth he ever showers it c aot praise to cu to mind oat happier lot aud boast bright days godfaured with til elw forgoo h u txu praror to seel the giver more una girt gods jlfc to share and lav tar thit oar cry to lift it it true faith tg simply trust hit loving vtlt whlebecr he talth nr lot bo gladbr it la true praise to wearable the bright and dirk toeing all dtyt alike with nightingale and larki rolxg america at the toeel a well known cjerkymaii u crossing i lake erie tonje years ago opoa one of the lata itcmertud teeing i until ltd xteer- i ic the twsci toewted mm at followi my sod yoa appear lo be until boy to iteef itrfle t faott t tea iir was llifl reply bat yea tee i ao do it lhoah i qo yon think jaa aadenttad your baatotss my spa t sir i think i do ctn yem box yoar compassl r sir j lei me bear yoa box it the boy dtd u be ru requested vbea the miqistec ttid weil retuy yoa ctn da it cart yoa box it baekwdi r yes r j let dm heir yoa the boy did iua ts he mi requested i when the minmrtcrjyrntrfari i i m i deeltre toy son toalhrenilo od- detsttndyoarbtisiiiest the boy una took his tarn t question h pray sir whs might be your basi- er minister o the gospel do yoa think yoa understand yoar phi james h gilmoar c t gilinounfc co wholesale grown irookville lays 1 hyotted tamrrac uluir foe t severe cold uidcoacli which il iouneditleiy relieved slid cured a sptitijr mdicine it needed by everyone wiutcr iocki timely couittitg of stit meat ujd mirasl itt ckntni the uvcr to become ditordered end the blood inipare hence the necessity of t cleniiiul raediciue the best is ayecs btrstpinlhu la neiier daaiot- vow my au iied cleveti was cured ol u traplive haiuor uiat edit red bis i ani face wrtth tares by uo bottict bardock otood bitten tiidpiif hnuordof port hope qui pje wctkwomeu dd a tonic strength giving flesh building medicioe like ililburas beef tron tad wice croap whooping coauaud proucbiti amedittely reliered byshilohscnre or sale by k mcgirrin a boen tud t blcsiing to muikind x htpytrds yellow oil the grett ptin de stroyer vid hetling remedy for eitcrntl tad interatl nse yellow gil cares ill tchet tnd paint rheaiqslum lime- bick sore thrott roap crtmrw oontrteted cords ind itmeaess frocnro it ol yoar draggist acrr sfterer ttit person who i tsicled with rheu mttijrn is t fcrett enftcr and grettly to be pitied if tficy canuot procure hagjarit yellow oil thfi remedy u t certtin cere not only fir riicozntticm bat for til exter nil aches ni mtemil pains i nastl injector free with each battle fo sbillous ctixrrh remedy price so cocu for sale byk sicgartin if yoa wnt to bay or sell i farm id- ertje in tfie xoroalo fr7y mail tint paper retihe i0q00q farmers bomea every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who waata to par- chase advertisements of this class ara in serted inthe toronto rly mail for fire cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for fire insertions address the mail toronto cadada j i think i do my son can yoa sty the lorda prayer tea i say it 0 the cjergyman did so repeating the words in a very fervent tn tx thoogh trying to make an impression on the lad w doaiocv yoa do know- it dont yoa kow iityitbacfcward oh i cant do such a thins at that u of coarse yda cant do it eh retarn- ed the boy well then yoa see i coder- stand my bosines a great deal better h yon do yoara ttte clergyman acknowledged himself beaten and retired false coxtiixce in a t town a vy waa ith while going borne from meeting sinners sail we are sgrry beeanae christians wel make a handle it a self confident boaster said od cant kill me as quick ly as that in a few dayi he waa chopp ing when a limb fell on him crushing his aknh ri kfllg hf instantly of each snch god has truly said his confidence sbail he rooted oat of his tibernack and it half bang him to the kmg of t bat we find among trifse now inrt then a youngman who throws into hie work in the doctors or lawyers or newspaperoffice or the machine shop or the railway or the tnfnj tj moch renl enthoaiaam as the croaader carried under his banner if he be onlyar hodcarrier he identifies himself with the architect and takes a pride in the building he is the man who is happy in tuv work and succeeds in hutovikt cumpaxiok dr lows soiphar soap ia adelightfal shampoo it cleanses the scalp and disk- ensgreylfcair shilohx coagh and consamption care is sold by as on a guaarntee tt cures con- sumption for sale by n mtfgattin veefcanf beef irsa amd wiae if yoa are languid and weak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine it the tome be sure as as invigorating tonic it ia recognized by the ifadical profession as the best strengthening medicine that fir prodacecl it is inruaable as a blocdaadmascle maker especially in those cases where weakness is tbs result of imperfect or in- fiood of wasting fevers or exoess of any tort it contains the muriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the took powers of irony and is admirably cal- eclated to build trp the emaoated system are yoa made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skiu z snilohs vitalizer is a poaftire eare forsaieby s mcgarttn kes aad cwmltrt tfee icltcrusv browna eoosebold panacea has no qui for re ie tjdc pain both internal and xternal it caret fain in the side back or bowels sore throat bneamatisifl toothache lambsgo tsd any kind of s pain or ache itwillmostiorelyqafck ea te blood and bjeal sj its acting power is wonderful brown tcea feeing acknowledged u the great psinbeuerer doeble the ttmigtb of any other enxir brjllsknent in the worjdabonld be in erery family handy for ae when wanted as it reahy is the best koedj in the world for cramps- id the tfoiicb sndfainsandaehesofallkradfi and is for sale balldrnjjstsat 25 certs a bottle i shlohs vitailaer is wnat yoa need to cocstiralion loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by x ifcgarvtn th teacher vi uiioinmlliet pupils lo ittrcngthco tiur luiiik tty hie usu of ayurs bai imidrilittj unirrrttied- the truth that kniily licuuh k essential to mental v uur itir jvrnftus of delicate ntid feeble mimiiictuju tvlutlieryoangorold this iiutlmtic u riiiiirkalily iwueftelal bb n- yoii t ayccs sarsaparilln eufyuiu ami fall i take a num iwrot imtttisuf aurkarnaparilaand diu riratly uitciiil mrs jaints h jaiiniiu s wiihliitm mnu 1 icivi- taktti a j its sartaporilla viiciatuiicii tuiingiiicraliiealth mv twna 1- freror inlmyra md mymjltiw twtjve year of age li rittail fin lift tiiat ytar from general debility a frv wctk iliv vc rgni 0 give lir amrvariuhlta ifirlicahli hoa rrktiy fuquuvl mr harriet ii lilhi sitttli ciielinsfonlmom vlnitit aj car ittjllicpiii using ayera rmtiwnlu u 11 liimdr for dcblhty uiil iiirtljii riulun from malarial sitcv lit lie atiuy i vcasfn a ery luiuihliikn litit lx uiitustif the bar f- nrirl ha witlitkvaittiau twes of ayers 1iln iiavepxally uiprtuwl my livnttli i mil ikiw itlili- u notk ami fet1 tliat i taituut ay loo iiicli fur unit excellent rthkdifsrf a iitikliaui sotiui molnufu my diiilitt kkiwii ytars old is oidffayir srvaiurilla ulth ekki ef ftt ilct- k j cfntliam lnlted urcihrtii chukli ttikkhamiou w va i suffered from nervops prostration with lame isick and lit atlacbe and have ikhji much ucittiitl ly lur use of ayers karwimrila 1 am now suyear of age and aiukaciid tint my present health and jirohiukttl lifr itrc due to the use of aycrs sarfaiiarilla lucy moflitt kiluugiyctm jcrs ami iff farusvirtba isdy 73 years old si vkiuck t writes after nevejral wevks fufteriug from nervous prostration t irocurcd a itottla of aycrit flarsanarilia and lcfore i had ukcn lilt ut it juy usual health returned far infants and children ohtotolimvdltdiiimlodilunsttu owtotte core oolto oooltuoii neaammditicsidtrfortourdivcildcloa sov btonuch duitiioa buouuoti u16ocwcrtetbrootl7iht r tm ciwira cokpurt t7 mumy street n t the lion of gutalpli ayers or j c a sarsapariila peepjuied dt r k co lowell mas pcuteflcj wprtafiaurttjs jos beacdinm d hall p q writes ir thomai eclectric oil commands a a large and increasing sale which it richly merits i hare always foand il exceeding ly helpf al i use it ia all cases of rhenma- tism as well as fraetares and dislocations i made use it myself to calm the pains of a broken leg with dislocation of he foot and in two days i was entirely reliered of pain j hlracnlmi- my miracnloss care wis that i had goifered from kidney disease for about two years wti c3 work all thtt time a friend told me of b b b i tried it tnd am hippy to say that l wis ccred bj two bottles wm tier st ifarye oat why will yoa cosgh when shiloha care will give immediate relief price 10 cta 50 cta and si for sale by st hcgarrin all beds seem hard to the theorsttic then heaifcen ye peeruh saff erers apply dr thomas eclectric oil to yocr aching joints and mascles rely an it that yo will experience speedy relief- such at least e the testimony or th wlro have osed it the remedy is likewise saccese- f ally resorted to far throat and long dis eases epraint brakes elc for lame back nde or cheat cse ehuohs porocs plteter price xo cents for tale by x garvin i ayers cherry pectoral has given me great relief in bronchitis within a menth i have tent wme of this prepuaticn to a friend coffering from broneettisitcd as th ma lt has- done him zo mnch good thtt he writes for maretchrls f damtenille plymouth england lak oat for it if yna are trocbled with a cold or coagh however light the attack look cct for it do not allow it to settle oa the angs break cp the conga by looeeninc the tocgh phlegm with hagytrdt pectoral balsam worms cause krious sickness dr lows worm eyrcp destroys and eipels all kinds pbf worms qaickly and screly the third pe of- tie toronto dahs mail it noted for want advertisement if yoa want to bay or sellanything if yoa want a sitaaticn a mechanje abosines machinery lodgings if yoa bie lost or foaud anything or if yoa want to find ont whw anyone is advertise in the toronto dally stailsjid read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge s twp cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada l xbe new show rooms of the hccansiand stained glass works toronto haveattrtct- ed considerable notice cince they opened to the public there are examples of ceiling and wall decorations in various materials representing a wide range cf prices while their specimens of charch and boose glass are very superior and interesting the firm send samples of wall paper and fihus to any address for dyspepsia aud hrer complaint yoa have a printed guarantee on every bottle of shqohs vitalizer it never fans to core for sale by it hcgarrin i cutte and erect- many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent canse jtmaybepoverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in eftlur case the stomach i blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persons hey will follow a doll heasy headache nausea and many other symptoms thit precede well developed case of dyspepsia porify the hjod cleanse the systenfof the clofflod s by using heachams mandrake miftare prepared by i r mmcbtm 188 yocge street a chemist o nineteen yeah experience i paines celery comyownd acts at the same time on the nerve8 the liver the bowels andthe kidneys this comlincd action gives it wcn- derfal pcirerto astzil dkczses whyarewesick decacie wc allow le nerves to remain weaiened end irritated and these greet organs to become closjed or torpid and poisonous iiurnon ere therefore forced talo the blood that hould le expelled natiazlly f celery x compound will cure bnioufihtes files cosstipanoir kidset cok- pjai5t8 useffaht dlfieases nxaiewtaejfebseettlka tuk kxusakjia 1xs ah ixavoos drsoaanu by qmctaijj and strcitljeninf the ncrrcr zra caut fcc sctioti of the lirer lowcls cid kklejsnd restor ing their jewer lo llow of disease way anfler siliasi pi iai tf lthtt i lftbestetwithpiieicnxuabif wb j frf rs tn ti tm ditar ttnd eudatyal wlytaan aerrom or fk daaacaal way bat lucflcu aifbu i uw vuxzu cwir courotnco txd rrioicrm teajd it tcan tuiirdy nnta- ue rcffledrtiannlckuiajlcuet sm fy all dnaitff prirua wxu8richafld80fco uobtbi1l pq thos sabin of eglingtcn wys i hare removed teu corns from my feet with hol- lowtyi ccm cere 1 reader go thoa and do liketrisc j mr r cj yinlow toronto writes xorthrop i lfmans vegetable discovery is a valuable xnedicine to all who are troubled with indigestion i tried a bottle of it after suffering for some ten years and the results arejcerlamly beyond my expec tations it assists digestion wonderfully i digest my food with no apparent effort and am now entirely free from that sen sation which every dyspeptic well knows of unpleasant fulness after each meal to assist natcre most effectually ia her efforts to throwj off or resist serious disease it is essential hat an impulse should be given to the function- which growing ill health enspendt or weakens namely the action of the baxele bilious secretion and digestion oftentimes though this is im practible by the ce of ordinary remedies it proves in easv task when northrop ly mans vejetab discovery and dyspeptic cure is resorted to a rrafetul opinion- eev f gcnrkrh dof listowel ont cay regarding c b b i have used yoor excellent burddck compound in practice y eicce itjf and bold it it of sanative remedies bs never fting weaken or arid in my fami jco 1 on my 1 yctir three husv worry small sugir- gnpe cr ticken ctl r cot ted bardock pilu do not they are mild and effect- kothing to caddenly obstracis the pen- pirttfon tm esddtq trausitioci from beat to cold heat rariee the blood quickeni the arculatian and increases the perspiration but when- these are caddenly checked the consequences meet be bad the most common cause of discafe it obstructed per- a piracies or wcat commonly goes by the case of ctcm cold coogha ooldc tore throat etciif atnded to in time are easily subdned bet if allowed to ran their own course generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases junetenths of he consumptives date their afflictions from a neglected cold and the diseases that are caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are mere numerous than are generally suppoied one of the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of the throat and langs u sickles anti-cousam- ptive syrnp it promotes a free tad easy expectoration which frees the lungs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state shilohs cattrrn remedy a positive care forcttarrhdiphtiieriaandctnkersfoath fcr sk byx- garvin sleepless eights made miserable by that terrible cough biiilohs core u the rem- edy for you fcr sale by k mcgarvin paikfs that hacking oiugh can be so quickly cared by shiloha care we guarsntee it for sale by k mcgarvin the rev geo h thayer of bourboo ind say both myself and wife owe oar lives to shilohs consamptcn care for tale by x mcgarvin catarrh cured health and sweet breath secured by shilohs catarrh eemedy price 50 cents nasal injector free for sale by k mcgarvin willyootbuffer with dyspepsia and livec complaint shilohs vitalizer is guaran teed to core joo for sale by x mcgar vin kackmeuck a lasting and fragrant perfume price 25 and soeents for sale bjk ifcgarvio- shilohs care will immediately relieve croup whooping congh and bronchitis for bale by n itcgarviu choice goods suitable holi has pbesexts gentlemens dressing i gowns silk mufflers silk handkerchiefs storeys gloves and mitts i shaw grundy merchant tail0r8 cuelph percheron horses islxxd uoie stock fibi grosm isu itiyu ceasrr ulcklraa about wrartbnd animation hand prfenaioaabuwibitr sent rsaraatud tirtelua lit caialon vlifa hitiorr of um ttd frr br mail french coach homes betatlfalr totmti nlflifnerpfns stal- uooa and mam n pnb action brwl odsw tbi pouosat cf lh fitoch gcr- tbmirt for eata- loft ad bljcorr of tbe bread addna sitpsfinta detnltueh for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and- napkin rings b silyae gbuelph the principle of treatment great bargains for the holidavs at mammoth house georgetown k washh6t0n mo c r l pjs eminent throat and lung surgeon wili next visit actonj domikiok hotel saturday february 2 from t33 until 3 ohe dat onlt j citieks tbboat cuukd a bvodrof the besdrois croadcrful cr br dr wlicgtaus xew jiethodc in halation chroiifc bronchitis ccrecl ai gpcfok chardl ccrsvmaa rpeals erctcar coaxwajx ovr da wismxato i dtui sib i ara glad to be able to fciorn jtra that my daughter is quite well actin at this is th ueacd time tbe ht been cured of gnre broochlal trocbles cader jour treatmcut icfcta tbe nfnal nmediea failed i ish to erprej lay rratltude pioe accept my tisccrc tiitsks yours truly c b petitt icrt jno- uckelvy kicsttoa out cataxrh and conaamr tion john ktckeltj kiafitoa out cattrrb lira l hopping klngis onl lircucio consumptloa mr e scott kingston oct catarrh bead and throat larsnobetramearrowircltbontcaurts throat james itattbewt p iiuicr acton oct cl- taixabbeadtndtbroat f francis berlin onl catarrh bead tad tkroaf i minmeby8erifn0itenurscdtniil f winfc p it corccsa oct catarrh bead renrr scott berlin oat aitkma mr p wagner near berlin oct catarrh baad and throat j levi karcher stacobs out catarrh heaa and throat coufl campbell ft edward oct aathna jsmes btct dutton oct catarrb hgstonej georgetown i ajvair -i- cntho ajivslnaa -s- 1sow3hi whvh xonnvo onv dflhas syx33ms sxhnflt uo iqucniho nljsonim 11v jo swhom s3a0w3m qntf saouigo hoom sis and omactcntal falctlsg in tha ltitut styles le880xb k oil taixtlvg cusmt wodamdajerouiactliunuiyxtkl bturday aitolsoobi r ordm laft at free free oslce actou or ad draaied to box 10 georgetown will receive protuptattootlou h q btonb wm moleod k co give all this month and for a month after the holi days all through january wonderful bargains in all the departments especially will the- in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in ridth worth 60c per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c perard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of every description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in man cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets longulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth s30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boas bear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget bur dress and mantle making department nor our milliner department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular price 16 for si2 s20 for 16 s22 for 18 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is the peoples chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag nificent stock wmmcldodtco 3ia1oi0th house oboboetowrt american agriculturist 100 columns uid 100 engrariog in each iuae 46th year u50iyeu scad three s ceot tanrpfl ar sample cojr ecgliih or geruiau aid freuildu lint ot the oldeat and beat agrieahnral peiiodlealaln uu world addroh ruhusffees american agriculturist 7s1 brcmdwor new yotk we hope in the course of a week or so to be in a position to announce to the music loving people of acton one of the i createst musical treats t ever heard in canada arrangements are about completed bear fhis in mind and look for future developments i cr and trunk raihlsif i oono cut r ooasfel eprfi 7 am ei mim paa i hal 1 10 59 am tbri e5kffg3 v 0 j0w pjn j muritftffi dhleioei md bramihoa v i tixa orclonaauait i l gofcswcit5ijamaiidsrv f gohs eaat10 ajn ind 5bni j in the meantime we draw attention to the great reduction we are making in i dress goods and mantles we are offering between two and three hundred pieces of our best dress goods at a uniform price 2o ccuts per yard ladies wanting a mantle will do well to visit the lion of guelph as we are selling all our dolmans whips axd itantlis at cost j p williamson co 4rheadquarters for hardware 1 i lave lot in uct nail canadiaji and american pattern all aia fn cot also steel and chisel pointed wrought clout finishing and tacts all wke hlflfee strap t and serer hook batta scrers cutlery 6noona axes saira hammen wrenches planes jack knives guns rifle kevoheri innrder shot bbfllls caps katon barn door rollers rackibk rubber hemp soap slooe and astestocj babbit metal ie i i class all sites and cut t order free putty points ac paints oils astoctof peacbectpretiared aad gott pernha palnta alwan on band in all iialar jsbades also vbi lead dry and in oil lied lead v bed yellov ocbre and au j drycoiarsboiiedjujdbawoibi turpentine yarniahesjainshedacatc machine oils lardine glrcerine amber black and castor croceries a full line of fine teas coffee sagarj tobacco raisin corrants rice barley tapioca naxseed alain lifia cream tartar licklea cheese lard bacon blacklnj stove hoot l aiixch soap bloe yeast cake bakiafi poder soda coco- tmt chocolate eitracu 6picea qrunc and lemon feel oatnieal sjrcp jjoiaases viaepari white in and ciderl in fact cverjthlng nsaallj- found in t first class grocery lamps a full unc all shapes siies and deslcns shades globes chiinneji lanterns ac cheap crockery glassware iucicduig tea dinner and toilet setts ia plain colored and chita alabastine inooierloc oftliis jastirpopalarkaisomlae iost po uaaixinaji auadcs- wall paper jid kobby pat oaats from one roll to ten at your own pri to be cleared oal a large stock 00 ftand of rich tad kobbj- pattern from 5c a rou up a jarse lot of rem- inutoa- tijy ie era iclhet litna thrsdsm each vriih ifc- mix jfjirmn tivfo- dnd thi ia tit cf thi inzrrjor s j3 itkrj isi- ctij thefdce fffiiasm jtcvyxrt of intidiietu rrfitsc all jffaf tttitt arid ywi trill no fie ctaajh cures f jroac h jtsliaiii- m arisin from a ilicp i e i- cif the l 8wcuch tad uo nj ss of te stomach ehmfc loa of aia ravelst j pebilit7 ilauaea cr vgrtaj j prtoo 25 cents per befits i jat13 1 utzz2 tocaw i icrteai j j 1 the iteuedy fos cttkikc i cqisdiptiot coughs colb j asthma croyp j au diseases of thetkhoatumigiajib pulokarr0rgak t tr it rittarrl rss i c05stopti0it sag sees cdp whcdottttrenwtanlpbjrieikrfbsri fiued to rftet a ewe i a am eipectorint n hasbatui it it larsdro ta 1 v htxt ikjolt citil it contains no op1uei ia est ions m dkil r 3gbj ptrr sc mlvis i g 1 tl co r kttjj eerorsofyoinjh kervous debility seniinoj lossea and bran- tore decay promptly and pemumestlr ccjrf i spermozonb rl doeejt interfere with diet or anal ooa j and fally restores lost tigor aad tnsarts tweet maatood bent to any address postwid on receiptfif price one dollar per box boliaftacy- schpfield iibuu stoke elq j ronta tw swiacfael hflflmftaltmm w wtn wad rrei iwfnzsvalda imntli wbrtd k th dt anarsnal w wa ahs na trttosb bmafabtmblt tad ummm ita umaawtjikitmtm wttt w tead u tkw g u rtoir him lmlfni mu bkk nnjn ftimg t 3ars3isfti anjy ai ww tn t 14 mtmaibv dcqt forget oir 50c tea beat thcci all tad our pare coffee fresh ground is k luiurj yoa cant tell do without sole agent for bytmc ccmaica sense sash balance gravity sash lock and curtaiaieouen also blaur- enees perfected spectacles j b pearson are you mairied or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager caasuiilyiostritaauthefcreitaarcreqciiwj w furuiih yotir new and 00- littlo borne or w replenish yocrbotae ilt icttied cm la aay style at the very lowest price j there is no article of fanuturc we cannot spr ahd further we deliver our furniture and yo have 110 srracsies freight charges aad run no risk of breakage we camait all undertaking oar thirty titf years etpecieacc ia this trsisess ka reiulted ia eonvincing the iniblie of this entire caaitisaiiy that we tcpily tirstclaas workia all orden and la styles which compare with ttcseof the city atone half city prices our hearse- if aa cicclcat ote and oar team ajwujt pceseat t becoming appearance ha have plaia- tsre ia iuvitiag the pullic to call eu ax for anything required hi oar linoe speight son to farmers and threshers useonvourmaohinervonly the weuknown peehlbss oil 9 gold medals kbnwrwinmtii4fcuyyij a wu aaaajaj3ajw try alio out pmj1 axlt ull fm m wajzgons and hone powers theae oila are paed ahdliiijhly recommendod at theilodel farm gaelpb farmer aak for them nfeeoo other i manniaotdredatjjaijoityoji wofjlby 8ahaue tocers co toronto ixpausted ypntl the science of- ltfe the great medical work of the age oa manhood servons and physical debility pre- matnrfl decline errors of youth and the untold mis eries consequent thereon 300 pages 8 to 123 prescriptione- for au disease cloth full gqt oaljr fbtr mail jsealed niijstratite aampw free w yoanfiand middleaged mea send now- xta oold tnd jewelled medal awarded fb the vh by j national medical association a p o box 1895 boston masser dr w b pi kebpradoateof hartard medial ccuca b years pracuve ia boston whp tnsybeccaiped coafldentiauy specially diseases of llta offlcejno bulfiocb st j manhood- lost how restoftfl- jnltvcblisheda ucwediuan of drycllff velll celebrated easay on tbe kaacallecrt of sparrcatorrbcea or incapaciit iajoc4 w exeeasor early indiscretion the celebrated author in this admiraftw essay clearly demonstrates from athirtyjtais sacceasfal practice that thcaiaxining to- qaencascfl early error may b radieallf i l point lag oat a mode cfccre ti once supp certain and effectual by means of which j snffflrer na matter what his condiucn ailj5i may cqro himself cheap it pritately aad v- cally 1 rtbisiectujc rjioudlei3thehas3iofe youth and enay mania tbe load beat under seaj in a plrin enrelcpe to address on receipt cffor ccnuar4woiiotif tamps address tio oultsrvcu slolical ge i 1sx st siw t3ue roboxj i r- authors cox jia oaf actarcrs of- trusses artifiofall limbs 1 atj arpiiaa i loncijeioitlifhllifaagj slioal ciit sd aatc kcocitai legs acb ierf ilso ikttche m ii7ghurghstjor0ltf0 rf- toronto steam laombpff yii 106 ya st t uq pnsptoklrfld4ff s v per inatracoana j l q p shaepb propnw itrtdoortopatowr hooae jtaeytsoj- mi

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