rcunfc itforot oanjktu r pnimtwjt itdotrsv mpbel mpou lw aiu rr n tt7ugi i o it iloi coughs cfiuf hma croup 8 v svmv o sifi nj rittsrt c liar has ins odbon tvei xrtraxxlxjtiv tpftutt r- ms in ohl -ai- icnoitjpi h0ui issbftart j u of yqmff ilotffesi pj cad rtinstifttrji iozohe rt5iecosttl 15 ims tijor udlblimrfm i r dollar wt toi sfemhfi tuu siofit esn a- how resfiw i i lev ecilioo o ss jti or uwalr g lseretios niiicr 10 tj e lfct the sssi fae of er j 2 p i bt meant a 2ritr 0m be ia tbehia hi puis poj5smf ifsch volume xivxo 33 fiverv thursday mobkisq at toe free pre6s power prwtwq house acton oxtakio j 8 ll ascription rate8 oxsreui- l sir 3xrnfioct taoeeltoxths ljct tnvarisblr fa advance- itnotpaidtaadrane hj4prrerjcfubicuztife4- o pardiscoa- uaaedtill ail wmn axe paid except at the 8tioaoi tin yablisher 1 dvertlfilno rxtir sricm 11 iv 1 0 kd 1 5 ko l mo tltwhc 1 wo00 nsiuifgojn fino iflinch 1503 au 11m si ilncbct im itm roo m i nh 1 00 sjol too 100 cuzxl iioertitcecau 6 ceau prlne lair thfl sotia aaseeau pruae or odi bab- wnentfnkctwn ch th nmnlxr of uaec rck3blbrpeoeqiledmeaawdlit t i xlc of olid n4pcrea iirtrtuementi ilboai inccific dircduow 0i be itertwl till lorbidiad chtrcd ioord- iajir tnaiiwrrdtcctimmeoumoit i piid ti dtac i j r caies far ooalrtct adtcrtfiomtnutnoilbfl ia taos by 8 4juatud- qtuonrif iter ill be iefi 0tr cnlu ta fouavicj fc editor uij tyoprictor itt h lory si b mces7 if t grfclmtcottrlaftrcouclicmbtrof qojcse flf rtjriciun ud sorjeoax i 0s iai itcdca jlt uic bedof frodcrict f aetoa j0h2t lawsok graduate of i osur vaartny couesfctoroato-vet- erjuts5rpcc aaaooal offlce ia keaar rro lsm fcd he lorrrid3oe ia tba tw fi3r exiuaei u lo waadaas tad rlisccj tta isukfaifht ordxj- proaintlr itlcadod to tftei ct l l bexxett ljds dektiet t tokxstox i itcleax tirritlrs fotjcitort kottries cocvcytaccrt fc pnrtt t aads to lota gss totu hil actoa e f b jaaxiroi we aisictcis t akowat uonejr to loxs ornct din tuesday tad sttcrd omcr ilutbctvbiocfc actaa apuirt hiltok allax d baied birnitcrt solicitor it c iidic kiss ilreet ejl tcrocla i c t i shiltoy itx- t ciiei cjl didgekow cabsok co baeeisteessolicnroes kotjlia crart csxaiben cor caarca tad addtidij fits taroatb ctatd ruepiiccs ko e7 ctfalcaddrctt bidfitror- ca czcts irrarixt jaxexts secured fon ccteumoks eexiir geist qtzlva cisidl zvtzij yein prxaice ko ptiant ito piy r ik hetsteeet li3red arcnorixa for lie cocatfe of wtiiactoa ted htltoa oririieivittajiixr peis offioe aetac or ti crrecdensa ia acton vhi b protcpuj leaded to terras reasootble ji p caafy to iota on lh luoct ftvarable tentsd ki the oirnt rtie of iaierett ia last e cjs ta4 cprtrd joexdiy i- aechitecr gtxlrifjost omccqeeat hot i block htrfcet sqitrt orakcislvukas i j szxtsiqt to t f git im 11 i booeeindee i sugcorev5qurc qaciploiitrio l books of tu tfatfe atde to ordr rehoiitliof ererydcscriptioacarelallf bcoatl iliiiaxamiitinifroiptlrdoik mae eaklax barbeix shop iltllsnxrractox i tue tluxcxszrlixhlxix-czls- good te total ieetiuriastlijpootirijtiyeti uiiort toelt3piiia aritdta4ilj0ri iadicc il cbiiareat btir itttijj- est 1 ijkwosdentgasoritlirtua m acton ontario thuesdjay febbuahy 14- 1889 pbice thbee cents actoa banking company 8t0ret christie ooi- i -baxkers- i acton ontario a okkkrjll bake kg business traisactfd u0ks7 10awi5s oh approtio noibs kotsa discounted and interest amow6d on deposits w barber bros pajer kake8s georgetown ont hkii x hicuxty ar machtiie finished book papers muuuaui weekly news tic lipcr ubd ia this joarcjj u irom the tbove mills wii baebes beos- picture frames -it- water brother piotitbes it- wates brothehs cornice poles binner rods haaldings conis kiik glass bevelled ilirrors aartsrs siateruls c f wisor xewtoss -it- waters brothers 25 vttkdham trbet cttexph wellington marble works qtosetf fit extelpe hamtlton clark proprietors wholesale tud retail dcajersiu ktrfale grinile and ererytmng pertaiaiaff to cemdry wotfc dfaci importer oi ill kinds ocgnniteind iorfale etriasltuljr vicitcj the bay of fccdyptclle qatrri6fitaihtriiparciiidtbecatire stock a grtyciredcrtlaiteniisaecctltctlitoctit crotteccrns ctc cf aleitrdcr ttylar tt lew thtacotttcsrilj cctil fcrifccnatice sell it pricm aerer bofore kxwrwu ia oaurio for ia rttaee grtai ioaacat ilhltmo 7 ft f75 ab vcrfc ted rcteritlnrrtctedrtiis- ptrti rtnticc taythagia uij lia rii co irtjl to call tad uc ei before psrchmfcg clteybcrc tt te gatrxstge our pricct trc f roaa 33 to 50 per ccat- bela th otfccrdetlcrt t aies3iex i j eiltixest ikkitioajjatriateed ito ttitiy tad eipease paid aty deienciaed mta etaiscceeotithas pccriitrtdruiuestobe- c j te eiocic cotuvlde uicjadiaf laany ft- itllia- idtjum 0ttfrec stmcths paper addrcmttoacc bkowx beothees snr- rrtaeochcrs vv j 1 gaelpk business icoliege guelphbktaeio i iiftfi bclattstic yesx iuj g ere j arr enptayed u bookkeepers baiiacss pateniteaograpbenetclry mtny f tbe j itreft liaduss bosses fa cudt tac the j asiied fius yoang tna tad wotaea dirica taoroci baciaetc edactlioa wijl coasalt their t 57a ifue by tuendiac the caclph bakine oie- for terms tad parucajtry t pump factory planing mill thos ebbage man i lic- n3itti tha iutlretttut of tbe iicip bsiiats ia acuja tii tcjc11 rcxzuuy afona ail pnrtiw in mh of icmi ihtt ic trc com- rrciarcd to sappiy uieui froia j the old st ie wooden ptmp to the best force pucp madj etecpsfor wind mills ar hocfc wells bapplied on short noice deep wells specialt- j prices eight eteet time our planing mill liiabr diiscd uhilc yea ttc ifoaldiug it ntde to order wc fctvc tlso t fatality of lnaibcr for sale rsittble for ticildipf inirjwses order br tiitil will rct e itoiapt tad caret al tttestiou shopatfooiojeiterstreet i thcts ebbage slaaacer school books j copy book exerqise books- i i i slates a full line days bookstore f odrg ber siols sis svkl10st day 8elu8 cheap the merchakts protective and collecting as80ciati0k op cakada head offloehamilton ontario eltsljshoduso tt su aisociitioa of jutiiicfs tad iirofcuioctl luca btrin j or iu object ibe j ooileetionoldmi atd to pievcat tucmben frooi lilhhs bsd dbu bv fnmitliine tbem xiik liiu of ivrtiex tbo do not lite jicrehtflu tfldotbc liitioe wcoaott to coueet till ftod t to their tdviaafic to become memben u htjcdredt of tccooau txebcicpeouectadlhrohfiliutiitteoajd not be collected in toj- other nv utiij to tccoant tntt list been toed tod then retarood by the tiiiff tt no good tiur imttine the merchtot to crct erpeme bit beca collected ibroogb tblt utocituan uercbaaukfxhiofla become mem bert by remittinc xiorj to our lltnifiert it ft mil ton will receive by retaru mill fall rr- ticnltnccrtmcite of membership etc tctti- aociilxtcct j b milk k co managers acton- livery bus line tlc uldcrialrctikstfulvoiiciutheitrca- age cf ike jiiiblic ttd sulcrus tkcyj litt well equipped and sljliah eigs can al ways be secored al uif tulles a ccuiforulic bus meets til day trains tad those tt cint if ordered ctrcfttl tlkatioagiveatoercryorder the mutt of coiaaicrcial travel- icrtfallyniet johx willia3is -rigut- to the front of all coupetiiiov e place ock elegant and substantial goods mr it itiicoeinac j priocip friiif trees suiall fruits 1 and ornamental ehrubfaett bjvhiicook actob lias be a an sala sst for this mdictafcr it iut w it well saaaodkocaeicrxursery6 uoitoi im itieiorsodisprctred t-lte- orders fs of tie fruit irets nasi fruits or flral are tbon ia iie illustrated cuioczci ncry tee jirodacts of ta old ecbeftr ncrvery trc kaorn to be generally relialj e aud i rtctiy atcjfcd aad i can frrotaiae atiliactory rwalu to til kbo parcbaae lock frota inc tziux remaabje kev li ucook rks j f tbe a rent weayiiyg imt mitchell desires to inform the people of actoo and sarroandins that he is preosred to take orders for wciridgsil kindr 01 fancy eaff ctxpcfs flaacel fihoeiics shirtiog ad dress goods liriped or plaid twill or pliin aiso bed blankets and horse blankcta two yards wide and over- i j and i wuigctranue thatlwillfiivefiood satisfaction to all farmers add otheri who will favor me with their patronage i t htrchell everybody o-jo- bplendidin qoality 1 ootnplefc in assortment overflowing in generous bargains t mexb woifevsj avucltlldkeks boots and shoes vbssss otebssozs sc at prices that always lead- to speedy sales wo lowest prices coxsiarrxt trrru- good caatom work anc promptly attended to 1 mu1 street acton uality repkiriiyr fiwocthoart wbuntltynjojlintiw far ypar dmx aske y6a bring luio your tan icnile to cheer me irbllo 1 inc likcltutlutmrdunl whthaauietkv atnfgnt a deeper azure fffgica ko longer tco deligll or like of flowers tliat ouc which loves the iaa and gives the beauty of lu bloom to bint for whom tt utw iktiarc norior to blew hare i urlesa your race over lay lr suites audits the ikon w1thsttcc fortucyoaruallelidc tbe golden ray tuteliiabc luissiatiacs ntll aad tkevtcstll syrhuict for jt the hirdi tans thu the fiotcra fresh kii- kixi breath nortasy their tjghlfau couo tilibotharcduajb la deaths fancy gcoods lumber shingles and lath fhue cideriicced desires tofaformtle public l tla helsnowoahaa nadtiritep in tocka fell line of piae and hemlock ti veil as tiadc of laajber also first and becoad euli i coal sjwood usriayparekaedthecoaibqsioe o sssith i aai prepared to supply all kinds of store caal i aaretlso a gooifitockof iyood airdroodalbcedirtadjifllwoodttreaaon- iblepricei avoodaatlcotldeurercd jtahksbowk read- i this mutual fire insurance company ot the- cotott 07 wslukaiov ikiimjistdlmfl- head office cuelph irnrec boildiscxhercliandue lusauctorfes indill other decriptlonf of property premietn note byttecn pwsuae onasdaviolson president be reury john taxjjubt aeer t rss there is jfoucy ia it in order to reduce the stock to facilitate his annual iii i stocktiaklvg j i- jc nelson woi give a cash discoact of tea per cenutoall teisoiia purcuasias ii0 worth or over f cf dry goods booa shoes slip- pen orershoos habber 4x j lv great variety desire lo inform uir nauierqss cuiioujcrs that i have parclisacc t nee variety of goods for the xnjtts trsde compnsiaea siilcadid lot of toilet articles ia from xow uiitil feby lctlij ererjbody come aud secarc bar gocdi marked in plain agares teksis j- hiir tootn and nail bvuhei 1 tha tiaai perfom in lie maiiet i live ilio th hht euxi i ladies satchels eroth0tu la acton for xmii pretend hive 1 1 jintiful selection of albums book ets c cash c nelsons echcico tad eriesin the tova chtajet fatok wc also keep all tbe aouiozizad school books and school boppliea hyain llooks fans pencils blatet ink etc wftkami urge aeloctioa 1 ofbpflctacloa w suit all sigh ta f give us a call before iurdbaiia dont j got the place drug store georuies stroke of fbrfane hey i johnny like a shot the newsboy flew across the street in answer to the bail distancing two competitors after an even itart lets have the evening georfie auston icho had answered to promptly to the name of johnny indeed so many people called him by it that it seemed almost as familiar as bis own banded the kallemaa thfi paper tbe last cf his pack and stood waitinc for his pay have yoa chaaga for a quarter 1 asked the fashionably dressed customer with a wink at his equally ityliah companion yes sir replied george whipping the proffered coin between histeelh and diving his chnbby fist all red and blae with cold into the pocket of his patched trousers and palling oat a handfol cf pennies with here and there a nickel among them he se lected fear of the latter and three pennies which he handed to the btranger and with a light heart and a light pair of heels set oil at a ran glad that his days work was over yon dont mean to say yoa truck tbe bay with that oddlooking coin tbe bar- keeper ref used to take where wc had tbe last bantacrczesv queried one of the two dandies i told yon id get it off retarned tbe other with a ltcgli people arent all as sharp as barkeepers bat few are sharper than a new york newsboy i wonder the little arab didnt tip his nose to yoa br pall down his right under eyelid oh itll come oat all right the first time be makes change for antral parchaser of a last weeks morning ffirald for the latest rzfrw with ail aboat the crars last toothache and with another lacgbthepair tamed intos gsyly lighted sample boom in search of another brace of santa crates it was christmas eve and george who bad been all the weekassuring viva his tbreeytarold sister that santa claci would be tare to pat lotuelhing nice in her stocking if she was a cood girl a condition which viva had fclfilied to the letter- made it hie first business to take mets tires to msare the keeping of the promise he bad taken the liberty of making in the jolly taints came for several days he had kept an eye on a sycheeked doll in a toyshop window on his rqnte at last be was it a condition to make certain of the prize the prices le had been careful to ascertain it wasjnst a dol lar not a very large sam it is true bat georgie bad to lay by a reserve of capital every evening sufficient to purchase his next days stock and ilwta only by close pinching that he was able to save a dollar lrom his gains his heart sank as be approached tbe toy mans window tbe cruel wolf mast have come in bis absence tbe precious darling was nowhere to be seen bat atay what was that just round tbe corner of a great xoaht ark placed since morning in the middle of the window t earely that was the border of her little red hood and ah yet thero was occ ol her blae eye peep ing at him as roguishly aa if the waa chal lenging him to game of hideandseek georgie walked in briskly and poshedhis way to the coanter i want to bay that doll to tbe window the one in tbe red cloak and hood he said to the first salesman he found disen gaged laying down a dollar hi change bedbidiogbcod was broaght from her hidingplace and done up in a neat parcel which georgie waj carefally battening un der his jacket when tbe salesman in the act of taking up the money shoved back one o the pieces what do yoa call that 3 be asked bruskly a quarter answered george 1 dont anyhow i took it for one said the boy cant help that replied tbe man either give me another or retirn the goods is it bad i dont say that i dont know what it is and dont want it georgie hesitated a moment another qaarter would break in on his reserve and utterly derange bis next days business with a sigh that was almost a 00b and forcing back the tears that nearly came in spite of him he handed back the parcel took np his money and left the shop not venturing to look back as he passed ibe win dow butiide suddenly it flashed apon him that he bad that day seen in a window a number of queerly bonnd old books with quaint pic tures in them and a number of battered ud rusty coins on a shelf while a placard 1 on one of the panes announced 1 old books ua coins bocoar hie maybe i can get something for it there thought georgie ft looks at least as well u most of thou already in the win dow acting on the impulse he hastened to the 1 place which was fortunately uu open- howjmach will yoa give for that he ioq aired of a man behind a desk laying dowu tht piece and walling sniioaily the am war j i todk it for a quarter be hastened to add as a that were some proof of value ill givg yoa another for it said the man cafelesaly after a brief examination georges heart leaped to his throat he would hnvo dosed with the offer at once that he i might lose no time in hurrying back to tbo toysbop bat his eagerness for the moment left him withoat speech let me see it said a kindlyfaced little olfl gentleman with white hair and gold spectacles looking ap from ono of the quaint books which be had been glancing over j with uo great alacrity tbe man at the desk coinplied tbe little old gentleman tamed the piece over in his fingers several times scrutinis ing ft carefully then he took off bis spec tacles jtnd ecrcwod a car ioas- looking glass with au ivory rim into one eye and made tnochsr inspection ilavicg satisfied bimtelf apparently be removed the gau sud replaced the spec tacles it jlec yyx fifty tlmtir fur ii be said iurniqjj lo georgie the jailer looked at the little gentleman with amazement he had never heard of cxinlon cents worth a handled dollars and bits of dingy copper bearing cesars inuge and superscription fetching many times as roach its e coin of hcary the sevenths time iaid thi old gentleman not espec ially rare bat fairly worth what i have offerud ifsybe ibis gentleman will give more be added with a motioa of the bead toward the man at the desk as he noticed the boys indecision koj j oa have tendered the fall vslae replied the man thai appealed to looking a little ashamed of his own recent offer georgie no longer hesitated the little old gentleman was evidently fn bis senses and knew what be was doing the bargain was briefly coacladed and georgia became the happy possessor of five crisp tendollar notes 1 tbe widgw ailstons heart felt heavier than osaai that day she had always been able to hate a christmas turkey before bat times had gone hard of late and the man for whom she made vests had cut down the price so law that the turkey woald have to be dispensed with it was hardly light enough to see next morning when viva wakened with a start and ran to where she had hung her slock ing from the comer of the stove for want hi a chimneycorner what a scream of delight she gave as she saw tha little red hood and under it a pair cf laahing blue eyes peeping at her archly over the border of her itocking in an instant the precioas treasure was in her arms oh georgie georgie she cried run ning to wake her brother from his pretend ed sleep just fee what saou cans brooghted me its ittle yedyidinbood an i pectbee killed xe ugly old wolf dinner or no dinner viva vim supplied with happiness for that day an cqoa1 surprise was ia store for tbe widow a man with a handcart came to tbe door and inquired for itrs allston here are some things i have broaght he ttid tbe widow started back astonished there were meat and game and vegetables and towering all such a tarkey th there mast be some mistake the widow stammered there is no mistake said tbe man be ginning to unload god bless the generous giver exclaim ed the widow from the fulness cf her heart georgiec eye glistened he ooald hard ly refrain from throwing bis arms about her neck and telling all uai be had fur- ther plans yet there was happiness in thst humble household that day at its close the widow retired to rest with t heart filled with thankiul n hs aud viva fell asleep withhed eidingbood ia her arms mother eiid georgie as they sat at suppsr the next evening you mustnt work so hard any mere i dont mind work she said with the cheerful look she always tried to keep for her children acawe must do oar best to get alocg i cut yoa ceedeut work so hard now persisted georgie t bought cut a news stand today with a stove in it and a nice stock of magazines and periodicals and having a fine run of csstom the widow stared in speechless astonish ment then georgie told the secret he bad been burning to disclose and there was another happy evening under the widows roof ctlttyate cheerflxxess lifo is essentially what we make it a few arc born invalids or by reason of sick ness trn rendered incapable of coping with the world bat to every ninetynine opt of a hundred individuals is given tbe prerog atite of determining their relative position in the scale of existence they are allow- ed to decide whether they will control cir- camitanoes or permit circumstances to control them upon tbe result of their resolution hinges their weal or woe to be happy one muai be on happy terms with others and the difference between being liked and disliked represents tbe difference between the cheerful goodhamored and the illtempered acrimonious disposition tbe individual who uniformly carries a smiling countenance and keep bis troubles if be bos any to himself is welcome when ever be goes he makes hosts of friends and impressing others with a belief that be most be doing well lobe so cheerful in spires confidence draws customers and makes headway in the world where one with more brains bat less baoysnee fails soma one truly declares that e cheerfulness and diligence are ninetenths of wisdom an old writer nscd to say that a habit of looking at the best side of every event is far better than a thousand pounds a year charles lamb expressed the same idea in different language when be wrote a laogh is worth a handred groans in any state of the market cheerfulness observes samuel smith gives elasticity to tbe spirit spectres fly before it difficul ties caase no dispair for they are encoun tered with hope and tbe mind requires the happy disposition to improve opportuni ties which rarely fail of success hume was wont to say that he woald rather possess a cbeerf al disposition inclined al ways to look at the bright side of things than with a gloomy mind to be tbe master of an estate of ten thonsand a year we of ten hear- the remark made bach and lach on individaal it a good fellow he must go with the party or we cant spare him study tbe character of tbe individual alluded to and you will find that he is cheerful fall of animal life and spirits and always ready to join in a hearty laugh if his face is ever welcome it is because it if fall of sunshine and good nature misic as she 19 exicuted ccvrxdrnrs how many aunts make a landlordl tenauts on what toe does a corn never come the mistletoe where is happiness always to be found in the dictionary why 11 tbe letter g like the son be- caaaa it is the centre of light what is that which flies high flies low has no feet and yet wears shoesl dust why are fishermen and shepherds like beggars becaose they lue by book and crook what ii it that goes up the hill and down the hill and yet never movest the road- why isnt a fishmonger a nice acqaainl- ance beciaw he is sure to be a sellflsh man why is a cabstand like a lawyers desk because conveyances are drawn up upon ft why do little birds in their nests agree because if they did not they would all fall oat why are ripe potatoes in tbe ground like thietes because tfiey oaghl to be token up why is coffee like an axe with a dull edge f because it most be ground before it con be used why are fowl the most profitable things to keep because for every graia they give a peck what is that which every man can divide bat which no man cau see where it has been divided water tj ws kllow sds well wo know him well he u a man dalit tin the itapendooi plan- 1 hushed ofjbeslth and strong of limb a hero bslfl and warrior grim tothbsiwbokdowbhnnohnaybe j a home be heirless as a baby 1 attending service not loog ago in an ele gant church edifice where they worship god with taste in a highly artistic manner the choir began thatscriptural poem which compares solomon with the lilies of tie field somewhat to the formers disadvan tage although never possessing great ad miration for solomon qot considering him sj suitable person to hold op as a ihinjng example before the yonuffaiens christian association still a pans of pity for him was left when the choir litec expressing unbounded admiration for the lilies of the field which it is doubtful they ever pb- served very closely began to tell the con gregation through the mooth of the soprano that solomon in all bis glory was not ar rayed straightway tbe soprano was re- j inforced by the bass who declared that solomon was most decidedly and emphti- j colly not arrayed was not arrayed then i tbe alto ventured it as her opinion that j solomon was not arrayed when the tenor withoat anqmeuts hesitation sane as if it j had been officially announced that bo was not arrayed when tbe feelings of the cowegitiot hii beer brrowed op nffi- j j ln fct cienuy ind o yorluie lf routed j jhiu 4l he lets us tired little wife who straneoly loves him a her life wait on hhrt with datotion rare t liila with most conrploceat air andcrfoct ease beiore the was ho lolls afonid because bes uxj his tbe afraid to otb her soul chops the rood anil lugs the coal draws the w iter shovels snow while be 1 kntbfecsbergrow more dcllcati and less admired doing his ork ueapse hes tired- shame oa th s semblance of a rate shame ou he woman too bo can so avoid btt uialo sponk and secia coddlo a 0 sataro so hrimtmso and good 0 ucthiog speaking may be by real mo 1 might help the trnby vttnit fnt prta iggs winter a correspimdent of fann and llovc for poor soloraonlwbosc numerous wives allowed hi in to go aboat in sach a fashion even in that climate tbe choir altogether in a most cool ana composed manner in formed us ibat tbe idea they intended to convey was that soiomon in all bis glory was not arrayed like one of these these what sn long a time had elapsed since they sang of the lilies that the thread was entirely lost and by these one na turally concluded thai the choir was desig nated arrayed like one of these- we shonld think not indeed solomon in a prince albert or cutaway coat solomon with an eyeglass and mastacbe his hair cut in a pompadour xo most decidedly solomon in tha very araith of his glory was not arrayed iike of these despite ibe experience of the morn the hope sail remained that in the eteninga sacred son 5 might be song in a manner 4 that would not excite oar risibilities or leave the impression that we had been r lis tening to a case of blackmail bat again off started the nimble soprano with the very laudable though rather startling announce ment i will wash straightway the alto not to de outdone declared she woald wash and tbe tenor finding it to be the thing warbled forth he would wash then the deep chested basso as though calling op all bis fortitude for tbe plunge bellowed forth the stem resolve tba he also woald wash keit a short interlude on the organ strongly saggestive of escaping steans or splash of tbe waves after which the choir individually and collectively asserted the firm unshaken resolve that they would wash at last the solved the problem by stating shat they proposed to wash their hands in innocency so will the altar of the lord be compassed they are off the roosts in the morning and t0bacc0pois0xlvg what jury thought thc hltout coltlteols dean swift having preached an assixe sermon in ireland was invited to dine with the judges and baring in his sermon con sidered the uses and abases of the law he then pressed a little bard on those coun sellors who plead caaseawhich they know to be wrosg- when dianer was over and the glasses began lo goroand a yoang bar rister retorted upon tbe dean and after eeveral altercations the counsellor asked him if satan were to die whether a parson might be foaud who for money woald preach his funeral sermon yes said swift i would gladly be the man and i would gladly give him bis due as i have this day done his children luue hsry otherwise big eyes throe- years old hod never been a traveller her longest trips being to aaol susans five miles distant when her filhers business necessitated his moving from georgia to alabama the older children talked to mary a great deal dunag the packing about the new country they were going to until tbe little mind was prepared to aocept any conditions however novel in that strange laud finally the day of moving came and the georgia pacific railway bore them across the slate line vow mary said papa we are in alabama big eyes said nothing but looked out eagerly for something strange and new however she could not see that alabama was different at all from georgia disappointed she still reserved the expression of her opinion and gaxed more earnestly oat when sud denly the train shot into a tunnel the little tot caught desperately at her fathers hand as he held it lo her but she did not cry oat when daylight shone brightly on tfaem again big eyes shook her head dis gustedly dont yikedis tcntry it dels night in spots we ore glad to see tijat babyhood fed lowing the lead of a medical contemporary has called the attention of its readers to the bad effects of tobacco smoke on young children not smoke ot their own manoiac- tare of coarse but that en haled lrom smokeladen air this is a subject we have never seen dikossed beiore bat ir respective of any question regarding the habit of smoking per jc we think that every one must agree with the conclasionfl reached by the writer quoted below every one is familiar with tha effects of tobacco upon those unaccustomed 1o it especially upon the young bat we are too apt to consider these effects as confined o the person smoking this is a distinct er ror the pleasurable effects generally are so confined but lbs discomforts are not persons hauilaaied to tobacco are usually very lccredolous about these discomforts and pay little attention to tbem yot many habilaaj smokers avoid a smoking car or smokingcabiu and we have known many men in good health who have been obliged t give up attendance at their fisor- ite clubs because their fellowmembers smdked so excessively as to cause tbem an illness we have even known a strong man who rarely used tobacco in need of medical aid from attending a directors meeting held in arathersmajlroom where the majority smoked during the meeting while he did not with these facta before us who can doubt theeffect apon iqfants and young children beiore they acquire habitation if a cbid is poorly with poor appetite is langaid etc it is aways worth while 10 inquire if this source of poisoning exists it may seem that sach caationis unnecessary but we daily see tbe men of the family smoking m the same room with ihcir children uolun emu lili paradoxes of science a ben thaiiais gets upearly i give them some warm prater to drink and a worm feedof soft food consisting of one pint of com meal cooked in two quaru of ikixft- roilk and tbcciened with three pint of shorts i season this with one teaspoonj fall of salt ada the some of black pepper and once a w k give the- heni a feed of boiled mash id potatoes with their eetn meal fniieac of ahorta that is their morning feed all winter at noon 1 give them one quart of oats scattered ih straw to keep themhnsy at three oclock p m i give them j more warm water and one quart of cdrni three umesin he winter i feed condition powders for a week i think shcndjns the best jtly bens afo ft mixture of ondan white and brown leghorn and j light brahma i think i conld give a t etier record if theywtrefuq blooded legbiirns they began laying in december anil laid 10 dckev eggs in de cember 15 dczen in january and a still larger nambrr in february and ima my hens are never sick nor lousy ti put kerosene on t he roosts once a month and sulphur in be nests using china nest eg t v varieties while the rater is quiet the mud bet at tbe bottom bjat when it is disturbed itrises to the top j if show me hit he who his tbe worst principles cibiet the advantage over btm who has tbe iettef yos will never show it nor anything like ii for the lav of nature and oj god is his let the better always prevail over the worse an old writer sayi a bog chin de- clareth a mal lo be peaceabla yet ft bb- bler they flhat hare little chins are much to be avoided and taken beed of for they are fall of impiety aid wickedness and are spies like nnm serpents when a man has no design hat to speak the plain truih he ii nd apt to oe very talkative i j the grumbler is nerally in the wrong some mtn even in the church can see ne good in any ieeirart that they do not adl mire whets the are overruleavand ft- eeurwrwbich warnqt what they wanted if adopted then unfairly labor to make their erilprophecibcomejtrne j it is a great pity ttiatanyonpmuiibotrld asptre to the control cf a whole church and ehpeciall j where there ijre to many men and woi ien of intelligence and eonse- oration so h a church itf not much sought after iy preachers who aijs compel led to eetk p aoes we have known such ft church to tw withbit a pastor aboat half tbe time s ich cbhrobos arc dreaded by methodist peacber who go where they are scot t idy do not alwaysgo gladly theyknow taey rajist meet j diotrepbeta who loveth be priemiuenoe and wnp will certaiily undertake lo dicute the polioy be is o iortonately iheje are but few ho haje sach a spiril the orgai io weakness ho year moral estate disa varedi fought against and odn qnered is to be thejibjessing of your life victory at this point means the exaltation of yoar who e bein grower selected r katteal fllsforv one of tbe forest and stream readers who is a tkilled fieldshot owns a pointer who has been broaght np ia tbe way he should gt the dog knows when sunday comes and he refuses to hunt on that day he will put in bis best effort from early alonday morning till late satoxdy night but not a step will he budge toward the fieldjon sand ay this is a dog storjv hat a prisoner fifty years when william pierce was a boy 1g years old he murdered his father who was a new york bute farmer that was in 1839 no one has ever doubted that be was insane fifty year aco before insanity was admit ted as a plea in our courts he was sentenced to imprisonment for life well in those days railroads were unknown in central new york aud pierce was taken in a wag gon over a rongh country road through a demi semi wilderness to aaburn where he has been confined ever since the lithe youngster of those days las grown to more than a sixfooter and for twoscore and ten years be has been secluded from the world at cc years of age his pardon has been signed by governor hill and for the first time in bis life he fast weeksawa loco- motive and ar train of cars u is a peculiar incident j- a just crtticislf- agentleman recently retardedfrom a trip t through the country towns of new york the facta are actually as stated fored and kub nu not wrymaohobjection to ft oottage that is consistently queen anne all through but be evinces a strong antipathy to those house and their name is legion that are- queen anne in front and mary anne at the back stream- there at cayenne wheni a convict die the body is borne to tbe sea and a great bell is tolled and then is tho viscous glaucous beasnrfooe farrowed suddenly by innumerable swart sharp tnangtilarf the legions of the sharks rushing to tbe bidioas funeral they jnww the bell harper 1 i every church member bnghtwbe a com- milted of one to increase the size of tfie congregation if allwfcd read oispara- graph will act on it the beciarie of the saving power of the gospel will be moltf- plied this year the water which drowns as a flaent btream can be walkfld upon as icettbe ballet which when fired from a moskct carries death will be i harmless if ground to dast before being fired the crystalixed part of an oil of roses so grateful in iu fragrance a solid at ordinary tempera- tares thmigh readily volatile is a com pound substance containing exactly the same proportions as the gas with which we light oar streets the tea which we daily drink with benefit and pleasure pro- duces palpitations nervous tremblings and even paralysis if taken in excess yet the peculiar organic agent called theine to which tea owes its qualities may im taken by itself aa theine not as tea withoat any appreciable effect tbe water which will allay our burning thirst augments it when congealed into snow so that it is stated by explorers of the arctic regions that the natives prefer endnriug tbe almost ex tremity of thirst rafher than attemptto remove it by eating snow yet if ahe anow be melted it becomes drinkable water nevertheless although if melted bera eu- tering tbe mouth it assuages thuat like other water when melted in the month it has the opposite effect to render this paradox more striking wfehavo only to re member that ice which meltamore slowly in the month is very efficient in allaying thirst ijtactwoci tlogam to be tote py bt hex owe no m in a dollar- if ypa- can avoid it- j bate a general extended knowledge of all thing you c eel in t- go into basiueision your 6wn aooqunt late rftther tjiau toavarly p life j get into sra old firm rather than-esub- lish a newdntl- 1 avoid large sales to individuals when yol buy take carejwhen yoasfll take quadraplo care- make np nsclcag expenditures when yoa owe othew 1 r keep yoar property well insured yoa cannot afford iqios while jon are trying tamake be honest jkofiomical agreeable and pleasant keep yoar expenses low and your pronte bigb 1 take littke credit and have much moony have a small house and large capital be modest bat feel yoar strength j mrs grondy will not pay your bsu therefore dont let your wife spendtoo much to please bet 1 one year clocks an important infprovemeit in docks has been shown tbe british atsociation for till advancement of bcience by mr wjbs douglass j the nsjw feature is the tortioa peodulurnjwhioh with lever and escape ment may bo applied to ordinary works and by its alow rate of vibration make practicable the cobversioa of an eightday clock into ne requiring winding only noe a year v it well should be ventilated as the water b thereby kept fresh and free from bad odor the absorption of air by water ren ders it pleaaanter to the taste and purifies it to some extent but the effect is not a very marked one the yonhg man wbp while hemakasone dollar spends a dollar and one centia on the froftd kthef to baokinjto or ie paxttitkriary pare sodawater rnort properly called carbonate water whether natural 01 mana- factared is a powerful aid to dlgesjioo by stimulating the stomach and alsopfobibl by aiding to dissolve the ingredient 6f the food it is very appetixing it corrects acidity in the stomach checks the lisposi- tion to nausea and cools the eyi tern in febrile complaints it lessehs thi desire for sniritnons liquors and is ind e3 the ideal beverage for the waiar drink fvpro- ided always that pare water is iwd in ita preparation in a pitikble plight l he no rnatteejii wise and g jod anjfirrfat and asefuljb be who b need to pray to be from his fiienda if in e jurch fone hondred mcml each aboul 1 give i cent jawlay for jjiebfin their offesings w ould amoaat lo twe s hundred siid sixt five dollars ft u they gw twoce its a week they ald amount tc one in adred dollars ftybatji jbia too la gva si to to ask for such ft pur- poeer y mew- 1 lurches in ttoawtjitey give a xni ich as 1 cent a day for men who lriok 0 smoke wpudi awypftliuh tobejpeptta uiiirapieliiea ought xjotvtlif ghrist to sonstra a uito aiina t theevafag hxitio 1 of the world