r iii 2151 fe volume xrvyo 34 acton ontahio thubsday february 21 1889 pbice thbee cents v crouth i3ny oscus opium b ttke ss cs 8b ipteils fijc tottjfr ct flrxss is rchhseed evert thgrsdat korkikg it m- f8ee press power prlktlkq house acton- ontario subscription rate8 avtrv- six actws kcrt thiuecokts ict jatarisllrinsdvace uuotpaldfnadvaacc jtnerycsrrulbccnarped sopaikrdiicoa- ii tiu iu arrears arc pd except at the jjucq ct the publish adyertirinq rater trlce it ra jam g0 soju s ho itoa too too i two dinchrt i inches ltna- tj0 l00 tal dtcrucnetx6 cents pcrline tor the list insertion aud j cents per line for each-ecb- teattzl insertion cash itecuaibcr of utet jaleofioliincspfcrcil i jfcsl pppuna 7 rf k dingfdta he gntgfcbl t isopyot j j and rsenanficilt ozoke wtti dieaaj osaloj ic visr and iasbmpbit m try address ffwfs fce dirr per tot r ig stoiie elm itntm an y- cf lite hvoiic uji lirui nir fl to senlos licc iiriai- ay t hoott how resterwgg ijmtiseaecu nliiotti tpcciflc dimctioai rjiilwibiertnitu lcrtidtad chirjod tccord- 3jj tnadtorr4tnfieaiectininit b ptid ufim- chtoftt far cootnct dtertifemeiiit musl be a the os lr s 4i oataeuvf olhrri jst ul b le ii crtr eol the f ouocicc rk h puoore editor n j proyrwtor sasinfss btrcdflrir itt e lowrr i 3 mcp6 if gndaiteof triatrcohccuabof ofi ai rili u ih hcid oc frederick t aeto johx liwsok graduate of oario vetiatrr coa totoalo-vet- fjinirr saros acton oct offim n kearr ttnt boot tai thoe tircroiideaw in the rer boas mra u lo touadae tad eerti ce ra- hi ehs aibt or day proaapilj- cadcd to l bekxettljs deivtisx it gtoaccrov asttiica t0hsstok it itcleix mrrijten solieilari kotiries cosvcriaccrt ts prime funds to lou 02aretotahthactca e 7 br losssmx wic i- itclzix khxeies saucnarrvotiitr pmuc- v i tttjaer to una j omcr dirt tuesdxr tud stuniit i rna uutatibiocfc actaa cpcuirt i birrtrrtsaiicitontfr tcwtto xxd geqecctotc j osaxitrmlaas blocks goorgrtoxi crlss eiss street ait tcroaus j r i iuis i khtltoy bl jeued hu pidgeeow c1es0k4 co eiksistees eoucttoes tkotaeiei- ttotcbcff ccraici ind adeltide stt taroalo cads v liipltcse ko li ctbleadflreig btdgerby pitekts secueed j foe ixvextioxs eeset gei5t ottiirl caxuja- j ttc tens practice kljteat ko pity ittil eemetreet i idzlxizli iccnoxeek j fcr the corsjes of teniatoa tad hxitoa- orlers left nt the i eee phess cec aetos or cejteeieacei actoa wci be jiroaiptly tt- lesdfdlo terse rexsoable also maaer to ictr oa the ia6c firorxble teniiad ti the iotw rites of interest ia can of ism cad aptfrds actou baukijicri compaiiy 8toret christie co -bakkee8- acton i ontario i qkxlilul bakcrjig bus1kes traxsacred 0it tqsho ok iperotbs hotas notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits t i w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uuo i trccuttv or machine hnisfisdbook papers uighguukweeklv xews the paper used in liiis joarnil is from tie above milk i wm baebes i beos picture frames -at- wites erothee fictcneess -at- w4ters bhcteees coreice poles banner eods ifocldiagt cords kaus glass beielled sitrrors abrisrs jtdrruls winsor keictons i waters brothers- 25 wtndhiir tseet cttelph j0hsdat iechtxect y guelph okt ornceheezs hgi eidcc lartet fiqeire tfelliiigtoa marble works qu73ssc st stclps hamilton clark proprietors vtholesile axd retail deicrsm haible granite and eterytiiidg pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds of grtniieacd itarble u exties lately viiitcd the ely of fccdjjruiit qzszziesi huag prrchxied tc eatirg ctock o grxyixdredfriaitcnoici2ciuhctistosci eroocs eras etc of ale under tt ylor at lew tfcuieotnc will tatii lattfccr catice tell at priawaeterbeforelaffki in oatario fcrla stzaee gniite moarpeats il hih 600 7 ft tj6fts30sftel03 all vorfc aad cxleriii ttrtiated flrvtcliee parties wanting acrthicg ia this uae iriu da veil to cau and f cs before paxcaieias etcvbcre ie ire crarartee car prices ire fraaz 33to50jerceatbelar all olaerdetlers- nrx5ccrs kusax skkssortotfciupaitaj j i bookbdvdee- sgsore 5tirev gaelphoatario aoaateooiv of all bntfecade to order tdi licaic of ereiy destriptiaa csrclall j booad eaiiaiaehlttad promptly doac j rnse haxlak barber shop j icxixsrixrtactoy i ia eiiyiiire tctiuliiireat a good teafete s given eaxora tiselaaipnia fimeiasi eonditioa- ladies vll eaildteat hair tastily cue j e woudek toaiqrial artista silesjiex wasted i epmxsxst jotitioae gaaraatead ilh ealary aad cipes paid aay deienaiaed taac eaa sasceea wit cs pecaliar adxantages to be- flthftt etocfc cactpjete iaeiadiag many fast- ieilia rpeeialtiea oatatfree same tfafs paper adlrthttoaat beowk beothees kttr- rryaeakocaester s y gielpt business college gdelph ffth fcuozaerjc tear lu cradcatcs i are bw ecpovwi ac umklcepers busiaest eaaiotttaaajpejerieicb7- raacy cf the larpen licsiaess hoase ia caaada- and the cated eutec toaaj men aad vomea deuias i taormch basia edacation will eoasalt their a ttelre by ltteadiathe gcelph bariaets tcee for terras aad particalatr address umxccoeiacs- yt prinipal fruit trees small frails r ajai omaniemal shrubbery- school books copybook exercise books slates a full like days bookstore ayslpk1 day sells cheap the mzechants- i protective aud collecting association of cakada head office hamilton ontario estaliithed ish v ix au alport stioa of imiinets and professional aica haviag for iu obiect the coliectioaol debts axdtoprcvect its taeaibcrs from laatias bad debts by 1 aitithiric them with lists of parties vho do not pay merchant aad others oavise accocats to collect will find it to their sdvantaffe to beoame members as haadreds of uxoaau are beicg collected throagii it that eoald cat be collected n say other way uaay m tccocnt that est been taed aad then retamed by the bailiff as no good after patting the merchant to great expense has been collected throcfih this association u etthants wishing to become mem bers by remitting ifwxota oar xanacers it hamilton will receive by return mail full pcr- ticalars certificate at membership etc testi monials cat j b mills co managers acton livery bus line tht ucdersigacdrespectfclljfolidtsihepatroa age cf the public aad iaicnas theai that well equipped imistjiiali rigs can al ways be secored it his itatiles a txtafcrtahle las laeets all dav trains aad those at eight it ordered careful attention given to crerycrder the wants of commercial travel- lets felly met johx willluis 5ipuxp factory -and- planing mill thos ebbage man i hive resamtti the icaascetcat of the pciap daiae ia acton sad wald rescctfclly icforci til parties la want ef niaips that we arc cow prepared to sppy thtmfrcia tbe old st ie wooden fcinp to ihe best fotce pttcp made ptnnpe for wind mels or eocfc wehs supplied on short nooce- deepwehs aspecall prices eight eteey ttme our planing hill lamber dressed while yc wait kocldimat ic made to order we hive also a qcaatity cf lumber for sale tai table fcr haildias imrposes orderk by iail will receive jiroujpt aad carefc atteatiau shop it fool ofeirer street taos ebbage hanaffer stocktaklng -sale- boots and shoes public scsool idyl ksui ft til cnai ft in cliildrcni lieadi are liccon slim it in im it in sullthoroi inorc to follow hygiene and blitory astronomic mystery algebra histology latin etymology boacy geometer creek and trigcnoicctry kam it in cram it in children heads arc hollow hap k fn tap k ia what arc teachers paid fcr baugitlttspltin what are childrca tasdc for ancient archeo3ocy anyanrunologyi- prosody zoclogj phytic clialetfllosy calculus aad ualhetaetics hoax it ia coax it ia children t heads i rv hoij tir baibltiuclubufn au there is orieamlag iaach it in crunch it la yaeadi thrir childish yearuiug for the fields ted grassy nock ifcadoir grwn aad ripplag brook drive each wlcktdthoajhls tftr tuaeh the children that they are- but inachiaec to cram it in uaa- it fa tlaiy it ia that their heads arc hollow hoold it in momit in all that they can twallov fold ilia hold it in till thfres aorc to follow faces pinched and tad tad pale tell the tame cadyia tale tells of uiocieatt robbed froaj utcit vfcali catastcd itadics deep tho whove ptticd the furnace tliroa with achiag hrox will tell to jou how tie teachers crammed it la ktmiaed it ia jammed ft in cninched it ia pnachod it la kubbed it la clahbed it lu pressed it fa aad cansied it ii papped it in aad ilapped it la when their heads were hollow stlctf family iuasinf harianb jewel i have decided to give io off ray alread low prices for the next ttttrtt days to make room for my spring goods m ic- iitiiap asitpi ilicaulir i tpitl6j dise bi acdanltif ls5clbi 25 ilsocs 8ttd rltuhqjk acton has been tpioiatod ule tireat for tins aevjoa for the well wa da ekfcestr kartcry shocisoa pro- tctoraad ii prepared to take crden for aay ottae trait treec email frails or throbs whica are saowc ia the illcstrataa catalocaes of the bcnery the products of the old eoefiestcr srsery are kaiirn w be generally reliable aad wrrtctiy acmtd aad t can promise satifsctory raiti to ijj kizq purchase stock from mc truces reatoible iiev ii il cook ageat 3ie t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and fiarroandins that be is prepared to take ocden for weaving all fcintte of faocy esg carpets flannel sheettnff ehirting and dress goods etriped or plaid twill or plain also bed blankets and hareebiinlvetstwo yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgirefiood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their pztronage t hitchell i have a large stock of felt boots on hand which i will sell cheap note the prices half fox 140 whole fox 8165 -everybopy- read lumber shingles and lath jtae aadtrcinedjlef ires to inform the pablic a that tebasnowonhaad aad will keep ib ocfc tf sll ue of pine aad hemlock as tell as otaef ttads of laaber also first cad secoad tshpiaesaiaglesttlatfc coal woodi earicgpsrcuasedthe coalbnsiness of lilrc bbauthittdprcparcd to apply all kinds of etctecoal iavealtoa goodatoekof wood uxtoodachcecrand koi wood ctcesioa- sliie prices wooiandcoal delivered jakes beo -4tltis- tuere is sloiiey in it tn order to reduce the stock to facilitate his annual stocktakixg jc nelson i have a good stock of trunks valises i will sell cheap also remember this is foe cash okly w williams mill 8tr9t acton fanc7 gcoods ix great variety i desire to infona my namerocs ccstotacrs that i have purchased a fine variety of goods for the xmas trade comprisin a aplendid lot of toilet articles in hair tooth and kail brashes thfifinesxeerinmet in the mariat i hare alio the finest ttock in ladies satchels ever shon in acton fir mutual- j- fibe 1hsurahce company j or the csrair or vrxujsimvr zst1susszd 1840 head office cuelph asares bculdlngtmetchandimliaiinftetorlcs m all otber deseriptfons of property on die premiatnsotesrrtein pwswlie cnas davidson president 8eorefcy johk tay lror ar6nt wci give a cash discount of ten per cent to all persons parchasitib tlifl worth or over of dry goods boots shoes elip- pere ovcrthoe kahbcn kc fiom xow until feby lctl evcrjody came i aad wcare bargains goods laarited in plain figures terms j c j casii kelsons v choicest and chczitnt hurck of gro- tricsin the town i i well john well have fc ask yoa to stay in the store lonight said the senior partner of the firm of cheejey it co jew elers aad silrersmiths as he came oat of the inner office and walked down to the plated ware coanter the blonde yoans fellow behind the coanter to whom these words were addressed was engaged in pat ting back into its case a pretty little tea- chest cpon the merits of which he had been descanting far the last half hoar to an old lady who oonldat quite make op her mind whether to bay that or a certain rosewood cabinet for- her darter k anas wediin present and who had gone oat to take a last look at the cabinet before making the final dticiiioa at he looked np and smiled deferentially his employer continued kansotn the night watchman has jast sect dawn wcrd that his wifes at the paint of death and as we cant leave the store unprotected vera know and yoare the only single man among the derks and a pretty tough customer in a rough and tumble i guess ycad better stay i all right sir said john cheerfully as he renewed his attention to the teaset but for all his aasamedcheehulnesshewas thoroughly disgusted at the prospect kot that he wocld have objected to making three dollars by sach a simple expedient as sleeping away from his lodgings anj other night in the week battiiis was tuesday aad ii he wasnt oq hand to take ilarian hinton home from the philharmonic re hearsal why that impodent fellow jones woold be and the latter was just mean enocgh to seize the opportunity and make a lot of ensaeenieuta that wocld keep him the aforesaid john oit in the cold for a week however it would never do to get old man chesley downon him by shirking a job or refusing to grant a request so that settled it at ten oclock the store was riostd the diamonds an more valuable contents of the showcases put in the safe the iron shutters pulled down and oar hero left m undisputed possession of the countless treasures which a large jewellers establiih- ment contains but john whose other name by the way was hasiings did loot feel at all overpowered by the responsibi lity he- was a light hearted but adecermid ed young fellow to whom both fear and anxiety were unknown as yet besides he had been od guard doty several times be fore and the naveuhad worn off alter sa disposing hinuwlf as to find the softest spot on thelonngewhich stood beside the large safe in thfi inner office he scan ned lhe evening piper and then pulling out of his pocket a nodi nwcim in the shape of a book entited a xiaaual ofetiquetecr hetjsagesefcroed society soon became absorbed in its coolants and finally fell asleep with his lingers s boolcmarfcinthe midst of chapter x on conduct before the wedding as one by one the realities and surround ings of the present faded from him memory opened her colls and released the images and recollections of childhood and with theua he was led back through dreamland back to that quiet new england home stead over whose wide soft lawn he had rolled and kicked in the untrammelled free dom of infancy about him were the brothers with whom he had played and fought and worked and studied his way through youth to early manhood there was the low vinecovered cottage tbe well with its decrepit but picturesque sweep and the shed spreading its protecting roof over a nondescript collection c boxes and barrels while the cart stood oat under the old apple tree with nothing but the gnarled limbs and scanty foliage to shield it from the elements the orchard sloped down to the brook and through its leafy vistas came glimpses of the meadows stretching away ia the october sunlht to the sleepy little river under the trees were scattered heaps of ruddycheeked apples while from the creaking ciderpress there flowed a golden stream of nectar sweeter than any kerchief down closer upon bis face 1 john was neither a dude nor a dissipated wreck altlioagb he was a clerk tod a city lerkat that both nature and professor blaiktc a art had combined to reader him strong and active l as hi felt the press are of the hand upon his throat he doubled himself npititfa the rapidity of lightning and theforooof a steel trap the e5ect of this manoeuvre was to bring his knees against the middle of his aasail- anl back with a shock that sent him fly ing over tbe head of the conch while john rolled after and fell upon his prostrate body then ensaed a struggle that smashed the office furniture to fragments and filled the air with the dasiof agesaccnmulaledocder the carpel they were evenly matched but the anesthetic bad rendered john a little groggy as tbe pacifists say and his motions were uncertain he had sense enoagh remaining bow- ever to throw himself against the button which louaded a private alarm at the near est police station whenever they approach ed in their journeys back and fourth across the room and to yell police t as often as he could catch his breath his efforts grew gradually weaker but help was coming for just as his assailant gained the mastery there was a terrific pounding an the door and shutters with the derated to open in the cirae cf the law drawing a short dab from his pocket the burjlsr struck his victim over the head with all his might then diving into ibe cellar aod crawling up oat of the back coal hole through which he bad effected an en trance disappeared from the scene forever when the police at length effected an en trance they found hastings insensible upon the floor bat he soon recovered for his sknll wis tolerably thick and the chloro form nstd by his midnight caller was of a quality in tbe morning a little bag coniaing dia monds was found lying cpon the floor where the robber had dropped it in the struggle i gncss this belongs to you john as there doesnt seem to be any other claim ant said old ilr chesley bet alas they were all prononuced to be piste and jchns momentary riches took to theazselves wings and her away after the quite too usual fashion he laughingly dubbed them the crown jewels and poured them all into marians up with the remark that as such they should remain in the custody of the queen that demure little woman went into ecstasies aver the pretty jewels there was jast a touch of romance too in having a 5 oung hero whohad fought with robbers come andiay bis spoils at her feet even if those spoils were only paste diamonds one of the imitation gems was of great sise and beauty sharply cut of 1 light canaryyellow color and utterly without blemish it was as pure as a ray of sun light but much more substantial as it weighed a matter of 130 carlts ill be hanged if i shouldnt believe that to be genuine it it was only- a little smaller said old ilr cheslsy as- he held it up to the light bat if there ever was a pure diamond of that size no one oat an eastern despot could ever afford la own it john had it i in a plain gold pin for slarian to wear in her hair and christened it the kohincr 0 bow lovely exclaimed all her ad miring friends when she appeared with it shining amid ber rich brown tresses whit a pity it isnt a real diamond bat at tbe came time they rejoiced exceed ingly in the depths cf their envious little souis that ifwasnt a real diamond the summer came and the kohinor still flashed in the hair cf its queenly little owner but no more definite understanding was established betweea the donor and wearer of the jewel jones i till skirmished about the field of action aud by miking fcuddea dishes within johns lines of de- fesce would carry off marian as a prize to occasional parties and sociable- one morning hastings came down to the store with the kohinor in his hand it had fallen npon the ballroom floor the pre ceding evening and some had stepped upon and crushed the setring on the threshold he met mr kurtz the janior partner and diamond expert who represented the co portion of the firm name and who had just returned from a year of travel and stady of tbe great gem collections of europe what hive ypu there v asked mr kurtr as in shaking hands his eye caught the glitter of the kohinor nothing hut a big paste diamond re plied john handing it over for inspection the decc it is 6aid the expert as he turned it in the light ill risk my repu tation on its genuineness its worth a 100000 if its worth a cent and the eequel prored the aucnracyof his judgment i shall do nothing of the kind pro tested marian when john tried to make her tike back the now almost priceless jexel i should be no better thau swindler obtaining money under false pre tences yea didnt mean to give me a hun dred thousand dollars when you tossed what was supposed to be a worthlessbauble into my lap in vain hastings urged it cpon her eaid he should have given it to her just the same if he had known it to be worth a mil- lion and that it was hers by right cf pos session since she had owned aud worn it for nearly a year the only sign of relen ting which he could get was the suggestion with a shy smile that we might share it together no if the court knows itself said john as his arm slipped around a slender waist in his immediate vicinity without meeting any determined resistance i suppose i shall have to keep it since yoa say its mine bat hi carry my point yet im going to torn it into cash and devote all the proceeds to supporting a little wife and there being no dissenting voice the motion was carried nnanimoualy thejrdgfs st0by for sana presents i have a beautiful ielection myfbic tipple of the gods albums booklets wc also keep all the anthorired school books aad school supplies syrna books pens pencils hates ink etc vsckeeu large selection 0 spectacles to suit all sights give us a call before purchaaiaff get the place mcaetins drug store as he bent ever the press to dip his straw in the little rivulet of cider be noticed a peculiarly sickening and yet pungent odor like that which rises from pile of apples rotting in tbe son- it grew stronger and stranger until it seemed to almost over power him and he awoke to find his nos trils filled with that deadly odor not a relic of ins dreams but an unpleasant reality exhaled from a handkerchief saturated with some fluid and lying an hts face- it was chloroform bat at tunings j first movement and before bis balf stupefied intellect grasped i the situation a powerful hand was at his 1 throat while it mate jammed the hand i it is a way of calling t man a fool when no faced is given to what he says iest- raege i discretion is the perfection of reason and a guide to win all the datiet of ufe aidifion wit should be used as a shield fori de fense rather than as a sword to wound others- fuller it ie asserted that undur certain au ditions the bark of the qaillia tree of chili possesses cleansing properties superior to those of the best soap several enropeanspwiaiista we madi tbe curionb observation that acote rhea- matisqj is more prevalent in dry than in rainy woatlior i got into bid company once and the re sult of so doing i shall not easily forget tbe story is short and i will relate it among the companions of my youth was timothy donnegan a rowdyish p mm oral fellow whohad some hold on my affections because of bis dexterityin running jump ing ballplaying etc sports of which i was passionately fond while walking with donnegan one morning he found a horseshoe and becom ing loquacious over the good lues was swinging it about his head when uninten tionally it slipped away and went crashing through the window of a druggist striking the apothecary a stinging blow on the wrist at first i broke into a ringing laugh and stood looking at the shattered glass cpon taming around i saw that donnegan had disappeared leaving me to escape the impending demands for satisfac tion as best i cchld foolishly t started when it was too lale to run cp the avenue the irate pharmacist followed had the race been apothecary vs john h i would have proved the better man bat a blue coated policeman joining in the chase so terrified me that my knees began to weaken and i was soon captured on tbe accusation of the druggist i was marched to the justices office which was a room in tbe city prison fifteen or twenty boys attracted by the sight followed ns the shame and indig nation which filled my soul as i passed throagh the streets the gazing stock of the crowd cannot be effaced from my memory one thicg i determinedmy mother should never know of my disgrace i would refrain from disclosingwho 1 was regard less of consequences the house in which my parents resided was so situated that its rear windows were overlooked by the rear of the city prison a space between the buildings allowed an ample yard which we used as a lawn after reaching the justices office i was soon called upon to give my version of the affair which i did omitting donnegans name and giving as the name of my father d k jones which name i had seen on thai door of an uptown residence the assertion of the druggist that he saw me deliberately throw the shoe induced the judge to detain me a few hours until word could be sent to my father accord ingly d k jones was informed that his sou was under arrest mr jones it happened had a young son and not being able to find him when the officer called concluded that his boy was the victim of a mistake and with all speed he histened o the justices office where he much sarprised that worthy by dis claiming all knowledge of the accused this occurrance prejudiced my case and tbe justice heretofore kind in manner sternly ordered that i should be detained for- the night i was led up three flight of stairs into a long room in the farther aide of which were two windows overlooking our yard the door was closed behind me i was a prisoner the peculiar heart sickening sensation sometimes experienced by those who when visiting prisons are detained longer than they desire that feeling al most overpowered me it was about five oclock i had eaten nothing since breakfast my courage be gan to fall nevertheless the determina tion to conceal my identify was diminished impelled by irresistable curiosity i walked to tbe window on the lawn my mother was seated her actions indicated that she was uneasy but as yet not positively alarmed once before i had absented my self from dinner without notifying her and he doubtless thought that this was a repetition of the offense suddenly she lifted her head i thought her eyes were directed toward me and al though the shadows made it impossible for an outsider to see more than my form i quickly drew back about half an hoar lather entered the yard i saw mother speak to him he was evidently much alarmed for he im mediately harried away soon after my mother went into the house o how my heart ached to call out mam mal mamma the intervening space would probably have rendered the ry use less but pride prevented me from making the attempt hour after hour i kept watching our door and windows hoping to see some pne i laved intense shame and strong fear of being discovered racked my soul about ten oclock the gas jets were lighted at aomeand i 6aw the shadows of forms hurrying to and fro t i evidently the whole household had been oat on the search and having returned without success were wild with apprehen sion- with me the passing time was a long drawnoat agony instead of the goodnight kiss and the wishes for sweet dreams and sleep un touched by eyre i was a prisoner throagh the misdeeds of another and for the first time experienced intcnie poignant mental suffering aslgaied at our windows it was cot difficult for me to imagine what was tak ing place behind them the frenried mien of father the sobs of mother and sister the direful supposition of them all t would have surrendered years of life to assure them of my safety and yet not for hie would i have my mother know my whereabouts it was a false pride but i could not suppress it how long i remained at the window i do not know it must have been after midnight when i fell exhanflted upon a small cot visions of flashing lights and of myriads of angry pharmacists all in hot pursuit of me troubled my slsep early in the morning i was awakened and brought down stairs i was taken into the justices room there stood my father pale and weary but yet withlove and happiness portrayed on every feature au my hopes for concealment were spoiled an indiscribable sense of relief filled my being in the midst of sobbs and smiles 1 explained everything the druggist molli fied by ft twentydollar bill withdrew his charge without delay twas almost carri ed home by my dear father- soon i was in my mothers arms- what indescribable joyl such is the stpry- ox the display of the oscclatobt pbocess it was in a trowded train jnst startim from a city station men women and cmdren were harrying about finding seat and arranging luggage bat loud above the clatter of the noisy depot rose the shrill voices of half a doaen schoolgirls it re quired oo extraordinary amount of pane tralion to discover that kan and bess were going home for tbe holidays and that fan nell see and madge were seeing them off chatter chatter ran their live- ly tongaea and ripple ripple pealed forth their merry giggles at last the five-min- ate dong sounded and then such a scene a sensued nan aud bess were bagged and kissed aud kissed and bugged by tbe four others individually and collectiveiy the aisle was completely blockad during the demonstration and those girls swarmed over at least half a car finally the four departed after several falsa alarms aod frantic returns for just one more then a window was raised the four on the outside gathered around it and the fol lowing conversation ensued hope youll have a lovely lime kiss the baby lor me write me as soon as you get there give mamie a good hag wish i had had a chance to kiss sadie before i left theres the bell kiss yoar mother for goodbye kiss then they all kissed their hands to each other and in the momentary hush that fell on the car a yoaog man was heard to say every one seems to be coming in for a share guess it will be my turn pretty soon the girls flushed scarlet at tbe remark anil thtter that followed and one re- lieved her fiastrated feelings by exclaim ing in an not ladil e tone the hot rid thing poor girls it was a hard lesson tnt none too hard if they profited by it it has been our fortune- of late to be much in trains restaurants and other public places and we have been surprised sot to say disgusted at the exhibition of kissing tex childs piatsb lata ber chamber want a tittle ctrl one day and by a chair she knelt aod thus abo begaa to prsy jesus my eye i close thy form i cannot jee lfthoaart nearme jjord i fray thotrspcak to me a till small voice she hetwd within her sool wnarii it child i lear thee tell lt thcjfl j i pray the lord sac said 7 fhat thou wilt condescend to tarry in my heart j and every be my friend the path of lifeis dsik i would not go astray ob let me have thy baud to lead ine in the ay icar not i will not leave theo child alow ohetbougbt the felt t hanh pressing ier wi tbey tjl me lord the living iaai awky the tgod soon inusl i ie aad even children olijettuyparcnuli till i iranian grow for u they die what can a little orphan do v kear not tuy child wbiiejjev ill may come 111 not forsake thdc till i bring thee home her little prayer waji said and from her chstabernow she passed forth wlti the light of heaven uron her bro mother rvo seen tap lord hto hand la mine live felt and di i heard him say as by my chair i ttdt cat not my child whawver 111 may come 111 not forsake thee till i urlufi the home sclentleicmsciaixky- belvnn taylor a mining engineer and coal expert of pittsburg thinks uataralgu is giving out he says r wittnii two year afthfl furthest coal lands will fca beuimi for 3vbas they were coukidered wortbawor natural gas was thought of this will u due largely to the failure of tbe gaiflelsu to supply the demand made upon the gas like oilwill in time exhaust itlf new fields may be opened bat taking all- in all i think the outlook for 0j wai never so bright sjuce natural gas came in use au the large gaifiewa aw puying out mnrraysville has seen its best days and all tha wells in tb t beavf r and ohio th i prospects forfieldi valleys rfre going embracing daily inflicted by women on- an urge enough to take tleir jlaoe la ewe- cd total failara are not br glit by any meani tiib natural gasl c nnpanifia recognise unappreclativa public doubtless it ia a- thoughtless habit bat does it not deserve thoughtless consider ation of old the hand was given only as a sa cred pledge of loyaiity and friendship but now we offer our lips to hundreds of chance acquaintances if however we do not re cognize the sacrcdness of a kiss let us at least remember that others may have old fashioned notions on tbe subject and let us be chary in our cscolatory demonstrations gwtvi rvlc too mxchee by ad bt what is your complaint against this yonhg man john v said the magistrate to the chinese liundryman who had sum moned a young gentleman whose laundry bill was in arrears l he too muchee by and by was the anssrer of the aggrieved celestial who evi dentlyknew what ailed the young man even if he could not express his views in the most classical english there are other youngsters who are troubled with the same complaint oo muchee hj and by the boy who has to be called four times in the morning and then is late to breakfast the boy who says in a minute when his mother calls him to do chores or ran errands the young gentleman who forgets his promise to bring wood or drawfwaler the young lady who always meant to do things and have them set ia order bat who never never carried out ber intentions the legions of folks who always have to be waited for all these have h too muchee by and by people are likely to sing themselves into perdition with the sweet fcy and by what tbeyneeovis the sweet pow which is tbe accepted time and the day of salva tion this as a fact and are i xpendiog ihnwnrti of dollars on a process ot making jarful this is significant in my judgment two years will see the eadj of rutaralga as fuel v i coldes thoughts mans wealth- -mat- ability is thew wren m economy is of itself a great revenue cioerp j hewasaboldmantatnrstatean oys ter dean bwift j i nothing is denied to well directed labor sirjoshua reynolds the great duty of life is not to give pain yrederika bremer every one hasa fair turn to be aa as he ejwesuerem collier if yoa make monpy put god it vfll pi- gue like the devueijlding i they are never alonj that are accompan ied with noble thoaghtssir philip bid- ney- j common sehse ia a mwauaon degree u whit too world calls iwiadompcoleride let prayer ba tfte key of the morning and tha bolt of thej evmihgriuuhe henry i good manners is tb an of making thoae people easy with whom yre fiontoraev swift- narrow minds think nothing right that is above their own capacity boohefoo- caold i beauty is worse tfaip wine it intoxicate both the holder and he beholder- merman the wisdom of ecovohv look most to your spending no matter what comes in if more goes out yoa will be poor always the art is not in making money but in keeping it little expenses like mice in a bar a when there are many make great waste hair by hair the head gets bald straw by straw the tbaich goes off the cottage drop by drop the rain comes into tbe chamber a barrel is soon empty if the tap leaks but a drop a minute when you mean to save begin with your raoath there are many thieves down- tbe red lane the alejag is a great waste in all other things keep vntbin compass in clothes choose suitable aud lasting stuff and not tawdry fineries to be warm is the main thing never mind tbe looks never stretch your legs farther than the blanket will reach or yoa will soon beoold a fool may make money but it needs a wise man to spend it remember it is eas ier to build two chimneys than to keep one going if yoa give all to back and board there is nothing left for the savings bank fare hard and work while yoa are young and you will have a chance of rest when yoa are old ztm v a kixd of a bau to jbeeze to veil kepecca yoa vaa lookui all proa oop dia morning vos dot yoonc fr lales- toin bore to see you again laet night van ladder he vos here till two oclock dis nionlmg tvro oclock ach mein gracious vot a vaate of gas it mast shtop i dell you and yoa mast say to him dot i cant afford uk1g1x uf what column o tl e nowjpapar ibonld be tead in toe bleak v intryeatber why the lomroary ol a nrse on tbstkiad oi a i twd bonld aoffl- nambalist go tca nili mare iheroasoa why flying report are tetaes cararda becanae theycanardly b be lieved n what member o the hnmao frame tonld be mot in agreemfintjwlth tip fanny woe wbytfoelamoarrttt tbeproper place far woombeb pickariag onl s tha poutioa backmen often take np imposition when can ioldierawaajd to in incap able of beitg taken in why when they are toodeep twodeep deepend upon it this ii a real good joke i jubv asobesoss nss a few days ago aa miai anderson was passing through one of the great drygoods stores the safesme reoogniied horaod whispered to each other there goes mar anderson a bttle cash boy nearing the remark tco late to see her face exclairned oh why didnt you let me know in time i hatont go usoney enoagh to go to see her play bat i might lull looked at her the lady had not passed oat of hearing taring hack she etcoped ana hoed the boy there my ladahe aajd yoa can no only ay that you hste seen mary andes- son bnt thai she has kissedyoa boston trantcrift 1- i yah ldiddatfadder did vot eopecca i dole him last veek dot ve mast not bum somach gas cnd vot did he say i he said yah mein leavy doavy i ap preciate dot nnd vill pring a lantern mitrne hereafter unddid he yah laaht night ha brought a lantern and ve hang it up on de door knob and vo vere yast so habby like two turtle doaves i have picked all dec time my company with more care since that ei- i ah repecca dot vu a fine young mans rt nnd vnnfwjm tn him like ft noatatfe itamn perience v 1 oaerrtr iu tbe matter of the use of galvanized iroft waterpipes or reservoirs the science vtv has always taken tbe ground that it was a practice attended with danger to health on account of tbe action of the water opera the ziuo coating forming tola- ble and noisoocuu salta certain oases have oopje to oar own knowledge where riokpets and even from this cause und you freeze to him like a postage stamp suigical reogress swjigthkts hub lamp cbimniays after waabing wijh dry salt tj house plants wilt not thrive when kepi inajdraaghtl i v a wettoet pinned over a stiff broom offers an easy means of cleaning oilclotha eggs se4 more jtender when put into toter that is cold and allowed to boil gr dually j i aipino fluor washed with a solotion 01 onepoand af copperas in a gauonof anong lye riu taki on tbd color of oak jib npwird when washias or wiping tin folaod w inkles jwhi not come so fast brjk hani rubbing aftoe drying with towei will t o good j at two of the leading hospitals of paris ike death rate from amputations of all kinds has fallen from w per cent in 1880 to about 15 per cent at present i a miser grows riofi by seeming jqoc an axb7v7sb7osy oumd i t m t rich ehenstone i have ised ayerfwhfortte jmtti and amaatia4d i ahooh aire today itll hadnot been tot ihw cure 1 me if dyspepsia whet iu ote tm dies fuedit b borne chester pi ijefi rila are oia by all i driifigists i 7 i if 7 1