i- ouxdtl acton ontaeio thursday march 14 1889 lloltodgbsl croupp eof his be fbtftottfrtt jtcss it rcbushtd i eert thursdiji mobklkg itthxr f bee press power pihnt1nq house actqk oktari0 subscripttok rates ojirssa- l sll kostlli mftt4 xasxkkosras 45ct r iatritblj uaottldlkdtuc ij5mrtirtubehsrfi soppcrdhcoa tned ul ill sirens irtpsld except 41 the w msyertirino rater iricr l tu g ho xaloio mim miio 3w 7j0 110 ojw liav 1 two uw tj 1m1 iikh cm 3 jo oo loo cuntl advertise caeuta 6 cents er hue tor he irttlbmdioa and 3 cents per line or each tub- mtieat insertion cash the number oi lines ettmibdbrlheipcoccnpe4mematedbt a t lolidkooparell i iittrtimnneuu without specific directions till tm started till forbid tad charged accord- inflt tnajtoryadtertiaemcuuiaait be- paid advance changes lor contact advertisement must be a tat office by ajn oatucsdart otherwite iatllb week kt moore editor and proprsetcr snsuuss biratap jlcs acfsvai vt h lowrt m b if grd3aie of trinity c ceuece of pfayrcians arusm gfflce nd reaileae wrt acton mcp6 member of d of frederick toek lawsqn graduate of ontario veterinary couecetoronto vtt- gixmrr sargeou acton oat ofjee in kenny bros- boot and shoe storexteaidehce la the rear gorsc exacined u to loaudnest and eertineaiei na i all calls night or day promptly attended to r l l benkett ld6 demist gtoboetowx qstsjtzo tohsstok fc mcleax barrister solicitor xotaries coateyanecri tt hnu lands to loan omtown hallatioa ef b johxsto3l wx a mclexs t a- mowat uuxetetrsoucnoi xotxet public money to loan omczdirt tuesday and satnrdcy ma- matthews block aetna npttairs qeiltosilrakdbaied barristers solicitor tqcosto ixd gcoacrrovx 0cef crmlsinbiotgcprgeton ccd 6g knt street cut rcroatc r tl aliux j eehtos bo- t bxied bl t1adgeb0w cabsoki co bakbistcb5 soucitoes tyotaeiex csart aatbert cor charch lad licuse st toraalo c4ndx- teiefcaoae so 12 cable address eideerot cttukjoot johxculsoybcll cdcbowxirroaxtt prij3e three cents acton banking company stores christie t co baxkehs acloii ontario x gekkril bakktya busixess transacted uohsttopss oh at07sb sotss notes disoounted and interest allowed on deposits w barber bros papeft makers georgetown ont vlsx a btecnlty or machtn8 finished book papers i um bejlll wqklr xkws tbe piper used in this joiiml is frenr the sfaove mills wm bihber t bhos- never leave actox uen joa eta get u good tn irticle tnd u chcai tt harness shop cill tai sec it he is net ciris the best bcr- light and heivy harness blankets biu curry combs brariim wtips 4c i hsvccacic to artua tofay ssd rill cadetor t tocivc the licii utifolipa to those ho i favor 122 vith their iistrcaxrc i lire trah cscs ad cn afford 1 to mil choii collars warranted kot to hart j h jlattliews actoii ecciatod to ihoifncst kelly hros patxkts secured jeliie g-ntri- s ccrnspcrb ra oit k i of yoi t1zb icsjjw rosdnpktioxs sexsr gfilst otzmxl cixasi itcity tears practice so patent ko pay l hehsxreet licgisn accnoyeee far thecoanaesof wellington ud hiiton orders lef vt um fare pacas offi acton or st my residence in acton till be promptly st- undid la terms reasonable also cwaer to lota on tint most fsrorable tnnssnd at the lowest tales of interest in rami of j300 inl npnxds- 3t0hkdat o architect gcexikoxr 05151 queens sotrl elocfc mixfcet bqsare pbakcis x17sas snccgssotto t fchapmaal booebcfdeb st georges sijaare gaelpbontirio aooat books of ac tints made to order perioiisals of erery descripiiob carexody bonnd alaneatlrand promptly dofle ed vfta m i5h0 how re cimciiiion of tdjjorlo ttu taw i oi core js stair mojorf ths haxlak baeber shop ftf rr f sttrxr jlcror ix exy lure t cylish t sood kaoua igftliitinmtg timapooil ceytciten- bixon hoomuidpollji fititisst condition- lcdies ttdiaildrkiilisirutilicot j ahwobdextoosoriilanift salesieex wanted pepkayest iosiions cnaraatied witt salary tsd eipease paid any dete man csn socceod tith ns peculiar sdrantages to be- fnnert sloci complete facindiay many lact- teniag rpecialties ostnt free kanie this paper address at once beowk bbothebs cr- icrrrnen rochester n v gnelph basiiiess college gdelphoktaeio picture frames witers beothees ipiotuees waters erorhias camice poles banner rods itooldings cords kads glass bevelled slirron a e tisrs ma teria ls winsor xewtoss -at- waters brothers zs wthdhair eteezt cuelps school books copy book sxeroise books slates i i a full line days bookstore i gurllph day 8ell8 cheap the mzrchakt8 protective and couecting assoctatiok ofjcanada head office hamilton ontario i estahlishiiss4 u an association of basinets and itofcssiocal men hatlsc lot 1u object tha i collection ol dbti anita prevent its members from traiing bad debts by nmlihinc them vith lists of parties who do not par ucrehanta and others having accoonla to collect till find it to their adraataa totacomc metnben as hundreds of account are beice collected through it that could not b couected in any other vsy uany an account thai baa been sud and then retomod by the bailiff as no good afur patting the merchant to ercat expense has been collected throogh this association uerchanta nrlahlng to become tnem- bers by remlttinfi tlojxi to cur acanaers at hunilwnillreceiebyretiirn mail tall par ticulars certificate of membership etc testi monials tent j b mills co managers j actolm- livery busline wellington marble works hamilton clark proprietors wfiahsale and retail dealer m starble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work- direct importers of all kinds o granite and harble savicflsily vicitedthebiycffandyranlte qnamcs and htrirs prchaied the entire stock o grayandred granimoaiiafintsheads4ones crosses cms cic- of alexander taylor at let than cottve will until imjlhar notice tell at prices neter before fcacvn ft onurio fcrln- stancccratite connaenls it hisfc tjoo 7 ft 75 6 ft 830 i l 1 100 m ft 12d all fork and material warrant crttiaal parties tanting anything in this line will do well to call and se ex before pnrcqaaicc eitcthcre as tc caaraatee ocr prices are from 30 tosdpercenibelo all otherdealerx fifth scholastio tear its eradaates arc an employed as bookkeepers basicess joaaacers resographera etc by many of the largest bnaiaesc honsea in caoad and the united sutes touajf men and women desiring t thoronxh bzsizeu edneatfoa will consult their otb welfare by ajxeading the goelph easiness collect for terms and particulars ad ire ltlfaccohlftck t principal tlie ccdcifinedrcspectfcilyicjicits he patron- ace of che pclhc and inianns them that i t wflu eqnipped and styliih rigs can al e way be secured i at tit rubles a comfortable box meets all day trains and those st nifihl if ordered- canfal attention fiiten to ittety order tae wants of commercial travel lers icily met john wellluffir l ye ik n a reyzsjs uvy it jianxjy itu auld ecotlaiid rlios ui the ulcbt aforo iny mental ec and cart me fool uo far frao hano in this land ayont the tea 1 im rtntocfelooliti li in my adopted laud it a woo bit like a stcpinlihcr or being fed by hand this country aye sae grand and free it eooals anc anltbcr but scotias ions will av revere the land o cakoa and headier as time it curtain backward roils i see my early life in the boule dells of scotland at borland on the dryfc the auld ikajc mann be ttazju yet which oft has iheltcrod me betide the wfaimpliaf sewtcq barn and near to bobbfes true where meitle wisdom was diinsed as we stood op in raws the msistcrcrtcscdoor menu ichecis wv the lubricating taws id neer forgot the whacks lui gava wbea wa had tintjthe peat twas then we hooked frsc his tin ttaclc to gvicrate thereat aonlchl the anld man clocd the skulc the laws hed aid aside ta gang syant oor mortal ken oot oer death dart divide jty comrades a to manhood crew anditartodootlcjiffl some to play their part ala tiileiihcn took a wife but where arcs the jsrics rare a few at hame remains some wear the wifely coronet a smattcry o weans ah wnll i ever tread aaia aojdhtbcricks becty tnswes t croolc and plaid t cd colic doj among the doddit yowes xwi m aachyhijfij tgn th bcti art 3ww aav r t 111 asj afcrej gang l d j gude nlchttoaieana tiid yamilrr ilnaiing wftianflfisbaid- ir ce jokx u1ll hh u-1- st0ckta1cixg -sale- boots and shoes i have decided to give io joff mj already low prices for the next thirty days- t9 make room for my spring goods fruit trees small fruits aiiiotnaffienialsirtibberj f revklbcook artoo ha been appointed sole- aat for- this section for the kcl fcaowa oh kocherter knrsexy fi if oalson lro- pnetor and is prepared to take orders for icy the trait tnwfscall fruits or thrcbi which artifcjwrsin the illastxated catalocue of the nsrwrr tnc prodacw of the old bocheuer sanery are kaitn to be generally reliahle and wnwrjycamfiaadlcan romise satifactory ksalu to- all wbo purchase stock tq me eev uk cook agent lumber shingles and lath -acton- pump factory -axif- planing mill thos ebbage- man i have rciimtd the inansermoirt of the jraiap bsrinctue in arton and would respoctfuuy inxoro ail parties in want cf that we arc now prepared to supply tfcea2 from fpfae old st le wooden fusp to tha beit force pump made i pump for wind mjup or eoefc wehs aiipplpiltottcbticff dep weill 1 specialt prices right every time our planing mill lcnijriree4 while ycvait ifoidic ic rkta onler wa lsve ao ncirtit j- al lacbcr fof mle tiiuhe lor buiidicj porpo6 order iijiath will receive prorart loi carcfnl kkotiooi i siopitfooioceirer sttmt titos ebbage hanacer i nave a large stock of felt boots on hand which i will sell cheap jxvotevthe ieices- hjdf fox s140 i whole fox si 65 hiss georgian was tbc third o a fimily oi fiitu the uame georpc rrts a favorite one in the family they used to cay they had jiad already lite the euclish nation the four georges and there di cot come a boy to perpetuate it so they did the best they coah and called her geortfana kits georsy however was the name by which she waa known especially alter- she began the girls hoaaehold school and got into the way of going among the laborers and inilip9pl oiihe neighbor hoed the aaggettiohci ttih enterprise was cariocs a chaailknnaid waa wanted in the family and the got a commission tonndoneamocg her pets aa they called the yoocg girl in whom she was interested one was ce- juitification of mill ueorfivi courw that the rich toot of that gentleman leftqoitaa a large aum pf money to the young lady who bad diijniiacd blcn jnat bow the pub lic did oot know fouibly the wida knowledge of tltv fact among the county pcopla led to auother chapter of romaoooia miugwrgyi lite thii vit do lcai than a proposal after the proper preliminary attentions from colonel wiltshire who was taid had won laoreli of of the largest growth and the greenest kind tn the wan of the panjaabfcpdto be faba- loatly rich that he was an agreeable and in impressive military man uo oue could doqbf and the women envied her while the mot her when the reporu reached them laid thero now abe has jaat wait ed and now the gett one not as good at herseli thats impossible but the very pick of the gentry and she deserves it bat the coarse of lie colonels love did nm u imooth as be expected she told him in the pretence of her mother the whole itoryof her engagement her affection boneitly given and her own decided eonru- i could not continue affection where i could not respect and how could i respect a man unable to resiaj vhe temptation of drink v her ifpi quivered and her cheeks flushed as the spoke the words of aeif de fence aiog so you see colonel my first iovtts not to be had by anybody the colonel could only express his approval protest his greater respect for her and re new his propoaalt well she said mother it a little ran down and i am go iogover with her to b niton for her health i ihall think it all over colonel butdefera decuiotss and to buxton the went it was her way to look up every sort of good work and the toon heard of a village a short drive from the town where a lady wat introducing the germatrkildergarten then as aiach n novelty as the electric wire or j the daguerreotype conceotal tastes brought hist georgy and the lady together intercoarse bred confidence and confidence raa over the past and became autobiographical this fact is aid the ladvi ss u early brokenhearted it is no secret arosnj here and i can tell yon i waa fell of hope and happiness it ar eu- gagemeat to the ecu of one of my lalheri parishiojoert a young jieuteuatit who u tent wiui his regiment to india and rose to distinction there so that he is colonel and quite rich i suppose he thought a poor clrgymsu daughter not the thing for him i dont know hut be wrote me letter thawing what be wanted and ex pressing regret that he had not the old love 01 coarse i cocld only tell him thst i wat not now and never dad been begging him to marry spd tec him back his hog now yon tee i am comrnandecin chief of all those utile tots instead of being lira col onel wiltshire andtieoionci is he married where docs he lire what fcort of gentleman is he hiss georgyi questions were pat calmly she had much self control she added nothing to the knowledge of her friend as to the colonel and herself hat lected in every way fitting nice tidy-look- ing and respectabie fairly well educated p miil ecit ds c lfiuer wtiitea i lave a good stock of trunks valises i will sell cheap also remember this is for cash only w williams mill 8treet acton hinnfactnrt 3 pcie as iertcced desires lolniorm tlic public 9 s that be hat now on hand and will keep n ika fell lice of tine and searftsck acwellas haerkisds or larcber also first aad seeondi tpiaeshiafref llh goal wood oipnrcbiscdtuecosibasineji p mrc s5oiitorsaprepired losoppjj- til kiodi ol wo c04j i litre ilto 1 good ftoek of wood hirftoodv mm wood acreasoa- 01 prices wood sod coil dellrertd ames shows abtific sttflll iwsp weavpfg 3cij t jcrfcchell desires to inform the people b acton and tarroandings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and ures goods ttrinedor pjaid twillor plain also bed blankets and unrsebianketstwo yitds wide and over j and i will guarantee that i willgivegood atiafactiod to ail farm ens and others who will favor me witii their jpafrocage t wtcbell mutual fire ihsurange company or thb- ootott 07 vsllxgt0 arriblisnxd 1840 r y head office cuelph l miiresjiqljdiohuorisnojsliiiofjcioriei jndsil other uteriptioos at propertr on too roaltudkotostbtmn w styie onabdayidson presidtdt iscwtaxy johjj tayijob aent the actok- free press t the leapisg- t local newspaber of ifahon county is lnblihcd every thjirsday moruinb at acton buhtcrliition price only try it for three jpwfjzioenu ont- 1100 to advance at the parish school but who knew no mere of the dasea to be done than of sociology or the points of agnosticism jlissgeorsry at oqce sawthe weakness of the class seek ing employment and began to teach the yoaog girls oa the one dsyof the week when they were free the rudimentary details of tidying rooms dusting ornaments andmak- infi bid she was soon appreciated as a teacher and a friend her correspondence grew efceaaid the had an amateur begis- tryofsce for female servants for in the old world they douotihrinkfromthuiword so the girls and their fatherx and mothers who all loved aud revered her called her hiss georgy j educated attractive and bright- minded slits georgy ecnld not long go wtthoat ad mirers her parent playfully said that the never would marry as jongaa there waa a girl in the cdynty enable to manipulate pillows and took a breakfast bet they did oot disco crae the attentions of sir char ley hadchfe whose father was a magis trate of the bounty with good means and who had fjjkctauoas besides from two wealthy a ants yocng kr eadcjiffo was accomplished in a way he could give an irish comic toog with tome spirit and was j generally applauded when he rendered j with an appropiale look and tigh och widow icachrec its na wonder ye frown why ye rain ycr looks with that dirty black eotu he was agoodhorsemanandthecocnty hunt wta eminently respectable pleasure which he enjoyed indeed it was only the coanty people who coald gel into it lifter long attention to ilias georgy without awakening any enthusiasm he obtained her contents it was toon given oot and ducossvedvand the poor people with the intttnot oten keener than social wisdom said he was a lucky fellow to get tech a wife but none went into raptures over her choice k6 time fas fired for theweddinghotit vty understood to be in ika near fature carefulh and of which a paragraph will give the burden i was carefully considering the offer yob made me when i farmed the acquain tance of a lady of refinement and worth throng the benevolent work the is doinjr in consequence of tome things which with out any resentment the mentioned casnal- ly to me not knowing that t was known to yoa i have dicidedto continue as i am i can only express the hope that you will find tome one else congenial and able to make yoa happy the colonel was made a sadder bat alto a wiser man for he renewed his suit to the clergymans daughter and with gaccess if r charles radciffe it the comic singer of a thirdrate troupe anderanothernarae bat often nntu for dnty and slits georgy is an old maid bright happy and useful bowsek at holse clean1xg fancy goods ix great variety i dlslro to inform iny numerous customers that i have purchased a fine variety of goods for thexmaa trade compnsinra splendid lot of toilet articles in hilr tootii and nail brushes the finest perfumes in the market i have also the finest ttock tu ladies- satchels ever shown in acton xiuaa- presents i have a beautiful selection of albujns booklets c t also kaep all the authohied school boojal and school supplies symn books pent pencils slates ink etc keep fc large selection of spectacles to suit all tights jive us a call before paxcuaafng dont for- gat the place tittospabi h 1 charleys sudden departure for the obntin ent and the report that the engagement waa off so one citechiikd sliss gearp abont it she was not one to be drawn oat for the person of tocial cosaip and her family referred ingoirera to herself for in formation i the facts were however known to her parents and 0 a group of servants who let them go with such em bell ithment a tu their j liking for ifiss georgy tuggested divested of these editions it came to this that the gtotemanwiljdjria evening 10 obviously tfpty thatlthti clcfeed the interview begging him to com next morning whstpastcdat that meeting was not given ohtifcdt hcieft the country for a years travel miss gadrgy certainly showed that the had endured a itrain of no common kind the bloom passed from her cheek and a certain gravity of manner marked her at times which grateful old mothers noticed and sighed as they thonght and ipoke of the blessing she had been to their children but the did not quit her occupations in stead a mothers afternoon waa added to ber engagements in which she talked to them of homelife of hospitality without the glass of punch of the right influence over the boys in other practical matters ocw- then ian she wonderful hiss georgy why tm talks then as if the was a grandmother and i know her mod birth day isnt past yet she is like an ogelis miss georgy bomra mcmmob told sirs macready as they were going home from the mothers afternoon years passed over other marriages leu used ttie family and hiss georgy j herself again brightened every inch event with ial nd nrajijeaiwaya no imjwy ffctvpii ol mr ft there anything the matter with you asked sir eowser the other evening as he suddenly looked up ko certainly not- do i look bad v your looks ara all right but you seem nervous and uneasy i didnt know but your corns bad come back i 1- voa yoa what was wandering if yoa were going to york state tosee your mother this priug and suppose i go then i thall dean hoate h it now two years yon know tinea we had a car pet up and if dont go i wis tilent look here sirs bowsertaid my liege lord in a sharp voice you cant lay this on tome yoa want to pretend thatif i sin home through house cleaning ill prance arotjnd and raise the old harry and yoa want to get me into the papers at raisings great fuss but wout yoai wont i dont i know that house- cleaning should come once a year dont i likoit did my mother- ever clean house without me and may i go ahead and will yoa help mike thii home look liok before tomorrow noon tnd before night well be all through with boaucleatiing not qaitc ti 1000 as that wont wet bee if we dont this tak ing a week or ten days lodoalitllecleaiing fa played out i dont propose vdillydally over tbii job that night when ha went to bed be groan ed and iighed in hit sleep he mattered and scolded ard about midnight he woke ma up by laytmj yoa bet i will ill finish the whole thing by ooon sir bowter acted sore and atiff next morning bat after breakfast ha pat on an old suit oi clothes and began work we decided to clean the parlor firit sod he moved oat all the furniture with a whew in his whew he tore down lh poles at tba bay window ripped one 0 the curtain 1 two feet or more upset a chilr and broke the back and in pathlug the piano out be skin- j ned all his knuckles and broke hit suspend ers at one and the lame time he jomped three feet high in hie indignation and as be came down he turned on me with where it the ax or a sledge hammer or j maul or something to knock thit infer- nal piano to pieces i mr bowter i tuggested that yoa get a man to help yoa oh yoa did why didnt yoa saggeit that set the house on fire and do the clean ing that way look at that hand and heres these inipeooers gone i i mollified him after awhile and he final ly expresied his willingness to take bold again i snppose the carpets will go to the beaters 1 qaeried kot much i he replied i dont pro pose to pay out five or six dollars to hire someone pound this carpet for ten minutes ive beaten more carpets than youve got hairs in your head and 111 show you a job on this he set oat to pull up the tacks but after palling five or tix be broke oat with some thing and grabbed the carpet and heaved away the tacks came dp until he reached a team and then there was a rrrip down tha breadth this was repeated five or six tiniea before he had the carpet up aud then he pulled it in the middle of the floor and tat down on the nindowsill to favor his back its hard work i observed as he pant ed and gasped t i doot tee it he presently replied even if it was weve got xfalf the hoate dose and it it not yet 9 oclock byeandhye be dragged the carpet oot and hung it over the clothesline i had just left him for a minute to see what ailed baby when i heard a furious yell i ran back and mr bowter was prancing around the yard and shaking one hand aloft h had grasped a tack he had only calmed down and seized the carpet again to lift it over the line when be got three or four at ocwjnd for five minutes there was a cir cus the performance might have contin ued to this day had i not succeeded in heading sir bowser of s be came aronnd the circle and warned him that all the neighbors on the other street were at their windows then he sat down on the back steps and seemed to look into the faraway for a long time the red color had worked out of his lospendera into his thirt hiiiotk bad shrunk away onefoarth and in his ex citement his wig had coma off and been trampled under foot- a very impudent boy oo the fence asked him how he liked it as far as he had gone and the driver for a carpetbeatert wagon came along soon after and ealled oat hey old taeksdo yoa want a job i called mr bowser pet names and told him bow much i loved htm and how baby would moarn his loss and be gradually re turned to hit normal conditioa when be did he fonhd that he had lost his four false front teeth and broke the itrap to his vest mrs bowter he finally said as he got a rest for gis aching back on the edge of a step yes dear you know i wtutyoa to go away and im going are yoa never to return never i oh mr bowser i dont mr bowser and deaf me yoa deliberately pat up a villainous job on me yoa kept pecking and coaxing until yon got me into this thing and now yoa mast take the consequences in an boar from this i shall leave yoa bat he didnt he was too stiff and tore to go and bis spinal column has not got back to plump yet the aknwl benjso ouelphondoiiuir investment and 8avlirei wciety the thirteenth annual meeting of the shareholder of thii society wat held at the societys office corner of marketabdwyod ham street gublpb on wedoesday feb ruary 20th 188 the president jd stirton esq in the chair among the sharehold ers present were messrs 3 sl bond a t brewster a barns james cormack j a davidson thomas day george ellioft robert forbes jainis forest h hewitt md william hunter john eap t a keating md j kitching jr j w kil- goar h marton s myers jemciderry 3 mckinnon charles mcmillan a mr fbedran george parkinson howard park- inson william paterson a b petrie xaa phin james p phin john phin william ross g a bomerville m c schofield george shortreed robert bhortreed and joseph smith the secretary mr william ross read the following aziojrx the directors hare mach plcaaur in laying- before the shareholders th thirteenth annoal report of the society together with the flnic- cial statement duly audited there wero received daring the year applica tions amounting to c3341t from which loans to the amount of 315ath were granted and the remainder 01740300 were declined the continued enlargement of tb societys batineu rendered it necessary to increase the capital stock one thousand inaru sojtd wen isautd at a premium of 30 per ent and nadily taken up j the net profits for the year after paying ail eosuof management municipal uxes interest on deposits and debentures etc are t4i059tl inclodiog sli50j7 last year and u393m received from preoilpm on stock this sum has been sppropriatedai follows dividend ko fluu k dividend so i 1i5m 99 carried to reserve fund from premium ion stock- j 5js3m 1 from iiroftu htofl i 2000 00 lialance camod for ward f 1433 k ft059 u the reacrve fun j now amounts to 61000 00 or 15 per cent of the amount paid on capital stock during the year javmenti on loans have been satisfactorily made no losses hove been sus- tsiined and tht society has no propertr on hand it is wfth regret that we inform you that our very efficient iiiaaagtr mr georcc a boaiertill has tevered his connection with tba company and will remove another city to occupy a similar pociliou tlic board has appolntal tn hi placo iir uilfiain boss who is well known to many ot the directors and shareholders and who we feel coonaent will dlachaixe the emtio of the office satisfactorily the officer of the society continue to dis charge their duties to the satisfaction of the board as uxusl the books and accounts have been carefully examined and audited every month and the auditors roport is presented herewith all of which is respectfully sobmtced d snittov president fixascul statement for the year eiciing 31st docomber 19 dh dividend no u dividend so 15 interest on deposits interest on debentures valuators fees and commissions municipal tmes v cost ol management carrcd w reserve fund from premium on stock 5223 m carried to reserve faad from profits htqg 40 balance carried forward- lxd 01 41u43 33 11j92 111301 31 3i4uu uo h i su6i 5tjs 8t balance brought farwird interest on investments w7 j37 u lso 5t 79s36q1 1- wwt1 5833 h tw m isaxts isd lunaitiis the asset are as touowi qaah value of mortgages and other securities ll cash in ontario bank the liabilities arc as follows savings bank deposits interest on savings hank deposits debentures interest on debentures offlib shareholder has been secnjsd to fulfil thndpties of msnsgen aud srbjo o cel coneienl will discharge the duts of hit position aatiifactorly he moved sec onded by the vicepresident that the yeport be adopied mr dec elliott referred to the gencrfj ptosperfty of the society and o6nrairjtati ed the ibareholden on the high position which ilbad attained aqj said tht in looking aver the report h tboogbttt so satisfactory that it really required no dis cussion and considering its excellence it was bo fair to the director thai the thtrehcwenihoildtxpresstheirverybearty appreciation of their services messfi 3 m bond s myers and others concurred in the remarks made tty georro elliott after which tbercportku unanimously adopted the asual votes of thanks and motion to fix the compensation of the aoditorjwere adopted it waa moved by mr s myers and seconded by dr a mcpbedranai a rota of thanks be tendered mr g a somerville for his fain able services in oonnection with the society and after remarks of a cod gratutofy character the motion wu nnani- mously carried pvo scrotineert messrs geoxqiott and james oormack reported the retiring directors reelected as follows ueaara d stirton j a b petrie robt meivin bob eorbes t a keating m d jjames p phin john phin cbos m cmillari h howitij m d j e mcelderry and james luoes m p at a subsequent meeting ol ihe board mr d i surtou waa reelected pjesidedt and mr a b vetrie ticeprendjent in tpz rabmsrs dauqbter irx nu ii a kinbra who fa this with her pretty face and silken enrlj- hair half child half wbinaruuil of joy j without a seeming eaie t 5ho is my friend tob oitbiedlotlf a farmers danhtef faijt ler small broan bsctfearo snapey ones trim arc her little left that trip adown the ujcadow path or throagh te villaflo street aui when she sings atiuocu or eve iler long it vry swoit- she scctmt ko c a tender ljant cirouliardyiothetun her ueinaut graces comlug tu so ldltly ouo by oac the bile lier eyes still like a childs are tirinimlet oer wid fun what wold the old gray lanuhouso be witioqtthlsdangbter deai her intrvy sbnt htrr losing heart her happy words of cheer tht rpsebud in her mral liouio kxiiandingovervyear luch are yoq little conatry lass in nfore than yellow gold v your oithcrk acres ipranl abreed bat yonn u wealth uctold lleanty and natures grace scarce found in criiee newor old year 11 ue oycti scan tho inouiitaialep andtako in valleys rare v youliinevof lose your swoel grand thoughts la alter years oi care hcarcsi bless yon iu your happy home oh tarinpyi daughter fair v 3d 6650tb6q2 suxiiosjsacu si916 k the surplus assets are composed of fixed and permanent stock subscrib ed ftfo000 on which has been paid n36tt0ot dividend parable sod january 1s8 uw b9 lleaerved fond slst docetnber ibfj auu0 w added from premium on itock 5s33w addsd from urvfiu wj06 i6 j300 00 balance at credit of profit and loss account s0ueth1xg for gihls tifriff pna new charles carfoki aud a of course yoa can go ahead and ino happent jjitt now that ive four cr five dayt to spare ill bsgiu right off now you ore to good sir bowser that i matt kist yoa there take that oh pshaw im tood of course bat no better than u husband ought la be ill gdt the 1 lep- ladder and begin by takiug the picture down i suppose yon coald get a colored man to do the climbing and lifting yes but i wont i want no tlranger rambling through our houteand picking up things he got the ladder and begun work and from the way he whistled i think he on- joyed it for aboat half an hour in that lime he took down a dozen pot ores and j carried em up two flights of stairs to the i storeroom hot at i wect up wjth the duster j he said why didnt i thick to pot an elevator into the house and the man who made this stepladder ought to be phot i be lieve ive climbed a mile or more what yoa cot there the daster what for to dutt the pictures with hm well hand it here ha came down twenty minutes later his collar all limp his hair damp abd bit face covered vith dost and as be sank into acbsrir with a groan i said i thought it would be too much for yom ob you did well i want you to tin- derstana that it is simply fan forme ill girls learn to cook or to superintend a cook if yoa expect lobe htpny to a girl wbo is quite willing to subsist on bread and butter spongecake chocolate cream and candied cherries with a tew pieties thrown in this may seem all nonsense bat o married the awful truth will be impressed upon yoa all too late to have a kind hus band a cheerful husband a ceuorousjend a tncoessful hnsbaodiyou tnutt feed him in inch a way that he cannot become dyspep tic and one heavy dumpling may make him dyspeptic for life tough steak and underdone veal pud dings hard as briokbatf ire the oaase of many a mans failure cold soup or meats frizzling in fat potatoes with bard hearts or waterioakedhave canted divorces ere now i dont think yoa ever knew a wo man who was tare of her meals whether she kept a tnrvant or not and felt sympa thy for a hungry man to that he never had to wait for his dinner who lived on- pleasaatly with her hatband and yon never knew a forlorn woman who was help less without cook chambermaid and wait ress who had what jou might call a happy life i am far from believing that the kitchen is womans sphere but except in the case of very wealthy people it must be part of a wifes daily task to see that all goes wall there it ought to be possible in these practical ard enlightened days for any girl of education wbo is old enough to be mar ried to cook a meal better than any ear vast in the long row sitting on the benches of an intelligence office and to tell her ser vants certain things that a woman who cannot read can only learn by years of ex perience to be able to say to a servant when a sudden fit of temper cxnsea ber to threaten to leave very well go the dinner todajr will be ao mooh the better for i shall cook it is the sort of thing that makes a lady mistiest in her own bonae in fact if yoa want to be healthy wealthy and wis ii you want to reanain pretty and oontinne to be happy learn to cook before yon marry anybody but a mil lionaire 13230 ih3a916 06 olo a soufaviile secretary vy hare audited tht books and reuebert oi the tiuelph a- oatario investment add savings society monthly daring lffi and found them correct we hare also examined the mortgages and calculated tha value and aandnn of each one separately proved the bank balances and certify that the foregoing balance sheet it a cor rect statement of the companys affairs to silt december lsfis aj blurwtttb 1 guelphssjth january 1s the president in moving the adoption of the report said be was mach pleased to see so large and influential a representation of the shareholders psesent it was a source of great satisfaction to himself and the board to and those interested in its welfare present at the annual meeting the report jost read was one of the best ever presented to the shareholders the past history of the company had been one of a ooutinaoosiy progressive character yet when we take into oonsiderationthe changed circumstances in regard to the money loaning business of oar coanrry we mast come to tho conclnsion that tho state ment submitted it exceptionally good the largo amount of foreign capital brought into the country for investment has reduced the iiitsrest to a low standard and made it much m cufficalt than for merly for institutions like oar own to be successfully operated yot by exercising particular care in tho selection of our loans doing a large portion of our business direct ly with the borrower and making safety the first consideration in all oar dealing we have thus avoided losses done our busi ness at the lowest possible cost and are enabled to present this plain and satisfac tory report the largo increase in the aiuoant invest ed by depositors in the savings bank and debentures gives unmistakable evidence of the high standing and stability of bar com pany and as this branch of oar business is one of paramount importauce it is pleas- ing to see the success attending its opera tions the undoubted security offered can not bo excelled by ahyothcr monied insti tution in oar country there is still a balance of- stock amount ing to 50000 unissued which the board may find necessary to deal with daring the current year 1 as they would see from the financial statement the reserve fond now amounted to 131000 00 35 par cent of the aid up capital giving the moat substantial evi dence of the increasinggrowth and pros perity of the society- r our late manager mr geo a feorner- ville had seen proper to sever his conneo- tion with this company and assume aiciitar duties with a larger company in a neigh boring city this step waa very moon re gretted by the board and i haveliudonbt by the stockholders aijd customers of the company bat as the change wae altogether of mr somerriues own mailng we had toqnieuysnbnutandwiah him as t am cure we all do- every socceee lnhia new situation the services of mr w rbei who is welvand favorably known to inany i this a5dthat those wh3 have made study of the m alien ukinga snrvey of the whole area ofproustaiit and evangelical christendom and the averageaccessions by conversion for tbebalfcentqry past telle or hat the increase is aboat seven converts j early toi every handled church- members if foe every redeemed soot saved by our personai efforts there is added a star to tt e crown of glory how many saints will w ar star ircrcjwns itll tiid a man recently arose n oueol mr moodys meetings and gave bi 1 experij encetlmsthave been for five- rears ouj the mbuut of transfiguration how many iools did yoa lead to curit dusidfij the yeir was the aharp quest lohtbal camie bmm mr moody in an instant wellj i dont know was the a tonjabso reply i have yon saved anyf xrauted mr moody i dont know thtt ihaw an swelled the man 1etl we d nt srant that kind of monntaintop tf 3etienoe when a man gets so high tbit be cani stoop down and save poor sinne rt there is something wrong the politicians who readhtjd evert voter during tbe late preaedexjtim oampj aigo taagbf the church a goodvk sen r ks to rfieihods certainly bat a to aeej a energy inworking how many so ikk ought a million of live christiana ton tcx t year live christiana i where xalhey one of the good resells of jratti igafloot book into a family is thai it will m like to create a demand for anothe of r quality the appetite lor good readir like the pleasure of it never sathv h religion that dots not make a 1 tan mant ry u notgenuloe lis some one sointedlt says when paul said qui ye meiiho is not thinking of those bristian who are rocked in tlie cradle of a wqsarva live church by tho slippered foot oia jolt- spcaklng rnimster to al delicate iittiee but ol a stalwart soldier with hi face aa broniei as iris heltnet and readj for the fray- juhu wauuamaker sayc i a vertise to r very issue except sunday of e sry daily ncwspater iu philadelphia be phil adelpbia ltjrr issues uo sand iy paper and jet jchn waniiamaker- at d georjie w ohildtaeera to prospei wc nderiouy moral qbservanco of gods law is not gale road to starvation i nesr yesirvgay comes aroui d oftensr than many persons snpposei e ery nigbt dose an old year every mort ing anef a new year every night is msc4 timito finish up old ways of evil doior nd spesbk ing and thinking every mqroii gis a good time to take a new start in the t ght direc tion- the best timutu all tin year for purposing welfaml doing well is just now it is worse thau madness to cough or a cold which is easily 1 abdoed iif taken in time becomes when le t to itself the forerunner of coirsamptlon 1 nd prema ture death inflammation whe it attacks the delicate tissue of the longs a id teonch- ial tubes travels with rfeus rapidity then do notdelay get a bottle if bicklej antlcoatamptive stnp the that grasps ihit formidable fw of1 hnman bodj and drive it troi 1 the ajii tertti tiinimicmvpjomoleafr naiideaa expectoration subdues the cougl heals t diseased parts and exerts mo t wow ful injloenoein odhnit oouoin rtiosv other dtaeaabs ol the throat pnd lungs rjartnu wishto jan the live of th ciiran anthemselttes from 1 inch i sty bjejand expense lefcthi m p- a bo bickle antlo mb byrop aridjwbenevetachihaj tttipd hsjacouglj w hoarseness kn tha t i i j- neglect i- 1ii- w ui isp