x 53jt ixi oft jfrtt fss tuxusday march u is39 tlie jloung yolhs the as pit ixx io ucicl luua animate tdioccolusuciruelcit isduelaiic iitid cf cuhftut rutted with talinvcw m twisted pp and iukcs- with reptile lrus and ftle j acd imitcvcd upon 1iric nature iu uiiosis i cjwiyt itc4i i tuic ido banknote case kor lsrrfocanl rouuu staco j i yiuliw circuit prcaclur illi ftmilr of audalotrli ltinmcru plaque audx filfccniliroieri tcquf vcr htr cuuty vbo uts qtittlia ctar lb- rtort ktnta line i i r scjr tic hul4id of uiis ntlcl l vrtrl lttc to tell it j vuca isiioi by inus cf luuxr nald u sarcutic jrot hit- p nature celled foe be and fisc id thed jutt as lief lc kil abutii sea ctsaibal lt jtrrvj ler tcnfcseiv i hopurrjiilofny tcfl wlea be csuc cac diy fnoii tcl iforihoiusecrdidirncjkflriuisisa the kit chen cre tie loan i putuidirilhfnulc strdaulc- tcccmmri tdifht toiic if fbcdtcrrkiriorpitdfckacduo on xic vart world jingles and jokeets luir rtt itonr willi the ww men tlir wki uti the itnikwplu of llic vy worm c4u6c tevcrithnct raoa ling ml rwuewuce dariur sleep molhci graves worm ktlcrtniaitocis pleunt mrc and dfcctait ie year drujcit has none in dock rcl bitnlo icocarc it foe yo i tuc heathen clriace uai ill chriitfiu people sre fis oat thit the only reliable is the cream titur biking powder mi w gillelt toronto mikcr of tin famous royal vcixt cakes finding imperial dc fcy e sliioh cure will immediately relieve croapwhaopiag cocfh end boncuitit for die by k sicgirvio james h gilraosrof t gim4ar fc co wholesale grocers brookvillc says e hive ated timtnc elirir for i e vexe cold ind canh which it immtdutej relieved tnd- cared vahiscukc u i wis troubled with liver com c good many years hat kv carol by one bottle o burdock blood bitters neverfannd iny medicine to helj mc like b b b in ftct one battle mia i com pete csre- v j west ptrkhi i onl iticii stores foa fiel it his been demonstrjted hi xic villey thit pcth e tones wiirruifce ts cood t 6re icz hochom purposes as the best kind of coil i2 thscurket the frcitjirawert in etcid cf is heretofore throwing the pit iwix dipae of the stocs at the present lime at the rate of 6 i tea i i saefc of ftoaes will weijjh about eifility pcrcndi and wiulist as long is an equal iniimber of poinds ofcoaj tnd cive crealec icteniiiy olhcax t rntcy a the orefcarcj in tie valley tnayibe teen creat stacks of peach and arrirorfe tones which will trentciuy tzs their vayto saa francieco tnd other places to be said or ecel the apricot sioze does not fcirn as readily u the peach and will co comnand as cood a price the fmitraiscrs willaadanbtdiybe pleas ed to learn that they now have another eqnrce ol revenne open to them a large cumber of peaches era dried daring the season for shipsient as soon as the own era ud that they hare a market for the etcses a greater nnmbe of poncia will be dricsi ire you made miserable by v tonstipation dtciiuess loss of yellow akin shilohs viulircr is ecre- for sslc by k hcctrvin the pablic should bear in ciin that dr thomas eclectnc oil his nothk moa with the impnre detcriurating class of socalled medicinal oils it is i minently pure and really efficacious reliesinc pain and lameness stiffness of the huscles and eores ar burts beiiies being en excellent specific for rheiraatiina and bronchial complaints ilaiut for i have digestion appetite l positive as a ptcklfeup after cicesine election oc exposure ilitblms beef fron and wine is grateful and comforting ldectdctloooh to be enable to satisfy faangt without bciag istressed by heartburn ir digestion sick stomach dizziness or faintm a seems a dreadfal doom all who suffer find prompt relief and permanent core in a riuke kimstees opivwn this word hut i mtilnow all the i have seen much o teverjenew how to live comfort i have and wht is more then the whole j world can give is feeling the good pirit in myheart and needing in this good bock the bible voa eae now in the prime of yonr i and vigor ind in great favor anibusicfss bet all ttis may leave you and yen may one day better acderfitard mi relish whit i say td yon end then yoa will nd that there is more wisdom truth comfortandpleasureinretiricgendreirn- ingyonrheertirom the world to the good spirit of god end iq reeding the bible ihaa iu all the canrts lii the favors of princes an zkitana ckakilbr of caasompiiaa ccrcd- an old phyncian retired from practice tiring had placed in hit hands by an east indie missionary the f oracle of simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- m cure of g3nsnmption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lcng a ffa also e positive and radical cure for kervoai defcdity aca ell xervoss com plaints aftr havicg tested its wodlerfnl curative powers in thousands cf cases his felt it his duty to maka it known to his sneering feliowa actuates by tnis motive and a desire to relieve jint suffering i will send free of charge ito all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng- ish with fell directpnsfor preparing and ciicg sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper rt a kerns h9 powers block bochesser k y the third page of toe toronto ztetfy kail is noted for want advertisement if you want to bay or sell anything uyoa want e sitnatioaa meenic a hoslness cachincr- lodging if yon have lost or found anithinsor if yoa went to nd out where enyocis advertise iu the toronto dei uavzai read theiedcrtisements on the third wge of jthat paper the charge i two centraword eaaa insertion ad- dress the meiitcros canada partfrtav cp in lfce year ls3jji coaghed for el monthr and having nnpccessfolly tried njany remedies i pinly gave op thinking ihai consumption at last i tried hag- yrds pectoret baked less then one bottle of which cured me leaving me es well es ever i w henry w cuci wabash ont l a ntil iujetor free wth each hotte fo suiilohsceterrh lieciedy pricevoconte for sale by x ilcgarvm burdock blood bitters b b b cures dyspepsia in any form thus will positively shilohs ceterth remedy a pokitive cure for ceterrh diphtheria end cantor- ho nth fcr sale by k garvin hr r a harrison chemist and drngg ist dcnnville ont writes lean with confidence recommend korthrop i lymans vegetable discovers and dyspeotic core for dyspepsia impure bld pimples on the face biliousness and constipation such cases having cqme ender my personal observation hectmeleck a lasting and fragrant petfnme price 25 and 50 cents for sale bvi ifcgarvin bad blond ceues fevepepsii and dyspep- tie reacts by causing bad blood so both go an growing worse until the whole system is poisoned the surest means of relief for the victim iz a thoroagh end persistent course cf ayers sersaperilla some symptonsaf worms ere fever colic variable appetite restlessness weak- ness and convulsions the unfailing remedy is dr lows- worm syrcp will yoa suffer with djspepsia and liver complaint shilohs vitalixeris guaran teed to cure yoa for sale by x ifcgar vin jl aittt vilt iiray if there was only one bottle of hag yards yellow oil in ifanitohi i would give one hundred dollars for it writes philip h brant of honteith hanitohe after having used it fore severe wound and for frozen fingers with es he eiys aston ishing good resnlts u ypu went to bay or sell e farm ad- ertise in the toronto wflbhuair that paper reaches icocoo farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wicts to pur- chese advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto kvrhy hall for five cenue word each insertion or twenty cents word for the insertions address the hail toronto canada an inactive or torpid liver mustbe aroused end ell bed bile removed bur dock pills ere best for old or young hwitara cctc ina ix yoa are languid and appetite poor my beef lron end wine is the tonic be tare as an invigorating tonic it is rocjgnized by the medics proescion as the best elrejgthenirjg ntdjine thus far produced it is invilueble ts a hiloodandmnscle mtter eiccielly iu those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or in- food of fresting fevers or ercegof any sort ft contains the nutriment cf beef tcecthnalent properties of wine end the toyic powers of iron and is admirably cal culate to build uji tlfcr eiceciated srtttm and wine weak and your that htckiog cough can be eo qqickly cured by shilohs cure wevmarantee it for eale by s sicgarvin co at mo a craap is often fatal when not remedied in time leslie b nicholson 19 wellesjey ave torontosays ase qaiik cure for croup coldf sere thrt chilcreins etc i cen recommend hegraras yellow oil it is a sure cure directions accompany each bottle for kettle eeeh summer heat end gen eral toilet purposes use lows sulphur soap f ask for ayers farsalvirllii mil k mii vku gvt it when jou ant hcui lihlpuriflr j with t furiy ycita vtpf luulllllplttl mjc- jt lit lltt euro of 1hk1 iinasti yoa tan make no uik- tiikc in prvfcrritig aycr sarsaparilla tu uiy oilier tlio ftinmiiuit of nl- tklllllkklllkhlirllus aver karmiiarilla is ktlll the most pop ular ikiujj iu great er demand than ell tuhors txitu til tied vvcrl sirijviri1ui is idling frvter tliiin evtt iff ore i never inaltetc to rvcimunriiit it gnirgc w wjiltmuii iliuggist albany iml i nin saff in tayinc llmt my kiics of avcrs sevwtitarilla far excel ile of rnv tithcr una it gives thorough mtifui- lloii- i- h hutii vv mtlius iowa avcis sarsaiiarilla and ayers tills ctc the lt klliug medkliua in my store i can rxmnihiul them roiim-ieii- titiitslv uiekliaus iharuiatlst ilusetimd 111 we liivf nm ayers parsaparilla iktc for over thirty yenrs ami always recommeud it whenfiikeil tit name tliu ut mlniirifiir w t melxan drupgit augusta ohio i have ftild your iiiiditiiks fur the lajj seventeen en md nluivs kirp hit hi in klixk as they are ktines there is iioihim mi uuhi fur the enth fnl lilfkul ns avri piisaparilla it l ivikvr fox ike wis ayers sirsiiirilla gives the best tjttithutum f any inedieiin- i liave in t10ck i reeurnlimiiii it nr us the dvktors miy 1 lifiseribe it nver the counter it nevi faiu in meet tle fises fur whifh i ircoinineliil it ii wiktc the diktor iiremtipliiiiik hne utn m m nvnilc f- faunitii moimntith kativ ayers sarsaparilla dr washington throat and lang surgooa of toronto will bo it iho- dominion hotel actok monday ith march rnnratind cv or j c ayer k col lowri price tli ait boitlc mass wcnh ictile a few of the hanarecu care4 by dr wish- lnjtoni kav method of inhalation w it storey of store v a boa prominent glove manufacturers of actaa ont currf by dr wuhtcpoa cf ceterrhof tbouro bad form end itaaoccmdtccunblfl tiy cajtieat pclal- uutn casxde tad kcsliad write him fcr reruclart- chronlo bronchitis and asthma cured aaecfiltili church clcrpyciin iiktjli lictorv cornwall oat dr watbicstoa dctnslit i tui gli4 to be ahic o inforui you that our dechteri qcit well sriin ae this u the icoad tjiiio the lat lta curtsi of ctive bronchial troahlcs uijer your trottiaent wbealbe cual rcuiedicfi faiiei i trrito to ct- prws ciyfrttituae ileasc accvjit my fiuccrc theiikc yours trulv c llilttit lfrejofcu jfckclvy kiiou out crtarrli and coaianinllca lfr a hon- kiuttauont hroncho c-oa- lucpttca mr e bctt kiigt3a oat cattrrh head aad throat ltrt john bertram ii arrows mi th oat near kieistca catarrh throat ifitfi utrjr a kouj beers ctatnville out caterrh haii ead throat jtcae uatthevc post uasttr acloa ort a e fiab geuls furulsliitip llellfville catarrh throat mia bessie ii bedloe of burliogton vt hid a disease of the scalp which cansed her hair to become very harsh and dry and to fell so freely she scercdf dared comb it ayers heir vigor gave her a healthy scelp and mxde the hair beautifully thick and glossy uliltu fvulvci fast i was swollen from heed to foot from dropsy of sit months standing end my health was failing fast bat after taking one bottle ctburdcck blood bitters i am quite well and think there is no medicine equal to b b b end to it i remain a true friend joseph heric linwood out came and cffecf many persons wonder at the tired wbr end wcery feeiingthai oppresses them with- oat any apparent cacse it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either caie the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regalar functions and with many persons they will follow a dull heavy heedeche nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using heecheqjs mandrake slixture prepared by j b iceecham is3 yonge street a chemist of nineteen years eiperience j a short road to health was opened to those saffering from chronk coughs esth me bronchitis catarrh lumbago turnort rheumatism eioorieted nipples or inflamed breast an kidney complaints by the in trodection of the iceipensive and effective remedy dr thomas eclectric oil theeev geo h thayer of bourbon ind say both myeelf and wife owe oar lives to shilohe consumptoncare for tale by h ilcgarnn there is a kide dinerencebetaeey medi- cines which affec merely the symptoms of disease end those which effect its caused the cret are tfeeful palliatives the secodd is of genuine escacy produce a radical ecre to the latter ciies belongs korthrop t lymans egjblo discovery end dys peptic cure tljrojgbneu of operation is its special attribute in eh pases of billious- neee cwtiveaesc in iisestoa kidney com plain 1e tnd fcmaie wesjcaess canede is being congretulatecl everywhere on the excellence of her manufactures in the various branches art stained glass is prominently in the froatraik of ber im provements thinks to ilccicsland itsoa f toronto who for 10 jears hive laboured not only toaccumuule money hut to make stained end ornaraeuul glisa of all kinds a crtdit to tlie dominion aiuteto mothkhs are you disturbed at night and broken of jour rent by a sick child enfferinc ami crying with pern of cut ting teeth if fo send at once end get e bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething lis valoe is meal calable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it it cures dyeentrr end diarrhae regulates the etomech end bowels cures wind colic softeds the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste end is the prescription of one of the oldest end best female physicians end nsrsesin the united stites end is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents e bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslows soothing symp and take no other kind e cut and c jin fort co fhc sctffvrffl- aid le brcwut koiicholfj macca lias do juil for reiieviun win both inleicaland ittruah it curtt iuiii inkht- side bjefc ur bowel- sfirettrnal uicumstietn tvothache iymb2jauj any kiod of t itiu or ache it wjli inoiuarelyuick ec thblotjauil ffee it t acting power is wcraderfu browaffhooieholdpan- aoea being acknowledge d as the greet pain reliever nid of doctiletfie itrepgth of any other elixir ir llaimeut ia tlie wdrjd shoald lie in tvry iimilyhaiidyfor oc lten win ted aa it really ii the bent rvnusij iu the world fur crempj u he vkothiid puukuljhemifail k odfaie bvjilljifiigz tfa v vets lttllfr 1 i brilliant i durable i economical diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other are justas good be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crocky colors to be sure of success use only tlie diamond pyes for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons x c v warrant them to color more goods packr age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diamond and take no other a dress dyed for a coat colored iq garments rebewed j cejj a child can use them at drujrfau zd lfaduou je book free wells richardsom c0 montreal p q shilohs yiuilzer is whet you need for constipation loss of appetite dirziness end all symptoms of dypepsix price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by x sicgarvin for dyspepsia end liver complaint yoa have a printed guarantee on every bottle of shilolpb- vitalizes it never failsto cure for ealcby n hcganin wiiy will you cough when shilohs cure will cive immediate relief price 10 cts so cts and 1 for sale by k mcgervin for ifcireback ftde or chest nee shilohs porous pjftstt price cents for sele by x garvin sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough shilohs care is the rem edy for you for sale by n mcgervin catarrh cure health and sweet breei secured by shilohs catarrh remedy price so cents sasel injector free for sele by k mcgervin croup whooping cough eud bronchitis ra mediately relieved by shilohscure for sele by n mcgervin drives drives drives do you want cheap clothing if so call at our store and we will give you the greatest bargains you have ever heard of we have just placed in stock the cheapest lot pf shirts odd pants overalls and working shirts that has ever been brought to the count- splendid good pants only si 25 they are really worth 250 overalls that you cant buy elsewhere for less than 75c for 50c we have a great some of our bargains- x stack of working shirts rang ing from 25c up to 75c that are really the best value ever offered our stock of cotton- ades and suitings are the best value you have ever seen these goods were all bought before the raise therefore we will give the customer the benefit tlralei i r iltr is- ioa k if r slucl r5a tilt h rl05g ijiii going i5ia ind 5 mp n balfsah cieat bargains in hats caps ties handkerchiefs 8ocks 8uspenders 46 kelly bros buttefand eggs wanted kelly bros j -nsniw- importations this e0k -at- the right house hamilton h c stone georgetown ikterioh decora tor house sign and ornamental painting in the latest styles wessons lk oil iaintixu clan wednesday evciiii thursdiv ild saturday aftcmooiiii orders jolt at free iyms oeec acton or td t box ie gtkreetoca rill rewive dressed rrouirrt attention e a stone vhe largest scale works s of in canada over 00 style hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales mprqyeb showcases m0ket drawers meat cftoptiers aks btoke8s s3ppues c wilson son 60 esplanade street east torontcont llaikn ihj fj e- cry i iwna urdock pills ugap cflfep a8urc curc f0btu0usncc3cofttipatiok ikdiccstior dizzirccd sick headache ao oiccascs or tkc stomach livltl and etowclo tkct c kilctkcriouch tio prokft in acnoff arm rcna a viujiclc am to byrccck elooo eittcna tu thc trctcfct atco cur cf ckrokic ad occtitjatc dicacz3 1ball t0r0kt steam uuhdry ioa rorlc st toronto skirts collars no cufp rlltl ww oat of own wor v pec initruciioiii a p searpe proprietor fat door to palmer house hdt to cnfr burdock blood bij oo cxie kabbcr circato or wlerproof slintlef wutifd goodj three we prinu roar cue white shir dc to ertrx heivy grey coo french cuhmere crinoline jem honeycomb ctouanf tcrkh toh j- id orfcrd shirting cottontdes chmbryl ginshm seenncker outer ebutic wmdow shm j to crpe keciicguo crumb cloth id gret bugin in bmel mi tpenry crpeu mrked don ery 1 01 reefc wilkin bu fait miic np hi ule lor lut t kppr to y tht they re urger for 1684 hu eer before fine fuhiooible g001 of the very u uu -zi- 1 it if thik ceiebrtted home it the ry loimt prices possible u he parcbues hu immece locks direct from the miatlutatta in ech oc lhe k mrkei of the world udies can obuin ibwt every irticlc they re liiely tj rejnite it th enomioaj home hi itcck of winter good i fw ofterinr it tn icnmen redoclioo miuy irticle beine reduced to onebilfuir lne see the mnues slutli cloth bunkeu idie gents ilikee md boys underciouiini glove stihinery lobosoinp ind horse blinkeu comforter ctrpeti windoir shie etc iticd ind enter the door eiri of the cirret window miny mite inistijies ind do cot get into the eibt home comer of king treet eut md hoshson street htmilton feb iglh 1689 thzoiidls o watbzxtst 1 but we are still continuing our sale mammolfi house seargetofii wm mcleod co will cure or relieve i biliousness dizziness dropsv flutterms of the heart aadityof the stomach dryness of the skin dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheuh heartburn headache asd ervey species cf d srfsfnjr rrcin dlscrdejvd liver kwkeys stomach bqwels or blood thlbdrkco s5isi trlpfo 808lt tu1 gjleateflt jtoteltt u lanar kuses ettri rr ttr lis tfx ef talj tttri verfte iftd 1 howttoccjisi vra luveilocrf at cf w t or tiui tttt1 tojttei fremcl fnft uijtplrij- jr nrlpw tm ifm wtk itiu ci iittjm i w klmaa 1 aot u ld tomtr is t irr wt t radu hjititj prit tlm vtmx mi tfci pa- vicks florae guidei w tu pfamursmdcmlvmcl amnvi k put mifl tu ntfnl m tlli in flywttjriiu4 i clrt4 xum maul u qlumlm tai tenimfa y mj icpiw ffit uwm u tot a ft f mb tv l- l rm wd v plw tt cumtllcwu isd ntltevrn wlwnifcufmifctiu wmstlb bmdln tlu wnwwhwolrtlltf ut nck lnu ntrlr x t we have unearthed a lot of goods that we are anxious to convert into money that we shall offer at phenominal pri ces which shall command at tention and effect a sale we call special attention to ladies furs gents fur caps goat and fancy robes gents underclothingblankets flannels knitted woollen goods woollen hosiery mens over coats boys overcoats ready made clothing dressgoods silks satinsmillinery mantles also carpets ladies and gents footwear and over shoes the public can rely upon finding special drives in the above goods well worthy of their attention we beg to re mind the public that cottons silk goods and woollens have all gone up in price very much especially cottons and silks that we have laid in a large stock of cottons and silks at the old prices and are prepared to sell them at the extraordinary low prices we have heretofore sold them at and now is the time to pur chase cottonades check shirt ings factory cottons white cottons prints ginghams and all kind of cotton goods good factory cotton for 3c per yd white cotton 5c per yd check shirtings 6c per yd prints fast colors and heavy for 6c worth 10c cottonades from 12 jc up a magnificent cottonades for 25c worth 35c we call particular attention to our new suitings our tailoring department is be yond all competition in price style fit and workmanship our millinery and mantle departments are a rj turning out artistic designs which meet with the approval of the most fastidious i spring goods arriving daily come and get a large lot of the bargrins the lamplighter a xoveliv utrii k ccsmint the cotjwr- amerfcm story ever pukislied piff 01 v ucele toa cilia ad fcte her kit kntial b of ictce inmr not i 1- tie in tie so of rbctocirij ht i vile b ririd wist tree piotnm ftocevervus ue saeb 1 ire irertir ofibe iftcn cc cltivtcd retden u ttatrtieuve lod elevilj is u is borijie5 rriio 1 150 eecektiit 3 reduced to 50cts mi the cct uijilon is tesllv letter thsj the oij leije ii mo urce louj rnsucr tyre ro ie tirdsonie cloth bieiire pice so cet rosfe 12 cent bj cujosne ot ebalee books lice johx fl aldek pnlilisler kew tort 393 pearl street philadelphia 13 south 9th street chicago 218 clark street atlanta 6 waltehall street san francdaoo841 market sgeet toronto 30 adelaide street baat 2 wui be ensiitod tord ttc slve pri h rod l cot oat snd rettml uui ugrils ldvsrtiseel titiyocr order totaieaivtd by aeh ori io llui to cre yoor nffiedite uwctio sd idejly it pcbliatioo in the fb13 pncss acton ont r enel80ii merchant tailor cuelph esteois to his emv ptrens in acton sd victrily the compliments of the season i m stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs xj foe the holiday trade is ccst crlctc the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the city i are you married ok about to be speight son acton j a speight manager cm supilv joa ilh til the fctsiure required lotcniish vosrnct ud ccsy little hciue or torereisb ycer toce il i sctdod ce in tzj tiyie it xhe tt lovcit prices there is no niclc o furniture we caznat sujily mdfcrjier e deliver oirfunliiurciai yoahirt b0trrtrfriirti4rgiiin corjiclbuiffa wectaiuitili l usdertakeng our tllrtysve ycu ctirienc2tli liius hi rlti iu cocviiicicr the ycblic ol this entire cczcjucity lit ireiursy fntixctfc iu til crdcrt miiu itjles j rhidi ccmiitre with ue cf the city tt cue hill city privet i our hearse j utu csccllcat ojeta4ourlfi4nitljrtis uncock uc lte fbi- tree in inviting ihe rcuic to call en us fcr tnyibins rq sired in cur lines i speight son j t of 1 1 i 1 sf v rjccci5jj coksdkpt10r coughs liiubs asthma croup all dsiuti cr tkltkvst cjiisaii it it rjltiteii nea l coksttkpno has bies item fiiiltitrfsrjrt m let- ittjjtbtipjjte 1 is il cipcctcramt it his 9tiut it contains co oplum lsanyfora rtur c is t ttzyknrt- rivs t iatt2sss oicitsd gturrat and mostieal- rf girjuitl jtrxf this frs tyddniupt v ix yrl unix lyiwtlrt tvzxi sch k sr rtr irvr ii gha cziiurz sh czxp lu ir r- iv cc ttukl ezar f iirrt vfe ci riisli- urj ard yri ir r- l ctiskd croll dyspepsia or iguigerlion bhibrii affections et eifqiii acidity of tha btomax hbetimfirna loss cl xrfro gravel kerrgny debility- jnaacrroiiin fcjfta price c5 cents per settle itat1s k ilihxz c icii motneal i errors of youth spermozone docscot inierfere witb ietnr usual iccapiudo ni fuijy restores c5 vifr ini iusm jrit minbood sent lo tnt 1ddrc55p3slmji1q receipt cf prico occdiijiitpjrloi joieiieacy schofteld dliuu stoke zl strest to- rente 1 serfnfyaflitie m ci fra if fl rsrtnfcaciat cadi i eriixfci ii iha txtxtin will mad frc refitt fr ttxilj isi wisibif tn lm 1 ram 111 iin fa tti wl si u ok f lul bfcrcjt jsar c kl rs m aa at sltterr rtna lttrtna tci rfcrfa raa sol a idw fer b9x tii m tlhlbiatl udavv k2 ly soo beit mce nee an fn milat a ti- wvl 13 1 a avil rstjeirri pltk jmhucbaiisirns ta hoirti u ei oct xn- ft free tk mi zaazhtat a tit j tj ia taut bof afworti at bra i1 rtrr ija ltiio isttkj tsc ai co omx 74q anrut uijn exhausted vitauty the science of urz ite greal ifcdira wcrk cf the 15c en kinhckpi ker tnd rfcriical diiilitr pre- cire rxclin errcrs ej vcuth iul the ici l- enes c jnsciuentljerccc 300 j pscs s ro ju prcscriri fur til diieaitii call fui p2u cnjr ilqo ijt miij oicd nriut i- nle u j1 reanj mi midd- a un kl1 jzx tte gcliinl juwci ifoli iviji tv tlt lullc br sl2a1 lffjii3 atiiu ajdrcj t lki li ilrui vt vi fi lut kelrtduhc cf liittiri vvia elkt a years pntict in itc v l iy ic ccnatii ticvv iciiv lii cf 1ua 0scesrf brunch t i j for wmmcleod co taimioth house georgetown new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b s ayage guelph i tt clearing sale-t- iboots shoes fjor the next thirty days kexney j1kos i actox f ccitlii how lost how restored just r rrci cc drcuttt wellicelebratcd szy cj i ilial czn exzeii cztxtv iuiiitrn j the cciloiirirr iu liicble essav clcirlv dtirrifrit- riini irtt ycr fuccui inzt hi k qcntjbfcaryirrcrnir tj fr csjnjdn ini c2cua ty iii nvycvrclfv-ctflylv- t cajic i rtciilectur4fluiu yoc th and etlrnaiin the lint feniturtsal a ri i i iddrcsi en recerlcl fr ctt rr tve ws unp- aidr tcvv tr kek trit v0x 1utr0rs c0x lv w r milivcm o ff trusses v 7 i ft- i artificial i ltmbs aliiii ir i riv-il-t- tirj ikj1 hi j i j- wi- kr-li- u-sc-airolet- arc deter nincd tociairoutall uioirtliuerhocu1uosciciii te test tiry dstto ikc room lor tlc lg fcprji stock soon to snivu jit j order to do tlis tlcy win fsvor 11 their ettstctners villi 4 j i cash discount of 10 per cent j osotcrr jo lifts vortliaf koodi iurclnuwwe oariioc arc tjl uiarktsf it ronbiy loprlce and uiif rvdactiau will put the in dorn tj liov fjturv indeed tb sajo will dotclu 30dyt no thit re wtnt u onrcoitomen to call at once far cheap pools curtoui 1 vortalriyi nritcjui heieiriiifdeatly attended 10 firstcjjass trunks and valises in variety j kexxey kros actox m ml lilt