Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1889, p. 2

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fj l i from the capital ciuilttactiaoqilwnhmkhuw intmowcbatbcrphoiithf plt s yfr iiri rmi of a daarutcr t un il o m t koliert cniire ot i 4ofulcr march ikmftkawx ft p ur l id halviii of svw mrf daushlrr ol lytcr aiwiwa kiq- of actou flied viuivvl uoruiarluc ca the thititt uwa ceased trmx twrhc- d- f ur kdwd kichua rclittaoa tunvuy march alyilcof lake actio avt c rcare cathariacotir31yifeof lakcqueulr sriruik it slrathra v ttjc irtot e ot aurth th knocli suthaut father ot ttioaku fitathuu bahfcr actoagwli5r mft xhorsdav march 11 is uric looll eixaxces x x the r port o tlie aadiionc o una taaci- i cipility foe the part year pahltahed in an- other column ccrlsitu tniny items o inttr- cl to oar citizens i j the receipt fromjau fcoars for the j amoaij telle p ind the total ii penducre for the year including t namter of oapaid aceoemta from tie prenoas year icrcgiur fevers hjindrods o dollara wis 271 j less that he receipt ixlons assets ml uabliesja faithjal record of which is given by the aacktorv repeals the fact that oar juadinff asj racnipatily ii high indeed the money spent for pablie improvement hu been tor improvements oa permanent chaacxr and the rycrediuible balance of 175x211 above liabilities is certainly encoaracin oar toiai debenture debt is only 1520 trkile to cover thii we hate al eatate alone wrorth ca a fair taxation fl uoj while the toivn hall and cemetery are both necessary for chc convenience of the pahiic and caused ue expeadittire of con siderable money they are both yielding very fair revenue laatycar the receipts from ihe cemetery for bale of plot amount ed to llfi2 and the toni hall broaght in jtoiorrccu the street and riaexsjfc cipenditare ru larger ffrsn that of any previoa jear this was oving to the 11295 spent for uill street read bed- the whole aniaant wa igl the amount paid for charitie wu 97 it which is more th the total amount re ctived both far linr licenses fines and penalties it is also a significant fact that charities kit year the first year of the sale al licensed whuiey in seven years cost the mcnirpalily of acloa nearly twice as mnch ii f or any of the tiz when the scott act wis in force in fact it cost more than half ai much at for therwhole term ol ax years the payments far the ir years referredto were as follawz iw7 t370 150 xq inclnding i5 donation ta socthampton when he village was bornecl out its3 2sg0 1851 i2l00 i6s3 s2000 l5i25i oct reader areof coctee at liberty to icake whatever deduc tion they please bst the fact remain that whenwhiitcyhcenreinfircethetown pays the piptr inthe matterof increaaed charities salaries accoant i t031b wis hut year aboat the same ae the previoa year while ccntinsencie will vs less than half that oflss7 the hoard ol hcs th ts about the aame every year lesal expeises paid i year were 912j tn issti th lawyer coat the connca 5220 tut it is sincerely hoped that in future iheir ciaims will be merely nom inal the- county rtteiia a few dollar hig tbe public school coat about jtl mere owing to increase the nrevioui year in salaries than votes avd coskexts col obrien stated la the house on ifonday that he mtended bringing up his antijesuit motion at the first o probably today ween the goremmect move the house into c mfflitfee of sep- pir- the london t7rm commenting upon hr henrj- georgec rititj to london says his doctrines came as near spoliation a anything that ha been proposed by a man with a character to iwe ricce the french revolution it h cost canada an average of nearly s 20000 a year f or alteration repairsand goteraorsgenerala maintenance of the residence- it must beqoile a barn- too because same years s3gc0 u cct mfife the government u tappress or modify combines bollfr acton prpsident of th an appropriation of t to light and heat it stis being urged o itr wallacee acti- wf h storey of e icaaajactarer as sociation and ifr james goldie of guelph had an in lerriew to tii nd with ilini- ters at ottawa on frufwv i in his sermon in sr jime cathedral toronto last said sunday bishop eoliivta the intizicil life al the wiryncis iie sly rtfonitio ulhc siriocrofcfiijad drove ii wqrtafkers fraia the temple with lis tcxise ol vjhii corix saucer halls d les- lsttneed o ix ritd c one master cay verier abz wticii itjdrticlag ocr natiocal life dotj iuut dtctt dcrc4aticrc i mean tfce- ttxiiii cf irrdi tad rimoofaess ander the ftcjf i ljt sciilii wiicqsscjtiag itrti4tt- it is considered a wise pggestioa made hy the government to mr j deoison not to press at the preseot time hii resolution de- claricg in cavprof the government assum- ing control cf the telegraph licea oc the country the lpsio theknglfsh govern meat through itcoadactf the telegraph bcsicest of thekiagdota ht amounted to 1332 fiqq during the last fii cal year and up- wirc of i3kjsji ricce il the deiicit gradoaily iacrcaiiij lltui ueit ut ui iiu possibility to se- cure a cnvictiynnudtrthejcrooks act with many of oar juitices of tie peace the tlfarwr citec tii vzizjica tut week i rriy vta riucin apd geo gilu uf jjrztovru were dstfcl by feaiwctwliroticn will uxuns iiaor k itljat licaiic reeve frco- itiii aui mr ecioa j l- jtrtidcl overthe e jwr tlc iaforanayn was tiat thee defcad- l did datlituirtysa list tat ho wit oa the ilrd of fein- n latoziciiiig jiqapr- tha foagftret wouli uot uo jfr jfathesou caljcrowu aitohiuy wboi yietred for tlie protccotion ut fttt bjjj- qnertfi a u to selllaffon so- other i j- daring u10 tiu tl lirtj- df i suowod uflavlnittlloiuiacntiquallt tbefnfonaatloii ocitlwr wuld tbtj- eilaw ifr sfatlicmti to fc ffaijj oiiritryij thcuttid dc tciidatit sold any llqaifr oil oceduuiof uii t tngu fed extra- ardiuiln inuxinetaiiaa of lav there ta no qui flltocecdiag wita tun awet a it would be neat t iidikkstmc to nlt aay cwmcuom tie cjarcos iivji- iritylraru iuc mlltue jciulu hillcol 0brcaitoiult ix avd ak0cxd the house- iroc car owj corrdiwudcat ortaftt march 13 trade qocationa are this sewiou dwarfing all others in parlia ment five d j b debate ha not yet dis posed of the budget hoagh there fa an un- dentaading that today tht siilh day will ee a divifciou in the wee hour of wednes day morning this it really the footui de bate on trade questions so far and others arc oq paper progress in supply has been altogether slopped a governments chief care is of course to get the supplies voted through the leader o the house patient y wail the termination of talk i tc dc the iuiluucktuiv badhiat tieop thursday evening when the premier came oown tor a shave it was between eleven and twelve oclock and the old tnau a he is very often called looked tired out asked him while he waited a miaatc for ktpolooa to finish swabbing my face if there would be a dtvisiou that night ae il was rumored he was going to force the sit uag on until a vote was taken ko h replied we have just ar ranged that no note will bellaken till tues- day adding tou see the government cant always have things their own way the chieftain then laid back his venerable head for the lather napoleon the barber hid jest been telling me that the premier had a funny shaped head a he termed it kapolcoa ha handled all the great heada of the dominion and profeses to be quite a practical plarenologist big sleek heads do not he says always contain the biggest brains he is making aicollectiou of a unique character keeping lock of frfr from the head of each talesman that come under his tonsoriii care ifr blakes it of a fine texture hlhoat trace of gray although he is 55 killeu is cosiirrra the dael between col tudaleof simcoe and ur brown of hamilton hi resulted in victoryfor the former and the defeat of the pigeon shooting bui it bad been passed one stage by a mijarity of one and defeated another by a majority of one and then put bari oa the paper by a majority of four in committee col tisdaje again attacked the bill and the count showed g against and only go for the bill which was therefore thrown out this time for good as the session is so far advanced that no fur ther effort this year will be made by hr brown- live pigeon shooting is not yet therefore unlawful tec jl- vrrs kill col obriens intention to bring up the jesuit bill acd make the house vote on it it the leading theme here the gallant member for ifuskoka wis reported several times to have agreed to withdraw but as i pointed out before he is a man ofindepend ent miod where his convictions are concern ed and he yesterday declared his original intention unaltered that intention a an nounced in the hoase it to move that the bill should be voted a an amendment to the governments motion to go into supply ko amendment to the amendment can be moved ua such an occasion so thit it would be a straight vole of yea or nay if it wax offered a a substantive resolution there would certainly be two amendment and on the last cne the vote woald be taken so that jlr obriens method is the only one compelling a straight vote oo the principle involved of course such a motion will be one of want of confidence in the govern ment and on that ground many will vote against it who would otherwise vote for a substantive resolction the globes mani fesio of saturday is an invitation to the liberals to vote with col obrien on the ground that the acy was not within the jurisdiction of thl qaebecleithiture the knuster of justice has said it wt wholly within their jurisdiction to that there are two opinions on the point the situation is decidedly interesting senator 3icdouid hi resigned the presidency of the dominion evangelical alliance because the executive of that body decided to peli- tion the queen jlr uacdonajd thinks the dominion authority the governor- general should first be exhausted and not withstanding that the federal government ha passed an orderincoancil agreeing not to interfere with the bill they yet have till august within which time the act may be disallowed ix jjtd afiorxij tee e0le the private bill enabling queens college board to hold property bequeathed to them was challenged by ifr d hills a uncon ttitutioasj but it was carried on a division by c large majority dr bergin believes the proposed plans for the security of the cornwall canal are wrong and that the chief engineer jtr page adheres to them from professional jealousy of the interference of other en- gineers he concluded his statement to thi effect yesterday in the house and his motion for papers carried jlr kirfcpatrick6 bill providing for full reciprocity in wrecking passed though re jected last session under it canadian vessels wrecked may be relieved by ameri cans and a similar law will now become of force in the united state it is understood tbe imposition of postage on fortnightly and monthly publications will not be enforced so strong htsbeen the protest- ifr daviee the p e i libera leader it to visit acd speak in western ontario this weefc the eoyal canadian academy of art it holding it annual exhibition here- it president ifr lb obrien is brother of col obrien hp there is do talk now of ifr blake not staying out the session he is in the house ttecy day but neveropen his lips- col bacon of ottawa has been appoint ed to the command of the wimbleica team forls59 j id fctare only steamers from europe putting in both summer and winterat can adian port will be subsidised by the gov ernment j- the senate has twenlythree member over 70 years of age some of them reaching 60 and over three are 6j viz- bosford wark and kuan hon j h pope wss on friday reported to he dying but there is no fcrther change the third page of the toronto didj hail is noted for want advertisement t you want to buy or tellanjthing hyoa want a sctaattoi a mechanic a busiucss machinery lodgings if you hate lost or found anything or if yoawautto lied oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto vadif iffndrcad the adtcrtiiemeuu oo the third page of that paper the charge i two ceats a word each insertion ad- dressthe kail toronto canada aurlonsaleffffilcr tbinudxr iilsrsfuicff clearing taction taifl of farm itocft and implement tho property of austin swackhamor lot if con i erin sale to caminesce at i oclock wm heroatreet auctioneer eatowxt 30ih march clearing flaje of stock famitnre 4c tbe proptaty of john hut acton bik- to coinioeocs at oclock yv1i iikmfiniit aactlotiwr foreign dairy schools lolry schools only one factor of improvrnio t i vnnkd la ifcwdii fehook i for train hi f sdlllb clunictkb 0 daxlui school uuifcred luiccordioe trihthe copyright acl and pullium by rtaliou ot tho lotbot tutho london canadian o azctic of reeeni dale tticre wsk an extract from a toronto paper imuliug upofi the establiihmtnt of dairy schools this suggestion fc tha echo ot an impressiou tbal is vy general that dairy schools wooldbatkc likeliest meant of bringing about a speedy improvement in our butter industry the argument is that improvement abroad has been dao to dairy schools i frankly confess to a belief that the influence ofthe dairy school at it if known in europe ha been overeitimalcd while it may be made to lake aa important places one ol the various ageuciet of im provement it must needs b only one of several factor iforeover our dairy schools if wt have any will require to fea something adapted to our peculiar condi tions not a chcp copy of what exist abroad the dairy school in theory afar off is i different thing from the dairy school fa fact near by for us to establish la canada mere imitations of british or even contin ental dairy schools would be w eavile da- appointment frequent reference is roadu a current discussion to danish dairy schools and il his been cliimedlhat they have been the cause of the wonderful dairy progress jn denmark wla i questioned prof beg- clcke of capenhsgeu about the danish dairy schools to my uter astonishment he replied that there were no dairy schools in denmark whit he meat was that there were co dairy schools as the terra is under stood in great britain or here danish shoolsare mainly nothing more nor leas lhaa the private diaries ol the cocutryuti- lixed for the purpose where under the aus pices of the government papils are taught dairy work every danish dairy is apossi- ble dairy school it is not required that the dairy fanner be a graduate of some schoool or college or a professor all that prof segelcke requires to know before sending pupil to a dairy farm is the fact that the dairy produces good butter he has no other standard no prescribed sys- tern if a dairy is known to produce good butter he sends a pupil or two acd walchet results if the pupil makes progress aid becomes a capable buttermaker he con- continues to send pupils he hat sent pupils to dairies which he himself hsd never visited and whose propriclorhe had never seen about 1000 yoang men hare gone through a practical coarse in this sort of a dairy school in denmark kot all these men have remained in denmark other countries have drained denmark of these students the present chief instruc tor of fmtiod it danish tauzht professor segelcke mecttooed ihe fact that ifr tobiesoo official head of the dairy department oflcorway who wt present at our interns w was even then advertising for a danish instructor and of fering more for his services lhaa denmark was paying it was the intention of prof segelcke to advertise the government to increase the salaries of danish instructors again in these farm dairy schools there was little or no theoretical teaching there was taught only the practical work cf the dairy prof segehke believed in keep ing theory and practice scpertte id the dairy only practice was taught in life schools theteichingwaspure theory there was co distinct dairy class said prof seg- elche even in the agricultural college the studj of milk and its products was simply a part of the theoretical course prof segelcke believed that only limit ed namber of pupils could bo esgtged in practical dairying at schools where there are too many there was not work enough for them and so they whre taught in idleness not in industry pupils arc taken for from six month up wards they are required to do actual wot k and thc pay for the privilege fees are small say from ten dollars upwards from a report by prof long on educa tion in dairy farming it would appear however that there are really one or two dairy schools in denmirk distinct from the farm schools but they must form a very small proportion of the means of dairy instruction which has been so important a factor in danish dairying prof long himself says it is a striking fact borne out by our personal investigations oa the spot and by the voluminous details wehave received and there are no large ho expen sively conducted schools no hicb salaries to officials and no heavy grants made by govermenl the purpose of these letters does not re quire that the dairy schools which iyisited be described in fall detail those i visitflcl especially in ireland and sweden were elaboratly equipped and expensively con ducted echools they are doing a good work bet limited in scope and results but hardjy commensurate with the cost on the danish basis f we may doubtless learn somelhingfrorn the elaborate dairy school system of great britain and something from the more simple economical and severely prtctical system of farm schools of denmark the elaborately equipped and complete dairy school might prove a potent agency of improvement amoog us but i would ad vise it not as ths means of making dairy men or dairymaids in thennmbers wanted not for the purpose of leaching the indi vidual farmer although he should not he denied the benefit of its privileges if he de serves them but as a sort of training school a normal school as it were for the training of persons of suitable fitness and inclination for teachers or inspectors these teachers would be the means of hnngitrg knowledge to the mas of workers such teachers would perhaps do the most effective work as travelling instructor carrying instruction into the factories and even into private dairies i on the other hand we may profit by the danish system acd clikze the farm dairy and tbe factor too to the fullest extent for the education of the dairy workers of the country i would never advise the application of the danish system at it is but a modification ofit to suit bur peculiar conditio- the course of study or prac tice should lie ut the simplest character the length of time and the studies to be in sifijc measure optout end the fcesjighl it would appear to lc desirable to leach cnoaih theory loerpuiu practice lot lha laaii requirement should be a correct prac tice the gradcates of the normal schools nikvficrve uti impcruut purpose in this conuectun in imparting knowledge to the workers in the local or minor schools and a travelling inspector ia trod acing- the btft fcuskii dairy practice doubtlers ia oor kpphcatioi of the european system wp njsy in focue ways improte ou oar models j 3ach dairy schools a above proposed could be made an inducement and encoar- sgemeut to yotaigluen and women to de- otc themrtlies to 1 he work of teacluug tjie condiuouh of availment of the priri- 1 liges of these schools should be not financial j menu bat an iutlinatfon or atuess for the j work of leaching aud au inteuiiau or oh- castor i a for infants and children cutotliiimireili4ptlehiurmtliil i owtori etmi oolle ootttfc imoonnaeoilltmiamrtortotaypnacriduoa i boorbtwmfih dlancb tramhian fcaowa o me ttck j5fl l ii ui bo oxford st brakra x t wttsuttujurloai s tim ctxtic coktat mumiy street k t ligation o teach these privileges could also be made an inducement to factory i rflauagcrf and even privato dairy propcie- tors o perfect their methods acd japea iheir factories or dairies to pupils here is still another possible mems of of disseminating dairy kuotvledge sooner or later the common educatioa olthe people will be partly technical clearer idea are beginning to obtain of what is education the education of the future will have more relation to the probable occupation of the learner and if it docs cot fit him for that occupation will not unfit him for if it will not always be thought educatioa for the embryo agriculturist to be made to memorize the names of stations on a lice of railroad acd cot taught single fact of natures great book of woa3ers thoagh to the farmers of today the book of nature t economy is hopelessly sealed to the farm- ers boy of aa early day it will have to be opened to his life long benefit and infinite delight ko better beginning of reform can be made than tha introduction of technical instruction in agricultural subjects in schools by giving country pupils an in- sight into the delightful mysteries of nature and a knowledge of facts that would be ad vantageous to agricultural labor country schools might be mads more interesting acd a country life more attractive let the thin cad of the wedge be inserted in at least homeopathic doses of dairy in- struclioa in the rural schools if cot practical lessees at least there may be taught in regard to milk and its products facts which would be helpful to practice at home this teaching would be made easier if there were provided suitable text books for the purpose and materjais necessary for object lessons i might go further and suggest practical ways of teaching dairy practice in common schools but to do so might take away the breath of tome of my more cautious readers in conclusion it it a matter of choice to copy the elaborate vrellcquipped dairy european schools or to follow the danish plan cf private dairy schools or to profit by the experience of all our ecropeiii com- pe titers and establish tomcthing suited ts our peculiar conditions i believe lhare are advantages more than commensurate with the cost in cither action at the same time i believe that tho lirrt two proposed line cf action are cot the best adapted to our great ceed and would prove somewhat disappointing on the other hand some simple system of dairy instruction such at the wisdom of osr dairy authorities may advise doubtless may be ictufurstej which codld be developed in practice and prove of immense value a one factor in the improvement of dairying in canada w h- lynch aivvlceio ifotecua are you disturbed at night and brokea of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of ilrs winslawysoothicggyrnp forchildrca teething its vaice is iccal- culabfe it wjji relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dyseotrv and diarrhoea regulate the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gems reduces inflammation and give tone acd energy to the whole sys tem sirs windows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one cf the oldest and bes female physicians and carte in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price tweatyfive cent a bottle be eure acd aak for ilrs winsloxs soothing syrup and take no other kind it is worse thaa madness to neglect a cough or a cold which is easily subdued if taken in time become when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attack the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity r then do cot delay get i bottle of bicfcles aati consumptive syrup the medicine that grasp this formidable foe of the human body and drive it from the sys tem thi medicine promote a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased part and exerts a most wonder ful laflaenc in caring consumption acd other diseases of the throat and luns if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselue from much anxi ety troable and expense let ihem procure a bottle of bickles acticocsumptive syrnp and whenever chii3 has taken cold ha a cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directiocs abstract of the- accounts muxicipality 0 f actox fob the- yen eaiisi 31 d3br 1888 receipts to hilinc 0q luad g 1su torn lull 10 00 elje lou is cractcry is 63 tines tad paiticf it oa liccsc bo e goteruaicst enst moo titrnlfiril 23 53 moo hcrvicion co too do dr ireeaiai refund 1160 eitexditure hy btreci sidctlj i5c1 s3 cmeir- v cctritiei 115 s5 97 k klries 03 1i contiscccciec 63u leiartcee 10 00 tomhijl t io4 o belj f u iristific tsk dttxalazes tai ickxett 606 lci ctpect pcllic school 1s5 0o aim coufljttw u0k kicoa 100 500 00 hjiscc- mis f s43t i tssets rn 1 s3 15 kcildisc lud kcl elutc 10s4s m librryii6soane 69j arrwn of tun h 67 cictctj graucdf jooto ccacfrj- xot st lcoileclod tue 13 11tm lujmtl liawlrttes couljhtw unncfd detjcstures oa town hill ijj65 m3 00 iclcruit accrued do- usd cemetery dcbcslare 000- ot interest accrued do ffi k due iicbool bocrd 10000 litisccc tsuao jujotii we ihe ucctitgneti andjlon of the village ot acton do hereby cetlilr that wb bare eianuaei the boctt an4 tccoeat ot th treaiarcr ot tic acii village of aetoa for tu4 rear 188s ted ujc iuoti is t true abstract of the saafl ardrroiu detailed statement i of the- i esicudlture of tlie kunlcfiiauty of the village ofaetotr for the year endins j 1st dmlxr 18ss streets akd sidewalks iaid walsaiui james grant kearrbell wcfecitfa heary bell wazknilt wei uaujis aw laffibert vch wordca a cock peter diajmaii heurrbfiu robert if orrow lsiacr ljtaaa john harvey el dyne ed ltatthewi that brunt jco ifattbewt tcoc c ifoore wj gibbon chashili ab wright j ureancn ceiteteev faidwis bailh icter uccaaa p b cooic k suaw w l wotden- ad coot tho eastoa win saae juiacsltclaci i0o 23 00 s oo u so so gu oo 1110 5 00 it to woo rsa e s3 m s5 srs 6t5 s25 3 00 11 lc hod 12 lssoq ii 80 goo 6t 100 lsfo ckuottes itjd j a fapeigbt aceoact t u a kyder thos tastou dr stey iocve jocswiglit bcrjlag ifn vcktii tieicts in bsmoh ticjwt- tt aider ltud lctiier ljtaau thomas easton daacao keunedv thoa t if core john laioq jofaa h smith a e kteulfl edw kictlin 10 oo lioo it 5 00 3003 15 03 6 ba in ss lm 90 13 00 too xi 00 10 00 too aa oo children cry for pitchers castoria when eaby vrzi tlci vre cave her castoria waea sls vrss a ciim lie criisl fcr caster wtea tie became ifiss she clusf to curis when she had children she gave thi cast oris txlxttsgenxiea paid elfcgarria r it 60 h aciert no thos eastco j jd henderson- ifckae i cc 6 it haiti- co s j j- taylor i flo licvtelli hatfiljicsoc 5 si tbos t ifooro j 2 n d keafledj j i oo w e storey keuoaifcqarvia reslkaxce paid for iniirtaca faujakm btendflrsou acchae i co themis eattca a steihccfou for hardware ibavccoirciocltv casadiaasnd american pittcru all lixoi in cut- alio u lad chfel pbmtod wrcufibl clout kmishjug aid tscki ill iiim hiajcs strap ttndbcrt- hook hutu scrck catlcry srooni aim 6aw hamikcrt wracmpaejmkknicauafkilltcvoivctfodrrsbot hheut caj f luion dam door rollers racking kber hemp 8o ion sad abeio4 1 babbit metal 4c class all feizm slid cd to order irec lnltiiinlsic paints oils aitockodctkueoirrcpsxediadgatti pcrcns rilnu ilyi on hsod in ill iwuur iibsdci alio wiumbjsdmrjsnd in ou lied desdv hed ellr oclire snd sll dry colors lioimindllsr oils turrentlac vsmisliesjsrsn sceilsc tc machine oils lardice glycerine aicbor black and cator croceries a full lice of fine teas coffecessar tobaccos raisins comoukiee barley tapioca flarsacdalamkosiacrpata tartar iiekjet cfaeee urd bacoo blacaicg stave i boot i starch sop bhe tcmi cike bakfaff powder soda cocoa- cctcuocoiatceitrac spices orange and umoa peel oatciml- sjtiip vfolaases niaecan thi rice and cider i- i everytcicg cically found la a first class grocer lamps afull line sll eirf sizes sad delias bhsdes olobclctlltileyftlutctu 4c ctesf crockery classware lacjndjng tea dinner and toilet setts ta plain colored and china alabastine acoicrlot cflhir jusspcrulirksl0riue just to hsniln ill itsdes wall paper a icxse stocfcoa hand cf kkhaad ojbj- patterns fioa sc a roll cr a large lot of rciu- naau frooi one roll to tea at yoar nrn price w be cleared cat dcntforge our xz teas beat then all sad our pure conve fresh etc and is a inrirr cu cant reudoiritbctr sole agent for bjics ccuimeu sense ksst bslsnce grssiy sssl lock snd ccrtiln koilcrr alio buur- i enccs perfected bpccucles j b pearson spring arrivals just opened up light 0verc0ahxgs n0rsted c0atixgs special in above goods shawcrundy merchant tailor8 cuelph for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings j cruets pickle stands fish slices and nankin rings b sayage aueiw are you married gkea1 stocktaking oaljil at- m i acton i we commence stocktaking m feby 12th and prevtbnsto rfint we will slaiiehter winter goodsr lock to youi iuteiesk we want money and yon u waut the goods i remember you dont hare to boy a certain number of fohar worth in order to get a trilling discopnt oar reduetiou means 20peiceul audvonr five cents bnys otthe same price as y onr neighbor i five dollars do not deity n a8 now is the timfto pro cure a supply at your own prices j below we eive a list of rednced goods wnich hold good ill- i the 12th offebruajy 1 m n i i i or about to be speight son acton a speight manager caossfjily yoa ith ill tie jrcrcitcrc rcqsiri tofuraiili your acr aad oosjiituc boac or w replenish tcarhoac if a scfjevi oceia aavityfe at tha very lowest prices teen ii do article of craicn c caraot ssnilr aad further te dejivex oor faraiicre aad yoa have uo trraaciag- freight charges ud raa co risk of breakage wccaa sail ail undertaking ojr shirtrdve years experience ia this bcticcss haj resaitod is coarinciap the public cf thia eatirc cocicitiair last e supplv ftrttda work ia all orden aad ia styles vtich coaipare tith uiotcci the ciiy ti aae half city prices our hearse il lacrccueatoaeacdcir tiaaja presani abecoaiiag appearance e have plt-a- sare ia jantia the pablic to call oa cs for aaythlalj reqaircd ia oar lines speight son j0t f ia m hoilto ol ketlxg tsjd h v uore i powder absolutely pure thupowdernovflr vafjei a riarvolofpuritr itrenituiaadipbolosoraedoas llorc ocoaomlaj thaa the ordinary kinds aad cannot bo mid la aompetjtioa with the molutade of low untahort weight alara or photphato powder bold only a cam koral hiiuko pottdeii co 100 wail 8t x y paidh phoore pkintixti dkhekturksaxd 1st raiistiejicgsrvfa ialcrot willlaxa freeaan iatcruit ca dcbeatares clarksoti rrcemaa do hearvorfit do wnljrowacaloaa c prccaiaa st 33 is 60 00 iooo ikgal krienee paid juhcttou i ifclcaa vvlitlc school paid vuhua school hfktvkite paid iouaty kate paid itjoyw toe paid mrs braru renelson merchant tailor cuelph eitends to tis csny istrons in acton sad ricinity the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs 6x fur the holiday trade it cctcsmplee the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the city overcoats ulsters jackets blanketsputs underwear flannels shirtings sheeting tickings towelling tabling curtains i carpets dress gooiis dress silks plushes velvets ribbons laces corsets bustles gloves hosiery embroider f i i mens felt boots only l 50 all wool blanket largesize s3 so regular price s3 25 percheron horses saviob dsjabmist isuj9 nok st0oc rjfil cnw ills itijm cmlr stlclltu atflntmoniirifendsdimsljotilisnd prtesrtuonhtnnst4t horst osjuusd irssdea ut wsloss with huwrr of th bm4 fw br sasll sdtess8ivioe4fii6reixxult french coach horses bcaotlfallj fenscd hlahawppinf bui lioni aod uam n- pirb action ni nndir tbt patroaan of uii prtnea get- eramtnt jot cala- joctjt aad fautary of thi bned tddrav dtnltnclb to farmers and threshers dee on your machinery only the wellknown 3 ufjfftq um issffiliisp w pr yap useless qil sfix is wv th uudentijzuad auditora ojt the vulafie of acwn do hroby certift that we hare ex- atuluod theboakaawaeoqqtaofuietreudrer ot the aaid village ol acton for tbefyear 1868 and the above is a traa detailed ttatfrneat ot the lame jb pearsok hkickus havebeeu awarded itdaiiog ihe last three year try also oar ftftrloil axil gromi for your waggon and horse poweri those oils are used and highly recommended at themodel farmgoelpb farmers ask or them ase coother manafictareaatqaa0it70il vorklby 8amuelrocer8 co toronto il t1 tv this reduction i for cash onlv butter and eggs wanted rbjermyn fen- ml

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