i rtott fin rcss thursday march 21 1883 silt jlaung olks rrflirxrrlaijinr t 1 oi cn ruvtumul lap it cur- a jituc crultit x pjjtfacoii lad ixuvl up at me 1 do uot nilcj titttucu ikauwcrwl to my pit vine took it tit4l lie prcoa know- sjhuvicupwi have to ri r in bod wii i itiilc bc can o otjcf umdlruiet3ri perbap i ictraiis ttfdumy its wonderful i liu- lic pain k hurt lie uoi aa1 llicttjit course ucittvccaiacc lie fall kt ita va very ciaj joii ucl ttl 1 cac wait at ail tap um tac little crutch west 02 i the poiica lair tbc liccvc c cs ride and til alow the lcmc tiacly air aci lomvhow oar a uiouictit caiac acdciadcray vitlca diej while tjll ibc laddies cheerful word wire recctsc iwlcslhiuia 1 tm so icrygladvygakm tbai i can vtlii at all why tbatt the way fee crto fcel wfcea iroswes iiux befall theres ijni ucc civ sotaewberv friend tboa eloadsarosni yva nit aci paacuce wrill ibemasmr tend ir fniit it his dear feet jfrv jf r ijfr jkgles and j0kelets1 half in hour willi liift wlic j llic w1u is luere anything inore itinoying ihra hiving yaqcconi stepped tpoti u then anything more delightful than celling rid or it uollowaye corn care will do ilj try it ad be couviiicej i the utter thai jomu from ut j hiyden 131 chatham st montreal says i wrft troubled for ears with biltomtics aliavfirec cam plat til indf uemr found any tfiedicinc id hcp rae likel burdock blood billet m fact out boule made alili o moteeis axe yoa disturbed ii nigh aad broken of yocr rest by i tick cdeeriiiaiidcryidfiktuipainof cat ting teelh if so send at enee and get a bottle of ilrs tinilows soothing syrap for children teelting its iloe is -incaj- calib- it xill relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately depend npoa it mothtrs there is no mistajte aboat -it- it tsres dysectrv anicliirrhcea regnlitee the atomich and bowels carta wind colic softens the gums rednces iaflammalioa and gives oce and energy to the whole syi- tcm itrs wicfilawe soothing symjj forchilixea teeuiing ia pleaiant to the taste ap1 is the prescription of oae of the oldest and best feaiaze physicians and nanes in the united slates and it for sale by all druggists throughout the worli price txeatyfivo cents a bottle be enre and ask for mrs wtasiovs soothing syrup iand take no other kind why will yon coagh when shilohs cure ill give irnnedist relief price 10 els 50 ct5 and 51 for tale by kifcgarvin cattsampidcvrcit an od phyaiixn retired fxprn practice having lad placed in hjs hands by an east india misjianiry the fomiala of ix eimple vegetib remedy far the speedy and per macext cere of ocnaaiptian bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections ciso a positive tsii radical care foe herjrcas debility and all kervoat com plainu if fcr hiving tested its wbcderfnl carative pobrers in thoasandsof cases has felt i his duty to make it knoira to his safering fellahs actctes by this motive and a desre to relsve human raffericg i will send fn of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or ecg- ish witn fell directions for rreeparinfj and csias sent by mail by addressing with stamp namicg this paper tv a xons li powers block rochester x t wm kobcrt il l physician to the manchester enj inarniarj and lunatic hospital prcfesscr cf medicine in owent colieg sas gradcalfailcreof itrengtii incr pillar or sailowxeas and dis- mclinatioa for eiercise is one of the pro minent symptoms cf kfdruv diseaic warners safe care a the only recedy hat is guaranteed to cere kidney disease eestlessness morbid anxiety and a fret- fal dispwitioa are asaauy met with in the oyspeptic these cental uidida ehow how close is the connection between the brain andsiomack their most prolific cause f dyspepsia isa complaint fcr which kor- throp a lymans vegetable discovery and blood partf er is xned with namying success it alsoremedies bihaasness coa stipation and imparity of the blood ffccftam ceef ermt axtf fflie if yoa are iangcia and weak rd year appetite poor my beef iron and ine is the tonic- be sare as an invigorating tonic it is reoogniied by- the iledical profession as the bes itrengtheaing medicine thus ar producecl it is invsiaable as a bloodndmascle maeer especially in those cases where wea is llie resalt of imperfect cr ui- food of wasting fevers or prry of any sort it contains the nntriraent of beef tee ttinzaiint- properties of wine and he tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal- cclited to build np the emaciated syttern ip is worse than madness- to neglect a cough or a cold which is easily cabdued if taken in time becomes when left taifaelf the forerijnnercf consumption and presit- tcre death innamoiation when it attacks the delicaie tissne of the lungs and bronch ial fabes travels with perilaux rapidity then do cot delay gt a bottle of bicfclts anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of jthe human body and drives it from the sys tem tins medicice promotes a free and easy expectoration sabdnes the cough healsthe diseased yzcii and ercrta a most woader- falinficerjw in coring consamptioa itd other diseases of the throat tod lungs i if parents wish to save the live of their children and tiiereaelaeg frora macli kjhi- ey trouble and erpense let them procure a bottle of biektes antlconsamptire syrup and wheneverachildhiatakenccld his a cougli or hoerseness give the syrap according to directions- kestaad comfort i ike fiaorfse i srowch efosaebold panacea has no qttil for relievicir pun both iatetca and rteraai it cures pziu ia theside back or bovccls sre throat rheumalistn toothache lambio m3 apy kind of 1 pain or ache it will inostcarelyqnicfc en thesiood and ffeal aa its acting porer it wonderful browns hoasehoidpao- acea being acknowledged as the grpat painreiietericd of doable ffc ttrenijth of any other elirir or liniment in the world ahozld lie in every family handy for uae ween minted a it really is the beat remedy in the world for crimpf in the sialic- idpiics and aches of all kinds and is for tale by ill draggislfat 2- oeru a iytilf ayers medicines gave been iaatiafactory tome throughout my practice etpecially ayers cherrj- pectoral which haabeeuased by many cf my patient ooe of wbom lays heknowi it saved his life- f l- iforrii if d brooaya k y tiratlired debilitated feeling so pecu liar w sprwg iadicates deprived blood kowut the timt to prove the- beneficul effecof ayera sanaparilla it cleanses tbaybtem restores physcal energy md iufo new life vigor into every fibre of the hody lade 1 complete care i jamccu gilmoarottj gil imour it co wholesale grocers brodkviiie iayi i have used tamarac elitir for a severe cold and cough which it itrtun dialciy relieved and cured for dyspepsia aud liver have a printed guarantee of shilohs vitalize- u n for sale by x ifcgarvia complaint yoa on every bottle vec fails to cere trrtt benefit other i had a very bad paiain my tide of which one bottle of hagyitds tcuow oil made a complete cure i hope that this may be of some benefit to ho who read v abtwuaerlhia el city ilagyards yellow oil it a ipeciucforallia liimmatory pijn for ketuc rash snmmir heat andgen era toilet purposes use lows sulphur soap the public should bear in mind that dr thomas eclcctnc oil has nothing in com raoa with the impure detcriuratingdasa of socalled medicinal oils it is eminently pare and really efficacious relieving pain and lameness- etincess cf the joints and mosaics and cores or harts besides being an excellent specific foi and bronchial complaints shilohs coogii and coc is told by us on a gpaaratci sumption forsalkbyk awake nights saffering fron acate dytpep sia caused by eating food i 1 which alarn and other cheap biking pc vders are used the most reliable is imperial cream tar tar baking powovr r samption cure it cure con- sicgarvin as a pickileup after exceive erertion or exposure 3dilbarns beef iron and wine is grateful and comforting canada is beingcongratalated everywhere on the excellence of her rcauafactures in the various branches art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her im provemeats thanks to mccindand at son of toronto who for f0 years have laboured not only to acccmaicremonev hut to make i stxicedand oniaraental grss of all kinds a credit to the dominion croup whooping goafh tud bronchitis m mediately relieved byshilohscure for sale by x mcganin usad percent ofthehnman race according to a lih authority suffer from due nr other form of blood taint xever allow this latent evil to develop into serious disease while the blood can be kept pure and the system clean by proper precaatioas ssch as csmg burdock blood bittere whenever any srofolaus symptoms appear ka medicine equal b b b as a blood desiiier 1 fe j catarrh cared health and sweet breath kczind by shilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents xasal injector free for sale by x ifcgarvin 5r r a harrison cheaiistanddragg ist duanviile ont writes i can with confidence recomraend xorthropi lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure for dyspepsia impure ulood pimples on the face biliousness and constipation- sach cases having come aader my personal observation some symptoasof worms are fever colic variable appetite restlessness weak ness and convulsions the unfailing remedy is dr lows worm syrup i x lite or hiss lizne ratcliffewrit ing fromfaltirk one sirs i had each a cough i could not sleep and was fast going into consump tion i tried everything i coald hear of without relief bat when i got hagyards pectoral balaam i soon got ease it is the best medicine i ever tried lizzie rat- cliffe falkirk ont shilohs vjtailzer is what ybu need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by x hcgarvin- if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad- ertise in the toronto itvthy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet he eye cf tcmeotie who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wtlly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions addresr the mail toronto canada 1 pajkes celery compound acts at the same time ok the nerves the liver the bowels andthe kidneys tliis cccnuacd tkn ivcs i iroa- derfcl potr 10 cure all incms whyarewe8ick cdie ire zllow the nerves to reaia wcalered cad irritiled cad tfces- fcst orraas to bccomi clogged or orpd 3cl posfacs lirnorssre ihercfctc fcrced into the bood tlat ilcij lc expelled natcrally f celery 1 compound will curebilmusiresspiles cotetipitios kuntet cok- natttts uenraur dkzabes ttxlz wzaetessrsrnxa- t1sk iteffbaxgu asd ali htoub disoedem by qaietinj cad ilrefltlicnrag the nerves sd csi free cttoa of the liver 1 owcucsd liics d restor ing their jowa lo throw ctf disease tlfia5erbaio3ipxtiandeiil rt7urteateiititpiietctupatiatti wi j ricucscl arcrdurircikjiat7i vhy ccdarc bcrroat er tick httiixhit wiy bare tleefltu fxifhtt f uw pijtr qcurrv vpockd tad i rejoioe in jatifclr liuta rakv rcca- rijmifciiii rv sold if all drptu fri t jq wexu bichmds oh t c0f npnabn onteniipq pmes the teacher itttriiltuiiills to btrciigtljca i in- ir tulicuw tlw usu ol ayere bar- riliii niucinlld the truth tluic fifily health caiactitliil to uieutal ii firjhruusutdvhcatead feeble oauimaia wltlilicr yuting broldthja irivlicim- l rcunlkullyliieflcial be i nu 1 ijxfv hraparlila iwi mmmi1 fait fl tnko a vvl tire luiulv cf arirvbartuiirlllaciftd inn ritl utulinl mrs juucah iimiidi situirlmui miim rimvo mkett ajpt sarnaivarflla it huint uiir lii lr my kiml iicjiltlu y 1 1 hi 1 ril ivtir puiuiyra vd mt liiiilitcr ttttlw jenrs if flge h is iiliifl iut i in- iai year f rum general debility f ti ucikx sliiir uc iieprui in give i aids iiusirua ilerhtaltltlitu riaiiv hitivnlmrk harriet if 1 iita south clu iufinl alkuitifaragiluguiittiipayt siihiiua a a rciitwiy fir dvlahly nml itiiitalii itmtluiig front malarhil rvitiii in the fiiiy i tvas fu s very lud if milttlon turt kij utiles of the sar- kitktrilht wijli tnlttial itcs of ayera 1iln luicgictly liiipiitcl my licalllt i inn iimv time ttiucifk and feel tlutt i caatiuivt wty too much for your cxcillcht ivimtlics b x- iiiikliaiu south mnhiiiciismc rj- uugliiir rivjwti yearn eld 5s ting ajctalnioaiiatijla with gtkwl cf fctt htv s j graham vnltcd urcthriit church bucklianuouw va tfcuttirijdfum nervous prostration with lurk ntiil luailadie and have iktu mufh ikiiclitwl hy the use cf ayeri barwijwrilu i nut ihhv fcrj years of age ami am witulim that my prcstut health anil jmtlkiael life are due lo the use of aycrv karnariha- lucy jtoflitt kilhngly coun mrs ami h fants worth a lady j3 yirs ohl so woodstctck vt writes after several wwks stiffcriug from ncrvotu iirostfutiou i pcocttred a lkttle of ayerjt parsarilli aud ware i had taken half cf tt my usual health rttumed ayers sarsaparifla 6 pezpxhed or dr j c ayer k co lowell mass rice l tit uttiefjj wcruitiauttia ifesxt xotthrop lyman are the pro prietors of dr thotna eclectria oil which ic now being sold ia immense quan- litie throaghoat the dominica it is well- corned by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotions of delight because it banish es pain and gives instant relief this val nable specinc for almost every ill that eh ts heir to ic valued by the taserer a mure precious than gold it is the elixir of life to many a wasted frame if yoa have not purchased a bottle da to at once and keep it ready for an emergency its cheapness 23 cents per bottle places it within the reach of all to the farmer it is indispensible and k shoald be in every house an inactive or torpid liver mast be aroused and all bid bile removed bur dock pills are best for old or joang cause and effect uany personi wonder at the tired worn and weary foelingthat oppresses them with- oat any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persons they will follow a dull heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia parity the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using ifeachama ifandrake ifixture prepared by j b ifeacham 133 iooge street chemist of nmeteen years experieacfl for lame back side or chest use shilohs porous plaster price 25 cents for sale by x garvin mpgrtam ta fforfclntniat artrzacs mechanics and laboring men aje liable to sadden accideats and injuries as well as palatal cords stiff joints and lameness to all thus troubled we woold recommend hagyards yellow oil the handy and- reliable pain cure for oatward or internal use sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible coah shilohs care is the rem edy for you for sale by x ifcgarvin the third page of the toronto dails kail is noted for want advertisement if yoa want to buy or sell anything ifjoc want a situation a mechanic a holiness machinery lodgings if yon have loat or foand anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise ia the toronto dally ucd and read the advertisement on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the ifail toronto canada a feeble fatlttrr 31 any persons become feeble and fail in health from disease of the blood liver kid neys and stomach when prompt ase of bardock blood bitters the rrand parify- ing and regulating tonic would quickly regulate every bodily function and restore to perfect health that hacking coah can be so quickly cured by shllovs cure we guarantee it for sale by x ifcgarvin will yoa enffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint bhiloh yitkzeris guaran teed to cure yoa for tale by x ifcgar vin j hackrnetack a listing and fragrant perf maelrice 25 and 50 cents for taja bpx hcgarvin h c stone georgetowk h01 uttesiolc decorator pxistsr 1 itue sign and ornamental painting intha latest stylet lessoksecoilpaivtikg o fj j b j claaha wednesday evening thunday and saturdayajtcnioonf order left at free pteit office actou or ad dreaaed to bor lfi georgetown will roceivo prompt atusotioo ho 8t0hi purest smoiiqest best contain tio alom ammonia lima footphatw otairmiiiniiiitiiitucc e w glllett 4 cmctqotii i vm0fmtuii1 if tbs czlomtes h0tax teajt caoi but we are still continuing our sale mammoth house georgetown wm mcleod k co we have unearthed a lot ot goods that we are anxious to convert into money that we shall offer at phenominal pri ces which shall command at tention and effect a sale we call special attention to ladies furs gents fur caps goat and fancy robes gents underclothingblankets flannels knitted woollen goods woollen hosier mens over coats bo3s overcoats ready made clothing dressgoods silkssatins millinery mantles also carpets ladies and gents footwear and over shoes the public can rely upon finding special drives in the above goods well worthy of their attention we beg to re mind the public that cottons silk goods and woollens have all gone up in price very rmich especially cottons and silks that we have laid in a large stock of- cottons and silks at the old prices and are prepared to sell them at the extraordinary low prices we have heretofore sold them at and now is the time to pur chase cottonades check shirt ings factory cottons white cottons prints ginghams and all kind of cotton goods good factory cotton for 3c per yd white cotton 5c per yd check shirtings 6c per yd prints fast colors and heay for 6c worth 10c cottonades from i2ic upj a magnificent cattonade for 25c worth 35c we call particular attention to our new suitings our tailoring department is be yond all competition in price style fit and workmanship our millinery and mantle departments are a 1 turning out artistic designs which meet with the approval of the most fastidious spring goods arriving daily come and get a large lot of the bargrins wm mcleod co mammoth house oeoeoetown dr washington throat and lung surgeon of toronto will be at tie- dominion hotel acton monday 1th march hoi remnant ilinrhkg st son are now rushin prints cashi a ticket on th milton off a lot of remnants at about half price remnants of dress good ers seersuckers plushes satins and velvets each remnant has t with the numberof yards and price for the piece it will beta e interests of careful buyers to see these remnants hollinrake son are selling 25 yards yard wide cotton for s100 20 yards white cotton for 100 5 yards check 8hlrtlng for sltk t 65c wool tweeds or 50c 75c w ol tweeds for 60c 1 i lbs of the best 50c green black or japan tea for i 00 5 lbs sulphur for 25c 5 lbs salts for 25c low quotations for sugar b the barrel new spring coods are being received new dress- goods embroideries cottons prints shirtings cottonades c ho crahd trunk rallwai r tlironjh ki m a j ifi wthjs jj in i rm i snirv chicso eircii aotiopvriiks andbraiaton solfhf tuttcrclcsd-giun- gonvrt01sab goiajtar wwiinin4iivn taj i jlilliueiv orders attended to iroiuptly linraki son milton a few of the hucareds cured by dr- wash ingtoae new method of in fcai w il jitorej of smreyi son iiroajucat plovc maaclarttirert erf actcs out cured tj dr wahiartoa otcatarrn of dcthroi lid farm and nranaanccd laccrabe lir eraiceni eix-ciii- fstsla canada and elngucd wriu uini for rrticaart chronic bronchitis and asthma cured an eaiih chorda clcrrtiaaa fijeiti iicmry corcwtjii out drwa- dhulsui i zui gd lo be tbje to icomi yoa that ocr dacbtr is icitc veil aesin as ttia is the cond lime she ua becu cured of grave bronchi tracble iiier jojr trcitascst when tile usual reuedies tiiledl trito to ct- press ray cratitcde please accent inv eiccert thanks yean tralv c blettit jfrsjobu ifcktlvy kisjstoj oct ciurrh and coasamplicn hi a haniinskustou onl fcroudjo con- jcinpticn sir e scott kindlon oct catirrh hcij aid throat krs john bertram harroweiitii ost- ucss kiccstos catarrh throat hits uarr a hotaurf cectrciillc qzx catarrh head and throal james uattheti pott waiter acton oct a e fish geolfi kurcisling licltiilk catarrh throat ol wt0 steam uuhdif j io tork 8t toronto t 8hbt8 c0tz5sa0 cufp qfln f oodaltr ooj of wn oc i i lj prompuj- attended to and rotnrne 9 par lnetraetianat i or p sharpe pijoprietor text door to palmer honaa ibonrir toumef grhnd carpet sale urdock pills asupz cube robiuousnccsconritiranoh ikdiczctiot diznriccc sicn kcaoakc alio czzjlzz or the ctouack uven arm dowcls tkctrclit3tkcccuc msrzouft tt aencfi arts rcrti a yimalco to ouraocit ctecscnrs in the trcarcrr ana cvrx or ckconic x r 0 0 ccti r atc d izzzbez ke larcest scale works in cakaok over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales uaffloyb showcases yoiey drawers hut hoppers ua bjtckus supplies izottis uc rtix wria cr ism c wilson 480h 60 e8planade street east torointont ilaatiac tl pjer r aft time j iirrim burdock blood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia 0r0psy ikdigestion fluttering jaundice ofl the heart erysipelas acidity of salt rheuh the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skin and a very specias of xlicwajq a iron disordered l1ye3 kwxetcs stoma chbo wels or blood the lion of gcuelplx and olhscow the largest stock and best assortment of patterns in brus sels and tapestry in guelph unsurpassed in toronto or an- of the larger cities and the value unequalled borders to match in all the better qualities we invite a critical examination of quality and price- j d williamson co get a ticket for the lion concert in guelph may 2nd and do not have to regret having missed one orthe greatest musical treats you have ever had an opportunity of hearing 1500 worth of goods purchased at the lion will- secure you a ticket special arrangements made with those who do not want to buy that much at one time j d willllitsox fc ougueliili drives drives drives do vou want cheap clothing if so call at our store and we will give vou the greatest bargains -he- you have ever heard of we have just placed in stock the cheapest lot of shirts odd pants overalls and working shirts that has ever been brought to the county some of our bargains- stack of working shirts rang ing from 25c up to 75c that are really the best value ever offered our stock of cotton ades and suitings are the best splendid good pants only si 25 the are really worth 250 overalls that you cant buy elsewhere for less than 75c for 50c we have a great creat bargains in hats caps ties handkerchiefs socks suspenders ic kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros value you have ever seen these goods were all bought before the raise therefore we will give the customers the benefit -m25jw- importatipns this week -at- the right house hamilton te izvnr r- ft cits c0ksdspti05g0ugms colds v asthma croup j au- dijass of the tist ltftcnj pihomr ogo5 nr it aittrrrl ra oohsithitioshas erssctjs vtben aba uc if t 11i rurtfcixu tttt o ldiwt ifrilflilfiryrttvj f- aitexpectoflant t haz ro rcfal it contains no opium in any fona psicc zxrmc vu ft irz tornx cavis k lawilks coidcaii general agent musihlaz ampbels ompounci siqutfl wr twxofe this favorite vudiciiuuftt up in oral 1cttus folding three cmat each vrith txc nax blov vit glam 1 and tcruixis of the inventor stjiosm bell- in red iajr acrossthe faec of the lahtl bcvarc of iimlionj refuse all jtldf imui and you trill net he disappointed- 55 mi auflijw arifiug troia a disordered sie pf theljroi stcnacnaud towels such 11s v drapepaia or indigestion bflloni ajtecticnii headache beartognt aciditt of the stomach hh loaa of appetita qrarel kertoca pebilitt yaflaea or vomiting ftc ta price 25 ceitta per bottte ntcriutts cmit r errors op youth serfoai debilitt seminal losses aidftenii v tars decaj- pronipuv- aad pcrmaoantly cared 1 1 speirmozonb does do i interfere tith diet or usual omnpatibo and fcllj restores lost vigor anti icnre pttct toaabood scat to inr adjress postoam on reeeipt of price one dollar per tox soleaseact 6choflexd dkcg store elm 6tres tb- ronto t a i x 993 shnrarachiii nor 1 il ptri ti p cm vlaa a sit wul j lun tio aiisirtu sifcia exhausted vitality i the science of life- lie grea cdical work of tic age oa manhoodnerrcns and phviical debility 1-ro- mature decline error of tenth tad the nnicjd niiit- erias eomequect tharcccn 300 pafies 6 to 125 rrescrijl for all diseases cloth fall gst onr flso hy mail eeajcd ulnstrtive staple free ttvau ronn and taidtne-agednics- send oot hm gold and jewckcd medsj awarded to the aniher liy national medici usociation ajddrto p o boa 1533 liosioa itas or dr vt hie- kebgrad3aoof hamrd ifeacal coire 25 years practice in ijcstcn whenay la consnhh cocfidenaaiiy bitcciajiv diseasca ot mas office xc- 1 uulzuch s mahoodv how lost how restoiedl jcitpublibljcj a iiewtfuiiisc of sr ctfltefj walli celebrated essay c ls liadical ei of spermatorrhea cr iaansit i2dna oj eiceis preorlvinjisirctio tbe calibrated asthcr in this ainpi essay ciearly disioiistraies trin a fbiny 7 micessful pracc tha ilm tiarciisfi eonae- jseiccs oleirvcrrcr 3r u rsiicallj coren poicting ont v mode cfcrrf 1 once nnipja certain aad cfjectttaj lyccis s cf which etot 1 laftcrcr co matter wbathis condition nur-be- aarcara himself cbcaplv pritjy aad caily- l ratbi leefutv ficd l la ilthaa cfctcrj tosti aa cterr masiatme aad sent andei3fej la a ia itutelope to adj address oa rectipj cf four caior twol0mc taidr- address j ilisoaltsrvcllhqiisalct iw st ycir t03k po uox4h r m one caae robber clrcajan or waterproof maotlea beautifol gooda three bales prints four cases white bbirtingb two bales eilra heavy grey cottons french cashmeres crinolines jeans honeycomb cloaking turkish towels corsets battles veil- iop oxford sairtioje cottjnades charafarayiginshaoh beersackers garter elastics wicdow shades jnit the new all- wool carpet kensington grumb cloths etc great barcains in brussels and tapestry carpets marked down very low this week watkins has jast tmde up his sales for last year and ia happy to bay that they are larger for 1588 than ever betore owing to purchasing his eobds direct from the manufacturers for the cash down andtelling them at very small profits he has bad very many enormons increases in his sajes year after year bat 1888 was the crowning year of all and his sales are truly en ormous now the ladieaare becoming fully alive to the fact that they can get their supplies of good serviceable gwds and of fine fashionable goodj of the very latest noveltiesin french encliab germ an swiss belgain isastnau and american style at this celebrated house at the very lowest prices possible as be purchases bis immense stocks direct from the manufacturers in each of those great markets of the world ladies can obtain almost every article bey are likely to require at this toormoas house his stock of winte good ia now offering at an ininienu redaction many articles beiojf reduced to ouehalf tiitir value see toemantles mantle cloth blanket ladies gents misses and boys undsr- clothing gloves mjuinery toboganiag and horse blanket comfortenj carpets window shades etc mind and enter the door hast of the carpet window many jnaka mistakes and do not ge intb the right house corner of king street east and hnghson street authors cox 4 lliatifactuferi ov b trussesi aetificiai limbs 1 at i afljiaaeea f all j 1 spiaal disaaiebip dncmdiseasraniilig s alajcbutchis 117 ghurgh st t080st0 a hamilton feb lclb 18801 thomas o watk ists ml vv adults t sy cannot ham thwos delicate cl fiisa