itnotiur in erin on up lkl fort- the 1fo- ot j c- llroidy ot oo hi1xrl milton ou jutfdar march lotbui rtfcol it white o daughter 1 flwve pure cfltt 53 yi art lituuiti- u ioormti nirch marjory wot from the capital uie kkrouam of t wiimmvxv al frcacli fl4t on uie ndlaii ke- ottyo aof koutluuniitaa mary awn andor- flo wic ot yuo m hey schoolteacher ol nwu mi tuesday 13lli otm wits of jamoalajdl ni- aped 6 nn sad t months irlukouturuvutbtutl trunk it- oa of tbos bird grand valley fld 15 year lirviiilmjvla krqikijac outlio j61u init- the beloved tritv ot jiftici henderson aged tl rari l months j v y 7 ff jc retort tu jprcss tennsdumtulchis 1880j kotesindtojotlxts the provincial lcgjalhore was prorogued oa silatdiy altcrtfoott with ihe usual cere- vs auiicipilioqs of an irnaurratioa o ffcm qiirty to elty iliousaui ibis season are in- dsicj ia by faagataa maoitobaas ud it is not improbable lhi u will at lat reach fc former care in his cliirce to thi jut tceefc jodge ar soar condeaieci the agitation against prison lsjboar thflcom- pstion from each abc it could be bal yery flight while it dangerous to have k i rc body o prisoner kept in idleness plotu ig mischief it is rumored that goelph grand jury most injaxioaa and an important point has cropped apia thaljeaitskute jjill the ectcnearj- 0 siuerf having beo deixt- ed away by the proifcncisl government and thk being the prefceriy pi the haroa indians who are wart ot tie dominion t hhercbv invalidating tb of title- bill on the question thc cm has lakci rather a peculiar coarse in uie jesuits jtixe bill a lew weeks ago it condemns the bui bat de clared its disallotance to be fraught with grav danger to cociedaration- a fer days ago it veered around and called load iy upon all kef ormers to press for disallow- anoe ol the act it had just discover- eito be onconstitaliobal i there is a moor that tbe allan sleam- ship company hare offered to pat on fast mahsteameri to cany he british mail in 1 connection with the c p e and the pro posed fast line o teamahipe on the paci fic this oacht to secare for canada and the c e tl a large part of the traffic that now goes lo santfrancisco byihe ajneri- cin railways an enthusiastic convention of canada new party was heldin toronto last thars- day and friday delegaitt were present from all paru of the proviace the wort i of organisation was completed and the new party now proceeds to agressive wort a pablic meeting was held iathe parihion on tharsday evening and the andienoe crowd ed thelarge boildlnff addresaec were de- hvered by dr soiheriiiid ei-gov- t i john and j w bengoagh ttic juaits lutatc artrtlir poiltlna at otlau a the beolt act o cp biu ix the uoutopcouxonfi ontwi llarch sj so many columns have been written aboal the jeaalls act o the qaebec lcciilatiire that moat people would take thfi ongiit ot the matter fa a cw word when juctand aclilcvfd h great victory on the plains o abraham and conqacrvd qaobec uie jesuits were an- der the ban of british law and england refused to recognize the jesuit title to the 600000 acres of land assigned to them by the french ten yews later the society of jesns was lapprossed by a papal ball there was thus a doable reason fat the confiscation of the estates tbe plaim on which premier afercler bases the proposal lo recompense the jcnaittit that the ret- location of the order by pioi vii in ljl revived the diiallowod rights of the jesuits to the coofltciled estates this it opposed on the groand lhat anything done by the pope coald not invalidate the earlier actiou of the british government theie lnd are therefore crown lands and the coosti- latiooal objection is jujtea that the pope cannot be asked to dispose of the proceeds as that woald be giving him official reeog- nition in this coantry in an act assented lo in the qaens name mr ifercier says that as head of the i church the pope it merely treated as ode of the contracting parties and his aid invoked in order to settle a long itanding dispatc the pecu liar part oilhe incorporation and endow- meat is that not a ticgle protestant in the quebec legislature voted- against ihe jescits bill at the lime it was fioinc ihroagb it was passtd last year naaci- moasly tar wimsj ir omi tbe jescita bill like all otheri was trans mitted to ottawa for federal revision the govcruccent cnslly pissed an order- incoancil declaring they woald cot inter fere with the operation of the bill the present demand fur disallowance proceeds on the argumeut that the intervention of the pope is foreign so the cynics of the british cocititation tad also contrary to the pabhc policy of toe dominion today at four oelijck col obrien will n the house of commons move thst the jesuits act should bet vetoed the debate promises to be protracted and may last till friday night mr dalton mccarthy will argue that the act ii onconstitotional the minister of jastire mr ltaricr mr mills and sir john macdoaald will join in de fence of the policy of non interference oa the groand that the matter is within the exclusive jurisdiction pf quebec it is caid sir richard cartwrignt will make a speech and that prof weldon of albert a doctor of law will support mr mccarthys legal view mr blake expresses the opinion that the act wconstijcliocal hon wo macdongall believes that itis not the op- 1 president harrison has gfgnitft his taking op of the reins of government by issuing a proclamation practically closing behrings sea against the nations of the woritl this is done on he issomptioa list behrings sea belongs to the united states by right of the purchase of fffri from enssia but it is rather an extreme step to declare it closed within the do minions of the united states against all i persons who maybe desiroas of entering it for the purpose of biting fnrbearing am- mais- prof schnnran of cornell university realizes the importance of the proadposi tbntnat canada occupies and is not slow in telling his countrymen what he utmks here is an extract from a recent speech de livered by him look at a map and yon iwji itee that within the iatitade of canada are included in the old world norway and sweden european and asiatic bassia ex cepting only the most southerly prajectibn denmark prussia nllnd belgittm the northern section of france and the whole ol great britian and ireland from these countries came the races that succeeded home in bearing as ihey still largely bear the civilization of the world- and analogy eugest thai adder the bracing climate of canada in ccctiries yet to be civilization mayin the kew world find iia sturdiest supporters the lew provinces will in a very few ycirs be the regal home of pros- peroai millions mature has said it cana dians need not be anxious about the money ipent in opening ap their northwest natcr c is their boadsmac ttey have only lo stand still and see the salvation of the lord i have described the territory resource financial conditioo population and political organization of the new do minion of canada the pictarer thoagh faithful may be somewhat new to ameri cans- i th ikvrital culkcil alpvintiatiil of jf tdkal htaltk officer autf saiiltariiiwiiertor- 1 conncil met on monday evening in semi- monthly session i the iieeve m the chair members present councilore speight harvey and secori mindtes of last meeting were read and confirmed j mr john b- cameron addressed the council requesting them to open he drain ou mill street as the water had hacked up into his garden to the depth of a foot and thence tabs well the street and sidewalk committee stated that the ranter would b attended ia moved by alex secord seconded by jhn harvey that dr stacey b6 and is bere- hyappoinied medical health omcer for this manicipahty for the carrent year and- that his salary be regulated by the services rendered necessary carried moyjedby john harvey socooded by jal speight that k b cook be and is hereby appointed sanitary inspector for this man- icfpalfty for the current year and that he receive the sum of twcaty dollars for his services- carried tbecommittee on finance jjrewuled their fenrtfi report recommending payment of accoontb as follows lihrhtaistflfjiiitishlct fl tn klmioore ttaiinsuidstlvertliiaz y mktiuiiilitkuotikrjiii 10 w i aa tlowdbv alex socoid secouded by s ajfaihr that the rejiort jost read be adyptcd cirricd the treasurer was instructed to collect- the amonnls due on notes far cemetery frfot cuanal theij fldounjed hbiiuhs viuiler is what you need for clptigtipfttioulcs of appctiuf dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 i 75 cents xr hnttlfl for sale by k mearvinv position will with few exceptions tote with the government tbe exceptions are said to be messrs mcmciien mcmillan of heron macdonsid of huron barron and satherland of oiiord on the govern ment side not more than twelve or fourteen are expected to follow col obrien so that unless something exiraordinary happens the governments majority will be about iso this may be a lisp in the face to ontario but ethers sayj it will simply be great tribute to provincial rights xee fccon ict contests a sort of scott act general election will be held a week from tharsday april ith no less than seventeen counties or cities voting on repeal the peterboro contest is terrible tragedy a clllscn of onetiih murdflti us wife nud iva daughters he is ajul ix toboxw gear it march 87th neverbefore hu the quiet city of gaelph been tbe meno of so spiialling a tragedy ad the appearooe ou her streets up to a very late hoar ol many prominent cilizeoi bore evidence ol the decree of horror which hti filled every household sod marked an epoch in her hiolory which her citizens would gladly be able to blot from the peaceful annals of the royal city a sensatiou was created this morning when a rumor spread thst w h harvey bookkeeeper for j w lyon had been arrested for embezzling moo from mr lyon ho was bailed out dr lett going to his bail for tfooo to appear or irial today ho failed to appear at the police ooart and about i oclock this after noon the sensation of the morning was magnified in an intense degree by the news that when the police went to sesrch for him at his residence they were horrified lo find lhat harvey had urot uis mrc xav rro cmtna j and then dissppcared his wife and two children were found dead in the house their bodies itill warm j about hslf past nine harvey went into the hardware store of j m bond co lo parchase a revoltor stating that it was for a young man whom mr lyon had em ployed to go to mexico and lhat ihe revou vet wss to be charged lo mr lyon the one he picked on wu a 32 cahhre doable action silver plsted revolver smith wessons make he also bought 50 cart ridges he went directly to his hoasa on woolwich street and finding his wife and daaghler lily aged is only in crossed the road to a seminary where his other daugh ter gcraldice was getting a music lesson and having got his family within kis pwn roof deliberately locked he doors chssed them one by cae through thehoaie and tlior tkrjt illii ose by oxc a single ballet from ihe deadly wespon sufficed for each and an odd peculiarity of the trsgedy is that the ballets entered in each case at the back of the head the bodies were foend in different rooms he afterwards lit a cigsr walked along wool wich street this was abouthall past twelve oclock and was last seen at the comer ot green street going in a southerly direction towards the coantry harvey wsa arrested about 1 oclock this evening in toronto and lodged in the cells on his person wu foand a new fivechambered revolver with tbreecnjply cartridges recently discharged and t0 chjuicues ttux loiled he had sent a message to his son who works in toronto asking him to wslk down town and stay with him over night the son had gone to goelph on receipt of the news of the murder snd the message ell into the hands of the police thus set ting them on hsrveys track it if i appos ed that he intended- when he got his son alone to murder him and then shoot him self with the remaining ballet he was well known throughout the city as a sober industrious thought ol man and it was not until the news of his arrest on a charge of alleged embezzlement burst upon the community st a late hoar hut night thst his integrity wu doubted oat- side the office doors he came to guejph about sixteen months ago the daughters were 12 and is years of age- harvey passed through acton for gael ph yesterday afternoon on the 230 train in charge of a toronto policeman fixed for april 1st and the places and ma jorities by which the act vra adopted are u follows petrbaro victoria kent ses ml i03 s3- franlecae weliiioa brat lanark gadpbeity l t colchefter x there is only one po ctzkicu liscolc oatario 1x konhcabeciacd sod darfcam l cad jul- diacian st thomas cit y i outside of ontario the total majority by rhicii the act was adopted in these places those entitled to vote the house of common on the scott act tkz crc the cjtjl bill hu in i8s3 wu 1269j for candidates for are entitled to vote sill lassed the hallway committee on a dirisioi i after being remod elled the conversion if the debt mast be agreed lo by the sham holders first the company is to he allowi d to issae four per cent stock to the extent of 6109000000 and to bond the road r f 2mo a mife tfae clause allowing thacompaoy to incur further debt for the corstruftlon or pur chase of branch lines was abandoned when the bill comes up in- the house the maritime members will move lo insert a claase compelling the company to hoild the short line road to salisbary nj5 ix nfl cosuoxf the government will abandon their hill respecting bills cheqeos and promissory notes it would pcolocg the session as it is there kill be difficulty in getting tfaroagh by euter twothirds of supply and the supplementary estimates for 1689 and for ikk have yet to go throagh the opposition have yet four amendments of want of confidence lo move the irish resolutions will take a iy ihe combines bill anolher so with the 5raucbie amend ments and then there am various govern ment bills and general business yetir day being the anasnciauon the hoase aid not sit so thst it is only by rushing things that they will get though the- back benches of the opposition are protesting against any rushing through of items in sapply mr bardetts bill loprevert fraads in the supplying of milk to cheese and batter factories ha passed its third reading the sapplyia if skimmed witered tainted or partly soared milk or mil t from ft diseased animal is liable tot fine of from fire to fifty dollars and costs or six months im prisonment one half the fine goes to the informer and the other half lo the swindled factor i it is feared that mr kirkpatricks reci procity in wrecking the bill which passed the commons by 52 majority will be killed in the seoale the ten days debate on the hedget closed by be defeat of the opposition reciprocity amendment by wmajdrily the total vote 198 was uoprecedeoiedly large wff middleton nephew of the comman der in chief of the milhj having proved adultery against his wife with fen hamilton will get his dirorce personal mention psragraplu iteipeetlnf visitors to ftiij from actoa with whom free press holders arekiirrorlvssaccidalnted mrs w wright of ouelph visittd heads here on tacsdty i mis fannibleo of ltockwood viilted actn friends on sunday mr george mcfarlanc of oxford mich it visiting friqndi n this viciulty j mr james l warren left yoitflrdity on a two wcoka trip to st louis mo maui will h grant and neil keith returned to winnipeg last thursday mr g w cook lefi yesterday for to ronto where he has secured a situation mr charles cameronof uttoielerspcat a few days lut week wilh friends in acton bev 6 b lee of hamilton was in town last week and called upon a number of former friends mr john farmer of florence visited friends here last week he met many of his former neighbors mr and mrs james browu-aud- jlmmio left lut week on a visit to friends in bis- mark and other point mr frank webster of ihe o- a c gaelph was the guest of mr arch mckab and family over sunday sir alexander campbell lieatensct- governor of ontario will occupy a summer residence at burlington this year hev dr gilford hu been suffering dar ing the put week from malaria he is we arc glad to see now recovering mrs j e mcgarvin who hu been vis iting her sister at stratford for some time wu here yesterday making prcpartlio6s for removal lo bcrliu eev dr castle prcsideut ot mcmuter college has been compelled on account of continued illness to resign his posilica u head of the college prof d a mcgregor has been appointed to the presidency the grace church sabbath schootanni- versary sermons were preached morning and evening lut sabbath by the rei dr gifford of acton bolh of which were in- stractive and interesting specially that of the evening the hev gentleman is a fluent speaker pleasant lo listen to and possesses much knowledge of the holy scriplare he wu listened lo intently brampton tuna tv gueliili imifliau dcm when ihe brauch of the c p it was completed last fal t was found j that not only had the 70 k given by the i city and hp00q received ftj meat been spent hut nn 1000 recaained unpaid raise this amouatwas voted ou monday and was carrd by the narrow majority of four j omthe govern indebtedness of a bylaw to a celeheated sfecxuiat- dr washington the celebrated and eiccessfcl epccialist for diseases of the head throat and longs hu adopted the most scientific and cat oral method of treatment known at the present time for above diseases la order to be folly abreast o the limes the doctor visits the large american cities u new york boston and philadelphia everj few moaths for the parpose of gaining a knowledge of the latest and very best improvements in the treatment of threat and long diseases and sach as pursued by the highest specialists in the united states and harope dr washington is well known as a most suc cessful specialist all over ontario and the eastern provinces and in several cities of ihe united states from which he has in his possession haudreds of letters of grate ful acknowledgement for the benefits de rived from his treatment he hu patient in new york rochestercslifornia elceic- he hu secured a medical gentleman of the highest standing in the profession member of the koyal college of surgeons of england who thoroughly understands all the details of this special treatment lo ssist him- dr washington ha now opeaed a permanent office at si mc- caal street toronto where either him self or his colleague msy be found during bsce hour viz 9 to 11 a m 1 to i and 7 to s p m dr washington ha been hand somely rewarded for hisindcmitable and indefatigable perseverence u the follow ing extracts from letters received from patients in new york and kocheslcr clear ly indicate mr g h cannon 232 west one hundred and foarth street new 1ork who wis not only cared by drj washingtons new method bat writes ibe doctors follows i woald have written yos sooner hut wu waiting for a decided answer from ray friend mr dawson in reference lo trying your treatment for his daughter for her catarrh troubles i final ly got his consent by telling him i woald become responsible for his money if she was not cared i now enclose you a cheque for the full arasant etc miss dawson after one months treatment is heard from mr dawson of dawson mason builders 230 eufr thirtyfifth 6treet new york writes alter one months treatment as follows i would say there is little or no smell from the head this leads me to think that the diseased bones are healing cp friend cannoa has confidence lhat yoa will care her and i now think yoa will make a complete care mrs james keill via of 63 market street rochester new york writes as follows i do not cough any more and the dropping hu almost ceased ism very moth pleased with your treatment and hopefully look for a speedy cure the above patient hu taken treat ment six weeks then lo support these noted cues in the centres of scientific ad- ancement is the case of mr storey glove manufacturer of acton oat and also president of the manufacturers association of the domeuiou cared of catarrh alter visiting europe without- niiy beneflca i accidentlll a young englishman srrl inily wounded by hlimdla winnipeg wixxuftj march 94w h evahi wu accidently shot in a bedoom of the new doaglu house this iflen ooa by bis com panion c harker t ie bullet entered e vans cheek below thi eye and lodged near the oar making di ugeroui and per haps fatal wound bth young men rwmutly arrived from knziand evlns is a ion of a prominent surveyor ofliverpool and harker ii the son of minister of bo too eng harker wu playing cowboy when tbe aocldeot occurr d the lost atuktis for many ceataries tfcerc has been a tradition of a long lost island called atlas- i the greek geographers located it in the atlantic ocean west of the northwest part of africa and the pillars of hercules the seakings of atlantis are said to have in vaded europe and africa and lo have been defeated by the athenians all the legends agree thai it was a vast island of inexhaostivc resources and in- habitaledby a race of saperiorpcople for ages this island hu existed only in legend- ary lore bat now when the light of mod ern research is turned fall upon the inves tigation behold the lost atlantis at oar very door bo the bigoted medical fraternity goe groping about in the dark u ihey woald investigate they would behold the lost at lantis at their very door they expert ment and dose with their injurious drugs and with no person or laws lo hold them accoan table they continue their bigoted unjustified practice staring into vacancy imagining thai ihey see in themselves an escolapius j wrapped in ancient bigotry they de nounce any new idea advanced by a lay man or an opposition school u a fraud why j because humanity will not be benefited not at all bat because their specialism did not make the discovery j yet they concede that there is no remedy known to their materia medic that jwill core so advanced kidney malady and the dis arising therefrom although many of them know from crowning proof ilhat warners safe care will bat unscrupu lously treat symptoms and call them a dis ease when in reality they know they are but symptoms a few of the more hoaest physicians ad- mitthat warner safe core is a valuable remedy and l great blessing to mankind but say in so many words when asked why ihey do not presiribeit thattheyctn- not according to their code the late emiuent physician and writer dr j g holland published in scrifc- ner6 monthly and showed his opinion c such bigotry and no doubt was satisfied that atlantis might possibly be discovered in a proprietary medicine when he wrote cditorialljy as follows nevertheless it is a fact lhat many of the best proprietary medicines of the day were more successful than many c the physicians and most o them it shoald be remembered were first discovered or used in actual medical practice when how ever any shrewd person knowing iheir virtue and forseeing their popalirity se cures and advertises them then in the opinion of the bigoted all virtae went out of them i excellent reason exist why dr thomas eclcctric oil should be ascd by persons troubled with affections of the throat and longs sores upon the skin rheums tic pain corns hanions or external injuries the reasons are lhat it is speedy pare and on- objectionable wnether taken internally br applied outwardly j children cry for pitchers castoria wtca pafcy vrts sick vt ffe hw cmoria wlcs the wii a ciijm she cried for csxtcria whc she bcace uin toe claaff to castarix- wtca ec had ctlliren she fare tieai cist oris res alts james h gilmoar of tgilmour co wholesale grocers brookvilfe says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved snd cared win itcucrfir m d physician to ihe manchester enc infirmary ayd lunatic hospital professor of mndiciue in owens college says gradaalfoiiure of strength increased pallor or sallowness and dis inclination for exercise i one of the pro minent symptoms of- kidney disease i warners faafe care is the only remedy that is guaranteed to lore kidney disease will yon suffer witli dyspepsia and liver complaint shilohs vitallzer is guaran- teed to cure yoa for sale by n mpgar vin powder absolutely pure this powder never varies a marvolofp irltv snffthaadvliolesomsness more ooono oictl thaa the ordinary kinds and eannot be si id in opmpetttioawith the mawtadeoflow test inert weight alttai or phosphate powders bold only jjeasu both jtaxuro powdxb co 100 ffal shot learn to tbink and act jtor yourself best of all cough meiliclucx aycri cherry pec toral is lu grraicr fluijaud than aver no iremratiuci fur tifroat and lung trccmea is o jirompt lb it effects so igrtealil to lie uwt- jand so widely known ry 1u it is tie family medi cine lu lihjimiuu of households i liavi iiftitid for years from a brotulihil iruawc thai heuevtr i take cold cir ai iliicmtl to inclement wuath- cr miuvvs itself by a jvcry anuovlng licicllii sensation a the throat and by hptilty in brisuiiu 1 hare tried a grrit many rlmcditarltt none does so well iik avers cherry jvctoral which always givcsproni lit rvlicf in returns of my old tonjiualm eriiest a heplcr fusjrciar of public iloalhj parish ter- rc lfcjuuc la i cotktdcr aycrs chtrry pectoral a tiitht important remedy for home use t hive tovil its cnrutfvi power in my futility iniuy tliuea diirtng the pat thirty yearn and itsvc never known it o fail it will relieve the most serious affections of the tlirobl and lunc wlictlitr in ehlldreti or adult mrs e g edgcrly council hlufls iowa twluiy jtarsajo t was troubled uitli a diwae of the innff doctors aflvdid uie no rtlicf aiid contiderv lay iaie iiilcs i then began to us ajcrn cherry peel oral anu beforfe 1 had liiiishcd cue bottle fuimd rcluf i couttitacd to take this insdlduc until a ccire was cftccij i believe that aye rs cherry pectoral saved my life samuel grigg waukegan 111 six years ao i contracted a severe cold which settled oa tny luns and soon developed all the alarming syin tonis ot consumption i luul a coagh night sweat hleedtug- bf the lunff pains in chest and sides and was to prostrated u to be confined to my bed inot ot the time alter trying- various prescriptions without benefit my physician finally delefmined to dvc me avers cherry pectotal i took i and ttifl effect was magical i seeuied to rally from the first dose of this medicine and after using only till c bottleam as well and sound u ever iloduey johnson bpridgfleld 111 cast0ria for infants nd cnlldren oaatarltunvtomptedtoeuunallut recommend 1 1 u topertor to m7 prokriptioa kaontome bx immll ii i uoo lu6oatol8reiu7 i wltfim lijotommoilouiot thi csmrfl coxrun 77 marrtj sttwt k t owmite aw osbe omtlloa oar btomicli diuito trocuuw ktd wonni rw tlep u pnsmtm a headquarters -fok- ayers cherry rurua or j c ayer 4 co boldlr1idnfliu prici edoral owe 11 mais sjibc les ik another gives jflfflll pmper 6riaka8auti8nowro1rlii heictliltgiitslid other kichtoj xobby ptlttm luclodinjone ceiling uecokat10vs cekterp1eces coksee8 uj u endleu vriorofelegavt bohukbs the ltrgeit rtooj erer brouglit w acton to chooio from for 5c per roll ioa apirmd i window blinds in cjared and plain psjier alio an assortment of faxcv likens la heaatifol shades sad de- licciriliiiprini rollers complete dont lail ta km iheui before purefasltflss 9 r priwsare riant hlkbhstine igt of th above iauycienrtted kalsoiiike to band in sll he popular ibsdex it a beautiful bixd tia jlnisli vod ui not rub off one trill will ulifi j jetr k is ihe jbmttliifls in tfca market points and oils peuchens prepared paints itithiadifallhabotthssboteoldiiellablemixedpalnuiasjisixe and colors also gctta pebcht paixts pare white lads aadsij devoolohfl ofr taroentiae varaiihes j4pon sbuc ic hare l1o 4ded to my stock a foil hoe o tube paints in all the leading colon also pvgg sable lad hog haiii bniihes in sll sixes aa endless variety of hhcshes oa hand foeladini kalsomike white wash paint scrob boot stotcctdth horse whisks ac alvsrs ia stock heaps of hardware glass uaehinc oflcsiofee groceries crockery glassware lamps 4c sole agent for h yams coiaajou seasc saxh balance grarity saah lock and coruia koiieri also blaur caccs icrfectcd spectacles j b pearson oor 50c j beu them ill spring millinery opiclsrilitgr saturday 30th march i holliiirake son miitonj invite the bonnets lacies of halton to inspect their grand uispla- of trimmed hats and lowers feathers fane ribbons laces and trimmings j novelties from london paris and new york beg to call the derii miss campbell t who has charge of the millinery department will be pleased to show our very fine assortment hollinrake ov son attention of intending purchasers to their splendid stock of new gns in wall papers borders and ceiling decorations hoffinrake son are opening up gents new felt hats the correct styfts for spring is see their stock before you bu hollinrake v son milton the leading merchants our spring- goods j kelly bros kcton a look through our vcli suortcd and nobbj- stock ol hpriag bultiufi ind ianuncs ill coa- viacc yea tiat wc hate the choicest cqocu ia uio coaaty a perfect nt gaarsateed every ti ue ordered clothing new hats spring ties ti j it j m il caaiave money bv boring year beady ilidecothiiigst kelly bros we ht jost receited rvcclciy jvleud loliudrryijsoktxkof ueci voathsboyi and children sniu which ara of the choicest pattern j 1 b anditylof iicst ssita frcaz um cp odd pania tronj rlis op childrens suits rrom u5 op drygiods 1 care for orc eyes is a look thnjnzh kelly bros elegant assoruncnt of the most last ionable ilfrico hau which they can tcu cheaper than any other hese la the county wc have jut received s fcaadrwl dsicu cf the latest and most faihidhslie biiriag t and fccarfs lor geaueaea -grand- r m -and- drfess gldoda i i opening- acton 12 ft satitrda3 march 30th magnificent display of featt ersi floversribbonsjlaces and french novewes fflsspexeum coldiajly invites the ladies ofjacton and vicinityibcall o i the opening or follow ng days when she mil be pleased to show them through t dress goods pusitiyek- beyond description v rt t fexqtilsite is the word r ttii v wit of ioutloubtthe finest range new- and fashionable d ess goods ever put on saje in acton our ktaiic dry goods canl oe leal groceries our ttock of groceries ia vcrjccnpc azd ctuait iualjy at iool prices our 2jc jan tea lcata the world kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros kenneyb sprincrghin ros dominion boot slioe store main street desire tn t us uk llieir uiauy tradoi uowcouiplow w acton remember the day ladies saturday jiarclioth aird followino days r rbjermyn fur uietr uaiucrouii imrcbasuf durruc die 30 dy uje uidjto lo uiaouiic ujal uicir tuck lor uje s htem well uurtod itock cainpritln ul that will le rviulredbj the public ladljtlqe urchul froii lljfl uftnolacturotf direclt clom pncsl o iro imred to glio koodrilue ladies fine shoes ind slippers in variety 1 oentlemeas laced bala sec and all tbe usual lines nhousekeepers will do- well to inspect our stock- of carpets curtains- crumb clothsj cretonnes and fringes before purchasing j sells theai truaki aud yallsm if good rariety castoin wijrw will receive the usual attention and repairing promptly attended to kenney bros- acton- v- j- ai i