i loslxe sun jino 5 so p imttssdkiii 1 i lourrsms fjjjroup f sf it i i 1 c t j pouna luixu nr j j jjhi n ream citx liter s reslisik hwf tb gritd gerraca cjt rt rbotse ftouth lcsses kind pi irrrriskitl eared tpzone t i et crasa csptioa jar tad ia trass periec t itd-irtss- wccaii os f aniu it- vitality iz z- xjt s- j j ssdresr toe j jir tc lic trhor j siii collet si j ris axtyle consul- jty disesias ofjisa rood jow restored i jjji- of brcnltw- tit est 5 ltt cej u3r j u ii ti ul ikciiwjco io bui- cox- i jizuctarsa of fusses iaetipicial limbs circes cr sl k liitdisemraofthewjj- itiuftek- lio cecicses volume xiv xo 40 fra5w twm f v 1 -f-r- actoisyontaiuo thursday april 4 1889 price 11hbee cents jj pcblu11ei ever thuusdit uorxlq itthk j f press powefl frlknno hou8e ictos 0kxari0 chcitkab subscription rates vnvl tn ins p4xrl l tfae aovertlrinq ratep pi j 1 t i6ko tss53 f aj 1kh i jjiacbvr uw 90to i t0 3j0 3 uo h tao itool ijo roo uo cajdrcrtiaeatss au pertto lor thc irttinitrmbn isiloeau per line for etch ab- amotiawrtioc cub tto aombr ofuaet so4bribn xdtrtflaest wiihoct pcciscdinctfou till b tnertel till lorbid iui chuved ictorj- tlttti3iwrydtertitajauniat be p4d cfctafe ar ccntrmct cdtcrticamestc tunti be ie th offl by ua oa rneadttf otherii iit fll b left orer until the f allowing ek h pltooee editcrtciprourictur fasmrss trictflrr h lowrt xt b- mcpst t grialof trinity ccucueabcroc cosece of pbjvcinf ud sarawcs osei ad iice it tiahoid ol frederic tntt actoa- ay joss liwso grajjuate of oaariovaierintry cleie toronto t- eiaarrsarseonactoaoot oscec kesar r9c hoot tad tho ttarereiiea in th rer benm xmiaed tx to onadne tad ccrtilettc fto i idahf oijat or dij- proaipuj- aitadd to ubekxett ips dentist t0hkstok4riicta2v burisurs solicitort souriek convcytaccrs tt- prirxm fnndi co t wu- j 03 tan hll aan jqoxstqs wic k stclcii t a itokat t ltccjey to lonv omcr diti taesdcy tad sttcrdit rna ltttbttbit lictac cpiutrc qffltitokiallaxbilrd ibirrutert-soiidtorii- toeosto ixu gnoegkrovs osoh crteliaxa koct gwmjetattl id 6g kiac kreet cut tcrtato rt itjit j ehxayaaj j sued bj d1dgeb0t caeso co biitriatesa solicitors xotakihi cacrtqaxjibers cor ch arch iid adeltide sjt torosta f4i tcjpboa so 12t ch tatiw badscror cr-buwnqr- rohscieiorccx oocboxxirkasxr i tohk davis pls d cx essiszee roa g j ry ca in arderx for can eye woi receive prcinpt omcr- ssptzthtjgzzlpll in ttitine p taig character oi saixy datex vts secuezd foe ixtzstioks actoa banking company axorfit christie co bailitre acloa ontario i a gkxkftal fikkklxg business transacted 1 otast notes discounted ajid interesfe allowed on d epoaits w barber bros paper makers georaetown ont j msz itjtcuin or machine nnished book papers inua uiudi vveeklv kews the paper used m this jooraal ia froti the tbore mills wit basbee t bros r jlctok jpump factory planing- mill thos ebbagel man e fcve ran a ml the t of tb jicicp b3iets la actoa ird woald rpsrtfauy inlorm tu iirti is tg c pcispc tint ve im cow irepcrod to srf j thea roci i tbe old st iewoodei pmsp lo uu beit farce pnnp cj4c pnezps for wind milto or eock weoii rcihpilea on short notice- dp vtfllls tspecialt prices eight evekt time otar plining mill lrsberdrewdkhileydajtxit liorjdirrx ic mde to order v htrc tjo t qctrtity cf lamber fcr talc raittblc for bcijdics rcrpok- orders by villi irill receive rrcp ted ctreiul tuatioi j saspnliootof rtrer sae tjiosebbige hanac t hzxky grist 0ttirj cusjjix itccry tetn pnctice ko htnt o piy vth- heksxeeet 1 licrrso auctwhei 1 far lie cosnfcs of weniatia tnd ktlsoc orleisleliittfaefinx pzm balce acloa or u ny retid 13 acton vhi t proraptly t- lodedter temi retoootble j alio mpney to iota ca the most urorthle traknd t the lovect alts of ialemt in taxi of 6330 end npvtrds- xever leave 1ct0x wlica oa ctn get ts cood ta trticle- tad tk elioaptt harness shop we have opened out during the week large quantities of new paper hangings borders axd ceiling decoratious ver choice stock and extra low prices -at- days bookstore ouklph day sells cheap the meschakts protective and collecting associatioh of cakada head office hamilton ontario etibushd ifl u ta aisocitliaa of bosintis cndiirofewiocu men htrirc for lu object the collection ol debti and toiirevent hi member from uitldnc bd debt by famiifiinc tliem iui iiu fit ptrtie who do cot pr uerchinu tad olhert ntrfe kceonau to collect vul and it to laetrtdnauc to become member u handreds of iccoaats tre beinf eoueeted tbroagh ft that eoald not ba eoueetedlninyotaet viy mtny in tccoant thtt h been iced tad tbea retarned by the tiliff no good fur palling the raerchtct to grett erpca hi bn collected through uil miocituoa iferchtcutuhlng to become mem- ben by remitting c10w to oar uintgcn it htmilloa will receive bjretarn mtll tall ptr- ticctncertiflcttcof membenhip etc toti- caonitlt teat j b mills co managers acton- livery bus line the uadcrsigacd recpectf ell r jolieiis the iiitroa- tce cf the public tad fclonai tfcea thtt weil equipped ind styiisa rigs can al- wyt be secured atbiscublcs a cccforuble las meets ill day trains tad those tt night if ordered careful attention given 10 erery order tae wtcia cf comcieraal tnivel- icrs fallv cet johx welllues johsdat i aechttect j gcixfhorr omcrqamn hotf i kocfc iltrfcet scare pbascis jtusax i sacces5orui t fchipiajl booeelkdeb st geore s sqaarc g nelph onlario iseaant boots of in fciads made to order periodicals of ererydescripiioa carexailyboijnd tcling nealir and promptly done rnhe eaxlax b aeber shop hnl stettt acros in easy shave a stylish hairait a good seafbam taeiaijaratiagsaaiopoo always given bazars faoaedaadpniin firstciaas eondidon ladies sad ehiidreas hair tastily cat j iswpbdektqruoriaianistt s1les3iex wanted pfphasest posilians gaartnleed wita salary and expenses fpaid any ideienaineel tnaa cansoccaeowitliat pecaliar advxatages to be- pnaers stock complete incitding amy fast- hmipecaitie orsitffoe same this paper addreas u oaee ebowx beothess ser- erymea eocfcestr k t call and see if he is ao giving the be itx- gxinsia i light sad eearr harnfas blanfcets bells ctztj- comb ft bitishes whips tc i fcxvc cose to acton to ttay and vill endeavor to giva th best satisfaction to those who favor me with their pttronce i have i small expenses and can anord to sell cheap 1 collars warranted not to hurt jh jfattlifiws acton eemoved ta shop next kehy bros business change exvin- prchaiecf the lniiaefii formerly carried oa by ifextb i co i tate this oppcr- tcaitv of invitiaga share of pablic patron age andfeei eotrfldent thtt every easterner w7ii be trff with the manner ia 1 which i will fill his order new spring goods- i i have jzst pnt in a very cne assortment of r eagish irish and feectch saltings in the lajqst patterns spring orercoatings in variety 0r garments are all well made under dsrcarme wmj lee acton stocktaking -sale- boots and shoes ftotfrjj abarszl or wmsxzy a drayman rolled forth from his cart to the street a redheaded barrel wellbotnd and 001 plotjj and on it rod lot fen ilka forked leagues of flauie kmblaiouod the grade nuuibar reality and fame of this worldrcnowcod whitfcuj- froni ioac- bedrs still who arrested the grain ou uo way to the will so thire stood the barrel deliver but i coald see that t shadow was kovtriae afgh a talpharoos shadow that grew at i gtiod to the form of llephisto tfcoagh sorely amazed i rectorod to 4uestloa this imp of the realm where vice is- the pilot with crime at iho helm and asked him politely his mission to came and if ho was licenced to retail uxs same identical barrel cf whiskey which he was fondly surveying with dctnoalifce glee oh i never handle the itcit he rcilied if y partners good morals are trusted and tried mayhap peradvea tare- yea might wish to loot at the invoice complete i will read from this boot voawolfind that the barrvl contains some thing more than fortytwo gallons of whiskey galore and ere i coald slip bat another word in he checked it on gaily this cargo of fin a barrel of headaches of heartaches of woes a barrel cf enrws a barrel cf blowt a barrel of tears from a worldcctry wife a barrel of icrroir a liarrclcf strife a barrel of triable by evil beset a barrel of all anavsilisg regret a barrel of crime and barrel of pain a btrrel of hopes ever bltttcd tad iin a barrel of falsehood a barrel of cries that fall from the maniacs lips ero he dies a barrel cf poison cf this nearly fell- that shatters the nerves makes the intellect dcu a barrel of poverty ruin and blight a barrel cf terrors that grow with the night a barrel cf banger t btrrel of groans a btrrel of orphans most pftifal moons a barrel of serpents that hiss ts they piss from tho bead en iho liyscr that glow tc the klaa ifybarrel mytrtasnrc i bid thee farewell tuoalt sow the foal teed that is rcspod down inhcll catiimc timet szkd jamilir ikaoirtft fdartaa stafford by is olu coxteibctoe i have decided to give 105 off my alread low prices for the next thirty days- to make room for my spring goods i have a large stock of felt boots on hand which i w3l sell cheap 1 note the prices- half fox 140 whole fox si 65 guelph bttsinesi college grjelphoktiei0 i aa csplojed u bookkeepers boiiefix eicr ct tfae iek lcseu hooses ia icnrnir tni the tc si yonntr men uil wumea decirinc cwraafa fcssise edactiad till ccnilf tfaeir tciiebrktecdicelielgaelpfabajtiiiets copege- fcrncikdparjclrf4ddibhs ir iiccoesace w i priadptl fruit trees small fruits and ornamental shrubbery j tjvebcoofc acton his been appoicied ju sole scent for this swiion for the we3 toovn old ircherr xnrserk s ifonjsoc pro- pjietor acd is prepared ut take orders fcr any 01 the rait trees small fruia or thrabs j which are shows in the mns3tdjettaiopse of the ery the prodcet of the old eojoestcr yate known to be fcesmlly reliable and torreetlyatatdaelictn promise satilaetory raalu to kii kbo purchase stock from me ices reasonable 1 l j eevibcook agent picture frames at- witess beothees piot1jees i -at- watess beothehs corsica poles barner kodi moajdings carfs kiisgiiii bevelled jcrrorb artists ujtepjjls wihtor kewtoct i -at- waters brothers 25 wtnpfk street gdeles the acton free press i have a good stqck of trunks valises i will sell cheap i also remember this is for cash only w williams i mill street acton i lumber shingles and lajth paecsienjzeddeiiret iiialoua the public wi l n uec iial till ifiep in is t ri pi hemlock si veil i i j liatar tlk fint nd beod eioe aris t ith j coal twdod iirfaj uic lutn i ia prepared toupti u tiod at nooti ictreiltoi joidftockof vvood lileprieet ivoodiudcou delivered i a3tfs bbow the leadikg local newspaper of hsltoa cast- u pcbliiiioi every rhcrtiiy mazuiuz tt acton ont- entrerililioi frl- onlr j100 la adrance tit it for three monttu for 25 cent fancy goods ix great variety i desire to inform my nnmeroas ccstoniers that i hive parehaseo tfine variety of goods for the xtnas tiae camprlsinsa splendid lot of toilet articles in hair tooth and kail bruxfaaa the finflsx perfbrces in the market i have tlso the nnest stocfc in weaving im the mgt mm jte t mitchell deairea to iaform the people- ot actoc led j larroabdings that be is prepared to lake 1 i j j otden for weaving ill kind of faocy etc ml it 14 1 csrpeu fkncel sheeting shirting nd nj l vu preis goods striped otpwdtwfflorpuitn fire iksurahcje wmtrtz r ml j i or thz i ooastzor vaxuhbte s zstbubbzv 160 head office cue ph freiident jqbn tiy i q axel t actories ou the jinres hail usiftirerel andls uano ii her deacriptioa of property r kot system w stufle ci asi davi son 8e retary batisfactaon to all fanner and others who will favor me with their patronage t mtcheli wasted goodfrelialiemeiictn find permanent cm- r wat weekly iloyment for maple grove knrsertes of waterloo k v good salary and expeaaes paid libera bsdncements to bejdnnen oatflfffm preriom wperience not roqoired eatablbbodoterimyeakb all goods angela write at once for terms addreijwttckay genutiagerbt thomas oat mention ttais taicr ladies satchels ever shown in acton for xints presents i hare a bcaatifol selection of albums booklets c wo also keer all the aathorized school books and school boppiies hymn books poaa t peudls slates ink etc we keep a largo selection of spectacles to salt all sights giro oa a call before patchaaing dont for get the place dbtjtf store false false ani i woald have staked my life open her troth it only proiea what an idiot a man in love can be in ms itronc excitement george itortba had epoken alocd holding clenched in one band an open letter ee thoaeht himself alone nntil i low seet voice in ts adjoin- icj room said it cant be iltxiin gearre it is itariaa he said in a fierce ton striding into the cosy little room off the library where his sister uoawts embroid ering a pair of alippers bhe looked op with her woo eye fall of sjmpatby as her brother stood over her leaning against the mantel- piece i had a letter from harkiuson this morning george said in a low tone eri- dently forced to keep down an aatbreafcof passionate ntterancea he writes i went last evening tolfisshatian staffords wedding a crand affair everybody was amazed for she married captain bond of the nary who has been away several years i send yoa some of the newspaper notices as i know yon visited the staffords did he send the notice v certainly i shall accept hills o5er naw j oh george no 31trianisnot allyoa leave trae dear there is the deareat lilte sister in the world ba lit is better for me toco toa bare father and acnt kate and look up tjna will there not soon be another to more than 11 my place i meant to tell yoa una said blush ing hat it seemed crael when yea were so troabled harry aaked me yesterday tobe his vrue and i dolcitehicn george he is worthy of lore evea of yoars una bat i can leave joa cow with an easy conscience i was writiue io marian an hour ago telling her that i shoald de cline this proposal bat cow a little hand was pat caressingly npon his own bat una did not attempt spoken consolation for a sorrow she felt to be be yond tbe reach of words she had been with george the prerions snmmer at the hotel near meant washing ton where hiss stafford was also sojourn ing with her married sister krs alexan der the cocrse of true lore ran very smooth both wereyoong both possessing a sufficient income for every comfort both handsome well educated moving in the same social circle there had been no ser ious interrapuon to the wooing and when the sammer party broke op george ae- cocapanied marian to her city home her- promised fansband his ovm home was in the western part of pennsylvania where his father had large interest in coal and his son a position of trust in the same firm bat jest before tht- crael letter reached him telling him of marians marriage george had received an offer from an old friend to join an exploring party going to soath america know tea will be glad to use your pencil hi friend wrote oriieto ask you to join ns at once in the place of oar artist meredith who died sawiiv last week all expenses paid salary two haasaad and a share in the proofs of the crpeditian do come the next morning george started for new york to join his friends party for the expeditioi proposed it cannot be denied that his heart was very heavjy aa he passed throazh philadel phia withoat seeking marian but he knew the happy pair had cone to kiagara for a wedding rip and made no delay in the city of brotherly love he was qaite aa- aware that he was seen in the depot by a tall remarkably handjome man who turn edpale at the sight of him and whose on- ipokeu tooncht was morton my leller moat have misted fire- j r it waj not altogether a pleasant idea true he had not been informed of any en gagement between his friend and miss stafford but he had intended to remove one riral from his path when he wrote the letter from which we have quoted to lus old college ehom george morton it waa nearly a week later before he bam- moned courage to call at mrs alexanders whenid hii relief and amazement he was sdfornjei thatmorton hadioloedthe6outh lpcric4n expeditiou we saw it in- tho new york papers mrs alexander told him and marian has been u- ever since you know they were engaged r no i knew he was very devoted last sammer was there a positive engage ment moil poitivo it is the most extraor dinary conduct we expected him at the wedding but be did rot even answer the invitation fred hatkinsou winced the invitation intrusted to him with manyotberstopost was in hit desk safely locked away from prvmg eye em have yoa no letter from lumv he aaked that is the most extraordinary nart of it marian has ajetler telling her ol this very expedition and saying positively that he will decline the position offered to him xhe next news is that he has sailed may there not be eome mistake in the papers v j i think cot as his letters have ceased he wrote nearly every dsy a politic man ons who coald hide his time was frederick harkinson and he al lowed the sua to rise and set many times before he again called npon mrs alexan der bat his attentions wheche resumed his post of confidential friend of the family were unobtrusive and sodehcate thai mar- ian ihocghher heart acd pride were sorely wounded took comfort in the tender care the gentle coarteeies ofherloug-timelriend- and frederick harkinsons hopo rose daily in the meantime far away the south american party weremeelingwitb varying fortune but moving abot so constantly that nearly two years passed before gecrce morton received any direct comrhanication from una long before mrs henry mason a happy little wife he was at rio turiiing over a larce pile of letters aifp little of the contents of each one when a familiar name upon one of unas long epistle canght hid eye vca will be arrrid iaax gtorga lna wrote whcni uji yon who is at mary iiobo- socs a fovemess la her children- i was o as- toniihed then i met her that it look some time to get t clear idea cf her story into my mind bat win tell it w yoa as well u i can yoa know or perhap i tell you for the first time that mr frederick harltinjon ft mrs alexanders lawjer sndiathat capacilyhe had control of marian stafford s property a hahdsotnc sam we will inpposo that he was tlso in love with her be that as it may lid offered himself to her and war rcfased aithaafh she had l warm sisterly affec tion for him lie ru teniljy decreased by tht tcfaaal and report says drank heavily for icv- eralcetjl then he wa attaeiedby t lowncr- voas fever grew weaker very rapidly and died hat beferu be beanie too ol he scat for mrs ucianicr and eoafessed to her that he had ased marian s maaey in a ipecnlatioa aad lost it worw than tcishe tcjdhcrhc had groseiy deceived you and saeceoded in driving you from marian far dear it was marians sunt and namesake who was married o capl bond and in mrharkinonv desk was foead onr marians letter jo yon iaviing yoa to the tedding wbca she round her on fartnne xs pone beyond re call she refused to live la idleness and mrs alexander allowed htrto take this sitaatioa thiakins it well for htr u have some absorbing occupation hat i hope yoa will soon be at heme she is so pale aad sad so sorry far yoa in the midst of all her own troubles that i am sare nothing will evermak herhappy but see ing yoa j aad this letter is tea months old said george with a sigh that was almost a groan who can tell what may have happened he tossed over the other utters impa tiently finding often a line abont marian bat no long communication winter had come for the second time since george mortons departure aad two ladies both yosug and both fair were seat ed ia a cosy rittiagroam worshipping at r true womans favorite shrine a babys feet a pretty baby with unas eyes and rings of golden hair over a lrow fair as ivory she wts iist at the cooinc crowing ae and the usoal offering of nonsense talk was calling forth her rapturous admiration yoa know dear una was saying we have decided to call her georgiana harent we loot wootsey she was to be named for her uncle georpef so she was the darling the face ot the other lady always lovely was improved by the softest of blushes as she said he will behereforlhedirislenincuna i had a letter this morning perffiioas woman why did yoa not let me tee it- why it was was so eo foolish dear me said una with affected con cern i hope that horrid soath ameri can climate has cat injured his brain konsense and the blush deepened yoa know i dont meio that oh he was notmore idiotic than other men onder sach circa mstancee there it is too bad to tease yoa in the sittingroom this was a mans voiced load and clear in the hall and marian sprang from her kneeling position beside baby to her feet just aa the dnor opened and george morton entered the room i tableau george and marian in the fore ground ia raptaroas embrace- una in the background kissing the baby till it was a wonder it had any cheeks left bat all great excitements have an end and gfcorge did remember presently that he had asistet and niece awaiting notice i did not expect to find marian here nesaid although i did not end her at mrs kobescas so said una laagfaing yoa went here first i plead guilty i bat yoa woald not have found her here for several weeks past she has been my guest and not only lhatj george but open your eyes those speculations of fred harkinsona have taken a urn nd paid handsomely marian sold oat at doable the price originally paid foruhe stock so i am sorry to say yoa do not cometo the rescue of a distressed damsel bat he came to bring happiness and love and there was a qaiet wedding soon after where marian stafford became mrs mor ton and no enemy made mischief thk eyk au intcrestlnr lecture delivered by ur d mafic qaelpb befure the scientific society the last lecture of the tonne under the auspices of the guelph scientific society waa delivered the other evening by mr o d fringe in tbe societys rooms and as mnch informal ion of value tc the pablic is given we reproduce a part of the lecture mr priuge began by giving an account of the nature of light audits most impor tant laws especially that of refraction by rueans of a prism he showed how it was that the ordinary white sunlight was in parting through a prism broken up into all the various colors of the rainbow owing to the different degrees of refrangibiiity possessed by the various ray passing on to the subject of lenses he showed by dia grams that a lens is sun ply a pair of prisrni placed edge to edge the thick edges in contact if the lens is convex and the bin edges together when the lens is con cave by means of chalk diagrams on the blackboard he clearly indicated the paths of light rays paasing through prisms and lenses of variona forms he next exhibited colored diagrams of the human eye and its various parts point ing oat that there are four lenses in the eye which serve to refract the rays entering it and to bring them to a feens on the retina at the back of the organ from this the impression is conveyed by means of the optic nerve to the brain and the result is the sensation which we call light clear- nees of vision depends on the accurate focasing of rajs from observed objects on the retina aud anything that interferes with this makes sight indistinct hence the necessity of spectacles of various forms to correct the defects caused by abnormal forma of eyes the effect of these lenses being to cause the pictures of object to be thrown exactly ou the retina and lhas make distinct vision tbe various imperfections of sight were next mentioued and their caases explained they axe cniefly presbyopia or old bight hyperopia or farsight myopia or short- sight astigmatism and muscular irregu- laritief of these presbyopia is the most common coming to everyone at he ad- vances towards old age the cause of this defect in vision wxs verj clearly explained by the lecturer in youth the ciliary muscles attracted to the crystalline lens of of the eye enables the person to accommo date his eye to objects at various dislances by altering slightly the form of the lens bat as old age comes on the muscles lose the akcient batterinqttks they exerted greater powej than any gun or cannon invented up to tbe year 1sc0 these batteringrams were probably as ef fective it knocking dowji a wall or staving in the side of a ship as the bct modern cannon but for making a breach the gun are far superior such was the solidity and thickness of the walls of jerusalem that josephns tells us it took all of one night fo an enormous batteringram to dislodge four stones vitro vina has left us the description ol a ram weighing isoooo pounds but prob- ably the most celebrated of all the ancient movingtower rams was tbat constructed by demetrius poliorcetei at the siege of rhodes the hue of the tower was seven ty five feet square the ram iuell wts an assembly of large square beams resting on wheels in size proportioned to the weight cf the structure and all are riveted together with iron tba felloes of the wheel were three feet thiok and strengthened with iron plates from each of the four angles of the tower a large pillar cf wood was carried np to a height of 150 feet and these pillars were inclined towards one another the tower has three stories communicating by two staircases each three sides of the ma chine were plated with iron to protect them against fire in front of each story there were loop holes screened by leather car- tains to keep oat darts arrows etc each story was provided with ymachinery for throwing large stones ani dirts and in the lower story wis tb3 ram ltlf ihirty- fath oms loug and fashioned at the end into an iron beak or prow the eutire machine was moved forward by s500 soldiers bat it can easily be understood that among so many men rtpme musf be more or less exposed to the enemys darts and arrows and so to drive the euemy from the walla an j open places to break the roofs of his houses and otherwise snnpy him machines were neceaaary tor throwing missiles from small darts up to huge boulders the watcfl to wes a minister in bajtimorejias been com pa ting the size of beaven and reaches tbe conclusion that it contains exactly 5759- 750000000 rooms each iq by 16 feet in size ha is not the first professed minister who exhibits his lack of good sense by dab bling in matters he krjws nothing aboul sach things manifest the lack of reverent piety ai well as a lack of good sense the new york obntr says on san- i dav last the rev c h parkharst dd this power to apme extent and the result paflor rf he uldil0q vedoe pre8byteriii u that rays of light entering the eye while i charch bqrpri5ed hl corikre2at by ex- we are looking at reading distances and j pre8liac himeli emphatically in favor of paasing through the various lenses come to j tfae frefi tywtem he f re marked i believe thoroughly in free a focus behind the retina jaad therefore only a confused image of the object looked at is thrown on the retina itself and con veyed to the brain this defect is reme- died by placing a convex lens in front of the eye which artificially does the work o the lees originally provided by nature but grown stiff from advancing years and thus bringing the focus on the retina again the subject of myopia or shortsighted ness was very fully treated xo one mr pringle said is born short- sigh ted it is jtrue fat may inherit a tondency to this j from the fact tbat his eyes are soft and are liable to be made myopic if improperly usecl the germans aa a nation seem to be peculiarly liable to myopia and we find that a very large percentage of them are compelled to wear spectacles the fault in this case is exactly the opposite of hyper opia the eye is drawn oat as it were from front to back so that the retina ia too far away from the front of the eye this causes the rays entering the eye w be brought to a focus in front of the retina so that a con fused image is produced the myopic subject attempts to correct ihis by bringing the object looked at closer to the eye this causes the rays entering the pupil to be more divergent and lhe consequence is that they- are not brought to a focas so soon in other words the focus instead of being in front of the retina is exactly on it and clear vision resoita but this expe dient tends to elongate the eye still farther and therefore to increase j the evil the proper remedy is to use concave lenses which produce the same effect withoat far ther injuring the organ in this connection it is cf the greatest importance to pay at- tentian to the way in which children use thec eyes if in reading the type is small or indistinct or the light is bad tbe book is sore to be held too closa in order to see the letters clearly and shortsightedness is the inevitable result careful examin ation of the eyes of thousands of children has shown that that there are many more suffering from myopia than is generally be lieved youth is the time to attend to this as no one accept in rare cases becomes shortsighted after they grow op the lecturer also explained the defects in the hyperopic or farsighted eye and their different pecuiiarities which cause in some cases cross eyes head ache mus cular fatigue etc as the time had expired astigmatism end muscular irregularities were briefly bat clearly dealt with creat ing a feeling in those present that the speaker was thoroughly conversant with the subject at the conclusion of he lecture the vice- president in the name of the society thanked mr pringle very heartily for his exceedingly instructive address a gener al discassion of the subject followed in the course of which a number of questions were asked and satisfactorily answered mr pringle also exhibited the cards and the large and valuable collection of lenses osed in testing sight and these were examined with much interest by many of those who were present pews and if my people see fit to abolish the rents and depend upon voluntary con tributions i will accept for compensation whatever may be left if it is not too much after- the running expenses are paid dr parkhursti free and decided expression o his views wiii no doubt lead to no little dis cussion of the question of free or hired pews an honest skeptic asked an t evangelist how can i come to believe these things which you so earnestly teach the clergyman exacted the promise that his 3t a eoibxadesca carl was a joliy little fellow with eyes of lilac and cnru of yellow and rosy cheeks and jnft the chin t to holds irutty dimple in he foand himself alone one day and wondered tfka twssjt to play rooeil and iwr robn he saw and seised them poth said he ill rimr an ogro like tho one to grum poor jack beard rrowiibg fecciuui first heres his forehead full of bumps and then his uoso ith three big humps and tb en two cas of nornions s and tlica iwodrcadfnl taring eye and then a month froai ear to car with jong sharp teetliliic tusks bat hcts the artist witheiottened wide la fright gazed oh alb work and crftid minima mainiaa come come please do im tcry lonely wiibont yoa and oh mamma im so afraid of this old ogre that ive made llawi fv st skiioat fvr april rpiexdseip ha who liadly relieves the distressed and tisiucbvtiek in time of deed or tenderly lift up the oppressed is truly a friond indeed i is pot what tc do for ourselves alone i sot gain of wealth or poer but what wo have for others done that counts in the final boor hevocldtkw a bujtling busy rosycheeked bright- haired daughter of erin one day enured the library of a ccntleman in liverpool in whose esubhshineiit she was housemaid holding between her thumb andfinger letter which she held at arms length as if she had a gunpowder plot in her band in answer to his enquires as to her busi ness she said an it plase yer honor im bat a poor f irl apd haint much larnio and ye sees plase yer horfor paddy oreil ly and a better than juni doesnt braulrs in ould ireland basbebi writing of me m letter alovc latter plase yer honor an an hejjuejsedat her embatrsjasmeilt and offered to relieve it by reading toe let ter still she hesitated while she twisted a bit of raw cotton in bet fingers m shute she returned- an thats whati want but t isnt gentlemen like yerself tha wbpld be knowing the screts between oi and po here she twisted the cotton nerwoahy if iiulplise yerj honor while yete lead- ing so thai yer jay not read it joartlf yell jist put this bit of ootton in jerert aud stop up yer hcsrine ruid tbin the secret 11 be unknown to yerl thegentte- mab of course hadnt the heart to refuse her and with the gravest possible potnpue1 with her request and then gave the inquirer 3 verses from the bible which he promised him if ex- plicity followed would lead to light and ralvaiion the texts were- search the scriptures joba 539 if any man will do his will he sbaji know of the doctrine whether it be of god john 1 17 come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest matt 11 mi then they parted two weeks afterwards when they met the inquirer face was eutirely changed ia a glow of enthusiasm he exclaimed it is all rightl i have found it just at yoa said and i am saved the thin cannot gm in weight if they are troabled with dyspepsia because the food is net converted into the due propor tion of tioariabing blood which alnne can furnish the elements of flesh buttbereia do reason when this wearing attenuating disease id conquered by northrosl ty- manf vegetable pibcovery why thexe should not be ao appreciablegain iu weight whicu indeed is usually the ease it is peerless remedy also for constipation liver complaint kidney troubles and roots out all imparities from the blobd obortle of manchester ontario co k y writes i obtained immediate re directions should be implicitly fouowed s tbe 0 dr thomas eclectrio oil 3 bavehkd asthma for eleven yean hva been obliged to sit up all night for leu or twelve tights in snccesslod i can now sleep toandly all night on afealher bed which i had not been able to do prev ious to osinii the oil holloways corn cure deetoys all kinds of corns and warts root and branch- who then wotld endure them with sach a cheap and effectasi remedy within reach j a talk about flowzes g ive your plants all the sunshine possible these short spring days are quite likely to be cloudy ores and plants will not bloom well withoat sunshine so be sare to take advantage of every clear dayand allow your plants to get all the benefit tbey can from them be careful about giving too much waiter some persons get intothe habit ot giving water daily not taking into consideration the fact thai in dull weather evaporation atkes place slowly if water is applied too frequently the soil will be in danger of souring and good plants cannot be grown in sotir soil watch your plants and with hold water till the surface of the soil looks dry then give enough to permeate the entire ball of earth in the pot in winter never apply water that has not had the first chill taken off i do not be lieve in giving warm water to ordinary plants bat x would advise letting it stand until it is of the temperature- of the room which the plants b a goun m- d dean ind trofettoa ofsargryof th uuited states medical college editor of medical tribune authorof gaujia new improved hand book of hygiene and domestic medicine says over bis pwo signature 16 speaking o a severe case of kidney disease aebnn ical aud microscopical examination of tltt patients unne revealed quantities of albu- mbn and granular tube casts wnfixraing brigbts disease after trying all of the otlierremediss in vain i directed him to aae warners safe cure i was greuy surprised to observe a decided improvement within a month within four month no tube casts could be found add only a trace of albomen and as he espressedrit he- felt perfectly well eprblslvess pty as you go xeverfool in business matters do not kick everyone in yoar path keep ahead of rather than behind tbe times use your own brains rather than those of others have order system regularity and also promptness if you have a placcofjjusines be found there when wanted no man can get rich by sitting around stoves in saloons aitics to motexes are yon disturbed ai night and broken of your rest by a tick child sufferirig and crying with pain ol cut- ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of ms winslows soothing syrop for children teething iu value is incav cnlable it wjll relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about h it cures dysentxv and diarrhoea regulate the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammatioo and gives tqneand energy to the vrboje syt- tem mrs wiiisws soothing byrnp for children teething is pleasant to tbe taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female pbysicians and narses in the united states- ana is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslows soothing syrup andjtake no other kind tote fob license h yoa ever knew a barroom reclaim a drunkard if yoa ever knew a hex room improve moralliy f if yon ever knew a barjrobm r a sun- i day school if you ever knew a barjooiu an auxiliary j to aoharcb y j if yoa aver knew a par room help gods cause if you ever knewifcibftrrooinsave a soul but remember the denunciation against him who puts the battle to his neighbors lips ana be who votes for license is in the same uoudeaiuatuu boubs foe baaaltlats base hits whacks below the belt never muffs a ball a toper makes a hometun a good husband 6afe hitters barbara caught napping policemen lines er out fishermen daisycutters cattle r oat ol strikes dissatisfied work men a scratch hit lighting a match i a man ol sighs the umpire heay hitters lacky investors on the fly hotel beats a fowl tip a chickens tail a doabh play borrowing 3 to pay j debt often caught at it catchers bounds many srearve pitchers besemblesihe comma short slops ltye them all oat undertakers meke the circuit a garter an old ringer 0 v familiar figares bn the diamond qui 00 000 i constipation followed by fitful diarrhas shooting pains in the breasts drawing down aching pains burning sensation in the small of the back scanty darkcolored flaids which scald in passing and many depositssand mucus tube casts and flails covered by a greasy scam anyone ol tba foregoing signifies advanced kidney trouble prof wm- h thompson m d of the university of the city of new york andvti warners safe cure taid over bis own signature if i fouud myself the victim of berious kidney trdoblej i would use yoar preparation if yon want to buy or sell a form ad- ertise in the toronto widely ifaii that paper reaches 100000 farmers hornet every week andouradvertisement should meet the eye ol somscne who want to par- chkse advertisemenuoltoltchut are in serted in the toronto ffeehy mil or five gents a word each insertion of twenty cents a word far five insertions address llio hzal toronto canada ii is vl it is worse than msdneaa to neglect ft cpagh or a cold which u ewily fubdoed if tasen fo lime becomes when mt toitiell tbeoeruoner ol conbaraption andpremi- tnrejiiith inflsmmition when imtlaoki the delicite lissoe ol ihe longs sod bronch ill tubei travels with perilous rspirtitjt then do not delsy set a bottle ol bicklel aaliconsampiiv byrap the medioine that urasps this lormidable loe otthe hnman bod- and drives it from the sys tem thisiediciuepromotmafreeandeaiy jajs more adolts are carried off in thia i eipeon3ration snbdoea the coogb healstbe conntrj by chronic tadnej disessethan by diseased parts and eieru a most wonder any other one malady except consnmptioo the late dr dio lewis in tpeakint of inl inflaenmiin canni oonsnmptioo and other diseases ol tbe throat and inngs if parents wish to save theiires ol their chudrenj and tiiemseluea from- modi ami etyiowe j expense let them procur a bottle ol liicklei anticonsnojpum syrap and wbencverjscutldhas taken oom has a oongh or hoarssnesi give tbe syrup accosting to directions whenrttbe sprinfitime cometr wo mtuilly fidd ooiselves drowsy and exlliwt ed owing o the impure and slnflpih bate oftnblo3 to remedy this taxauuae ayets sirsapsrilla the most powsriol vet aaead hloodptlxiner ia eiiitence i ti