4 t t i c k uoroti iacph on ticket accnf itesmtvtomkixtm tli brides taun r tifoweto cvculnc sjtjiuarch 1s9 don ml whs- bciscj- la i a taniiikimj em uajmusa utkiwfoiwttiial on methodist chkireh calcini kbnun if by the kt formertv of rtiil iter v 1 iknpat w mt cliariotu timgtitcrof mr ll j bcr out the hmsruild man mariod lcaiw bcl itouifield takcmosldiuf milloa in fcef slih vtar jtxuu u tije rwdchs ewjuesint oi the 32ud moorv daughter of tbe apjd i yean p uios aui ljil at nfiyrara 1 all lurch chvbclawu j k habbs sw i yvr akj sunn- lu 4m jctcuuah sidth ail 1 cljt ltm mtt rss b march uw wife o mthoatkot residual of uic on wednesday yllit- o b uor- siicdmeblcr otj d lutunitollah arret idiaxmtbhu rank v- wine itfort of assnwl u roiuar eldest cr of ultiuwiniains fr tarch 4t tijaflas ved wife or j hum ltoxcf win forrest of john hcmim- xutbjults rebecca tic sclsm moore day south or the 23th daaccst son of her mouths a the ilth march tare ud 6 months from the capital tire jemlls eitntw 1u1 votfxotm nud scctinofuie bttattlonjb pupa toiuboull xumebol s ouliby ixtlok 3 n thx1hsiav april vts axd c0 1 ts xo the eheslsoa n johi briguty who js a libenuumaaist will oc atcsl the seat in the house of common tor the ontnl ditisioao birmingham made vcaat by the death of pis father j the brcmccial secrcu rr bu reported to the impenil goverumen an the scott act and declare that whew er the scott act ii in operation drunks an 1 disorderlies hire been reiaeed m per cent ifail the kewpterfc battel cheese and egg healers havepetitioaed the state senile to appropriate floqqqg to maintain a dairy commission ifor the enforcement ic the iavt against frandalcct traffic in oieomar- grine arid akqlterated milk i sir jnliaa eiuncefow has beenippoinu od succefiaor ko lord sicknile aa british hisister to she united states sir jahan has gained i repcution far energy 1 dear- tcadedness calmness tad tact in the man agement of borcinc oneitions of public and national importance ana ts considered pre- eminently fitted for his pew appointment a letter from henry 3l stanley the ex plorer dated smcpalari september 4th isss which hts reached a fnend of the ex plorer in edinburgh sars he is veil and in good spiritsj ee met min paths on the shores of the albert xvauza they were together for26 dsys fthen stanley left eniio the utter trac enpying good health ltiny people scorn tol nnasrare of the fact lhai anr one bajin strong tink from a licensed iicor seller at ifieal hoars is open to consiciicn for riolstioa of the law if this law we c rigidly enforced there woold be less c t the disgracef d satordaj- aight and sanday drinjtinc nhkvi common in mtny places ichere thecroofcs act is in force this juit questipi has not yet reached its climax- the fecmen is only becinniag to heave- at a great meeting held last week at toroulo prominent men of both parties wert found for docc hi complete harmony the xfberak condemnedthc hercier gotercinest for passing the bill and the conbervatirea di nonnccd the do minion govtmcient for i ot diaallowicij it if both parties for fear c f disfavor in cer tain quarters tnm a deaf ear to the demand otthepeoplt then both parties may set their honser in order montreal wuwv generally speaiing in western ontario has survived the rery satisfactorily tho winter irheat area r rigors of the past seajon the fall growth thoqg not heavy wis i healthy and vigorous throngh the sever er part of the winter the fields were well coated with protecting snow this quick ly disappearing the wheat plants emerged with safety jand have already made con- sidexable growth a few fields are short iad brown bat appearances in the major- itjof cases are favorable there i stitt danger fronj frosty nights and raw dry winds hoi fanners report little or no in- jary in thatjrespect ts vet l few weeis will probably tell the tile iteanwiiijei the fields aie dailyehowtng a heavier coat ofgreen j 1 the gceepeifagedv a jtrdlc of tcilfal honler aralnst die 1 prisoner ham v the frightful murders committed in gaelph last week by william h harvey mast have been the work of a madman kosane map codd resist the chatter of bis child as he ed her home from school to take her life only a roan whose reason had been overthrown in a moment of disgrace and despondency codd kill the wife who faidleinediovinsly cponhlm for so many years who hnt a maniac coald travel so many milei for the pzrjose of killing his fonl the crimes are so nnnatcrd were done so bolily yet with ich stealth thai ff marks tbeperpetrator p the deeds as a madman jwhen one examines his history and finds that he was abnormally proad once occupied a good postionthat hk wife was cultured and wellborn that een in adversity he had been tniited and had been the superintendent of a eccaay school it if possible to realize the erzible j shock he mast have experienced a hen his defalca- tions were discovered jic many other crimioals the terrible th tig he was doing in embezzlmg his employers money did not come iome to hm cntil discovery made him nnderstaud hs disgrace and heartbreak that mast overwhelm hi family aoi which woald oreier make him unable to look an intuit man ia the face a certain feeling of sympathy is eoter- tained for him in sexeral naarters bnt the general sentiment of the community is that he sbodd pay the penaltj- of his crime i if gnilty a roan with harveys intelligence and education it is held is oiore resjioij tible than b- man ol less knowledge and cdacalion j the priraiitr is cow takinz lionribhmeatiegdarly stdhsi ojaverwd with his spiritual advisee iliev g a har vey and with those in atiendsoce the coroners icqcet was ccnclnded on toesday nfeht and about 2 oclock yester day morning a verdict m wilful murder was brouatinagjuint harvey the prisoner the fnaenl of jtlie vfctios on friday afternoon waroue of the largest ever seen hrgaelphj the sbn willie the only rela- tire in the country attecflod hd it grid- nally recowring from the awfal shock aad is oow starjring with kind friends in the city sn joe uccauslaud wellknowo designers and execute charming household stained gla description they also land bent ed silferw import direct from the uk of blitish plate ship to all toronto the workers in glass tfemor si windows and of every known cake gins rt of can ad in all sizes sod makers an immense which they gail from oar own corrcsiwndnl ottawa april 2 tl great jcsaiis de- bate is over sud the go ernmeot instained by amajotitv of 175 in a vote of 201 the heaviest votctver polled in the canadian parliament it was two oclock thursday nigh oc friday morning when blr john macdonald woand up the debate which had been the most extraordinaryon record ou every point of the case under discussion there was entire agreement between the conservatives and liberal lesders mr david mills supported sir johathooipson sic john macdonald prompted and encoar- afied mr mills mr blake even woka ap aud gave pointers to sir john macdonald the unusual spectacle was presented of mr blake crossing the floor and congratu lating ihn minister cl jaatice the dis cussion opened on tuesday by mr obrien of maskoka ofiermj as an amendment to he goverumect motion to go into supply a resolation calling fcr the vote of the jesuits billon the grounds of the recogni tion of the pope a forcigu authority usurp ing the supremacy c the qaecn the en dowment of a religious body by the state and on the ground of detriment to the public welfare tkc smllkxxs mr obrien was supported by mr bar ron of korth victoria from the opposition benches mr s c wallace of west york mr mccsrihy of korthsttncoe mr colby of stanstead and mrj mcxeill of korlh bruce all conservatives and by mr charl ton of korth korfolk mr scriver of hun tingdon que korth oxford all liberals the premier and the minister of justice and hon mr mills of bothwell mesirs mccarthy and charlton were the oniymembersof the minority who made stromz attacks on the jesdts and tbe roman catholic political influence in quebec messrs colby min isterial and scriver opposition spoke for the pfolcstanl minority in quebec both agreed that the protestant minority in quebec were fairly treated but mr scriver said that during the last few years there had been an uueasy feeling owing to some of tbe public utterances and to the undue inflaence of the clericals he also said this act had been a bitter pill for the min- orits and the bitterness was likely lo re main ior some time he hoped the whole matter woald yet be appealed to a eoart of law rnx oajzcnaxs to vorc practically there was but cccground taken why the act should not beticterfcrei with namely that itiw entirely a pro- via rial affair it did not matter whether the act was agcodorbad cceit was within the right of the quebec legislature to pass it sir john macdonald made a strong point when be said if the act hid teen dis allowed it woddalouk hue teen reenact ed and then lo government codd hare been formed at ottawa to disallow it the second time mrlanricr fpote eloquently for over an hanr it was going to two oclock and sir john macdocald was speaking when alexander mackenzie was seen to enter the chamber the entire scene was one locg to be remem bered fcr days multitudes had flocked to listen in silince to a debate affecting the very life of the confederation late as was the hour the thousands who had thronged the great gxlleried itll remained hundreds of them standing including ladies there were senators clergymen of all re ligions many from a diitance come ex- presiy for the occarion below in the brilliantly lighted chamber sat two hun dred elected representatives of the people then it wia thai the bent form of mr mac kenzie entered believing that a great principle wis at stake he had for the only time in two years come down to vote in its vindication as he had far the same rea son voted with the government on the kiel question so he came down no- to support his life long political opponents on hie appearance a sensation ran through the house followed fay cheere from all sides as he reached his seat later on when the expremier voted all proceedings were sus pended far several moments while loud cheers rose from all parts of the chamber there was great enthasiasni owing to his feeble health mr mackenzie is not per mitted to attend the sittings after six oclock so great would the risk be thus itwas that his appearance was one of the most extraordinary character hishands shake with the palsy and though hisicain re mains as clear as ever he cannot speak above a whiipe or turn his head his loooraotire powers are still good tec vom i so great was the interest that stayed till the vcte was recorded including her excellency lady stanley who attended the debate all through a constitution al usage prevents the governsr general from entering the precincts of parliament of the thirteen voting far the amendment messrs obrin mccarthy mcxeill wal lice denison cockbnrni tyrwhitt ind bell were cocervative and messrs charlton sutherland scriver macdonald of hurra andtbirron were llberils lies j ii iore the minister of railways is dying this fact can no longer be concealed one of the consulting physicians admitted it to me oo saturday three doctors are in at tendance mr pope may linger a little while bat sad to say hiidays are- number ed i ttstiujxull oy saturday in the new government block sir hector laagevin on the occasion of completing twenty five years since first becoming a minister of the crown wat presented by his needs with sn address and a service of dinner plate and cutlery valued at 53000 v tlllixv jutfi the press gallery held is annual bin fjcet oj saturday ettoing at which sir johe thompson and hon meisrrltarier bowellaad foster attended atnocg some co of the boys and their friends the union of the two post oluce reading rooms and the abolition of some osices arr suggested lou committee now littiof as a means of reducing legislation expensed in the senate and common a dominion dairymens association at which mr w h lynch will be present will be held in ottawa april 8th i mr x c wallace icoastristive mem- ber from west york created a sensation in the public accounts commit by dec lac ing that if the opinions of the ontario volunteers were polled they would cnaoi- moaiy condemn the minister of militia ontario would like an ostario volunteer ofllcer to replace sir adolpji caron -mr- mccarthy in believcfi to be about to consolidate certain meoibers intoa erotw- uot and british wing whose aoite i rote woald sometimes hold the balance of power 1 mr kirkpalricks reciprocity io wrefckipg bill has been killed in the dutll o nqm j- h ptipk j after wuch soffuing tkelilnutrr orbatlwiyi wd canals imefttll expires ottita april 1 hon j h popo died at five oclock this tffcrooou for two or tnrw vein past mr pope has boon in very inferior health and for tho put twelve months he has suffered a gradual roduoupn of strength about the middle of january he was obliged to giro up official work al though during thai month he had presided at odc or two meetings of the railway committee of the privy council and also gave- evidence before the arbitrators a re ference to the c p 11 claim arising out of the ih 0 section of the line by the time parliament opened on tho slit january it was quite impossible for him to attend any of the sessions of the home he was then confined to his residence and has been ever since mr popo was conscious up to with in a very few minutes of his death and bis end was peaceful by the death of he hon j h popo sir john macdonald loses a colleague worth more to him than a dozen clever debaters mr pope never was and never pretended to i pe an eloquent or formidable speaker but he was an invaluable man for a premier to have at his elbow when assailed by the eloquent and formidable it is also true that he was a carefd wellinformed shrewd departmental head wherefore his death it no small loss to the public service hou john henry pope was minister of railways and canals for the dominion of canada member of parliament for comp- on quebec- he wss born in 1821 and re ceived his educational training in the high school at compton the earlier period ofj his life was devoted to agricdtural pursuits in lsot at the general election of that year mr pope offered himself as a candidate for the legislative assembly of canada for compton and was defeated but in 1857 be tuoceodod in carrying his election and sat in this legislature until the union of the provinces under confederation he was then elected a member of the house pf commons by acclamation and had been returned ever since by his old friends each time be appealed for their suffrages on the 25th ofoctcber 1871 hon mr pope was sworn in a member of the privy coun cil and made miaister of agriculture this oflicc he held until the defeat of the minis try on the pacific railway question when he retired with his leader in september itsj he was made minister of railways and canals and this ofiioe he held until his death deatuopjohk bright england loirs oqp of her lire test orotors suit pnuleuen loxdox march 28th john bright died at 880 oolock yesterday ilia end was pesceful end painless he had lain in a comatose condition since the previous day all his family wore present at his death bod in tho house of commons today will- liam a smith the government leader with much emotion referred to the death of john bright ho laid he would post pone hii remarks ou mr bright until fri day when mr gladstone would be present mr morley thanked mr smith far iiis con sideration in regsrd to mr gladstone mr bright represented the central divi sion en birmingham in tho house his getat cuikin tho member for birmingham had s long influential and honored career it is now nearly fifty ycarssince he first came into public prominenco and first made bis mark u au orator of the foremost rank in the great anticorn law campaign of 183012 john bright was born at greenbsnk near rochdale in lancashire afterwards the cradle of cooperation in kcgkudon kov igtb ik11 his esrneatociacomaodsense estimate of every question and his marked faculty for impressing the common people with homely arguments have been widely attributed to his quaker training and sim plicity of early manners lu february 1627 when a little more than 15 years old he eutered his fathers business bat was already so much interested in public affairs that in 1830 lie began lo apeak at temper- ance meetings near rochdale the death of john bright removes one of the most prominent figures in british public life he was a great man who rendered valuable service to his cjantry and to the cause of poliucil and commer cial freedom by none will mr brights death be more sincerely regretted than by his old political comrade mr gladstone notwithstanding the formers opposition to the home rde scheme boaud 0peduc1tiqs tttfaucrv which cement for conideratioa at the april lfiiur board ci trustees of acton public school met on monday evening for regular month ly session thomas kbbage chirmin and all the members were prefect minutes of last meeting read and con firmed a communication from mr hccry say ere advising the board that he was about to operate his right of waythrough the school to his property situated thereon was read the board instructed the secretary to advise mr saycrs that they have no object ions to offer to his plans moved by w h storey seconded by fsaao francis that the secretary be ctructed to obtain copies of missing deeds to complete titles relating lo school proper ty carried the committee on finance presented their second report and recommended pay ment of accounts as folows a licf issurmcc ou tchcol end rvaf buuciisii l co ichocl dkj j brearca iilrary nebbaccrscis and repairing au j c hqi fcrvirs at election a sutilccmjsreialrisjiiavcs thct katiccsctvucs at election k 70 w so 25 sco i 63 100 upon moiioa of messrs a e xicklin and george hynds the report just read was adoptedcarried the annual report of the auditors re specting school monies and accounts for the past year was- presented moved by george hypds seconded by w h storey that the annual report of the auditors be published in the feee pcrss as usual carried the board adjourned to meet on monday evening 23tu april local board of health orsanlxetl fur the dnties of 1339 the inspec- to commence lu canvaisou loth kay the first meeting of the board of health was held in the council chamber last mon day evening members present the reev- clerk and messrs james mclam and h p moore upon motion of the reeve seconded by james mclam h p moore was elected chairman of board carried mr moore in assuming the chtir refer- cd to the work of the board for the year the satisfactory sanitary condition which hadbeen maintained in the municipality in tfas past and the desire for a continun- auce thereof the board instructed the secretary lo give the ciliren the usqal notice through the flo peem requiring thil all premises be properly cleansed of impurities 4c prior to the 10th of may at which date the sanitary inspector will commence his duties the board adjourned to meet at the call of thechirmin law bheakei1s ix haituy the leader of ocorpctawu white cops in jail pierce receive his laahes at the fudges criminal court on mon day robert and thomas sherwood rich ard barry and johu cochrane of kassaga- weya were found gnilty of forcible entry they bad undertaken lo improve on the overbading tcnaiits act and summarily ejected archibildrobinbon jun from certain premises in xaasagaweya without waiting foe the slow- process of the law the defendants were allowed to go with a fine of 3 and a severe caution jack hume said to be one of the princi pal actors of the white cap party in georgetown was arrested ou monday and along with eio copeland supposed to be the chief of the rowdies was taken to the gaol milton oo tacsday by constable harley both prisoners have been re manded for a week walter pierce of oakville who was convicted at the recent assizes at milton of au indecent assault oo ethel meiviqa la- bar t a child seven years of age and sen lanced by justice rose to one mouths im prisonment aud to receive ten lttbes was whipped in the gaol yard tuesday forenoon 1he prisoner wan strapped to the triantde by deputy gaoler cummer and did not ex hibit the slightest nervousuess nor did he appear to flinch until tbe second stroke bad been administered when ho commenced to bellow ind cootiuqod to howl until sheriff clements called halt at tbe end of the tenth stroke thrwhipper was a profeesj tonal from toronto and did his work wel the prisoner suffers intense pain from the punishment bat mr van allen tbe gaoler expect he will be fit for vork in a day or two i a public bexetactou who is h h warner ofrochestefk ywhose safe cure remedies especially warners safe cure have attained snch sne- ceaaaod celebrity at borne and abroad v hon h h warner is a learned and honored resident ot rochester not only but a prominent and inlluential citizen of the unitedstates on several occasions chosen by his party as a kational delectut to nom inate a president of tbe rcpdbhc he has been a member of tbe republican state com mittee and of its exec a tire committee he is i member of the american imitation for the advancement of science president of the rocheslecchsmbec of commerce a suc cessful and upright business man he has given away fortunes in charities the kic- brated and costly warner observatory of rochester was conceived endowed and it maintained by him uis manificicnt prizes for the discovery of comets has been at once the wonder and delight of the scientific world the yellow fever scourge in the south the ohio floods the fire diiasferof roch ester and other cities awakeced his prn foundest sympathies and in each instance his check for from 500 to 50000 swelled the several relief foedt where other wealthy men give tens and hundreds he girca hundreds end thousands the world has need of mere such men an incident led him into the manufac ture of medicine seized some twelve yean ago with what the ablest physicianf termed fatal kidney disease he was mirac ulously restored to health by what it now known as warners safe cure ai once he resolved to make known the merits of to potent a remedy and the cc a sequence is that today he has frameutc laboratories and warehouses in the united states can ada england germany austria australia andbarmah sales of his safe remedies are enormous and their power over dis ease simply marvelous the merit of a production is in exact keeping with the character of its producer an honest and reliable man himself mr warrer makes honest- and rehable medi- cinei a fact abundantly attested by their phenomenal efficacy and popularity auction sale kcglitcr faidirithaprij auction mjc ct stock lis- f ecbert bale at 1 1xnual statement or the eeceipts aud eqiciulinires or tee board ofxrustes of actor public school fur tli year ending december 3hl ic33 receipts balance from isc7 government eract school rates per village tra paylfekts tciihers salaries r to caretakers do u ol sflcrctarytreis tixrr 31 a interest 115 insurance d 50 repairs 30 ol bebool rairpues v 67 sundries 6 s3 balance on hand an fa salaries 13 tfeo t tfoarc frtadi if s7i oo caaslc ifcpbai bonddcpt jooi uacgla mdvuje third deiit 2 co lfrjjfj ucdoogau foarji deft t23 w lcthcr lyinaa careuacr 125 on hlmfoore becytreas to oo us5 vi wo the caianleood aaliion of the villace of acton hereby certify tint wc tiva ctsiciacd the books of the treasurer of acton 1ulilic school aad comjtued them wjj tlic voucher producod aud cad hi cm eorruct sid misficlory jbieahhos- aemckliv aulkoru aciou ifaruli ii ivo powder absolutely pure this powder nertf varies amarrelofpnriir strength iwtolotsnm mare economical than tbe ordinary kinds and oanuot be sou in eommutton with themultftadeoriow teslahort srcigbtalaio or pbospbat powdsrirr bold only in cans botil basnra powdxbco 100 wall welcome spring henderson mrhe 5 co hcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage a grejlrr millinert opening will be held on i l i saturday 30th march j from ii am to n pm whea there will be on free e3iibition most gorgeous displa- 1 of milliner- and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete l all lines selected on most favorable teims i dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch jwith a vievv pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and ohambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very prettj i rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybod- see our 100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 10000 poz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae oc co great gut in carpets we are offering extra values in carpets for this month only you will do well to take advantage of this opportunity mr ryan advises us of the purchase among other goods of a large variety of carpets curtains oil cloths c which will be shipped at once from liverpool- so to reduce our present stock we offer special inducements to our customers in brussels tapestry wool and hemp carpets and in lace and tapestry curtains we have the largest carpet room in the city remember the place gbbr7arl co guejph tie leading dry goods house g3 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son toibisfin clark cfe tlxompsqns chrpef house is the cheapest house in the city for carpets 30 lower wynbhan st next door to herod cos drug store otteiph cappet weaving dojeto order monte tfls ami oulocowd ltwnfttis2ttirvvs s mtfekfvsittgsg 41 ljxm house t kentr rpifk ytiiasatxttoli viitts offlcc or to tvwtu john x kexxet buwoii lmiiberaud sliingj y the uddcriinc4lite m it liioclioulj tbent vlmu 1 lmui od irt rref trtd to mpplttatiims other witb tax quality of ratubei ugfo otber bniidiui tt reawnible rrievis2 line and cedar iljiacjrt i iia ou htxair tavlpk bjmjthkla h01se k lmobssle tolbe and lol on cbtrtu ksreet ju 1 house in gxl conditioa iritttirtr ift wrgood carden kill reot tatmbl rcentou iurchaso inuncy iorpafiffiuz- spplfto f 3 d hxndeitsofattonitf 1 ghogakiattglevemlresxi lot aud dflellian for mb hotsf and lot on havei avctrnt bdol- to j k ucormn knmlisjv hud uid mtt wlr consenieot spujflts- dea apply orrtialnto t dhexdjesos teoa building lote for bale axnnibtf of very desirable building us ua v sale a park sod latfe jttsnes tow t smiths snrrev a omabcr of txctoeat mjfw sites are offered and as bstldlna is liaehtaw h lirelv ber this iuiuiiierxhs lots are tarl rapidly increase in valae terms nberati for sale stumping machlae andtpkeoroxs4 a o- 1 stuiniiqk afcbinc ttmkrs ta goodvoriingonler apairoivf oteq for sale cber as tbetnraer tlicr om for them terms mm apji docoitq cotvas t lot letbliiufiia po mm ifcsl fdrsale steam plaming mill carpenter v cwellmg owtkutotbo death of tbe prpdetat ftht- late talermccauii the abor uoperfrfe offered for sale ia tbe village of aeioa ctearr ofalton the premises are sltoatedirlhi business portion ef tbb toirn and bare usjtbt- i leading basineufor the past 14 jean jlist nery and tools ia firstclaw order ipjositbi premises to j ubs v mccay5i aeton 0 comfortable bwellii8v j fobsals tbatfnc ucw double frsine drthinjos west ilovea atuoc two storeys lk fits kitchen tttacbed bard uul wli wtter cpeieal- ent in orery respect and rcnu for u w month t the brick clad residence on miinbtev fiua30 two storey with luce kitchen atatbfi hard and aofsfwaler in thefioose terms and iiartioulars made knovn ttpoa sj- nlication at r v kube jlesbofncbvl wlliiigtou marble y qtxkec btteet ocelhb clark carter v j dutect importers of oranitetbfii iarts uonmnenu and headstones of afl snsdss j and from the newest designs all vork ladtact wrial warranted cxsvclass- sartics wjia to purchaso will pie cm bs a call and lasjaetvk our stock and jtrices as i sue ponfidem taa t compete wilb auy establisbijtlitinoatarlfl- i hatinssoldootmyifittfesttoujeabetcsribr irespectlujir soliciiifac ttrenagctanry frfrtss aod the public on theirbdujf j j b havua m adnimstafof s xojiea ix the njsttcr of tho cstu- of irunirwaih ton lamutt lte d uifc vukrf actc in the conntfy of halfoh catletoa deowei pursuant to it s o 11 cap mb voflee is bcrebj given that creditors of the saia arteiir welliogton lambert who jilcd oa ot shost iha 19th day of febfnarr 1mw am oft r betea the 1st day of may a ji ism to senat pogt pre paid and reditared cr delitcr lotwlwuo solicitor elora po out fiuljstftifalaan their claims and tbe natnrv ot the awbnaes m- any held by thena audi further taabotk that after the first day of v- tbe deceased riu be disponed of and ffl amongst the parties entitled tliereto hstjujir card only lo claims ofwhith notice sbau been received and the adniinitrtien wflrt b liable for tho assets wi m aoswr tribntedorany part tbcrow to penjjtis- nfsr claims ahao not havo besirccelvcd at tietjat of the disposition and distribution of ths assets- iated at tbe vniftgo of elora in county of wellington thjs ih ilarch fffild drksissleil 1 solicitors for susan ljuijbcrtlj administratrix public riealth totice is hereby fdventbat afl rtsaennrrf acton arc required forthwith xo deanthso cellars drains yard- pifi tyes tster closets and other oat buildings ad piejaisesand rtr mote therefrom aucbrtflilhmancre er cw- snbstance whiehiot endanec ur pdbue- beejth suhi to have mie same coipeleleait iisr by the lttth day of may next onhleh day banitary lospeetor will commeaa a general p- spection aid further take notice that tbe section of the public health fcet prohibiuls the ktepinfi of hogs betooa the 13th of wsy and the jkst of xovember exoeptin peas atlesst t5 feet front anv dwelling ioose and 20 lest trod any street or lane with tspors kept free from standing wateraad regularly cleansdd and dis infected wilibestrictlycnrttrced i thostmooke 3 secretary board of health section of railway between annapolis and digby ttvdolfortiieokksovcoxsterratox sealed tenders add cid totbesuflecjpici and endorsed teacscr for section tjldtau- way between annapolis and dyy will bc re ceived at this officeopto noon pa monday tna- 6th day of aiiril 1sw for ctjtaiu works of coft- struction pians and profllts wul be open for iiupetion at the office of the chif engineer of t meat eailwafbatotua 141 and after thekp day of march 19 when the pjaerol ijeoaca uon andfonnof ttntltrniaj- bv eushwd el application s ko tender will be catcrulikii uuicii ou onc the printed onus inilali ttn- ciadiueas couipiied ttn hv order aruuadlet swrcttif dcpartunilt of cailwats ami csuais ottawa 9ui march lvjr auction bale -or- valuable house lot in acton in the diattcfomh estate cf aktlirb welusltos usnikt thtvvill ik told by irjbiic uciioa oo the l- liiim uteh- oiicuiicd tiv tto late arthur w laiuocrt in tho villm ol ulonr wo hemstreet auoiioacer i a saturday 13th april i88r- atloolocilntheaeraxbiulifolrtbs taltuttjle proprt7 rahcelilot xo uloci k y22 of acton hicly owotd h arthur v jfss thr inontti prriubm iwssz hooac lp ttaimhua repair 0lau fj e iotwtccitrdaisodlruoiauljrae proiiortr i coucnlrajy tod bcanulnlry ualed j pahcel 1a unuitlty o honiid turouidcarpnwriooisttraiirr lhjj teesswoiu ilea euic10 r cortto vij 35 by of ub lo the vuidor obcttorj ffljj wsce wtthln three rmomfrss prticnlriuluomilokiitrni on wts or oa ipprjcitioa to i i field wlmlwtaiontij solicitor forfle n duu tlj lurehaj s k