Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1889, p. 2

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bqrk rjyukt otuwb corner on the uh i the wife o ifrmorgan ctctwntca sou yvi itvinwuwrbxcnilicsiml april tlttiifcctticv 1 wlwkvctiou mpvi jotmi sy mi uio 1wv utvbibc ifot sir karrj jcaacrcla sea a ip 7ui utrvli i v kcv cfccrie t scott mr jftls lawtpc af sti thomas to una tjuvptwaitcdaettlro hr u b i to- ijjvct icrcc y-l- hu -idsmi- tins nslktkx- of the liriai- lrvs luiiiwtii tccsjay tal am y kiax loijii oujaaduuklreocof hill- ivtflc w malcolm kay patter i luiua- rts4tniofioi itvutcriaa eaacrcntiots m jtlvjlimtclilkxo aitvkvwv at tli rciiesw it tin bride ou tbo fcid april by kcv wjaa ot ttwuto to hkj vt kttlhbll ci the lb april ictv al- jcrvni t ci year deocased- tttlitvfoihr jerh atidericu of actou tlic jtrtbit f rtt rcss tiiursdavatfrilllls xotls axd cuttltexis jajua ins followed the example of can ada in dioosir uic ut of johiiiu nalica s1 holiday the kbjects oc the ihkifo will lipid their first election coder rwpc- siblc pavorumyat ay tliat3ate this vear- jitr titty tbettsaed dollars worth of clothia wis sapjjliei to the militia depart- meat litt eir by the tailoricc company of which fckuitcr saaford k the held middle tii tsu aci yar we hut ta indepen dence of darlianitnt act on the katcte i iwck ottawa fff frrv the liccafe commissioners for gcelph xiri wellington had a meeting oa saturday afternoon they ticcidcdto limitthe cum- bcr of taverns in the city to u erxmosa g pctlxcb fcckfcgloo 2 and gcelph toircsuip i it his not yet been decided tovhcai the license will be granted the japanese are already begiocics to eater the lists at competitors with the western niticus iin other lines than the art goods with which they are flooding the markets dunn the last eii years they have established i norraocs match ftctoriec ndire now 5c plying cliins tad other with each bar priced xorweciia icd siredish fhose fre capital the juiuooiablum luuthc bcirp sowjoi- tnprtt hotitcdpcofcktlne lite karut ckxqutnlinysirllouarr eiqrfutiew llikssgallehvxotes irvux or otch orrc ottawa april 9 itr clirkeaytlucc mowd the sooood cucdicr of h bill for lh japprcsiioa of combinitii5 formed in re- gtraitit of trtde lodiy j he mide a elron tpcech in sapport poinliasogt tbe iajmuoo trifitictroinlhecqmbinfijeleraistbowuby iheiavcsliitioabylhecotnanllceltrtyeiri he took occttiou to refc to the contention cht the uriff ccetcd the combines tnd pointed oat tht some cf the mott opprw- kiw combine were in hces on which theat wts no lartff protection coil for iattiacc one of the most powerful combines wu ihit of tbe whoifll croeers who were not prodcccrbjtiiandlgra hr guillet fol lowed in support of thab ill indsammoned ap hi wtimtte of it- opponents in the caaplet no rocuu e it felt iiip belter drtw with qcod oclou o the lr the bill hiving boea read t second time mr brawn moved in smeadment itsrefer- enceto the bnking d coramerce com mittee where tntntiftelurers icd others ialcresled mtcut be ijeird ilr willico chanclericcd this isjtu tttempt to bark the bill is the sabject hid boon very tharoachly discussed by tbecommittee ut sproclc siid if it went to committee therowoaldnotbetimetorepartit so es to ct it through the ihoate this sessiaa it coald be cousidcred tu committee of tbe honse sr john lucjonild slid the bill coald certtinly not bo pmod tonifiht so it df raandiujt fourth miuiiter a uifl cihi net and urge b wty o civlog character to lieir claim that senator abbott u la reality a roprewuutivb in the admtniitruou of the quebec pretctulot element thecott actd001ied lietwalcd in ntxceit tlaccs lt tuttkdijv rrohililttatt ouly to be the watch uanl lu rntarc woald btve to stind o day xir eprocle enderstood there war i asiatic nsrke niilchssthi the rniaiac mirfcet irers havebesn drivca oat of tfa for yeareit has fceea the cartoni ct i certain diss of kewj yorks sliccy citizens to spelt of oiuiie places as f jay torus xowthit jay gocli his cootrol of the tejxiph wires xbd elevated railroads aad his set cp rhejoim that the oty cannot compel him to biry the wires some one has dabbed kew york -jiytown- is thia s case c the old spiaiah proverb being alter- ed to reid thrt eneers lite chicken cbiiie hoae to roost tez iks kevrdr j if bccfcley writicg of spain says bribery is ceaerd in spain almost laythicg cia be done with a fee not mare lhan forty per ceat of the ptpk levied by the goverdment can be callcil lliyors cf cities gst tich in a year one at leas of the meet important cities is desti- tte of credit no mas will lead it any money spaniards to diftrcst each other th money is nor forthcomicg for great peblic works the enghah manage the waier-worfc- the sireet cars and ahsost everything else j a litirjrniihedrieaust dead rua april stichael ecgeae cher- reclthe ditingnished ceateaariii chemist isded he was born in 17t6 the coieu f edccjltiuv a siriil swtcr to inare a teacher fyr th eocrtli iippartjnent the bcird of tnetees met on friday freiung ia special sesion to arrange for filling the vxciacy ii theeta5 of teachers caused by the removal cf ilias hcdocstll teacher tf the froriw department the memuars cf the board were all pres- eat thomas ebhxge chairman presid- the coirmacicatiorj of hiss ilcdoogall statg that she woald cot contince charge cf fasr dqiartmeat tdy longer was read jhe following resolction was carried in committee of the whtle whereas miss mcdongalj teacher of the fourth department if acton public school r easrefcsidto tch the old department any laager and wjiereas by reason of the disadvantage the iia department had sus tained by being tvithont a teacher be it therefore resolved tbutthe position of teach- er id erid depirtmei be declared vacant ana that until such t me as a teacher pos sessing the necessary certificate caa be en gaged that ilks emma jloqre beappointed to take cbtrge cfsaii department at such remceeratioa this board ehall denne jlovsd by george eynds secoaded by a ekfcilia that the eteretary be instmcted to zdrenisc fcr z teixher for the foarth department of actoalpablic school dnties to commlacc 1st of 3fay salary to be two bcadredand hftydxlirs carried board then adjourned 1 vivid writing a little descriptive biece entitled over the gcas from the detroit fr pnt of which we give a paragraph reminds us tiiat great ad verliserj dike h h warner co proprietors dfj warners celebrated kile care might getk hint from it here is the pircgniph bhsot to the right or left aver the gans or under them strike where yoa will bat fcirile to destroy now the hell sarges dowl even to tbe windows of the old farm- haase iu- oick nnder the apple tree and beyond taeiu uead men tre ender the ircierosswhcels of gans mad devij are shtshicg and shooting acrosa ths barrels xo one ktais to kdow friend from foe shwt eioeii kill ani but the hell is at solved the emote ii liftiug tcritkii and creams grow fainier and twenty- or thirty lirin men pill the deidbadies away from the gaa three hundred dead and wonndedoa the single acre tber tell of wn r and glory look oerthishelfs acre apd find the litter andin just ae deadiy a strife tboagh noiseleet tre men faltng at oar right and iet o-day- is it war ycc warners i safe carea tried spetific a pansxea that i hasbroughriifeand hope to hendreds of toafiands of dying mn and women be enlisted therefore in the creat army of living men and worneu who have been notice on the paper to erement order sir cr aatil next hon make thebilligov john ifacdonald last thursday clecliana were held in fifteen counties and two cities in which it had been in operation for three yean md uhcro the majorities by which it had ba supported ranged from eleven iu he city of st thomas to 2833 in the coanty of kent yet in every oae of these coantiea and cities the voters declared their anquaii fied opposition to the men arc and tha lowest majority against it w 106 la brant the bianer wanly u people gen erally have been wont to call kent owing to the mammoth majority it gave loat it prestige entirely and uow becomea the ban ner county for liccnie with a majority of 1700 for repeal with wellinclon a cloao second for parposcx of oompaxioo the following table gtviag prerioas majorities fnr the act and thurtdaya majorities against will show the extent of the cfcangct previous thursdays pity the po0k editor the following aayi the palt mall 7a- ttttc from a widelyread european contem porary rites a few apccimeob lrom ui dally badget of letten for the cenven- eooe of widen the letters dealing with the lamfl mbject arc placed in parallel col anina i i 1 yoa would olfire j l whoa are rca ro- iotirlraaen bj- pub- lax to twji lhs eternal lithlucaew taocu d- tcbcct of lle kofg-x- talic lwat the ityiiig tea f out ot tee hofeiriau voar ipr i to k tfe u old softltteteinoaslblo to jcr clean- rraimtuifccaiibuj if yoa cannot etc ot uraaco to have it 1 ratber loiter 2 i ha uot inu-rt- 3 wty dont yoa od in your ixilljes if love tlalt loci coalij joa cauot rive oioto i ilanc tchlch nqbodj- il vole ma j for ae unul carlcjy kroateaae g5 kt itjtu lanark 00 leacosaiidaddlsgton liacola jtu sorthumbcrltnj cail uiir- bam 5l1k7 oaurio xzl peterboro 51j victoria ltu- welllustoo 112 ciuli 1k fcrtbdjuut j ii colchester k s 1 iftj trains t lb 9u id 1x ox 571 1ux yes bat before thaf motion was reached thepromcter toot tonifiht au earlier op- portonity of patting the bill before the hoa4e if yon uteit oat or the govern- meats bands yon meet manage it after your own fashion ilr wallace aiked if the government wocld promise that the billwoald be pat throagh after it cme back from the committee sir john hac donald said they coald not promise that bat they woald promise that it should have every opportunity to fce pat throagh aid the hoase to dedre the bill was thea refer red to the banking and commerce com mittee the pnwpccu of the anti-cora- bine bill ol ur wallace have become saddealy very teriously clouded the ilalrtiioc jiitil llll mr coots bill to amend the luilway act 3 as iraongst other things to compel railway cotupecies to provide proper land ing facilities wherever they land passen gers was objected toby sirjohn thompson becacse it would interfere serionaly with eicareioa trasc and was otherwiee against the pablic interest he moved the three months hoist which motion cirricd feaci uv ttxe plllileils the bill to prevent the practice cf fraud by traa peddlers and commission men in the sale of norsery stoct and which mates it ccrapalsory for dl persons selling foreign grown stoch in caradi to give bonds to te- ccre parch asers against io by fraud was read a second time and on motioa of sir john thompson referred to a select com mittee ilr boyle who introdaoed the bui epoke at length in support of bis meas- areaadpontedoot tint many states of fne union had passed similar raeasares the state of iliaaeaota for instance only per- mitted the unrestricted sals c stoct growa in that state ifr brown hamilton warmly supported the bill as while many of these likely to purchase nursery stock were quite well able to protect themselves tliereoaght to be something done to protect the minority who were not so stroag miao- ed witkiiiiwn the bill to admit united states vase to towing and coasting as well as wrecking privileges in canada was withdrawn on the resumption of the adjourned debate on its second reading being ctlled j stitiukiny exurcixes the much talkedaboat bill to provide cor the eiaminatioa and licen of all persons employed as dtiontry engineers and til persons having charce of steam boilers or other devices under pressure was objected to by hon chas tupper as de fective in construction and impracticable in principle and he accordingly moved tbe three months hoist carried iee llrf mkiolxs wxalth the most extravagant statemeats regard- jog the wealth of tbe lite hoa j h pope have been published far and wide the truth remains however that after half a century of unceasing toil and industry ilr fopes possessions did cot exceed 350ox his stock farm cxst view together with the magnificent thoroughbred cattle and horses valued at 123000 j he be queathed tprnfus pope his only eoa with a cash bequest of 5xtoco to hrs ives his only daughter he left 350o0 and 3000 acreof laad including the gold miaing property in the township of dutton to bis thres male grandchildren h left 10000 each to be invested for their f ature benefit a number of small bequests were made including 000 to the endowment fund of the church of england in cooksbire sfooo to the pablic school acd ii0g0 to the st francis district hospital at sberbrook the remainder of his fortnoe was bequeath ed to his wife as residuary legate iostagij iut cuailb the hoase went into committee of tbe whole on postmaster- general haggarts resolutions- for chacges ia the postage rates tonight it is evident that hr haggart is a good deal impressed by the opposition he has met with he announced the reso lutions as he proposed they should pass showing considerable changes drop let ters are to be two cents per ounce in cities and towns where there is a local delivery this is the sime rate as in the united states end practically as in england re garding periodicals published less frequent ly than onoe a week- monthlies are to be allowed to go free other printed matter and seeds are to bear one cent per foar dances- leaving the law as at- present printers manuscript photographs etc the esme hot being policies of insurance deeds etc one ceat per two ounces doubling the postage on this class of matter as in england and the united states postmasters may register letters which teem to contain valaablee the registration fees being col lected on delivery the following ubv chows ibo ftu cf the scott act in majorities for or igiinit in counties not included in the above bitch ilaoct haltoa for agntt f 10 itio kiaicoc tlundti i storm oat cucsetry hrucc rutaa dufferiu til renfrew 3 norfolk iik ut an date apri sfpt itaren 1 it oct b w april c t oct 15 t4 lsli arril 6 oct xi r4 lxi apiil 1 x octs3v- lllii april c octjr jji aprils t vorrw tlu april 6 to ovijt t april c m it is oovioas that on trial the scott act has not fulfilled the expectations of all its fnendc in same places those who voted for the act sohseqecntly became half hearted and in ether localities the cisciau did not enforce the law and the result was a laxity which engendered defeat the scott act by thursdays vote is condemn ed by a large section ot ontario and the friends of temperence will without doubt accept the rerdict of the people and seek in some other direction- mare efitcient means of enforcing thsir riflws vix the adaption of total prohibition as tha only instrument for permanently disestablish ing the liquor traffic the ffotf says the lesson for irohibi- tionists is not really a discouraging one bather the contrary from the failure of local prohibition comes a very strong argu ment for general prohibition were the manufacture and sale of intoxicants for bidden throughout the dominion were the whole foros of the customs department employed to prevent importttina then prohibition would prohibit inso great a degree as to leave the friends of repeal without the most effective arguments they have against the scott act hence the policy of temperance men should be to organize for total prohibition throahoat canada of coarse tbe battle is not to be won by a spasmodic effort years of steady work may be necessary to success but the euccesscan be won how in the first place by steidily working to convert as many people as possible to total abstinence in fighting for prohibition over small terri tories that have to be surrendered sooner or liter greit forces that might beturbave been exerted in extending education to the point of total prohibition have perhaps been misdirected the experience shoald not be wasted let a long pall and a etrong pull and a pall altogether bemade to recruit the ranks of total abstainers and tn due time there will be enough of them to carry a dominion prohibition act lit an the ofbcial returns place wei- lingtons majority at hsgo ed that that county claims the bun for majority dastaedlv rohiieiix of the dead tlit victims oftbc st georjc arcldcnt xrarly all eoblwd at the scene of the disaster detectives have been at work in the neighborhood of st george ever since the disaster there trying to recover misappro priated property everything peopls coald liy their hnnds on wis carried off with the exception cf the remainder of the bridge which they fortanately overlooked among other things taken were some eight or tea gold watches 300 or 100 in money all tbe diningcar silrerware a large quantity of jewelry- clotbiog cnthioas eeats and everything else amoagthe goods recover ed was the lite hr wemps watch two watches befcngiug to the two colored men killed besiaes two or three other watches a lot of jewelry a large quantity of tbe up holstering of the wrecked cars alittle moa ey and some tilverware am overcoat with 125 in it belonging to ilr badden of dor chester was stolen the late ilr baynes was robbed of between f 10 and cj0 con ductor dan tie veil dropped nearly 50 and several others larce amounts the rail way company have gone to a great deal of tronble to recover this stolen property and aad have preferred to take it back quietly without any fuss however now that they have secured all that people are will ing to give up it is probable that they will make two or three examples for theparpose of securing the rest nearly all the money and silverware and three or four watches have yet to be traced there are evidently some people in the vicinity of st george and elsewhere who are hanksricg after terms in the central prison hard tines in dakota cuiliiu april 8 a letter has been re ceived by the mayor from leading residents of ouida dak stating that io residences w barns g50 sheep and many horses and cattle were destroyed by the recent prairie firfs in sully county the letter says that the bill has yet to i one hundred farmers are homeless withoat rescued frym disease and premature deatu and bz etsmiilly grateful that the means of life can w easily be your after they had jeea upon the road pass its third reading j hr h h cook hp will not have an opportunity this action nf telling how j dearlybe loves ireland his home bule resolution is getting the coldest kind of treatment and will evidently die yonug archbishop duhamel is expected home tonuht after sererfu months absence in borne i p the official count of the ballots cast in soajetiiae a ttoiraway in ike person of a the scott act repeal contest in carleton liyearoid son of ilark sutton waa fonad among the bay iij the ariod of effects be longing to ile john i ay which left here for hit keith west la st wtk it is likely tie got to hiv destination with the others ichf left here all right coantytook place today the majority for epeal being 773 senator m preached iu the do minion ilethcxfiit charch on sanday even ing i it is said tint tha french membersarc clothing or seed for sowing and appeals for help f tas kltily yoft the people want meat and they want good meat they want the best to be had aad they wnt all the variety the season affords a very large- circle cf customers have learned that they can be better served at the central ifeat ilarkct than anywhere else they know this bocmsc i select the best animals i ciu gad and kill them for my own customers here instead of shipping all the best to outside markets and expect ing customers at home to depend on the poor and scraggy animals left i can sap- ply yoa with firstclaai meat every day try me w is urruaxif cart to knur tad in crease tbe ticmlxr of yojr f orvljra corrpon- deuu irikciechicgca are cot made etc ways cuiicuuicc sod criudtiar caked furtt kverj friucatd man formti lils own jni- mcatoasuch matter rootn a local miv audkecp yocr jolltics tn docetit bouudt i shall be obliged etc c vojdoootismcl- cailjdiualfce details ot political evenu fco ple like layrcll w bo do cot endewnd much about politic trux to form tbclr o piul oa ro m t nettpapcr if you cannot etc t like your pcr v v u but it yoa cannot lw- eatberrarccast i fore lone im to tn jher ire cot very riveacrlciataral ne htvc but j am in- iahallbeouitecdetc fl ta ihaai aad i it yoa canuat etc kaowlqg your c in tbe nanie cr courtcttwitbkcardto tha lire number of tkowuhesof your read- state omclali aaicag err i aai convicced your suucribcrv wc that i shall not ufc iu wuuld most tarcectly vain that you wilt tied- urt voy iq devote a h- pabllth the detail ciurhii4eto thopub- ibout the snachruns hwdau of maters coa- wtctkaiabarmuileceruibe thorn an yoa park kicg albert and r to tubjacu tetewtt- loloa catadnl lot- fcg ta lawyers asl tcriec at well aa the military inea or do ricesof itoctx a rood i you think tbttawateli- malcf ballast mtslit be maau ic entitled to itft oct ot yoar paper lave bu prociotiaa ta make room for these publicly aanonuced thitajc trciiiiifc that thsa a rcucral or other yoa will etc oscitl of coarse the readers of th ftt phum are well ftware thtt emh cenfiicting com plaints are never heard this side the big herringpond oh no every reader h in accord with the efforts of all local papers thi lawiapal cotvca alfcagre amaamorhovntji fir trsuwctlua rttheumlfcellug council met on monday evening at 735 oclock the heme in the chair members all present ifinctes of previous meeting resd and confirmed the collectors roll properly certified was presepted moved by w h lowry teconded by j a speight that the collectors roll of past year be received as certified by him and that eiid collector be now relieved from his duties carried ifoved by w h lowry seconded by j l speight that in view of the increased amount of labor involved in the assessors duties that an addition of twenty five dol lars be made to the salary as filed by by law xo 1ss of 163i carried council then adjourned his mary campbell elm writes after taking foar bottles of kcrlhrop fc lymans vegetable discovery acd dyipep- tia cere i feel as if i were a new person i had been troubedwith dyspepsia for a number of years and tried many remedies bat of no avail until i used this celebrated dyspeptic cure for all impurities of the blood sick headache liver and kid ney complaints costiveness etc it is the best medicine known we hive no confidential prices in oar store g b ityancti powder absolutely pure tbupowdarcevervtrle a rntrvtlofpuritr itre2paandthojioaieaee siore ciayoailcal than to ordinary kin da aad canuot ba said in competition with the multitude otlov tel tthort weight aluta or phoiphate iwwders- sold only fncaas koran bixixa pownna co 103 wall st k y dr washington throit and lung surgabn of toronto vuiustttlji dominion hotel acton tuesday 2nd april a few of the hundreds cured by drwaah- ington skew method of inhalation w it btorcy ol etorerasoaproialnest glove maaaticturcrs of acton ont cured by dr waahiucton of catirrh o the throit bad forci acd procounced incurable by eminent special- 1st in canada aai eusland writ bmi for parti cularr chronic b ronchitis and asthma cured- an enhsh chnrchclcrcnnaa ejicats hectory cornwall oat dr waahlrstoa nzxiteui i am glad tobe able to inform you that oar daciliyri5 quite well ejain as this isthescaad tiiue she lias been cured of crave bxocchial troubles under yemr treatment rueatce ctual renedies failed i write la ei- prflssniyrratitaic lleaae accept mv sincere macks yours tralv c hlettit ifrtoha kckehy kintoa out citarrh audcoosuiapuoa hr a hopping kirgitoa oat iireaclio coa- satnptioa ur e scott kiaiioa oat catarrh liijad aad throat uxa john bertram harrottimitb oat- near kingston catarrh throat uiu uary a boraboait centreville out catarrh bead and throat jtme ilatthews post jiaster acioa out a e fuh gcuts furulsuae belleville catarrh throat diseases trextnncatarrh of the haad aad throat catarrhal deafness chronic lirouchitii asthma and couaumptloa alio loss of voice sore throat enlarged tonsils polyp as of too xoae reioovod coiuuoarly consultation fre ofljccih yougc succl toruiil the lleasons- that give g b ryan co such marked advantages overthe other dry goods houses ir guelph will be clearly sen when it is understood that we purchase and import direct not only buying from the manufacturers in england but as well from the leading firms- in most of the great manufacturing centres of the world this is why the quality and range of our goods are only to be equalled by the special alues we are able to offer you to give some idea of the extent of the territory covered by our purchases we add a list of some of the foreign citiesjn which our goods are purchased taken from the headings of our invoices londok belfa6t ayr k0ttikgham kirkcaldy lancaster french1e paris roubaix dundee annabekg rochdale dysark lurgan berlin leipziz tetann aisace glasgow stgall leicester stockport stodrp0rt manchester liverpool dungannon dunfermline bridgnorth heckmokdwike newburg newuilns 0lten bradford in view of these facts we would ask you if it is notat once apparent that we are in a much better position to serve your interests than those who buy from montreal and toronto wholesale houses remember the place gtbryan cfe cb gueiph tie leading dry goods housei to ftftrttstmmts moiieyxofp asjij aqoealiigp house to fiexx he dwclli aeit v the ywve v johk x lnnibel aud sljiiir i ksadatilci 93 upper wyndham st- successors to jno hogg son welcome spring henderson mrks st go hcton thanktheir many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a- continuance of their- t liberal patronage gea1tid millinery openina will be held on- saturday 30th march from ii am to n pm when there will be on free exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in styl quality- and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and bv the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wooitapestry and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybody see our ioo ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 10000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of fedlars tea by the half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co aur bolliac 1 tunable itco i rise ld jr iijl i iljotj fa tatl01 beothe house i ijofsali house led ixrt cjchrth lol sood r jn wvi u d kexdessox vrm or- geoaajiainr gi3vutiis lot aud dwelling for sale- house ivlloi culioscr ateum iu hard aad icfi crater ccct splata appirf5rirtaianio dhendeesos kl 11 bnildiii g lots for sale prt ad uio krtzia a v d- iitdj i lea tn eat avcefcit wis oa smith 1 lorxer lil tre cflctod tad tt ba livcjr here lit taaiaior rtfiiliiacrcaic ia vtlue te vr emihits for sale clark tliompsoias ckrpet house t is the cheapest house in the city porichrpets 30 lower wynbhan st next door to herod cos drug store xtejlfh carpet weaving done to order sioaipin machlna and yoke of oien ml cdlatf ako 1 sta good wo oxea kcr tale thear as t tier esc fcr them tenai joa application ltaciiac saliiara beam- good wortias order aio a pux cf ftai- oxea kcrtale ehear as the owner haiiojfj docgald co wax let i eth uaehfi cr cocaajpbypo for sale stgam plaining mill carpenter siopim dwelling owixg to tbe deata of ibe ittprior ftfa late ieter uccaao i the above propsny h offered for aale la tfceviilie cf actca comtt of haltoa the ftprases arc iitaaled iaai basinesf poraca of ti torn aad tare cone ila leading- basiness fcr the past u rears lltchf cexy and tools in firstclaas crier ippjtt rreaiises to leaplttaxxaejo3ok comfortable hwellings for sale- 1 that tac ccy izve jaae dtelat a west ktiwer areauc uo tiareyi isas riav tiaheltattacaed hard id sof ir eczai- eat in every tespcct tz r r li ri raontii 2 tae brickclad resiee on lliia ktu ftaj0 two itcrev- wiih larsi ljebi aaactel hard aad tot wafer in jhe losh- terms aad iarticulars tadctaorc epes i- pticauoc at free iress otrlcl acaa welliugtou marble work qrorc sraarr gtiojs clark k cartfer duiuct ilqponers tf granite abd liua uonaajeats aal hsadacaes of all ilaia- aad from the newest desajss ul wark acdc- tcrial varraated cntdaka parties wishing to purchase will please five as a call and inspect oar tock and prs as we are connaca we as ccopete with any estabiishmen in oalarie ha rinc- said cct azy inercst 10 the abore ira i respectfuhv solicit the patronage to my triczi and the imblic ca theu behajf j hh1vttt0v abhl aioq rof dissolarioii of faitnekliip tte the oadersajed wto hare been transact- i ing a eaeral tatcieriai besitess ic artao aader the firm name of eatlede it joia- ftca hereby pave nctievtlia we bate this day dissolved pirn erahip br matiiaj coesena ill accocatfi mast be wtrjed bv ihe 3h init aai either of m will pte receipts forpaytaeniuiert- of wrrviss vherruar- fixxna johxstus so saitiil jobsstos artec april 3rd lfl la reference wuc alovc i tave pleassn ia inform jag the public that 1 trheoqannelbt besiaess ceretof arc carrkd en bs ihc above fan at the old klani if y cocitant aim will be a fnraish my eusicncfs with the les tae aiarirt aifords andresectcllv fclicii jjc patronage cf all who nrevicnilv aie deir csstjnj w tle catral ileal ifarket w h ilcruajge adiiiiiiirfratots notice i- it j 6b red ik the matter cf the esiaa cf nh-zr- wellin rtoa laaibert law cf the village of acton inthecoantv of hallon gentleman deceastf panaaat tor s o 17 can ik- kotiw hereby given tlat creditors of liw sam artha wellington lambert who died en cr alca thf 19th day of february l arc en pr vere 1st day of hay a-d- is to seod by pcsl pa paid andaatered or deliver tofiddi wiiikz soiicitorsttlora po o-i- tza paniealaa of their claim aad the caarv cf the sccaru i aoyi held by tfaeai aad farther taie catic hat after the first day cf hay 19 the asset cf the dflceased itill be disposed cf tad disuibnted amoagsttbe parties eatitld tbtreto aaviiis h- ctri only to elaims of which cctice shall haw wn received aad the aduiiniiimtion will b liable for the asscu o diipocd cf aad da- tribnted or any pan thereof to persons wto claims shall not cave bea reccivpd at the aa of the dispctsiuea and distnbetioti cf the sail aaaets- datod at tbe village of klcia ia the coantv cf elucaton this ihh ilarch ad- 19 field a- wisslek soiiciwrsforscsan lanbcr ue n adminiitnaat public health votice u hereby civen tha x actoo artrreiinired fcrtir celah draiaa yards l iy and other oat biiildazs ai j move therefrom all din ilt sabstance which uuy eais health aad to hate the siae 1 by the txh day cf hay zcxi c sanitary inspector will ccuiait spectioa and fnnhcraile lection of the publ- heaih ule keeping of hos between 1 aad the lait of november cvc t5 feac from aoy dwelliiij hazsc any street or lano wiah llxr- standiac waer and recalir i infected will be strictlyjaf cl tppstuoour ii re- iinis f ui t dtaa ti wscr eliscy rrcniio5 ad n- ciavctfdai ii n uhii hv4b- nce a gnerali- cttitohibia ta- uthof mit i- calea and i0 feet fro- kspt free fre- nd aslfli h vlwrief heala tenders -ilt- sealed tevdeks tcirri ti siimedand azdccnt j t czui i- ii sapplt wilt le vsxc ic ta vl c acoa on thcusdav th ifay l- 1 delivers- of laiisa aepjiies szrzj l vear ending 30th j nc 1 c jniii 1 ito ltacon groccres aiatjnian iwn die- cows bails arcrja iiikca t3a acdntvpaid at variaaa izis 1 maaajia andthcncrih-v- temjrc- formi cf trader emiain riruv relative to the aarilie rnd affes c livery ic niav be had lyappv to tigaed or to ti infl at cmsscc ict cr to the indian oacxutaiea partief uiar under for c4cl descrrjfl fcraav lwtloa c each dwrptjb k- leparatelv or fcr ail ihsvl- caald j- ai j schedalei aad the deautais kr o w i the right to reci the wjjr ir lay pi ndtr zxch tender ctu b a r r iptedcheoucin hut tte s ht eneraf of indian acii- tea caasd-a- i for at least cl- ivr eenl of la- ai22 tender which wiu be fcrfiud f h deriaj deciin to enter iuio contract ca- mich leader when callfj npea toov or u h fail- to coaillete thj wt cc the taader be ec ic jcdth j returaed- iiira each tender mis i- tddmi te f the tenderer i sijji it i jn ceptablewthedepaxtnirue ircperr fonaanoe of the ccaaract j the lowest or any teadcr ciiaa ffladieniscmeni s to bf guoeiii amter aad ao llaia lor aayneljercci hanns had aach aaionil ill be adnuited lv deaatv cf sajierinteaaentgeaeral c indian affairs v nrscted -f- ii a j department of luiban ailiir 1 ottawa april 16

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