Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1889, p. 3

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m acton h5v a al qtfpord luu phd pastor tvvwac bo avcuoc ui services 10jo lm and wo smtdaa- hostbiwc ctamcoodttcwlljjthc pastor xu cordially ittritl r tt b li- r cr tbtfeu ij k uiapi aredeaired apply lo u t- oarf order 01- caxadlvxtlojfrfcirclejs a fraternal bnetoitnt and benaficiarr ax socitj irtoo braali incuts to the oddfellow hi z list tunw uv of each lucnlli acy iafarmiv- zi piirltss objects and riant of hit jtcat society will be cheerfully tfv- jjsitnf oa tar oflhc tougiog officer hradt lojctv i l cnrrie jt ldad tt utltaswr f sec x uclau trra fti mtthc seer drlovrrifcdei wn ayckeotq t vickie niliirii onier in t iii tf y tit r- rr lialdcowax t nat it ah uatiiia v sale riig carpenter gw m i ib cf the fj ivmie of 4tti rrcii en tixfadb ctfce put it yeara jg order lftife riemccaxx bte dwelliags ira iad ri c cilto ri fcorr spot alarble w 6rrzrr gceltr carter rifero- au w3t mis- jte himutoi a of partnership crml bsichcnc baaas m t 6 ci entk octice thai t famft7 tlkti by lfc gith gaff 1 fcirej tii the btff lilt clidi the lilill wallpaper 5iado ii jes ic liaco ad ptpcr u colqn adpriiw- jtoc liiatiag iboat paitiac tp brtbuodtwit viadovt arc naa going to so u iwperiiy lien ch tnl hvads luoa e cin it roa ko trouwe to th j pjtcl ia tndulc k loot it our v3ftf sd koiirseiplc laddartblc rcnetnlxr tiitape go- kvnds jccll satioacrr store acjc osu geo hynds acton ont f ftt jtrfttit jtr jrcss thtbsdir april 11 1s3 mixy ilkor locals caluici liy it evertfatraftfill icd ajtrt 5f hrfbrnzi utrator notice s- t 0 ww im g r0o- fan r 4 an of to t si lid iher br ft fcnk 0 mi sss ield t s l ichealse wjss iostlhxjpe jl xdgrs v jia cur i rs iud lot hoasocieaaiiy is in ordfir kt sandxy k palm sccdsy gtrieicg work is beinc itid oat tbe pais fcive dried cp vrr fit spru teexs to h tre txrired in rpl etmest- tbe tur bis been balmr iad hiyljke tharwt- both 1e1 ml luia streeta sliqaldjre- cem t coating o gravel this year itbunff da j is approaching tbe chi unacta ape eoraciencinjr p cfc sir t keeiioda has disposed of he stavacr skx to sir f j jewel t fan icr prtrietor eer j h soverfaj o aurora wih pmch in the baptist jchurch on enntiy actons ccridpal assessaieit for 1 k crer 5 15000 this is an increase c boct hoow sice laat rear j the plant o the brnssels ilirjy k loli by asction the other day by ilx f scott hulf to ir grant postmaster for ww tra night in the lodccp wodd do the tindair lappinj boys in iotti censaier- ifiiepod theyll get it it their prinks are continued- if yoc ant a thousand mbce or less of rstcltss entelopes neitly print at pices paid fartrnprinted enrelopes reail cau tnd see acjfiles at fetc pcem oece the ftteei and sidetalfc conrmittee of the goaacil scogh soca go oct on their sgasaltoar ol taspectioc they will find repairs pecessary in many of the iidewalhs iitoro 5tjor glover and other cscen cf eeadqaartfirs 21 be at the s a bamcfcs lad conduct the eerrices oa saturday and saniay 13th and itth insts silrer col lection at both evening service t ladies oar spring millinery opening via be held on tharsday friday and sat crday cf this week do cot fail tn see oar erand display cf millinery and dress j on ihose days g b evts l co we are in receipt o a copy of the com mercial csmber of the st johay b st it ccntanis it paes and qlosiratei the fatneiai progress of the prolog at it represents in a verv interesting manner ilr leonard wflson of knatctbull fcindly favored the fexe pees with a cats ofeeeitect maple sngar the other morn- is4- it was thoroaghly enjoyed and mr wu bndaess is much appreciated ifr w j king grocer u removing to the htich store at the- comer of it ill and icain streets formerly ocenpied by t slatham baier mr king will be glad to welcome all his old customers at his new stand t ata meetinof the license comaiis- obeers held last friday it was decided a to consider any apptications for license fran any hotel fceeperweo has any fines cqaid darin the regime of the scott act jtoxcnr ifr john icchssterv who sh at to remove to washington tcrritary hu sold hir house and lot on hill street in te east ted to ilr bfejatnin andenon etqoesins io will shortly remove to acton the price paid was f too keyer before have we tad such 6 fitocfc c carpets nor each value g b kyi k co arkjrdaybeingtajledtbout already i tee prospects are that a kre naraberof trees will be planted this year if the coan- j cil will supply ttetn it is generally hoped he council will devise fiome better schema than herecfore for securing trees thedrcmbo ivcw a new caldidate in the rerlni of newspapers made it ap pearance laet weet at drnmbq ont kessrs wrigley grayeon are thepeb- lishers and they snaoonce that they have settled in drctabo to boom the place the fixipcec reporter bad the pleasure of spending a day this week in the thriring toarn of berlin wjiecce aite a number of our citizen shave tmsraied an article descriptive of some of the roinofac- toriei visrfed is crowded out this week ilesrs fcbbage sac aliveto i the re- lirements of their increaficg trade are puttbs in a new aiid improved champion psccr tee addition of this excellent machie will eaable the grin io lam oat wort mnch more expeditiously tnari here tofore a the only house ia gaeiph sending a buyer to europe i gli kni i co the palrit of the llethodilt church u occupied last sanday bf mr hunts man a colporteur of the eelifiioas tract society wfco has been eagaged in canvaas- uig this district the past week or so mr hcntaman did good semcej hi sermons were earnest gospel exhortation mrs h a secord being aboat to re- move to torouto is disposing oil her house hold effectcfay private tale for cash or on lime comprising breakfmt table hall and side tables bed- ted iron cistern pump wash table glass capboar ds cook stove parlor coolt stove faraiibeditepiadderwnbgdeskirockerf rustic fornitore icecream freezer preaerre jut books large hand aleifiii imallvagon jurdenidg and carpeuter tools flower root home- g leas tkgs ltiirli atr uosilj- of a jxnl eiiamctcr auimcrvttbiir thc spring bhovr tut arrangements arc now complete the spring show uext tuesday the iries are likely to exceed those o last year scvenlccu prizes are offered the agtrteale being considerable of an advance on 188 the rouudt arc in good condition a blue xavr worthy of imitation berlin town cctnicil at its last nicuicg passed a motion to the effect that the constable is to nog the town bell every evening at 9 oclocl after which all cuid- ren of 15 years and under faundi on the streets shall be arrested and dealtwitu ac- cordicxio lave the attention ofoarowu municipal council is orgcully directed to the desirability of a ilmilar arrangement in acton militix ffenerai okjops the following promotions and changes in the 20th halton battalion are an nounced to be major captain ahdbccvct major john kaiting vice kerns promoted ko 2 company stewarttown to be cap tain john a tracey vice moore lranc- ferrcd ko 5 company georgetowc to be captain captain william v moorcivicc goodwiliie appointed adjutant to b ad- jutaut captain geo s goodwiliie kaitting promoted major crescent lacraxse gob crescent lacrosse club was reorganized for the coming season at a meeting held in the campbell house on friday evening last thcfollqwing osoers were elected ho ikcsincrc hobert afacw piuaipeyr o c qart ice vri- jchc vvuiiiiiit ciryjilxiohn larson s cct j-tnnxs- hoi t kijtrou j tractice will commence now in a few days and those interested claim that the crescents vnll this ecisau do creditable work in the matter of irincicg gamesj w stzrer t son b b c j at a meeting in the factory last friday evening a base ball club was organised in connectionwith the canada glove works to be known as the w il storey 4t son bb club the new club is officered followt puruidlxtw h stcrty uaviccui frtaci ciptiixw istorvj ecccrnnr rf vodttnjm the tniu adopted are to be dare grey pants and shirt gtmet stockings and belts white cps and monogram across breast the club is open for ensgeaieriu latersstinc sciap ticca frhihitioz the public enerally is mvitied to the beactifal impressive xnd icstractive exhibition of the principal events in the life of our siviosr brought ont full life tue in the methodist charcu next tuesday iag it is pronounced by all who ha c eased it of eicetaiu beauty andfcniih and onsurpissed by any the exhibition will include a large number of excellent in addition to the above and will no delight jail in order to give all an tznity to witness the exhibition the peoples union under whose acspft exhibition is given have arranged the fees at 13 cents and 10 cents for children which is considerably lower than i j go and take vour families eve ci te wit- views doubt paper lo ung the usual neigheomood news turiiuhetl by corrvtitondcnts billed 1rom exrliaujres aud f icked op by tbc way bockwoo0 the usual mouthly lervices were cele brated at the roman catholic cuorch on sanday and monday morning mr u l bchultr left on tuesday ra the c p r lor the korth west ou a pros- peeling touc last week a child of mr alex barns iboal two years ol age while playing on a loange fell and broke hit arm at the elbow the scott act was defeated at the polls in wellington last tharsday by a vote of almost two to one in favor of repeal it appears to be the opiuiou of moat of the people here that the crooksract fairly en forced is aa efficient an aid to temperance and good morali aa a badly enforced scott act hae been kttix mr wm thompson from alforaa has been visiting at depaty reere robinsons councillor hall while preparing an animal for slaughter on monday was struck on the face with sacfa force by the beast as to almost stun him he will he badly dis figured for tome time advocate mrewanib rough mother of the biukham postmaster died ou ith march aged 90 years and was buried on saturday at alton her grandsons acting ar pallbearers adtocctr messrs fred mason wm and james justice returned from the borders of the georgian bay last week where they have been manafactaring famiture in the bash the funeral sermon of the lata rebecca wanshrocgh was preached in the metho dist church last sabbath morning ttlltov its reported that a trunk factory is to be started in mil ton the streets in town are having the names put oa them the board of license commissioners for the county of halton will meet on saturday april 20th at 10 oclock am to consider the applications for licenses for the year 1s990 there are three new applications for licenses messrs pirtman georgetown haynes oakville aud gnfiin kilbride one day hut week a man living in ls- qcesiog was polled off the gtr track at maneewcod just in time to be oat of the way of a train he was full of crooks act whiskey this is the second case of the kind within a short time iirfvrvtrr the town council is being supplied with lumber this season by tender and will pay the aciforra price of his for tvo inch pine plank txl pice and cedar fccantling at the hut meeting of the council notice was given that a bylaw woald be intro duced at the next meeting of the council to exempt the knees tannery from taies texuctowv anoercnlrrue2 anyone who has a collection of old but tons br charm sirics as the collection of fcptions was called while the button sz listed remarks the ijetroit tribune can pat them to an unique use in making a crazy brick lor this purpose take a common brick large or email as fsslrcd cover it with two pounds of putty which has been softeced and colored with burnt nmber or vermilion and stick into this fonntiitica thfcehacks of the batons in any faalistic or artistic design oae may fancy if the thanks cf the buttons we sunk evenly and closely together the effect will he very hand0ie these brisks may be cod as guards for open doors acd i half brick thus adorned makes a nice paper weight te wtite cipszt ffcsrffetokn john hume alleged to be one of castor i a for infante and children outorlaisiovtllxlaptaltodilunatliit i gaitari arts colic cautipuion tftcoicmcodluiiperlorlonyprcaridcioa i sow stomach dlanlkbft ttuctauonj- r tamtams liicnmldt i jg t p tin cxktics coxrurr crhnd- operliiag display -of- spring lvllllilnery grand the lion of guepli t murray street k t pehsoxal 5ienti0s f faeorge- towns white caps was tried before mag istrates barber eustan and mckenzie at georgetown on satcrdxy on three charges llhe first charge was that of writing a let ter threatening to kill the eccad one of sending by pot an obscene picturej and the third- criminal- libel the iuvestigatioa took plsre with closed doors the public betog exdaded the prisoner wis com- mitted far trial on all three chtrce j g matheson county crown attorney pros- uted and g s- goodwiliie appeared for the prisoner wilhim joseph pdndai- alias toad dandts of georgetown was triedoa monday before judge miller on a charge of pointing a pistol the crown failid to make oat a caserg-insttnepris-aa- erput for attempting to escape from a con- sisxie after his arrest and to which charge prisoner pleaded guilty he was sentenced to nice months imprisonment tiie ezrly closing bylzvr 31- about a year ao the byiiiw ega- lttmtiic closing ofttores in this munici- ptiity wsa pissed by the council an j we ven- tare to sxy that nearly every person in the slightest degree effected by it is ireidy to vovit a success and woald be very sorry to see the eld order of things restored oar business men hive fcand the change agreeable and hae no desire to cancel the agreement the merchant who remains tthispuce o business antil nine or ten oclock p m deprives himself land bis family cf their legitimate share of this worlds pleasures and should not be sur prised at his children seekine amuse ment and entertainment elsewhere than at name the advantage that ihe emplojees have derived from the change are ejoauy as exeat as those of the em ployers whilst the general public has suiiferbd no inconvenience hzi ittther en joys the satisfaction of knowing by com plying with the regulations of tee bylaw the beautiful new high school building is being pushed forward to completion about 30o will be offered in prizes at the comiqg demonstration oj the queens birthday messrs hunter fraser have purchased the blacksmith and wood shop from a grieves i son and have commenoed oper ations geo gibbs is eoing the county of hal- ton for the amount of a scott act fine that he claims wasnnjoitly imposed we have been informed that an old georgetown grocer failed in an attempt to commit suicide with a razor at toronto last week llcrdl the loss of mr it harper of nerval owing to his late fire is estimated at j0 mr j f tsylor and family have return ed to georceiown from listowel and will make georcetown their home again as the close of the mass meeting of con- servati res held here last week a liberal conservative association with the follow ing osers wasorcanired wm buchan an pres nerval w h galbraith xice- irec geo d reid secy georgetown geo thompson treas ashgrove the ward committees consist of b howden ko la noble g mcmillan no i a cross r raddel ko 3 a elliot kof john it cook ko 5 harry olroyd ko g township of esquesing r kugeu ko 1 john toole ko 2 geornetowu iaragtflniisitajtfcutig vuuotsta aui rrom ictu with whom free ikss rcsdcrs arevrr- arlrssacqcitutrd dr mcgarvin epent a couple of days at listoweu this week mr and mrs a l llemstreet are visit ing friends ia kelson mr it k ncliou of guelph siwut suu- day with friends in acton mr loau mcbriuc of uerlin visited acton friends on sunday mri albert goodall of reroute visited his sister and other friends here this week miss bella kennedy left last week to spend a few weeks with friends at kast fretnoct mich mr john lambert moved his family to toronto this week where he occupies a good situation at his trade messrs robt creech johur worden and warner kicklin of acton- left toronto yesterday for the north west rev dr giftord is now rapidly recover ing and will no doubt be able to resume hispastoriil duties in a week or to mr john perkins is about to return to acton fromgioversville k v the ameri can glove city doesnt suit mr perkins mrs- t j belt and family took train at the canadian pacific railway junction yesterday en route for iowa streetsville flcvtur mr w t smyth representative of messrs w h storey it son arrived on saturday from a very saccessful trip throagh british coltmbii and the north west j- mr it geo pratt who was for a couple of years a resident tf acton is nowd mem ber of tbe firm of thompson fc pratt sanlt ste marie this firm is doiug c lively business mrs v henderson attended the annual meeting of tbe womens foreign musonary society of the presbyterian church at tor onto on tuesday and wednesday as a dele gate from the acton society mr robert craine is removing his firmly to berlui this week he has kcured a very comfortable home there our citizens generally regrel the removal of mr craiee andhis family bnt hope for them abun dant success in berlin in renewing his subscription for anotbtr year mr william shaw of tiverton says the fax pms is prized by asiss letter the country in ceuera1 hertibjuts preseutc a pleasing aspect in summer the community is composed of an industrious warm hearted and prosperous people the farming oilities of the land is good as for myself and family we are enjoying good health and prospering in our new home tbe law provides that herciltcr thresh- iug engines must have li inch tires and the accompanying wsgon i inch tire for every half ton encine men mast etop and help teams pasj and when travelling after night the engine must be provided with a red light in front and a green light behind onlv one price in bur store gbiliywaco it is worse than madness to neglect a ccagu or a cold which is easily lubdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death in datamation when it attack the delicate tisane of the langa and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity thfii do not delay- set a bottle of bickfes j anticoaamptive 6yrap the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the ays- tem this medicine promotes a free andeaay expectoration subdues the coagh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful ioaenc in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents with tosave the uvea of their children and tkemselaea from much anxi ety trouble and eipense let them procure a bottle of bickles anticonsaraptive sytap and whenever a child ha taken cold has a coagh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions vhe larkst scale works in canada over 100 styles of kay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales affroysjseqwcies mosey drawers heafcfappers ah3 birrckebs c wilson satoroay wednesday thursday friday aud loth nth 12th and 13th all are cordially imrited supplies a son 60 esplanade street east i torontcont j thursday evening we give a musical reception when our larye store will be dressed up in all the magnifi cence for which we are famed and thrown open for the accommodation ofthe public from 8 to 10 oclock guelph city band will be in attendance j d williamson co p s remember the lions concert on the 2nd may millin -and- dress gbood openinc -at- rjjjeifs acton kxatcebcll i cy have contributed to the welfare of all concerted the compromise efiectfdwith the large number of customers rflorai the countrjby irhich they can secure their supplies wednesday evenmgs for a couple of hours later than the general seven oclock doting hour has rendered the scheme rtiiidaciory to all and now uoqa express any desire to return to the old plcsewkenyocpleasc order of hings j a copy of ertstas wimaiis article u greater half of the fcontinent which appeared in the january number of the aortic amfrictui lucktc has been re- ceived by the fcuc peeb a reriew of his inteeiting article which uluitrates jpaoahcv magnitude in very complimeo ury descripjcn appeared in these colaroni some weeks sgo i i i a man went to a aeighbof a scotch man and afeked him o fodorse a note in order lo raise money at the bank the neighbor refused saying h z was to pit imy name tillt ye wad get the siller frae the bank and when tlic time cam roan ye wana be ready and i wad hae to payt sac wc maan just as weel quarrel the uoo m tiie sillers in my poach ssa oar millinery stock before yoo bey our shapes are from now york gb ktaxco mrgrorge anderson an old resident of i of this section passed away oa thursday at his home on the 4tfa concession kassa gaweya at the age of to years and 5 months mr aodersoowas a native cf yorkshire england and came to canada in lso2 settling in kassagaweya he re mained there until his death he was a quiet unassuming and retiring man bat was held in the highest esteem and respect by all who knew him he leaves a widow and family of three eods and three daugh ters to mourn hi loss the faneral sec- vices were conducted by rev mr blair and the remains were interred in the pres- hyteriaa cemetery at sodom on saturday afternoon and were followed by a large con- coarse of relatives and friends- to render their last tribute cf respect to deceased safe in tbe arm of jesus sato on bis gentle brcist tlicre by his love oenhadonxd skcciij- bis tast thill rest mr anderson was father of mr joseph anderson aston while mr and mrs jas lind kuatch boil were driving to guelph last saturday tbe axle of the buggy broke hut fortunately neither of its occupants were injured mr wm hitching and family were on their wav to church last sunday and the axle of their rig broke alio spilling its occupants out into a snow bank but no one was hurt tbe early croaker has arrived and in a day or so will have got the med cleared from his vocal apparatus mosquito and his suction pump will soon be ou deck to collect outstanding accounts spring opesring saturday 30th march hollinrake fe son milton invite the ladies of halton to inspect their grand display of trimmed hats and bonnets flowers- feathers fanqiibbons laces and trimmings novelties from london- paris and new york who has charge of the millinery department will fine assortment miss campbell r be pleased to show our very saturda march 30th magniscent display elf feath ers flowers ribbons lapcs and french noveltiej hiss pexeltox cordially invites the lidies of acton and vicinity to jtall on the opening or follow- ing days whenshepvfll be pleased tosnov them through j hollinrake son beg to call the attention of intending purchasers to their splendid stock of new designs in wall papers borders and ceiling decorations hollinrake son are opening up sec their stock before gents new felt hats the correct styles for spring issg you bu hollinrake fc son milton the ltadiui merchants dress cobd positively beyond description auction sale -of- valuable housed lot in acton in the matter of the estate of arthcii wellington limbeut iuises lately occupied b w lambert in the village of actoaby wnx heniatreet auctioneer okr- saturday 13th april 1689 at 1 oclock in the afternoon the following valuable property parcel- ilot ko e block is la tbn village of acton lately owned by arthur v lftiabcrt xhcre are oa the pretuiies god rouglicsft hoexe fu nrstclaiff repair coouiuior five roocne tot t niter eifttem also icoodfrsmouablc the tiropcrtj is conreaienuj- and besutiiully it- uated fatfceli a juantitj- of liouwbold fcrui- luru and caricnwr tools tertpt cafib tehlts ok sue- kxl ematc 10icr ccuc lo bv paid uu tbe dirofwlo to tbe ycisdofi tioucilantud the baiauce rilhin three weeks tbcreafwr further liarticauri will be made known ou day of mlc or oa application to field ft wlsder elora ont bolicllcrt loruio adtniuistratrix dated 2ta uarch aj isao -grakjj- spring opening ox tiiuisdayfiiday saturday nth i2this ijth april we shall mike oar special opening dis play of millinery feitbers flovrers silks and dress goods to which we eitcnd a most cordial invitation to the readers of the fnu puisa our spring goods kelly bros hcton exquisite istlic wbrd withoudoubt the finest range of new and fashiqnable dress goods ever ppj on bale in acton- j vj 4 ordered clothing new hats spring ties ready made clothing fi a look titousiokrfcliasortina tiobrsioct tf fcjtis iiluss tad isatics tiiic re you that re live io eiisicwpcooiii biuic couuty a perfect fit sonrmuod ivtry tiiuo yea re for core c ia loot tiiroui kelly uro- shatshili they can cuclhircrthin ay otlier fcoue iduio coontr iiit aimrtineiit of the most fuuumblc we have jtit received t haadrcd dctcn cf ibc litest scarfs fcr gectjees lishioiiablo syrinx tie and ycucauiiuiuaey l ueaf fiij frctn u ci batis vcr utady lfaii cothug e kelly uros we bavejtut received ycithsbove scd childrens svdts widch are of ibe choked jtaiurns odd iasis fresi f j3 nj cbftdreni saiufrom 6175 up- dry goods groceries or suil- dry tiocxlj clu k 0rlodcl ciroccrl 7t ixau uc world jo lo utility r iz remember the day ladies fsaturday march soth aiid following dayf rpbjerrtyn this u ocr ninth season at ko j7 and we may point with pride and satisfaction to the very peneroas recognition which oar effort to tapply ocr ccstomers with onlyr fint gssk gcodi have received we do not hesitate to fay that oor visitors will find oar display mure exleuiive ar styles more attractive aud the general character of our rooda more novel add rich una ever before ko patus will be spared to make our grand millinery opening a very plea- taot and agreeable occasion strictly casb and only one pric e e r bollert 27 wyndham street guelph kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly beos spring -kgkin- kenney bros dominion boot shoe store main street acton bhousekeepe will do desire utliii l2j ir uiaii laurjus lor their nuiucrou iurtlruci duriuc thc3jdavt tle tml tlu to aiuiotiutu tbar tlieir fctcck fur tbe hirif tndci- ljw cxiiiilc weliatcl well 6oned itock rouitiriiiue lht trill b rcnirvl u uie iiuulic tutl baviin ordiawu tryui thti lliattarert direct it cloc imeel fl trc itcltsred to give rood ttlrjc we arc llwiy plcued lo cnd samples bymiil 0 b litis 4 co ladles pine skoes and slippers in variety gentlemens laced bals c r and all the usual llneb ttonk nd veltow in tood rariotr ctwtom twuk iu receive the ninal attention and repairing prompur attend to kenney bros acton- well to inspect our stock of carpets curtains crnmb cloths cretonnes anj fringes before purchasing j jehnvii sells fjicaiv

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