Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1889, p. 4

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tlicrfatt jfittfjwss tjilulsdaviarkll 11 1888 clic yaihtg folks h7iea irorffy uoiirr it it c- if itt- crtltm cltl u hcttxr in kglt cr darkae clad tfr heart ccvcrdall or 4 wucawrrtidottc ric wry mc iu tiic street arc innrd la rstct ciore cfl and it we icve all lfvlaa o etiaaec to meet win a urfcixloae tlc tio mcic cf he lsrw tlc utirwhui3p- elite trees uca wuilfs doafr i kuu irr trua of uioa0 gracy ai j n lisl- ii tiv oii huaic putx and lave mi ifwstu as 5 goodul t iec w ilh their ixieetke fceiit lo fili iu v orl is dae maumx kxewbest 1 inidic hid htllc bird that aact klsle girc him il vet yellow and wliitei with round black eyes and a cunning little bill il ale wiih frodii lifcoi lo talk lo it- the bicd cdsixvgi taik bat it could aic triditcsed urtani iu little bd and loot it htm first cut oesac eye then oat of the other and tlica boiu to sue at hard aa itleoold freddie ilioaght it rcas trying lo talk to lira i there iris a pretty cae for itto live in tni sometimes niamrsa- opened the dooc o the cae and let the bird oil to fly and hop arcand thejoom a littfe while- one cuf rfejddic climbed into a chiir indilicn irpac the tubie then be wis riostf lo where the birdies cte hcnl his 3iaimi canic iu to the room and fonnd him sbe lifted him down to the floor and- told him he must not get cp by the cap unless she stid heroiht then the went icty again pretty soon the bird chirped ted freddie thyht i ru calling lies so he cumbed cpia lie title again j kacgfcty freddie not to mind hii intra ci la iittie lie fce pot the door of the ore open and birdie flew cat- bat the pray cat wis in the room and the caught the little bird and killed it misci cime wfcen the heard freddie izreic tct thu ccrld net cute the bird ilive ifiin ehe weald not hire let it oat of the cie when the ctt wts in the room bat freddie did not thick of the catit ill ifhehailcaly dsac his munm tcid uiihe miht liive hid bis deir ultla bird it itwcrs tktu cidaeas to neglect t co3h ercoldthichiie4iil- inbdaed if tihen in tinebecoc whenieft to iuelf ihe forerannerof consstantioa ted pteaii tare deith incimmilion when it ttucix the delicite ticse of the lccgs tnd brbneh- iii tabes tnrezs with pcrilaci rxpjlity thta do net deuy cett bottle of bicfcies anticonsaepttre syrap the medicine thitensps this farcidible foe of the hamtnbody and dxivet it from the sys tem- this medicme promote a free and euy eipecbratiaa eubddes the ooogh hesh the diseased pins indjeiene a most wander- fclinflcenc tn caring cassaaiption acd other disies of the throat and jcn if pirents wish la aive the h of their childres aod llefeselaesfrommacii anxi ety troable andjexpenie let them proccre a bottl of bichlee anticoniamptive syrcp and whepever a child has tafceg cold his a coaij or haancness gire the yrcp according to dirfcctibcs jingles akp jokelets luifau kctnwhu ihe wip mcu kewlu aadllierttcriiliionic daj the moil kjcll rttontivo tonic and iild slioinuut i xi ilbaras beef icon and wine cc ktikiiis 4 co grnifi had a taloable colt so bad with mange that l cared i wocld low- it i used minards eantratnl and it cured hlai tit tnigic j ilhoaic ckkisrofarr sirkmks vthy will fqqcoora wliea sheiohe care wiu g mdiat relief price 10 c 50 el and h- for sale by k xfcgtnjn james h gilmoar of t gilmour co wholesale grocer brookviiie iay i hav awd tamarac klitir tor a severe cold and coach which it immediately relieved and cared i iklier hail qnlatj- wo find tut burdock blood blltort etccllent for wckuesr cod eiaallyo or headache father ajto utterod mverflly from quinsy which b b b by ila ionic and pacifyiog properties oomplelelycarcd ehtlob i oaiaxrh remedy a positfro care for catarrh diphtheria and cankoruonth for aale by n gaxun do not delay in getting relief for th hlufl folks if other jg raves worm er- termicalor it a pletsalit and sarc care if you lore your child wfcy do yoa let it safer wbca a remedy is so near at hand unsightly pimples j blotches tan and all itching bnmors of the skin are removed by asicg dr lows baiphnr soap f hiiiho ooks avuletf a iat o n imperial cream tartar baking powder it is perfection aud far capenor to all others j money sarod and p in relieved by the leading hocschold renedy dr thomas eclectrietlil aiemall qcanttty of which ascslly inffioec to care a coagh heal a sore cat braise cr sprain relieva lambago rhea- malism nenrahta excoriated nipples or inflamed breast a ntctl injector free with esh lottle to shillahs catarrh remmy price 50 coats for sale by x ifcgarria rte kre pub- whea raitering from a troablesome cold a hacking coagh hoarsened asthma bron- chit it or other forms of throat or lang troables if to esc hagjirds pectoftl bal sara to loosen the phlegm and soothe ana heal the inflamed mocoas sarfsees it cares where others fail hickmetack a lasting and fragrant perfame price 2jxni so cents for tale byk hcgsrvin hecftam0r rasaad ttlae- if yoaare hurgaid nd weak and appetite poor my beef iron and wtae is the tonic be cure as an invigoniia toaic it is recognized by the itedicii profession as the best streaglheaicg mtdicine thos far proacoed it it wjaible- at a wdodjdra sole cater especially ia thoe- cases w iere wex is the res alt of imperfect or ia- iood of wimg j fevers or excess of any sort it conttiee the nutriment of cef the slim clan properties of wine and the tonic poifrs of ifon and is tdmirably cal- cuhttedto bcild opithe emacialed sjctcm aiiwt iu sioteens are yoa diitcraed at nightand brokfin of yoar rest by a- lick child a5erc actt cryinjrwtth pain of cat- ting teeth if sojsend at once and gtt a bottle of sirs wtnsiowseoothisgsyrcp for children teething- its vslce is oi aj- cnkble it will relieve the poor li tie eafererimmedislely depend npoa it mothtrs there ispo mistake aboat it it cares dycentrr ani diarrbot regokua i he stomach and toyds ceres wind colic sfteas the gam si rfedoces inftmmatino sid gires lose- tea energy to the whole sys tem iiix tvicjlaws soothing syrcp for children leetling is pieaaant to ue c c richuis co j geul wac cared of a severe attack of rbeamatism byasinj ixtnxrds liniment after trying all other remedies for 2 yean albert co k b gtlrsi tixglct dr lows warm syrcp ba removed tape worms from il o so feet long it also removes all other kinds of worms the iter gto h thayer of bourbon ind sayr both myself and wife owe oar lives tohilohg coasamptoa care for tale by s sicthrnn t ccrafed fiaaiicu for three years i was anable to work safferiog from nlccrated etomach iledi- craid having failed i was told totry bar- dock blood bitrto which 7 bottles made a permxnect care this traa two years ago anil feel that i have to thank b b b for being aliie and well today sire kose ann meclasey ilarmora oat that pticloj compliict can bciaicfcly cared by the right remedy hiss ifary jane goaid of htoao creek ont says i wm troablcd with lomoico and eoald not pet relief nntil i med elajytrds yellow oil oae bottle of which cared tne entirely by ill draists price tittijtyfivt cnt z bottle be and 2ee for md synjpfind tike c hroagboat the wori winslows soothi ether kind the- lite dr diojlewis whose name is l hoaajioid word fcl over the globe warm ly indorsed the me of warners safe car in cases of kidney disorder he said oxer hts cwn signature if i foacd myself a vie tfm of eeriocs kidnev troable i woold a warners safe cnrel o bertie of ifaij chester ontario co xv writes i cbtainejd immediate re lief from the ae of dr thomas eclectric oilj- i have had asthma for elerea yeari have heenjdbliged to sit cp night fot ten or twelve lights ia izcexaion i cac now 5ep eouodly sh night ton featfcer bed which i had cot been able to do prerl ions to using the oilj i in a m pilau tared an old physician retired from practice havxijy had placed inlhis heads by q east india missionary the formal- of simple regetahle remedy for the speed and perl rattestcarcof coasciisptiod bronchitisj cxurrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive androdical cara forkenoas dehjjtylini all kerrooacoai constipation daimt many victims ward c5 this dread disee by the ate of small sagarcoated bardock puls when needed i irlisitenrd kollter- ify little girl i jeirs old frightened me one niht by croapy coagh bet i gave her a dose of hagyards yellow oil which relieved her tt once aua she slept well all night i htve since- ased it in several cases of croup frost bites etc and find it always reliable lire eva brtdley yirden ilan joe hccantland l son toronto the wellknown designers aud workers in glass execate charming jlemorial windows and household stained glass of every known description they also make cot bevel- j ed silvered ana bent glass in ail sizes and import direct from the makers an immense stock of british pjtte glass which they ship to all parts of canada the teachbr jmi lic-i- pitpin o rtrcngilicn i ir niiiii ity lit- use ot aytrs fiat- iuni iciiatwt the truth tluu ii nlv lnthli i fwctitdd lu mciiul n im ikisoirvdf dclicateand fechlg ilkiiiiitifiii wliiiiitr young orold thli in ilhlut n nuiarkalily beneficial lie i yiigti ajcrt srtmhpftrlua irrv nliii- tiu fall i taknautua i rt i utiirsn tikfaarwiiflrilla airi mtatly ulk-lii- mr jaiius h lllullltll slluklliutl llish i haw liken avcrk saruaparilla vilitntt wiiiii tiiitv litthiirji tuntr ialuiyrg md my ifitiilitit twelve yvat ot ngif 1 h hmiit of tin iat yuir filtu i general debility i wfilt tluiv w lcui lo give 1 r istivnutilli hlrlaallhliim nv iiiit mnt harriet il j 1 ic snail clulujnl mil iliitiittt virflsi licgaiinsiusavft i itmuniui nsa tcliutty fur dilillliy j fiini iifntififit rvmtttii rtun kidlarlnl ivrciith in ill- uriuv i wh iu a very laihthmlitiiiit imt yx uinus of thenar- j uar a with kiiukmn ucs uf ayers i iiluiiavccrratly iiiqiruvtsl jity hfillli 1 mi ucttlil tn vvork midrfcil liit i cinmi nay unmuh ur yctir ixccllint nimdta k a hliklmw htlilll my ilaiiclifir kuffeti j rant jm 1 ttfrinj actvkjnviiiuirilla wtflt kk1 cf- fil lliv 8 j graham inltctl uiuiriu churrh uiuklintiaiiyva- i mffcrvu loaj neryous prostration tv illi lame lirick iuil he niacin ami have uii liuuli uiiwiicd liy tin- uacof aycrs sarsiqiarillti i ani uw tso years of sgp lisul urn iitulic liuit my pri4ctit health ami irtiuki lif on- ifii ta the me of amtk satvairlllu luiy moftitt killlkgy cotm mrs ann fariiswtirtli a kdr 73 y rs old si wkkuik1 vt writes after wyiral wtvw kutteriiig from nervous jintraiiii i piuturwl a loiik o ayers sarnairitla and itcftirp i liad taken lialf of it my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla 9 peeimjied cv or j c ayer k co lowell ma prtiiclctkffj vtcthf jabcttl the third page ot lha torooto daly mail is noted for want advertisement if yoa want to bay or sell anything if yea want sitaation a mcchanio baiiuess machinery lodgings it yau have iot or foand anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto daily uail and read the advertisements ca the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the hail toronto canada tfaebak htbclitc- and on its parity largely depends the gee eral health ko one is free from danger and ninetenths of humanity aciaally do saffer from one form or other of impure blood kooae remedy itm sach a wide range of c a rati ye power as has burdock blood bitters teat belt of all blood pari fiers and tonics sbilohs core will immediately relieve c roup whooping coagh and bronchitif for sale by x xicgirvin the thin cannot gitin in weight if they are troubled with dyspepsia because the food is not converted into the due propor tion of nourishing blood which alone can fnrnish the elements of flesh bat there is no reason whea this wearing attenuating disease is conquered by kcrlhrop ly rmnr vegetable discovery why trier shoald not be an appreciable- gainin weight which indeed is csaally the case it is a peerless remedy also for constipation litrcr complaint kidney trouble aod roots oat all imparities from the blood the late dr j g holland the eminent writer and phyeicin wrote and pablished in ecribners siaqaiiit it is a fact that many of the best proprietary medicinca of the day are mere taccessful ibia many phyriciiqe and most of them are first dis covered and aed in acta medicarprctic when however any shrewd person knowing their virtue forseetng their popa- ixrity secures and advertises ihem then ja the opinion of the bigoted all virtue went oat of them the late dr die lewis in speaking of warners safe care leays if i foaod myself the victim of a serious kidney troable i would nte your preparation dr k a gunn if d anthor of ganns kew improved hand book of hygiene and domestic iledicine says i am willing to acknowledge and commend thus frankly the value of war pers safe cure the celebrated dr thompson of the university of the city of kew tort says more adults are carried off by chronic kidney disexse than by any other one malady except consamptioo that harking cough cao be so quickly cared byshilohs cure we gaarantee it forsale by k ilcgtrvic ayers hair vigor is a most ercelleat preparation for the hair i speak of it from experience its e3 promotes the growth of new heir tud raakei it glossy and soft the iso is a sure care for daadraff w bowen editor enquirer jicartburohio plaints afur living tested fa wonderfai curative pawersinlhousaflji if cases haj fthit his duty to mike it known to hii tufleriug fellows aclajtes by this mottw sad fc desire lo relieve haffita safteriflg 1 will tend fr- tf charge to si who desht it this recipr in gercan freoch or eotf ith itu faff dircctiocs for preparing and uiug fttfjtbi mil by addressing wilh etttinp rjicmigthit jajer w akotijr hiv poiterfibfxkucchesterrjcit j arryja midc tciserahfe by indigesfion cfiriitipiirondiaitkie joss jof appetite yilhv sfciij 7 filiilohs iiulizer is a poaitivfl care koraalcjvk ifcgsrvjo i brilliant i durable economical 1 diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other arc just as good be- jvare of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior iriaterials and give poor- weak iroclcy colors to be sure of success use only the dusioxd dies for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons e c vc warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diamond anil tale no other a dress dyed 1 for 1 10 coat colored n wu i iviuivu f garments renewed j cents a child can use themf at dffltiiw lfefdnotj de coot iu wells mchirdson co montreal p q sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible coach shilohs cure is the rem- edy for yea for sale by x ifcgarvin eeiattitffturorct cfte aorfaa brownc hocwbold psaacea has no quit for relicvinc pun both internal and rternal it cures paiu in the side bicfc or boweh sore throat rheumatism toothache lsmbszo sod aiij kind of a pain or ache it will rnostiurelyqalcl en the biotd and ileal as its acting power is wonderfai browns housebaldptfl- acei lieing atknowledgid si the great pain keliever ud of doable the itrtneth i of any other elixir or lloiment ifl the worrd should he in every family handy for ciswben wanted asil really is the best remedy in the world for crampf in the stimicb ad pains and aches of all kinds cdisforiile byalldruggiitf at 25 rt a bottle shiiahs vitailzer is what yoa need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale by k stcgarvin xfiss ifary campbell him writes after taking four bottles of northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic care i feel as if i were t new person t had been troabled with dyspeptic for a number of years and tried many remedies bat of no avail nntil i csed this celebrated dyspeptic care for all impurities of the blood sick headache liter and kid ney complaints cosixvcness etc it is the best medicine known will you saffer with dycpepsiiand liver complaint shilohs vitalizer is guaran teed to care yoa for sale by n jfcgar- vin otatexjut effect jfany persons wonder at ihe liredworn tiid weary feelinsthxtoppressesthem with- oat any apparent ciuie it my he poverty of the blood or u disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood ani liver are no performing their regular functions and with man penouvhey will follow a dulf heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse ihe system of the clogged secretion by using sfeachatus mandrake ilixture prepared by j b ifeacham 133 vonjfe street a chemit of nineteen years experieuce magnificent 4- powder purest strongest best contains no alms afiunosit lm fbocphttei 91 ucr ucuinoi tautuccc ewg1llctt iukofmtutei u rax enzsxainj soyii tkast cash h a stone georgetown supplies and latest styles -at- the right house hamilton ks l lfu ft eod fnc u r comb tlio uleit noliic in hillioery u s1 french sflk7rlin a ii p idtro boat 10c per ytrd nod lh aal vin a cm of elkplmpnf iu gcouliieu cour gn bilk tie cebi 1 chj n tble cow i cbcuecului from ib uit mootklurer b md of ihijtiinn ml i j f y opomoe diy bat hi noraoo ilock i well mrtd with th ulett noreltle br tiv sji ik i pl neither tim nor troable to hnnl op the newet ityla tod the bai tlae to be bi in grcf meiksin fnfi tkhtnoaoi crowded diily ith ldie rto re delighted with the new w wmdt w j l t ifnll lltoil cloth crpct etc be atcfnl lo enter the itore en of the cr- re window luny nuju miuke ind do not cct into he bight hook hmilton slrcu 2uh 1633 tecozwdls o wjtirs stocktaking over but we ara still continuing our8ae mammoth house georgetown wm mcleod co ixteriok decora tor painter home sign and ornamental painting in the litest styles lessons in oil iaintjnc classet weinffday nvrninj tburf jfr ttyj iturday aftcnmrjim orders loft st frci- 1ns 0lrt artoiior tl dxo4ijto hoi 1g korttoun nil r retire rrotant attention h a stoke tfcf fat kieeertfl reinrdr ec rnr crou it it ctruja in iu effrvtittm dnx bcttrflcr litatl jfocc ijcctw kendalls spavin curl orncr cr j- gimag j baxvijt cr cxtttlacj dir isa tiutti3 tzro ecix eurwoco iu- ur 1 1 li dtejearixixoo dcir sirs lure ijwtrs perehttm tocreci- ixllt bpfttla ccro far dm fcsjf dcara ikxt i wojdlilw prfcl3liirpti2tlj lttletliic cue cfuie best uafateouda unii ibateuojlc en i itabim far three jettx voars trtuf cejis i srmtt kendalls spam cure baoomtt k i 1tlj zrxuiii co j3rtrsinljjrccrtrftetmtorfihocitjcr tat jpooj cvljaacttor eedllk7ntln curv i into med ft rr ltmni tilx jalatr in4 8rartsckaiil luferoand knaftjcaiticcrci- voci inu x e gnzrxt i troj- lasrjry buhlei kendalls spavin curl mtr wnrcr cccttt qua dec i isss gaut llrvt it pytntf to tmtixtt tirtdena wim joce eradahs en curtv i tire eartd iwzattti6 tenet tltfj buittlr tta of uforflmf nfcaafifrt wthllic jieci and wrraot bn jnw fikcitbirtixacjets jew books m fauom via cirtettost i bxrt ucxtt kxs a ca ot oar k 14 vocrs txtoj lyzsrr tnryrc hanetkjcor kendalls spavih curl prw t per wttte or itt bctc fcr it- ill dmr- fut- j jto it cecm eti ft i op rw it ul u ect m aar iidrw ra ncript at rrfc by tti recrrt- usu pe jklxdxiloaknctbrirjlttu sold bx all durggrgtg- wc have unearthed a lot of goods that we- are anxious to convert into mone that we shall offer at phenominal pri ces which shall command at tention and effect a sale we call special attention to ladies furs gents fur caps goat and fancy robes gents uriderclothingblankets flannels knitted woollen goods woollen hosier- mens- over coats bo3s overcoats ready made clothing dressgoods 5ilkssatinsmillinery mantles also carpets ladies and gents footwear and over shoes the public can rel upon finding special drives in the above goods well worthy of their attention we beg to re mind the public that cottons silk goods and woollens have all gone up in price very much especially cottons and silks that we have laid in a large stock of cottons and silks at the old prices and are prepared to sell them at the extraordinary low prices we have heretofore sold them at and now is the time to pur chase cottonadescheck shirt ings factor cottons white cottons prints ginghams and all kind of cotton goods good factor- cotton for 3c per yd white cotton 5c per yd check shirtings 6c per yd prints fast colors and heavy for 6c worth 10c cottonades from i2jc up a magnificent cottonades for 25c worth 35c we call particular attention to bur new suitings our tailoring department is be yond all competition in price style fit and workmanship our milliner and mantle departments are a 1 turning out artistic designs which meet with the approval of the most fastidious spring goods arriving daily come and get a large lot of the bargrins wmmcleodco 5la5i5oth house georgetown headquarters io wrll phpsri epkikgsauplesocirrcadrinhealtifulgrltsscd other rich and korliv ratteraj ndcilnitaccfilixg decorations cektekpieces corners and an endlew rtzictjai eletiaxt bohders the largest tocfc etcr broofilst to acton to cfcoow fro far 5cperrcll tzi uinrard window blinds in fareiajpainrticrslioui assert aeatcf fancy linens in beautifnl ibades ari 3e- fisxkithsrcgrouericocft oost tail to cc lhi bciorc rcrshailfiffat cr 1rieet arc njht alabastine ac ot lu rlut of ibe above justly celebrated kalsoulve to- hand la 111 the pedlar icadea it civet a leautixui hard tta fiaiih sad will cot rcb oi 0e trial till satiety yes ft f tfl q best thicj in the cart points snd oils peuchens prepared paints jrit i hxai full tiaetrf the chore old reliable miied paint in diiiitfld colore ajo iutta iercht paints pure white leadi asd til dry colors oil a tcrpcntini vtrciiiicc jre shduc ic i hare alio vdded xq mr tjclc a full line o tube paints iflalltfcmdlacoisrfc aiw plggible asd hog haiii brmhec urauiirw aacdeaxrietycfimuseescafc4sifriudisirkls01fle white wash iaixt scrub boot store clctfc horw wfciafcjic j alccjt in itot hearcrhirituegaluhiceoichoc3 groccric crocker- lasr yiiinrin sole agent for ana lock tad car dsctdci j b pearson bjluc ccluuou scute faaah eijaco grivitv sh lock tad cartaia liollert alio iilacr- aaircrfctcdsct4dci or 50c t beats them all raitwayjtatiti grand tijunk ralij uiil ollrr throil ei j ja j p8 j rihrcriosimjju 0cic5nmti5sjj t- bfilljt- j i il k tw v t-l- irnv r c coksdiiptiofjcc asthma croup m c05sukiictea3rr3ictf i iui ni- it coztzizz tzcluc i j fonr r e nelson merchant tailor cuelph eilcs si to bit ziinr ifttroc a acoa 11 1 riciiiitj- the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs c for the holiday trade iei3itccliee the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the city are you married or about to be for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b sayagcei gcuelph speight son acton j a speight manager cauin you with all ihe fcrcre retirnio fsrsiahvocr ct and octy little home cr to r j tcc if l ctueu czc tn tnj itrlc tt the rery loe price there is uo article o furnitcre re caanst tsirlr and fnhr te deiirer ocr cmiturc acd joubare no arraajiacfrcric1trrlndnc no nskd lretkxic wccjls it undertaking i oartliirtyfivoyetrs eepcrksce fa tfci bsines his resulted la ccarinclif tie jhllc ci his entire coamaaity that to api fjilut work la ill order aai in ttyltt uliich cojare titb tijose of the cy ft cae half city price our hearse itm cice31eit c andor tey alkisrrecat a beccaiaff rpcce we have plaa- larc in iavitlaslie pablicto call ca tu fcriaythiag rctcirgd ia car liaes speicnt fc son gixjuiti grxtfitbisfsmriteticdiciiicupiit up in craf littlct hlflz crct ovnat each clh the wc icv is he fus- and kenzsif tf it iir s f caapi muin rtd rj aisrthc 1 tftheuul biiccrc cf irt7jw wlkov mldi vies and ycu ii7 not be diszppoiitfed fattelli fl aiiai r irieegfron a dlrcrtl k ct the iirc3 sjjbizch ani botli ah is pyrpapala or iadigeation bibonj iufoctiona hadacae feartbarn acidity of tha fitoaeghhheuaatfiau itfia of annctc graved gerroni pafaqity kauflgyor toaitiflgfceae price 25 cents per bottle javi3 b iatoekcs c hsltedj errors of youth ncirorjj debility scaijral lowv ai ptea tare dccayproniihhaadiicnnaoeiit euitd spermozone doc aot interfere vilh diet cr mail occu7iion bad fsllyrcitcrtt let tior aadrjrcicrfet cachood sent to nzy aidrcts otaid oa rtccipl cf price oaedollarixrr box scleipcuer sch6fiel0 drug si03e eioj street tp- roato ij5r t vwi m it- i h j i- if v vii j rrf i if j exhausted v1tauty the science of xjf3 the tcit ucdical lori of its ae oa itiabcdnirtj3i iild fhrticll dclilijy pt- citurt decline emrs f vojtl and ta caicli lib eries craicaait ihcrtca ii rs vo ll5 trvcrricaja for all dijeaici ch fuji rii calr sijx y cjiil iciled iijraiive juajl free to q rcuatnjejhtecdjaaj snil cov the gcli tri jcljvi ucdil awlrdd to lhcasiliof hj nirlu hiii ai4tiija aidless t o kct ko rcstoa lfacr dr w h pai- khrimdicjcr hirri kcdci collij 2 4rirr4cicv tii iioitca vlv jy it ccasaiwd eosadeauailir srcia xjcxici cf ma 0anoululajchs to farmers and threshers rjaaonrourllaoluiiervonlr the wellknown peerless 0zl q 0olid mihd aiik hare been awardedit daring the last three years c jjjj- urjjixxjj try alao oar pflerltffs aiifi qmtjflfcr yonr wafgona and horse powrerf these oils are medand hifihly recommended at ifcemodel tartngnejph farmers aikfor tbemi nse noother tt ilanoiictcredatqujcnflityoutrorkatby samueuflogers ft co toronw jlfnnrd llutuinir for mc ulrrjflhrrr perch eron horses isuxd noire stock fibi cdm u ifin couij iktiiu attwrtlainiacahind priew rtuonlbl ural tuj how ccuiueii ltkden unit etulorj vithhiilonr of tb hmd tit br mill french coach horses btmtlfallt orati dffhuppqtr 0al lloni d uarta tv- ptrtl tctlon brtd undo- tb ptttrosan of tha french ocr- trnment tar cu- tttat tai htttarf of tbtbrtad iddrca stnntfinuii dgtlet 4- t spring arrivals just opened up lriht ivercoatlvgsh worsted c0atixgs manhood how lost how restored jail published a est eltocol pr culver- wll celebrated essay os he lindl care cf 6pexntorrhcea or iajijtcr ijjed br ijxfcif orcarlyinjiscrctioa tuo celelrstej tahor ia i tail idiriblt- eayceirydenioris irjs a tiirw vein laeceitfil praeiice tha tb aiuies toaic- qaceoferiyrtcr ray he difiir cured jxiiattaff cu ccc cf cjri- a rro iarl crtai2 aai caectaajly ncaaif vlxk tcrj lafererao acter rhal hit roje lhv le tnatcnrt biisicu chear rrfviihv uini- cally rathileire vh si u rli lvis cfevery yoa th aad crcry aac fa the uai seat caderteal ta a jaia vciiv uaaj addreasoa receipt of fr cci ci oagg taars aiirek xi oaltorircll iloiirai co iuk rr kext tcsjl po as authors c0x j j uiiuiiikri i trusses artificial m limbs u a- iic r it i i kzt iu cil iuua i i3ti ill- jo31 lkease dsiisf a kct luiiarlc klkkec 1 uilablilw 117 churgh st turonta special value in above goods shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuetph rvfi iiiuili destroy ak3 rcmovxi vms cr all hinds in chlcn orr adultt evtrfai 5ysup awj cannotharm thrmost oellcatjt child mi

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