Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1889, p. 3

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to geiadistichukce actottj mu wyp ushjt m urn 0 hexn for j lrtnirl bomt sr 1 3 bev o axmftord mju phj3 ph8t0r j p4rom2hottaycuuc r i bccticct ijj in id 6jj buadiy ptttor hicoriiiajjimilod jjstmlcriutl door r gwrd chvdek o canadian hojt u h ivuoonc r oxl a mt rrtienks vrtnb oct or i m b sale eiadyotaocq irraacrostpph djaujcowas 1krffthl r sale pirelhag iise in aetoa u csa mhrnrtt rmililb ia cut took mkrt sd jit ma wwloprtfccroii arrf lalile ihvellii i fob sale 1trra txo itorcyt1 s- bird bud raft vokk wri urccifcitcbttir re the bee fkee pus t jutozhu beea ar ihii taction u ft ester vriery rtpaif1 to tit iia til fnziu a lescnied aikm rsdcti rf tit odjh z u be psjenuy asdt as pnsaa rtto rrciai nock key bb toil of partrn oooe rial fcanhljk ictcedlt tie 1 jirc recepa i ihe then oic thai i fli mr maia aas s- ajcrs ii ibetajjg aratit oiic3 atlgabgs- ja- re ibetr wh the cw dajjh r i o- i cp- 1 undims of k 0 diad 07 rrlttt ri id- hs- to r3 or ctt tnej ihtf cxxstt of u 4 jurd farther tt- trcijrciar r qtilied mct 2si pu- lima topjg iiciiean 3fcrt cf jij nelt os 72 isilmtimmwej 5rrtbctf ptalirhal m hbsfmooet gj9 fcassst lusrmj i j circles i pniemil bentolnvin4 benefldirr ir -scclevj- j i utiuji liiocu la til oddmiottk ui1 t prciiuioruu auviaroruii- h msrdic itc olccu vii pluit ot us ssrscalsodctviillu cartullv pu ly jstij oa iar cl lac tooiiac officer rvflrnd ucicr i l carrtcjait idcr hss tsrpsfe wallpaper t our will pticffusgtfcv 4ad i0cu ftdo eidcs i ltiico tui licr ill color tadkim arrtlliintluboiit iiattiuc mi brtwtndicclhc viajo i ax yun foiiii to io wt mpcrinc tbra ctl l gw h3iid- vrtoa cn it joi x6 trooble lo ihav xdshaiuiplotkfc l oar bct irtiar 6tj koiitrv iajpl tad dttnblc reownibcr tic klot gciv hvudi jcuerv jjsutioacr- scrr artan onu geo hynds acttoaont tehrsdir april 1 is jasyjkofilacals coiuted ljtfce crtuoiiklfal ted alert rrce frets reporters obd fridiylpmorrttr the builders us now buy hot cros bans lo-mrrow- the gnss is quite gttea alrdy tiin council meeting next slondtr even- h- the beictif til spcicj neither oontiu- oet- i r the tbxc baslies ire coming out la to the badfrof the sotcipie tre barst- loot for the diintj kuter bocaets licfesea in arthcr tillie ire placed itlso k hsildsy forjrerybodr tomorrow ecjot tt j hiltoaspriafishotwiu be hell at jlihnii au april 2jth- i ilr georce soper is ibprorioj his boise on cbcrch street piisters pdfer hxnfiers tnd carpenlers iw mttibg things oovel etiler snndiy u tfiiin t liacd with ihitshiucnred memorier ir e forbes is hiring his new ioate on vt street completed the till wheal is looking bright tnd h pwd hallhr condition clear the street tnd give jlcton its tsatl tidy spring ppxace esquesing fapring e3how utes plce it georrctowt on the 21tlx ipril the ctjedoa spring fair will be held in charleston on good friity the nstul spring niiag icd clearing c ice rtreets ihottld now be proceeded with the ttttviry txe basy with the fannd- ilibss oititr l francis new hoae on wij- icw street cipt wright of the s a firewejied list erenicg kew cffisere will ufca chirge is tinning i j ir g b grin aflerifar sale bis wore inddreilingfcnowiiiithedlicinids glove worfcs shops- i gaelpfcs rtteof tmiioa hibeen ied it uie hindsome figure of 22 mills tr the correct vesx j i senbe will be held in the ifetbodist charchen sccdiy t cssii jlpnlpitsnp- fiy lixjjeecfieccred i cargoes o beer whiskey etc tad drtys of empty casfe exc follow etch other in rpi eatctan tltragh the rtreets tfcse dys ilrtnoniist ilocre ht miking pre- pirtiions for the erection oft commodiqns dwelling on his property oa the corner of voueg tnd ifih streets j the pltning milij michioery 1 tools z dwelling of the ux teter slocicn is now on the mtrket kr- hcctnn idid t good oasinesf there tad the opening should be i cood one for icy lire prtcticxl mta the first hue bill match of the lesion ill be pltyed in the ptrfc on good friday slternooo tt two oclock between the w icked c v hoste eanengs which atvlluvtly it n local chutulct afid aubfeniung a welllcihiyni flufjdlaxrirodcjieo ur llobecl llilmes is coovertiug li ttow ou main slrwt ulotfw41inks tilir store wis built a ijood mtny ycth duo mid wss atdfor vcint is a drj oodi stoic gcoeral store and lilcrty as a meat mirket borne o the well known merchants wpo cocdactcd buficess there were n lol lows messrs uuncan kcauedy 1 ii corrigili rhtsmidgley chas meredith g k scott georgq lung chas cameron robl holoifls tnd ilalfedgc j croison nie byuvrki ceaeraiisircr oar retntrkt iu last issue concerning lie desirability of continuing in farce the early closing bylaw arc seconded oa allhtuds uy merciiinw cnjployecs and customers ptu- ertlly and there is bat one opinion express ed which is that the bylaw has beec great satisf action and should be obsered by all concerned ave notice that a caaple of morcbtnli have been running ten or fifteen minutes piit the hour of seven li tc- ly bat na doubf this breach has been iasd- verlcauy commiitod and only requires tebe referred to lo be righted saddea dtttk ca ssturdiy on bttardty tftcrnoon a rueiucholy eveut occurred iq car midst in the sudden tnd unexpected death of mrs will am rarnshaw ilrt rtmshaw was an eld rly lady residing with her husband andfaiily ou ftirview avenue tnd seldom lelt her home upon hearing on saturday morn ing that a lady friend in town was serious ly ill she determined lo tislt her and in the aftemdop in company with her dtugiiler she proceeded oa her way to the friends home yhtle ascending the hil ou slaia street ucsx the residence of ur the rats stcliaiant of tsintcess overcame thiiold lady and she fell she was carried into mr heltnis hoase and lc stacey wis sent for bet before he arrived she htd ex pired her trouble was tn tfifectian ot the heart the f ureral on monday of temoan was attended by a large conurseof friends ind interment toot place in ftirview cemetery mr rsxahaw and his family have- general sympathy in their asiction sovr tteyscll whiskey in streetrme the following is copied from last issue of the streetsville etcietrik very rave tsair is reported to zs is having transpired at the franklin house in this town isle on- tuesday evenitg of this week the alleged victim was mr ward sr fithercf walter ward proprietor of the beaty grist mill here on that evening he droppedin tt the fetaklin hout and putting a qcarter of a dollar on the bar called for t drink for himself the bartender it is alleged made the remark that the othe boys neighborhood news furumicd by corrmwndiu colled from kvrliaiigti fuid picktd tijtbytiie way k scott act inf fiction case agoitut mrs dufteld will bej tried before 1 m lowes at gulph oo thucsdaylstu inst the presbyterian church it httiurt nice feucc built arciand it which will consider ably improve ui appearance j the llockwood beast band li sapcrna- lurtlly qaict even the- frogs are making as much music as those cornet fiends mr joseph maude ot the erin town liuc ks kicked in the face by a horse last wednesday and besides being severely cut aad bruised about the mouth he had six teeth knocked out of his upper jaw oakvillk k sjorey d soa b bj c and j tews of the town acton garnet bind m attendance being about to remore to the korth west i am anxious to sell by private sale a ictotity of hoashold furniture whic i may be seen it my house no association ter race bower avenue l have slso u r- sale t single buggy with pcleanl shifts f3fl kjetirr kilxliv j the new advertisement of mesi rs w mclend i- co georgetown appears in an other col cm c and is well worthy of perusal by our readers for mauy yeavlhe mammoth hoase has catered to the public with success mi satisfaction and the crra ekitn that ibis year they are bcttir able to serve the public thin ever beforel eev su alexander m a of nerval occupied the pulpit c knot church last siicday bev mri kte being engaeed in in filling appointmeats at fergus and elcrt tee old gentlemen preacheji excel lent serroous and notwithstanding hot he is loo fir advanced inj yexrs to engage in regular work he manifests gfeat energy ah i life in bis preaching xow tfctt men are ordering their spring clothing it is desirable that that they tliould know the beet place in tou to leave their orders i canj assure even body that i have an assortment of all thelites piterus in the besir and finest ranges of goods and itm prepared to suit all who jeaeihe- orders with mej every gtraient is carefully rnade under my per- wual superruion liemembe the but end clothiflg storeuw j ere- mrssa becorltbetdg about to re awve to toronto is dwposiog of hep bouse hold effects by private sale an cas or oo- ttmecdmprismg breakfast table hajl and aide table bed- sted iron cistern punap wash table class cupboards cook stove parlor cojk stove faraishedslep ladder wriunj desks rockers rustic furniture ice cream freezer preserve jus bockiiarge band ileib ima i wagon rtrdeniag and carpeuters tooli flower roou e am glad icame this isjwhtttue udiea wy when they see our lovely dress goods and stylish milliocry i i buy m m wanted t drink too mr ward refused to treit whereupon an extraordiorvj mode of prooeedure was adopted m order w com pel him to d5so the boys locked the borrccm doors and scrroiaded mr vtrd it b said that one of them held the old mans hands behind his back while another coolly took his purse out of his pocket which contained about- 2 mr ward in tryinj to reach the front door wis again grabbed by the arm by one of the jboyf but subsequently made his escape this is a very serious tntir throughout and if mr ward can sustain his charge in cccrt it willbe cj langludi matter for thoa con cerned the lile of christ the beautiful scicptioon exhibitioii given by mr a w strutters of st thoaios in the methodist church on tuesday evening uuhcr the auspices of the young peoples union was attended by a good ird and highly pleased audience the exhibition commenced with a number of excellent views such as huusessenes statuary jat- te scenes temperance moonlight opon the wtrs and beautifully illuminated view of fuyrals cave etc after which all the prin cipal events in the life of our saviour were presented full life size from paintings by eeubens and other celebrated masters they were strikingly choice there was every evidence that deep and lasting im pressions for good were made upon the minds of both bid and young through the exhibition of the various scenes in our- savieurs life death and resurrecticn mr strathers is a godly and spiritually i minded man and his esbtte throughout were calcu lated to impress the love of jeics for sin ners cpoti the raiudsof hi audience nl to eacourzge al to became followers of him ko other- exhitiitioa has ever visited acton eq colculasd lo do cood and withal so ac- ceptible to a general audieace im prove nients at zjivx chuxvh i l a trxcafornittioii in the ippearance of the inteior of koox church is about to be effected next moaday the eeatinfj of the church wihl all be removed and during the next to weeks carpenters painters furn iture dealers and carpetmen will have a busy lime a new wainscoting will be pp1 in all around tlie bodyxif the church all the wood work will te repiinted and chain ed t serviceable carpet will cover the floor scd comfortable chairs will replace the anltiutted sats which have done ser vice for nearly half a center the im provements will tjecessitate the closiog of the chcrch for one stbbath the 28th and interesting reopening services will take place on sunday 5th may on that occasion bev alex jackson of khoi church galtr will preach morning aad eviiuz on mocday evening following a social reunion will take place when ad dresses will be delivered by i revs messrs jackson mullen of fergus and haddow of milton our presbyterian friends are to be congratulated opon their enterprise in making these improvements congratula tions will however le more hearty rom all quarters when their fine new church is opened a few years heac am actaa bays success j the residents of acton are always pleased to learn of the progress and success of natives of the place or former residents aad it affords the huvr pcess equal pleas ure to chronicle items referring to any to which the above applies- the following from the princeton correspondence of the woodstock hfkiuid avrtwiil be read with interest as usual the large methodist church here was fdlfed with earnest listen ers list sabbath the rev t a moore who is closing his third year is as popular as ever and though iherc are three ser- rices in the village at the samebour both morning tnd evening it uoes not seem to affect his cocgregalioxl east sabbath inoraing his sermon was upon the subject of woruiiuess based upon i john ii15 l7 which text he expounded logically and in- terestiugly in the evening he pidan- eloquent tribute to the late john bright which was enjoyed by the large congreea- iion it is plain to any observer that mr moore does not intend that the interest in his senices thai decrease so long s be is pastor- the same weeks issue of the woodstock standard says tho pastor of the princeton methodist church rev t a moore is deservedly pppokr and bis many friends here are sorry that be most move afwr dext conference wherever mr moore is pastor hu energy and ability make him au acceptable minister through mr watdies efforts oakville is now favored wiih- an extra mail from to- ronto the dog tyslcui is in force here the ontario tree planting act his been adopted a otkvillc oa suaday rev w kettlewell preached a very appropriate sermon to the ymba lodge who marched to the church accom panied by ihc baud mr wm farr has purchased from mrs j s davis the house aad lot iituated oa the west side of the creek for ihc sum of 5g00cash there has been quite a boom i in tramps during the past two weeks chief summer haviag averaged ten each nighl star erix this village gave only 1c of a majority in favor of the repeal of the scott act the township gave go the 8ireling spring show will be held in hulilurg next thursday april 25th mr c g glendiuning having passed succesafallywitb honors his examination at the ontario yet college toronto ha received fiis diploma as veterinary surgeoo and has opened an office here i w a fenwick of guelph is opening up a jewellery store in the premises formerly occupied by i t marshall mr h sanders has returned from the military school london harry passed his examination with honors adrxatr lflltox mr wm bews is asking for leaders for the erection of two brick stores two stories lagh on main street mr w l p eager clerk of the county court left for a trip to washington us last week we arc sorry to tuy that mr bell teach- er of the second department of the public school is seriously ill wilh fever chan- a requisition has been drawn up and signed by a number of the residents of the township of kelson petitioning the county judge of the county of halton to appoint an engineer to examine that portion of the road of the hamilton kelson rood com pany within limits of the county of haltoa the rev t w jesery of toronto will deliver a lecture in the town hall tomorrow evening 19th april under the auspices of y l aid society of the methodist church subject how to rise in the world messrs john spedding senior and junior were casting iu the foundry on wednesday and got suffocated with the gas from the cupola the blast drove the gas down a stove pipe and out of the stote they were foand by some of the family dr freeman was called in and the two were revived rcfvrmrr lucehatse the quarterly promotion examination of pupils cf the puclic school under the charge of miss bella gordon resulted as follows promotion to sequel l ada le poid- evao its kelue robinson iso james cow- an 170 johnie henderson i5 howard henderson 17 thomas dobbie 10 will iam kcarthur 11ta anme martin 10l mai 200 promotion to form n bella lawson iu johnie dns 161 alice parsous 160 stella sayder 17r jennie mexritlss max soo promotion to form ur susan moore lftvhcmy somerville 250 louie garvjn 233 edward hill 22g maggie cowan 212 josie garvin 211 msggie gncnt 200 willie slurp ilij fjor meredith 162 max 32g first end recced n basis nf general efceny for quarter ending march 29th form i bella lwoa alice parsons form it murray somerville susan moore form in liaae cowan lirrie kirkpat- riclc t form iv wilham scott aguet lawson the advent of spring has given a lively appearance to things generally hereabouts the torouto lime company is busily eu- gtced in filling orders georgetown ksatchbcll 1 tho harbingeri of good ipring wettber the iwallowi put jo tn appearance here on wedpcaday many summer birds aro hen and id larger numbers than usual mosi of the farmers around hare have beeu eugtged is ploughing their sod lands the past week and if the weather continues fine many will commence stediug thii week the fall wheat is lookiugexcellcut and during the last few days has gowii oilc grwn bat a warm rain would greatly bene fit it easter next sunday expect lo hear of a twin egg with a imtli ooyou the outside of it hoadi art iu a very good condition aad quite dry dust flying in many places stove pipes will come iu fcr their share of tho blessing which are due about this season the lilacs are commencing to bed aud f the wild flowers are in bloom iu the woods mr m mcmillan town i hip assessor is busy going his rounds he took knatch- bull iu on monday mr euos j xorriah sou ot joshua kbr- rinh esq of this place is reported to have takea unto himself a wife yesterday mr a- asd spring summer dry goods v dress goode millniery flow ers feathers kiblious mantles short juekete wraps clbaknigs purasnls prints sateens cliam- lirays ginghams isowod muslin en broideries sewed musliu shirtings small wares corset hosiery gloves lacee curtains carpets oilcloths gents fur nishings cloths tweeds sait- ius spring and suiumer over- cortings cottonades checked komhhmbaliviogitsicihiriue3orl shirtings bleechtd and uu- rcrtrt yer his former trieads here- blceclied cottons tickings aboauhopclohavetaepieisureofeticndiag keudy iludo mens and boys their concrtaitious rjcnoaally tho icknowlcdfied milliaery tad dress goodk house ot gaelpb g b hvis personal jiention itraeraiilis resurcting vuilorito auil from acton with whom free preis hitlers i arelfrre ovlcisacquafuted i mr john lsttgcnsf u tcriandy ill mr mbreunan tailor has removed to hastings mr h j hall of berlin was in acton on monday mr c b griffin ot duunvillc was in town oa monday miss jeanie farmer of florence visited friends in acton last week mrs john hall of mount pleasant mich is the guest of mr john aguew mr george cookman of aberfoyle was the guest of friends here this week mc herbert fruier 0 florence is a guest of his uncle mr thomas c moore mr geargfl garrett of gbversville k y- spent t couple of days this week in town mr fletcher hall and mr simon fran- ley of trafalgar visited friends here this week mr and mrs of acton have been visit ing mr ted mrs josrobiusan goderich mr and mrs oscar brown of tfaornhill visited friends in acton and limehoase last week mr albert ctrmau who has resided here for the past year or fo left yesterday for braatfprd mr and mrs richard herrtetrxt cf mil ton were gaests at lakeside farm several days last week dr gifford is gradually improving iu health and hopes to resume his pulpit work by a week from sunday mr john carsoa b c l of toronto was a guest at fairviewplaceover sunday ilrt carwa is speeding the week at her old home mrs c s smith of ftirview place was k delegate to the womens foreign missions convention at toronto fast week from knox church acton rev malcolm gordon b a presidentof groton college groton dakota with his bride is visiting friends at his old home gordon hall near acton john e elliott t former resident of brampton has for six years been general secretary of the minneapolis y m c a he now receives a salary of tliod a year the georgetown herald has been inform ed that mr james lindsay jr of lime- house with his mother and sisters are about to remove to guelph thefortn will be in charge cf mr jno henderson of acton rev father dumortter who was for some time iu charge of st josephs church here has been cobnut to si jnephi hospital guelph for several niouihf he is improving and is expected to be able to attend to hispxstoral duties shortly we are the only house in guelph eeud ings- buyer lo the european markets and we can almost say the only house import ing dry goods as very little is imported by any excepting ourselves g b rvix clothing having purchased the staple portion of the stock before the recent great advance in cottons wollene and silks aud purchas ed largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks such as j w gait t co aud others wc never were hitherto iu such a positiou to offer suchpheuomiual and unpreced ented bargains ourlress good are in every variety of material and the latest shades such as rudigore mahogany crushed strawberry fawn kile green moss green etc and wouderful cheap prices from 8c up and an all wool french arruurc suiting 50c per yd for 2oc silks aud sat ius in black aud colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd up a woudertul display of prints gorgeoas patterns very low prices fast colors from 31c per yd up seersuckers iu cream and other shades from gc up our millinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anything iu any city in canada and iu agreatinauycasw superior and for artistic style work aud finish cannot be excel led and prices considerably less than city houses our ordered clothing department aud stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style fit cut workmanship fiuisji and low- nes of prices can neither be im itated nor approached a gross of black aud colored felt lluts worth 6100 aud 8150 for 60c each boots and shoes in great variety very cbeap we can assure the public that they can come with the utmost confidence to lee a aiagnificeut display of goods great variety wonderfully iiheap uo trouble to show good courteous and ob liging salesladies aud salesmen aud that you will make money by patrouiziog us wmmcleodco mammoth house xi jd jetmyns acton we open and place in stock today two cases superb vitwiey 1 irlj hleadquters whll ppeffj fiprnkosamrlesnowrmirlnllealtirclqlltfiinj other iuch aud mowiy patterns idciadjngnqeceilintjdecolutlobcratkiujeres ccotneks and oa andlsu uriatrof elegant bobdeiuj tbo urcefiitock crcr brought lo acton to chooie from for sc iter roll nj uiiword j window blinds ja flffurjd and plain paivjralw an assort mnt or fancy linens in beautiful uiadw and de- ilfinswilh jpnoe rollcri couijtlctc donl nil lo ice tbem before purchasing n onj- f prtcoi urr right 1 alabastlne j another lui of the ibovc fmtf cebrattl kals0u1ne to buid in nil tbo siiiular ihajlil it givei a beautiful bird istiu quito aud till not rub off otic trial will tattsfv you it if lbs best tbig iu tb market j paints- his d ollis peuchens prepared paints ail to ami t full use ef the ibovc old keluble isiscd juiuts in ill iic and toll gutta iehgha mints pom white leid sudall dhv colohs otkurpcidi varnllhcs jipin sheliacic e urteilfo addit if myitocv a lull hue oi tube paints it all the icijiiw colon altollhe sable and hoci hah urushe iu all tucl an endieti vgiietv of hbtskes ou band inclalin kaijomlix white wash paint scrub bot fatove- cloth hcrsewniiiisc i alwsrt fa it iffiift of haruwire gli ilathinc oil cluicc cfcurtric croclicrj- tilnrim sole agent for btiti coiicu fewt has bajmco grainy sh uckicj cunuu kitj also uliiir- cncui periltied bjxicuclci j b pearson oar xc t bcu tbem ill 4 u grhndfr opening display of spring millinery f the lion of guelji ceoeoetown wn onlt 25 cents also kvehy desceiptiok of habber aud ifetal stamps tinqley 4 stewart mfo 00 10 kidk bs weit toronto for- new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b sayage gcuelph 200 n6w and stylish shapes french ribbons flowers cojfclaad oue o the georgetown white caps was tried before georgetown magis- trates on monday orra charce of diiturbtug the salvation aray he was convicted and fined f 20 and ul50 cotts which tnmt were immediately paid by his brother sir 3 a dean tendered his resignation as a member of the pabic school board at its last meettcs the herald says the town lockup h not saisciently secore and that with the aid of a good screw driver a prisoner codd liber ate himself it sayi the affairs connected with the cells are carried on in a very loose way oar chief of police seenis to be concern ing himself greatly abont the possibility of the parents and friends of the lawleas boys in town being offended at anything that may be said abont or done with the latter we to jadge frcm this that our chief has been working oa this principle has le bcea failing to do his duty on account of a fear that friends ot culprits mighttate offence if he practises what he preaches he certainly has utrald improvements in the agticnltnxal park have commenced la this equitable dispensing ot justice for stealing a dollar and admitting it tom b alii van t goes free became iheoon- stable left the door open and wm j dan- das tried to escape dondas got sent down far nine months eev jl- w kicliardson will take charge of the congregational pastorate here daring the bammer months mr and ifrs beman under tors as pices of the tt t of t gave an evening of song in the town hall last week the program me was an excellent one fred board waa tried by georgetown magistrates last week on the charge of being implicated in the writing of the ob scene and threatening letter alleged to have been mailed by jack home to the young t woman captain of thvgeorgelowh balva- j f pcriztj wi tioaisu board was remanded to the famosbfsy asuatvvlti t tpqcs att county jail antil saturday joseph board krukdrjiuchklctijidtu wxdu was tried on a charge of assaulting hiram teeter bat the prosecution failed to make out a cose thos ballivant was arrested charged with stealing a dollar from another man bat bis wife returned the money and paid the constable costs and thus was released spring arrivals l just opened up light overcoatings kwobstei coatings special value in abcne goods shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph tp farmers and threshers ubo on vourmoohineryonly the wellknown q iotlt vtlsri ath uivobcou avrarilsdii juriuiithfflmlthven w 3juu uoeiijjiljb try e1j0 pg asu jrhitor jour wiggodiuidhone powers theu oils in used tnd hljily teooctumamatlnhodel frm gnelpb farmers tilt for them ou do other manufsxtnatealty0ilj7fltkiy 8ajmuelrocer8 co toronto housefurnishings dress goods parasols boots shoes vi- wednesday thursday friday and saturday loth nth uth and 13th j 1 all are cordially invited thursday evening we give a musical r 1 wfien our lsrgestorerill be dressed up in all the- magnifi- 1 cence for which we are- famed andthrown open ifor the accommodation of the public from 8 to 10 oclock tueliii city bandl will be in attendance j d williamson c co ps remember the lions concert on the 2nd may r e nelson merchant tailor cuelph hifcuds lo liljtuaay iftlrjus in atju lid vicinity the compliments of thcseason i my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs c foe theh0l1iat trade i iim06t cou-ilcti- 1 the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the cita- i a i rbjermyn jennyii sells cheap are you married fi- or abouttd be speight son acton j a speight manager can iupil yoa with alltba furniture required to faraiali war utr aud coy lijtle home or to replenish your borne it a itttjed que iu any nylc at the rcry lcwdt iitirea tbero is uo artjclft of lumitars me cannot supply auj farther e deliver oar f artiiture aud you have uo arraufiiug fralclit cuargefi aud ran 110 risk gf breakage mtecauiuitall i undertaking j a jinblicot oar tliirtyfivoyiarscxiwrieiicc in tbgitusiact hu rtealttd lu eoimnciuj uib this eutiro comiuunjty hat wenpplr flnttiu work is all orders aud iu wblchcoiuprfl wuh tfcosool u10 ciiy at oue ball city iricca omi iieakse ui excellent one ud our usui 3rfc- nmut a womhjg pvermuco wa bavt plav fttire in latltiugtue public to call on ua for any tbjug required iu our una 4 tpeigli fe dn 1 ir 1 um

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