Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1889, p. 4

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llic artoir fvtt ptss tktustiavarutsjiess j i iin uvu ko- i yi ijm lie thrvv- lnlirt lirlov oufl is i v no j butii jiggles and jokblets ttelf an uoorwuu llic wlw men llic viu uattcrrsraputortiii day sliitoha cure will immediately relieve croop whooping coafcb aad ilrotictulii tor bile by k mcciirvia 11 bright lhicase ha uo symptom a its oa ur robcru ot the utmertiy of new yorkcily add it to tut prool why warners siecurccarwio many disorders ivlitcli icvoulyfymptatnipf bidaeyditcase lleskut tytup uothing icqcilc it is a worm medicine the uarae it hothcr grwin wottn liter mi tiller the great est worm dcttrcyer ot the ic oiertward throve ill the auvcholosoo baking iow- dcr orcrbotrd and ose only th4 imperial cream tartar baking powder a pro 1111 imicntll no rw iru tat hjv joarv rrou sleepless uights made miserable by that tcrritilecoagh shilohs cure is the rem edy for yea for sale by x ucgtrvin t tjarvclf uij li mldriiuifii iiunyoudr keulitimiiprv bfmbiui flit alulicdlimtirro- for nearly half ceatcry ayers cherry pectoral his beca llic most popular ooach remedy m the world the eoqtaatly in creasicr dcrcand or this remedy prove it to be the very besttpccific toccolis cohi and nil diseases of the throat md lucfii unsightly pinple blotches tm and all itching hemors of the skin are removed by uiing dr lows sulphur soap the roost aeeible restorative tonic and niud sirrlt is milbtirns bf iron and me he llev geo h thayer of boarborv lad say lloih nycll cud wile owe oar lives ic- shilohs cossamptoa cure for tile by n ilcvisrvin the third pie of the toronto diiilg licit is c for want advertisement if yoa trtnt to bay cr ell anything ii yoa wtnt a situation a mechanic 1 btstrtes ctachicry odiri if yoa have lost or fjzedacy tains ov if tea wist toifind oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto iiiitfv ciad read ike advertisements oa he third of that paper the charge is ttro cents a ward ach insertion ad- dres the iaii toronto canada- jos jlccausiaud soa tocotilo the vrcilkeoarn jehcrs end workers in tss esscutcchamink mcioriai winioks and kciehold fciised glass of cvtzy known dekcptiea they aijo make cst bevel- e3 silver ej ad bcrt glass in all fiizes and import titvet from tbfc makers aa immense stoi of british plate glass which they ship to all parts of cuiada tht hacking coah csu be so qaictly cared hv shilohs care we aaraatee it foreisbr x met tise ia the lorcato if yoa scaat to bav crselli farm ad wtv mail that piper rttches lioqlu farmer homes 1 every trettii end yoar advertisement ehoald cict theey cf someone tho wants to par- cbae adjenzmeals ofthis ctfs are in serted in the torccto irciy stall for five cent a ward escn insertion or twenty cents a 3ord forgie insertions addres the han tomato canada frum esqaiajsultj jbc mrs a b caraerdu wnte that beic2 very mnch tronblel with dyfpejtia the tried two bottles ef bsrdoci bijod biuer which re tsii relief ana miv be iedcred to tn- feist dr low worm jvrap uat reraoved upe worms from li id so feet long- it also removes all other tisos of worms- hopes rthat othen i and receive like ivij id 5ioteensjare yoa distarfaed ai nigh aci broken of yoar rest by uzk child aermj ana crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle cf hrs widows soothing syrup fcrchiiirea teething its vxlceis meal- calable it will relive tie poor little a5erer immediately depend npon it mofcrr there is no mistake sbuat it it jnires dentr- and diarriira reealatis the siomich and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams redness inldammttion and gives tone and energy tothe whole sye- tern idra winkle wfa soothing svrnp far cliiiriii thu ps jjeiiint to llic litis nl ia ihj prccribtioa of one of the oldirt j bi- faialc phyticiane- and liurs ia tht ualvd siitts and is for sale by all druggitu through a at the world lrict twenty fi ve ctiitsjt bottle be care and ask for llr wiaslowv soothing kvfap an3 uke ho ojier kind j the hotticarcammaa cauaot pihic ijlw that will prevent people having cashes cds jasthmi and- icfcg troubles bat hfcyrdt pectoral balsam cnlty by promptly je throat and longs lnd safest coogh d away yith the di coring zi titecions of it 5 tlis jiesiiti remedy iu use taaiimpuav an old phrsician ret red from practice having had placed in his hande bj an east iniia missionary the fcrmnbi of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all threat and lang lifectidai also a potiuve and radical care for xervons debility enfl all xervoascom- plaints aftff having tetted its wonderful csrative pnwtrs in thoctandb of cases has at it his dny to maka it known to his suffering fell ws actwes by this motive ind a desire 10 relieve haman sanering i will send fr of charge to all who desire it this recip2 in germs i french or eng lish with fc directions for preparing and uiog seut by mail b- addressing with sump ncmiiiglhis paper wa xotle lij powers llch ioohsiter x y i powers fclch lioch t- l 1 fjuutipitiir clsirn- ininy victims ward off th dread dhcaaebv the csc of small sagixcoate j burdock bills whea needed i sili to ur ft radld l am pliied wit burdock blcod- bittcr beane it eared ray rheumatism completely ly nn il4 and many pther pope in this vicinity h ve csedjt sttid cay it ts spkadidlvmre o perraahbitpor- liijeont a ussl iudor frej shillovscsurblijleuj forsxle by x tud wearv fee iicgsr t ith eich ixjttle fo price m cents iyiaic lad tjtcrt oatier u the tired worn tliitojjrcseetiem witli- oat acy eppirat caute it may be poverty the bloidor disjrdtred stomach in cither fi tin torn ten j blood and liver to lessen mortality and stop the inroads of disease cse xocthropi lymans veget- table discovery and dyspeptic care for all diseases arising from impure blood eaclias pimplei btatches bihoasaeis id- digestion etc etc it has no equal sirs thomas smith elm writes i am using this medicine for dyspepsia i have tried many remedies bat this is the oaly one that has done me any good- ufexucliiilb arc oiten in jeopardy throagh various accidents on land and water a prompt relief and sure core for all painfal wounds bruises barns cuts scalds rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and croap is hag- yards yellow oil known as reliable over thirty yeans keep it in the hoase always hackrufitick a lasting and fragrant perfeme prise 25 aud 50 cents for sale by x ilcgaxvin forth- delicate and aged and all in whom the vitatccrreath impoverished and slaggish ayers sariparilu ic the very bot tonic it restores the wasted tissaes and imparts to the system sarprking ela ticity and vigor price si worth 5 a bottle jameh gilmoarf t gilmoar co wholesale grocerfbrookvalle says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and coagh which it immediately relieved and cared cc richards aco gfhf i as cared of a severe attack of rbeamatism by using hioards liniment after trying all other remedies far 2 years albert co x b gtvuaz tmley c c ilkiiiia- co gtnti had a vtlcable coit so bad with mange that i feared i would lose it i nsed ilinards ltuiment and it cared ban like magic dalhoasie ciirisifieer sirkitts ukr half l dollar about 8 years ago my feet and legs be came poisoned and came oat in greit sores as large as half a dollar which ate in al most to thebone after the failure of other temedies the sores were completely healed by one bottle of burdock bloods bitters- joseph gonyca tnppcxvuie onl f why will yoa cough when shilohs cere will gi mdiate relief price 10 etc 50 crts and f i for sale by x kcgarrin differences of opmioa regtrdiag the pop- tlar internal and ettercal remedy dr thomas eclectric oil do not so far as known erist the testimony is positive and concurrent that the article relieves physical pain cures lameness checks a eoah is an excellent remedy for pains and rbcnracticcqnjpiaint and it lias do naus eating or other unpleafiat effect when tikcu inicmally shilohs catarrh remedy a positive ccfe forcatarrh diphtheria aud can fcerhoath for sae byk garvin j for fie tears for over fire years we hare csed hag- yards yellow oil in oar fahiy forfoanghs and colds bams and sore throat and oar experience is so satisfactory that we would recommend the medicine to any person hrs f sanderson bos worth ont 1 hrs barahart cor pratt and broad way has been s sufferer for twelve years through rheumatism and has tried every remedy riie coald hear of bat received no benefit until recommended to try dr thomis eclettric oil she says ehe can not- express the satisfaction she feels at having her pain entirely removed sad her rbeamatism cured pj arniiai their tegslar functions and with tnacy person they viu follow a daii heavy headache nausea and otny other syaipjtoms tlutt precede a well dtloyd cjlii- of dyspiia psrify the j blood clesnw the system of the clotged 1 irscretwis by asing iteachame mandrake jriitirencepyedhy j b ileacbam 133 j yiijg street k ciiemist rti nnteti years j erperieuce ntttztd tiauarttf for tfc lit rj nhrtc brilliant durable economical diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other are just as good be ware of imitations because they arc made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crocky colors xo be sure of success use only the drauoxd d ies for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diamond and take no other 1 a dress dyed ron coat colored iq garments renewed j c a child can use them ax drofguu tsd liadnau dje book tree wells richardson co montroal p q ask for ayers patwjiatniti w miu kvi it wbcti juuwaut tin- ut lpo4imtilw r with it furty yaxn ff cf miixiiitiplid kiu- ixv ill llu utf vt f iwawl jhtxt you tati uuk in hii- tuke iu prtferriua ayers sarsaparilla tn uiy it her tlic iinuntr nf ihl- fiiilihkkliwdlviiirk awiv sniurillt ivtill tlttnuit lxii- uliir vhi iu great er iiiaml tliitti ll tithers ititiilftikd tiverv strsriarilix is wliihg fiwtor lliii vvtr iklurt i never lioltau- to rimiiunil it uvu wwhihian llriifxisalvaliy iml f i nut sifr id ktvilii tlint my wiles ut atv harkikiiihi far txrcl il of nnv oilier mill it given thorough f ij-fm- iiul ii itimlihfsmiuie utn avt saisnjuirilu and avrv pills art tin im kilittg niwllciiifn in my- ptore i eaihitoimuiiitl ihetiu-oirit-u- tiiwlv v llirkliaus ihiinuavisl itostfllimllll v liavo mid ayits sarsajarilla hero for over thirty years mid alwuvs rtxmailiielui it wlmi linked ti iiutjin tlio tkt mikkl-ptirilier- w t miixan druggist augiimaoliin i have iolil yotir iiuiliitiics for the last kveiiten yems anil ahvin keep llielil in mtiek us llwy are ktnplts there u nothing w kikk fur the youth- fur lilckhlui aveis karwiiurllla it lpalerj fox uui wis avorv sirmiiihhi givesllie ust ratufachmr f v imthilim i have in klwc i leioliiiuelll it or s the ikktois miv i imiiiu it over ihe coniiter i never fnils to meet the cim- for whieli i reeiuumeiiil it evin wlicri hie thflor pitwrilitiont iiae ikeit of nuiivml c t calhoun monmoutli kansas ayers sarsaparilla or j c ayer k co loweu mist fnl lixtoukf fj worth t i a lul h a stone geokgetowx keit and of nt artu ce snffcrlbc browns ocsehold panacea has no qua for rclicvinc pun both internal and itcrnal it cures puiu in thv side back or bowels sore tbroat rbeamatism toothacbe lamligo and any kind of t pain or ache it will mostsurlyqaick en the bloid and rlcil as its acting power is wouderful browns uousehoidpan- acex being acknowledged as the great pain reliever sud of doable the strength of any other elirtr or liniment ia the world ehoald he in every family h tody for use when wxnted as it really it the bet remedy in the world fur craope id the itoaiich i a j pxiassa1 aches of all kinds and isforalc by all draggittfat 23 rru a bottle shilohs coagh and consamption pare is sold by us 03 a gaaarntee it cares con samption for sale by x mcgarvin ullam ttr ictiaad wtne if yoa are langaid and weak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine it the tonic be sure as an invigorating tonic it is recognized by the medical profession as the best strengthening medicine thos far produced it is invaluable as a bloodandmuscl mater especially in those cases where weakness is tbe result of imperfect or in- foodof wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimnlatft properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal- calatedto baild up the emaciated system catarrh cared health and sweet breath secured by shilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents xasal injector free for sale by x mcgarvin are yoa made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skiu shilohs vitalizer is a positive cure for sale by xhcgarvin for lame back side or chest ase shilohs porous plaster price 25 cents for sale by x garvin for dyspepsia and liver complaint yoa have a printed guarantee oa every bottle of shilohs yitalizer it never fails to care for eale by x ilegarvid shilohs yitailzer is what you need for constipation loss of appeiite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for eale by x jicgarviu will yoa suffer with dyspeptiaand liver complaint shilohs yitihzcr is guaran teed to care you for sale by x ilcgar- vin he largest 60ale works ik canada over 00 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales iprgyedirwcksj met drawers healciiopfcrs am ejtchsis swfues c wilsofu sqtf 60 esplanade street east toronto our veaai3 iifci3jr cr- tis ji uii- tfcr fo successful hemedr ever ctecot- ctd u is u mujii ia jot ttttfit 104 do notbiiit eeaj proof belaw kendalls spam cure omei mtirnffr srrscc bbzzsuc cr y cittelua eir aso taanata barn bowzx da a j kzxailzroj 5 5l balmoitt ua eani ihare uedtt ca of iuiilei tor three jean rourt tmlr qux i bmrnl kendalls spavin curl tebikx8ir -a- magnificent display spring axd summer wteriqk decorator houie sign and ornamental painting inthfl latest styles lessons ix oe painting clauc wednesday evcaini thurtjay md saturday atteniooak orders left it free prtu orjcc actoa 0 drctfod to hot 16 georsetanu will receive protaiitfctteation egstone headquarters forr whll pmpbr bpuisg samilefl includinfffluo tricvo l luaktbous r b66hl u acm 10 choose iroia for sevcr roll and niwartl dr washington throat and lung burgeon of toronto jwill be kt oji dominion hotel aoton tuesday 2nd april a ffiw of the hundreds cured by dr wash ingtons kaw kethod of inhalation w tt kiarey of storey k son iroaiiecatglovp ra of actoa out cured by dr wuiiicctoaof etarrh of the tiroat bad lona asdproaouncodiurreblc hv eaircct special ist in caiitla aad eiiaad writi- hiai tor rrticu3tn f chroma bronchitis and asthma cured an eciiah church cjcrpymtu tjcilf licclor- cwrattjioat dr wathicjrton dracsie i am cltdjto lc sblc to iofona yoa that oar ditaihttr u quitf tscll astiu as lhitisihetccisd time ihe tts iwrea cand of gra re bronrjriit trcsfalcc cadcr yoar trcatzaeat wfcec the usual remedies fsiied i write to ei- precscjycratitie ilcite tecept dy eiucerc thxatfi vort trafr c b iettit ifrtjohn ucktwy ktccstn oat caxrrh aad cbnsciaritica i llr a horticgiejcsitcaoat broncho coa- tsaiptfog lfresjttkictoaoc citarrh hetii tad throat ifrijoha bertnn ecrraresita oat near elastoe catarrh lfcroac lfj ultt a raabccrs cczzzcllc oat catarrh head and tbrot ta lfiitcett fot hieter acton oat ae fiih gecls firnlsiuag hejkvijie catarrh throat difnisckterjltrdcsurrlioitho httd tad throal caurrfcxi da chroaic liroachitii attfcait tsdccassizrttfan also o of voice sore throat eclarsei tcatils polyrus ol tha nose removed come exrly coaalttiioa fr osce h5 toage street toront urdock p1ll x euf curc tnbiuousnccocokctiratior ikdiccstion dirzincss sick kcadjickc tro ciccaaca orthc stomach uvcrt akd dowciz tkctancisilotkorcyo triapaskft ik actieri awo rora a valuaclc aia to buroock elooo dlttcns it tucjttuct ttff cure or ckhskic amd ocatlnatc dinacdc dry qoods dress goods millinery flow ers feathers ribbons mantles short jacketswrap8 cloakings parasols prints sateens chara- lirays ginghams sewed muslin embroideries sewed muslin shirtiugs small wares corsets hosiery gloves laces curtains carpets oilcloths genti fur nishings cloths tweeds suit- iugs spriusj and summer over- cortiugs cottouades cheeked shirtings bleeched and un- bleeched cotions tickings ready made mens and boys clothing haviug purchased the staple portiou ot the stock before the recent great advance in cottons wolletis and silks and purchas ed largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks such as j w gale co and othere we never were hitherto ia such a position to offer such pheiiominal and unpreced ented bargains our dress goods are in every variety of material and the latest shades such as eudigore mahogany cruthed strawberry fawn nile green moss green etc and wonderful cheap prices from 8c up and an all wool french arniure suiting 50c per yd for 25c silks and satins inblack and colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd up a wouderful display of prints gorgeoas patterns very low prices fast colors from 5jc per yd up seersuckers in cream and other shades from jo up our millinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anythiug iu any city in canada and in a great many casss superior and for artistic style work and finish cannot be excel led and prices considerably less than city houses out ordered clothiugdepartment aud stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style fit cut varkoianship fiuish and low- ues of prices cau neither be im itated nor approached a gross of black and colored felt hats worth 100 and 150 for 60c each boots and shoe iu great variety very cheap we can assure the public that they can come with the utmost cuufidence to see a magnificent display ot goods great variety wonderfully cheap uo trouble to show goods courteous and ob liging salesladies and salesraeu and that you will make money by patronizing us wm mcleod co jeaintoth house oeohsetown f4vcy linens in lfltltitul ujdc lad cfcre jrurtbilingi eur window blinds 0 irieci are right alabastine b bctibicfia the market prints and oils peuchens prepared points ilvts pete vvtlu uid njudky oodoka on jp- railway time tamat grand trunk rallwat ru rasss- m isw p v ted hnc tint ct yg uiits gccrwtvitiri l gcit ottopbereijj balaam fir- av- jcittohinjaftlllice gutta tercka pain slrciaticfftjapac tube paints thiuuielcidiss aiiopvhesible d hog halli brabt in h a v ol bklsi1es 0 h1 wshgjfifg hoot sovcclotfchcresiiiiac- airtaitk hlthirgl crctit glui 1 lamps ic sole agent for ith lock ted cur 1 spectacles j b pearson bytint coaimoa seaie bull bijm finritr sub loci cd contin kolltn all ck perfected srcaccs- oar50c t t ibem til only 25 cents also eveev descbu7tiox op rubber aud jteta stamps tinalet stew4st mfoco 10 kicc st wt lorohlo for new gold watches new silver watches- new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices arid napkin rings b sayagce gcuelpli crhnd openirigr display spring millinery the lion of gtuelph corsuhhlohj codhs ctftk asthma croup i all csic the tkost lu1t4juo pyivjii 05si j i t v it rnri i ric t- cohstjiqtios has bieffctlib hiiilio lia l it rnim mtirtj j sllk 1lrejfvlrlluvm sa ekpetttorait it 0 uiii it cottuiru r3 opium ia 2y fora eas t uvrti2 ijmjtij cirr jji jlvrsiix aiti 1 we0nes04y thursday frioay and saturday 10th nth 12th and 13th all are cordially iinrited thursday evening we give a musical reception i when our large store will be dressed up in all the magnifi cence for which we are famed and thrown open for i the accommodation of the public sort s to 10 oclock i guelph city band j will be in attendance j j d williamson co 1 ps remember the lions concert on the 2nd may gitiuicl g2xctthis farile niciteitfiel up tn oraf ijr hdri fhrtt fftagat each tcilh lu rajrt tcirrl fa the jsjl a na the iii nc cf lh in uior s j qxify bell intcj tti cro trjc ctkeukl ecarc cfiniiaioni rvfusc alt itji tuia and yutnv n- ic dissppoifcd cms c gilk 1 hostitei-s- and sli r risiri from a jisorderl of ti liva stojcicli and boweu sias v dytpcpaia or indigestion bfliodi affections headache heirttngn acidity of th stomach bhanmalhib j loss of aptktito gratel gerrpgi debilitr gansea or vocibcte price 25 cents per bottle paraaq ojt w r t davis i lawleiicscoadjp hottbel errors op youth kemrs debility 3eual vos 1 prk lore dccavprofflpay and f ensaott ccred spermozone v does coliaerferc wiiji diet or mail oecopttjon and fall y restores ids rigor and itsares perfect 1 moahood sent td iot dreipostit ea receipt of price ooednllarthr bci scleatebef- echofleld dkli stoke kim itreetto- jj routo j i ti il ivialli dear elt i dclre in ffre too tartlmonm of mr ood opdiion of row xendifll rpnttdm cow v re 5i f taxmd it ran ctlta t oonii- ally rccorameod t to uu bonenea yma tmjjv a h ottscrr kaoajer trof ia4rj bubiej kendalls spavin curl dkj5s 7r xncut sitla cure hit r twrofrflr bone thtt 11 bdiitlbfc ien ot rhr be blue kblctrt of vlv bms loets csm oi aax idadi toontml jxnzw tunrt hothdocuic kendalls spavin curl priw it per boflie or rfx bottlee for s an dnur cuts listfl it or cancel it 1 or you or it will be tenv wmtfcirtrmon receipt of prtce by the proprte ton iuajkiniiiiqitiwkiiii sold eyall dotggists sprig goods we have secured a large lot of worsted coatings in blue and black at much below tieiusu- to tlt kholcule ljitlet btlns over htocked wo cia oprly this tcon good worsted jsuit for 2300 to 2400 i foemts price s30 aive us a call shaw grundy merchant tail0r8 cuelph to farmers and threshers u on vonr itaomngryonly the wellknown ifeieblesqozl q inf 1 twrtt a t m hi ve been a warded it during the it three yean y l mhiufllfo pj jaxt touflforyoar wtrgousundsjriitf powers tlisntjoils are uot mi highly recommended ttbemodal farm gaelpli trtiieri afifc for ihetn ase noothcr nnardredt3ubce3ity0li wijby- i samuelrocers 4 co toronto r e nelson merchant tailor guelph exteois tobisnisoiiitroos iiictoo tuj victy the compliments ofthe season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs c for tee holiday trade icciestccjiictc the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the citv j setrfarjurflemoetrti lata wsjilr3i- f iir rotij orr omrrl wz s lifej xjuetklu uox 7 io aeuii exhausted vitality rphe sciexce of life the prcai if edieai wcrk c the o en hijiocdlncrtoi aad ptriicaj debcity prr- catr dcc tirtr yoh ud t ctvlii u cries ccseiie liiiico 8 paes 5 t4 lj prcstrijilio fcrhdsies ctfuu gilt caly 5ub by dial cid iijstrive saarlo free w u re zi ciddzoiid i si tow the gold ij rolled sit- i ivirdisl tic iztfcct by xsia ifvdici address p p bs lj rosici lt dr apax- sfi tdte cf h4rvr0 ifdca ciicgec years prkciice idctcl wl ciyiie cc cifiicuaky sei daeff c uaa 0ecno t iiulict are you married ok about to be speight son acton j a speight manager i cta iiply oi with til the furciture ii crt to frcisj viar nex md ecr lite kcae or m reieih your hcc if sicudceiiiy style 11 the very lowest rrices there k hq artlelcof furniture we cuaaa -iik- ad further we deliver or f cruilirc ii ivu 1jvc no itic frtiht chirii icd nin o rki of lrcslir wcmcitill i ukdektak1xg otic tairt ve y jir ctiiereceia tiiiilrkct sl jsrf ai iu ccvincis the pcbhclc ihk ecar contuiuiiy tht we fjpply rlntclus work iu all orders and isn l j which ccuiftrc with iice cf the city itoqe half city prices our hearse i la an eicellei- oue and oa sure ia inriin th irt eiiii 4 ways preeata beeemfuff asjfaxa h pablic ttvlajl or t far any ttia rejdrcd i speight son maxhoodj how lost how restored tlpabhed a ruvedr weuscelebnited essay cf sperititorrba cr iniip aces cr eariy ia irc i the cielratei acthor ia es4yesry decjsjatts lr laccessiul pracjct thi thi qaees of carlr error rr l pciatia oa sje cr certaia ri citclaij uy it 14 sfferit ncuiattcrvhi hit c tcaycaiuhiiasulf clailv j call rathii cr tlculd u yoaihaui ctcrj ma t2j seat aader rcj 1 rli address ca receipt cf f jar cl tar- addrtrs a of-prcnlrer- tdcatare irtty idced by i dinwj 13 t thirtt vsrsj it coase- rdcaji ecrd ttaie aiplc cf ihitli cttj reiy taiirafi- aii cfevcrj rttfj jjmjfic th3 0al7jrri he ileal co xs it mw ytzk 10 fcclil5 1uth0rsc05 mliurcrs o trusses rstificial j limbs to n irl jj rtrj i- -l- 1- ec 3 t also ckvtches st t worm syrup r all kinds iti children ok 1ults sweet s destroys and remo ttrio or all kinds i1h ohildkn pr adults sweet assyrup w ca n is-

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