Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1889, p. 2

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fit soap r corner on i gct at crews owners on tho dh ayrtl tia wife of mr gar on daughter j t i ii f ic xrojt jtm fircss thtjkspavjiuv s 1880 j iv ha ursda notes 1lvd cokm the scott afet received toother defeat jul tbartdaya nearly a 1000 mijoriiffot repeal ni rireu fa leeds and grcavliie the forrail laying o tho corner ston o u wwppst offios in brtmpton will ujte plioa tbbal the 1st of jaua when sir hoc tot timrnd mitiisler o public hotlu and other member of the cabinet and ptominctit meobert of parliament will be present j kw vorfc cit- ura aifrtc on monday at the taaugortljoti of be celebration of ceu tamialdsj tne featare of the festivities wti a great narii parade which passed off very fuccesafuu a hundred yean ago similar festivities were 6nagediunpoa the ooctdion of protidem wuhinfitoni uiaa guratioiu j the pqblic will ufclrfjtpproy the decis- ion of the education department to allow an examination in tern pence and hygiene to be uiteu at the december cuminiuoa use entrance to high schools u a bonni fafajeet ion the tune baiii u acricnitnre the mutimom o marks to be tlxdved it 75 j the license cpmmiaaioners of toronto hmw determined to separate totally the grocery and liquet tore basinet in fata re the two batinesset mait hereafter be dis tinct in separate buildings and the liquor holiness mini bi conducted by persons having so conndciion with the grocery trade tin protection jand water sapplj are the principal robjeeti 1 of dikussion at acton now and in expert will be engaged by the village council to make a surrey and pre pare an estimate of the- coat of a system of waterworks ii the actonius can get as good water as thai cnpued in milton and plenty otit tx a moderate cost they should by all means inttat in the waterworxi milton champion j a an example if the way in which the hritishv scatters his money over creation take bat a single page of the iut camber of the engineering apd building eeoord it telk of a nwrtgmgi for t500gq which a syndicate of londoners ha joit taken on the endtson river tunnel the money to be ttaed to complete the great undertaking londoners ire also arranging to spend 110000000 in a company to apply vienna with pare water white the water companies of amsterdam ana berlin are already prin cipally owned hr englishmen kofc only does the sun nee set on the flag of great britain bat it nensr looks down on the ter ritory in which british gold is not invested killed on the track at geortrton nu last satorday jiigfat a shoemaker named paddy costigan jras killed on the track at georgetown ha was near the korthem bridge when a gl t r train track him and he ww feartcuy mangled i some two rears ago deceased went to georgetown and tu employed by mr j b dsyfoot he waa an inaffeuire man about 82 years bat iu addicted to ligaor and often got ou a spree it is thioghi that he lay down on the trade when dunk fell asleep and wu lor oce peotixce crop reports hire been receited fromthe major number of j the coontie of ontario and they agree ux saying that the prospect of agriculturalist are exceedingly good the fall wheal regarding which doubt hare been exprsned wintered well and ha made great progreu during the past few weeks i seeding has been earlier than usual and the timely rains of last week did much good in the fruit districts the pro peeta are excelleflt although peaches hare offered somewhat from frost pasture far the stock has been plentiful and with fatorable weather the present will be a iod year for frops r pboxctlps etivrv the aemianndal fiamintionif for pro- motion ra the aacohd tmrd and fourth de- partmenla of acton public school took place hut friday under the superintendanoe rf principal mbore the following list comprise the pupils who passed ralt secosb to rasr dtfistjtest r frani mclntc ah- isb chas moore u3 bollift smith 430 fred boas 10g kkby gifford eia williams 368 cheater matthews m2 sordon dean 3w marks required to pass 325 raoic rat to sscoxit johnedwardsvheitie mccanii may hyder jehrie qnittner keilie ffatthewt kellie siauffer ada franci jennie creech charlie mccann keilie hynos ellen stewart jimmy brown joe agner this class transferred without marks i rami r c ro tsizd mabel grant uq frank matthews 300 ahoe loirrj- 03 mellie kacn 23g eddie hbore 29z keilie holmes 277 hand ryder 270 jacob bauer 265 ed- win francis j 260 jessie harrey 251 ernest pearson 236 willie eutledge jessie brown 225 george sutton 220 george louya 208 george eobsoa 203 mark required to pass 200 geoilgrrpws higb kchool iliesuaaarfiilpnpilsaffornil at the ewter exainhiatlonx ftr the following are the highest marks taken at the eiamf nation ofform t dir u at georgetown high school in the easter examination poractl lrrrtirceeedah willi h7 susie mccauough li2 john worden 137 fred mclean l5 a erani 135 drusie bafley 133 r a willmott 129 katie eraus iw john brennan i27 paul gant 125 george midgley 123 j b godfrey122 aggie nixon 120 fanny lee 121 alex elliott 121 max 150 exookh gfcuua safiie mtcalloagh 135 gertie william 133 aggie evins i2s catherine kennedy 129 annie mcgee 121 keilie mcleod 115 b a- willmott 109 john worden 108 fanny lee 108 tburteu brown l05 bruce godfrey 103 edith willi lkmax 150 axrrskzncg t acker u3 g midgley ho fanny lee 120 annie megee 120 cath kenoedy 120 e tompkins 110 fred mclean 110 d keonedy ios thor- tell brown 105 wm mclean 105 john wordefllos katie evan immxx iso awmfei- 6uie hccallongh 27 v kennedy 50 h e tompkins 50 george surk ifl wm wilson 0 fred m mclean 86 t brown 30 aggie kixon 84 max loo totai- soiie mccollough 421 70 amnemcgee 8j3 geo midgley 3x4 aggie eraos 579 catherine kenoedy 37yfandy lee 376 john wotden 87i gordon toofcer tno t frown ma fred mclean 361 kdith wato358 d kennedy m h e totdpkjppfc62max550 i t h the session concluded j au oratorical ducla ltmrln thff oamiitlic lustorifaimacene virtue lu ponptou xqtes rn the g troiu our own correspondent- ortrni april 30 well parliament is over and for nine months the government can breathe frtely ai i predicted the ses sion lasfcd the lull average or rather the all oaininiom duration thrw uionlh thirteen wwks exactly the represeola- tires voted about forty millions ot money paased some hundred and fitly bills and talked seme four thousand columns of hastily the session cost the country isooooo t the last week hat beeti fall of divisions mr unlock attacked the minister of miliua deoland ho bad lost the confidence of the ontario volunteer and motod to this eect the motion vis lost by l majority two conservatives messrs clarke wallace and cimon voting against sic adolphe carou there wu qaile iu oratorical duel between the fighting member far korth york and the minister ot war sir adolphe wears good fitting clothes a magnificent mbas- lache and an eye glass and is often spoke of as a dandy but he does not lack courage in debate mr malock held him guiltless of any military knowledge and declared he could not minoutrqa battalion ot barn yard fowls in reply sir adolphe told mr malock he was rude and insolent sad not fit for the company ot gentlemen in a spirited speech ee said he had raised a company during the trent affair and served under de salaberry whose name waa written in the golden pages of canadas most brilliant history he aicribod the attacks upon- him to his nationality of the eight min isters of militia since confederation three have been french canadians carter muboa and ciroa mr miclenxie hid three different ministers of militia but cot one of them wu french j row dc the ojit there waa last week quite a row among the front benches of the opposition on wednesday mr charlton enquired jvhat the goverumnt wu going to do about the lumbermens demand that the duty otthree dollars a thousand fee ton logs exported in their uaforal itale be taken off the gar- ernmeut declined toxay- what they intend ed to do in the matter mr chariton is himself largely interested in lumbering and look for favorable action from the gor- erumenj so he did not prets them the opposition however thoaght the govern ment should be pressed and du friday mr barron wu put up to move that the house regretted the recent increue of one dollar in the export duty mr charlton who had like achillea been sulking eince wednes day condemned the motion u ill advised not because it did cat represent his views bat because t would make it harder for the governtnenljto give in to them the ent- ire opposition however voted for the amendment mr charlton leaving the chamber the governments majority wu 56 tiztlljitb xtntxg for the second time the houie tat no saturday and wu in concurrence an the estimates sir kichardcartwright moved to condemn the governments financial ad ministration mr daviesthetntercolonial railway administration and other mot ion were made to put the parties on record all being roted down by about the same ma jority 30 to 70 it will be eecn that many members bad gone home the extradition bill with the retroaclire clause struck but passed both houses the copyright bill ns also passed in the senate tee datoeigll kack the maoe of silver and gold which the sergeantatarms carried before the speak er into the senate chamber at prorogation is an historical emblem of authority the 24th inst wu the fortieth anniversary of the burning of the parliament buildings in montreal when the member of the house were chased from the chamber and the big mace carried off by one of tho mob the portrait ot papioean was torn down and jumped on and a scene of free fighting en sued before the buildings were fired the man who lugged off the mace wasso fright ened at his act of high treason that he suhsetinently returned it surreptitiously the mace wu- however minus one of the little golden beavers that surmount the crest tee xlc1xcc is colietcr for the seat in the common vacant by the death of the hon mr pope the con- servstives have rominated his sou mr eafu pope alanner as mr pope re presented comptou since cocfedexatioo and a his majority last election wis 821 it is altogether likely that the son will succeed the father this hu ha been the cue with hon g a kirkpatrick mr holton mr white and mr ciraon mr oman bylhe way his bolted from the government knpport he refese to attend the adjourned ministerial caucus on friday and veiled wsnt of confidence in the government- fay supporting mr mulocks amendment censuring the minister of militia it arises from mr cimons dis satisfaction at the railway subsidies that he is said to be disaffected on other qnes- lions he may be following in the foot steps of his father who described himself as a conservative opposed to the govern- ment of sir joha mscdonild dr sergio hu been very sick an effort is being made to resnscitate the iheisthbstlasioaof prescott the press gallery on saturday made a presentation to mr hngh mathieson the vise president pn the occasion of his ap proaching marriage to an ottawa lady the koyal society of canada meets here in annuafsession may 7th next week i will say something aboat the society and its eminent members contrary to the statement made last winter mr blake stayed out the session and did cot gd south he did not make a single speech or do any work he wu merely a ipecutor he ipoke in number su at the presentation to whip trow who wu given an oil painting of himself and t seal ring mr trow is very popular sir john mscdooald ba borne the work of the session splendidly he appears al most inseoiible to fatigue special axkouxcejcevt we have made arrangement with dr b j kendall co pnblishers of a treat ise an the horse and his diseases which will eaible ill oar subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address enclosing a two cent stamp for mailing aamet to dr b kendall co eoosbargh falls vt this look is now recognized as staudaad authority opoo all diseases of the hone u its phenomenal sale attests over four million copieshaving been told in the put ten yearn a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time we- feel confident tfcxt our patrons iwill appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this op portunity of obuioiofi a vajueabla book i it is necessary that you mention this paper in aetidingjfor the treatise this offer will mmainjopen jvr oniyashort time h0rbib1eb disaster many pcnwu km wd injured is a qtfi wrtck it buhutouoti sou- i day homing sevmm victsb uoasteo to death the most appalling accident which has occurred ou the grand trunk railway for a great msiiy years took place ou sunday morning at 7 oclock about two miles west ol hamilton the eugino o the bt louis oaprcis from windsor to 8uspeniou bridge jamped tho track al the junction cnt acd pitched into i water tank the baggaga and smoking car iu rear telescoped and immediately took fire before the puschgers could bo got oat or any assist ance rendered the fire quickly com manic tod to the cars in tho rear and soon foar morecart wer ablaze the passengers however managed to got out of the latter foar and tried to save those in the hnrbtng smoking car but without i access the wrecking of the water tank cui off the apply ot water to a very urge extent ind whit witcr co aid be got had to be applied by means of piiji there were one hun dred and niteea passengers and train hands ou board and of these about thirty pu- longer were in tho smoking r as far u has been learned thirteen paitesgfln got oat of the smoker two were killed in stantly one of them being mr lj s gur oey who wu on his way from chicago to kcwvork and the other wu sa italian name unknown the train was composed of enfine two baggage- cars smoking car chicago and g t jr through passenger coach k walch coach wagner first class coach j pullman car and lo wagner sleeping cars in the order named the engine jamped from the track and plunging headlong into the watertack smuhed the tank and turning the engine almost upside down the bag gage cars came directly after the engine and the first of these wax pitched over the engine ind thrown down he main track leaving its wheels behind j cxxdle ro nscxrc the passengers on the trainjmany of whom were uleep at the time had a terri ble experience the majority lot those aboard the train were enabled to get out of the coaches before the fire had reached them bat in the confusion which reigned many victims were left to the mercy ot the flames pinned by the wreck and unable to extricate themselves a man named 8 gumey of brooklyn k y had his head completely severed from his body by a pieoe of debris and another named radolpu eo- erer whose address is unknown wu io- stan uy killed as soon u the engine rolled over after striking tho water tacjr engini eer watson crawled oat from underneath without being mach hart a large gang employees under the dine tion of john hall tccomotive foreman worked unceuingly at the wreck doing their utmost toqaeuch the fire the diffij calty of securing water wu made very great owing to the tank being smuhed and the fire held sway for many hoars before thorough search could be made through the debris by 5 oclock in the evenipg the charred and burned fcohiss of lilguteo victu were exhumed frornlhe wreck in no case wu there saecientto identify the person the screams of the unfortumte victims who were burnt to death in the smoking car could be heard above the noise of thai escaping steam and the roaring ot thei flames condactor w h poolej of lon don says the train wu fifteen misateatate but wu not running more thai twenty miles an hour when the accident happened u all orders are that trains must not run at that particular place at a greater speed than twenty miles the place where the accident happened is considered a danger ous one a there k s switch on a rather sharp carve hence the precaution of run ning slowly seven cars including ooe baggsgej two first class coaches a smoker a first clua day coach and two wagrter sleepers i were burned there being not vestige of wood or anything thit would bum left one car a baggage wu demol ished ind the engine was the most com plete wreck that could well ba imagined many of those on the train were oq their way to xew york to take part in the cen tennial festivities most ot the passengers lost sdl or portions ot their baggage and clothing and a large amount ot the mails were lost by tire tee emeiifvp rwrmj the killed are rndolph j edcrer of chicago i l 6 gurnej of chicago j sixteen pereons whose remains have not yet been identified the injared are hamilton clark it7 west ohio street chicago ell double fracture ot the right leg beaded bruised on the armsj serioas antonio msrtz italian cut in he back of the head from wiconiin on his way home to italy edwin chapmen fireman of london ont badly scalded on the right hand and right side of the fsce enoch eenon no 0 mincing lane lcn don eng mining engineer on his way from san francisco to london several ribs frxcinred c c azbcl edwardpocticdcutin the right forearm and badly bruised wm lfpsey c9 korth saujalon street chicago sprained ankle v al dooey 18 west adams street dan ville hi cat stoat the head j a palmer ilion x y cat about the lead geo wise union hill x j richt ear tern off and painful scalp wounds andrew j carpenter yankton dafct about the head e young 23 korth avenae chicago badly bruised joseph morris clarkes island maine cut aboat the head j welsh bsggsgemiu niagara falls ahoalder dislocated james jpeckham brakemin niagara falls slight injury to leg joseph watson engineer of london cat braised and scalded not seriously those most serioasly njared were taken to the city boenjtaittie others proceeded on their journeyt an investigatioa shows that so far u can be learned there wu no negligence on the part of the railwaycompaoy it is thought by experts that a broken sale in the engine ceased the accident i 1 uqg exrixixace ko tongue can ever tell the horror of the accident u the men revealed first one corpse and then another aod another in one small spce about fifteen feet by four from amd the charred mint ot the cars were taken tbepuny looking ahmoktn blacfcened cinder that had been men and women iu the morning fourteen men and three women with uo trace of face or figure to be seen the limbs gone on this the bead burnt completely off that not one with a semblance of humanity left except here and there a battered knife or key a watch a pair of suspenders the sleeve of a coat the top bahd of i pair of trousers she rem nant of a white shirt that had been torn from the body of iu owner in fall agony u ihe flames reobed him i it was ol awfol sight and u tu little bundles ot charred flesh were jafd but the men wiped their brows of tho clammy sweat nd went again to work ax uxrxted warmer the scene of tho acoidentii in ouo of the most illfated localities ou any canadian railroad at least half a sown memorable accident have occurred within receut yean within a few miles east and west among them iru the deijardioca canal accident in 1837 when seventy lives were lost the socotid in fobruary of last year completely destroying a freight train caused the loss of two lives thp st george bridge accident i few months ago wu within 18 or 20 miles uro hxuiltos may 1 circamitantial evf dence and the recognition of watches and other personal property have established the identify of soms of the victims ot the ham ilton disuter four of these were either ut the timeortormerlyresidentsottoronto and others belonged to distant places in the states the number of watches found teems to indicate an even greater ion of life than wit supposed about twenty witches have been found and u those of ederer audgurooy were found npon them there is every appearance that there was a greater lou of life than at first supposed every wstch ahould have an ownerbut only 17 burnt bodies at most can be ac counted for and two of these ire children othik local items mr brock a student from mcmuter hall hu been secured to take charge of the baptist church for the coming five months he will commence with the regular service neit sabbath morning it ii oclock the peekaboo boot and shoe store hu jast received an immense shipment of the best and cheapest boot aud shoes for the spring trade ever broaght into acton call and inspect the stock you will be snre jo be pieaaedlw williims the latest church social fad is the crary tea social the eatables are served oh every conceivable sort of dish other than those generally used such u dustpans dippers frying pans etc lon don claims the honor of taking this de parture being about to remove to the north west i am anxious to sell by private sale a quautityof houshold furniture which my be tecu at my house no 5 association ter race bower a venae i have also for sale a single buggy with poleandihifts mus bobxit ktcaxix the town of godcnch ha invested h00 in local newspsper wort and pays that sam to the home papers to write op and illustrate the town the usual prac tice ts to pay distant city papers to do such work and leave the home editors to forage for themselves gardening and cleaning up back yards is the principal out door game in vogue for men at the present time women have their fun in the somewhat more boisterous amusement of taming the hoase upside down on the hunt after dirt the fun is something immense actoq is sttuming her usually attrac tive appearance with thdprogrcs of spring on a few of the street there yet remain however accumulations of rubbish and numbers of waggons sleighs acd other im plement there are municipal bylaws prohibiting this enforce thenr mr harry edmocdson of tacoms waahington ty hu kindly sent the fete peess copies of the koria hoc idas lnxled uotukly magazine which contain beautiful illustrations ot taooma aod other western cities harry is doing well in his new home and he face paxss is pleased to hear from him occasionally surg gen woodward us army wy of the retuit of chronic malarial poiioa- irg disorder of the kidneys frequently complicates the condition under consider ation scanty more or leas albuminous urine it often observed and those cue not infrequently terminate in chronic brights disease with confirmed albuminuria oedema or general anasarca what at first is recognized u malaria is subsequent ly found to be bright diseue which warner r safe cure cares jamea h gilmour of t gilmoar co grocer brookvilhj says i have used timaric elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cured children cry for pitchers castoru tvhea eaij rix emc tre five her csslcrlz wtcu ifce was a ctild she cried for castoria wijcc the became vjsx the dcz to castoria wtktz the tad cimren tie rate them casiorta ocelpn juekets hay lit iskj hoar holler scot vcet i 031 to o n 13 co to i 03 1 00 to i 50 chaem lumbiititii 0 2s o 0 30 timotbr beed clover seed 5 50 to 5 9 powder absolutely pure this powder nsvsr varies a marvel of parity jtrenffthanoirboiaspneub mare oconomlcal than tbe ordinary kinds and cannot be toid in competition with mas multitude of low test short k eight alum or phosphate powders bold only cant botil bixtxo powdeftco106 wall ut n y h i rnm w castoria for infanta and children a- ittmbqwiortourpnkripita i j be22re3 hauomk0 kboudfmbrattrikt imeshrlouniilialfea tn cortacb oopijftt f murray street v t tinh mongjvto- when 1 say cvbx 1 do not mean merely to stop them for n tmie then harp them morn again itjux a judical cuke ilavemadethealseajeof 3pit5 epil or faixincr bioene3s a life long study i vabkaxt my rowdy to t l x the worst cases llcfatumoibers imt e talm linorcasontornotiwurcrmtin a cure kiil i on for a treatise ji ml hrrn bornf o toy vjmujiilicikmky- jive kxprrs il 1irv ofkt it cost yim umlihnj for a trinl nui will enre ymi iidrc k o hoot mc branch offloe 164 wsst antlime street toronto welcome sprinig henderson morhs sco hcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage millinery openinq will be held on- saturday 30th march from ii am to n pm when there will be on free exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white an3 grey frorn 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very- pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestrj and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybod see our 100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 10000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlarjs tea by the half chest at ioc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co hollinrake son- milton have a firstclass stock of millinery i thejtrade they lead hats 7nd bonnets 1 trimmed in the latest and most artistic styles by experienced milliners ana at 1 j prices that will suit all customers miss campbell will be pleased to show intending purchasers our splendid stock of millinery hollinrak cfe son milton the- leading verehauts lumljerandg theoydtahjiitita l vi it urcbo iboottsssftslt 1 lumber ind re mttan in jir tf hm with a ikrf pi ind cur wtatjsatsy sj lot and- dwelling fotm hovse d lot onboinm t a bird nd lolt wittr eonvrisit -th- ijnildiiiglotafbfsaj 1m irs offerd ind u boildinislec llrlrbcr til bwnnre sfi2fe rapidly inrrcdm la rilse tsjnrtttjjp weninb for salev atbarsaijiomotbflbt bashasfili- sons old g iavbsiop1fbe 1s fffcfe rontons flrge toaglmautaeihisss t wide wlihood well and itjenilr 1 terms evy for parttcnkti hemaeel acton oblottt- c b aimhiwrz m foe sale stumping machine and tok olq aho 1 btamplnj jlicbine ftiimrfw- feood working order 4lw apdrisj oxen for isle cheap u the owbtwj sap u thfl owbstsfmfa tcrmi apon trafeti oxen w s thar ob for tbem docgald cowasf- 4 lot is dh lintirii orcoanipfcjf steam planing mill carpenieraiiociji pweiiing the aboveitcmiset in aetoo tie obenife sale ths mwmntstr eonwrtm hnfat aod moolding midline jcanv gcut 4 v oajtjieircour croascnt andjif ssvs ns wood tuning lathe with sn- puaer ktfm eiodlng stone bit alio a qoantn ot n ten took will baoldlogetherarifeuunw tools bepsrately apply to m8piy comfortab e dwellings foe sale 1 i thai tee new doable hiina drtlit west bower axemie two itorejs cb tik kitchen attached hard und tots wstszv mito- ent in ererj- respect ud rests jtar fij jw month i thi uhokclad residence vnstals sm 90x30 two storer with large aitdisbattieki bard and soft water in the coo t j terms and particulars mad known njtfil plication at free pke5s btice iv frait trees smiu ifiiti am onurnenghrobbeir j- ret e b cook acton- has been tpfristri sole acent for this section fertdfdk known old bochoster xanery 8 rhpf prietorandiiptepmr6d to uae araerstem of the trait trees small taiiti or ssnosiua are shown in the ulsstrated catuann d th nnnerr tne prodoct oftbe ou beeaohr karserr ar known to be gepenur zesh at correctly aaraed and i cm pronum utibomj results to sil mbo purchase stock tram prices reasonable bey libcowla dissolutiou of paiemliijjl w i the nndersiced who hare ing a ceneral bntchering bviprn kj- aeton onder the firm name of bstledssams- ton hereby give notice tiiu ve bt thn ast dissolted partnership btmntnal fwiff all acconnts mnst be settled by the 9dtta istt pitt either of ns will gie receipujarpstosntuers whbvxzzbge wirsizss samtl jobssray sa acton aprif iri to the sboto i faiftr pablic that i wfllm tfore carried on by fcsborsftra hy cohstant italffll aers with the bq tmissrkrt ipoctiauy solicit owpitnsniic ionily st their ethmbkteju r i wth rptuoks public health ss- m vtotice is hereby given thatall rakii 1 acton an required forthwith to cletaibtir eellsn drains yards pig styes wsttr- d and other out bnlldings and prem s i mot therefrom all din filth manure otfl tnbttanoe which may eddsxger tbe tsfca health and to have the aamecoinpktedctlsw by tho 10th day of may next ou which dsy 0 banitary inspector will commences general n- paction and further take notice thstw section of tha public health act proalsar tbe keeping of hogs bciween thw uth and the- lst of november escapt in pciaadmt tsteet from any dwellmgbeosf urdsofectam any street 01 lane withfloort keitt ctandfrnr vster iih recnuitv tlnsnvd sinv standing water and regularly infected will be strictly eaff- thostwoohe socrerjikrdtfiiew auctionbale of r houseliold furnitrive duncan taylor has instructed the underaiined loteu by public nctioaltblshotti p llln strertactcaoa f saturday itli vaj -ml- at fi oclock the following j 1 sideboard- 31kyhicads 3 fau le tstofc i iarlor tte sml pipes a qasntitrtf ctocijbt xumeroni small household artidts 1 fjjjj aod mower combined iu coed workliw tr beythes forks chains shovels hoes takes qp other useful articles j terms of sale- cash for jie kcsir terms ai may agreefupon at tinio of se wm- hemstreet anctionsei j mi mf topers j s baled ikxdeks tddrcski lo js timed ui todoiwtl tmder lo sappifm i lad endorad iwiow u rr ooppun will ba if irod it tali noii oa thursday ml jiy 1 is dcbtcry o iadin sapplic aonos bitoa cmxaid amanjaiuoa tiofsr con bolls apticultnra lap c daty laid at various poios la luniw ad uteiioithwmt territories jiu fonns ot leader eontsisiae oll 1k relstiv to tha sirtucs rainusd d u ll a or to the ladiaa office wiaalpcc parties may tendet lor cacncrlptioa loraay portioa ot each demtiptioo a psj sepaxately ot forall tbe floods called in b 3 soaodalet aod ujedepitsebtreaenobljj the right to rejecfttbe whole or ay lri tender- each tender mast bo accoiopaaicd by m ceptod checioe iu faor cd the 1 geaeral ol ladiail asairs on caoadlaa wj lor at least 8 te per milt ombc l lei- lender which will bo fcrteitod it th jjjs dariw declines lolcaier law awsfsi b atithtetidiraibeacauedjlpontodiiseorsjj lau to complete the work coctracwltor the loader bo not accepted lh dieque v each teador mastjuaddiliou to tjjjj 01 ui nwuwi j o t tao 1 optallotouirrartioentlortlie rwperi f ormanee of tbe contract ickrii c- the lowest or uy trader aot aecossarw ffiaadrertiseniobt u not to 3 s js any newspaper irthoul uw v instw ant nenpaper aot harlnj beaim tlu bo adinltted i l vefkocojtnet asmkurvj l itissssp deiautmaut onndun affairs ottawa apriuw

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