Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1889, p. 4

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v jbamflttpm tntlbflpayma ffljt gating sks what pot flowers say the hod lloae tart tlwulywjt he pure i the uariy littw chrywwlitanittui tic wtnl tad endure the ytout tipert gtt- nor grudge oct count iho cotc the woodbine ksp on uootuttc in ipite of oow- lrov and to eelrgreioai floctr ha each a separate word which rcd toother makcth up i the message of the lcrd texceraxce shots- whom aad what the tloou wants you shoali uot wat prohibitwa may be delayed hut it will not die the isdora of temperance nica giving ic uicir support now in place of wait- inc until t doe aot need their help it ip- pareat j thfi political issue of today is whether the taioco biing proven a crime shall he forbidden and abolifdied like other crimes that other crime act not more completely abolished is due to the eoaticuance o the saloeu crime- j sam smajl says high license t is simply a bigcer dirisidc with the derii aud the chili of- the man who waa killed by lih lccuse vyhiikey doesnt take any pride in saying to the orphan of the f r whisky drunkard im higher a the social fieale than you are for my either wai shun by kieh license the lords prayer aud the liquor license what da yoa think of the professed chris tian who grays thy will le fone and then voting that it shall cot be doce lead us not into temptation and then voting to place temptation ia evprv ones path deliver us from eril and then voting- for the greatest of evils if so be that a little money comet to the city or town treasury give us this day our daily bread and voting to license that which takes bread from almost starving children dr timige says gather up the money that the working classes have spent for rum during the last thirty years and i will build tor every working man a house and lay out for him a garden and clothe his sons and daughters in silk and stand ayiiafroot doora prancing span of scrrels crhayi t and secare him a policy of life insurance so that the present home may be well maintained after he ia dead j the most persistent most overpowering enemy of the working classes js intoxicating liquor it is the anarchist of the centariea many men many minds but all men and all minds agree aa to the merits of burdoca piua small and sugarcoated ix yoa wint to buy or sezl a farm ad ertise ia the toronto ttethjr that paper reachea lwsm farmer homes everr week andyouradvertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pax- chased advertisement of this class are in serted h the toronto tcabtf kail for five cents t word each insertion or twenty cents a word far ve insertiaus address the hail toronto canada hesszic c c ecnrirns co ttextt having used hinards liniment for several years in my stable- 1 attest to ha being the best thing i know for horse flesh in lie family we have used it for e purpose that liniment is adapted for it being recommended to cs by the laie dr jl k webster personally i find it the best alhcyer of nefflilgic pain i hare ever used b trrcs proprietor yarmouth livery stable frederick t eobertr h d profeaaor of clinical frlwkrfri it ucxrerotjl college hospital london england sxys brights disease has no symptoms of its own and may long exist without the know ledge of the patient or practitioner and no pain will be felt in the kidneys oc their vicinity warners safe care ia the only recognized specific- r a gann if d dean and- professor of surgery of the united states medical college editor of the medical tribune authorof gunua new and improved handbook of hygenie and domestic medicine says u i am willing to acknowledge and commend thus frankly the value of warners safe cure- stubborn children readily urn dr lows wormeyrop it pleases the child and de- etrors the worms it is worse than madness to neglect a cocgh or a cold which is easily snbdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema- tare death t when it attacks the delicate tissue of thelcngs and bronch ial tubes travels with periloua rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bicklee anticonscmptife syrup the t medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys- uml this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cocgh heals the fj parts and exeriaa- most wonder ful influence in caring consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lives of their children end themselues from mucl anxi ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles antlconsumptive syrcp and whenever a child has iiksn cojd iiaa cough or hatrsenes gire the syrup according to directions- jingles andjokelets an hour villi thr vise men the wlu andllic rarieraiilif ihe hay there wai a cook in ourlowu ud the was wotidrous wie she boaglil imperial bakiug towder and causcdtbor bread to rise ad when the txyt bow nice it was declared with mlcht and main that imperial waathcouly e v bhc would ever use igain as an aid to internal remedies for ikia diseases dr lows sulphur soap proves veryvalaiblc j i a dry hacking cough keepi the broach- ial tubes in a constant tiilta of irritation whiah if not speedily removed may lead lobronehltii no prompter romedy can be hid than ayer cherry pectoral which is both an anodyne and expectorant give holloways cora cure a trial it removed leu corns from tnepaic of feet without any pain whttit has done once it will do agaiu i the value of a rcntcdy blioum be esti mated by its curative properties accord ing to this standard ayerls sirsaparilla is the best and most cccuomical blood medi cine in the market because the most pure and coccenlrated price u- worth 4j a bottle- i qatck tfmet ho art l always use hoards pectoral bil- som for colds aud it cannot be beaten it has always cured me within ii hours which co other medicine will do and i al ways keep a bottle by me j these words from chester miller liecry ont prove the escacy cf a popular preptmtiba the hors noblest of brute creation whea sarlering frpmja cutj abrasion or sorc derives as much beuefit as his master inalike predicament from the healing soothing action of ir thomas ecleetnc oil lameness swelling of the neck stiff- uess of the joints threat andjlungs are re lieved by it srvcrrlj baracd i burnt my hand severely and did cot know what to do till a triead ran in with some hagyards yellow oil miapplied it and it drew out the poio and healed it in a few days i would not be without it mary lepard 53 cecil toronto titnaz reuilanee a healthy human body has strcjg pow ers of resistance against disease bet where weakness or lack of tone exists disease quickly assails it- keep the system clean the blood pure and the vital powen vigor ous and active by the use of burdock blood bitters the true vitalirer aud restorative volumes of bombast have been publish ed about the multifarious and irrecoacil- able effects of many proprietary tjemeiies the proprietors of northrop it lymans vegetable discovery content themselves with facts susceptible of proof they state their pcrifier to be whatit has prored itself to be an eradicator of dycpepsit constipation liver and kidney troubles and a fiue general alterative tram ocmk a ocoil fishermen and miners in nova scotia mechanics and firmers in ontario and quebec boaters ana trappers in the terri lories and gold miners in british colum bia use and praise ffagyarts yellow oil the great internal and external remedy for all pain tt ceres rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and croup and is the- reliance of thousands to lessen mortality and stop fhe inroads ofdisease use northrop jfc lymans veget- table diaeovery and dyspeolic care fcr all disexsea arising from impure blood such aspimpiesbbtches bilioutbess ia- digestion etc etc it has no equal mrs thomas smith elm writ iam usitg this medicine for dyspepsia i have trid nkjiy remedies bat thia is the only one that has done me any good james h gilmaar of t gilmaur tico wholesale grocers broofcrille says i have used tamarse elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cured picerences of opinion regarding the pop ular internal and external remedy dr thomas eclectric oilrdonot so far as known exist the testimony is positive and concurrent that the article- relieves physical pain cure lameness checks a cough is an excellent remedy for pains and rhenmitic complaints and it has no naus eating or other unpleasant effect when taken internally the bed color of the blood is caused by tae iron it contains supply the iron whenlacking by using miiburns beef iroa and wine la cnwclcoate gaest disease in any of its myriad forms is never welcome and the end of its- visit is always rejoiced at burdock blood bitters cures all diseases of the stomach liver bowels and blood giving life and hope with every dose htaards ltoiraenc cares oindnrff bestofair couglr mciliciuca aycrs cherry pto toralu in givakr dvinaml than ever ny icfparatidu fur throat aud lung troubles f f prompt in its effects so tccauft to tli ta-u- and so wldtly kuown ihl it is the family tiiciii- cinc lu ihtail of limuchoms i have itrl fcr ytars from a broucujil trrtume tlit wheucver i take cold cir iru cxkii ii hiclctutnt weath er sluucs itself by a very annoying ucklltiz sctuathiu iiitlr- throat and by rillttvulty in tircitlilng i have fried a gritit many rctntnlics liut ntitie does 10 ucll k1 avers cherry iltloral which alivavs plvcs promjit nltii in rcturtif of mv ovl voitii ilsint ernest a ilcpler iijvcuir til public lloatls parish ttr- re ujtme la tcounider ayurv cherry pectoral a nitet iuiportaut rtuihtly for home use i have tested its curative power in my faiuy many i hats duriug the pivt lulrtv years and have never knmvn it to fall it wilt relieve hit- most scriout altccuuiis of tia throat and luni whether in children or a lull- mts e edgcily couiicll ulufls iowa twfuly jfiif no i was troubltd wrth ji limxe el uic luus dottors afforded me no relict ami coiiiiderti my ei ilhikkk- i then beui to iw avcrv cherry iitiiral autl before 1 hid tinislieddttcvit tie toimd relief- i cuatiiimtl otakc tiiic meiictiie uutil a cute vva ffteil i itellcvc that ayers cherry pcctyral kived my life sauiiitl grigwaukegaa 111 sinvoars ago i conlrarled a severe cold which titled mi my lungs and foou dcvtlepal all tlie alanujug kyaii tuias df cimsuinnloti i had a taugu night sweats bleeding of the luu pains ia chest and ides and i wax to prostrated asta be coafind to my bed mot af the time after trying various tircscri plums without lnncfit ny ihytieiati rmilly determined to give me ayers cherry pectoral i ukjk 1 and the effect wit magical i seemei to rally from the first duse of this mediriiie and after using only tin e lot tlef am as well audcound as ever iloduty jchiiion springfielil iii ayers cherry pectoral raerxeed ev dr j c ajer k co lowell mt lelilyaudrsssfes priced iz loaw 14 eetcabdcom fte sajterfnc browns household panacea has no qual for relievinc pain both internal and itaraal it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of i pain or ache it will moat surely quick eu the blod and heal as its acting power is woaderfnl browns househoidpan- aa being acknowledged is the great pimreliever iindof double the stteactk of any other kliiir or liniment io the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for crirape in the itfimxch tui pains and aches of all kinds andisforsale byalldruggistrat 25 certs a bottle burdock blood will cure or relieve b1u0uskess dizziness dyspepsia dropsy ikdlgestlok fluttering mundice of the heart elivsipeus acidity of salt rheum the stomach utarteuijh dryness headache of the skin f onry species cf d t 3 dzlarcd liver kwkeys 37xjac330vrels osblood he largest scale works n canada over 00 styles of hay scales gratn scales farm scales tea scales eiffroyeo kqw cases mm drawers meatcaoppers ah3 fljtckas sdppues aattiss ix i uii write be lezsx g wlsqh sohj 60esplakade street east torontcont iteatkn this piicreriiei yea kihe i waa tf nfferfox says s s ehewfelt of kingsley sfan from weakness and loss of appetite with a severe headache and could scarcely walk jj first bottle of burdock blood bitters enabled rfle to walk about the house and when i had taken the second bottle i found myself entirely cured cmsunplf on cored an old physiciap retired from practice having lad placed in jus hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma aud all throat and xuag affections also a positive and radical care for kervous debility and all kerrascom- plainle after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt itti is duty to make it knooc to his snffefiflg fellows arte tes by this motive and a desire to relieve human saffertuc i will send free of charge lo all who desite it this recipe in german french or en- sh witnfojl direction for iretrifg fd unug kent by mxii liy 4dnift with j stamp naming tbix pnjje yv a koii jl w power blocfcbochiir n y warners ski core care uenusoi insomnia hyaterix tind neundia why- because these arrfthe ynptomaofiai im pure eonditin of the blood coai by unhealthy kidney action tlif iiomm area and uric acid fieini ruuinei u ifej bipod cause the hyptptome of kidney di- j 1 pa1nes celery compound acts at the same time oh the nerves the liver the bowels andthe kidneys thttcomluied aiaioa gives it wwi- dcrfalpcrreilacurcil tihesses why are we sick ceciuse we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irriiatcd and tliese grel orgzas to becctse clogged cr tcqiid end poisoaocs tuaxrs are icefore forced intq the blood hat ihodd i erpelled narally pawls f celery rmirs compound will curebixronwesjnixs- cosstipanoff kujitet cok- pjapttb ttirjliat siseaol nxale wz6xbzss ehioau- tiac irrtreatcii fjra ali yertotts disoedees ly quieting and idcngtliening the nencf zrd cnoiiti- fttcsdicn of lie liver i awlu id iidik1 rid rcior- iiiglhciriciva-lothrw-j- oif diiese wiyrjacrbijijpiiaaiia vbj isrxentti vith piict coaiupatioal why fgdat nertfln cr cirrk f h 1 way hate ileepuu nihu i lvpxixrt ckixtt cbrocxo aad rejotce m bcajik ii t eaiidr rtntl- he rendyhannfc m aucaiea srfdtyaa dnaitlx prki rxo v wal8rictlud50nco spring goods 4 1 i j we have secured a large lotof j worsted coatings in blue and black alisiklibdoiruioiiciclirrricci oioloijio bounlc mute lielue ilockoj upujjthlf ipuou j good worsted suit for 2300 to 2400 formtr price j30 oive us a call shaw k crundy merchant tailors cuelph for j new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b say age guelph to farmers and threshers use on vourmaciineryonly the wellknown j peerless oil q finrn wtn a tk he teec awarded it during the ustthrw van w y3kjuuwniujiua tcy llm mc p j dttuttotjouz wtgaatindeorse powers these oik ire asedsni hifihly recommendedatthejlodol firm gceiph firraerswk for them aie no other mmalictoreditqajjiiclityoll votilli- samuel rogers it co toronto spring -and- summer tie 9cot saceenfat hemtdr ercr dlkor- cnuu tc taenuia laiu fft and doci ocrcbnilcr bad proof below kendalls spawn curl omce or cwtrtjx asmra eazmta cr t cirrkzjlx cir asd ts ttt ecura sis sjs oa arm ihirttsiib kehoallsspaviktjure- dejeos b cplnjoaof rma- emufiiktte cure i hi smtinfcaadt hatelouad lireunvieortl m nir jl e gointt kendalls spavin cure a b tcthtote hones thai mrtt lost a caul ol any kind tews iralj ibaro cored vtra of eadantl tyoor acrer arnatw tr eonc doctor drj goods dress goods jlillmery flosr- ere feathers ribbons parities short jackets wraps oloakttigs parasols prints sateens clmn- hrays ginghams sened itqsiin ernbroidenes sesved haslin shirtings small wares corsets hosiery gloves laces curtains carpets oilcloths geuts fur- nishiugs cloths tweeds suit ing sprinp and summer over- cortings cottonade checked shirtings bleeched and uu- bleeched cotcons tickings ready hade liens and boys clothing having purchased the staple portion of the stock betore the recent great advancein cottons wolletib and silks and purchas ed largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks such as j w gale co aud others we never were hithertoin such a position to offer such pbeuominal aud unpreced ented bargains ourdress goods are in every variety of material and the latest shades such as rudigore ilahoeany crushed strawberry fawii kile green moss greeu etcjand wonderful cheap prices from 8cj up and an all wool french armure suiting 50c per 3d for 20c 1 silks and satins in black and colored a magnificent stock from 2oc per yd up a wonderful display of prints gorgeous patterns very low prices fast colors from gic per yd up seersuckers in cream and other shades from cc up our killinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anything iu any city in canada and in a great mauy cases superior and for artistic style work and finish caunot be excel led and prices considerably less than city houses j oui ordered clothing department ana stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style fit cut workmanship finish and low- ues of prices eau neither be im itated nor approached a gross of black audi colored felt its worth 100 and 150 for 60c each boptsand shoes iu great variety very cheap we can assure the public that they can come with the utmost confidence to see a magnificent display of goods great variety wonderfully cheap uo trouble to show goods courteous and ob liging salesladies and salesraeu and that you will make money patronizing us wmmcleodco hamjroth house dr washington tluroat and lung surgeon or toronto j will be tic- i dominion hotel acton tuesday 2nd april a fewoftha huadra cud fey dr v7uh- ingtana new maqiol of iniialalion w it 6torey of storct son prominent glare canzlaclcren o acton oat tared by dr xvaafcinstoc of catarrb of the throat bad tons afldpraoocncedlacurabla br eminent rpedat iftsui canada azd ecssand write hs for prliculari 1 ctroeic bronchitla and anthrrn cured an enfilith chcrcb clerrymaji t peats kectory conrrall ont dr wttbiaioa dexks i aci flad to b atle to iafona yojthatorrdaojjhtcrla qcit mtll apoiu ax uilt is the tococd tii the haa bees enrf of grare brocchiaj trocblea onder yocr treatment hea the niii nynedie failed i write to ex- thiziks rreaa cj- gratcie fleaae aeeera mr 1 aatrnlr a b 1ettit ifn john jfckelvy kinfieton ont catarrh asi consumption ur a hopping kiagtlon ont broncho coc- camptioc ir e scott kiagitoa ont- catarrh bead and hrr john bertram harrotonith ont near kisrton catarrh throat i lfiit haxjr a bamboure- centrerille ont caurrh head and throat iainea matthewt post master acton oat a e fith genu fnrniabinfl bauetijia catatth throat dueiata texatedcaurrh af ho fcead and throat catarrhal deafneaa coronlc broachitif atlhma andcoaitiraption alao leru of voice sere throat enlarged tonaut folrpaa of th ios removed come early conaaltationfroe osce 115 yonge street toronto h gb stone georgetown j the- golden cuelph and clasgow programfii of the lions concert to be held ik the city hall ok thursday may snd 1889 prograkmefart 1 1 qjartetle waiinii laaricdudiev buck r 1 hamntoa male qaarwtto i i duct hnngarua dancon jlrahtm j i mn haxijloo and mn mackelcan s solo vicar of brff- old engliah socff i 3 mr payne violin solo bevirie vicsitetnpa muter g eorge kor i 5 solo lacy gray blomaotui j mn maekelcan 6 solo knba dobdab vernon bey j 6 mr jerems phoarammxpin 2- mac quartette simpto simon hamilton male quartette solo dama wema from carnun bffiet mithamutoo 6clrt homor watchword tho uohhcm mrjmorley violin bolo vajae c4prieciowienjarsi a ifaater george for daet bitter sweet parvt mrs hamilton and un lfackelcan qaartette biu or far zoeliccr hamuton hale quartette mr d j cbrine accompanist busi1sess totes clothing younr men uo tiat uiltf the lioat concert bat leaveyoar order for a t ait and icccre a ticket ror one otthe ftneat maaical treat erer giren in cacada oarranceof laitinga u not limited lo a comparatively fe paoerni hat oar auortment ia complete in crerr une aad ie not only faaractee a ierfect ft hat we carry oat oar guarantee to the letter i gtc at yocr patronage for one fait and we are aacarcd wa will do more launete with yoa grand trunk railway- if- oai ootojnl i x- ki in birttti ioniijeirm tns piooili llip- t m m mil fvis l- accom il piu i ulxli a chicmofjircujooioiuiopurtmfcjs bdd iirmtoil wbiimi going u9 v an mil s w nj golnjhiitlojjjiwiajsco vx ab millinery ve were ddihted with tfia tery fiatiering- aoconnta thepapen gave of oar grand lilliuery difplay bat we are more delighted with the conatant flow- of flatttrinff remark we hear heaped on it day byday i one remark we often hear and one that pleases ai very mach fa that oar millinery u w cheap thia in connection with the fact that it u the handaomeat ia a tery high reeommendalon a we always try lo glta u good or better goods than othen at leas moner- carpets j we are bowing this rertng the largeat ttock of carpets we haxe ever had on hand and all boaght direct from the manaiactaren special attention haa been paid lo ha nag border to match oar curtain department never ihoted iacb a variety of ft jles aaddcaigns as tha ieaaonin goipoir turkoman mrf ottoman and other art fabrid do not faj to te oar ftock before parchaaing j d williamson co ttrr tniedr in cuatxa j cohsumptiffk codghscoldsj y i asthmacroup auplsijsothethcat lvkwxjo rr in riliiirrl nt oohstjmptiolf has bee5 cubh i tticacsrrctirtr5aalnti ncaierir y viwily mlictcita idfwilrjl krtcij lnireirj as k erpectoflant it has no toval it ii lirjif j tit iif ilai a a it contains no opium in any iona eavs k llvlzsit ilim general afthmvstuext m icl itlsl jinl headquarters for whll phpsr spkikg samples now ready ia beattifcl grlts and otho- rich and- k0bbt patterns inciadiagnneceiuxgdecofiatiokscesteapleces cobxehs and aa endleu variety of elegaxt bobdeks the iargett stock arer broaght to acton to choose from for 5c per roll and upward- window blinds laftgredandpialnnaiierajsoaaaabortmentof faxct likens in beaatifol ahades and de- lignawitaiprinf rolleri complete dont tail to see them before parcaaiing as oar prices are right alabastine anolherlotaf the above jaatlycelebratedkalsomlxe lo hand in ail the popular shades it gives a beaatifavbtrd satin finish aad will not rah off one trial will satisfy yoa it ti thi oesttbiasia the market pkints hnd oils peuchens prepared paints cit la hand a fell mat of the above old reliable mixed naicta is all sixes and colors also gltta pebcha pacvts pare avbite leads and all dhv colors oila torpcnline varniabea japan shellac tc i have also added to my stock a foil line ot tube paints in all the leadiag colors also puue sable aci hog ha121 brushes ia all sires ac endless variety of bklshes en band faelodinr kilsouexe white wash paixt scrnb f boot stove cjoth hone whisks ic always in stack heaps of hardware glass machine oil choice groceries crockery gjaisware i lamps c sole agent for rjtmc coiaoa sense sash balance gravity saah lock and curtain rollert also blaar- enccs perfected spectacles j b pearsoii oar ooc t be thsm ill jr kstnaflt ffxote this faortie jtudicix upni up in oral vcttles holding- thru evnea- each vriih ike rahie uovzi in the vlats and the name of tkcinxrjor s sqawtf icily xn red fcii across the fee efihettbtu bcvatc cf imuatiens rrfilsc all rtlbdu tvtet and you vill not u fitsappoiksti fajms cures n arising froma disordered ie of flic iarcr stomach and bowels such as dyspepsia or indigestion biuoaa affections headache heartburn acidity of the btoiaach ehetrmatjcn ivoaa of appetite gravel hemrn peblllty haoaea o vomitliig tau e prioe 28 cents per bottje putajics oflir bt javis 4 latoekcs couasmjhv toueonuiimfltll ins a u ri p fpjrtaf tin liutant ihtm w wn nri f res a ran sl naw m a rcion wi uk fca its wr ifaj 19 isw jtnooihulnij hr r tct tttt tin tj dj this it n u k is sikl e si ttl fiee n- seoeaetown kendalls spam curl ion toblrfkdmjoaatmshriirv sold ex all durggjbts l only 25 cekt also eebv descanrnox ok hubber aud metal stamps tin ole y 4 8tewaht mpq 00 10 king hi wet toronto interiok decorator pajxter house sign iza ornamental painhrg latke latest styles lessoxsixoilpaetixg clsos wed2diyevcnisjth3ndiv led j i r enelson merchant tailor cuelph- exteajl to hit tsf nj- introcs ia acton tad riciiitr the compliments of the season iy stock of silk handkerchiefs j ties scaffs collars cuffs c foe the holiday trade is mostcomplete the cheapest line of persian lamb caps ia the cit- tscedtco m ib s 710 anetmuisaaiiici exhausted vitality rphe science of life the prcat medical work oi the age on manhood kcrvona and physical dcbflity prc mature decline errors ti ioath and the tmtoldj mis eries cousoqaent lhcrtoii 5p0 pages 8 vo 135 prescfnidifdb i or all diseases cloth tsirpli only iljoo bj mall sealed ihustritivo sample free td tii young and middleaxed nou sond now the gold and jcrclled medal awarded to the author by national lledical assoatija address p 0 box 1395 boston haas or dr w b pab- ees graduate of harvard medical college e yeai practice in boston whqmarbc consulted confidentially specialty tjiseaies c iun office no balinchsr aine s orldja left at tree irtis 02ice acton or ad dressed to box 16 georgetown- rill recelta proapt attention k stone a sure ccfx for bu0u3ccs comctifatiotl ikdiqesrior 0i22imccs eicr headache ati9 dlicasra op the stomach livcn and covclc tmcy aflc uiwthorobcii atd paoxpt in acnon and ronu a valuazuz am to buncos ciooo cittzna ji tnc tncatucnt ao curc cr circric rid occt1natc dlbcascs jitq tou married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager cacsanilyyoa with all the furniture required o faminh year ne and cost little bocjf ortarepleaiabyoarbocjelf a lerjedoae in any oyle at the very lowest price there f no article at furniiare we caunot supply and further we deliver oar furniture aad you hare no arranging ircicul eharges and run no riak of breakage weeantaitui i ukdertakixg gurihirtircwara erjerience in ihiabnincm lusreaalted fu conviiiciiig tho public of tins entire comma at ty that we supply ftrtcuss work in all ordtn an1 ia at vies which cauiiam witli tliuac of the citjt one half city prices 0ur hearse how lost how restored jait published a new edition of drcnlter wxllacelebratoclkssay oirthc ldicalcarc oi spermawrrhcra er incapicilv icdued by caceasor early in jiscrtioa the celebrated author in thij admirable essay clearly demonstrates frouiaihrtyjears aeceafj practice that tie inarzuiig canic- qnencesof early error may bo radical rtrea pointing out a ckxic of cure at once simple i certain and esectual by evajs of which eiery ufferer no matter what his condition may bo may care himclf cheaply prvaicjv anjnubj- cally rthii loctarc should tea the hasdi of every youth and every inanin the land sent under teal in a plain envope to any address on receipt of tosr ccsu or two postag tamps address r tlh oalyarwdi u111 co asx itnkw tobe po lijim destryc asfi removes worms of all kindb in chldren gt adults r as syrup and cannot hahk tki mst delioate oh1ld -r- ii an excellent aad our team alwan present a becoming appearance arc in inviting the public to oajl w have plaa- ai for anything required in our lines speight fc son powder purest stronsesy best containb no x 01 ut uun10us wdtuib vewgillttt t0kci ufmtie w j 1kb ckipbaisd botil tout 04w

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