Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1889, p. 2

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ofttfj unome in acton oa belay too tu ml mlo fiiftsui at hrairt6 wtfc ot mr j m kc4lv4 hclm-mu- in auiaui the m ovrwajotriiill 1t ttmfctfnranu4tf iio fa uk i rtti i tlw urld icu iuckouilicsi urtttah it spiv lit hmut th j- hcthttrtl trrofl lr april incnlli cc a day april uih ttufamulra mrxvim on kaiidv memurcitit tlnih lltirtva jjliilij cljt rtod jfrk tucesday mac 9 3- iiiirnotixiion a iho ncticoinao the wusot oi majr lb r of acton or itc catodou april mttiic 1 jr b vlkon 8t johfcuvav pterrsficapital rsuit 3 ltt henry ras it wu be observed froa other column that i coirjfeisi en with tho tvqacitt oia uiiiibcrof ratcpo ts who met la an nfcnii ircvliya a reel or so ago itecvc stotvy lit called afu lie meeting for kriday eveuin- tto discrj is t ledesirabtl ily of eixaricjj toujs adcqqat system of fire protection for tbjs munici itlity tbe reeve wiij ecbmiv tu tho mix jng various data which he was authorixed md instruct- ed to eecarc giving estimates i nd other in formation bearing cfpcoi the to jecl f- a lare attendance f proper r owners is deirl and it is uojjed thai si attend tbe meeting will come jpreparisi 1 discuss in afrjeudly aud mfeltrgenl man er the mat tcr to be brossut urctutm there have boon qo pet schemes formulated to force open the poopc lie intention of those most intimately cctaornccl is to have the subject thbrcssblv debated soal to arrive iitiat soclciioa ttiinlabd td serve the best interests of citikzns at hun oar in terests areraaintl tctaidscasa them with that good feeling wtich thoaldci ancterize a gathericg of this citcre votes axu cowiekts tie asessibie vkine cf pippextj in tcrocto has iarea3sdsl9 0000 in a year rizfrcai507 115550 oooin lsi bet tlecceni rateiaf taxation is fied at lci iriiis on the iollar making a total lax cf si si3mt thusam the statute labcr tax and locaj improremeoi rates latre to be added makiag a total of ajthoagb boston cast an oterwhelming vote aaiosl prohibition rcce atly there are signs that after air it is not otet friencdj to tho iitjocr traffk overj2000 perrons applied for lijnor lixcses v the city this year but tinder the nev license lav thclirait is fixed a to as in ontario the massachusetts hceuseyearbtpan may 1 and- now thct are nearly 13m old houies ra liostoa closed cnilcr the wortins of tbe cewiav a oiipalcii states that poitmaatergen- eral wmacislker has ordered that hereafter the postofficedepartaieat be closed on fion- day to the clerk and all employees thereof except the repaired ratclurien esgineers- anderemcn and the watchmen on dniy fihail euiciivieiiforoe tfcc proriaons of uns order this coapled vhh the recentre- tfate regirdicgixeight trains on the yah- derfjiit systen wcald seem to euow that thscanse of sondsj- ohserrance is making pngres- tbe recent anaoanccments made al- mosl euualtaneorisjy by itr depew in kew york for the vandcrbilt system and mr hicksonm hontrsal for the grand trunk that in fntae sanday freight traffic on their railwajs wiilbc rcdoced to a mini- mom has been t ectived with general aaiia- flictiod it isin ordegnow for the other greatrailw3ytqfouowtiuseiample there haa been a srtriaa feeling of oppoaition to so mcch scacuy work on rail ways u in violation cf divine kzi haman laws unfair to ihejxunay employees andfor the tnoft part acsectsiiry it has set a bad ex ample idtbe cocctry and has no daobi been the caoie cf nsmtrons accadenu throagh the crcrworking of train station and track hand the 1 g liasie victof5 litpftlit kiilrtltlilrteeniill rnreeomired a faincfiuenl talked of hijoltgx slay 7 from the names on the ondaimed bsfge the identified bodies and jefreiry aad fcircumtantial eridenoe connected iriih the disappearance of friends the following tre donbuees the names ot the riztims of the jkmeiitableaccideat of saodayipjai2ifc tt the jandfon cat near this city j ij- h gcrctr jcet iori bojy idenjfiod jehu h keller cnrzo iiackjnaii a tttifif llauimrchtatgtj ikfitideciiucd t eaodilj orr jarrrfaseat itdiikiu kv- citllujt3 iasaoe asylum ntar clisic bn cggci c aeiai m ed utd orncr muilng j i ilaittir i liiiflirij xi relics found iu ut etiti sdiltitwl a lt- c g kriiit etirapter tttouto wtlch iduud in lec titck ciid dectiaed u hie v red imjucaiid cifc luiou city known lo iiaicetn en tbe train cipiucrr tuisbkig jf lery clicas uisgne cuciaiicotl in kpiiij ond tu voting datgliters no d- dre5 iba5fte naclatnied- j k scuiiea fi test lakfctreei chicago badj idcatificj j h turdetciuit kuikacc iu bidyidentiilid- dan ft j iioc ll baggaga arcfctrrt- hfijnprflslcctripo lcctn tt iire bqcu on tictruiiaad miaing ilarrjtrartef tiule sajii orator fore- ia5h i 1ot taoij o hari bscu oa the train acd aiiiis j u lovuli tjiiiaj tiadil ki- vortbod nd reliciiiitd uxigpzwlitai chicago body identified aswiil be tecrf frotn the above list seven of the wet inn tavc been identified and thirteen reraiu oqidtutific-d- ooe cf tjio bfjdiefr the eciofithich the doctors cjglj not determine hu been found to be that of a man from the remtinsof the braces and tlx- ad of lie coal under the theve j tce rdiliqjf of lcaruick of chicago object to lie reaiojil of any bodies anleaa lfeuxsiaiucu ismiiaui they wish to have tlem inttnerticrdanda ttonrexedted ju memory of tbe faiidebtiued a tt there iii been co arraagehieuu made fir a pauici imaj the remains will jtttp fora loogliu e owiaz to uielr barued oonditioii and as ipuga there is any pot- jbiluy of idraiificition they will he kept tbe eofnns and j lfeipminobnwcticn with the bcdiei ar atthe coitolthe praud trunk itjrfni an is alwattsoffflp ijw wobtiilcd nadi i iiicludiii ttlkuats vv m muilimm the w rtnf the tfiekat tthu tlfnm cefrwitav sr- j orv tri aa 7th lgiuuve aeu attoii was rcferrtdfbr the 8enato jd ijucppolowj zltt1 abpaby wjeol lott 1 lio mol imporuot govemmcut bill i itroduccd to parliament that wat tt a short lino ltillway bill by which tho go arnment undertook toconttraot at a total o it ot totr mh i tons iso mitoi of road from harvey kb to monoton kd to be ope mind by the canadian paculo in coo- d09u01 1 with tbe otercolydial iota halifsx sir ci arlea topperouoe promid that the cjb would boild uioroad and so whoa thocpuput its dchtcqnvertion bill be- foropsrliatnent certain niembers objected to the bill until tho cph contented to build the road tho minister of j mil 00 himself beaded the obstructionists and the difficulty was finally adjusted by the hill introduced by sir john mscdonatf and ihrownout by the sonsin it will be seen that neither the lrtmicr or tho gph de sired the construction of tho road the grand trunk strenuously opposed it and thrc explanations of tho senates ao prece dent action are given they soled inde pendently they acted agaiust the wishes of the premier hey acted in accordance with the wishes of the prcmior uko your choice the rote stood 23 against and 11 for the bill mr abbott the leader of the senate is a cpr director and spoke strongly for the measure mr frauk smith also a member of the government in the senate a grand trunk director and worked againtt the till and as he a a member of the goternment could not openly vote for the six mootlis hoist stayed out of the chamber all day walter stanley the eminent engineer and s ministerialist exclaimed in the house of commons next day thank god we have a house of lords he is ot course grand trunk man thx scute 0rtespel a joint committee of both houcs having reported certain proposed redactions in the salaries of officers of the senate without a similar schedule applied to the commons senator miller conservative declared that their privileges were being taken awaylnd their position as 1 coordinate branch of the egtslatnre was being destroyed the re port of the committee of which sir hector langetin is chair mac they refused to adopt there is room however for the pruning knife among the parliamentary officers in the senate for instance the doorkeeper employed for threcmontha receives soo the speakers messenger gets 600 or over 2g0 a menth the gentleman uthexof the black bod who sits on a chair in the senate about two boors a nay for about forty days in the year gets l350 from a grateful country there are any number of messengers in receipt of six seven and eight hundred do lars thfciaiary of many a- good bookkeeper toiling all the year round j v rnxxrkr sisjy sir fohn maxdonald announced before prorogation that parliament next year would be called together early in january this made mr mitchell thins the govern ment was going to hold three more sessions before april 1692 when this parliament legally ends the premier replied that he would consider the suggestion j peoeoginoy prorogation ceremonies were rather dull and not at all brilliant the ladies wore ordinary street costumes and the chamber was not full his excellency drove up at three oclock in full uniform not to be com pared however in magnificence to the red breeches white silk stockhigf and gilt bot tom of the flunkeys lady stanley arrived in a separate carriage driven by a coach man whose breeches were white instead of rod altogether the dashing helmeted dragoon guards escort the scarlet coated guard of honor the brass band and the many colored coachmen footmen and wee regal retainers together with the vast throngs on parliament bill fairly eclipsed the spectacle in the bed chamber of- the senate ficcmnokor tke comross it is coridus to note that of the 215 mem bers of the house of commons 50 are law yers 47 are merchants and members of trading or financial corporations 33 are farmers 21 physicians ii lumbermen 9 journalists 7 manufacturers g contractors 3 ship builders 2 cinl engineers rar toril soomr today the royal society of canada be gins its annual session in ottawa this is the preeminent literary and scientific so ciety of the dominion the aristocracy of the stndy the president is prof l w bailey of the university of new brunswick he is sn ma ph d and author of sev eral scientific works nstcral science being his departments the secretary of the so ciety whose patronjs the governor gen eral is the wellknown dr bourinot clerk of the house of commons he is an ll d author of a werk on parliamentary practice a fellow of the boyal colonial institute and of the statistical society he is an example ol native talmt and in dustry winning a prominent position in his native country dr bourinot was shorthand writer aod parliamentary re porter acting as official reporter in the senate of 166 among the members of the society are sir daniel wilson presi- dent of the university of toronto mr sand ford fleming cmg the eminent engineer and chancellor of queens uni versity dr louis frechette exmp jour nalist poet and laareate of the french academy dr sherry hunt who was presi dent of the american association for the advancement of science in 1871- then there are mr l- moine mr j suear and many other literateurs note the railway committee of tho privy council is meeting today i mr eraslus wiman delivered an address here saturday evening under the auspices of the board of trade mr owen morpfay a supporter of mr merciers from quebec west has been un seated fdr corrupt practices by an agent he is a representative irish catholic there is do trath iu the rumor tbat sir john hacdonald ts going to- england this month i 1 sir cltades topper saili for england ou maj the 16tb g hilton tbo olympic lacrosse club have rented the sgricultural grounds for ms for the season and the milton band boys hare so- cured the grounds from the lacrosse players for the queens birthday consideration 515 the band boys will get trp a grand celebration for tbe 24th including athletio sports for the day and fireworks sod con cert for the evening the boyal templars of temperance are erecting a public drinking fountain on main street at the last meeting the coaocil was ask ed to pass the bylaw concerning tbe knees tannery exemption but as tbe terms of tho bylaw had not been complied with the council refused to take action in tho mat- tcr the townu a poaudkeeper but bo poand a new bylaw by which ail building within certain limits must have miin walls of brick or stone and roofing of incombust ible material or shingles laid in mortar has been passed by the council a good idea tq be tttlkd for jhf fi ost the harrpy ewbenleuirnr fas at cuelph ad- j jonrard wiuiopt fiat gcrxfi maylthe adjourned hxrvey toibezkleniefftcve l at iwt irnred at a onaclosion at the opening of court crown attorney peterson said that after consultation and explau it ions given by the deputy attorney- ghictit the case could not proceed until the charge of murder had been disposed of bring about to remove to tbe north west i am anxious to sell by private sale a qqsdtitybf bousbold furniture which may be seeu xmy boose kb s association tar race bojer aveoue i have also for rale s single bjaiy with rotend tbifu mcs opdnews lenta culled from hp by tbe way thorsiiuual mtcammer camp of tbo hoyal templtrs of 3jimpranoo wilt be bold at oskville during the coming sum mer i miu psilullo ot wooditock was tbo guest of uie misses bslmer last week on tho 30th ot april at the methodist parsojitge by itevfmr kettiowell wm g fsrr to kelllo iioraphrct both of oak ville in oakwue an aptil solh mr samuel harris lb the 60tliyear of lils age tbe town is to have no cow by law were au age behind other progressive towns on that poiutj krix james whllo shipped three cars of livo stock last week tor which he paid the farm ers in this neighborhood nearly 3000 cash mr it mcmillan arrived at his borne hillsbure on tuesday ovenlng from call fornia an eatcrtaiumont will be given in the erin baptist church under tbe auspice of wmc on friday owning when miss wallace the popular elocutionist of tor onto will giro several choice readings dr g h webb and wife of waterloo relatives of mrx martin were guests of dr martin la week the following pupils woro promoted 1l school ko- 8 leslies last week maggie kirk wood korman mcmurchy sod to 3rd mary prout edith cann h leslie alex kirk wood jails johnston and katie curris ceobgetowx the annual meeting in connection with the georgetown mechanics institute was held on monday evening recently a number of new volumes hare been added lo the library georgetowns contribution to tbe funds of the upper canada bible society amount ed to 0398 no inquest wis held on the body of the late patrick costigan this is a matter of tfneral surprisp inquests seem to be out of date around here herald the herald boldly declares that paddy costigan was u murdered by grog per- hftps the grog seller and the people who voted license had something to do with it the proposed bylaw to raise money to erect buildings in tbe agricultural park is regarded in various lights by different members of the council mr barber thinks any action on the part of tbe conn- cil would be for the sole benefit of the town ship and four hotel keepers the telegraph and telephone bylaw re quires the wire to be at least 30 feet from the ground kxatchihtl the majority of farmers- around here are through seeding and most of them are well on with their ipring work early sown grain has grown about two inches the forest trees are coming out iu leaf and have taken on quite a green shade the last few days an event which has not hap pened so early for about eleven years and some old timers say it is thirty years since we had as early a spring the weather has been exceedingly fine and warm tbe past day or so and has brought out the mosquitos flies and gar deners in good shape ill bet on the skeeter r yet though dandelion deck the green once more mr thos boles nassagaweya sold re cently to mr macmilian of sheep creek near calgary alberta four fillies got by john dufls importedhorses two of them being prize takers at the shows the old store at darbyville occupied for so many years by mr s b lister mer chant hai been pulled down to make way for a new residence to be built by mr j leash man which with tbe new brick resi dence lately erected by mr r darby will make quite au improvement at the corners barn building is the order of the day r black thomas wilson and thomas boles are all building bank barns this summer another dividend of 20 per cent is now being paid central bank depositors the probabilities are that still another dividend will also be paid in a few months thus giving the creditors of the defunct bank nearly one hundred cents on the dollar tbe postal changes pttiki may 0 the changes contem plated coder the amended postoffica act of hut session will take effect on wednesday next ou and after that day the charge for drop letters in the cities which have the benefit of a free delivery system by hitter carriers will be two cents the registra tion fee for all letters will from that date bo five cents and the weight of letters which will be earned for three cents is in creased to one ounce caaranptlea sureljcared toacedifori- please inform your readers that i hare a positive renepy for tbo above name dis ease by its kimely use thousands of hope i eit casei listje been permanently cured i shall be tfladj to send two bottles of ray remedy riu to any of your readers who have consumption if j they will send me their expressand p o address ilesnectlally ds tj a slocch 1gj weft adelaide t toronto ont it isit great public benefit these significant words were dr thomas ecjectriii who had thoroughly u rted its mrit in his own case hawng beet cared by uml ime of ihestuie of tt ree rtuifotitif sari standing hieverfal s to remove 40g uesx aswcllasumenrss j a- -t- in relation to oilbyagenthrtian sttllalaxkouxcf we bv ai3e i if j kinda loojraw iii liiflftps f wlih dr w u lbs j5 mmmmm v wbioh j rffl insble a i abmi4 tutn a dpyoflt ralewfxmdlng 1 belriddmi eoyosidr mygifct sump i or matting mi to dr b kendall go snoiborrli talu ytthjd01inow eccgulsed a tanasd aathorlty r til 1 ismiet of he borso m jts pttandmtoal 1 ale attests vor foar million copilos having eo sold in he past ten yeiri a sale never fore reaob d by soypublication in the isms period of time we feel confldent 1 hat our pati us will approoiatb the work 1 nd be glad 1 9 avail tliemsej ves of this op- ortauity of buloiog u vnlbeeble book it is neottsary lhafr yod rnenuon this taper in sem mg for tbe tjeallse this iffer will rerqain open for only a short time i the fioeit cabinet puotos in ihe county tan now be had at the acton photo studio we hare every facility for producing tbe finest rose its satisfaction every time h rausiuw j children cry for pitchers castoria when cabjr vra tick we gave her castoria then tbo was a cblld she cried for castoria jffheo she became miss she clung to castoria phirn she bail children shegavothem castoria powder l absolutely pure ittrfspewdernbtarrsrtsi a marrclofpurliy strength and ttbolesonicoms more oconoroicai tftan the ordinary kinds sod cannot bo sold tn competition with the multitude of low test short weight alsm or phosphate powder bold only to eani- botjo- bxxtjco pownza co 106 wall bt k y s j p s o j ii sf oi s3 j g jihi 5 il if- nmi 9 4 j b c 1 if 2x g i d o j a s c s f6e 10 to m bara ulee halifax twood sol order in lio hat manner toe 13 tojslg viul buy s fimdau cnadiku ttood suit foe 10 to m it the- east end clothing store wm j lee- acton caught at last iu actou a harness luikcr bo lorac out banicm to ink any one both iu prices and mslerial one who keeps on hand a stock of the same both in light and heavy harness has also s stock of whips curry combs bruihes brest isds uirness oil ac anyone trfbidcnnythid6 la my line will do veil to call beforo going dwnrberc as un bound to giva satiifsction all rork guaranteed i collars warranted not to hurt fipcdal attention paid to repairing irjccs reasonable j h itattliews actou cd i2g bus a r 3 ifgt boss p o n 09- welcome spring hehiderson mres co hcton ixhank thqir many friends for past favors anjl cordially solicit i liberal patronage j a continuance of their milliner opening will bb held on- saturday 30th marcb from ii am to n pm when there will be ou free exhibition a most gorgeous display of milliner- and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goads and trimmiags special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all irastyje quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp everybody see our 100 ladies shoe a bargain boot and shoes toj fit and suit teas sugars and groceries 10000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c tea henderson wigrae co a bargain one ot tbe best t in acton- tbe ptoptfttjjoiowri eld glove shop tbe 1 baa i ctiiurerotiaheatbi4ft fe i wldswith good well and ly 1 terms easy for paws heriutreetact6n r aj- house adl foe 84l35- s desirable hisbk hat 10 couifortjlo botu boudinff in food 3 t lent ternss and mother bpehtbt on tbe premises orto hb8 michael yr 1 flaiaing mill carpealerfls sabovb nn acton- ares maehmerr jeptbu jnouldiftf machine quitus 3 circular crosscut andjjljmafi ftorniok lathe with ssws ding stohe etc alsoatn ten tools will be b0i4 tocetber a toolaseparately applto t vcas omjooitabe j t- 1 that fjxc new double frase i west bower avenue o stoceya a kitchen attached bant yod rfl watsr est in every respect and reals tsf 4biiji month 1 t vsgi 9 the britltclil reaidento oti leah suim two stbrer with urea kitcbeqa hjlai and soft water in thehne terms and paiticnlars made ksewstsr pucationat j r j pbeerrpsso fruit trees sqiall j i and ornamfthal hjibbyr rrtliucook aetcb fiu iatfl kola aflent for this section tot i knosm old boehester suxtctj s v priethrand is prepared to teas hi frnit trees sminiruia i cnratntbe flrostrated a y tits p tbe i are known t be jeei f nasoedland iwa r to all wb psrcbsm ssrf hetjepp b reasonable lolutiouofftie wboiiavsb ann name b jby sdvewhiee tbar we redpaztsersbip by mntnsvt its must be settd by ahe w of us fu eirc receipts ftrpi fhxbss j vtl jphprrox sb 8xvi ap3stdebsv- v in deference to the above i hive i injorsningtbe pnblie tbat 1 will 1 vnrlnijsihi rittnfnrn ritrlnl old 3jm my it aha myeasteiilersvttbfthebes affords and respectfully sobeit tin all who previtusly cave thei r iloatmarket j z ijimi with steadr ccnployment ana good pay year oond trellabls maafsrnishias r tory nf erenees nuistyiubll sajucokbbb carpets pire i protectik ownet i nut tttealof fi requttted notrce 1 lionliy citon tut 1 itbtbqreqaatof tumitwr cf j ol thu moeudwlitr hdoliumtoaihalji otb nit- t 8 odo4 frotectioq afnlll v h stoibkj pubc haitfti eeceiyed from europe up to date for oar spring anl summer trade we claim tbut tliero are very few booses in carinda tljat buy their qobds ae cheap as wb do mid noue cheaper we claim to be able to give you ucwcr styles a larger assortment pud better value than you can get m auy other dry qoous house in guelphinj ou reasons are as follows we arp the only dry goods firm in quelph send ug a buyer direst to europe and we can almost say wo are the only dry goods firm inguelph imp irting as very little is imported outside what we bring in ourselves 2ud not qnly are we largo importers as you will 6et by tho number of cases nd bales given above but 111 almost every initauce we buy our goqs dire tlroiu tho manufacturers which very few retail men in canada do aud not only do wo buy direct from the makers but buy fo cash every dollars worth nf imported goods that enters our stoije wo p y tho cash for bn tbe 1st ol thii following month and not only dc wo bny from the makersind pa the cash bnt having the i cash ve are able to approach the largest monufacturers in thoworrdjuo ma tcr where they jmay bo t now being in this pi sition do yon think we gj bcyw d tbe mark when we gay tint no lionise in cunada buy thr goods cheaper liqn we do and viry fevv- styles better value and a lurger assortment from ivhich remember the place sby4il 93 upper wyndham st successors to jho h gg son i i rh -t- m i ist tx v ws uiuir iun we say taai no noose id iischeap aiiu that we can tive you ijewer o choow tliau lay other llbuge in qaelpb fhp leadtek dry oooj 3 toum gjventfiatall rtsiilcattmtb od forthwith to cinugrvif pig stjjea wseswl is and premises ab43 w rt filth- manme em sabstanee which may endanger the pi health ind m have the same cemvletseatlaa bythfliqthdswtuaynextn which iosyfe sanitary dnspectdr will oomnicijeo wdswgg spoctloni xad tnrtbor take jiodoq toctjoa of tho labllo health act tho kfecpihfi oc hogs between tbe 1 and the fast o november execjit rnpens ts est trail any dwelling hoi anfl regolasly cleafflm asa e any street or lane wilhfieore kept standlsi witr pll infected will be strictly caforced 5ib sddncissed to endorsed r teener f be received kt thbroffit ibsoay wwlmay 16b9 u toppulsboribfi tha- aiuhiahitfwv tmrvg icolttinl isaplsmemsr varisis lwnts ta- eocu of ehieripao 3 all uteoods esw si jftfteftttm w c fm will ear inst u aadseolrfo i j u lfy mm arf brf pst ajficwai ri 1 8s fromyhji

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