Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1889, p. 4

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iv thnnrlavmav0lb8 lrr ijourijg jfolksi- t cadxelfs books they w mutpf in tho twilight litho foldou i cftiatitl lrouu ricytclic lalei yt h aderuicnl of sea and ship aiidtoi aud likr elitupsosint ofwr land the lowing pteturcs lic through tho inlety uiagie twt ichk before- their ipcu-boatuleyr- chose pool ever the day when 11 itu flowers 1 and i watch their happy fan 1 with- aw lovely lhtv cliildr jdca llfui 1 and 1 tro no defuhand paiu jd tulic such thins cf lender toiai x were jtnuf adlujujof out m acr cry tool i reed a jcatt ntic where he- letters were fcol here no liiglit lectori ihouc lycf witi ail lu liaitcroitp a it made of fold latluio for it littfi mo lurk isr mou cri love and all slio woj to i asiis aficrda stcvtelildr t lea joa ire aider ron f an4cuiir chimrcaw lji s c lair fairer tijj year oit l j cz turn ibc i id pew ovcrjkd year mother i im really i u y iviju old i lorylootj were tscvci alter all j pftwwi hecfarry ye ffatr aft houswlth u j w thowiu tail thettnicii othbe dj- ai ovld to intttr il rl or tlimmi dr low f ttiphnr 8op pwtm jtrykiduablc j tho hotmooui of wut creation- irn lafftrtajt bom ft cut abrasion ore derive i muchjbtotih u hi mutr to a fiko prt3lcndi th healinc toothing action ot iu thomu kclectric oil litaeoem bffdlinjt of the ueck stiff mm w the iointt thro nod langi n m- wwsbrim saji 6 b bhewelt ot kiririley mm irctn weajtnws and iomoi tppelite with aevtre headache and ooold aoarcdy walk my fini botuo of dordook blood bltun enabled me to aik aboot the bbaae ftd whea i bad takeu the mcond bottle i found rpyitu entirely cared tllc faclirjl was xot scared ajuofttou k v fpcciil to tbcxeir vox k- ol april s3 y i aa turner fromwml hnrley m with hw wile on tke cabkirta of this city yeatwdiy fcecame opcaatcrt ltadinc a lame bear the termer crisbine to hit hit wife tec thchear dicce tiii be wpoll give 5 centt to the niislcr ct tlie bew if 1 ie troaii make it dar aur the dirty tark got the money tw told the firroecth terpsicharaui performmce woold not begi until anothi 5 cenu aw f coi c his haiid th trade the farmer inry and be aaj i 4 yaa daai mike that bar dance hi make yoc dancs and the hrf too- the oveer of bruin made po move antil lie farmer get os his waggoq to carry bti threat icto giecntiaurwben bepatbiiband in bis octet as if to dnwakvoiver then the firmer let out villi hi richt and tent cue beir rnrner spravlir 5 in the gnt- ler is toon ls ui3 tcrk co ild tnp he took the ticzde oft the bear and in an trii- kaoon lasai u1 bruic to go the farmer i the kar ihui licouraedi went for the fsaur prhosku made hi finaers al- most meet wesnd ihc hens windpipe wheji the farmer taiv fit to it a the bear eoeacd up to its niasler aachinr and eptttinj tlooi tad j its muter began to make tracks froci uk fpol ill this time the farmers wife tat still in the waggon limpiy tayis ja i vish ybc wjoldlt be o fool ish j u hdpit itaxier said the fu- mer i kisnr broht op a the woodx to betcart by owls the xek vorkioiflifydrjiifsayain an eipeimentsl obscrrarioa of thiriyighl boys of ail classes c tocieiy and b aterace health who have been using tobacco for peri odsruigii from two months jo two years twentyseven showed isevere injury to the ejxuiuaiiaa and iasaaicient frowtfr thirty- two showed the existence of irregularity of ihc heirts action disontertd stomachs coughs and 2 craving for aicclioi thirteen haxtintenniteiicj of the polse and one ha4 consomption after they had abandoned the se of tobacco within six month one half were free from all their former symp toms and the remainder had recovered by the end of the year hrssrs c c eiqnrrre tt co i ejihavin used kinards liniment for several years in my stable i attest fa its being the best thin j i know for horse flesh- in the family we have used u for ever- purpose that enhaent is adapted for it being recommended to nsbythe late dr j xl it webiier personally i find it the bastaliayer of neuralgic pain i have ever psed i b trnrs proprietor vannoaih lirery btable i i coaxamptfan cvratv anoldphsjgiciia retired from practice hivinij had placed in his hands by an east indimissipnarytbefarmriljt ac a simple vegetable remedy far the speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positire and radical cure for xproas debility and all nervous com plaint cilftr banc lasted its wonderful corative powcrejn ihoasands of cases has felt u his duty to make it known to his suffering teliowk acteteaby this motive andatiesire 10 reliere ha man buffering i wiu6endfrfje of chargeto all who desire it this recipe in german french or eog- ish with falidiroctionsforprepariog and using secttyraail by addressing jrith stamp naming thif japer vc a korea uo powers ciociiiochestrk t it is worse tfau madness io neglect a coagh cr ajfd which is leisiiy snbdoed if taken ip tirct becomes when left io itself the forerender of consarnption and prema ture dtath icflimmatidc when it attacks the dehcatc tiseceijf 1 he lungs and bronch ial tubes travfcls iih perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickies anlicoajamf tire sjrcp the medicine that grasps lb t formidable foe of the human body and drives t from the sys tem- tias mfdici lc promotes a free and easy erpectoraiidjeubdnes the coogb heals the diseased parts- and exerts a mos wouder- fol mfidenc iu ccring cbosamption and other disease of the throat and lungs if parents vu ij bie tha uies of their children aud tliefcfejaes from much anxi ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bjckfes aoticoasomptive symp and whenever achildhastaien cold has a coagtfor hoarseness give the syrop according to directions aiiviceto mcrrari- art you disturbed i night and broken of j oar rest by a sick cbildsufrcthjsratjdcrymgwiih piiuof cat- tingteeth if to send at wee and get a bottle of mt ifrs wjiislows sootbiug syrop forchudren teething iu taloe is meal- colable k will relieve uiefpoor little sufferer immediately- depend tpoo it motbtrs there it no mistake about it it cures dyseptryocd diarrhecaregaktee the stomach and bovrdt cares wind colic softeos tbcguiu rcdnces ijflmmatiod aod gives tone aud energi uilie woole nys- tem jlrsj wkiflown tiojtliitg bynij for cliildrfloj wethiu u jtanlilo the taste and ir the prescription jufouti of the oldest audj mt female physiciaps and naraes in tliu united states pod is raalc by all droajiais uiroagborjt be world prictweo7lwecfui a bottle b tore ftod ftk for airs winilav bootliiug byrnpanitakr no other kiod m itii a great pabhf benefit tlietc 4ghiocant words were used in relation to dr thomavt edeclrid oil by a reolleman whohadthoroogbly ttttod its merits ia his own case hiving been cared by itoflanie- oeuof the knee of three or four years standing it never fails to remove oreucai a well u itmcuess 1 james ugilmoar of t gilmoar t co wholeaalo grocerm brookville says i have cued tamarac elixir for a wvore cold indcougbuwhich it immediately relieved and cured 1 ncvrtrtr iftrfted i borut my hand severely tad did not know what to do till a triend ran in with lome eagyirds yellow oil and applied it and udrewout the pain and healed it m a few days i would not be without ft mary lepard 53 cecil el toronto if yonr children aic ttoobled with worms give them mother graves worm extermi nator safe sure and effect aai try it nd mirk the improvement ui yparj child i itk bnuusiee a healthy humanbody has strong pow ers of resistance against disease bat where weakness or lack of lone exists disease quickly assail it keep the system clean the blood pare and ihcjvital powers vigor- oasand active by the use ofbardock blood bitteri the true viulircr and restorative rheumatism ii cacil by acid in tbi blood therefore external treatment affords no pcrmauecl relief j to eliminate the poison and make a thoroogh cure of the disease nothing else is so efficient as ayers barsaparilla give it a trial price l worth fo a bottle trem otcaw occaa fishermen and miners in kara scotia mechanica and farmers in ontario and qaebec hunters and trappers in the terri tories and gold miners in british colum bia use and praite hagytrds velio w 03 the great internal and external remedy far all pain it caret rbeamatism neuralgia sore throat and croup and is the reliance of thousands the bed color of the blood is caused by the iron it contains j fiopply the iron when lacking by using milbarns beef iron and wine mamma to ber little boy kow beanie if youll be good and go to eieep mamma 11 give yoa one of dr ayers nice sugarcoated cathartic pills next- time you need medicine bennie smiling sweeilj dropped off to sleep at once la rawtlcttae ct disease in any of its myriad forms is never welcome and the end of its visit is always rejoiced at burdock blood bitten cures all diseases of the stomach liver bowels and bleed giving life and hope with every dose stubborn children readily tare dr lows worm syrup it pleases the child and de stroys the worms a lady from syracuse writes fcr about seven years before taking korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dys peptic oare 1 suffered from 1 complaint very prevalent with oar sex i was unable to waif any distance or eland on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling exhausted but now i am thankful to say i caa walk two miles with out feehiig the least iccouvemeuee for female complaints it has no eqcal- qalirk time is ltskn i always use higyards pectoral bal sam for colds and it cannot be beaten it has always cured me within i hours which ha other medicine will do and i al ways keep a bottle by me these words from chester miller lieary ont prove the efficacy of a popalar preparation volumes of bombay have been publish ed about tbe multifarious and irreconcil able effects of many proprietary remedies the proprietors of korthrop tt lymans vegetable discovery content themselves with facts sasceplibte of proof they state their pcrifier to be what it has proved itself to be an eradicalor of dyspepsia constipation lijs and kidney troubles and a fine general alterative miaard llalmeal rrd timer brilliant durable 1 economical f diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other are just as good be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crock colors to be sure of success use only the draiiond dves for cojoringjjresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c see we warrant them to color niore goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and o give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diamond mv take no other h dress dyed for a coat colored iq qarmenli renewed j c a child can use them aldnnjfajisduotluiiu dp book fo wells richtrdsoh ck montrool p q ffirfavbi medicine for itbrodtuiid luv tftl- cuttle liu ioiigbciinml still 1h ayora chorri ieftirftl it ciirvar croup whooping cough droucliltis and aathmai- soothes irrlimlotr vt mte larynx fliullnucrs ktrugtliuk llie vooul organbt allnvs surick nf itnr tuogst prmmits cotihiiniptlpn nmt even lu mlvitiidiiliiix of ilmti ilikukc miovix dm b 1 lie and inilaam sleep tlniv u iu oilier prtpaintltmror ills cahc of tlu- tlifoat ttiid luiij tu lie com- virel with tli rtiiitdjv my lfr itnd n dlnlrrwlug cuticli i- tli nlu in tin sltio and brnnl v trl viirituis mrdkhnvt ixit noht- did ttv cixxl uniil 1 cot n ltonlulof pviitrrv pwlnrnl wlilrh hascurctl a klilkir mrs itcmi lunlthe iiul tin- mufiu wn nlicvctl by c ot ayrrv fliiry iwtural i iy iilusttftiu in rrtoniiiieiitllng this cough medicine it urritipilflutk horloti i orviiiau tfautlijltf moirilltttir ark i liavt ltii itfllif iiil villi itftilima j ir forty uar iwit uprincl woa ukcu wi viclvni ciurli wlilili fbreuuued n iruiiui iiy iiiin kvery otu pro nifc va in innition 1 ileicr t li try ajcrv cctry lvcloml u vi tiiiiiil ivaa burnetii- ulittl nit 1 itiiiliutfl 10 ininmvo ritiiul rvtmciuj jihi diillarxl utjijuii- iix itioiil ngo i lnl a cvcrf hem- rai- hc mis brmiglit on by nil njum oujjiwbmi ilcpriveti jut of u-t- and rtst i irim various tciiio tu elaiti ii iclkf niitfl i bo- tn iu ukr lyrfs crrv ltori x iv uitiunu thi iintlidnc cnrid inc r k totmmi vi ecrttnl dt lowell sprintf fur cvijirtn afiicrd wiili rolds ft u mill ilttylt of ffutlp i do not 1 ofkirj iitv whkit will give i i rci nii tan aycrv clirny 1 fontl i ha ftitnl itauo fuvalu rijv in nf wlhkping tung ann lyivijoy 12 waahtuglou utreet ijtii miv j acers cherry pectoral tketxuia d- r dr j 0 ayer k co lowell mats svli i y cu vfcjsitti price t six irtules ft it takes uke tuicurc j thousacds of volautarjcomplimeotfl and rcommccditioca axe pouring iu from all parts decliring imperial cream tartar baking powder mach better than any other ah grocers sell it j i hemorrhage may take pcc from the kidncjs or from the mucus membranes particularly that of the nostrils j so writes t granger stewart m d f r s e ordinary fiorgebn tq il m queen in scotland prcfessor of practice of physic in the university of in an artief c on blights disease hence the only natural indifference is that the kidneys must be restored to fa healthy condition be fore its effects will disappear warmers safe care is the most efficient agent for this parpose known to science many of the reconired authorities in civil as well as military circles say tue m disease is most dangerous in that the kidneys are most liable to break down soch men aadieosta atkinson and pepper professors in our leading medical schools and 60 ida ten sarg gen tn the russian army woodward sargeou general tn our army speak of malaria as a direct com plication of chronic bright disease the kidneys must be kept free from disease and the poisonous germs of malaria they must act normally in cleansing the blood for 05 gallons of it passes through them every hoar people in malarial localities recover from both the came and effect of malaria by naing warners safe cure everyperson in the spring or fall who has either kidney disease or malaria should use warners sale core as a precsaiiinary measure many men many minds but all men and allminds agree aa to the merits of burdock suls small and sngarcoated i cure fits wren i aayccnc i do not mean merelrto stop then far a time and tficn have tiiem return i jtras akauicalccltu i bare made the alaease of fits epilepsy or f sickness a uc ion study i wakiiint my ruaedr to tinucort cases ikcauv others imeuuea kui reason for not liowreciirfn a cure serul at care for atrratue and a f rr borrlr of m j i vivllicij kkhtuv live krjice edjst ocirtr it costs y yodivt for z tri una 1 wij mre l ln- h g eoot suj- branch office 164 west adelaide street toronto tlie jfmt spceemfal retar4r ercrdtarr crtu it licmmjn faiu effecu tao dw i aot blister bead proof below kendalls spavin curl omcxorcualai8ima j bazartui o ctxttxus oar axd taoonia fiats eotata j d bj ittnmq 4lu kr at tin data wusti wooia lit iprieei mlvferquaafflr i tuajtitlr cm or iu bsnaaix ma i luitued it tooutnu clit i troou kendalls spavin curl of t and summer dry goods dree goodi milhuory flow- ow foathirs bibbons mantles short jsoketo wraps cloakiugs pormolspriiitasateons cham- hrava gloehams sowod muslin emproiderjeb sewod mnsliu shirtiuga bmall waros corsets hosiery qjovos laces curtaius carpets oilcloths gents fur nishings cloths tweeds suit ings bprine and 8ummor over- cortings cottoiiadco checked shirtings bleeched mid un- bleeched cottons tickings ready undo mens and boys clothing having purchased the 8laple portion of the stock before the receutgront advance in cottons wollens and silks and purchas ed largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks such ns j w gale k co aud others wc never were hitherto iu such a position to offer suclfphonotniual and unpreced ented bargains oardress goods are in every vuriety of material aud the latest shades such as rodigore mahogany crushed strawberry fawn nile green moss green etc and wonderful cheap prices from 8c up and an all wool french armure suidug 50c per yd for 25c silks aud satins in black and colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd up a wonderful display of prints gorgeous patterns very- low prices fast colors from cjc per yd np seersuckers in cream and other shades froni 6c np our millinery dressmaking and mantle making deparimentsare equal to anything iu any city in canada and in agreatiuanycasis superior and for artistic style work and finish cannot be excel led and prices considerably less than city houses oil ordered clothing department aud stock of tweeds suitiugs j overcoat ings and the style fit cat workmanship finish- and low- iiem ofprices can neitler he im itated nor approached a cross of black and colored felt ilau worth 100 and 150 for 50c each boots arid shoes in great variety very cheap we can assure the public that they caa come with the utmost coufidence to see a magnificent display ot goods great variety wonderfully cheap uo trouble to jthow goods courteous and ob liging salesladies and salesmen and that yoa will make money by patronizing us wmmcleodco o mammoth house georgetown dr washington throat and lung surgeon of toronto wni im u the dominion hotel acton i tuesday 2nd japrlt dr flirt i dajn lo r too fastfrnonbl of mf 3 w fw kuaufrl rrlii core 1 hlri ol ft lot iimnnt billr jofiii nl spntins sndthsva fooad it a nt anj- rccommeod it to au liorsetneo acnntralv ahxliianrr jumerrro tmaairj maus- kendalls spavin curl ajft wnrrwr odtnrrr ouw oca it im dall enrosu cii omiltfflumivtjtoaijwbttlbtradeos few of the hundreds cured by dr wash ingtons new method of inhalation v it gtoroy of storct bon protnfacnt glovs maaofaetaren of acton opt cared b dr washington ot clorrb o tba throat bad form add pronounced incurable hr emineut ipecai sis in canada and england write him for particular ohron aaje rector cornrail oat into bronctuus and asthma cured english obnrch clergyman itwaii orj wasbinton deansnt i am glsd o be abo la inform youtbatoardastiterls qaitd well ogaio aa thai is lbs second time be has been cored of grate bronchial troubles ouderfonr troatment wbou the usual remodiei failed i write to i- jrsssinrgratitade liaise aecoiit my slocero thanks yoursjmly rt i ablettit mrs john uckolvj- kingston 6nt caurrh and coniainptloc urahoiiiingkingitonol uroncho cou- sutpptlon i j j lir e scott kingihm ont catattb bead and tbrbat lira john bertram hariowimith onl near klitatod catarrh throat kas mary a bombourg dflitrcrill oat catarrh baad and throat james uattheirs poi ifaiter acton ont1 al e fish dents furuuhhifij uollevoie catirrh throat dmssszi tcitatiii catarrli of the head and throat catarrhal deafness chronic uronchltls asthraa and couiuiaptlon also loas of voico sort throat rolirgcd toosili polypu of tha note removed cotae early coasoltatlonfrce i il0lli3ife fc milton have a ewclass stock 6f millinery they lead the trade cv hats and trimmed in the latest and most artistic prices that will suit bonnets les by experienced milliners and at all customers ty miss campbell will be pleased to show intending purchasers our splendid stock of millinery hollinrake 8oi wxoxi the leading merchants ij sfring jagmin kenney bros dominidrl boot shoe store imain street acton tr damerons pnrcbasos dnrinc th 30 dsri said and alab to aanonoea that their stceh for the sprb 1 aasorted stock competing j that will be reqoixed hy the pa bile and hating purchased from factnrers direct at close imcei va are prepared to glre good rajae 4 petirs to ihaylt their many patrons for their numerous purchases during tb 30 days said and alab to announce that their stceh for the spring trade la now eomptem wehirttrtilum v ij the uannfactoj i- ladles lne shoes and slippers in variety 06ntlemen laced bols ac i and all the usual lines trunks and valises fa good srfety custom work will receite tht aausj attention and repairing promptly attended to i kenney bros acton our sprinb goods kellybros hcton ordered clothing new hats spring ties ready made clothing dry goods groceries a look through our well assorted and nobby itock of spring sailings and panting will con- rince yoa that w hare the cholewt goods in tho cjymty a perfect ot guaranteed try uma i i a enre for sore eyes it a look through keiiy jjros elegant assortment ofjtho most fashionable spring hats which they can sell cheaper than any other hooao is ihe county we hare fast received a hundred dozen of the latest and most fashionable biiring ties- and scarfs for gentlemen yoa can sate money by baying your ready ifsde clothing at kelly bros we have jost received a very urge itockot ueni youths boys and childrens suit which are of the choicest patterni and styles liens soiu from lo up odd pants from ls5 np childrens suits from 8115 ap oar staple dry goods cant be beat our itock of groceries is very complete and of best quality at lowest prices bur c japan tea beats the world- kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros j clark thompsons chrpet hqvse is the cheapest house in the city fqr ckrpets 30 lower wynbhan st next door to otjelftb saws throtjli eipdfcsx mui aom j0upin i mtm4 ijj wlnaanfili if aoim wmtdijwaajftjt purest stbonbestlffii contains k6 rj lww jlnonoalai tlm orrtijiiomt3itr e w gilletf t mjunirnctpgnf li i9i tba taenia ftjmau lis lt b tatty tiattf- t1ie remexit foa jccwkg jiv- coksumptioh comlic asthma croopvj all disase5of thetfiroatuweiara ptllkollahy oroawu ct its tsitdrcttbe t ooh8tjhwi02i has bflbiodssd eini mewled bt fatkicukii utxinzuin kimtx aut byntnbxl7bubia it pnxluial iltecrrjuu bu al ah expectorant it ha0iiu it contains no opium inasjiiiav i- aiiva 4jaweehcb nmi ontbil sfiit jtstji f bit i m oobrtcbaos pfnpminc sirjttiiidv akote thisftzoriic achttpil p oral beuus hddixyfhtt madf- fachvih vu nam lloc ttt jwusr ndlhcnamz othc ikrcrjr 1 hr in red ink aerpsf vicjicfimmu j bcvare of xmitaticics refuse au swtjfrl lutes and you icitl no be duafpeattup c cm j f y f arising irbin a lisirufrrjsrtuiiirliftsi stomach and dowels fakli as t r dyspepsia or indigestion sqtoes affectlork naaltthg hearthnrft acidity ot tho stomach bhenniatiam iioaa of anotiie oravel gerfwa debilitr uncrea or vomiting teite t j r prlco 23 corrta prbottl v trria ci r mostbeaj t0hnp urtonrrmjptln j- jisr r wfi iiilt v- it ts rwir- oor teal 4 ml-stou- srs-itiiltinj- jtr-ijri-irt-l3- rkleafcir-ii- a m 1 siar ay kia 0tntiucaccabia a- n lie trii i v upi isai jtt -sftt- ierod gos drug store carpet weaving done to orderj four shipments of goods arrived this week at- the right house t exhausted vitalffy 3ai ttfjpxbbj vi- lramdijul itboroaffj jf oqwel7ii rpbe bcreixe- of ure tho great utxlical wort 0 tho ago on uannoodxirvot and piiyica debility prc- matnib ffoclinc emrs ol voulh and the untuldmts- erioa consoqucnt thcrrtn x pages i vo ij x j for all fliieases cloth full gilt xmj tr s mail sealed illustrative sampo frro to au- j young and niidiijoge moa scsj now gbld and jewelled melu aaard to the author i by kailoaal ucdtcal asiooiatioa aoq t 2 0 box 105 boston was or dr w il iab- keb graduate of harvird mwlical cpumib j years gracticeln boston whociay becodled e eonadohtiall spoiaiy piseasos of juu 1 office ko 1 tlulnach bt hamilton commliikof ctmdt hlr drew gqodi ia ih newct ilitrtej htadwme clifamvct aud henrirtt ir a j jn j wool ooodi re gt for qam viotort to mh clothi lidle nflor1 voigpm soiss tsi- i n nd grausnltud sbirti od drr in oottoo merino finih nd merino suck oohnier hoitvirts tj brldhir brobe turkey km tlblinr utirt iud pnnw buirtinri uoovtoninshs tnd tol wk llt d hocy bxldwi- f inerins yr pn book p i lli inliltntylloi bijr n bleel thlmole unoknd eve boj ud tontl brce oepti btibhiik burtt buowuztvl- oollu- f imw undr ud jiillr unnu tpebnitot prinzdin pti t w 5 tbl cnvra llr pol ku swlr bod caruin uook smrj mt id b cru fi 1z 8u oil cloth wlkl tqiiiti 8tookh uu parolukl direct from tle rl ta srsi bhufn kliiii 8 d moy bwimrlnrf autrutlo uolfd sllod nd cnd t theory ohetpe1 nitatllul tb hli roller to wll for and in offerinj l mll ulno of tin cot nrloe no3 k tranrtaiu li t kuon in dm good millinery utlle jwku jerwj mnlle nd uiller 01018 wut bjhrs i lta n luh grove hclery conet coder ud hiilitwer of all kind lit tforto will otal si tsk 5 fta batorday night com and thu hr ia erand ufa in h crpit ndoofutn cw jjji2sjr for booufomuiinn jn u ih hnfwme allwool tbmtry brbueirtv i vet ud wulonoardt ms ls mknlllontwindow 8hde bleh bi7 nd ril point l oorfihn no tlnahan uo oweni nrss 3 w silk corulntjl and piano covrtrtc hind no inter the tor eart i ihoarps twinso v do not grt into the bight hoo wa itdaood fooryatwld oarrian ai d addlthorm t mp i hamilton april mth 1864 t wjltfexisris manhood i how lost how restored i jott pnblisheda new eiitionof prcurfv wu celobroted eaany oa the radical m of 8pornihorrhoj or ampacity indpeca j excess of earlyraiisretioa the celebrated antaor in this anirawa my elarly detnouitrateh from a- thiy jfn stteceaaftt practice thai thoaiarosii qosnees taf wrly errorn7y pointinctout a mole of torestonm atenft certain jnd effectual by uaeefjo butterorjno matter wbat bia coauitwu rjj macorhimeh cheaply prirafelj ait7ar itlifctursuioultmiiitjiaujiei yomhawl every tnau in tbe land sulanjerxl in a plain tnvaj tu addea onrelionoar coats or twlwsv tamps addresji ri 4itjrjn iriisiflr s nrvbta yaiiaar ttt- cren eliflvle wormsmui sm

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