jingles and jokelets ny ilrrti somebody was a lu who had carioaa way of ocdmttl til bee mead twaotr umti day 0 toryr en woo10 say no here aadbruso toy balr for user aad ulif plejrbu on boerberot the wardrobe u t al 1 0 rv left my ian dow iktair joifetchitthartadbctt abl where my do ru audit doar xi dreadful j v v ordoirtue therev no wtarhric o wont yoa fetch seme kate 7 or heres a ran lost eatch nyf rcss luirnn how with the wife mr the will liiidllicrr uny vioy liitn many rulnde boi mil men and atl minila osreo aa to llie merits ot bordnct fill mull and augar aoatod or lend mo qurci a pen tj s rx got this noto to writ r or vblsa my drees off willjyou hot r this souldctt almost abile come bore 1 co there do thf or thetr to erory one shed tay and yet she was a eharruiiifi erl bat for tblaetrrions way md rr ill ivar 8irr 1 can nwjmmcndrrajqati lellaw oil as a lure cure or rlicanttuui which disease 1 saflercd for some umc bnl otm enred wilh torobotllrt li ii uii bot iliing lean bci or mm or hone j uoiurd strelliavqo oat dyipcpsia causes deprived blood which a tune altecis every orgau and laoclion o the body at a remedy for these troublce nothing can approach aycrs 8trsatarilie it vitaliics llie blood ilrenrtlicna the stomach and corrects alt disordersol the liver aud kidneys jsmcs h gilmoar o t gilmour i co wholesale grocers ijroolmlle saya i have ased tsmarac ktuir tor a severe cold and ooufeh which it trmediaicly relieved and cored it it a fct that inauf c the boat proprietary medicines ol the day said the lite dr j g houioi insc ribnera ear line are more aaocearfal thin mioy physicians and molt ot tliera were flrtl discovered or otcd in actual medical prac tice when however any hrewd person knowing their virtue kiid oreobuns uieir popularity secure and advertises tbem in the opinion ot die bisoted ii virtoe went oat of them failure ot yettkht fickle appetite headschb citrone vraktfulnets fmjocnt deaire to urinate especially al nigbt gradual ailare of strength and drops ical atreuins these are tyriptomj o bd- ney disease ii yon neelectjllie symptoms yoo snll eventaaily have btighta disease warners balecare is iheonljripecific which haiererbeendiscoveredtoruil disease the late dr dio lewia onr hiaj pjrn signs tore said u i found myself the victim ot a sriona kklney trouble i vouh use vtxnerx bale cure or great scnlcr 1 havcuscd hacyanlvf vcijovc oil for cutt lndecaldt on bcrtes ehoalders and they collbctlcr ttcucc i hare also used it for tjtrtfas banif cuts aedcrocp arronft myduldrati andean ivcoismeod it hifibly as cf peal vatbc v scrvim kingn han failkta uy beoatmsuded in the spring ol 1888 i tad infkmma- bon of the lungs wfich ht my iurut vaak i had a very 4fi ough and re solved to try hagjardv pe tort balsam it did me more good than any other medi- w i have erer takeivafld can faithfully rbcommerid iv out- miaaitry the red calar of the blood s cauled by the iron it coyuinr sapply the iron when lacking by arin if iiburus beef iron and wine kever had a preparation a more appro priate name than aycre hair vigor when the capillary skeds become enfeebled by disease ageoe neglect this dressing im parts renewed life iq the scalp so that the hair aiscmci rrach of its j osthfet fallcesa and bexoty vr or despair kvcu when all eecms lost xhcre is yet hope icany a despsiring disheartened vic tim of dyspepsia liver complaint kidney complaint scrofula or rheumatism has been brought back to health and usefulness by burdock blood bitters the greatest remedy known for all blcoi diseases blood dlsejises oro cured by the porsevarlng use of ayera sar8pnrillrt this medlclnv la on alterative aud ciuies a radlcil ehiniro in tlm syittm tliojuoprsa lasoiua casts may not be quite stj rapid m in others but with riitcce the result it certain iteod tbse tallinotilals for two years i auffervl from a ao vcro pain in r v i othef troubles caused by n torpid llvor and dysiepl aftvr atilnrj several medicines to iriil tritlmut a run i i bean to likc avrrs sartiattarllla i i wtui greafiv lietiettthliv tlio tlrst bottle j and after taliinj llvo imttln i was com- j nlcteti cuml john v bcnaou 70 liirimce t unveil man j rjast may a large corbunele broko out t ortmj arm the usual remedies bad no effect and 1 was confined to ray bed for eight wo- a trlend induced tne to try avera bmmarlua less than three bottles lieael llie nre iu all myospo- rlencc with midichi luevcrsavvmom wonderful results another ronrkci etet o the me of tliii medicine ivt the snugtlieuluj ot lay alsht mr carrie adaiitc ilolly sjirlis texuv i 111 a drvs aly uutunr for vrs andsuffored leailv- an lai my broth er and jlicr miuilarty amictel i rrurae the mat i iv l licrcdlury i jt winter ir inoa f tvruandlua kla rerouimelidl me lo take ayer s barsaiiarilla ami coittiuue it for year for live nu l k it dally i in vo not had a blemish upon ov ia iv frr tita last three inoutwt k wiley lid chambers st seiv vork city lasl fall aiil winter i vvi trmble1 with a dull uiivy piin in iiy iie i did not uotjrc it mtlli at first but it gradualk grevr worj liutil it became almost unuciralde diritu the latter part ot this tint- disorders ot the stom- achand liver lurnaod my irotildcs i began takin aycrs strsapanlla and after faithfully contlnuinj the use pt this medicine tor pome months the pain disappeared and i was complete y cured mrs i augusta a furbusu havcrhiii mass ayers sarsaparilla dr j c ayrj co lowell muu rricelilrojrt 5 vcrth i s i lotlle k5 virginia ftjj c c riaiijixs tfc u3- j- reiihin oseduiiardt linfmcnt tor tenrtl yein ia dj rtalfic i attest to iu being tine best uusg i uot for hor flmh in the fmiyjir hpc qsedit for every gar it lininient u idipted far it being recommended ta as by the lite dr jt l b webslet petsomjlti find it fiie beet tlltyer of dearilgid pain i iive fltarued j t btirrs proprietor rrmodui tierj- stable i t stubborn children reidilj tiue dr low worm srrop it peisea the child md de stroys the worms- it ii worse thu oudoeu to neglect coqg ot ft cold rhich is ess ly rnbdaed if taken in time become rlie i left to itaejf the fdreronner of cotuarcft on ftnd prerni- tore death infiunmfttion i hen it txlaxks the delicste tinne of the ian s ud bronch ial tubea travel with peri ms rapidity then do not delay get a bo je of bichles anuconaomptits srnrp he medicine that grasp thii fonnidab foe of the human body and drirw it rom the sys tem ifaufdedicuie promotes lfreeandeuy expectoraiion subdues the ojagh bealx the diaeaaed parts and etert a post wonder ful inflnenc in coring bonauaption and other diseases of the throat i nd inogs if parents wish to save tbe i ites of their children and themselaes froi i moch aoxi ety trouble and expense let tiiem procure a bottle of bickles i ant coxuamptire syrsp and whenever icum as taken cold has a oongb or hoarseness g re the syrup according lo dlrecltoas tlie lxxsx ot the itedes and rersians were not more immutable thin uoa of uatorc if ttc trtrucress then wc saifer sometimes howcrer wc bctat them laid- tertentenily diraages freijnesljy take the form of drtpepai- gonstipatiaa and bilioasnes vhicli caa be easily repaired with northrop lymans vegetable dii- corery acd dysjiepic cere the great elood rcrisr acd renovator of the system hii a eartk- as martdng esn with eirnag and rtrid my drires froa the crth the fhen misti away so ii b b in eirenh and fpower gra dotji root disease and tuy deaths heavy hand the third paj cf the toronto uatif malt u noted for want advertimmenta it yott want to bay or tell anything if yoa want a irtoauon a mechanic a boai- nea machinery loogicg if joa have lost or found anything cr if yoo want to find out where anyone is advertise in he to ronto daity mall and read the advertise ment oa the tbird page of tbtt paper the charge is two ccnti a word each in sertion addressirfo licit torcoto cia- urbock pills a8uhccurc fcrdtu0usrc53c0natlatlon noicgsttoh dizzfncsa sck kcadache uto 0c3l5c3 ot the stomach uvca akd oowcls tuct rc ul2tlt370uc 13 paoiift i acttci ctslrcna vtiafjc io t3 cjzzzzt cwc3 dttct3 k the tzxtztt aria cvp cr ckronic am 3 osnatc ciczzzz2 aincr to afothratije on distarbed si night and broken of year i est by a sick dtsd saffering and crying wit i pain of cat- flag teeth if so send at on z and get a botueof hnwiniiowssa thingsyrap for children teething its v loe u incai- calable it srfll relieve tl e poor little sufferer immediately depc ad apon it mothtrs there is no nurtake abunt it it cares dyseotrr and diarrncea regnlatee the atomaclx and bowels jedres wind colic softena the gams red bees i idammation andgi ves tone and energy tot ie whole sjt- tem mrs winslows 6ooi ling syrup t chfldren teething ispleiaant to the taste and u the prescription f one of the oldest and best female po sicians sod naraes in the united states t od is for sale by all dxnggisti throaghoal the world price twentyfive cents a botlle- be sore and ask for mrs winaloi a soothing jjyraprwd take no other kin l imarsts uaimeal ckrts i wftdrwst- l lady from eyracme writes l aboat seven years before taking korthrop lymans vegetable discovery acd dyi- peptic care i inltered from a ccmplaint- very prevalent with otir ter i was unable to walk any ciitacce cr etand oa my ft for more than a few tclcuies at a time without fcelicgeihacstcd bet cow i am thankful to bay i can walk two miles with ont feeling the least incoavecience for female complaints it has no equal poucemta safer from rheamatism dyspepsia bilioufietsi kidney complaint and many ether iils in exactly theeame nuncer as jnlinar- mor- tala and burdock blood bitters cores them quickly and permanently just as it aitcavi does in every case from whatever caase arising- as an aid to internal remediea for tin diseases dr lows sulphur soap proves very valuable if yoa wxt to bay or sei a farm adi ertistinthetorocto ivfy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yuur advertisement should meet he eye of someocc who wants to pur- chase advertisements of this class arc in- sertedinthetoroato ktxhf mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for fiie iosettioat address the mail toronto canada 8ummer ery qbods dreib goods millinery flow- ore f mthow ribbons mantles short onoketa wrnps oloakiugs parasolnj prints 8aleoti6 cham- hmya jgidghanis sowod muslin emeroijenea seived muslin sbirtirjgs 8mall waros corsets hosiery gloves laces curtains carpets oilcloths gouts fur- iiisliiiigsr cloths ttvooda suit ings sprinr and summer ovcr- cortings cottoiiodct cheeked shirtings bleeched and uu- bleeohed cottons tickings ready mndo mens- and boys clothing having purchased lie staple portion of tlie stock before the recent great advance in cottons wolleiu aud silks and purchas ed largely of wholesale bankrupt 6tocks such as j w gale t co aud others vyo never were hitherto iii such a position to offer such phenominal and unpreced ented bargains our dress goods are in every variety of material und the latest shades such j as rudigore mahogany crushed strawberry fawn nile green moss green etc and wouderfal cheap prices from 8c up aud an all wool french arniure suiting 50c per yd for 25c silks and satins jia black and colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd upj a wonderful display of printsj gorgeons patterns very low prices fast colors from 65c per ydl up seersuckers iu cream and other bhades from 6c up our millinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anything in any city in canada and in a great many cases superior and for artistic style work and finish cauuot be excel led and prices considerably leas than city houses out ordered clothing department and stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style- fit cut workmanship finish andlbw- nes of prices can neither he im itated nor approached i a gross of black aud colored felt hals forth 100 and gt50 for 50c each boots and shoes in great variety very cheap we can assure tie public that they can come with the utmost confidence to see a magnificent display of goods great variety wonderfully uheap uo trouble to show goods courteous and ob liging salesladies and salesmen aud that you will make money by patronizing us i xx j3 jermyns acton the wwl 6reeri rer r iimxrr- ercd u u if cnulnln iu otecu and ooes not busier bead proof bttow kendalls spavih cure otticc cry cvutxn x srrncz 1 bsaaatx or v tyfrrrrm jut uz itoxnm pr sasstx erjtwooo ilisortlstl dxbjkaitiuiioa i dear sin i bar gtwtrt unrdimfil rmreeo1 spstls con br um btui 4aen lxxn t- ilk wlees is brgfcr qouitlt i ulufclii the tot iif on mr ca inj- fiabkg far iwm rears we open and place in stock today two cases superb millinery 200 new and stylish shapes dallf sm irtd chsaaiplfa can an old phyriciaa retired from nractice having bad placed in his iiantx by an ect india miuionary the formula pf a simple tegetable remedy for fbeipeeiy and per- maaent core of comumptionj bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure for kezrotu debility sod all jiervous com plaints after having tested ifc wonderful curative powers in thousands f eases has felt it jiis duty to make it kiown to lis suffering fellows actcstesby and a desire to relieve human will send free of charge to all ithhis recipe la german frei eh or eog- isb with fall directions for pr paring and nsing sent by mail y jaddi ising with stamp naming this paper w a notes ittfowets block eocheswk t itfuuf inperral it u m article manufactured by an erj pert chemist after manyyears of careful stady and sacoiinc experiment called im perial cream tartar baking powder makes hghiest whitt bread rolls bucuit cake tc sold by al grocers jovpli rusn percy writi wii indue- lo try dr ticxs ixiecinc 01 for a latnedtfri ltch trocblcd rceforlhrte or four year aud tfoaud it the best article i ever tried it has been a tfteat blessing to me con br um tult aaua ototg t- wu p1oes la brgfcr qoatlit lulntitu ooe of um best nl on earta i juto end u tar iwm rears i toois uulr caia a srrsxa kendalls spavin cure baoocut st 1sbl dar6littcintarinpxtmtsatabimlot tot food oplbloa of ioqt knfir ptlii cot i htrm vtea it for luaeoe sus jotaif asa gpaiina aadlhat fouad it a am con loorai- tilrrccrmimeaiiltiouhioxtemen votui trcjr i a h- oixarat kiibficr troy lauodrr sublet kendalls spavin cure sitt vtrrov cbern- ooo dec it ueb da b kxtviu co genu i f i it dtt datt to st what i hsrt tub wlta jour avocalfs ftln can i bart cared twratjfrnj hones hut had t m atlw ta4 wmmcleodco karitoth house aeobrqetowk bias 0se nlno afllfctrd urtaotbia j aw since 1 i booki aad folio ed uui dlneuma- 1 bar arrvr i bare bad one ta2 otjoar kendalls spavin cure prfce r par bonis or itr booik for aiaa dree- elsss tatellctcsutoryottor is wlt td aoj addrvu on receipt or pries or tho propna- usr dl s 1 cznui ico feiobiiti mlstl sold by all ditttqgibts only 2s cents at i havs a ame4 dis- ids of bope- y cared i tles cf my lers wlo sen8 me cmmnmftittm tmrftfcm too-ceistoz- flekae inform yoor readara tl gps flise remady for be above oam sj its linidj oae hi lieaa caaas have been permaoeol sbajljx filadto send two ii remedy rpaz to any of yoor have eodtomptiou if they wi tlieir eipreaa and p a addres ueapectlullj da t a fitocrjy w west adelaide l tcfoolo out s4 fsrtl he strrr- browns booaebold panacea baa no joal for rrliefloa pain both im arnsl and eztarnai it eorea pnn in llie ide bseit or bowels aorrthroat rbei man no tooth aciie laojbaj0 and any ki rid c paja or adse fy lll most sureiv rjt cben blood and heal as lis ading power ii wooovrfoi browns hoose lold pan seea bdojt jaknowjadied a jibe reat pafabsjf i of any ol wiwld ttfcu4 bf in vcryj fsiirjly bandy towtrtttn wanted at 1 re ly istlw ifly vf tba ttorld ia erai ips inj uie od ofdonba tbi atreaath bliiir or li imti i ii iks atoouoii end paiirs and act m of all aoduforwjbtlldradfuaij buttle ii kri 1 paines celery compound acts at the ame time on the nerves the jiver the bowel8 andthe kidneys this combined action gifes it won derful power lo cure all discates whyarewe8ck j became we allow ihc nerves o remain wcalcned and irritated and these great orgsru lb lcconie clogged or toniid and poisooou hproon ore bcrciorc forced info the llood liiat houjd 1 expelled natarally puiiefs celery w compound will cukc biliocbhms tosm covstifinoff kiujiry com flaurrs tram act diseases ixxalxvcakvesssbzoxa ti5k vzvzalgu ajtd alt jtdttooi disoedem by quieting snd jlreiiylliening tni neftco drkfcaniiij fice action of tht nrcrlowiis and luirirjoinl rotor w their xmcr lo lliruw oil disease why tiitt billrti pais ti aciti t i vbj tmsnud with filia centupatlml vbyta4wetrmfrtitth44av wbjkjefa4miehu v paiges cuitrortxrtrd and- rnolc ia kcajib 1 ji na ojiirely regats bb katybarnleu iu all catca sistrteeo also eveky dscehtiok of j bobber aud metal stamps tikglet 4 stffwxbt mto- co 10 fung st- west toronto vnm f sarccrt lioaat nraa menilllo rwri uion tor a lime snd ihca tar uiem reurffl rjriin- i jxtuv a kadical culfc i liarc nude ine aisease of fits epilepsy or fallnra sickness a kit loci irtatf j i wtkbast mr rtraeov w cckeuicvrorsi cases lwnvouicriilull is ruijrasoa for oot uov rcoiraif a nrre tt 4 at die lor a irralisc and o ill- hon lf or mr i xraiuwit bbkoiv l biashbmoa 18 west aaalaioa fitrtat toronto i french ribbons -akd- headquarters for wml-j- php6r sputsg saltpleino reailr ia bea ltiful gilts iad other b1ch and jjobrjy patterns tocladinfiflne ceiling decorations cestehpiece8 ooesebsa9d ab c adieu variety of elegant bokdbbs tbelmtcttttock trer broaght to acton to fchoos from for 5c per roll and upward window blinds in figured aad plain paper lso an assortment of faxct lkens lo beautiful ahade ud da signs with fpncf rollpi complete pont tall w soc them before purchasing as oar firteesore right alabastine another lot of the above jiudrcelebreted kalsoiflxe to band in all the potralar shades it gives a beautiful hard satin finish and will not rob off one trial will utuuv yoa it is the j best thing in the market j points and oius 1 j peuchens prepared paints jtutto haodafnll liaaof tha above old keliable miacd paloti in all sixes and colors also gltta 1ebcht paints fnro vhit leadi andall dbycoloba oils turpentine varnishes japan shellac 4c i havs also added to mj stock a full line of tube paints in au ills ieadioi colors also tiiie sable slid hog ha1h brushes in all iiscs dies nrtelr ot hbtshes bo lianj intlodins kalsomdce white wasa paixt scrub boot stoit cloth 8ore whisks it alrsrt ifl itoct heaps ot hardware ulsssstachlne oil choice groceries crockery glassware lamps ic xfir j- ic rislsm as rxpccfcnri7it iet ho wiefth f i l lj2i it contairj no 0iubxire flowers spri goods we havesecured a large lot of worsted coatings j i in ijlufl and black j at much bclcir tle igiar prices oticgtothe wholeiaje market beiiig overstocked we cse j opt this icason 1 good worsted suit for 2300 to 2400 formfr price 30 oive ub a call shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelphi i for- i new gold watches new bilver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings j new band pings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin kings housefurnishings i dress goods parasols boots shoes bjvuns colli luou bcutc sjph liaiaue gravilvgash lock and cortaiii itollcrs ajeo iflaur- cucce lcrfcctcd 6pctaclc sole agent for j b pearson oar 50c t bfli8 them all ja3voav a ufaterifc up in oral bottles jicrhij ftn laca trith tht rumi bitten i htjhjj ami tht name of uu laanflr t jtcttw uu in red ink across fafatyfhmk beicare tf imiiailorisj rrvmw lafy ana ypu trill not be diiapptiwl rbjermytr jennjii 8ells clieap renelson merchant tailor- guelph extends to bis msor patrons in acton and tiduity the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs c for the holiday t1ude i laostooujpieu- t the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the city are tou married 1 r about to be speight son acton t j a speight- manager unuwlyyoowlihallthefnmliursrmuirodtotnrnlivoiirncw andfooty little 1 or to rapleabh yoor home if a scttlou ona in any lyfe at rha tait ibwtat homo then is ao srrlole of furniture we can ron bat no arranging fn stwiif tllver onr f nrnllure anj undertaking- our thlrtfnvi years eayerloiioo in thls hnaineas has resnltoa to coutiuclije couifmrt with tujoieqr the city at onetiatl dtypric out hearse- uan btsmste ra- iiirescliroiocfl j nil a5 arising lrona3 disonirrnl sia btoraach arjlborels shch as pytpepali or lacugestiobi acidity of tha btomae nmnffiatf- iota of appetita oravel awnwjj pabiutt hanaea or tomltiap j- prloi a contsipa i- um fc 1 pzzrjlrss owt st iil vtini ft iatoeh0b lvwttm3p mohimlbai vm r aj tonli wtaw ist lhmabmai ivt3sm3fri efew w1t tti nfail 137 l m jr leawcssbbawr an 0s aeajiajvv omar sugaorivj aooooiat l terioeacalsl rtiting nta a m ihbj si m the great medical work cf the ago on at ahhood nervous and physical ijbiiitj ire- inatmc declinpj errors of youth auri the untcld mu- oxicb consequent thcrrcu p pages s vo lilj-xrf-scriptirros- ioralldnuorlc4trfuicit only 9j mail tcaledi ylrostrabvo ismple lre 0fl- youne and nidlleej njin send now gold and jellod modal awarded 10 thosarw by xslional llodical auoeutloa p o bos iso itoitoa itass or br ww t- keb graduate ol kartsrd lledleal 01ij years practice in lioswn who may b confldcnualiy sidally office no i ilnlflncbat yotooaaabwl dlseaaaeot a- how lost how ryf8ff n sp joitvumiilied a new cjltion a of bperaistonboa or napse ucess or cany injlsrwiioti awsfulpneuew that sfese qneacesotearvj error may be jsxaw polnuna out mod agmbrj eeruln and allectual by miwaj- ufferer uo mailer whatl jsf jtia mar eurehlrawll cheaply frualelyb l sni letaure khduld beta toiuiww- youth and every loan hi ibo iae teai bent udcrlnplaln wrmsi3 address oarocerpt ortour s a inpsj aodress sit 0 17k11 hucmlw im st i loaa a lows j worm sy 61 s- eilit son orblkindswg cannosrhamj v-