ast iw2s5syabi and fo dawisej letfiodiljtcilulim actoui- o a iwol id mju pbjd atioaap bower aveot mi berrieee 150 ejni ed 1 s uday tttr alleoriwny invited r and tbfiartiltaymttm at- jgvherienlkaoor i gmlntewdlrel wr u r rtaow orderjof caxadunhoiiecikc ktoami benat04 ud banal lflbabji lucti fa the oddfellow i5arfteiuyojeacuttonta anv staajsrltaa lb efaicclal aadptaiia 3t eo any of lb ollovjtas joittwri akraa u4bt i 4- ctrrriaxetl leader fojbalitav socy iqrlnvmodtiil ibrli reajlj ebaleoii i for latrm bow wacatel i danto theorrlk7 i j rrfceirahle bsoaioc jala x rtiucjyv i je aimbam bobaiai latalse ttmaubaaalt wbejntaacta desirable j and low fob sale- toue ocaae aa4 raaaaaa 3 chan smittbrs3 audia in goaetkcair fw rpanxniaxa erefe to-chl- tjachablspknait mailam0 rsale m klfcfl carpenter shop sail dwelling in acton no ocoed far tandsif sawa iron cm r with asms plaacr katra tc also i qtnmtitj of i arias 1 sold lopether oitnaehwrrtm i anorto rjl ubs rhca3axj stble dwellings 1p0hsale- lw doable fame 3ajgssih renne two ttcsert kx3b wjat 1- bard tad soft wa i amljnc- loc j per r oa mils atast i wish la kitchen stlaytw ris be booae i nait iksb office y smaltsriiite isbrubfaot ft actott lias keen hijalii lor una secon far uewsb r stxzserr 6 kcmlb jbw- nd to take otdes fur sir lnmu fmftt or thrafai i mtad csalocb i of the old 1 caobecencrmlly c iuklicui fvooxtsa amti rbcr psrcbaaaa tx bm kevil bcook abb lotttknf and jgood pay h 1v sale cies fvrsifunc hsfaflj samcombeeaco eocbesttrhx of kevisi0x to rerise tlc ige of actok i nil b add in tbe io aaid tiuaga ly3rd johb fiht tclocktji- uimiwadalisbr e and fcuttui thffiiwlk ecj zxh dar o may 10- i thoscis i 1i00ee clj- jetalkabgut foes e and jactaaiawrted be loitering eouw ano c- twfiwbiieasbpeiw i vsljl aom al oali jl aw u- cuda dacaiiaia l kjjod ot tear mii war dnildimi ptf baby- wo oud 5cal ibeortlielikibeya flliamb acton iaudaliatuianqf w a dollars word for a ddflar for a bila nobody jpwa t much ezmloe tr good and pnoaa call- in and joo at ear koto aad nriad ajadctoiaal ol wi jmail iouola bill an bin o joiaora many not atfjaa bpoooa focka 8uttotmrj 8ool baoavwafl papart window bhtdaa imveddins and bitbday preaalu vaballbipleabedto haro yoo calllko boobu to abow roo oqt roodi geo hynds axltpnoit j i j m j thtjksdit atat w 1880 many ihnob locals caoitrd vj- tic ever linrtfal and frt rrrosehortirt coart of bentioo next mouday ing- j j tbe trort daring 4be week uipn d t pjod mxsr pirdtn ttuuea fine lawn mltton j the osi ence of mr w l b jri offered for a le v h rauedpc 4h batcher ilei pdticolir pride in fail nev fcun a yi more coot weather this week pain aocei ixt the tempentai are fret lent goelpfa coancfl of bojal tempu x o tobiperiace talk of pj- ng acton co mcil i biiernil tisit ibortly the kjdland flwocwfioi whl holil it inoul convestioa in the baptist da rch georgetown on the lith and 13th lot u i j hemlock bark u being peeled tin id y tauctbeirdmorea co hkte uhuai1t noared tereral ahipmetu feora the k rth the fust afioculion lacrone n atch will be played in acton on btnrtuy 6th jane between strcetxrilleaiilthecret xnte rfasfan i mr john 6 moffiit luu receire the aiitraci for repainting the jdablin itreet ftwi charch gaelph andcoaimi need opffitiosi kandx j rtbe cuikai of acton will perhapi re- pi ne da j- before- loa thxt fhej hare bees o eareiem aboal fin protecti geocbetown hrtaltl the front ofjohnawii hotel has been painted and otherwias improred ii tely the old plaatered wall appears to have a yen plaof to a brick front ij berrk nai paaed a bylaw prcailiiting bate from hring on the itreet oa aera tbi first instaumeni ol nnea wax z lade hit week acton ahonld do the aacu bar faow cote bj amdocle 1 aer- rices is st- tosephi charch on 5a id7- the choir ander the leadership of iftsa xattie hayden reodered qome exc jlent the qoarterrf commanipn ecrvic s in knox charch on saturday j and staday were of a texy tntereating ciuracter ber xr smith preached on satorday and her afrfiaeon6andar j a garden party noder uie anvpii es of tbe methodist charchj ashgrore w li be beld at the reajdence of mr johnwri e- orthon friday evening 14th jose pro- oseds for the sanday school there were fiqmea of snow at ink crals ibbd toeadat brenoon- the boyi f to- aty will be tehing tfaeir grandchildren ibont tbe kdow storm they saw on the 2 fh at ky in 1s89 fifty years lirn the aftoa station is being pj iched ap u the farr pazs describes it- bad as they may need a neir station at icton it ii not in half as miserable a xas geelpb when will mr eickionwai a up heaartwh storey son it the canada glove worts are at presentee peged in ahipping ordera to fie north waaod briuib colombia the thipmenta to these ptrts will far exoeed those of any pr vwos jeu 1 the following cocpiet picture the ctibsx ol many rradetv of the feee pazet daring the part weekloftjtn these hiuy wfihu ere slomberfl chain has boon r me i get op and hnstle for another b anket i roandme j bisoitt the following are lb play ers who will pay againrt srin on llatar- 4rlrtjq keuyrierner wbitet xeimey smith jeauis friier bob rteon indvstorey adniisswn 10 cent dies and children free f here is a potntexfor some hoteli sepers who do not live at paisley c d mc 3iare tsisley was fined and costs us week seuingliqnor to wj c tahjntine after bang aerred witr a notice under the i rccss attnot to do so j as nsaal mr c c bpeigbi uk s tbe bsljery for catching big tnjat beret boats 0n the qaeens burlhday he caaght a fine root in the pond at tbe foot of mill street foertecn and a half inches in leng and etrhing nearly a poond and a half the evidence ofrthe case of dill beil b colored boy who waalsentdo- n last eek lot thirty days an the charge o stea1- t ss rerkwed on monday by jadge mrikr the jadge held the evijeno to be ininfficieat and liberated the prisou x who re to town on tneada y daring the year ja closed tlie jadies jd society of the methodist chart i hare e h5lj for charch land pai woagfl pwpwea tbe euergy and determ oation taioccced wbich characterize the ladies tort are certainly comineidibie a id de- re to be copied by officials of tbe itemer liar malcolm grdoo bjj pr denl mgrotoo couege baiou ifho arit i kit doo have been eoeeia at gordoi hall fcre the pau fetraraeki oecopied i be pol- tlie ilabolfi cborojli on ooday diieoanea were delivered loan sanieat biiotoiiae maiuierjand ajdtaiok much waadioiijrerwtfto tbe liigberf prioa in mh um wool w be delivered at the finxb houat oaorlwiiva home gleam ings ukb an mostly or a local cartcf sud iuutercauiiff ritquwbsflrtjidaj- tbe twftotyfoarth was vary quietly bat loyally oberred iu acton early i th mo roiug acton comet band sfsad4 the eiutous playiug cqawa and appro priate wlccuoui totrn fo pend qatetly spent byinin the delh o u t harding on the dayi motes waa veqr ead wtni and tymptthy for the bamved family is genr al tha caqaa pi death arai gangrene ol the lung mrs harding leavoa a family of email children the fuuoral ou 8anday aftecuoon was very laly attended trie ltcrzssi mmtch r oajt the cctsceoivflrslmatoi of iho imaaoi was playol atqtlt ou vtn qaeeay birth day and rtsultod iti an easy victory foe the acton jxrt by foar straight goals the boy played vtlu and showed tbat thay are id goodstikpcfor the seasons schedule the home games which will be frequent will no doebt be watched with interest next baaday the rev c b cooka will preach hti first hermon in st albans charch the morning service will be at half put tea alter which there will be a celebration of the holy commonion on monday evening at 7s0 there will be an in duction serrioe when several clergy will assist and the sermon will be preached by uev thos smith of elora- cbjlrteriatioa at astamtarllie a oofflnpdoad to contain thehoy of tman named doaglas whadied at pilta- barg arrived al the union station toronto on monday addressed to friends of the de ceased at slreeuville it was forwarded to iu destination over the cpil but when it got there and was opened the body wu found to be that of the wrong man whose it is or haw the mistake occurred has not been learned raecawrisocixir the weather for tbe socials last week was not very auspicious the ladies aid of kaot church theirs at the reaidenoe cf mr lachlan ucmrtlan and had a very good torn onu the proceeds amounted to about 11400 oa theevening of qoeeas birthday the ladies of hit methodist chorchlheld their social atlhehome of mr thomaj c moore kothwithslanding the bitter cold the attendance wi very satis factory and between sis sad if were re alized after rwrntyfire rears twentylire years ago on the qaeens birthday william jackson and anna is abella wilson niece of laic sheriff wilson of saltfieet were united ia wedlock by eev geo cheyn last friday they celebrated their silver wedding- at their home in kaasa gaweyx and a joyces occasion it was about 100 guests were present from beamsrilje grimsby hamilton and neare neighbors- many heaattful and costly presents wcregiteo them and the com- pany spent the day most pleasantly ker mr blair was mister of ceremonies and a highland piper from forainclair caith ness scotland serenaded them snlle ccxwciz sir another round a few weeks since the fars puss gave several paragraphs of the report of oakrille council meeting as published by the star the report gave the public an idax of the dignified i bearing of our lakeside towns municipal representatives the following from last issue of the snr gives another specinien of the conduct of oakrilles councillors- itawvc feun i bars uotiaiy lmt tfju loudest feelings towards joa mr tftror tnj was not iryira to acccstoo of uritict it- bat tha man do secotc is coos reynolds the man hc carries the brand ol cain axon lim lie is lae- bcid be las a vbiie pert 00 tic back of bis had that is the mac who assisted that toiscz iblc jrrenj wiielp to ctxspuc ttat editorial if the abore is correctly reporied the public will certainly conclude that warden felans language is to say the least rather extravagant joined in wedlock a quiet family gathering oa tuesday eveniogat the home of mr james mat thews our esteemed postmaster witnessed the matrimonial union of anna the eldest daughter of mr matthews and mr p c maddoch eoh of e- h haddock esq gnelph bev dr gutoni performed the interesting ceremony at 8 oclock mass matthews his enjoyed the esteem and friendship prsii the yoang people in town and by berootirteous attention to the wants of an exacting public while officiating as deputy in lhe postbfllce dsring the past two or three years has won tbe apprecia tion ot all for a coaple of yean mr mactdock has occupied a good position be hind the counter in the dry gnods store of mr k b jermyn where he has been a far oritc salesman- our citizens have every reason to regard mr haddock as an ex emplary joang ruan the newlywedded pair were the recipients of numerous beaa- tifal and useful presents they left on tha evening train to spend a few days with friends in toronto and other points slay happiness continually attend them bisxerznt from whit it used to be a chicago grocer who recently had three hams sneaked from the front of his store took his loss with remarkable eqnan- imity of temper which snrprised hi clerks who wereamazed to see the missinghog pro ducts hanging in their accnitomea place the next morning and grew wiser in the methods of chicago merchants after the following explanation they were saw dust be said and that is wbjj i was not warned aver the loss the thief first thought they were real hams mild cured and of fine flavor when he grabbed i sup pose and they really did lookyery nice andr tempting ye are becoming wise m oar day and generation and we doitt set out wondroas bads oa front door displays now those three barrels of flour that yoo see ou the sidewalk are empty those bagsdfhiojavamcclisaijd padaug are sand pare sand those baskets of tempting vegetables and fruit have a bottom just four inches from the top and are weighted down tn the pavement with cobblestones between lie hot false bottom and the real bottom thus it goes and we donot suffer a great loss if the entire julfit is stolen rained apoa or otherwise rdamaged its different from wbst it asod be pigpqip news i eurniihtd by oorrespiljliu cttued from exchajurmaa t the way mm ooley twaowy ttgnidtbe posl uoo otrtautfaa nnlwa attend ilviofforu ia oar buoihrlaiender- iebr xha the varjafioyhieeu filled tfipvtor john tub u th mw rtaw m xomiv bev job alxattdattaixouiidi to atil tor tbe ow coantry by th ife ate ot nebraska on islhjaue fiakut tmkiaage frotti new york t the methodists of this plaoal have let tho conlraot for their new charch it will 001113600 oakvillk the antiaal roport of tha methodist charch here shows 3g900paid daring tho year for missions tfudcrtha able efforts of bavvy kettlewell the pastor this charch is prospering in all departments mr andmrs hiram walker of nelson township near barling ton celebrated tmr golden wedding a few weeks bin it tas a very pleasant affair the centre house block on col borne street belonging to mr pharis doty was totally destroyed by fire about jl30 iaat thursday morning the building was a roughcast structure and contained two stores one of which was occupied by mr t condor as a grocery aad the other by mrs david harris as a fancy goods store loaaaboot 12500 the mr and the unruly counciliors ixe still calling each other names the public generally see in to feel satisfied that the star has the best of the row s the town planted 500 shade trees this spring at a cost of 17s for frees and as we haro no cow bylaw im forgasjtli u0ckw00d i eockwocd was excited monday over a dog case at the diriaion court before judge chadwick keil olrachan sued sydney piatt for 150 value of a dog feloniously and wilfully slain by the aforesaid plati in the latters garden aad which was owned by the foreseen tor the judge charged tha iaryin favor of giving tbe ptaratift tbe amoant they assessed the damage at 910 and costs against the defendant mr arch shaw was returning home from guelph on wednesday last after de livering his fat cattle and when but a short distance from guelph he wu attacked by two men who pounded him over the bead and face with bludgeons until they stunned him they then searched all his pockets but found no money as he had sent the cattle money home with his father who went by train this is the moat daring attempt at robbery ever committed in this part of the country our band instruments have arrived and a mr lawrence of guelph engaged as bandmaster we will soon have jots pf music i i geokgciovfx at the last meeting of the council mr barber asked why the dog bylaw was not enforced naroeroas dogs were running arennd without tags mr barber it bound that the bylaw will be enforced as an attraction to tenants houses arc here advertised as being uear the s a barfacks the uev j fennel wa- agreeably sur prised last week in receiving a very sub stantial and neat set of harness from some of the members of the congregation at stewart town wc rotf for many month it has been known that amanda kewtoo of georgetown has kept a disreputable and disorderly house she wis arrested by constable harlcy on monday on this charge and by the reeve and mr boston was sentenced to four- months imprisonment iq the common jsil in the evidence the names of those who frequented this place were given bat we withhold them from the public at present the big celebration drew a big crowd the programme was pretty fully carried oat stul we have seen better qaeens birthday demonstrations in georgetown kioto x pesonu mention ragrapbireipectuikvlilionto and from acton with whom free pkii beaucn iwwffe o miss loule uemitreet 1 visiting friends atflbelboroe mrow cook of torouto visited acton friends on lbs 34th mrs lusle thurston is visiting fricndi at grim 1 by and beamsvillc mr b e nelson of guelph ineit ban- day with his friends in town mr james smyth 0 toronto tru tbe guest ot friends here on friday mr johuliiidiayjr of litnehonso is visiting friends iu tbe north went mr john first brook of toruhtu was tbe guest of acton friends ovor sunday mr joseph perkins of olovrrsville n y ipeut the queens birthday in acton mr john attdmon tndi4la spent two or three dawrlfcis weeth friends in gait v- j- mr aud mm john warren of cedar creek farm spent the just wttk with friends in toronto mr john b cameron left- ou saturday to spsbd a week with friends in toronto miss alma boss gf toronto was the guest for several days during the week at the home of mr thomas tmoore mrs letitia youmans the prohibitionist lecturer is slowly recovering from a severe illness but it is doubtful if she will ever be able to take thartfnxucajn v bev e h burlington is to be one of the canadian delegates to the worlds s s convention which ia to be held in london eog in july mr and mrs andrew vtama and family of st loiis mo wellknown in this vicinity left usl week per tbe lloyd s 6 saale or a iu mombstour through europe mr a e matthew of syracase k v arrived home on monday to assist in the interesting ceremony consummated at the parental home the following day al looks well and though matters agree with him on the ouieajsidejof ah lint he hasnt gone baekoatno1dteyl w mrs d b chisholm formerly of ham flton applied for a divorce in chicago from her husband on the ground of desertion she declined to disclose mr chisholmt present plsfesj of fcsldedol ahdvthe judge consented thatktotfceolthffactfon should be sent to a friend of mr chisholm in hamilton who wooid forward it to the mining d3 on receipt of a written ac knowledgement tbat tbe notice has reached iu ydstptsnsimp proceeding j will be repemsd isbofaf u ii wwjn was a defaulter and fled from hamilton some yean ago op5c our perambulaunglownsmp coancil met at mcleans hotel hillsbarg this month andersons hotel ospriage will accommo date the members on the if th jane the townships tax collector receives jo salary mr a j carrie filled tho office hut year trout fishermen from all larla of the country come to erin to eujoy sport in that line george kamsdeu and c j mc doc aid have received their tavern licenses ker mr broley of fergus seems to have worsted dr mcnaughton in their controversy on temperance matters ia the adtoatft j cr f tfie next regular ibeeting of acton ccudch will be held next monday evening a jood attendance is desired- mr a m clsrk lias filed with the town clerk an objection tathe whole ofthe famerrton assessment roll among other reasons for his objectioos the learned gentleman miys that maoy of the names are wrongly spelt ipdtherolt is so badly written that it would be impoasibla to make out a correct voters list- from it the berlin avicf says the trunk factory is working overtime sndhasdbne so all spring tha goods tdrned out by this concern are very pocrolar frith tbe cana dian public and constauitljr meat with a good demaad is ubnhmeut is a most vajusbleadditiofi 4o our nduithal delegates from the councds of koyal templars ot temperance met heron tues day to consider matters relating to the cause in the county mr hugh campbell was appointed town treasurer at a salary of 1100 a year win pitiman of georgetown was again fined 50 and costs bj mayor dice and x robertson last week for selling uquofwifti- ont a license chief cooauble crowe assisted by de tective doyle arrested ail g nedham eate town clerk of milton- in hamilton on tuesday on a charge of embezzling corporation foods bail was accepted for 400 aad prisoner released to appear for tnaf within eight days reformer bobl blacklocjc of nasaagaweya was fined 28 in afl for being drank and dis orderly disturbing tbe salvation army and escaping from a constable besides being bound over to keep tbe peace for two years the sproat estate asks the council for damages owing to the loss of a spring now utilized hythe waterworks ksatchuull bbomsbary picnic was a success tho day was fine and cool and as was expected bloomsbnry claimed a fair share of those seeking to upend a pleasant and enjoyable time the amusements were varied to suit all tastes and the grove was enlivened with excellent music on the nolin organ and bagpipes tho proceeds amounted to between 175 and 80 on the evening of the 2fth the many relations and friends of mr and mrs wil liam jackson met at tiieir residence to celebrate their stiver wedding excellent musio was jarnisbed si intervals by mr douglass on his bagpipes and an enjoyable eveniog was spent the bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and valuable presents may thoy long five to enjoy them there seems to be some miserable dogs prowling around here mr wm jackson had a calf worried on the night of the mth load np the old musket boys quite a number of sports went fishing on the 2hb so did tbe mosquitos they say the bites were something great at eden mills on the 22udmay the wife of james anderson blecksmiuiof adaugh- ter the weather some days the past week has been coldand backward and lut sat urday night there was quite a hard- froat there being ice one quarter inch kick in man places bat so far as noticeable no aerioos damagehas been dooet a grand rainon mopday we hope to get warmer weather soon mr j h matthews has purchased the harness business and stock of mr j t habited who has accepted an agency to which he will devote his attention mr matthews is prepared to give all the customers of the above shop every attention and will always endeavor to give satisfac tioa to ill trustee craikshsak ot the orangcvilie school board made an attempt tho other day to thrsahetiioteachert for pan- ishing his boutorisoenavfor in orange- ville the amenities of civilization seem to be honored more in tbe breach than in the observence according to die adkrtita jabesh suow gunning cove x s writes i was completely prostrated with the asthma but hearing ot dr thomas eclectric oil i procured a bottle and it done me so much good hat i got an other aad deforest waansed my son was cared of a bad cold by the use of half a bottle it goes like wildfire and makes cares wherever it is used the well established and high repute of oar dress goods and dressmaking departments have been alike tho envy of competitor and tbe delight of an increasing bct of customers many people have no idea of the widely extended connections which we enjoy in these de partments we are favored with orders and purchaser from the west as far as vancouver and many of the leading towns along tho- c p r including winnipeg in the east our orders reach as far as halifax and iu scores ot towns and cities in ontario do we count those who through tbe iargbfitsi of our stock and tbe excellence of our work have been led to favor as with their orders and what is more having come to us one season they invariably coma back agsin and bo it is in the millinery tbroogh the restlessness of haman n stare and ambition for improvements people move from one place to another bat in so many cases where oar customers have moved to other places we are still favored withlheir patronage in these departments these reflections assure us that not by bombast not by vain pretensions bat by fair and honorable attention to the require ments of oar cajtomers that a bond of this kind ii established and maintained and while we do not claim to have an ex- cicaire moaoply of all the fine goods that are sold in guelph we have good reason to know that a very large proportion of the finest goods sold go across our counters the variety of 6ur dress and fancy goods at present is simply immense and in certain lines if not in all wo tiavo it established by actual comparator tbat oar prices for goods of equal quality are in many instances lower than others in tbe trade we enjoy a financial and trade position that opens up to us tbe keenest markets of the world and being confined to no amount or place wo make oar aelaot- ioos wheresoever and by whomsoever the greatest and most tangible iadncements come in oar way this is one reason for diffusiveness of oar styles and the fact that ho require meals of every pocket and fancy find a ready response in our colossal stock of staple and fancy dry goods i k r bollert i27 lower wyndham street i guelph dr washington throat and lang surgeon of 1 toronto 1ifu v ft lamxj iiiapoicyiioiis the jricihhousl hamilton wor ti ileorivrd ibii week enibroidsn i llaif falulod window linde ill leunahuorpiwouian4ora new aoppliea at pooda ar4 oomius aery loweat prioee poaalb le silk underwear cotton boca new fa nerba batlu do ouum paraaola sub bib xh fruite shihloa cambric lining merta itellaii laatiust table na kipbrolderad cbemiaaa drawera 1adiaa silk qlovaa uoaa bibbot cdrtajoi mantle and draw brnda i an to very cheap tn rjlaa ao nai to eioertdaily by ladfe wb beiojt so tbat bia aaiei wbiob bava been mootbaual year befarefolto hiiibt eoote corner ot eli hamilton may mth 1881 w ww jim- -tvveuve- xis i 0 1 hh -h- kobe ginham iwo cea coruio lpiw ooe caae bran polo kudi and brackeusmyroa r oilclou tbe demaod or carpet and carpel mauriala window bhadaa polea lino- hoote fohiiioiog eoodi fi k eoormoui that it takea four men to attand to tbe cnatotnen and j weekly joit aae tbe earpati at the kiutuooae i yoo want oaw and atyliah eyjoda ai the jloree wlthkid tip on nnxera natural wuol underwear or ladiea aod orani bibbed cotton ifncbajiet aeelhemfredchlaoe floudcratft cbeoilo trimminjsi cksnila cataaina kidtalovea bobber ciroolaw keedlee grey colloni wigant ticku i cokowea ladiea bate silk tale hick laoee torohon laoa silk rjbbona henrietta clothe ceab- kloi braid toekinga ire shield uoraetei bnatrea ferrea oood beuae coraet waiate ight draaaea coraetcovera etc xbaonder kooda are marked down to ueejrly halt prioa from u to 10 and pattern mahtlel pattern hala short jacket ktadraa cnrtalna chenije trimplnst frinu from 18 to 12jc ladiea sommer uoderyeate ouly 25o watkina foda and tenrptinje the varietiae to aelect from ao eoormooi aud varied tliav hte atore ir erowdad- able to let almbat anythin and everything they reqoire at the buihthooae boy varylaxraly mmenae lor many year have increased daring the uit threo moutha 1839505 over the aame iores east ot the carpet window r llany mke miatakoa and do not net into th m itreeta r thomas c- watkng kenney brs dominidji boot fe shoe store malk street acton desire to thank their many patrons ft their quuieroua purcbaact di jrada is now complete we bars a veil assorted stock comprit r r the kaaa direct st clow ekaaai d urine tbe 30 days sale and also to announce that tiieir itcck or tbe bprii irialna all tsat ut be reqelndy the publio and having nnrebased from o prices we ara preparea to fftre good talae ladies hue shoe and slippers in variety gentlemens laced bali 4c i and all the usual line tranln aad vtliae in pood rtxlet- castom wart u1 recte the alual attention and repairioa promouy atteoded lo kenney eros acton ottr spring goods kelly bros hctoni 8 ordered 01othing new hate i spring ties ready made clothing i dry goods j groceries k look through our veil vaabnoduid nobby stock of spring suitings and rantiogsi will ooo- vinoo you that we bare the fcboicest gbbdain ibe cotiaty a pertect fit caaranteed w tisaa a cnrefor sore eyes fsalcok through kelly bros eloontsasortmentotstho most paabiottable lliring uau vblch ujtey can tellcbeaptf than any other bouo tnho connty 1 i vie have joit receired a bondrod toicq at tbe latest ami tuobt aibionatfe bprlng ties and scarfs for genueuien l yoo can save money by buying yac uaady jjada clotbiug at kally broa we bar jtamraeetvad a vflryjarn slock ol men youtbiboya and children baits widen are of th choicest patterns aadstylea mens bolta from ehi np odd laau from u5 ap cnihhisiiltofrorattbep h i our 8u1h0 dry goods cant bo boat ouritoci o groceries uvcrjcouljtaual of bcttyuality at loweat jritc oar ioe japan j i beaia tha world i tsa beats tbe world guelpli btisiiiess college fifth scholastic year there arc uo raca- tiom tbe colregc being in sesrion luronsh- oal tbe entire year intending stadcnla can iberefora enter at aajtinje its graduates arc meeting with distinguishod eocccm ac book keepers basinet managers xhortbaud writers court reporter etc oaog men and women daaciifttfl a thorotigh traininc for saoceas in any of these lines of work will consult aneir own weliajbyattendlngiapaijtfbiisinc col- ife isdiruaalinitrqeqonisafaatare of tba iactitation graduates uatited in obuining- poctioes for terms and particular address itjificcohiack 01 y principal concerns household goodi with stoves carpels tnolsitcpabliasgladolds sprouted scents andotbexnower roots and seeds for cash or on time mbs s a secobd a few of tie hundreds cured by dr- waah- ingtona new method of inhalation n storey of storeyi sop prominent filova maaulsetorars of ac too ont cmvd by dr aahiustoa of catarrh of the throat bad form aadrronoaiicodlpcutableily eminent bpocjal- istslo canada aud england writ htm for partlcalars chrome bronchitis and asthma cored- as english church clergyman speaks uoclory cornwall onl drwatbingwu driasrn i am lad to be abio to inform yon tbat oar daurfitcr is quite well again as this is tbo icoond time she bas boon cured of cm bronchial troubles under your treatment when the osual remedies failed i write to ex- proas my gratitude please accept my sincere fanik yoiin truly j c bpetttt urtjobu uckeivy kingston qnt- catarrh and consumption idj a hopping kingston out broncho con- ranrption mr e scotviuflgstai onl catarrh head ana throat mnjobn bertram harrowsmith out near kingston catarrh throat mia mary a rombottrg centrcvil7 ont catarrh head and throat james matthews post master acton oat a etiah gents furiiiahing ballevule catarrh throat bisaases tnxitkii catarrh of tio bead and throat catarrhal deafness cnroole brontshitii asthidaabdoousniuptioa also loss of voice rkeilmsatmsrsea tonsils iolyibs of ths kose removed couiiiearly cooiallalionlroe j5yodgo8txtxlobta kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bijtos a word to the wise is sufficient t avhat w intend doing for tur qustomers j the ojulv aaia way to do unajoeaais toaeil goods oa their utorita and wo can uy tbat a we make onr own goods inch as tegrain ool anduaioa darpeta w toowfwbajt wp are oiling we invite oar castomento call and see ni before baying elaewbere sad ddnt be deoeived b etber tnercbants wbo ssy our carpets are not up to the mark people vbo do not mass cftrpets donotkaowsatmoehabootthem asthoee who mjinfactiire and wa aak all intending rmrchasers to call and tee as notice thooccwtngfor lodayi all wool 6oc unicn 30c tapestry 30c brussels coc m hemp ioc per yd all wool stair carpets 25c penyd- 1 speoialtylace curtains only bob per pair i urdock pi im asunc curie fohbiuousncxaconctipatiorf- ihdiqcctiofl diziincsc olcit heaoachc kho mscaacn or nic ejtouach uvcn ado oovclc thcv ane uilotiioniucji arjo pneuft in aerioii ana rona a vaumclc aid to oonoocr dtoanjdntcno i tiic tncatuctrr aj cults of ctno o akd occtihatcpicsacsc tbe moat sncecwatal remedy erer diacor- i ond u it da certain lolu rltectsand dot not ulfirr bead proof below kenualls spavir ml i omcsorciubuat a bxtsca bxrxdlb or currxlauoi bit aii taomso baxs boaa3 ixawotllibot10jsa daajcawiuixoo v j dear bin i hare alwaya wnt ytmrmm daips spavin cure by tbe luof dosen cptttea i ooctbebaatutiiaeot6nebxt ibartoasd coivstabtoteltoterears kendalls spaiih cure baookxtx xatkovsmbert j9b da b t ksjuuixco i rararsliiidalretaa1vsymtivtn7joaialof ny i eeod opinion of your itonoadbbnatln cure i hare osod ft tor lnpencaa wllt jalaia avsul bentlab and rnavoroatidiiaaantreieera auyrccnnmiartiduioaulkcswniirfc j yoniiltaiy ahoraxw aaaaser tw uondr asassa r t 1 l clkrk st thompsons i 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod cos drug store h i g-ttezjiph- 1 i i i 1 1 hollinrake sbiif mimiii have a pirtclass stdc6jatimery they leid he trade r hats andbomnets trimmed iu the latest and most artistic styles by experienced mrlliaers and prices that will suit all customers at kendalls ii snwinoojitooiiiojli and rc31tin5nti toaayvati tartfca ants joor nit atkvfj0mwaa1 ijrentxnv none ttrjdjtawlen c bwbxjimb usivcawotiintkiba orncocux keidills spaiih cdbl twld by all dutf will i f miss campbell be pleased to show intendingurcbasers our splendid stqck o milliner- llinrake sod miltdn xy- ri j the leading merchant i t