iisjfesss bom ixca4a aeten in it i june the wile of mr stfeiure of a dsux iter kimuttat stavlbttnic c 1 the vtb loft lb wutotmtawuwlitt sakrcouwn- foclxmltb acton on in tad tw wlie of xt oto fottikw of a wt bottuai kesassai tf on liar aist tfa stilt 4t mr fjf tiottit toio cc 4 3u i kjuuw d civkm fwnuttt in fw monlbektnlnat by u father of the brii r assisted by bet jaa bromj w a oarers t tin firm o carers bros wlw stalls dau tutor of lut j c poomroyi oju beednui r of vciktu huh 8rtxol kljfcjuiott jftftfjwss thribrday jl ne 1685 ilk 4 h xotesamjcq xkxts the poatmaater gti eral it receiving tbaw from iji y wi tic recent chxajje in the postal txriff xn he deserves it why should canadians ol have as cheap t txriff x tbe united st itcs great excitement exist iu yictorix b c ooatoqoeui on the ordei c recivevl by the nxtxl xotborities a bel tins tea exrlj in jon u is slated a lumber of sealing maels hire left witlitb distinct xxtarxnee of the nival authorities hat they will be protected jadgaqill ia alnntn d last week di mined xdctioo to reco er the txim of x oommeraxl travellers trunk lout on the canadian pacific rxilwi r oa the ground thxt tx ttat had been tsaed it x reduced rxtey with the express n iderstxndinfi that tbeoompxny woaldnot e responsible for the loss oi baggage i- aritfooxti ii oooe more for axle bat ten- den matt be in before u e twentyninth of the present month thi islxnd which is prttxle property eompri ex xboal two mil- tioaxndxhxuoixcrex it is x pood place for sport bat settlers io not appear to proxer apoa it for th cxnxdixns who went there xome yexn t p retaroed wiser ht poorer men the wesuher reports s iow tint x great xxnoant oi dxmxpe wis c ice in mxny pxrta j of ontxrio by the frost 1 jt week bxrley xnd core hxre loffered si verely xnd wheat in lowjyinjt ixndi hss b sen bxdly bitten gxrden nsetxhlei txd mijl fruits hive been xlmost xnnihilsfed lxrge wis of a wbext pirticoixrly in lowljiog lxndx hxre been bxdly dxmxj ed one nights frsst hu eonxiderihiy di rkened the bright hopes of xfew dsjs xo i i mxny plxeex mnntrexl is txliinjj c aite xerioaxly of holding x worlds fxir in 1s it is prop shxt the prince of wxjes or his eldest son be xaked to op n the exhibition xnd thxt local committc a be formed in england frsnoe and other coonlries i whose doty it wooid be t secure a repres- entxtite exhibit from exc 1 district some snggdax thxt portions of the present ex position bindings xi pxz s might be pnr- chxsed xnd reerected in montreal to id- txatxge the grand trunk ilk ligin cectralind cxfixdixn pxeinc exflwx companies hxte ssoad x joint areolar sti ezng thxt on and after jane 1st next rates on freight from xtt paints in the united 1 txies for points in canxdx will be excixxj re of delirery dextination when snch reight is deiiter ed to conxnee by the n owxy companies at cartage poistx x share i of two cents per 100 lbs minunani ten ce 3fs for any con lignmeot will be adii to he freight c ehxrges and collected for artage serrice at i points where cartage ix f tformed by the railway companies tbe shelbarne ecqmohu tf compxrex mxt- ters ur follows let an intelligent man or womxn who hxs been in the habit of xttroding pnblic cclebrxtxms in shelburne mxkex compsrison of then amber of dranxi to be seen list friday with those attend ing any celebration darirjc the scott act rrjtatis tnd we feetcertxii he win be con- ttnced thxs the old stocs argument thxt um scott aot does not diminish drinking u to axe a oommon exprmioo pore rot the crooks act that grand license law tbe sfringeot regolxtionsl of which were lxodedto the skies by thefliqabr men dor tog tbe mpxigo for u e repeal o the scott act did its work i l great style on tbe fifth the drinking i od fighting the enning and swearing wi s fexrfnl the ngfattngwas kept op unta xboot midnight preventing those who wee peaceably in clined from sleeping xnd iboot 8 xm the shooting of men xnd the clanging of the are ball called op all hand to stay he pro gress of flames which it generally be- i listed were kindled by s me intoxicated indiridnai who had as rim d the contract of painting the town tp tiu the eren- ing of sxtardxy men conld be seen stxgger- ing sroand drank xnd noi men only for young boys were in the s nee dixgrxcefai cond in the bxrrooi i of one of oar hotels tboy who coald noi hxe been more thxn sixteen years of age i ax picked op by tiro btxwnygajootx cxrriec to the bar xnd bad x glass of hqoor forced pawn his throat bah for the crooks act 1 tkt xono iduuiangiftercxce hxy 29 the ioqoest touching the exase of the death of james 8 short of hono was htld here today before james henry iq coroner ser- erxl witnesses were exxminep bat the most tmporunt one wxs dr cxrbett who per formed the post mortem exxminxtion the jary retired about eight oclock in the sreniog and after two hoar deliberation returned x verdict that the liecexsed as b bcott came to his death from a fractore of toe skull by t blow inflicted by henry atkinson in self defence 3 p ifehiuxn county ccovo attorney wxs present dar ing the whole proceedings and watched the interest of the crown bisdivg twlvt farmers are at present a good dfa ex ercised about the rise in the price of bind ing twine it isajleced by some that this isdoffto a combine among msnafictarers t xnd by others to the fact that the rise i doe to a shorujeof the hemp manilia and stssicrops from which the twine is mxnu- factored we ootice that a meeting to dis eaxsjutf sdbjfcs u held ia east yfrfc last sxtorday xii which the object was thor- oaghry veotilxled fue farmer who iss gireux good ideal of sttentipn io thexob- iectgare it as his opinion that the scarcity of raw material wxs the exase of the rise in price he said be did not suppose ey cooid do acting towards making tbe twine cbeapef this year wiiat wu open to tbem was to try and find the most soit- xhle twine that they could bay he had been sbosro samples of scotch ate twine xi xtoat u ceatt a pound thxt bebetieved coxld be osed ff thxt were done it woald hxw xgrmt tflt lu cbexpetuqg the cost of twine agricaltarxl ejsejtangt a modfern deluge 10000 people dronnvd lu s flood in pennfyu rsnufirexddil ti txrrori to ilif htstrtbcttatg scene mliuons of p xiniutfi tliemoxl dlxxsiflttji calamity that bu evsr occurred otitliii continent tu euxotod in ni state of lcudiyhxnia on friday xpd stlardsy it ximpotiible to rive oven ft faint- idea of the heartrending disaster h seoros clear that xomcthing like ten thou said people have tost their lives while mill loot of dollars worqfof property liars own swept away the estimate of the lost of both ufa and property u pot beyond this bat the most that cxn be said is tuxt the disaster is the most destructive of fcamtn ufsk outside of wrr thxt hxx yet orerukea karth americx rnx orjtiix wsasttti joincstotx ps jaue the heavy rain storms of the past week swelled the cone- maogh river which ruus ihrotgh john town where there wn an immense xrlificixi dxm with a sbeor height of a hundred feet above tfa level making x lake xt least three miles long and a mile wide the dam had leaky foundations and jnbustova being ta a hol low lyiog between two rivers felt the fall force of tbe flood- to add to the horror of the situation hundreds of persons were barned to death at a nil way bridge while seeking safety from the flood and as if it were nbtnoagh thxt tbe elements should do their worst ghoali went about robbing the bodies of the dead of such jewellery and valuables as they coald find apoa them other places in the neighborhood of johns town alto iaftered lich a sang hollow cambria city cooemxagh kew florence boiivxr merrill kineveh xnd villages and settlements along the conemxagb eisk- imintax xnd alleghany rivers the bodies of the victims beini strewn along the banks the popqlxtion of the valley numbered aboatjsoooandof these over 10000 are estimxtedjto hxve perished everybody seems dxted- the j calamity hxs over whelmed the inhabitants i i teikieij itcltgc prrrssreg jane s- shortly after noon the dam gave way about five miles above johnstown xndskcepingeverylhilg before it burst npoq the town with terrible force the water in the river rose from five feet deep to forty in ten mfaates everything wxs carried before the rash of waters and not kn instant s time wxs given the people to seek safety honses were demolished swept from their foundations xnd carried in a flood to a culvert near the town here x mass of all manner of debris soon lodged and by evening it had damned the water back into the city oye the tops of many of ihe still remaining chimneys a tele gram received about ii oclock last night said the hlockxde at the johnstown bridge slhreefoartbs of x mile long xnd forty high xnd wxs xll on fire the extent of 4he damage coald not possibly be estimx- ted the number of bodies under this pile is enormous being placed as high ax six thousand int this probably xn exaggera tion xlthpngh the number is something xwfoi the- stench from the burning flesh is nnbexrable xnd the survivors htxget coui us exurteeoerx xre sickening xt the naaseoas odors there are not enough coffins to bury the dead aj though the resources of pittabarg hxve beefi txxed to the utmost to secare them snd200wero fclnt oat today johsstowt 3 one 3 the developments of wery hoar make it more xnd more ap parent thxt the exact number of lives lost by the flood will neverbeknown at pres ent there are said to be 2200 recovered bodies here and xt sir oclock this evening the 630th body had been received at cambria probxbly onethird of the dead will never be recovered the estimate can never be accurate for iu many instances whoe families xnd their relative were drowned the hungarians and negroes xre causing mucn trouble all day yesterday they tilled op with whiskey taken from the river on saturday and were in a dangerous mood j snuitrt k zsguxv hoxvax jane 3 the dautf yicf dis- cosxtng the danger of ahifioal lakes says america where eerythicgis on a scale of vxstneas which we canoot experience seems destined to offer ca ism hies of ciri- iixafion as it exhibits its triumphs on the most colossal scale the sympathy of the whole civilized world will be wiih the peo ple oi peansylvania in the saddest most striking and most merwhexming misfortaoe thxt ever befell s people of the english racej tbe other morning dailies refer to the disaster in x similar strain i fl00patc0b0ceg coboceg jane l the most severe thun derstorm that in the memory of the oldest inhabitant ever deluged this district swept down the vxlley of the cobourg creek exrty this morning xnd del aged the greater part of the west riding of kcrthumberland it carried away dams bridges and buildings all along its coarse there are only two or three bridges left stxnding in tne munici pality and the town is practically cut off from the oalxide world it will cost the town 3000 or f 10000 to re pair dam ages o the town property slooe the grxnd trunk bridge and em banfcmenl were carried away causing x loss of at least 150000 the hoaxes tnd shops in the lower part of the town were flooded xnd extensive dxm- xges caused many farmers xre heavy losers xs lxrge fields of promising grain iwere carried away to the depth of x foot xnd a half the lake shore u strewn with heps of debris and wreckage the total loss to this riding cannot be short of half x mil lion dohxrx kovilto plies oftelfpekaxce a district council organized at hulon tue order prtnoeruui a district coancii e t of t for the county of hsutoa wxs organized xt hilton on tuesday may 28 aboat thirtyfive delegates were present representing oak- ville bnrungtoo milton and georgetown councils an enthusiastic meeting wxs held sod the coancil thoroughly organized for active temperance work in this county the following officers were elected for the ensuing year itrtct coanefljor bro bcr v ketuewcii ttt alias vice w if brouiors cbpun ellhan pecrrtarr h ktminij tcworer jecird uj houiore tjicrald hitter uarr anderson h audenou j utuvt foster bros jvckmj k dice i w ileseii the reports of those present showr d that the order wei in a rrrwperona condition after ujebosinees had bctn transacted the coboal adjourned to meet at oabville at the temperance camp august lotb xnd all present went down to the town hxll to witness the forms presentation of a drink- fog fountain to the town by the local cooucfl thcfo was general regm at the absence j of representatives from actou counou tuk kkwp ct albax bev 0 r oookfnddlntlieilghoit ealtim by hli l parii bar geotv b oooke the now iocambint of st albaba churoh xnd formerly of bft pauls cbarch pajmirston arrived in acton lut thursday and preached his inxogakt sermons on banday to good sited oongregx tioui oa monday evoolng mr cookxa in d action took ilxce au iotereatlog and impressive icrmoti wx preached by hair thoa 8 m lib of elorx that rat mr cooke was greatly beloved by his cougrcgation at pxlmerston is evi dent from the vtry complimentary refer- encei to lid luccessfal pxstorxte xnd lb report of the interest inn services held for tlie purpose of saying farewell to himself and family published in lut iuue of tbe pal mm ton ttlrqrapl at a f xre well gath ering on tuesday evoning the 38th may when rev rural deau belt occupied- the chair the following address wax read by mr j t lacy xt the oooclaslon of which mr f haxelwood haaded mr cooke x wellfllled parse totukrcvriuesdaroncxb coosx bcy and dax fitr in meeting jaa nor for the last time is oar istlor after uio baiit ralatloas that have oloogiautilod bctwmd us we cannot bring ourselves to alter our farewell withes without prwnfi to joa oar deep tense of regret that daly has esjied you awar from those among whom you have so long and so utefuuy labored and is aboat to sever the bond between us than which none is more lensitivo or lympslhotic that betven pastor and flock it is now mors than four years lineo ibis con grecatioa first bade you welcome and looking back ajoo the rcsalu that hav uen achieved at your bands during that interral and the nro- greas and advancement that have under oods eracc ba sdded both to the iarochlal tnd spthtcisj welfare of ibis eoogrepatloa notwltb- luntlingthemaayanddjscaqraguig dtfflcalties which bava from timo to time been encounter od and in wuich yon have had oar itncerest yinpathy ve realise that in tout departure this parish will experience a loss that it will b diffl cnltto replace and one which will fix in the metnory of us all the recollection of the earnest and able eft oris that have markedyoor ministry among us vc experience loo a ihock la the rending of the friendly intercourse thl has so long exstd between us bat are happy in the reflection tbst tbe lies of friendship to built op are inch ss time and distance cannot dissolfe and will con tinue to livo in the grateful hearts of many blended with an earnest sympathy in your labors wherctcr thoy may be we are pleased that you go at the call of a hearty lariution and wuh you inch a measure of raceess ta your new field of labor as will rend er your fine gifts and faithful devotion to duty a grand meads ander gods favor of advancing the creat work with which yon bate been com missioned and fruitf ol of blessed results and fa ooneluslou we extend to yijur uniable wife and family oursmcerosi wishes for their hapiif- nes and prosperity tad to all an earnest god- rpol bigued oa bchsjf of the congregation f bixelwdon wardens mr cooke in x brief speech thxnked the congregation for their high appreciation of hix services saying he wxs afraid their affection for him had carried them too fxr in estimating the benefits of his lxbors among them whatever good had resulted from his ministry must be xttribated to the blessing of god apoa his work oa behalf of mrs cooke he had to thank them not only for their expression of goodwill to- wxrkx her contained in the address just read but for the mxny acts of kindness performed by the members of the congre gation generally xod which both her and himself would ever gratefully remember commending them to god xnd desiring them to remember him tn their prayers the reverend gecllemxn bade them fxre- wed the tux elamixittoxs result of the examination or pupils ia the flrvt second and third departments otarton public school the following shows the standing of the papilx ta the departments named on the first of jane j ncst krjjlrthect scnoiuth anniestephenson293 john perkins 231 geo agnew 2g3 ixramrjiutr bella stephenson 270 j j pearson 231 anson smith 2f3 jnaox minnie mortoa 233 ltrxie mclxm 2s0 lewis orr 280 scxiou 3eu win gifford 2w robt sinclair 27t aggie creech 27 ixrrxjiiautc frank mcintosh 232 kirby gifford 219 fred ross 219 maries possible 350 t t moore teacher secovducrixryxxt sexioe maggie ramsey 273 willie lowry 2ji john mcgui 25f istoirenure minnie edwxrds 1222 george clark 201 madia mcxabb 19f jcxian john edwxrds 260 elsie quittner 2 may rydei- 212 charlie mccann 212 marks possible 300c mcfhxil teacher texcxi iieptctjicxr srxiox john mcdonald 252 allan campbell 252 xettte cobban 2ff ixtnoatari minnie holmes 223 angus johnson 221 maggie laird 108 jrxioti mable grant 230 eddie j moore 229 nellie holmes 219 marks possible 300 m melville teacher rocetk uctirnrrxt sexioe johnnie moore 21g edith edwxrds iso alfred miller 108 irreasrxarcjennie smith 197 eva matthews i5g clifton gifford ho jcxion eva perryman 175 lottie ebbxge 1c0 lottie halsted 150 marks possible 250 emma moore teacher urulu8 convalttuxt h0e wbiurar orllllai fatnrt may h i it ii xt preunt u lively and ntarprixlng a town u tht dominion bolda and if itii net neor porxtad u x city within very few fexrt u will not be uie xnlt of its proaeni joalooax moid and prominent oltlmbi we xre glad to note thxt a former resident of aclon la identified within progress xs iba following from tho daily rim will show 1 the local press haa frequently advocated iho oitsbllihrneni iu this locxlity of x oou vxlescent home tho wellkoown salobftty- of our lako dims to making orlllia xu ami neatly desirxble place for a aanetorlurn or almost any kind of x health resort after years of consideration a project having laoh for his object has xt length emerged into actus lity thxokx to the so per tor en terprise of x small ooterie of pablioxpiriled men of whom mr j p secord it x prime mover- a lito for the hospital has been selected oh tbe shore of lake bfmcoe and an admirable spot it is in a few days or at the longest weeks excavating for the foundation of the new building will be commenced and before another fear hu passed a hxndiome building in every way salted to the requirements of the public will grace that ujclarcsqoc section of the town from the charter k may be learned that a jointstock company ander the name of the redcross hospital xnd convalescent home co of orillix hxs tjcn formed on it may be seen the names of the first members with the amount of stock held as follows wm thomson t b mitchell each 1500 worth t h robinson f w maandrell g h white each 11000 maxwell hall 1250 a miscxmpbell 100 j prt secord 15000 there art aeverxl other stockholders whose names do not appear on the charter lower pejces fob wheat wheat hu taken a drop to 00 cents per baahel outside markets are dull ans heavy xnd indicxilons of warmer and dearer weather cxascd x vexk opening in tie mar ket the review of tbe wbcat crop in the southern and western portion of the wheat belt gives good reports lef the growing wheat and other imxll grain mararxoamp tbe following are the corps ordered oaf for drill at the niagara camp tnd cavalry four troops i toronto and hamilton field luucrie win lineou battalion soth haltoa battalion r i 31st grey battalion jhh korfolk battahoa j uih wetland battalion j the 20th will leave the county on the utb hut special vxlue in dress goods orffridxy xnd saturday j g b rvix 4 co gnxru the story of a will tfrom the toronto wail to the editor of tbe loil ji hxring seen x letter in your paper from mr john cooper of this town reminded me of on incident which occurred about three years ago a friend of mine mr a seymoar was staying at vermillion bay on the cpr west of here a igxcy tu left to him by an ancle in london eng mr seymoar was in sach bad health xt the time thxt he thought be would not be alive when tbe legacy would reach here he therefore wrote to me xxking me to hxve his will prepared and sent to him for sig ns tore etc appointing me xs the legxtee in trust the will wxs prepared by john m mann esq barrister of this town xnd wxs sent to mr seymour it was returned fa me duly executed and is still in my pos session j in the same letter was a request to send hall x dozen hot ties of warners safe care and some pills i sent them i received x letter some time after asking me a send some more xs he wxs feeling m uch better i did so xnd the next i knew mr seymour himself came to town and told me and looked it thu be was a well man ho got his money through the ontario bank here xnd is now in british columbia xod wxs fagood hexllh when i last hexrd from him i may say thxt i know both mr xnd mrs cooper well xnd the facts in mrs coopers case tie u stated in mr coopers letter yoaan publish this or not as you think fit xs it is nothing to me either way yoarx eio w c dona j p port arthur onl may 23 j the foregoing letter u bonajuie and not an advertisement eerxoa mail s special avoncceltext lome school standing of pnpils of lorne school for themotith of mxy cuss rr jennie ffxldie jxuie wxidie maggie lynd benson mclean nellie mc- dougall johnnie kicklin cliss hl katie lasfay norman crew- son ida fernley cuas ir johnnie davidson neil lywlj joelynd bertie gamble t clssx t- alice brown grxcie cleave mabel afexxnder hill yard lxsby donald wxidie m bovis ax0tueii e ttsicracp bfiteeu freight cars deuiollslud and two hea badly injured there wxs a bad smasbap of two freight trains thursday night xt clarksons siding miles east of oakville folly sixteen freight cars were smashed and x great deal of damage done a freight train from hamilton had the right of way xud at clarksons ran into a west bound freight which was just pulling oat frotn4be siding the smash wsk k bftd that traffic was de layed all morning tlia first train going around by georgetown the trains from the west dae it toronto at 12 oclock did not arrive till 2 but after that the ioconv log and oqtgoing trams were on time tbe track having hnn cleared engineer john clifton and bciktsjudii joseph elliott were badly hart and were taken to oakville we hxve mxde xrrxngemenls with dr b j kendxll co pabliahers of aj trext- isexa ihe horse and his disesses which will enxble all oar sabscribers to obtxin x copy of tbxf vxlaxble work free by sending their address enclosing x twocent stxmp for mailing same to dr b eendsjl co enosbargh falls vt this book is now recognized u standaxd xuthoriiy upon xll diseases of the horse oits phenomenxl axle attests over four million copies hxving been sold in the put ten years a sale never before reached by any publication in the axme period of time j feel confident that oar pxtrons will spprecixte the j work xnd be glxd to xvxil themselves of thi op portunity of obtaining a vxlaexbla book it is necessary thxt yoa mention this paper in sending for tbe treatise this offer will reraxin open for only x short time children cry for pitchers castoria when nsiy tra tfefc t7c care her castoria when she was a child she cried for castoria when the became hits she cluag to caxtorta when she had children ihe gave them castoria itf colored maaliui tod cream eeerf aekeri tt 6a per yard obbra ttcoqviub the lireert itock ol ctrptta and uce cortajn la gbelpb i kt 0 u btix cov oitmi absolutely pure eljji 3 wtbjan loldmi imlwau than the munarr unit mi ntmot tx im in asmptutpn with tn nmiatoiumlowutuliort ubtilinifbophataio4an bold wotu buraw potbm co im stjbsobibiq foe the actons only 100 per year in advance free press r v l j welcome spring bobae tlie mill to owntml5mfc my alio b bad there lkfi 1 toboktolnlecswall lumber am 8hinje thbofderitoeahablmil ismber and are prepared toasssjl iba tb 7 iaiot lss 2te j otber bnlmlaa at mjonable s mttatm pide and eedar abintle i abooa tailol- lot and dwel ms i i hocbe and lot od beer ftmtbbtt to j e ucoarrla bmhsb bard and aoft water ooonaleot ajsi7 flea appjy for cartlcnlan to jjsz apoj our j ottrl vkbis bnildin2 lots wl a number w very deeizabta bo sale ootaxknd lk ir smiths survev anmdberot xtdltttsfltiv- sites are offered xod as buodln la isssytisl livery bere this snnmiertne t npidry lncreaag is valiw tenmji desiragletus house an11 foe xufitfyv-y- that terr comfortable boeud iu adjoinlnc act chnriastoetfl4sfld lent locatioo buudine in gom sbi terms and other parncnlsii tfh svtvt bpeigbt on tbe prami or to v ivj ubs jjichael atxitjb j ifabble wffljpj ji hsmiltons marble works i nam street ontlph suqx establiabed 1bt1 john hamlt wholesmle and retail dealer and and manutacttm of all kinds oil martfle monument tombs etc- h extensive eiperlence for the lsxt at publle may rely on getting all npsao a cheaper rata than any otber taawfcxvi west ilfto s a is per cent off cm x dirsstxata oeived for tbe next 30 days 17 lumber lafli i satebs mill ksssagaweja buniixsa xbotrt a vxdjno feet otjji all ksads needed for bands tnlqsxwsaiestabuanedrepl class ivmber and reesoname priesa- bhuiglmonhand we are- prepares sfjlbxjsf sretywsjittaemrline v7p petes xtsttj- -i- fri stexm pixning micxrpentar buxat dwlanfr -m- iy rphb 4vboretweai inaetoa b xmitxt x axis tna nachinery iiisiiiitsji m sod xoonldinsj me casx sftfhei qsitldriniurcrdncatuadjjstssasl oodtcmliix lathe with saws dssuax ten toos wm b sld logether ouaatdmw tools separately apply to- t mjtspoi henderson mrhe co hcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage j millinery display where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fkncy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoestd fit and suit everybody see our 100 ladies shoe i bargain teas sugars and igroceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once j a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest sqt lojc remember ourfamojis 50c tea hendirso mcrae goj comfortable dabi5 for sale naajai on toe jam p- j will 1 letne an doable fbud woit bfirer ataone two etorerl m atchm ettaclmd bard aod loft irn eot in mry reepect end renrj rarfjtbr raontb mjhr l tbe jricklad reatdenee oo van lam wo to borer titb jarie lllebea aaat hard and aoft water in tbe node v terau andpaxtldolara mad knows bpnaj plication at tbee pmboimcevwj and i vd 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