Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1889, p. 3

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wj jwb j4wl 4 i- i m n ihmbcr ciabe c foaadsfrinlis pnriut tiintsci iljsw tahabb j p in for sale n lots fo sale a camber c t utsdubaildi 1 reamer the cianjae te desirablj e andlolj pobsalb i 1 oactorcb soma boo exo j jar patbralara ansy to r i r or to l inciuelj steigbt itauaaoill aotoh i r5 pmtm j parmtiibowratrie xajtotvioa iftao ajn nd-fci3- kundajr ij fsaalftlo blweclaeorrietlbythi ij -fo- ah cortlally luriltd tliwlnp dtird rpl io k- p itooie iwiitrr iaiioa ilnjl wtltoolc at- order of j canadian home circles a fraternal becetent and beneficiary rien branch taceu la the oddfellows bill rtturt thnrdtr oi each month any informs- si imrdiac u object and plans ttiii sodfir rill b ehwrfuuy by mtfjif oa any of lb following officers oeahpdlldr jjfolaster f b ik 0 matthew sccr l currf ejttt leader n jclm trau idrlowrymewex- -read- tjr thoir oonoeri on the qnwnt birthday see- jmmfem imt comroanion terviou were held tut ban- dtyiq barpv charoh wenadevtlinathttmr wm willie ii letviug the clark home ind tbit llrt cutk the owner ii moving into it a dollars worth for a dollar iiau n brc to offer kotad ktres job mere many not so msch eximiao oerfioodi udpridel ceilia and loot t oir urge tod rtried assortment o witches qocta jemlleiy speeudee craeti xaito spoosi forks sutiooerjr bohool bcob will pipen window shtdm itjt redding ind birthdiy preerau iteiiiillbcnleucdto hire you ail no bauble to ihor roa oar jods geo hynds actori ont t itoa m rss xmntsdiy jcxe c i8ssi iasy 1hx0e locals tble works iil daarr mi direet totpst r of ail vioai of grutui i i tajkofe htiejhmi a f cr l las is jui ti t hoattxiiifcntapenorutxli i u tfrn tuir otikr delq la ti as dinet orflea i latliilsmiigles jbu now ia ito t ixmbez f i 1 for bo3di p tk l r i r kioec l3b ct 1 i we ire fttimred to tcpf r jcrliae- j r eteeearebs- ob sale kill carpeolerhopi ia jlcton re oflgg tt edaerr ccmpnxi fasti f itroocnl ml j5 ut m u 1 yrriih nm pucr kmn i i esc aho puootyof eoye t- ld locgtfcgrormtrfribfrym i f table dwellings foe sale r dosme frame dvqi oa itease tro efcjiryi xxsb wife- 1 bard d oui water cene and mats for wi fid residacef on haio s with lun lrif a rixtbe boate s madejkatfwa npa f feee pees office 2 actof buatjoit ojtifest ud ood pr a3 ii ible men f ainhio5 tf- sajccoxbebftco i oe reywos bennn to wne the ortli ace of actox tfll lie bdii in tbo coinvi s- in aid vuiacc day 3rd jtjkb i0ht oclock p jl finiensiliij5r3 tie end g thnntflirei tiiii 3xh d of mat thouas ti m002e c1xe stiew ibgetpwn vox decqratqm jjfd i i i paurrzb b tatext style- ciqited lij- flic etfrthbofhtfal tod alert fr pri eeporlert i sixth mouth janel i the prospect are jd forajj iromense hiycrop- i brampton gaol ni empty- hut week the first time in mven yeara dominion day will bee a hi -demon- ctntion in ixtoa the gneal seoioni or the gmnry will be htjd cu1 tucfalay jqdc lloi staff cipubtota spent satotday saniir and itonday it ihe s i barr- acka ttie lttide entitled the story o a vh ia another colamn ii worthy of per- inal eeeve etorty auiaided county conncil oa iaesdiy the asaal basiness of the j cue session iru dispatched j the w e storey dr son b b dub will play a match with georgetown ihu afternoon in the exhibition bark ili enrpriaing the namber ox dogs that wre made their appearance ia tern eecc the assessor goi throcfih wiih hii tort- t atriu of greasy looking foreignera with a ooople of bron bean perambulated the freet9 on tuesday to thedeht of the little pltrt j mr thorcu holtby iha hajor of brampton will occupy the pulpit of the ifcthodist chnrch oext sanday morning aodertning- mestxa fnir grant hainiltan bateinat iaiaed v the hiatory ol profeisor paul by staart xiringatoru iiaatery intereatirig story j betvees foar and fire inches of water efi hot daring the rain storm last veek- harfeyi pond ia higher than it has been before this apring- ear analloyed fan qd gencine pleis- are the cottmiitee an the dominion day cefcfcratipn say that adin is the place to j fad them arrange to come oh- happy month lore joy and j song and fairest fiofftrr lo thee belong and glad bird cng their sweetest tone to peel thy coining lovely jane a picnic rill be held in connection stiifi the epeedsidt congregations i charch ia the bash oa ifr wm 6 armstrongs farm on tuesday afternoon jane illh the little steamer hich has plied in the river speed at jgnelph for some time put has bees sank there from the veighl of vater caosed by the late iieary rains tj material far knox charchs new nunseli being laid down the site has been changed from the bower avenue to the wtuow street aide of mr btendersons hfacfc the corner stone of bramptoma ne new eastern faunae was laid yesterday with hopreaote eeremoniei i henderson ex- hp took put and was a gaealoflhe town the reporta from all paru of tiie coan- try telt the same story as to the damage done by the frost to the garden stmx some are afraid the fnru crop was badly nipped its qaeer said one of the pttroni of the cheese factory the other dy bat the vater is port and so is the milt and yet- araoon u yon put the two- together they call it adolierated v xr j h hamutoa has gone into the marble worki bonnes again at unit old foanoxy upper wyndham stgaelph ad ts he has bad good patronage in the past inrites the same for the future some men hare a strange idea how ft newspaper is made interesting they will gie h a crotteyed glance an4 say ft ooth- ingin a ibis week coald do better with my t shat when if they knew of a good aem von would hare to choke them till btir moaths opened and then draw it with fojrcscrew j dr waahington the weuknown throat tod focg specialist has decided in fatore to ad personally at ail the points where hii visits ar announced- in order to do oae will close his city office three days of ta week this will be more satisfactory to pattoni eaerady t are in receipt cf an iutcresting littlt volome from the tcronio wdiard trscl depoeiury entitled the sliding scale and ia areriewof the tendency in some celfiobi ctrclea to progress from acriptonu truth and primitite ritei to nmoa wuh the cb arch ofbome it fa j adapted rom an article in tie oct and j a reprint by the evangelical protestant unim by a septaaftenarisn trice ten cents messrs e matthews and thos bing- lbamjrtpaitliie 2ub iu gait- hnmp wit with the acton lacrosse clnb to help them bump tie clab of that tffs7d erin mxxyjiu we ha it on good antbonty titt messrs matthews and bingham never fair gait on qneens birthday they certainly did not play with ihe crei- a gait orin any other mftch- the ceescenu can do all the boaplng they kant themselves j cbiashouods csrpjeia toobuc dahlias rbdolns sprosted 6 cent d other flower arid eedj for oaab or home gleanings vulch ait uortly of a lol all luttrtitiug atotptzimbtr oni aavjiaivrejobiliirioadonj lumber tuat wo ever bawpass tbisofflc was dawu by mrp bayers mill loam from liii mill innartagaweyavoq the ray to georgfllowu the load comprised tooo feet oi lamber ahd was sawn the day betors u weighed 6 touiaqd 1160 poondi it looked nearly ai big as i load o bay the crops in jduu toba mr a jilacmillau agent of ihomani toba government in toronto on friday rocdvod ihia lelcgtam rompremierqreeo way the report coming into the depart- ment from all pointi of tbo province contain no word of damage of any kind t the fruit crop i hear nothing of the effects of froat the reports are ail that could b desired there is a very largo area under crop 4w tic itffscfienaroswindjoa another fiko with which to gather in the money hw put been inaagacated and this tioio guileleu clergymen aw made to suffer tua wvkeri an a well dressed man and womam join tho mairlago act they have the ceremony performed when the groom htndi out a check for t to the penoa officiating telling him to i taka oat i w the groom receives 610 in chacge and goes off lobe married again- a bully- used- up th onto mr wm iorbea receiod an ugly gash on uis loft band one day list week while engaged at his work as a beam band in beardmorcs tannery he was hairing a hide and was holding it on the under side with hit left band when his beam kaifa slipped and the keen blade gashed the fleshy part of the thumb to the bone dr sucey dressed the wound which required a nam ber of stitches and it healing nicely dominion dty cclcbri tfctl committees arc hard at work arranging for actoac annual dominion day eelebra tion and they report that s access is crown- ing their efforts in ever direclioa the programme comprises a calithurapiao pro- cession in the morning lierosse and base bail matches horse races and numerous other sports the posters to be oat in a fw days will give fall particalars iat do- minion day doan for a visit to actoo jtiifxra coaerence appointments eev g w qalvertjgoes o simcoe b himiltoc j ucvc cookrnaa to jcrseyviuel ptv c r iicrrow to hagerstille rev t a moore to ireenlan which circait was the thirse cf the chairman of hilton district lut year rev il hobos to tilsonbarji rev byron laing left without n stalioa for a year at jiic oarn ricest to reside at acton i the csartoa rsruuce csi this cue which is an action ly plaintiff to secure himself as to a cartuerihip mat ter he claiming to be an infant within the meaning cf the law wu expected to cctne np for trial before the court of i chancery while in eessiaa at guelphiist week by consent of the parties however it was re ferred fcr trisito the local ilaiterat g aeiph hr hacfcinncn w a mclean for plaic- tiffgeo s goodwilkei georgetown for defendant ccarccfijeririaa the members of thccoaoci met on monday evening as a court cf revision tec number of appeals to be considered w not large bat when the rod was ex amined it was found thaiit would be- neces sary to revise if throughout inaccuracies and imperfectly equalized assessments pre vail to a very large extent the court pro ceeded with a faithful en licra of lhe roll trntil eleven oclock when tbeyadjoaroed to meet again this ettn ing- the list of changes effected will bo pubhahed in these columns as soon as the wcrfc oi the court is concladed etllon divisizz ccnrts j i in the six dirisicn courts of this coanly the total namber of suits ectored last year wasssg total amount ct claims entered 92201919 the cumber of sails entered when the amouni claimed exceeded f ico was 3d gecrcetown has the largest num bee of patrons of the division caurt in the county and comes to the front with 169 cafes milton text with 172 acton had 78 oakville c5 barlington s3 and vassa- gaweya 23 the amounts paid to jurors were acton 3g georgetown 122 milton 10 baxlington fsoq j the cznaju csctxens editor mr f s spenre who has edited tbe canada cuixa pi toronto the past sir years with great success and general saiisfsctioa has retiredfrom thai position inclosing be expresses pleasure that the journal is now absolutely free of debt of every kind and in a positido to still carry oat effective ly the holy warfare in which it has beea so long engaged- the new directors he says of tbe cttn pabhshiog company are thoroughly earnest tried aggressive prohibition workers mr spence will make himself felt in whatever sphere he msy in futare be pucedj mr j s rob inson succeeds him ss editor of the ciikm it will be remembered by many of oor readers that on the 28th ofilay l38 a stranger hired a horse and baggy from messrs wordea bros then proprietors of acton livery stable and never returned them- a good deal of time and moaey were expended in searching for the stolen p but to no avail and j the search was given up last week mrh h wor dea receive a letter from a friend hun dreds of miles west of this giving minato directions for the recovery of the lost ani mal- early monday morning mr worden accompanied by chief lawfion departed for the scene they found the horse in poscroaof a man about ten miles north of slielfcarne a warrant for his recovery was produced andtoemanwhohadsecared the outfit for s 0 or jq gave aphis cheaply purchased property and concladed that barcains in strange borsefiesh woold here after not bein his line 0 or afsji aa c i ones lc ere ssing actoc has never had a firm more pro gressive in effecting improvement en ta to their premises necessitating the constant expenditure of cash and the additional em- ployicent of labor ihar- messrs beardmoro co proprietors of the bole leather tannery bet wreiinderstandthat their operations are not to be confined to tbo sole leather tannery for they have par- chased from mr wflliam- smith jr the cordovan tannery at the foot of elgin- street it is their intention ko consider ably extendlbe premises and add to tbe manufacture of cordovan that of harness leather this if everything tnrnsoat satis factory will eventually give employmed to 80 to w additional haodis a matter most important to oar town- messni besrdraore a- co are enterprisfug basines irien and any priviliges that have- been granted them by this municipality uavfr been compensated for fully tenfold whea these new forki art ppt into f operafiort acton wilt beia a better potlori as far si piioofactoriei and labor employed an concerned than etjor before to her history- neighborhood news ml j klsefirkbtl txd janih holubrake are the lay delegates to repre sent milton at tboklagarw chfsreboo of the methodist choroh which opened yester day in ingsreoll m the olymplo lacrosse club are making arratgsmenti to hare a big celebration in milton ou lit july a locia wu held at the raideooe of mr chris richard sous near lowville on thfli aatli for the benefit of the english church the prooeodi amounted to 100 i geo bmlth and j m butedo have fail ed to pay their taxes amounting to 119 and w2m respectively tho council has passed a bylaw to tag the towns dogs 100 tags have been ordered oakville a social will be given by the ladies aid of tbo methodist charch on jane 18th dr wall-el- ward the contorted hebrew j preached in tbo presbyterian charch fast sunday mrs dii harxiswho was ono of the victims of the late fire ha rented the single store- jo mr h moores block and as soon a the store can be pat ia readiness will open out with a stock of fancy goods etc etcc star the palace steamer macaasa commenced her regular trips for the season on 1riday last she will leave oakville at bi5 am returning will leave toronto at 530 pm the first excursion of the season to oak ville took place last friday from the british american baauieocouegetoronto arid the canadian easiness college hamil ton r1k jthrjadnaaol the wfoklb of the georgetown kxatcabcll on taesday may 28th mr thomas wilson knatchball raited the frame of a bankbara 72 x oi feet a bo at iso men were present mr jno marshall and mr jco mophedrah were chosen to captain the respective sides the farepart of the day being cold and windy it was not until half past five oclock that the first yoheave was given and by seven oclock the last rafter had been safely raised to its place only two accidents of of a slight nature occurred david boles getting his foot squeezed somewhat and levi allison jrecei via g a bruise an the head from a rafter slipping down on him mr marshalls u4e woa the race fairly but mr mcphedrana men getting hanrxy got to their sanpers first neglecting to pal a namber of braces iu their purlino and their pcrline pcsisii the richt place mr mattbew sims gaelpb township has the contract for frame work ani mesrs jones and taylor kassagaweya for mtspary su two guelph gdcttcnxn a butcher and a drugit who have been paying at tention to a couple of rockwood ladies took their fair one to the eden mills festivities on the 2tth- shortly after their arrival the young men were overcome by something probably plomracrs dewy nectar forgetting all sboat their inamor- ales who when night fell were obliged to wale home alone and unprotected mr jos allison flamboro died on may 23th he was a brother of mr jacob aihsonkasssgsweyiu in beverly on may 27th the wife of jos cornell of a son the severe frost 61 last week did serious damage to fruit trees garden stuff and barley sown on low lauds was badly nipped but the cloudy weather of the past week favored them the recent heavy rains have bad a bene ficial effect oa meadow lands tbe clover has grown to juite a length and is coming oat in hoom and if the weather is favor able promises to be a big crop kocwqod the court of revision met on monday evening the herald gives the following as some of the results of tbe queens birthday celebration the day liter the 21th hiram kennedy was fined 1 and costs for being drank and disorderly on tbe evening of the 24th he had been arrested by constable gearch and locked up with tho assistance of special pope harry richards was found by unstable pope preparing to go to sleep on the side walk he waa helplessly drunk was locked dp and the reeve fined him j2 and costs or 30 days he had no money and went to jail walter of the glen had been on a two months drank ho was very badly under the weather at the k n w station and tho danger of his being slashed to pieces on the track led constablessearch and barley to convey him to tbo lockup he waa fined 1 and costs thebaptist association opens its meet ing here next wednesday personal mention paragraphs tteipecling visitors to and from acton with whom free press headers a re lie re orlessacqaalnted ob fridsy and satcrday ofthls week we will offer a lot of 10c pricts for be three horses belonging to thos e jago batcher wandered on the crossing near rockwood station tuesday night and were struck by the engine of a g t r freight passine at twelve oclock two of the horses tvere kiued and the third so much injured that it is doubtful if it wilt gel over it tbe iocs is a serioas one to mr jago he has sent in a bill to the g1ul com pany covering tbe amount of his loss we hope he will secure it the township coancil has let the con tract for widening the road at the river where it branches oat to the mills mr james barry baa been lying very low daring the past week v the lime kilns are running again mrs alex secord of acton was the guest of mrs dr dryden last friday mrs george coram of peepabun who was spending a week or so at the home of her father mr eli stout has returned home mrs john w burns spent a day or so this week with friends in acton- shipments of stone still continue from this station sfuce the road work was performed a week or so ago and the wet weather con tinued so constant the necessity for street crpssidga has become most apparent moore grist mill is sgtin without a tenant the old place is having a chequer ed career ko doubt picnic parties will commence their annas visits to our picturesque vil- lage shortly and the rocks caves and pot- boles will be the chief points to be visited what will be their diss pointment and dis gust however to find when they come to the big cave that it has become so filthily desecrated since last season that it is now unfit for visitation by anyone except per- haps the ghoulish beings who have used it for an outhoase ever since work began at the lime kilns in close proximity his spring if oar citizens do not wish to see visitors leave rockwood in disgust they will make a united move to have this previously attractive point cleansed and pat into pre sentable shape again and take strenuous efforts to prevent any recurrence of the outrages referred to mr 5 x stinson made acton friends a call on monday on monday night a son- of mr w carrol living near the town line between kassagaweya and eramosa had the mis fortune to break one 61 his arms mr t morrow brother of wm- morrow of this place intends starting a general store in tbe staoi where mr clarke form- erly ket a boot and shoe store onbatarday morning mr d strachan ba preached an able sermon in the presbyterian church preparatory to the sacrament it is expected that daring rev mr walkers absence to conference mr strachan will conduct the service of tho methodist charch on sunday evening on monday night last while some- of the boys were standing on the bridge opposite to urv strangei boose the beams of the sadesralk gave way and one of tbe anfortu nates had the extreme pleaapre of pextak- ing of a coolbath the bridge for a long time hu presented a very unsafe appear ftdoe and notwithstanding tbe many com- plaint tbat have been made no steps have boeu taken to repair and thereby insure mrs john thompson is iu a very low state of health mcs bart wife of charles d barr editor the linduy w died last week mr cbas t moore of berlin spent sunday with friends in actou and lime- housc mr frank webster of thoo ac f wis thtveaest over suuday of mr rtubea mcxabb mr and mrs john a howsou and carl of hornby were cqests at the maples on tuesday mr and mrs anson smith left last week to spend a week or so with friends in hamilton mrs thomas lerrynun who was 6 severely iojored a few weeks sgo is slowly recovering mrs thomas mcmackou and mrs david mcmackon of highgate arc the guests of mr john cameron rev g h cobbledick gnelpli who his been ill for several weeks occupied his pal- pit again last sunday missxina mekellarmatronpfthebarn- side hospital toronto spent several days last week renewing acquaintances messrs john coleman and wife and john s coleman and wife of strabane spent a week with friends in this vicinity dr k mcgarvin who was confined to his house for a week with a severe attacfr of rheomatism is able to be about again mrandmrr d e thompson of tor onto spent several days with his father and mother at their residence bower avenue this week mr wm d wood who went the wash ington territory about a year ago has re turned to eramosa where be purposes spending a few months revdr gifford and mr h p moore left yesterday afternoon for st marys to attend guelph conference which opens at nine oclock this morning mrs campbell wife of col campbell registrar of halton has been danceroosly di ever sinoe last friday week her condi tion is still very serious mr j b haghes who has for many years so ably filled the position of inspec tor of risks for tbe waterloo motuai fire insurance co bas been appointed to a more responsible position in the etna tbe ontario headquarters of which will here after be at waterloo aid deoi coffee in ouolph council laitweek passed is severe- eoniare opon the g t r for hiving failed to erect a dew passenger itatlon aa the eft bens of gnelph had best led to bdlert j wbold ha mencod early ibis spring lt was suggest ed tat mr hickion and mr stevenson word favorable to the project but that sir heury tyler had opposed it ou baturdayoveningamiafthlaviooahoy set a neighbors dog upon the little eight year old daughter of mr arch mokabb when she wafe passing holmes batcher shop and the litllo girl wu badly bitten the brute caught her in the calf of the leg and made ah ugly wound in which his teeth met dr sucey drested the wound the boy and the dog both deserve to be punished vfooi- tbe highest price in cash or trade ru be paid for airv quantity of clean merchantable wool to- be delivered at tbe mammoth hoase goorwtown wu mc- lxoi di co r a gunn m d dean and professor oisargery of the united states medical college editor of medical tribune aatlior of gunns hew improved hand book of hyfliono aud domestic medicine in ref ering to the use of warners safe care in a case of brigbts disease said over his own signature i was greatly surprised to observe a decided improvement within a raoaih within four months notubecasti could be foaud and only a trace of albumen and aa he expressed it he felt perfectly well after this demonstration of its power i prescribed it in full doses in- both acute and chronic b rights disease with the most satisfactory results bouerts the well established and high repute of oor dress goods and dressmaking departments have been alike tho envy of competitors and the delight of an increasing host of customers many people have no idea of the widely extended connections which we enjoy in these de partments we are favored with orders and parchaierf from the west as far as vancouver and many of the leadirg towns along lb c p r including winnipeg ia the east oar orders reach at far aa halifaxaad in scores of towns and cities in ontario do we count those who through tbalarguness of ourstockandtheexcellence of oar work have been led to favor as with their orders andvhat is more having come to jus one season they invariably come bock again axdiso it is in the millinery through tho ratletsuess of human nature and ambition for improvements people move from oae place to another bat in so many fascs where oar castomers have moved to other places we are still favored with their parronage iu those departments i these reflections asiare as that not by bombart not by vain pretensions bat by fsir and honorable attention o tbe require ments of oar caitomers that a bond of this kind is established and maintained and while we do not claim to have an ex- claiiue moooply of all the fine goods that are sold in gaclph we have good reason to know that a very large proportion of the finest goods sold go across our counters gu rvixa co gceuuj tho safety of citiwns caxadux xtws fe0t all wcaetees an electric street railway at woodstock is proposed the fishing season on the atlantic will open next week tbe synod of huron is summoned to meet oa jane 18th at london there ia a great rash for government lands west of delorsine man the rate of taxation this year in winni peg will be 2 cents on tbe dollar harvey the gaelpb murderer continues stolidly indifferent to his position it is proposed to form a company at kingston to prospect for natural gas james kane wu killed while stealing a ride on the gtr at st henri qoe kiagars falls will vote on a bylaw to raise 177000 to provide new waterworks two gnelpb exildermen will ventilate an assault case in the police court shortly it has been decided to spend 930000 im proving st georges cathedral kingston the presbyterians of uxbridge bsvo ex tended a call to rev mr hsooa of tars an fliicit still turning oat 100 gallons a day has been seised in cornwall town ship it is said that mr edward murphy of quebec will succeed the late senator eyan j s ralston a hamilton estate agent is charged with raising a receipt from 950 to 9500 it is expected that montreals increase in assessment this year will be about 95000000 steel ostd in the manufacture pf buckle clasps and ice creepers bas been placed on the free list frank e niras a minneapolis traveller is supposed tohave been a victim of the hamilton disaster a turnkey in the montreal police station neglected to lock the door and two prison j en coolly walked oat the montreal collector of castomfl ae knowledges the receipt of 910145 sent to biro as conscience money the seised schooner mattie winshiphas been stripped and docked and handed over to the collector of customs port arthur ratepayers wiil votaon a by law to grant 935000 to tbe port arthur dalnth and western railway t d craig mpp left port hjpe for california yesterday he has announced tbat be will not resign at present tbe grand trunk company were aerved with notices of sail by tbree woodstock residents this week claiming t05000foj injuries received in the st georges accii dent i victor derwaa of chicago is searching at hamilton for traces of his brother rap posing him to have been ip tbe accident he foond a key simjur to die one owned by hii brother the variety of our dress and fancy goods at present is simply immense and in certain tines if not in all we have it established by actual comparsior tbat oar prices ioe goods of equal quality are in many instances lower than others in tbe trade we enjoy a financial and trade position that opens up to as the keenest markets of the world and being confined to no amount or place we moke oar select ions wheresoever and by whomsoever the greatest and most tangible inducements come in oar way this is one reason for diffusiveness of oar styles and the fact that be requirements of every pocket and fancy find a ready response in oor colossal stock of staple and fancy dry goods e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph dr washington throat and lung surgeon of toronto jtt jj otermyds acton we open and place in stock today two cases superb millinery 200 n6w and stylish shapes ia wkm t7tok french ribbons -and- flowers house furnshinigs dress goods parasols boots t shoes fcmrpsts owing to the sharp adiance in the price of the raw material and the revival oftrade throughout the world tie price of carpets as well as of othergoods has been con- siderably advanced fortunately for oul cuis- tomers we hate laid in the largest stock of carpets ever brought to guelph and at lower prices than ever before the patterns we are safe in saying are the choicest inlthe market sgecial attention has been paid to i borders to match r these goods are all bought direct from the manufacturer so that we can retail them at wholesale prices but not con tent with this we are bound to make he cairpet trade boom we have decided to offer to the pefa pie of actorland rockwood a special dis- count of io per cent off all carpets bought at the -zaloist- during the next thirty days in addition to thisanyone buying a carpet amonnting to io or more will receive the amount of their return fare j d williamson co f headquarter -for- whlii phr0r i 8phdco samples now raj in deactifxl gilts nj olbcr ilch and xobbt pattot nclndlng sue ceillng decokatjohs centeiuieoeb cobsrkb aral u odlm tarietyoreleaajct b0bde3s tbe largett lock ever brought to acton to chooee troth for 5 per roll andupward- winldow blinde in figured and plain paper also an assortment of fakot ukbks ta bautifal shades and dv sltrtswua spring rollers com plate dontlailto soe them before putchaatng as oar l j prioes are right i alabastine aiktherlotof thesbovejnstweeiebrateitkalsoinne to hand la sh the popaw badec ll gives a beaatlial bard satin flalsh sod will not rob off oae trial will satisfy fou his th v best thing in the taatirt paints mnd q1ls peuchens prepared paints j tut to handva fall lias of tho bore olt reliable mixed palauia u rite and colon also qutta pebcha paktb pari outs leadi and all dy colob8 oik rarpenune vamiabes japan bbellae 4c i hate also added to my stock a toll line o l a tube paints la all tb leading colors also pure sablb and hog ha hi brashes in all sixes an end lew rartety of brushes oa hand fncladiog kalsourkb whits wash paint bcrab i boot stotc cloth horatwblskiac- always in stock heapi6fardwareglauucbinooil choice groceries crockery glassware lmpi 4c sole agent for byaras common sense bash balance gravitysash lock and certain boilers auobxeor eaces perfected bpoctocles jbpearson oar 50c t beats them all fr special for twenty days i am offering special inducements in 1 ordered clothing rbjernyn jermii splls chap a few of the hundreds cured by dr waah- lngtons new method of inhaktlon w it btorey of storcti bon prominaot glov taaaafctateri of acton ont cared by br washlagtoq of catarrh oi the throat bod form and pronounced incurable by omlnent tpedat- isu in canada and england write hun for particulars chronic bronchitis and asthma cured an eagush church clergyman speaks rectory cornwall oat dr washington dam sib i am glsd to be able to inform yoo that onr daater u quite well again as this is the aceond time she has beefa eared of grays bronchial troubles under your treatment whoa the osnal remedies failed i wrtta to ex- 8 reu my gratitude- 1lcoso accept or slaoere laulu 1oars truly i c b pbttit uraljohh mckelvy uincston oat catarrh and consumpuon tlrahoppinglngiton broncho con kingston catonh throat us mary a bamboorg centnvole oat catarrh head and throat james matthews post master acton ont a h ftah geots pornlahlng beuevllle oeurrh throat iisjjmtutdtarrhoftbe bead and xkxmtt catanrbal dsataess chronlo aosohitu astasia and consumptiou also loss of volos bare throat ealarfied tonatls polfpsw of the new removed come early concaltauoafnoe vonge trms tonmui i am showing the finest range of parkings at 4 arid 5 per pair i have ever shown j all the newest styles in englishand american hats in felts and straws at closest prices r ev nelson mercuaiittailor 99 upper wyndham st guelph aice you married or about to be 1 speight son acton j a speight manager 1 con supply roa with all the furniture reoufred to f urnlib your ne litus homo or to replcsish your home if a settled oae in any style at the very lowest pnooa there is no article of furniture we cannot sopply and farther we deliver onr fflrhlultaod yon have no arranging freight charges and runo risk of breakog we can suit all undertaking our urfrtyveimm zputenee iu uil basinet ha reottodiu couriudne the lyblifl oi v toil eaure oonaunity uiat we mpply flntdas wort ill all otderi andin wm vhlehopinpan with uioaeolttie cltj 000 bali city pncea t our hearse- is an ueeuent oaeasd oar team i always dresea entoaeandoarteamalwayspreitbbecani weharsjph sttratn ibttliig the jmbhc to oad oa ns f or anything reqatrea in onr unas vsfe ii

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