Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1889, p. 2

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rrraia guctfti ca 1mb jurol ilic ot e rydccarclakcr oily kiilpt afafliue ivrcuilitiui la lumiluji oc ir ltli ioluy llevw k ijnluljxtpt uioituo ur auin mclli ct lln wcwulocl srv uxtiluvtnv to lf car lainl o hamil ton dteo s snui ucmihius uc of j0l11 tlitusl aclotilthjjmtrf ciirimfuilita krjr ioditiicixl 60 utriti43 moults llowloiu her wnjcaw tcwflsfcim of trtfu- itrilntwtbi itlntcui moarc trlirt of uw llc jcwclhow w in her kui year llkivl use tur ot lcr mu-uvih- ur jiioiuwv oliarclitrl aetcui la to ot erin mrs j4iw lcvuidurrqlcoijfttt ecr i- ffljtirtartyrff rc5s thursday juxeso isss notes axd c0u1cehv fac manitoba gotcfnmcnis crop bulle tin of jane lit shote that a large acreage of wheat as lascii llts year the medina tu antumjly early bat the tcuan has cat been altogether favorably cor craicth axraia ooauiaiagc uctijodist sunday school cxcanio party waning belireen arrnaca and warren point ireland wax wrecked oc friday and the camber o the tilled will not fail far thort of one hundred t cuxferekcc sutfp the c p railway kis the land at sud- bar- with a clause iu the deed that makes the land rabject to forttcrei it any iotoii- eating lienor u sold 00 it it is a wiae proridan and it u a pity that more land had not been soli with that pronsiaa the competition from india teas is stir ring up the chinese into mijre pronounced efforts to make their product sjsime a rreater deface of attractico and it is thought that the buyers of bhin tea this season kill lc better treated jm the matter of bothqcalilf and cost j c aycr co ot loe 1 hass have enured a claim against the govertimcat amoantini to orcr 120c0 for damage in connection with the seizure of their estab hshnrent at st johns jaa j three years ao for tueged customs irrecniaritics bit which seizure it will be remembered the exchequer cocrt hdi to be unwarranted a ralnahie discovery c aqthractite coal has been made at chetisamp cape breton and an trial is said to hare proved of er- cellent quality one hucortd barrels his been sent to england for analysis and if it lams oat as expected the mine will be at once developed to the fullest extent the english railways are asing the electric light on their trains the mid- land hare the dynamo in lhe ruar guards van thdriring gear being attached to the axle of the front- pair of j wheels- the light was foend to be quite steady and strong duric the stoppages the lights were kept etesdy by the aecamclators a w c hen- j v gilpin l tetjimpartaat and seriablfi ball tin has jost been isszei by the gatariabdresa of statistics dealing with fraals on farmers it catalogues all the ehirp tricks by which the farmers of ontiria have been victim- izedfrom the historic lightning rod racket to the latest prodect of wily intention the marriage ceremony e very farmer ahonld read it eansfclly thevnew fisherj- injelligerce bnrern re- oenlly established by the dominion gorern- cnect is proricg to be of very great value to the fisheries of ynebec and ihe itaritime provinces the bcreau is in halifax with more than a hundred correspondents at variocs points who tend m repgrts ot the movement of 6sh of virion kcis and also the ictormition coycemmg the where- ahonttof american and french gehcrrren the dews thes collected is disseminated to all wlioca it miy coucero i the bostou i it mil thus bewails lire ei- ciasioc of canadian iiiilsciycompetitiun the effort to eiclndetfcecan id ianrailroids from participalon in american trade has been carefully planned si those engaged ia it hare been for more than a year uying the wires and roleng thi ls in sncli a wiy u to makt it easy for the senate com mittee to report a bill ei their favor if they isacceed as from their hard work and political inflcerices theyjhavegood reason to t that they will the railroad kings at kew york and pennsylvania will hare keir england at their mercy they are now compelled to allow freight to ooxe to boston on terms similar to those paid by merchaata in xew yerfc and philadelphia became hs grandtrcnk tak the cant- 1 dian pacific force them so to do but if they rehlere themselves fronr this corapeti- tion boston merchants can whistle fn theirfrade tlie flail praq ofstalfailk aaf lie cuainucu ttluctiutrkrt the fallowieg are lhe changes from the first draft of stations and the cbsiriwu- and secretary of each dutricl of gelp cvjiifcniuee gnelph lttmi erin and hallutafad 1 ball kc it willoaghby ma- chair- mm june lituley financial secretary gait iiiilrtctlrcstoti w u baugh hcspcler w ii cornish lll kasea- gaweya u williauis its second preach er liawuvillcj c foracroy ltaj e lowcll ma chairman stratford uiilrict slrattord waterloo trcct wtti iliticke llb mitdiell trafalgar street 1 e nugent xiain treet john mills w s grifua dd haicraan h e xugcut financial iccre- liry st ilaiys district gran tou josiih greene lucan h c hcudera t 51 campbell chairman josiahgrecnc cotn- cial secretary gojcrich district scaforth wesley casson hcnsall north w cousins ben miller jas harris dungaonon a put ter geo richardson chairman wesley campbell financial secretary kincardine district bcrvie ii j mil ler second preacher lucknov j s cv1 liug jas ifanifou dd chainnau j s colling financial secretary vicghim district ilrusseu s scllcry bd john scott ix chairman s sellery bd ccancial secretary i listowcl district ford wicli j v pricg ethel jos hgibsoa derson dd ciitirmao j financial secretarj- palmerston district drayton j w german alma a e henderson second preacher jaa ilcalhstcr chairman j a jicltchlan ma financial secretary mount forest district ilarristoa wra smyth dnrham j t lcgcar r ii wtddch ul bd chairman s h edwards financial eccixtiy walkcrton- district walkcrtou c e strftord arkwright h a biylcs second preacher jss galloway chairmiii j t smithy financial secretary owen sound district brookholm w mbiclby j w holmes chairman r h hall financial secretary ilartdale district geo baggin chair man i j w shilton ba financial secre tary the president nominated the folbwing as members cf the oonjerejce special com mittee viz dr ccrmth f e nugent a cunningham j kencer and j milu nuiilu coxllence the folding are the changes in the final draft hamilton simce street t a ifoorc caledonia c wccscns yorkcf bowlby- stamford and st davids j e kuss nisgara walter jamiejjn smithiillek w wright st geccgerfos olery bhefieldh s daual west flamboro c coolman troy a l gee oxford centree e marshall etstirooi t kelly cathcittt voaden erincetan j h mccartney puttsrille thus colling b a dmmbo and richwool tbeo j ftrr port docr john saunders ma janis cit morrow townsendh e c stoney delhit b trimble caycgs s jndsdn kcjly freeman it j foreman j a mcarthur montreal college ihiikes of nrsttjcts hamilton district itv v j wax- well sitnck district rev 0 sionders milton district rev john wikelield welland district rev d e brownell norwich district rev j s collins woodstock district itcv k it hait ian d st calharincb district rev d l urtth- our rev a e rujs ma was apjoiiud confereut7 treihirrer of llic its5ionary fan j the epecitl committoe are the chairmen of districts revs a e ras john kay tf g couamore thjs stobbs t whit- worth astfudlutcahr wirjiitliexurriki drawn hira- liuauul oatjnuel7jobn adderson t of no i co zjih btt sirocce wis fonnd dead this morning on lhe chore of the river i above x grove he had left the icamp saturday morning in a discontented tetate he didnot turn ijp diirng the day and a party waa detailed to search for him his remains were brought into town this forenoon by some of his comrades and placed in a room in the court house jwkere they will remain until the coroner from port dalnoosie arrives it is feared lhe poor fellow coramitteedpsnieide by frowning and that his bodjr ad washed ashore as he was partly dresseid board of editatklv another brangfflwtwier fir llic third and tiiartli dejartiufuts iftlio idhlir srff the board of trostees met on monday tbociiis ebbase hynde a eveninc member present chairman and i francis geo e ktchin minntei of lst irjting real and con finned i after coiisidcriti the variius ajpplica- lions for- uift joeition of teachers of ihe third and fourth departments e followiug motions were adopted moved by l francisicoadisd by geo hynda that hiss julia cjevejand be en gaged forthird department at the salary of two uandred eod fty dollaps per annum carried j moved by geo hynds seconded by a e ntcklin that miss margaret boms bo engaged as teacher for the tortu depart ment at the salary of to hundred and- 8eveutynte dollars per an nam carried the tbird report o the finance com- mittee was presented the fallowing ac counts being recommended to be paid sfissetaici ifdore uaciiera rpi- g 1 fcepfaaiiilersocrrrpairisc 9 da g p lifoare patilitliicgiatiiiil reptx i 56 john walters wood keportsvlopted board then id journal the isutist asstrtatiox an lutcktlnr convention held in tin- ilaitm ct u it b g wirret n ut week the 20th annual convention of the mid- land counties association of the baptist church was held last wek at georgetown there was a iare attendance of delegates and the sessiabs were marked with peculiar interest on tuesday evening the opening service was held tvhen rev j a baldwin of fallartonrprcxched an earnest and power ful discourse fromisaiah ui 1 after an hours prayer meeting wed nesday morning the annus1 ecrmon wis preached by so v m p campbell of hills- bar froo xainrsf so at the ebser this service rev w c wicr was elected moderator it d war ren clerk end lie v j l gilmour asst clerk wednesday afternoon llit assoc iati on al womens circle was held and in the even ing a platformmeeting allttktt h ttieituliilloia0l- 1u growth his kcaaa- tfvc siuiiuiff canitralstrcct urtil- luj jaiwwwitorfuriir stettrcdr cliutrb we actually have hidtotuc clear weather this week in which to we the effect of the rpnng- rain cu luuiluoti and certainly oue docs nut feci like grumbling at hie past datuiitisss whtn iijiiylmg tlio bciulici ot fciliagyriid lnwcr bfwuil out by it the tlrvcls arc very quickly being paved and irctenl a clean imtly appcaraucc at all ttmw citixnt generally are educated up to the point of fiwndiug a littlo cicrtioo and money on front lawns- for the benefit ot the public aiid as a mali we have de lightful walks and drives and a city to be proud of i hamilton is progressing very rapidly both in population iud wealth fndaced by the buudiug boom and improvod character of surroundings the many buildings that hive gouc up s3 far this year are iu ad- vauco of other years in point of numlcrs and beauty- and that they are not mere speculation is shown by the quickness with which they aro bought or rented con tractors ccmplaiu of the cutting of prices but perhaps they hare been making wo much money ot lite business generally is quite up to tho aver age and prospects arc very good citizens arc pushing the various apart ments of wark in connection with the sum mer carnival to be held cctt month and if money cnercy and talent can make it a success then wo will not be disappointed the business congress to be held to which 12000 invitations have been issued is c very important feature it is proposed to discuss business matters interesting- io retailers manufacturers and wholesalers i will have more to eay again of the other matters as arrangements progress our council is deliberating on the ixt light to be had for the city streets a vig orous effort is being made by tho gas coy to havethtir system adopted and though many are in favor of some kind of electric light a hard fight seems imminent the gas coy claim that for the same money they can put cp as much illuminating power per light as tho electric eighl the jury that has been investigating the terrible railroad accident that took place here some time ago has arrived at a decis ion md every one is clad it has been the m oat tedious inquet held here for a long time they hue decided that the train wis running from 30 to 50 miles an hour ihence according to theerpertserilcnce too fast and that in coming round the sharp curve a llango cf a driving wheel was broken and the traiu demolished i am very glid to fcee tint rev t a moort formerly of 3 oar town and i be lievc a former ojitor of the fcee pixi t getting along to well he has been ap pointed to siinctw st methodist church here a ttrong influential church and one that is noted for its sociability aud the hard working young people in it unless he has changed his nature altogether i fully cikct to her of his fplcndid success furr haxh and flilcukvs tuttaajflvt at ittxph as previously aunounccd a grand band tud firemens tournament is being held at the city of guclpb yesterday and today at which considerably over 2000 will he given in prizes the programme is a very lengthy and interesting one and comprises trade and other processions band competi tions fancy drill illuminations firemens competitions sports and games exhibition by cipt clarks famous higbkcicadets gymnastic exhibitions trials of speed c the whole to conclude with grand display of fireworks finishing with the storming of the bittile with realistic effects shell ing the citadtlsnringiiig a mine artill ery duel the infuriatid mob tiin pbs- usih of lhe principal ite aud firingthe raaiznc ciiifc tlm destruction of the famous htronyholfl viry low railway tiittj haie btcn kc tired over both the cp it mid gtr line- sittijil- iraiiib will ran iu rll tiintttjni afur the fireworks on thesaciil nilitknj m fsct ever arriuge- mcut ha kia inj t mike the demun- etratioii oue o greatest if int the greatest ever hdl iu the djminim todeys pro- mmnme ii one of rcat interest iiayauli taylors fauols wkk disoaac rat hew strcogtli as ii adraueos annihilate it at ill blrlli when the bowels bccoaifl sloggiih digcliotr feeble or tha uvcr torpid they should be aroused md stimulalod vvllh norlhrop d eyrasn yegelable discovery aud jjyipipic cure 1 racdiciac fore mas t in ufulnts among tllcrativci il ihyuld not lie abatidimcd it an immediate cure hunt clkclcl tmt be mod as it dcjcrvl kyiuriiulicmj nd with penis ten rv it will llirn putve umt it ia thorough j ajivketit moimih- arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with pain of out- ting teeth if so seed at onru and gat a bottle ot mrs winsjowshoothiugsyrilp forchildren teething its value 11 ncal- culablc it will relieve the ioor liitle sufferer immediately depend upon it mouitrs there is no mistake about it it carei dyicutrv and d irrhui regalilcf the stomach and bowel t cures wind colic softens tho gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and clergy to the whole sys tem mrs wtnslc vs soothing syrup for children tecthin is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldast and best fcmxlo physicians and nurses in iho emtcdstalc3 and ie for sale by all druggists t price twcatyfivc cet and ask for mr syrup and take no get votc mice uv now that the revising o31oersare begin ning thiir work everyone should see that their name is qo the dominion voters list the following british snbjectf 11 years qf age or over are entiticdto a vote in the dominion election k owner- of property in cities to the value of s300 tnd upwards owners of propertj towue to tho value of 200 and upwards owners in other pltces to the value of 130 and upwards oscapxnta of the tbove properly farmerte sous and owuero eons if resi dent upon the property of their ftthcr or mother for e- year tenants and the sons of tenent farmers paying not ifcfii than the following rents h per month g jcr quarter 12 per half- year or so per annum fishermen owning lij worth of land boatfe or tackle indians having improvements to the value of 1150 persons resident one year iu canada and drawing an income of 300 a year and upwards aunuititjti receiving 100 a year and upwards with this humraary of the jtiahfi cations before them every man ehouli know at a glance whether or nut he is enabled to vote that heart must be dead ia ail things lovely which couli daily move among a group of blrildrcn aiding them o graap the fruit upon the tree of knowledge with out feeling bis eiral kiudle aud grow waruj within him tt their earnest endeavors iu the sjvtetnem and inujcence of childhjod- views afoot or europe scon with knap- eick and staff by bayard taylor the most popular book of travel ever pablkhed by an americih autlorof which large editions have been told at lfc iy now published in a hswdsomc big- type clothbound vol ume of 15i pies at the remarkably low price of i0 cents or three copies for j 1 10 postpaid this price is to continue till july i only it is one of aldens literary revolution fchernes to attract attention to his large catalogue of standard books he ought to sell a million espies no traveler ever eaw more thnu taylor 0 tld his ad ventures iu more vivid language his pen- pictures arc charming his book an ameri can classic aside from its literary merit this story of the plucky fad who was jeter- miued to see europe with or witbautmein3 eerves as an inspiration to all young men to ribo above their tfurrojdrliufjs and mate a like soccer of life im may order the book direct or ihroufjh any bookseller or newsdealer john b alden publisher new york chicago or atlanta special asvouvcklilvr roaghout the world ta a bottle bo euro whitlows soothing ithcr kind children cry for pitchers casfaria vthrn zby v n rt vrc pavr jut cailcrii vtli-hh- r as a cltil j tic cricil fcr cartcria h wlirarbf ikvsc ma fhcluntocainriiji knjctipijehainiiljrfabliprat t thiitkicrcmtr varies a llafnilj ircnptnaul wlkijcsdiiiirjcf llurv ttdnomieal thau thr oniiturj linds anl rhiiml u- told lo oocptitloi with tht uialtiltiirol luv tc lthort weight limn nr iihosjihru- pomlitr shd oulv ocank uoril hints d iowiii lv jog wall st k y boiler ts fafirrtiiv i- ic1 fs f i o we have made arrcngemenfcs with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treat ise an the horse and his diseases which will enible all oar subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their tddress enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing eiinej to- dr b kendall co enosburgb falle vt this lxik ie now rcooguizoj as ttailaad authority upon all diseai of the harte as iu phenomenal sale etleti over four million copieshaving been sold in the past ten yean asajenever befuro reached by auy publication in the imie period of time we tecl tionfident that our patroiic will appreciate the work tuia be z4 to avail ihenitjhcs of this op- port unity of obtaining a vulueable book il ii neotjary uiit you mention this paper in landing for tlio trtatifae this oiler will remain ocn for only a short time it is worse than madness to neglect a couh fcr a cold which is easily subdned if uken in time becomes when left to itself the fcreranner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks tho delicate tissue of ihe lungs aud bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive sjrap iho medicine that crapes this formidable foe of the human body end drives it from the ys- tem this medicine promotes a freerand easy srpectorition subdues the cozgb heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parent wish to save the lives of their children and therascnes from much anii- cty trouble and expense let them procure a bottle ot dickies anticansumptiie syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has a coogli or hoarseness give the by rap according to directions in a coaple of weeks mr bollert leave for the markets of the old country intend ing to visit britain france and gcgmany he will be most happy to attend to tho bringing cut of any specialties that oar friends may desire any enccial orders will have his moat careful attention and all commissioas of any kind if in his power will be executed with pleasure being desireous of reducing our immense and attractive fctoch of summer gcoj- wc commence today a grand price reduction it iz to be u zrcl learin out linn- a room making lime a nmucv awng time and you hadnt utter miss it wc want both room knd money and wure uoirg to tike the quick road to exch a few straws will show ytrj which way the viud blows checked summer silks icsiiced from 5c to loc embroidered ciiambray dresses reduced from 5000 to f j33 embroidered while drefs reduced from 303 to f 203 plain and fancv alpaciis reduced from 20c to 10c fancy dre3 goods reduced from 25c to i3c fine wool dress gojds rtjuctl from 13a to 20c wide lace- flouncing rejucej from 7jc to 35c fancy madras lclb rcluctj from 0c tos3c fine braided jereys rtductd from 2ji to f 150 fins white driiliariu niiuced froju to 5c fine scotch chaujbrayrtduild from 13c to 5c all over embroideries reluced from 200 to lf 0 all over embruidtrieri rlviaitl from 100 to 50j mens cotton iuiltrulhr rtduce from joc to iiz clearing lino panolh mjuecl from 200tolc0 boys jersey suity reduced from fl50to sioo fancy cretonn23 reduced from 2tj iu 12c clearing line uibbons redtcej from 13c to 5c 1000 pair hose reduced from 20c to 5c mens felt hats reduced from 109 to 25c splendid wool tweeds red nee 3 from 30c to 25c castor i a tor infants and children chtsruiibnaiiiaftallotuldnxlul i otetu cmt couc oxafuim tumtomt ailaabild i iss 1 ullaoita4atbnau7iirt wjesfcjorii men tat ctira oairixr mnirar bwel s t okly 36 cunts fata abarrfisttp l also eikvdkcbiptiox ov kribber and metal stamps tinqley t swbwast mio oo 10 kin sl wt toronto stltbsoitlbid for and so on all through tho house please keep tho above list and k for any of the lines and pi iocs mentioned it will enable yoa to judge whether we carry out what we advertise absolutely no cued it e r bollert 27 lower wyndinin street guelph the jscton free press only f 00 per year in advance tf titv j o fc fai t yyelcom spring henderson mcrk8 st co kcton i think their many friends for past favcrs and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage jl gkbaittid millinery display where there is bn exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see i general stock of df- goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to-pleasin- all in stvli quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays spjendid a mssfei m housfcolroiftjrsai wi- tb bo u li its mrm wswffih ft udutr7 vq tokontoumitjmijvyui lumber and slunglijjj7 it uzlfbcxte ha 700uo 1 otlrlii missj i canl attf tivlouililolilbs let aud dwelliur for salt ir ousrimlol oclki dc5 arirfriirri roildiiil uu for sale sites ire allcrel isd t luildiu i liij jj ileanihoi look lished v c mil lhrc icu 13 jonr tkiniit b givcc handsock icj frcv saiatt aj e iwcscs ph m- ln nitric u rq sired wnw a ir ir ttnas iurfr slock fcr cacadj f vcltlir r wav vithu ixlenrkj l coontal l iesikalile house and lot for sals thattcrvccrrtaiit l 4jj jteesw adjoisic2crlhulatoa iitii- lest xaito llic iu ci rajr fn tcrui a ad other aniilars tih u c tilt on tie iruii it lj jiiimchailieigyt iliiiincod mabble wokksi luiii iirct cil-fh- siiii ea fctodrr thti ifti jllu tlaiiiclcb tciti tbocsiic tci rvtiil draltr tzi direct sepene ird iuasiclun of ill viaiii of gruiu xal jllrtlcsfonancils tcicw- uarjwi ciin5ivc cipcrieucc fcr ticlst 15 jmnil icblii wv rvly cr cfj hi t3fvncrtektf l cicnr rate tt i ciir duuet ii li west- l k b 15 kz cici cu a thzicl ojjenirp ceived for ile lcxi x tiia lumber latk smujrtesj savers if ill nl5aity3 has co b itxi iboct a luoixc ftc it lsibcr it til tind odsd fcr liildii liiiriiia tbi mill lu a veil cstallisled rrratltioa fcr fcs- clai lsrabcral reasons brcjiriecs ijth ui shinglei cs bizi lca i4ciired ta rjj crin- cift ir rrlnc f ftin fatkds ever at m cur loc for sale steam placing mill carpenter shop aal dwelling thh tls itili- z ire tsthi silt- 11 e untulm cvifcs iusit tri iiititii ioi- lr uruy i ce ciall circular cro-i- j sivs iroaol vol fjnji liiln ii mxi vjasrr tihwi erisiis itfti itc u- 1 jaiir ol ait- tcrs ijcs v ii 1c iivir teitciiacrjlia toes sntri3v i v jtl i krfaxs coiufaifalilc dwellings for sale 1 tist c ii- a- izjc frrv znzilt i west hjt ai-li- u- elnjs j jr cat ic tvtrj rciqvrt tsi rc r 113 pc ciaau i tlc lnlclii rciic- cu hiia s scijctttrostrrvv il lrre ivtclci atacbrf hard ci soft nrjir in l2si teras mi rirjiutiiri i-j- kt2 cjir- filkr illcis office arrea situation wuhrea ci iv all tb rear rcacd to rtliallf rii fniiliiag kiuimr lory referee ccf s amcoubekicon kurserymcn hochcilernt texhers fttll mavse cottons white and grey from 5c up and by the yard new lace curtains in setts very pretty w rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoesto st and suit everybody see our 5100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 10000 doz fresh eggjs wanted at once i i r a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at lojc rememberur famous voc tea henderson wcrae co tendeiis ar- iviio j- ll3ie c wi- lricfc lhxdr cu lio rr plain andsciciu ui 1 vo office ot iv uclcrrz llisi hiilitm aiior ltiii june- tenjeri rvccivkl ci o ii iili 1un w lowest tr as y tttir ct eosiriy sctilie uijra tcicr w l- lalvujscn- manhood how lost hwy restored jcs rubshci a cr w 1 iiijxf drculto wtui ctlobratcd essay 1 flflcw of sicrciacrrt rr ri7 i- excess er carl i ilirrv t- tbe celetritoj air ir ttfi iialrafc esarciearivdcixscra linyit itrccesiful nticv hi l- aras qnesce cf tirircrrrr rriv i njj c icntins oamt trc at certain iiijcirccltiiry lj cf vicb rrer aitcrcr tier taltcr tit-it- eiveureeiiifiu clcjj r caliv jsclhacietritxiri2ti5lial l- saliflnjjscaj id s flic caxjar iilrel cn rvcfvt or i j ir cct 0 vt r imr adlrcs- ticciltcnriuhaiiiilc ado he largest scale works in canada- over 00 styles of hav scales grain scales farm scales tea sgales improved sbow gases hoxty fl feat choppers uk bjtcheas soppues j c wilson asoli i 60 esplanade stiueteast- torotcot u

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