Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1889, p. 4

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thursday jun so ims- o olhs ashqltrssrmw- udlajtckrwic the netrslio t shout u sflansbbtrlandttrlheitrwuuniii uclil wfnkwwlhn lot ui o le o i fl ijappw you couio houn u mc touigiil wlwr ty hw rmnqufmj ui oilier id like first rale trr p lh ye joe wjmirtlc llx il same y ridicr an my salkiu coats rorn oal jc taow therrrcriwljociroingonlfoct say aint lliu uic ihettc fcr a taiuy uirtit juv look t iliif opcu cellar doorny geltpluntrrlocwud lauug millur hajv said jack tc uic tcocttt under the iheliorlnc irchbr lite cellar floor ja k the uchuifit ia heat th thunder ftlial doc lotti do thai in pot no doorf wuiavkathettrlles ktver lean with uie lack upon tcyihitu that 11 cold never aegin a journey until the breiktirt hu beenwteti keep the back etpociilly btinrca the tboaltlerbltdet troll covered alioihfl cheat protected lu ileepiaj ia a oold worn esuutth a btbit oe broatuiaj throah the now and never with the open mouth sflrer go to bed with cold or damp feet f jffl gles and jlokeletb hlf fl how willi the iftmjieii lb vhu and thcircniitit or the day lie the jc pleasant mid effectual wort littler mother gntvtfa wortnkt- tenniutornolwnfl equalhu procure i bollfc and lake it home i the third pace o the toronto lhia w tfatfit noted for want adverliaemepta 1 it yt want to bay oc sell anything if you wwit i lituiuon i mechanic a baii- neaa machinery iodine if yoa hive toit orfoanduythincforu yon wiat to find oat when anyone ii adverfcm in the to ronlo baity mail and read the idvertiae- denuon the third put of that paper thechxrge it two cents a word each in aertioo address tkr hatf toronto can ida mr alex robinson of exeter in writing aboat one of the mott popnlar article and one that hu done more rood to the afflicted ithwiiflj other medicine hu daring the abort time it haa been in existence aaj i have wed four bottles at korthrop ljmana vegetable discovery and drtpep- tic core and haw been ccred of dyipeptia that troubled tmfor over tea jkn part of that time 1 had it very bad and war at a considerable expense trying to get relief bat tids excellent remedy m the first and only- relief i eceited cc riollxi dr co sin i wi formerly a rcaideot of port la tonr and have always used jfinnardf liniment hi my household and know it to he the beat remedf for emerkenciea of or dinary character josrra k snow karwavyme acnccta mothecs are yon distcrbed ai highland broken of yoar rest bj a tick child aufierinc and cryioc with pain of cut ting teeth if go send at once and get a bottle of itnwinalowt soothing syrup- for children teethiog its value is incal- cnlihlr it will relieve the poor hide anfferer immediately depend upon it mothtrt there is no mistake about it it caref dyaentrt and diarrikea regulategthe atomach and bowels cures wind colic ofteni the guraa reduces inflammation and gites tone and energy to the whole ryi- 4em itra winslows soothing fiymp for children teething ia pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nines in the united states and is for tale by all druggists throughout the world- price twentyfive cents a bottle be cure and ask for mrs window soothing syrup and take no other kind enrich the blood by tbe use of ifilborns beef iron and wine which supplies the necessary blood building material it i worse than madness to neglect a cough or a cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when eft to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks tfae tisane of the langs and broach- mji tubes travels with peribos rapiditvj then do oot delay get uotue of bickjes nicousamplie syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the ys- tathumediciaepromotessfreeandeasy- expectoration lahdaes the coagh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful inflaenc in curing coucumptioo and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to tare the lives of their children and themselues from much ahxi ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles an ti consumptive syrup and whenever achild has taken coh his a cough or hoarseness give the syrup accordiog to directions it there aroany ot our subscribers tlial haw not tried imncnal croam tartar baking powdcrwe by all moans urgtjthem to do so tk it really is the tl we ever found aud makes biicuit that uru really delicious fclii i piotou penciuings mr hazeit f murray of pictou u b writes l tcaa affected with dynicpaia and oervou debility sud tried many remedies withouf axail but ouebotua o jldrdock blood bitten ranch improved me anu two moct made me a well man it lyou waul to buy cried a farm ad- ertaie id the toronto iivay mail that paper teaches 100000 farraen homes everl- wockr andyouradvertiiement ihoald meet lhaeye of wmeoncwua want w pur chase advertiiemcnu of uiii diss are in serted in the toronto kvhjr uall for five cents a word each inwction or twenty ceuti a word tor ac iaiertioq addrcas the jmail toronto canada i j t cirliorkcaflitcttec i lean plainly state that i can findnotli- iug better than higyard j vcllnw oil i have rheumalium occasionally aud yellow oil lioet me crcaffgood yon can use my name if yon ih yours truly ildick- tnsoti coufcctioncr sl thomas oni wprfc every hour paid cr unpaid aee only that you work and you cannot escape your reward whether your work be fine or coarsepi mting corn or writing epics w only it be bonest work doe to yocr own approbation ilthall earn a reward o the senifc ai well to the thocght ko mat ter cow often defeated yoa arc born to victory the reward of a thing well dene u to hare done it james hgilmocr of t gilmour whcilcsaje grocers brooltrillc siys i co have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and ugh which it mmediately relieved and cured in 10 days ihme via troablcd with headache bad and osa of appetite and tried all sorts of medicines without succesf i then tried one jottk of burdock blood bittcre and founk relief in 10 days a j mndle mariawa onl blood catapioii sarelj crtil tottckdiwr- plcase inform yoar readers that i save a positive remedy for the above named dis eased by its timely use thousands cf hope less cases have been pcrmiccuuy cured i hall be glad to seed two bottles jf my remedy rm to any of yocr reader i who havecontsmption if they jvili seal me their express and i o address respectfully dc t a slccx i igf west adelaide tt toronto oct occifiiaail doesof a good cathartic like burdock pills- are- ucccary to ljxii the blood pare tnd the body healthy nerve tortured coffered with ncaralgia sod ob no relief until insed iftrjards ytii sinc4 then i have also found it an i able tfcmedy for all paiufal bcrm and rheumattcm and eocc throit 3ri cameron 137 rontaout richmond street wes lowc sclpbur soap is in elegant article and cleanses and purifies the mosteffectoallv oilct skin j gires instant eehef- j have been troubled with asthma and a bad cosgh for years i get nothii helpmeiike hagyarde pecwral balsam and would recommend it to others is it gives pstant relief rtract from ieter from walter ifcauley yentuor oct y afefiae wyebride writes i hive sold urge quantities of dr tholntseciec- tric oil it is used for colds sore throat croup c and in fact for any affection of the throat it works like rrigic it u tare cure for barnr woncdv and bruises maay tfcaafcfc y j my age is 5i and for 20 years i have fcfferid from kidney cam plain t rhenma- tism and lame back aiid would have been a dead woman if it htd uot beta far bar- dock blood bitters of which two bottles re- itored me th health and strength jfias maggh hendfiby ifalf islstid cove kj g 3estoflaii cough ajiis lurry toe- toriuu iu krradr ikmuid than ever kti pn-jiaialiiu- fjic tlirwit mid uuig trouliied w iu punupt iliiui fffcvu so ajtrvcahr to iu uiti- and to widely knmvti ri tlii jr h mia family medf- due in 1 iiviiviick tit liyinhod i liv- iiftcnil for yearn from a lrtit liil ltinli liii wlknovit i lake ctid irttu ejqiil in fadement wcath- it kikjw iimu hv ft very annoying ucmiiirniimaiuhi lit tti- llirmt and by iliflicnliy in litvathiti i liavc tried gnal iuiiv ivuilhs htit luiic docs po hell ui iti clicrrj perioral width alvatft gives proitiiit nlicf in reticrus of niv oldcmtuiului krnont a iltnlcr fitvtiir el public utadi parish ter- re ikniif it i iiilcr aycrv cherry pcfloral urn iuikiaut rvmctly fjr home uses i invr uvtnis cnralivo power in my fumlly iii uunn during llie m thirty yearn and have ucvcrkiiown it ofih it will relieve the moat lorioiis ftfflioii rt the tlirswil anl lung whether in cmmren or alulu mn e i edgrrly ffliiudl ulufts iowa twenty yearn azu i was troubled willi a iutxc df uic lifngt doctors afforded n- uo relief aud couidere wycaxt hopelvu 1 ilicit began lo kk acers thrrrv pvvtural aud before 1 kill finishm one ikiide foaiul relief i ctintlifiud lo take ihli tucdiciito mijil a cure va effeticl i hclievcf hat ayefl cherrv pectoral kivtxl my lift saiuuet grij wantcgan 111 six vrir ajo i ctiutracted a severe cold whieh ruled ot lay luugx and foou dcvcuipd all tli alarming symp toms of com u ni it ion t hal a ctuigli ntpht svea ljlellng of the huig pains iu chot and sides ami was k cnutralcd as ta iw coufiiiwl to my d ratt cf the time after trying various nrcvrjplhim witluitit lenefit my plndan final v dctenniued to give luc avers cherry peel oral i look k and tlic cftivl was magical i secmei lo rally from tlio first luse of this medicine and after using only tht bottler am a well and sound as ever iioducy johnson sprhijtkld 111 ayers cherry pectoral rattahed ct dr j c ayer k co lowe mall ioidltillljnifriiu- wcell rbolta burdock blood will cure or relieve bluousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluttering jaundice of the heart erysipelas acidity of saltrheuh the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skin and amry speccs cfdis uiiine irzn dcrdcrvd llvtit kidfitys stosjichowelsvr blood tbe jrmt sacefmtfal rev4r ever dtkor- wi u it i crruia a lu effrcif lad so aoiidifux head proof beknr kendalls spank cure omciotcaiates asrrax j saxzdl or j curnum iur am taomso utxa fffmr uliybpitto care by li ll daieaottkk t wooldiuu prteatauutrrquifldir t think it tt tme of the best unimesu on tirth lar an it ca oy cubic for uxrw- jtm toon ttvlf quiju smo kendalls spam curl dear bin i acxlr ut gin na lartfmoalal of mr rd opinion of rwr kncaur jipntta cart i har bird ft rorjmtfnfcttfiir ltmt aid batiiaudl utrotniditftrmcitnieonu- fturrccommeadttuauliorkiiini voun tmlj a e qnzrrr juaajtr troy iaaadrr suuea kendalls spavin curl 0aa i r i it rnr duty- fa a f what r hart iaat wuh roar knuiairj sfria core x ure enmi twenirln bonn llut lid spattac in of ion a cm of tur kino vottrttrulj- ajicrw traitju eert aatf cmftrt a eke srrta brown hooiehold paaaeeav hes no equal for reuerin pam both internal and external it cures pria ia the side faacfc of boweht sore throat rheumatism tooth ache jatnhao and any fcind pain or ache it will most sorely qcicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderf fd t browns hoosehotd pan- acea acanowleded a the great paui believer and of doable the atreogth ol toy other elixir or liniment in the world thould be hi every- family handy for ase when wanted ar it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps ia the ttanirfr indpaiaa and aches ol all kioda tad is or tale by all drngfikte at ij cecti a bottle xbcxc arc many indications oc worms bat dri lows worm syrap meets thee every case snccessfnlly diciae cathera strcatli c it adnnres annihilate it at iu birth wheo the bowels become skggiih digestion feeble or the liver torpid they ehoold be aroosed ind ilimaiaiod with korthrop lymipi vegetable diicorery and dyspeptic care a medicine foremost in osefoloess among alteratives it should not be abandoned if an immeditte cere is cot effected botrbe oed as it deerves fyeiematically sad with penistcuce it will then trove ltt it is thorough i kendalls spavin curl trie tt per battle or il botum for h in 0nw- piu bitc hot can tei ft lor jou or it irlll be taa jo aar idrfrwi oa recrtpc of nrw by tb proprta- ton da b j lntml co fcaotborfh fmiui bold by axd dkrogistsi cmuanpaaa carect i an old physician retired from practice ha ring had placed in hit hand by an eaat trfnrfailoqary the formula ol j a simple nfalhib remedy for the speedy j and per manent cure of consamption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat ind lang affections also a positive and radical core for kerroos debility and all xerroas com plaints afifr biting tested its wonderfnl carsiire powers in thoaaanda creases has felt it his doty to make it known to his suffering fellows aetna tea by tnis motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will end free of cf large to all- wjto desire it this recipe in german french or eng- isb ith fall directions for preparing and qsiotf sent by mail by addresstog with tajdp namiug thw paper w a- notes lio powers block bochesfcr k y doflar which might otherwise be thrown away by resorting to inenectaal nktgejpes are sated by parcfaasidgthaiio- expqoaite spedfis for bodily pain and mfe4ytof affections of the throat lanes stomach liver jjnd bowels dr thomas oh which does not deteriorate and is sjjoroojlndorr t br0ock pills a eurc cjpc fondiuousnx3coristifation rkotaccttor- dciccc cicn hcadachc rtjo cisztscs or tkc ctot2act uvn rro docto tkctaic utlzrtzrzuzt ta pzzupt ki actic rfja rht a vrtartc kia to gjrzozr ctooo cittzrz iu tkc trzrtizrr eut cune or ckroftc ifjd ocirrffiatn cibcrxo -a- gnificent display 8prin summer dry gopds drosi goods millinery tuv- era foathorj ribbons mantles short jackets wraps clookings parasols prints sateens cfiam- firnys ginghams sewed muslin embroideries sewed muslin shirtings small wares corsets hosiery gloves laces cartalus carpets oilcloths scuts furi mailings cloths twcods suit- iugs spring and summer ovcr cortings cottouades checked shirting wcecbcd and uu- bleechcd cottons tickings ready made mens and doys clothiug having purchased tlic staple portion of tlw stock before the recent great advance in cottons wollens and silks audpurclias- cd largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks suchas j w gait k co aud others wc never were hitherto iu such apositiou to offer such pheuominal and unpreced ented bargaius our dress goods urc in every variety of material and the latest shades ucb as uudigorc mahogany griithed strawberry fawii nile grceu moss green etc and wonderful cheap prices from 8c up aud an all wool french armure suiting 50c per yd for 2oc silks and satins in black and colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd up- a wonderful display of prints gorgeous patterns very low prices fast colors from gjc perydup seersuckers in cream and other shades from oc up our millinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anything iu an- city in canada and in a great many casss superior and for artistic style work and finish cauuotbe excel led and prices considerably less than city houses out ordered clothing department and stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style iit cut orkmanship finish and low- uos of i rices can neither be im itated nor approached a sross of black and colored felt ats worth 100 and 150 for 50c each boots and shoes in great variety very cheap we can assure the public that they can come with the utmost confidence to sec a magnificent display of goods great variety wouderfully cheap uo trouble to show goods courteous and ob liging salesladies and salesmen ajid that you will make money by patronizing us wmmcleodco itajtst oth house qeoeqetowk i cure fits wliea t rayccrk i ha not mm merely to stop them for a lmc and uicn have uieia return 151m 1 kkks a radical cuiill ilaiemadelhesiacaaeof fits- epilepsy or falling 8ickness a life ion jtndj- i wakiiavt ni rvtiidr in liiuuortram lkritiotiirlihriilcd is no rcawn fnr not uwrerrivfe 1 mrr send stotircforslrealitcantia ffrklkrnuof tnr ikfalurlp hkkkiiv cive kipre nl it ofiiee h eosu you ifntliiii for a irinl ami muraremi addith- 0 boot mo branch offloe 164 wsat aatmta gtrmt toronto mmunl unlmrmt belnr seuntlgtm brilliant durable economical diamond dyes excel ill other in strengtli purity and fistness konc otlier are juta5 good be- ware of imitations because they arc made of- cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crock- colors to be sure oc success use only the diauoxd dve3 for coloring- dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we warranf them to color more goods pack age for package ii any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colore ask for tlie diamond am take no other if dress dyed for 4 coat colored iq garments renewed j c jj achikfcan use them af drafgfeu ud ukciuui dfr book fr wells richtrdson ca montroal p j spring goods we have secured a large lot of worsted coatings la blue and black uiundjuiotlliolsnitrrricei o iu- w the tolosilo mutt bcbis over ilocktd wo ciu iilitjly this tcuaa gqadworstcd suit for 230010 2400 formth price 30 give ds a call shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph to farmers and threshers uanonour itacjuneryonly the wellknown im lmmhjsteiles oil q gold medals h bean iirarded it daring the last three ycart try uo oar fsorltll axlo olotcor yoar wtgonud dine poer the oili ro awd nd highly recommended at thellbdel farm gaelh karuicrt ask tor trem aae noother ifanufictarnl at quetr 3itt 3llwrt t hy samuel rogers co toronto v jcit xj jermyxs acton we open and place hi stock today two cases superb i millinery 200 new and sfcylisn shapes french ribbons flowers house furnshings dress goods parasols boots tt shoes gmrpts owing to the sharp advance in the priccof the raw material ana the revival of trade throughout the world the price of carpets as well as of other goods has been con siderably enhanced fortunately for out cus tomers we have laid in the largest stock of carpets ever brought to guelph and at lower prices than ever before the patterns we are safe in saying are the choicest in the market special attention has been paid to borders to match these goods are all bought direct from the manufacturer so that wecan retail them at wholesale prices but not con- tent with this as we are bound to make the carpet trade boom we have decided to offer to the peo ple of acton and rockwood a special dis count of 10 per cent off all carpets bought at the -lioisr- durikg the next thirty days in addition to this anyone buying a carpet araonnting to 10 or more will receive the amount of theirfeturn fare j d williamson co headquarters tor wkll phpr 6fuikgkiuilfiaavraarfr in ukaltrrlx gilts nd other vlch and k0bi1y palwrat inejadiflffuncceiusgdecokatiovk centeiuikces coukers and 4a endlu trtero elegant borders the ursl ilock erer broastl to acloa to thoate from for ic r roll tad ajrwud window blinds fl linkns fa beautiful ihadc tnd d- ijinithinugroucrt couijictc uoat lailto co thctn before parchailng otir prices am right alabastine anothcrlotoclheiborejaiurcelebnttdkalsolilxetohiad in i1 the ponalar ibades it ffitm t beaatifal bard satin finish od till not rub oft one trui will satiif y jotr it utb best thing in the market prints knd oil3 peuchens prepared paints j latt lo baud c fail une of th above old reliable mixed ntinti in all sfiei and color ajso gltta pebch1 paints pans vchiie udj and all dry colors oils turpentine arnishea japan 6helivr ic- i hito alio added to mritock i full line qt tube paints in til ihc leadicj colon alio rtkn kable aod h0ghaib rnnbc fa all it an ondlem variety of hrlsues oahand fnelajinr kalfiomlxe white wash iaixt scrub boot store goth uone whjaju ax alwaya a iloct heaps ofhardwaiask uscbin oil cho groceries crockerrglaiitilro 1 lamps 4c sole agent for ryauiacaaibica scnic sih balance gravltr sash loci tad curtain hollers also rlaur- enccs llrrfectedspcctaclm j b pearson oar ooctuet them ill rbjermyn jennjii sells cheap special i for twenty j days i am offering special inducements ir ordered clothing i am showing the finest range of paulings at 4 and 5 per pair i have ever shown all the newest styles in english and american hats in felt and straws at closest prices r e nelson mere hunt tailoi- 99 upper wyndham st guelph are you married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager or 10 nplniih your home u cturf o la w tts t pls tiler i no trjitu ol furniture wo c nnot iunl- tul nrttcr 0 deliver our furuiturc id jou nivb uo imuciiit irdcui chirsm ind run no rlii o brcikice wo can mil ill undertaking ns wblci oomire wltli uioic of tho clly it ono liuf cltjjrlcct our hearse speight son rail vtay ttssi grand trunk rjafed j- kf3 nr i tfintf fwdiii ioa fsftekssfl thrcutbeipcm a j fhslj i wfm 1 jljj- chfcicoktpttlocfaftllmr27- ndllrmipios iii tiaocixrvovi oonew ew giulett fsahv mwnctiirii or r ths czu3saied e0yal yk45i cltfl i brcw 1 tif ermfrv for qrg i comsumptioh cougfis coldj asthma coup- 1 all piass of thtm utftejiflsko- pvjuyiarr orcujii i r it riitiirrtuse i oonsnmptroiifiabbeehcupl as an txpectaflamj t kssjio cow it contain no opiuii in ayfen- i pi ir rr v rrttctr- fj t ampells compound jvtfr th isfrortic mulirixufti up- tn oval bctfkz hclinj 0ra aata tach irta the rjtnic uowh in ife gui and thenami of the lurmci srqt hit in red itii across tu fact cftkukl vtvarc of fmiiaiiozn refute allnkti tuttt alia you rh not u duafpriakk r haqiartis floawat i crefj arisirig jrom a riisofjcrcj txil lbelira stomach and jlowels socit is f- dyrapiia or indipoatioa bihflm affgctiona hpdachc gtarflxcb a of tto stomach bbromisttw tx of appctiic otrcl krw tjobiutriivamctuor vomittoito prl6o 3s conti pr botil j vms uwssscs coomt4 fit itm hi jt is oftua coortp tirea ij wmtifi iac w nth bnjwtrrr tnl trviaicualm hit fc fi iu0tftdfrrtr iei if ra j tm ttof tar- in inn uft ifcn ltw ui t l w i k fcmr3aerufit erwf lmraumj pirn u van rru ia biu wmnaa u tn tnistaatlisi in i nrlbwai tjtt al fo ilox 740 animu jlow llollnfinj v- ish exhausted vimih r faclexce ifili hit ereai midjcil work t the at 6u utiiuwjnttto and iljjslcal lvliy it maturo dcliiit kmr vl ioati ftuti uic uikqld uis- orics ut utci tltrijci jiacw b vo viz jxtcriil for all jcascs cltoi full citonly 100 bf mail scaled ijlukratitu waiitlc fne loall youiigaud inlddliii4d mca fjcid now- gold and jcwvllwi ii ww awirjed ollipaouj by xalirttal mihliul avociajoa sdtovs rp ijoi 3j ticu u- or dr vr luti- khjt graduate cf htuvarl utdical codcfa yoarsiiractifc iujlosicci o ujiv beconsoli4 coafidckliaily sjccialty diaoascfi ofili oflsce ki- buliach s how lost how restored jast ilfccda uovcliiion of drcalvtp wellcictrntedeasayoiitho dicalcu of spennattbpa brmiacilj uidnce- eiccseor caily yjtniior the celeliraud aniier ia this adcua esaay clearly deraoatrsjis from a liiriyl ucceeful jtaclicc that tlic aiarms 1 qaences orearlyrriorcia t radicallj e0i iwintina out a tco-u- cfcun- at enco sigfig eortala and cflcciuat bv luoao i of thich 7 uffcrcr do uattur iit lis noiition uiay may euro himself clcajlv ititatcjy and it tally jl ratbiloclurc hhwlnin ti rontliandetmyiuaainllielaad bent under fel a a iilaia eavclopc w addrea on receipt of four ccjtaop twop5 anipi addrcsir tiooaifrarvcuiiodiljt i xxs it srv tokk p0 4 i si f s jdplows dcstroys and removs wwnj- or all knds in chilown or adults swerrte sybu am cannot harm the mct- i- delicate child r- i

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