Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1889, p. 2

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uivx near acton cti jua ux donald mann third hi caiaolv la artec k ttc cf jirccchiori knoijal ue hiiro ajltt jlntrrc north itth juno ii the v ilootvo ton uoicn toifoc wedrfjuj jcic ikii l tlic rev h m manntnc at j tvij rct- rf tuc inijci itlifr akoaou at ut u htlu o his alice k cmcst tbonia kj ivr ivw k c vv rji r mctj cr i noo ittuat tlic rwiikoct of gearpuervtfcc luv iwi kccnolv c utuclia i daacbtcrrfur joha ileth ii the ttc aoa 1mb june et toiler vf w ucdiicabuj juue so brides father h ihttuiu mr jo hells mocs rwld hrrrniktltttck at the redraw ct vr c c ivuhtov toronto on tt lurjutiiffur ueube routo saturday nurlit hiacl datnthlrr of the utr cchrftiwciuactreb akithou timiiiahi jcnby l wr hmfl ftrouc at ofacbciw frm a ttjsift cf ivrct dijc cfon jfrcrrss ne tuttrstuy jf votes anti com the fiacres of the dcic 1a dtetf icrut now osic ally given at a little qtcr tdoxl ami ih terrible bis q1 life wji broalit about i- ihu iieartlcss tllbfnrt- br tiif hutehart c t- 3 uit auuio it iiuct ma tic 1couo lculhclwi n vina a ann- rttmitojti ests iii johiislawn ihotfihtlcmoets nf vtalui the heavy rains lately ditnijjsi the crops in mm era octino- even the h can stud more rain thin been modi injared acd raat of heat frtfmca have fcriogsty pirts o ktst y ajthoah it tiiu crop his i hack for the far tie point to remember j rutfto the revision of the lists it that applications choald be lodged vnih the before august 1st- ther veeki in which the declixfi idtniisioa to the lists can as always better to be s i this a div too late the canadian gxiie o london eej in ihadiag to the fact that unced ill competitors in i mmcfictsre of cheese y it is dee u the fostering cire it receites from the c alirio gorern- ment uid the diirymeas lssociition it speais highiyof the expec itnre of moocy is gyinc iortrfciar to go roni ficjjry to factory pointing out mistxsa and the bes wxj of remedying them st cdxwrith re- ornicign voters far recistration rtrisinc officer lxe jcrt four ti2 calling for filed bat it 2qth too early otzidt has lis- in aarrer to the cestiml cftea ashed whether it weald be well f jr prohibition- ista in order to break the y histey rinjs to vote for the old parties wb rill rive the requisite pledges the vck- replies by no meanc as we hare of ea eaid when yoa elect the candidate of t party yoa elect bis pru and the belief o the party be hind the candidate far tozt importint than that of the candidate when the great projects hitouqltoutrui the adjourned cac laih igalnu waldie ilalton lminioactecltoulrial postpoufd byjaie axicotir bntn the 3rd july u likely tobc furthcrj poitpootxf on accoanl of an ccscineul of mr ilchttockcoau ml for mr fiuih k order wai made hy jodge artrosr ust vteekallotrtlc hie pcti- uoticrv ccduncl to dclivec additional par- ttcalarf- j ajlntlftuuut fttte uituti out- itlnz tlxhit a jrake- man named wm uighe whote liomn it near richmond hill was coupling cart he tuetmormnfi hit ripht hip tud part of hit body were crushed betvteen thednwheadt he lived aboct au hour ahdhalfandtaid no one hat htmtclf trac to blame a kalltrv karrntv dcaic oakviiix june the ichooter erie itcllc with coal froii uhtabala to hamil ton ras struck by i isjaall off tlus place and her foremast add jtbbootn were carried avay a eailor ajoft when the tuall struck ras carried overboard with the fore- muij bat was rescued unharmed by the ctewl the tu sicion from iortdalhojiie picked up the tchoajer aod wwcd her to llatnilton anoliirriuikirt oitisa june di ermncnt has been c kcrkosv at canmor tifjed jf the discovery of an anthracite ooil mine by ht drin- ttlilfdn trt of coal dominion gov- kytt lis veinc were traced four mik ami are over nine fet in wijth prekidcct van florae of thecpk says the coal i eiochcnt an amend prospector alto bt vedlhat the sicht cued him with- wtoawii meat a company of st pari cap alula has been organised to work the min c kckuerbta wv shikliuc tragedy inkfce cjtmtf of vorml lad wecl lixiitcts ont jrce ii ijist ereuicc ucar this village a hoy ntced jdtvic acd u shot and icstanuj- killed john bohrcr aged 12 there had been tan j old cruise between the bcye an 2 daris loa meelicfi rohrer said snjf back- or i will thool yoa- and immsdiatrtty rec the ball pus- ic thresh the temple datif will be ar rested 1 j lanctcn the scene of he crime is a village in korfolfc cosnty abodt is miles from tilsonbcrg j neighborhuui news fnralilittl by correipoudeuti called from eicunevi lid tlrked tin bj- tlte vty erin a the township aaaeament roll wti re vised and completed with comparatively few chiaca oar baie ball boy defeated nilltbarr t week igo in a core of u to 0 hlllibare boys are a decent lot of fellowi lit c j mcmillan of hiutbarc it baifly reparinj to build a new residence the improvements al the malhodlit church have wonderfully improved the gen eral tppcaraucc o the ptcraitct the saudty school jjiu coanection with burnt chorcb hold thelc annual picnic u saturday lu stanley park dlggislvlssx grcun june 2oi a dnikiets of welhrigtoa oauerin and cardwi was atlpn meeting of the peel haltoo bidinthecity cosncil charaberin his cii y today for the prpos of organirit an aasoc alion a of railroads in africa are earned ot there rl the bailaiirs aedy abolntion one of these tono mnnic will be a prospect of the e of the african slave trade projectf is far a line on the beyond the livingstone ci iatct aai an other for a line running from the east coast to lake xyansa jit look to the praetial deed dark continent th entt riig wede ciniizatioc is a railwav tu cocstitction and ivliws were adopted alter which the following 5cers were elected president w g smith gcelph first vice president thoxas stevenson orane- villc second vicepresdert j n ifccol- iim hilton third vicepresident r h hodsoa brtnptos secrjtary w col clrh 3ioanteorei ttttearer l w yeomans hoant forest iacditors r wood erin and j it daidsj oraneville committee on chemistry pharmacy and leriilatim lw yegmnslab peine dr hcgcire j r dodds u thos rut- ton trade and comcercew g- smith thos stevenson r h perry j hccol- a sevsatiov at i twvk a sitt of cxniinxl turr pmiut in ike lurrli may therefore pctot of the rliiiacd inm and c surt desh t p smith petrie and p wood jtmieson dr herod yeomitjs xnd r p tion dec brampton uk kl him vtiaalrufi grievinces w col a jtprcer t s e d tert tin meats r w cplcleoh l v and r phiilip- the aasncia- idtii to holl iis i eat meeting at niuasetjuijon pers o tht j jii i tua dsra xcr try to zir petxrtocii cenenl passerjp rciidt of tlie canada auaiitic railway tr ekard i n r n t n r r i ottiwl jcce it there in the capital en sitardij noimecaient in ibe moniinj mirriace of the econd dn zhle of 5fr jnstice taschereao of the s prexe court to 5fr fraci besrd kcr tin- to ifr percy tod i c wnof dr c i beard of b uhton k unci and uionr v ll ci tfh of en- ixiid the mrnc- cret v wis per fennoi by be v p oeujo recutfof st georges ehnrch tlat i liececfcir- dincl tikchereirj ili hihes linitry cf the roman cthoic church i lie dmiu- ioo tfaoold be married in i episcopal ehnrch it may well be belk ed erected some sorprife the yoaslai- it is nn- derstood left home with the etriresscd in tention of joining her father ia a journey i noon- fn stead of joining her met her intended and rena litunrjtil j him ivti- aal ringrij i iij tnud vnrtisii c jincil irft njj mitdi tfj- llre iu iti- j cljjc rr prettnt iin ininuto f and fyitifjrnirsl tdt rvtiion nf lliu kf i meet report 1 completed crj it as hjoved lr toqaebec tliis was on thufday after- father she ed to st cade man kmily had the liver- rev mr georges church where they wef ted wife the erst notice the of the onion wax when they reai tiaement in the newepapers jones stttes thzt he did cot i bserre the names on the license ontil he ca ne tomtke oat the returns when the car e of tas- chereaa attracted his attestis he did notice the french spelling of the name amelie and asked the yoccg i dy if she wara roman catholic and she he affirmative bat added there iwg in the roles of her chcrcb marrjing a protestant- conple were seen on their hone j smiths falu replied in was coth- io prevent 1 the young noon trip special- avorvct jtot we hiye made arrangements with dr 3 1 kendall co publishers of j a treat ise antheeorse and his diseass wcich will ensile all our subscribers to obtain a copy of thtf raluable work free iy sending thfeir address en ciosicg a twocent stamp for mailing sime to dr b kydall co enofiborgh fails vt thisbojk is now cecognizad as standaad authority npen all diseases of the horsei as its paenomeaai tale attests over four million coj ies having sale never n in the confident he worh this op- boot tioj this been sold in the past ten years a before reached by any publics t aame period of time we feet that ocr patrons will appreciate and be glad to avail themselves o portnmty of obtaining a valceabl it is neceasary that you me paper in sending for the treaty this offer will remain open for only at lorttim savage attack by a irisc vrjl buxjfrror jcne2i rnllede entente here by jcdge kcott to four years n king toa penitentiary for burglary mi e a mar deroas attack opoa turnkey ta grt this morning- as the oscer wasgoitj hroaii the corridor batledge struck bin on the back of the head with a stick t irewood which knocked the officer don t ud rend ered him senseless for a few r oments ratledge made an attempt to cc lock the doors and escape but taggert and called for assistance tje of the gsofrhed iu ondsochovef the prisoner the gaol sargeon ke drei the agly cat in guard ierts head which thoogh not daxigeroui u very paicfah batledge is kujere boy ai d comes from streets ville hisparcnuare respectable reoidenu of liix yillifc john ifrty kf tditj bv that iliu iilfor ltannt cjrrtcifl by the tvjrtof ii tdcped ciritih tbs comiutte on jfnno- preseiitej ihe ejitii reirt rtcfimiifirliij ooanti a- faioirii i trxnjps r 1 tljcinas t jiaore poui hcli ucdacuji worfc-i- hvlttxxt printing 112c dr lit roll trie a slight iy r ied and iiior hi now nytnent ofi titetias l- liaaa ttltry ltiiiliiivrr j report ad jpd the eeere was voted 1 100j jtor charit able purposes 1 thecoancil then adjourned to meet on monday evening fsth jpjy 1 orf 1 fo pu u s 3g j j7 c7 etce we notice that ifr t a i aiiey is learn ing the operating trilb fctatio agent strick land- the sacrament of the lords sapper will be administered in lh metoodist church next sunday school will close on friday ci of jnly the teachers have been re enraged tne towiship connal has repiired the road on main st froa dandys shop to stranges bridge it will make a 5ne r when packed down thoroughly divisionjjoscer baagh visited the sal- vatiia army here last friday evening the epcfcwood men of the gtr lifting for carlton new irfdtag gang left monday motning where they intend paiting in the whiskey basiness u dowii to its old time whoksaie capacity in again overtime is being put in the week onr village hi every day we andereiand that ifr edward fitr immoos is to be enlisted on fhe toronto police force- he erpecte to ba 6n datv on july 1st j j the brass band boys are apparently getting along firstrate iwefajpe hat they will be able to eerenada be people with fine music n the oonreeof a few months tbe gnelph catholic union their grand entertainment gem in the town hall toniht j profes sional vocalihts will assist gramme hilton two hundred and ten dollars were paid into court last quarter ending llth init far liquor fines the yoanggirl bngham committed 0 gaol for infanlcide was taken to george town on friday last to get a hearing before the coroucr and jary aa open verdict wis the result of the iuqaest but the girl was detained in cuitody outil tho evidence was submitted to the attorneygeneral re- fvrixrr mr richard ifcratlrect trj who rcauvi his farm in trafalgar and has taken uphls residence here has purchucd from mr george lavery a lot on mill it and he in- tends to erect a brick dwclliug haute foe himself there it a brisk demand this kaon for good saddle horses which are telling at fancy prices ill present the hidden ie pro- in the totrn hall 00 ths llth and 12th of july the cantata club will giv their great sclber the beaa performance entitled tiful yueen a crowded hocfeis expected as tbe puj will uudoubt dly bt a faaccess it is ku ticthtlt eicd ense out wet d comforts fyrinwadti trixlfe ere nothing jf you t- ticthtcs w itji psiietjceitbutr luas will ijilienoe is bcttlr than geokgetowx the ii t nav ry costs this townthip 23is50 this year and tha c v ry sgo the market question is again nnder dis- cassion the herald argues the recent infanticide ax follows perhaps the unfortunate girl who strangled her child will be sorry same day that she was act legally punished for her annataral crime it is raa that her punishment already has been very coa- lidcrabie perhaps as heavy is the law coald have imposed but the idea of sachs crime- having been committed and the law taking no action is esubliibicgaprecedent that it wiilbe dangerous to follow per haps we repeat eveu the accused herself niay be sorry some day that the coart did not mete ost to her punishment that the does not deny having deserved bat what aboat the man who rained her probably the greatest punishment he will ever be compelled to beat has been borne already sleeping an occasional night in a hay mow or in case of emergency being com peiled to get m between two bed ticks where is the justice in tachi fsroe ai this posters arc oat for a time on the let of jnly kxatchbull mr leonard watson kassagaweya raised the frame of a fine bank barn go t gi feet on tbursday7 june 20th the day was fine and warm and the building went cp withoat an accident of inyykind m john mcpcedran and mr robert kichol were chosen to captain their respective tide the race wax a close one and it would be a hard matter to say which side won the general opinion being that it was a ti mr alex crippt erin has the con- tract for frame work aud mr jasl marks nasxgaweya for masonry in katsagawcya on 20th june the wife of jlo richardson of a dacghter in keseigaweya on istli june tbe wife of jtm moffat of a dsoghter mr ilobcrt park kasaagaweya rtceiied a telegram the oilier dy from hit 10a mr squire ittk michigan tttt the latur had gut one of iiik feet ufcen off mi ictiit j ktchikg kugaweya it usiting frienrft in kniciniine and vicin ity at profit mrs j i so hitbnijkfsgawea visited frivudt in exeter last week and while boarding td trm kc guelph b4 the mis fortune to hve her pyrite containing atail- way ticket and ill stolen from her pocket hr jno ucaiptne lxaiiagaweya who bax been ailing for tome time is no better and fear ure entrtainetl is to hit ultimate recoverj tbe majority of firmer aroand here have got tfceir tnrnips sown bat several have had to sow them a tecond time on acboant of the first puuts being destroyed by tbe fly o part with oc fiery in patience fainheith gain 1 covered governor powered jr heg- old and work tefy lioar pxfj or dupaid see only that you work and jon cannot escape ytinr reward whether jour crk be fine i or cjire pvuting corn or writing epics so only it be honest work dine to your own ipprobaiion it eliall eansia rcwkrd to tiie senses as well rue to the t booth t so mil ler how often defeated jou are bom to victory the reward of a thing well dune a to iiztu done it it becomes my painfa duty to chronicle the death of one whom we tried to- keep with us but whom the lord vis pleased to take away miss hsllie moore after suffering from that ever fatal iiseue con- scraptioc for the past seven years daring which time the was only confined to her bed a few days qaietly and peacefully passed away ta her eternal home on wed- aesday jane 19th the deceased was a very amiable and kind yoang lady respect ed and esteemed by all and most beloved by those who knew her best she will be missed by all and especially from the chnrch where sho held the position of or- ganist on the 21tt she was calmly laid away in the cemetery io await the resur rection of the jest may her widowed mother brothers sisters and friends gather again in a sweet reunion in that mansion above where partings are unknown de ceased wa only twentyone years of age quite s number of ocr yoang people at- tended the garden party at oraigh on the 21st ah expressed themselves to have spent a very enjoyable evening and i do not doubt but what they did if arriving home at a lale hoar in the morning added any to their pleasure mrs e k scott of palmersfon is visit- ing her parents mr and mrs c- w an derson mrs a e burrows of icorthviue da is visiting her parents mr and mrs wm mccnney miss b curtis epent sunday in town twentyeight yachts from toronto and himilton arrived at the harbor on satur day afternoon i wonder what has been the means of bringing about such a friendly feeling be tween the oakville reporter and the town council i suppose it wis the trip to brantrord trie following item appeared iu last weeks star oak wiles baedsome citizens were in the city iat friday bran tford exyjijr that word handsome all da- peuds upon wlut it refers to forbtudcrae is wliat intudnine doe i doubt their good look and certainly it couu not refer to their wordx md actions bf the receot reports of our town council probably it was their attire st jades church now being free from all debt was cousecratod to tbe service of theord on sanday last the bishop of kiagara conducting both the morning and the evening services pale woebegone invalids i offering rem poverty of the blood bilious i offerers arid thoiesrbom circulation is depraved should qs4 without deity northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic ours the celebrated blood puriflsr whlch siirau- latcs digestion increases the nutritive properties of the blood and expels impar ties from the system children cry for pitchers casto- wiicn rby vi fjk ve gave le r ccftri wiica tle ax a ci i i j ih crtel for caslcr wbca she bccna u in sho clua to caxtcrti klita the hi i fillireo ilc 4 tc thni gu6ria auviceio mptiinrk arc you diiliitbcd at mgiit and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so scud at on co and get a bcillc of mrs wiatlowt soothing syrup for children teething its value it incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon tt mothtrs j there is no mistake about it it cares dyicntry aud diarrlura regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind j colic softens tbo gums reduces infiammlion and give tone and energy totho whole sys tem mrs windows soothing syrnp for children teething is pleasant to the taste and it the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physician and narset in the united states and is for tale by all druggitts throughout tho world price tweatyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslcvs soothing syrup and take no other kind powder absolutely pure tfcit pcviier cevcr varies a ctrvelotpirit r xtrenjru- aai whoij2eaese hone xozaziiiil than the ordinary kinds aci cantot be sold io oompetitioa with tha eeltucdc allow lettithcrt teigntticci or phorpte iowders bold only iocaas boru bxxixg fovdue coioc vail el k t 1 bollerts bol1eb din rg- sit 7 s3o t riy i j in a couple of weeks mr bollert leaves for the markets of th old country intend ing to visit britain france and germany he will be boat happy vo attend to the bringing out of any speciilties that our friends may desire any special orders will have bis moat carcicl attention sad ail commissions of any kind jf in his power will be executed with pleasure being desfrcous of reducing our immense and attractive ttock of summer goods we commence to day a grand price reduction sale it is to be a great clearing out time a room making time- a money caring lima and yoa hadnt better miss it we want both room and money tnd were going to take tbe quick road to each a few straws will show you which way the wind blows checked bcmraersilksredncedfrom 35c toisc embroidered cham bray presses reduced from tg00 to 350 embroidered wfaile dresses reduced from 300 to 200 plain and fancy alpacas reduced from 20c to 10c fancy dress goods reduced from toe to i5c fine wool dress gooda reduced from 5c wide lace floancngs reduced from 75c to 35c fancy madras ltces reduced from 50c to 35c fine braided jerseys reduced from s250 to ji50 fine white brilliantes reduced from ijc to 5c fine scotch chtmhrayj reduced from 15c to 5c all over embroideries reduced from um to u0 all over embroideries reduced from l00 to 50c mens cotton underwear reduced from 50c to 2 sc j clearing line parasols reduced from imwtoflm boys jersey suits reduced from 250 to il00 fancy cretonnes redue1 from 20c to 12lc clearing line ribbons reduced from 15c to be 1000 pair hose reduced from 20c to 5c mens felt hats reduced from 5100 to 25c splendid wool tseeds reduced from 50c to 2jc and so on all through tlik houe ilexse keep the above list and ask for any of the lines and pi ices mentioned it will enable yoa to judge whether wc tarry out what we advertite onr mr ryau leaves for europe on 29th j iust lo parcliasc nur fail and winter goods j x g u vlxix 4 co gaelph absoluthlv so credit e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelih castor i a for infanta and children cmutu it m tn titftti to ekuna i c nmmmai it u mifhar to u- pmerlp tome a una md i ui bo om it bmklra x r iomtwi earn ooo oatmljmim oj- jlomich bufrhm rrocuuov jaui worm im iimp ui fcacum wtttslsjartom mrhmunn tm currim cumin tt murray blncux t okiv as oenfa t also bvxbydklicbutiok of rubber and metal stann tinolit sttwabt mto 00 10 kin bl wet toronto wdlcome spring henderson mrr6 co kcton j thank their many friend for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage giriahstid millinert displat i monejto loa a tet tiguunaiiollirioa fu i v the hoasetoletorfsi 1 a tfifb ittx jieifekjstjut fctiufeu oim iho pinuiki at ik sx fssjsf tonu uiiuipst and tal ler tt- j lumber tfi lock rf 11 uni lilrryef my m 1c lid there i tokoxto linn compasita lumber and shingles laaiwrinire other tith yuftiti cnarcur tebut other ljijdiae rcawaable pttcmartss itc md clarhini i tjwohii j tayuojpbotrftes a s2 lot and dwelling ivsala house id loi on boircr atcom bdiajt- to j e mcglrvis hoom onersf hrd 4hd wit mt eonteaieat 8piicm2 dan apply for pirucnun to 1 1 hexdkbsoj f bnildinfr lots for sale v a k of terydeunble balldiac jctt ix mjo on 1irk md laia avesssa vi smith inrrar a flnm bet of axceaeat bcoldia lites ire offered utdjlj bcildinclj ukelytobi lively har thi snlqmcr tha loti in qrata rapidlyincrcasoia valae tcna ubrl wesm5taajta jeo where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy igoods come and see i general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms- dress coods and trimmings special attention has beea given to this branch with a view to pleasing all irf st e quality and price bleautiful prints ginghams and chambrays cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets jn everybody see our i splendid in setts w ool tapestry and hemp boots and s tides to fit and sujit 00 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c te r henderson mcrae co desirable house and lot j foh sale thai rerj- ccmjcrcaljlehote and arson adjoining on church street leton eied- lent location bnlldin in good reimir f v tnni and other parucclats apply to c c iles itichael fepejght v ilarahfto oatt for sale m staani planing mih carpenter shop aai dwelling the alwve premises 12 aciou rc ogered la uje tbo micninec comprises phiitj and taoaldiag machine ctn goarlsr 2 co giti circular crosscfat wid jig tats inn iai wood turning liiie vith un plaser txfctt grindinc stone etc also a quantity of cvjta- texs tools will be told locihei ormaehlaeitaml tools seprtij- arpljio 1 iles p actuss comfortable dwellings i tor sale v t th fiic neir doable fraie dreliinfi sa wtn bower atenae two storevt ssss wisa kitchen attached hard uid toft water icorta- eat io bvery repri and rtdti for jh pe monih t tbe bricaclsd residence oa uaia stmt 90x30 two storev with larce kitchaa attadxa hrd and soft wnter in tbe doom tenns and lxticnlart made tnoru opoa sp- pliatioa at free vhess ofkce actw tenders for ilaxsr- 1 tekdeils an inviuxi foruio ertctionocs j- uanse on wiijow street acloa stoat aad brica tlready oa tbo groaad 1uas and fiwcincauon miy be wen at tin offict of d botidcnou euj liuiket 00 ad 4ie 17lb j tin e tenders rwcived up to the 3nh jnoo lbs lovm or any tender lctlercsaziily acniptfd adtlrus tendcw to dh lguky acton tat look ttlgdsae lnuiueib ia canada for jfin ul loar repatatioa aid rciponsibiiitr brstab- lishe4 wc an tbrinsa m voir vicinitf b reprciit m to vbui cieljiruurritcrjsallb eiveii iiandiciii ooti iwc hat and ei- ini4i rail weekly prcvkvijcipefieasaatf pyjaired write it orrrt fr terus ruj moctfor canada a specialty mav hhotbetisxcicrynitn nochesurst stjbsoeibe foe the acton free press only 50 cents from now until 1890 manhood how lost how restored jaslpublisbed t nc edition of drculnr weu celebruted esuy on tbe itadical cn o siermatorrhcra or lacapacuj iflflnted bj eaeem or early indiscretion the eejabrad antbor in this adininwa essayjclearlj demonstrates from a tbirtyyesn uceeesinl practice that tbo alarming coot qaencfcsof only error may be radically tto pointihg oat a mode of euro at once simpfe certajfa md effectaal by moans ol wnlca itj snffertr no matter what his condition ciy w may ckro himself cheaply privatdy and ndi- ritbis leetnre abonld be in the hands of enry yontbsuid ercry manin the iaod 6d under seal in a plain enreiops to any addre on receipt of foar cents or toposti ampa addros toultervcxluelleuoo axxitkltqbx podot 1 he largest scale works in canada oer 00 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales mye8 show 05s hoket drawers wu fljichebs supplies c wilson a sow 50 espuanade street east f torontcont hectioa thi rar c- fry tiu dr fowlers ext of wfld trayberfflf v cures hotfera ihoieramorbio oitjcesi ramps iarrhea ysehtery andall summer comptabtls ano fluxes of the bowels ftls safe ano reliable fo children or adults i r- carirj j tliered speight fn of j ihu aecti soot jo therijrl ptinbrt vnili wild tho there is tbosorg l a m you i ertib i lt r wy wj 12 meiuh wedi

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