Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1889, p. 2

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botar catshour inutouwi the of ur ttios chfuiclat of a hiuai tnaijuiuniwiftir wife of mr fjki hall of ixnrovlnuitoiioa lb o ur jojm ahdcraon of a uajtrixd olbjflttavtfe the 18th ult uie u ilabewifc dawwfiunnjtii vfimj itrji on 06th jmlirhcvltrluir tlir tooijr dawaou ttttlj toruif utl d to mia trwr xaaweya owlvtkwtokul lb rhf lie of tlw bfidct father klwriiech artoao i the jrd july by her pr owortl mr jbii etttcr irwl to ilub roauiwt daughter o ur tueuia uxtntluolytau ftelldttovai tliclrcltvti riauuaitfctlalt oa jnlv whr uevj uk t cka hjoj ur iknrl iwumiirdyofjuto l ta uts used iwxou berth of cult wniinjihiitintoa uif tlh juoctt the mjdractfof thcidiittir ki 6 ju1 twirl jtwdon ty the kev 1 rhill ur her man iuir sculptor of wkril uictu lo annie third daachut of ur cajttula hulctt formerly of acton lavsok miw i al uierwidc lalhorby kevjw luclir ale uwiou oaof joaetavvuir ew lo lno datyulcro alex liana ei ail of eiu lag j che rtmt jrcc us icrolluo bride c thilrsnax july i 1888 j jiixtrtltsttoabliki j when the work on sftu i reels micad amiaed roadbed was corapl ted ait turn mer nearly everybody pr tsed the apm- ion thihl ui cod piece oe wort and i peat impratcnicatlq th street the work itood the ffinler ia a nannec sopcr- ior to ibe expeculiocsof thi mostaingiiine friends cf the scheme and he continued wet weather of the present year hat inot effected it dclretoeniilly che anmnally heavy traffic which it haani dergone darine the yestr naa however tut irtily trorn it tlifihuy- uneven m place ia a rood coil- ingot gravel ihu year wo id miie it t permanently satisfactory roadway it looks u if the council inter ded to ignore the street this season bat it it ofarioas to the mott unconcerned citizen kmong thit oalem iomethtaj is dote tint letsoa ia the wy indictd the money ilretdv expended c tti- the effojti of the pre- oeeding ooancillffiu tmoadt to eompftfi- tilj- little earelj- thej wtieot caaactt cuaot remtin icdilfereattolheiniporunce of hvio thu done it it aaite true thst ood ktei it ittrd lo omuabat eta ill dot s got from the public- ciaiery the material oat of which the oetnetery dcrec in nude was c excellent qaililv vnd in effort ihoaldbe mtde to jet it there or omewhere tl f oar coanc 1 hire not redy unnged foe it this is i milter of tinil imporunce to ifill strt et rejiy the mort tritelled lireet in town the coaa cfl of 1bs9 iiid the foanduti a for i good ratdwiy bat roidwiyi ccn t be bailt in one leuoc bykhe aiail met lodt it being nqoeoiry ta mipict the c iteriil ifler which the iaeajulitiex ihoali be filled ap ud the rod ud properly lei elled to oom piete ue work i there mast ome com man nie tystem idoptad in regurd to oar iteoetk lfltdcitlemtcompfctemillitreet wliichcijinowjbeidone ix bmiii coit if done thicieuon ind another eeftion uke np kiin ftreetjtrhich thoaid receire tome there of ittentjon- the pab ic woald like to kw whit the commiue an itreetc iiidiidevilki intend doiaz h this milter sorely they da not with a be behind their the my wgcelebrate tbr ctlcbrttinu here i suwctir if a owil f cronu of trtrn p tut all can till coxclkl mfigkla attkmjkli ctaidi uitioml holidy uie diy of the maple leaf the day we bbaervc with thetcihzauou thail h pocalur ilduo to oarowu ooaatcy w the ccaiuon of the iaflut of au uuitally large n amber of ntttort from ill poiuli of tlie catnpui uondaymoruinifdtwnodtriihthtminpoar tatf down ud gloomy protpects for i bright diy about ten oclock the cbadi clcrod iwy md vfnitori bcjin lo arrive tncrowdi antiliboul nooti actoa1 population hid twietlrd touwuundt a good rainy citi- ient took in iatcrvst in decociltnfj their prtmfte bat thit wu not ti general it it mifihl have boon acton prttentcd an al- tractixeholtdiy ippearancciiestrihclem at eleven oclock the rairea tad tports commenocd in the kiulbiifou ipitk the in- aajjaratipg event being a bate ball raitch between acton md the eton of toronto the match wis well played and wn inter- fitting tbroaghoat the icoce being kept pretty well down to ihe tingle 6garc and in acton favor the icore will be found be low satardiya milch alio rwulled in favor of the home team the other fports folloived and it will be observed that there w coiiiidcfible mono tony in connection therewith from thefict that two or threr ringer ffora ncighbor- inc cities carried away nearly ill the price money at two pm the horse races were com menced the competitors were numerous and the fraternity tiio iport ia bono fiesh were nameroaily represented this part of the programme occaricxf the rexiinder of the afternoon anlil after sis oclock the sweepstake running race failed to con nect the following is the list winners of the prizes tusr riu c eto of toronto g sttrni it birrccils toronto clark ind beat tie acton goodwin and white ouasokjcmiso union divfuon grmge no 3h met it th toa hall acton bout week tgo the worthy tfaater 0o kilouton of krjn prealdtiir itere wet a coodly uamber of dolegmfi pimenrfrom the iurrounding ubordintc urnngci and liter the meeting was opeued in due orm the winder twine oucstiou wa taken up ind ditcuiud at home length no particular action wu taken bat from information which we dcem vcry retisble the general conciaiion wu that thcrim in ptioais duo entirely to the aiual ciase namely combiue the tncottug tben dicused the fire imaranco buiincsial icucth and in tuch a mitioer aa i ho wed hit a good deal of thought had bocu given to the subject by the delegates present a detcrmiaitionsecraod to exist lo try md form i new company throagh which imaraiice coald be hid it a little over half uie present cost of other oom- paniesaad committees were appointed to take some ictiou in the milter a peoenl diicacion took place on he combines of the diy every chut or proftrt- lioa hiving joined for uie protectioa cl their respective professions ill grasping for more tad ttill more the millers not satis fied with 50c per btrrcl on flour now want fl per barrel and so on we hope this coaotry will wikcap to oc the evil of this combine lystora snd put a ttopto it before loag the meeting then took cp the qaesliono a subject for ncil meccicg wheu the followf ing wis selected what js the best system of profitable culuvatiou to the firm ft at the present day coatidcrtttg the present supply and demand the landrnot to be allowed to dcterioriste bro paal kennedy to lead in the disctiision next meeting cf grange will be held it ddlicafad on saturday iflth of october itotict dmie secretary xc7tes ixd c01ofe ts the tier collector ofcaslcr at new yofk hi pat aktop to the pri dice of tip- pins coatooik iaspeetor bo ixamine the baggtije of pisener cisncas offioent ahould- be above liking tipstro n pcasetigiiric or importers batihe fruit dsaeer at some potcts comphui that they are c bled to pay large fea to emails at that po t for passing their fiooda witfaoutsending th m to the aminiog wtre h6ae i jadge taschareia has held who sastained injuries fav faj street car while drank has no acuon against jthe company war to pretentj the loss of crime misery annoyance an ence conseqoenl qpea prevent drnnkennefis and the ive ofdrunkenaes i that a man ing from grounds cf the only ife injary iacoaveci- is lo oiy prevent- in drank iness prohil lion tb prospects for the fete e says the jfcreiasc depend largely en tn cropc at preaent promiws in this respe t are most anspidotut thj outlook for he lumber i trade has never been better tt maacfac- i taring indastries are in a fai y satisfac- i tdry condition and leading s aple goods ihow every maication of s iffenieg- ia i pricet it is therefore pretty sa e provided the present factars continaef vorahle io pracfict an active business in th early fall aejiegrmgriiirotnjaficiasto the pteaent condition b the euro eaa crops from which it woold appear i bat recent statements as to 6ie extent of damage have ittty httle fomnitioa grett britain france germany and italy sr pear aa re gards the crop oatfaok to be u a highly satiafactcry condition anstr s hangsry and hungary moderately ta owing to the fatorable wejfher all fean that he crops would prove a failare in e assia havif been dispelled- the vexed question about ma riage with a deceuedifes saier was fina ly dispos ed ofat the recent jsession of ti s general aasemwy at the canada pi ssbyterian eurch aa firts qiat body u nucemed a report u prekctad to te i ffoct jiajt fwentyfire out of tie twentynil e presby- teriea reported in favor of libertj of opinion being exercised on this jaestioa tioa therefbce makes marriage ntfa a de- eeaaed wifes sister jecal from u prby- tenan point of view the prii cipie has really bfeen acted on for many earr bat account to such removed those who might have scruples o of the opposition of he chard martiages hue ncr ail doubts tlie following comes with feladriaed graee from the m0ton jlefork a the acton yzzx 2nu ukes up a coh ma of it space to tall penptej hat they cai have it for a dollar a yexrj ihpace mast x cheap tiw hunaer ctiptue more if in a line oi w ooce in a wlii the ft ck ptltss his thorough faith j advertising for itself od the public eenncily sa hsi also its many pttfrons evideoceot which u to be found um its calatnat every w tc the firixpejiafavonsdwithtwentj coiamns of adrertying wiia he refvru r has o be contented with ua the teo vzzm ig tafficienuy lioerajly patrouized i j enable trio print it all at home on super ar paper with a steam press the htforuur depend opon a toroato printing boose to j rint ooe- haifiu paper aud grinds oat u e other half on a minkilling hand pre is we with the rtfanrtr eiery access and are of the opinion that a would ma te more rapid step in hat direction if iu jealoas disposition and belittliog retnar cs were subdood its adop ifoximv etnas i acloa 10 btttetiix toronto clark and beattie acton mceiroy and white itolirnc llqctt 100 viei foot rice 1st k sparks 2nd w bell 3rd w kelcer 300 yuai foot rice 1st u sparks lid w melner ilux kite foot bux 1st r sparks ind geo grieves 3rd w bell boys 100 yicii fnot ritc let w ifeiner ud john itcarthur 3rd r arthurs srixiaii jnuut l teeter jii ilia j wortheringt03fciouti 3rd ggricves 8ft sin j ecxvixtf jnr 1st j worthcrhigton rltlr 7m ind l teeter lcft loin 3rd tgibma lmtiiu- rrvxi htir srcr isv jrkr 1st g gneves icftlin l teelet mft 3jin 3rd j worthertngtflo uct 2iap r execs orcv ttor parse hotst awgreca parkdale tennyson tad john gollop korval right eyetec jrd aavgrcen hixmarcfc- thexe ifrvrn tcot rcrse s75 1st ilcarahergaepfa q icd b wallace ksasagaweya fljing derter 5rda- wgreen bismtrck tinxc tmn ou tkot parse 50 1st z creelmsji gecrgetown queen vic nd john gollop norval litussiasher trdc hstdrng streenill melton ike tovceet the coacert given in the town atlt in uie evening cniar the auspices of th uuiou igricaltur octety aji the moat liberally patronised ealectaicmeat ever held in tlie hall the chair was taken by mr jo dan the presidejt tt a few minute fter eight and he hid the pleastct duty snperiutendiirg a programme where every perfarmer thogficed ws present prepared to tafce his or her prt there vss a scr ait of entertaidment and the programme did no terrciuttfi until u oclock the tinging of iliss k c hirong cf hoont forest much adtniroi as was also that df ifis sfalris haydea of- gaelpli hiss lottie hetmlrect of acton also acquitted herself very crediuhly ije exhibitions nf dancing hy prof g a 3tlttbec hamilton who wah accompanied in his movemeuuaay tiper sharp broaght doico the house and he was repeatedly encored- 2r john stewart o efiqaesiog warmed uie hearts of the scotchmen with his scot tish toogf and messrs sfrachaa of rock wood and piewescf salmonville ably en tertained the audience with liamorocs readings and recitations miss acna doran of gaelph and hiss hcleon of acton played the vocalists accompani meat and hist hary dun aud messrs sharp bros- kverton provided insfrumea tal music in plenty the proceeds amount ed to 117 sotee j a large number of visitors- from other towns snd tillages came here to- witness the celebration a namherof drunks were to be seen on the groaod bat they were not a tithe of the namber to be seen oh the streets in the even ing they were legion a few special constables whose day is to keep order ip town rather than o shield violators of the- the peace will be welcomed by citizens oq any similar occasion in future a practical joker with a light head dropp ed a lighted cigar into the folds of mrjao aheodersons ailkambreua and the elegant sanshade went up ia smoke in about thr seconds i ioolt belonging to sir bwiloe bait ed from the track in one of the races and smahad a by carriage from which the bxbewsa hurriedly removed o escape laja ry very little farther damage was done but narrow escapes were camercoa during the afternoon mrs joseph soper who was sitting in the grand stand aoci- dentally dropped her parasol to the ground beneath a young fellow picked it up and made his way nto the crowd before he could be reached it was a hlscfc silk para sol and mrs- soper would like to bave it returned- j it might be mentioned for the informa tion o those win expected a full report of the base baft c iafcges oti satarday and monday that fcr some reaon the score crfs myiterioc wy dppearerj and the partxoarsof the came cooldnotbe se cured y iur eporter seme of their friends were ev dnuy antioui that the names of toroatjs genlfemaqly 1 players be withhelct agood many the sons of suftia did their beat to enjoj themselves junog the day bat he sat ipslion of litenmto the bgpfpes and wi tchidg the scotch dances and tongs in he iveuingnrtorded more en thin anything else at joy was complete and an til flw last wild shriek of the pibroch died away tby listcnoa with undivided atlea tion joyraent to thera the concert their islioflalipins bat thoroajth and urer hit la lad crop pjtaspects iicemcdly above tkeaurtr wheat oau and kye far better than csaal omw jane 26 crop repotta from sixty district correspondcnu in ontario show reason for gratification it he prof pects all speak of ihe excess of rain doing mach damage on he lowlands bat in ipile of this the crops tre- uie whole nearly everywhere proaouflced decidedly ibovertue avenge gnin it doing splendidly wheat oau and rye are all far better hin usual barley it good peat excellent ind most of he root crops ire doing well folitoet however ire seriously damaged by the wet aud to it corn hay is scarce ly np lo the average and frai is consider ably iojared average flee weather now will give fir more abandint harvest than usual thlfallcoufte the following ire the dates for the fall akixcs gaelph moatfay october 19 berlin monday- oct 21 brantford mon day nor i stratford monday sept ig godcricb tuesday oct 2i walkerton hondtyoct i owen sound tuesday nov 5 oracgeville moadsy oct 28 milton monday nov i brampton hon- day nov 11 hamilton monday sept io 1 chancery courts gaelph monday sept 23 owen sound monday sept so goderich thcrsdiy sept 13 walkerton monday sept 30 wooditock tharaday oct 3 stratford tharsday oct 10 kallnay acddcttt ia vf rrlala lvmniruo vs jaly l the east boand cipres on tbe norfolk and western bail- ruii lau into a wuhaut this morning 30 miles from here end vsli cocnpletely wreck ed it is reported that between so and 10 pxs2wa wrre killed specrll axxocxctkevt we have made arracfitmenu with dr b j kendall t jmblidierf of a treat- ise an the htf aud hie dicw which will enibe all our fubferibefstj obtain a cipy of that valatble vrork free by sending theiradditrs icionila two cent itamp far mailiuii stnifl to dr ti kendall co enosbcrgh fira vt thi lonk is now recouired at futidaxd aalhority apon all distats of the hore k iu phenomenal sale attetf aver pmr iijillin copiea having been sold in the pitt ten j cars male never teforreaciied hy any publication in the rime period of time we feel confident trut oar patrons will appreciate the work and be glad toavsil themselves of this op portunity of obtaining a valaeabe book it is necessary thatyoa mention this paper in sending for the treatise this offer will remain open for only a short time there is both in canada and the united slates a strong feeling in faror cf enact- meats by the central authorities for the regulation of backrantdes a general bankruptcy law eimple in its terms inex pensive and equitable in its administration is recognized by buxiness interests of all classes as a public necesiity malarial ferer and chills are best brok en ap and prevented by using milbarnt aromatic qainine wine constipation pemandi prompt treatment tue jilu of neglect may bo terloui avoid u harsh and drastic purgatives the tendency of which s to weaken tlio bowels the beat remedy la ayers lmlls being purely vegetable ihclr action s prompt and their effect always beneficial they are on admirable liver aud aftcrdimicr pil and every where endorsed hy the profession ayets pills art highly and tialver- aally spoken of hy the people about here t make dally uf ot them in uiy practice dr i e fowler bridge perl conn lean recommejid ayers titls above all others having long proved tliclr value as a cathartic for tiivnclf and family- j t hess leuhsvule pi for several years ayers pills hive been used hi my family we find them it is worse than madness to neglect a coagh or a cofd which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the foreranner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it tuacks the delicate tissue of the lacga and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a botue df bickles anttconsamptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives itfrora the ays- tn this nifidicice promotes a free and easy expectoration subdaea the cough heals the diseased parta and exerts a most wonder- fal influence iu caring consamption and other diseases of the throatand laogs h parents wish ta eave the lives of their children and themselaes from mach anxi ety troable and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles anuconsaraplive syrop and whenever ictrild has taken cold has a cougli or hoariiencss give the syrup according to directions an effective remedy for constipation and indigestion and arc never without tccm in tlie lotlse moses grtuier lowell ma i have uod ayrrs tills for liver troubles and hidlgctlon during many years aud have always found them prurapl and eftieiout in ihclr action h ktimlth itltj n v i suftcred from constipation which assumed stirli an olitfuiu- form that i fcarcl it would cause a jiopitago of the uinebc two kms of aycrs pills cf- fitted a complete cure u burke sau- me i hive used ayr rs pills for he past thirty vcars ad etjiimikr th in an in valuable family nrtlicjnc i know of no ixtlir remedy for liver trembles and have alwsyk ftniinl ihcru a prompt cure for dmkiia lames ouinnt3 middle st ilbrifurdccnu ifavlu lon trouhltd with coitive- nrw which perms lucitahle with per sons ot sedentary haht i have tried ayeric pills hoping for relief i am lid to fay that iluv have served tee tier than any oilier medicine i i arrive it this conrlusioa only after a faithful trial of their merits samuel 1 t jones oik st boston mass ayers pills trlptkzd br 3r i c ajrer k co lowell mm sold br lu dalcn in mfdidn powder absolutely purej tbfciiowjercfvervoncs a carvelerrartty itrecfrtliaiklvloifocnrse korc ccooaicsi if is a the ordlcary tlnds aal eaaut 13 col i in coaipotilioa witij ibe liullitajeofjowtcccliort wetjhtslna or ihoiruit powders som bclr locaas uotsxi kiciks powcercoiog vail bc k v boiler ts c0llebb01l ii jfe 3 22 j jv in a coaple of weeks mr bollert leaves for the markets of th old country intnd- ingto visit britain france and germany he will be most happy to attend to the bringing out of any specialties that our friends may desire any special orders will have his most carefol attention andall commissions of any kind if in his power will be executed with pleasure tbe third pare of he toronto vainf if oil is noted for want advertisements fyoa want to buy or sell anything if yoa want a sitatfiona mechaaic s basi- ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or foiind anjthiii or if yoa want to find oat where anyone u advertise in he to ronto daily uad and read the advertise ments an the third psire c that paper the charge is tu ouu word each ia sertiou addre th mm toroiito cau- tda are tugsr coatai j mild arc the best stomach tie children cry for pitchers casforb wten haby ku sicfc we gave her coatorui wheu die was a chf id she cried for castoria wtipa she became uias iho clung to coatorta wben she had children tbs rare them giuf oria being deaireous of redecing oar immense and attractive stock of samraer goods we commence to day agrand pr1ce reduction sale it is tob3a creitcieiringoat time a room making time a money saving time and yoa hadnt better miss it we want both room and money and were going to take the qaick road to each- a few straws will show yoa which way the wind blows checked summer silks reduced from 85c to 15c embroidered cham bra v dresses reduced frpmcc00 to35a embroidered white dresses reduced from 5300 o 8200 plain tnd fancy alpica reduced from 20c to ioc fancy dress goods reduced from 2oc toijc fine vtooi dress goods reduced from 5c to 20c wide lace fiouucings rcjcccd from 7jc to 35c fancy madroa lsccs reduced from joc o 3jc fine braided jerseys reduced from j2c0 to ls0 fine white briuiaules reduccd froiu 11c 10 5c fine scotch chambrayk reduced from 15c to 5c i all over embroideries reduced from 20glouro all over embroideries rcduad from 3100 to 50c mens cotton lnderwetr reduced from 50c to 25c cleariug line parasols redaed from 2000 150 boys jersey suits reduced from 230 to m00 fancy cretomiti reducci from 20- to lzjc clearing line ribbon redrccd from i3cv to5c- 100o pair lime reduced fnmi 2ic to ic heusfell uauteducej fwiin fl00 to 25c splendid wotj tci reduced from 50c a 2jc and so on all ibruululiti hiaie please keep he above list and ailt for nuy of the lines and prices mentioned it wiil tnable you to judge whether we carry cut what we advertise man castoria for infants and children omiorlalii tnoominenl iiobm uie laowellidiptidtoeultoalhal i outetfa ran oolis oohhixi ailmiibd i bpjfcmu t ali m4 4 oimltbnoktnltt i sl3nfcikowlklka tucvrrini ooarixr t murray stroet it t only 26 obnts also kveiiv ukdctiutiox ok hubber and metal stamps tinolzt k sttwakt vyq co 10 kin bc wmi tot onto welcome spring j i alisolutelv v6 credit e r bollert 27 lovrer wyndham street avellii henderson mpras st co hcton thank their many friends for past- favors and cordial solicit a cdtvtinuance of their liberal patronage ararfcrr millinery display where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous displa- of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch vvitlna view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams- and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybody see our 1 00 ladies shoe a bargain- teas sugars and groceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at ioc remember our famous 50c teai henderson mcrae go i special sale of icarpets and hj pry goods at reduced prices 1 ui j money to -loan- i lwilv hoase to lorov for sa the right house hamilton lso carpet at equally i6w prices news for 5 per yard n former price royal wutoa carpet rtdooed from l5 to bear velvet pile carpeu redaeadto f 1 per yard jawtapwlvy carpets vvred need jk a lot of mat rogvand tipeatry squares in large d iling ott it bargain pnees bnueft bt en and took h 1 d5s hsfat the depsrtmeuu are showing many iota of coods at greauy reduced prices the bargains in gloves ind i hods will n pnie merf ly joc dad lo m i lot of hoaiery in ladies and children- i rrfaorfto u c8oi ita otm s t pr oair ikrambr lbe ohap glofe and sou bargain in lug wide flounoio formerly jimrredasd to 75e r heifer astltat itiiavku yi tt mai o it -ii- llif wli rf iil ri iraliovbtfc trd take lcr t ouk wii5h lumber iliosc tiriiu jaaibettao w loft hctie tin- mi ii no ruauiac istl ixl all kwritoslsjr r tr io l had tfcir i toiiontoiniucompakrlct lumber and slingles i ii lmibvovi about uo iwoits totsatf 1 ilxoii eliotres lot and ihvelliira for sale holse and lot onijoter aveamjtejajs lo j e wcgsrvia horue eoalfltibi hani and wsir cctrveaicut feptem j den ajply icr fiinlealsttto j i mj- buildiiijr lots for sale klinibcx of vrr dwiiablt lahdinn lot fcf x- ssle on iark and ltlt avcdoshi vft smith fiant a nnmuj of iictltoiwijfyp tttaf offered and as baudinc n liirlj fc s jivclr hero hit arc mer the lou uesurali apidly iacrcftie iatshe tenci liberal j we smith acti ff w3si str ietlre b ifrawri 4etons4 up- i juaoafil urodaina- ke hj3 i sntlaaat tor ax fc gep rj w tht mai colutej b desirable house ajsd lot- for sale fphatitry ccmfrtalji bcm od imasw x adjoining oq chcrdj ktrtxt acton btrfj- lent location bnildia ia rd reralr ftn lenn and other particular anilf lo c c 6itfilit on tb iktnisc or to ubs uichakc speipbt liarthamcfeti for sale steam planing mill carpenter shop and swelling tlie autltviajvei in acica arc rfcrad lr aje the macijincry coiziimes ranisj and inoaldin niattbiao caai gorlaj- 4ca gftjlieircolarcrosscut audjis iaa mm sad i wood taruioc lahr uh taws ilwtz tsha grindinc none etc also a qnanntyot ctrie trr tooli will tc told toiretfcfr or aitflill-trjaii- tools eimtciy a -plj- to j1ts r mrcaiqt comfortable ihvolliiiss- for sals i tbat iuc new doula fraaif dftaiejt west ljower ateua iwo ttotcys il wili kitcben attacbed bar- tnd iof water ctnrntl- eat in every respect and reals for 6u fa montb j a the brickelad residence oa vshijtrfrt 30x30 two store v mill anb kitchen arthr4 hard aad soft water in the coase i terms and partknlarg made kscvti upon if- rhcatlqn at o j fftec rresackflcb texdeljs fokmaxse tesdeks aro kivitod for tlc crtctioa a a mauiu ou wiilua fctect acio tiloas aal lrjckalroadr on tbo firuuid tlaas andiixcificti uij u srva al tis citice of d headersca ewj hiuir on aad alter kih june tundcrt revh ci- tic skh joai tlrt iocsi craar lejcr iij itliiz acccpti addrcis tender iv dnlonvlyartouoal xotice votice ii lertby zi- a tauor rf i aolcc ctitci fruai tir vc itrvrtsof thii kunicipaiiij- uncllv jiniutl iuiait- ieroa or peoali faainl nsjan mi ot travel after this fiate ui i vigirjuk f socnted j yii st0iryie kecvbs omc aioa julni 1-y- i i ome aioi exhausted vitaliiy the science op- life tne pet uedical wort of the age on manhood nervous and pbrslcal bebdi- p- mature- decline errors of loath and the iimotd mis eries caasequestihereod 3c0 pages s to ii3 rroscrirooj for all diseases cloth full s only 100 by mall ealed hlnstrsuve aiaplfl frt to all jonag and middleagod aiaa send mow tbe gold and jewelled medal awarded tatlieaatkor by xauonal stedicaj association addresi p 0 dot 1s33 eoston uiajer dr w h iae- kek graduate of harvarj jjfjica coje j jeari practice in postcn wl civ be eonjajtei coafldenttally specially diseases of jju omceno ulolfinchst mer uodervab at ifc d s m c hmere hoacbte utt k buk tss iffiizszz lr u cotton good com lo the rfci iia dnnnc the am cleriu alyon will h jd stlttju m manymaiuilailnddooottrthvrtn b oember lo enter the tore bail of the carpet windot hamilton july jud 188 thoma o taltbatjlsrs manhood how lost how restored uitpoblisheda ciw cliiixi o dxculfer wells cejebrated essay ei ttc ltadicalfcrs oi spericatorrhoa or ia3tir irduvd by excess or earlinjisrrelion i the celebrated aathor iatiis ftlminbla ssaycjailr jemocstrates from i lirtv vear laccessful practice thai tbc biniaj conw- qaences ocarlyertor nay t- radicalij cied pointinfi oat a tnodo cf ejre 4 encu imple certain and effectual b ueias of wbiju ery iaflererno maiwr wlat hu cciiton t2 may euro hiaijelf chcarlv rrivalelr and ladj- ealiy rtbii leclnra fthcqldlbiithibiaia of every youth and every maaiutbelacf snt aader wa ic a plain cutt to any addreonrecert of roar ccatj cr twe icstaga amps addrvii tie oalrertul uodlcil co t ixk rr we wtotix 1 to lui 4fs burdock blood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsiv ropsy ndigestion flunering ofirhe heart acidrryof thesiqhacfl dryness i of the skiw and otiry ipecjasof dihase ajtf ojn iisottltd liver jodtlzysi stoitach bowels os blo0sx- t milsdbh co pt jaundice erysipelas salt rheuljl heartbbrn headacje 1 or e i i lea oh

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