Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1889, p. 4

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tr jaeiftufsm thtjb8dla1jtl- 1 uric mtg folks run irwafsilsev stand tferoea afczwi and nttt wbas tbs wudeanptits rave bristol wind ana wms do thon oot montrjr on by thy gnat night foe tar our jptsytr shall rise tbgodatanelbeeklea on thee wail thoo wbosxt ever nidi i gaardrog with wetehuyt to thm ekmd w try ood ean ihe state an ml tine luxl akne bit be thy mercies known fromehdnto ehon let ellthepations see thu ahctud brother i be torhose family trefwide earth otr there it not a mot4 danjjeroai clan of diaordert thu tboae whrah affect the breathing organ nullify lfaia danger with dr tbomaa ecleetrk oil a pal manic ol acanowlsdnd effioaoy it cores limenem and rorepeu whan applied exter aally ai nil travelled nek and crick in the bask md u an inward sparine pan saw moat eabauntiaj olaitnt to public oonmedoe trm estimable qoaliuea will we predict hold ost at leaat onr yeart tenger iteou affect craosbridre di tooaua eleotric medicine i tell it altraya tion and in cuaol throat ac immediate relk oared by those who me it i 01 congle writes ia the beat tftea eatialao- oplda eore haj been re- ccriamus4co gaul tprained my leg m badly that i had to be driren home in i carriage i immediately applied mini rffr liniment treaty and in 48 boon coo i nee my leg again iitoh ee eter bhdgewaler k 8 jostu wrsuronr pale woebegone invalid j poverty of the blood tasoai thoae wboae circniation ia na withoot delay korthro vegetable diaoonry and the cetebrahm blood purifier dorartd dvpsptie properties of the mood and itawa from aha ryttem csasaeapttai sarely cave totl editor please inform yonr reader i poemse remedy lar the ease by ita timely see leaa cases nave own ahaq be clad to eend two renaeoy van to aoy ox yoc havaooaeamption if they their express and p o idd- beapecttnllyda t a 16j wet adelaide h that i ban a itid dis- enred i hottlea of my readers who will eend me i aboe thoiaandaofl i prii sntiy bytcot toronto oct if yon want to buy or tell rertiae in the toronto wtth r paper reaches 100000 every week and yonr meet the eye of aomeone wb chase adsertisementi of aerted in the toronto ffoifi centaa word each inaertiop centa a word for five inaertj the hail toronto canada fi rmera advert aenent i ami la tmtlae riveter the aeaaoo of green fnnti drinks ii the time when the cholera morbni and iowei tafl lit a asfegmid dr tract of wild strawberry ahdnld hand for so yean it baa reliable remedy r and fnmmer rorat forma of iplainia pre fowlers el be kept at the moat tsen idrtl has la ipe dy i cssmuastlaa an old physician retired having had placed in hie india miaaionary the formal legeiahle remedy for the n mjlnentcareof consnmptioi caurfh asthma and all affections alao a positive an for kerrons debility and all plaints after having tested curative powers in feftithisdnty to tnakeit suffering fellowa aeiotea b and a desre to relieve htrmai will eend free of charge to al it this redpe in german ifuli directions for bent by mail by jsamrng tbia paper let bower block boehester 1 rom airnce to uorbxcs vre ai night and broken of yonr ohod suffering end crying will ting teeth r if so send- at bottle of vkrs winalows forehildanteething its cnlahje 1 ii wjl relieve th saoarw tmiediately dep mjthtrs thsreli oo mistake enfes aysesfrvland diarrhoea stomach and bowids cores softens the gums reduces and givea tone and energy tern lira wintlows for chodreo teething is taste and is the prescription oldest sod best female pby ii naraee in tbe united states by all draggisu throughout prise twentyfire oeots a and ask for urs wioilowji 8yropand take no other lutic vao i sootiing pieaai i p kai aaa cmmttrl te ihe browna hooaebold fi enal for reliering pain both external it cures prin in tbe or bowels sore throat rbeoma mda lumbago andsny kind ache- it will most sorely blood and heal as its actio eropdernl browns h aces bejng acknowledged ai paul befievet and of double t of any other elixir or liol world should be in every i jar use when wanted aa it idjr in the world for b abd paioe and aches lid 4 for sale by all dnggfits uibs lattering from sufferers and 1 ahould a lymans cure which stimu- the nntritiie impur a farm ad mail that hornet cboold wuti tg par- lelunxeui- ifail for fin or twenty i addren pnedoe by net of limple lad per- brotiehitiav threat arid laop adiei care enroot corn- u wonderjal afcuea hu ipoira to hit toil motive ufferiog i who desire pr ocb or eo- p fpuiag tod adtretiiar with v a kant 5 mafifeft im jokeletsj rau aatloar with the win met u wtu 4tlierrarraiiieftktbi ijmj h olimonroit olltiour ft co wholear oroom brooknllty tayii ban usid tamarao elixir tor a severs oold and ooogh which it mmedlately rallevcd andeured l 1 i y alukkklnllr mtttt i- is t tool thins to litve bat liwlth ii better thid wwuh pretcrxa yoar liejtli by etvlinx oookwy made with impefitl cream tartar bfckldk powder tliereu oothtugwiaaltomollierqrave worm ettenniqfctorfordtnjystifl worm no article ot iu kind w iiten tacli utit factioo kidney ooro plaint and bad etoioich uoababd me tor yean bat i was oared by taking mi ihao one bottle of bardock blood bitten for- my pnttent good health i owe my lhaakt lo b b b- writet jamet oorintn 8en i destroy the wormt or ihey nuy dwitroy uie children freetninv worm powjert dettroy aud expel all kiudi ol worms rrmlr id i mr vita mina ol olurtout nrilet i btwi ated ur fowlect ktlrcc o wild strawbery iunyimily witlitbo very best results i recommend it lo my friends and it the beit medicine ia aic fur hi lamairr complain w diarclura djtcultrj etc kitiootl pilla are lagir coaled mild bat thorough and arc flic beat itomich and liter pflla la use i mr t c wells chemivt md drogial port colbofne onl writet korthrop 4 ljmaat vegetable ditontcry and dytpep- tic care iek well and gives tbe beat of satisi action for all disease of the blood it never fail to root oat all diniucsvfrom tbe tyitem caret dyspepsia iiicr-com- pbuul etc parities tbe blood tud will make yoa look uie picture of health and happiest i um of rvyarti v medicine ittn wltoratlre and causci a radical change in tbe tyitem the proccm in tome catj may not be quite bo rapid as in other but with dwrtlitence the rcault it certain bead bese tetuinonlali for two years i auffeird from a se vere pnlh in tny rlglit mlilr and had othet trouble causeq by a ion aad dysircpria after ulvlns aereral modlclnea a fair trial without a cure i bepn to take avt santanarllla i was greatly btinctltcd by the first bottle and after uktnc flvc inltlei i was com nletely curhi johyw benton to lawrence at lowci1 mass last may a large carbuncle broke out on my arm the tuttal remedies had no effect atul i wan confined to my bed fur eight weeks a friend induced me to try ayere sarsaparllln lest than three bottles heated thetore in all my upe- rknee with medicine i never saw more wonderful results another marked pftvct of the use of this medicine was the strciirtlienlng of my richu mrs carrie adams uolly sprujni tetav i iftd a dry uraiy humor for rears and suffered terribly nnd as my broth er and sister were niinilarly amictcd f presume the malady b hcreuliary iwt xrinter dr tyron of kernandlna fla recommended mo to lake ayert sarsararilla and continue t for year for five nioatlis i took ii dally i liave not had a blemish ujkn inr bojy for the last three inonts e wiley 1 chambers st new york city last fall and winter i was troubled with a dull heavy juln in my side t dhl not notice it much at first but it pfaduallr jjrew worm until it became almost unbearable ituriiiff the latter part of tiiis time disorders of the stom ach and liver increased toy troubles i began taking ayers 8arsanarlha and after faithfully continuing the use o this medicine for somd montlis the pain disappeared and i was completely cured mm augusta a furboth uarerulli mass ayers sarsaparilla raxricxn by or j c ayar k co lowell mats rrtm 1 i iu bottles 11 wont i i bouts jtmokcdlu j after safferiar for three wecii from cholera infantam so that iwu not eipect- ed to uvtwand at the time would even hare been glad had death called me so great was my lafferinc a friend recom- meoded jjr fowlers extrsci of wild strawberry which acted like m ape on my fystem bat for this medicinetwoaidnot be alive now job a w bridshaw 3113 st paolsusrontreai p q i the third paee of the toronto ztaty mail it noted for want adtertisemeau if yon want to bay or sell anything if yoa want asitasiion a mechanic a basi- ness machinery lodsiags if yoa have lost ot found anything or if yoa wbjoi to fiad oat where anyone is advertise ia tbe to ronto daily hall and read the advertise menu on the third page of lhat paper thecfaarge it tro centa a word each in sertion address tk maa7 toroato can ada i rtw aaeleal capital aebec i have been troubled with in digestion for the past two years and have tried many medicine wit ho it trail i tried bardock blood bitters and can say ay there is notbiog eqaal to if tbomaa obrien b b b cure dyspepsia bil iousness tod constipation j aaboruur a cot will heal ijaickly and leave less scar u victoria carbolic salve is applied at once 1 a jlil fart three years ago i had hver complaint and indigestion koching did me any good until i- tried bardock blood bitten three bottlet of which cared me i shall ase b b b as my medicine john floyd barnettihe x b b b b rtguiatet the litee j helargesr scale works in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales smproveo show cases money drawers meit hoppers mo eotckek sofwu anascu ix rcu write it teraai c wil80n son 0 0 esplanade street east torontcont ihw ummmiu iu 55- greats s burdock rlood will cure or relieve liuqysness deiness oyspepsia kidiglstlon jajfldice lysipeus lt rhzuh lacaciie dropsy flutran6 of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the shu c yry species of dis trials dizokiorod liver x2dnzys i roircj bowels iuifco blood prmufatora toeosto w dittarbed st by a sick pain of cat- e tnd get a soothingsyrnp ia local- poor little a poo it owat it it eftahvtet the wind colic t lkmrnatioo wboletya- synip nt to tbe one of the itcians and it for safe ihe world be tare brilliant durable economical j diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none othe r arc j ust as good be- ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor neak crocky colors to be sure ot success ust only tlie diauokd dves for coloring dresses stock ings- yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we kvarrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durablecolore ask for the diamwdana take no other a dress dyed o 4 coat colored v iq garments renewed j cvns a child can use themj at dnifnu ui hodusu djr busftm wells r1chards0m i co montrool p q j th w lln urn n ft i krulti la lu rirccu aad don sot buscr od pnpoc teknr kendalls spavin curl orrtca or cxiaues x srrm i bnxbia or clreuxb sat ud tmonmi fisx bestsn lurter quantity jaau on ana i iivtssj cu a ana kendalls spavin cure i baocnan x sb7ksnaco dolt sjftil telu to sit 0bj vtax sl woold lifcv ffi ooastlmbau at agshikt reruns ji soothtiu trritf has un lal and side bsck im looili- df paia or tafcktb tbe power u mid tan- lme fftn ftiensth it in tbe lljf baody is the in the all kinds cents plni i om ahi ai iu e t4 cr jipa txaea u irr aurromineiidlttoaqt jtwualnur lbotumtt aaaeertnjrlaassitlcahlsa kendalls spavin curl sua kendalls spavin curl s h par bonis mid botuea tola ill srst- siiu hal or cu 1 ii ror 700 or 11v1u b a5 u aar adreujn ncapt ot piwbr lb propru- un saausciixbariiatarawyr sold by all dlrttggibts -at- xi jd jevmyns acton a piciic for barjaja sibka s 5000 yds of ntr- dtom goods in lbs scaree thades wch ssuahocanracdoroenataboathaff irlce w ean tare fon u leut k per cent black cashmeres blacl utsx3t5ao6sra guaranty tht t5c una to be tils warp s veil worth l per rant wt can tare you st lout 30 per oeol new prints zephyrs chambrays and muslins a oood ataortmam sew bhmm baarr ua ctotb and twt 0a w e ean tare yon d per cent la tbia liito gloves and hosiery ajf aiads makes and eolon wo ure yoa so tr cent ben j h don t pretend co tell goods ctaeeper tban ffenrotber bouse in osnada or there an oienwboseilmqauyasebeaipbatuier i docl do basuoss lo this coantr satins grand line of ballot erenias sbsdes si 10 cenuperrsnl do not delay this line l being pfeud op rapidlr and we cannot repeat it less tban k eeau millinery dariccjoir me i cdl ji trltamed bats ti at and ontrlmmedbau tuts per oent be llow ooeu kowlstbeuiiietoseeoresotutf of tfae noeet bxu at medldtn prleea paraaols ooneti and boiuat in vaxlatr- boou bboet end groceries bcmetnljer we hstfl uie bost 15c tea ou the market klsillav mftos oideredolpthidg nevrffats spring tiqs i i ready made clothing dry goods grboeriea a look tbrombawi all anouritoakllprui8aittni and fauhfe whleon iwjiisfij i aaiottinsnt of lbs moiliunlonabla or son arj u a look ik totisb kelli hraa elannl aortmsnt at u wwtilsyeas aeuefflperuiai anr otbsitome in as oomlr x oiira or print hats webarsjoitrseelilabunorailoncitlln iateat and mosl faatili soartiroroantlr l yon oan aa rnonai br tiaylnl a tsrj lajss atook ot u andirjrli lonaols rins ties and onrbeadr hade clotblujat italy bros wsbsmjutrseelred boyaaoacbudreoibaluwblebara of tbs enotosat pattsrai r- chllinraibaiuroinu5ui lansstookotmsnavoslbih- hani bnlu from u ip odd paou from tvd op our rtoek of qrooeriel u vei7 toa boats tbs world oor staple qry ooodi oant be beat j iiuplete and of boat qualilf at lowett priom oor uc iatn v kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros sunshine rain -or- parasols and ladies waterproofs as long us tho sail soinea niid the raiu falls parasole nid ludles waterproofs will be in demand and every lady will probably require one it therefore becoraeoaniimpoitant qneition- with the ladies where they can do the best when buying wetrnsttbat wo shall be excused if we may say since tnere is no one else to speak for ns that onr stock presents advantages lu thetibove class of goods as well as in other lines that you will not had any other store in qnoipli 1st it is a laige stock it would not do if it we w otherwie cpnslderjiigtbe large number oi- customers we have to supply aud the large range iu quality and pritjes which is required touitthc taste and pockets of all i i j 2nd we claim that there is no house in canada thkt can give you better value in farasou than we can and uot a store in guelph a good value and the reasons are as follows when our mr uyari was in england he went direct to the manufacturers of parasbls and umbrellas selecting first the steles and iraruej then the various mauhals they were to tie made from giving the exact size in which each tine was to be made aftor which the parasols were made up now do you know of any possibly way that good could be bought cheaper if w bought these goods as other mcrehaul rn guelph do that is from the wholesale houses in canada would we have not to charge you just tho whalesalo mans profit over above what we require to do wlien we go direct to whore tbe wholesale mep themselves go the same applies to our ladies wrterproofs jfur llr ryan wont to bne of tlie largest makers in london and selected tho various waterproof cloths then the shape he wished them madein andm this way uot only do we get tho veryjbest value to be had but goods fresh from thehands of the makers j see our ladies waterproofs at from 100 up to fine silk goods at s1400 also somo very hsndsome styles for children j i remember the place gcbryani co gbueip the leading dry qcoa house 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son ft ha jnrin nptneui tbe lngbi toe kuedt forcuiiwj- c0isipt0i qddgbs asthma cnoorvtftifs ajll 0eeass of the thstit limiiiltiis kt it tinting titjicsf o0h8umpti0s hvs behh j0h- t aircxpcctcrjjjrt rr rrit8mj utnu oum rnut rll atihill uv1 l ilf7lt a p i li it conta po ciu ui lr fm wtf ampbeilf i ti stjbsoribid foe acton free press only 50 centsifrom now until 1890 i wlirti i aycvnr i do not mean merelyto top uicm lair a tlmeiaivl tfuni iwtc them reunn an 1 jimv a itadlcal ctilt i iiave made the wuieu of fits epilepsy or falukg sickness a life loof staij i watuuxr my jetaetly to cciixtlicnurttcami jteratuwouifrahaveliijlfd i bo rvasoo lor not vow thriving i curt jvtid it dde tor trutlxe ami fi kk ftorrur of my tjrrxujtilk llrmkuy irc kxnrcaf vud ttnt oflte hrotuyou nouiirri for trtnl mini it rtll rnre wl aridrx h- q boot iklo bzmnch offioe 194 west aaima strwt tcvontos uftdock pills a 8upg cure f3adiuoucriccouctiratiori ikegsctipri pizz171csz tck hea da ai 3 ttzzaaa er thc ctomacfl ivjzn afo covvcu thct arcinjjttior3vcid pnonpr iu rricraid ronu valuaclt aio to curqck 01oo9 clttcr3 in thc twtut amj cittc ct clinohic d osctcjatc ciccascc rbjermyn jennyn sells heap cl -for- new gold watches new silver watches new gold sotof pins new gem bssgs new bandi flings a word to the wis is sufficient ok i- r i what we intend doing for our customers t tbe onlv uf 0 wr to 3o buldeu li to mm goodj on their meriu uid b oto uy ibu a wt nujta oor own oooda inch m lofiria woo kid lnloo pupeto we kno wht wb re mulug walorltvoor coiitomentocajluid me oi tietore barlasolwwbera and doat be deoerred by other uaenduuiu who uy oar crpeu ire not up lo the mule loopln vbe do not make cupeta do not koow iu much thoat tbem u tboae who mauitlaotare nd we jui all intitauna porche to ch tnd tee 0 notice tbe followlnglor lotuya all wooidoc union 30c tapestry 30c brussels 60c hemp ioc per yd all wool stair carpets 25c per yd specialtylace curtains only 50c per pair clark thompsons 30 lower wyndhamst next door to h rod cos drug store ottbjeifiia kenn rdsa dominion boot slice store main street 1 dmbra to tbana uiair manjr patroni for tlialr attnuroiis ponbaaat dnriat uis b dars a traaaliixmeomplata wslutsawdlaatorteditockcomprlatoiatl uil wlllli j tbauaouaotorsn direct atclossprioasws art pi ladlef tine blioei and bllppere in variety cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b s ayge gatielpn iwia traouaixlvaclntoodruiety tmtom wort will rathsuusljiuanussmirfmpalitatptosapuysttaodsilta kinney bros acton ompounui vp in oral bottty hjdijij urfmf rpia with ike namt fhvn in ou ruh the name cute ivrviaiw sj3ux tvfl in red itu antes the fait tftfr sarareof tmitatirtu aui luutf and you will not u dixtpittjy n cro fl fienstlpaiiffl jm i fiosliteneaj aruiiig fram a djsorttf ml stlic of uk iswj i stamachandpowebsockas ftrowpals or agbcrjona headache heartbmwf acidity of the btomach bliemnatkav ldaa of appatite qraal gtrrss dgmlitr naniaor vomlttsott prioa 25 cams par ban fbsc- ntmrootirn jj j moifzjisaiu icsllflllkll h a tmktrk iaintarawkit tlbal wistoia law iklu bflism wahl w tad rm wafctm r- v vllwrt55sv a capsud c 1 tski6tl3iio kii acton aala and alkl lo atmpiidoi that tbetritoes lor the bpriuj ilereqalredbyuiepabudaadbatlnb pmehised nno n wmtoflresomtalae qenuemetts laqed bali 4o and all the vtnttl lutee 6xhauste0 vitalimt thw science de tlfe f theercat uodtcaj wottof thoaf gnmmhwjdxtrtom end rtiyiical debility pre- metort docune of youthj tnd the untold mis eries cniinfnt theroou 300 pebe8vo 125 prcecrijitioti iotjidieb clpthlnil gilt only tvdf mu civled nicstrativo terafle free toiar yonng ind inlddleftged mim send now tto gold kid jowellod modad ewardwl o the eotior by ptlonej jicdic1 asjoeiition i3xm- pobmlilqswalui keil ffidate ol hunirf ilciical colle ybn preetico in iostoii yfo xniy be coamtte oonndcntiftuy specbutr dttckse oi- office koibulflncu st ji- ii wtf m tafiumt i drrira ftgorte nnoaier sallqgti h ux1sk00x ho w lost how rdstocjei jort publlibca a new edition ojr cnltr wtfue celebrated liny o om badiojcerf- of hpenttortbct or mnrepjcitj indotfod pj otqreafyidiiscretta ii tbe eelebnlod inthor in thli- fclmirwue etmy clearly demon rates from a thlftj j s meccwfnl prauuce tht lb aiulnggwk qoeaceejofewljrjrror may bo radically hwj pofntinl oat ataode o ccro at otiee hpl certainwndefletialhjmeaniorwwcbjetkr- j tnfferen no mafttir what bit condition 07 wv mar com bimhll cheap f twirlely aaffc 1 eally i ij ttatalectareidiooidbintnenaidwrt yoathahdeterymanin the land seat leader taal in a plain eotiopi mv- 4djenjoaikiptaemu aispijlddreee vk 4unlat4 poboj s saw ry m ee

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