Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1889, p. 2

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v buxxiktn atton ca the 4 j the ue of mr uicbatl brrnnan of a enoswkf at tteonia 4tjne lb iie of ur hutt iwn- marbie1 mtttktt vatrtboa ibe raddecct of uc jackkm ufevterwtlhara mitt- x tinjwt duhtir o ui erin i t 6a lb k w kdniooda of lit qelli jaa erimur kcrt k krin to ittrr lte wat vw- ucoevidvat balltiiafad os uic wi julr or uedoald aged ffl r- i 3jt tott jfrtt ffress tsgrsdarjul ii 1b89 a word with oir friends the free press has just completed another ear in its history the fourteenth and we take this opportunit to thank our thousands of pat rons for their kind and liberal support and confidence we will endeavor to merit a con tinuance thereof as in every otht r business it is desirable in tr is to close up the busiriessof the year as soon as possible and in order that we ma balandeour books at as early a date us possible we will consider it a favor if all indebted to us will settle their accounts dur sent month ng the pre- kotes jlkd cootxts theconfereiiciocuwdwapiesciiqcch held u sl tbomu paed rwolaliaai iiimt jaait asarptuoa tad tmsresaioci tod dadoed foe prohibitieja proclaiming the uqooe traffic to be oae at the grtttt foe of the charch xo ewer ihtntwo haidred thoastiid tree ietieri were sect oct oi the otuwi de- ptxtzsenu uit ytr aadar the frtakioc rjftesi iad it is very impnbble that cue hundred thoaumd oc themj hid erea the remotest connection with public basinets 4 selling desitties to children is penish- able in brooklyn the seder in lach cue wss ktelr fined f50xnfc fket of their knokanr if pwd prod that they hire par cbued thee md whoever bayi foe i roath under lixteen is respanxibm under the kr at tiu leuon o the united sutes sen- te cotmniaion ao inter- pate commerce held in boston on ettarday all the witness es were rrrmmmoag in desu ins no interfer- eace with the csnsdisns lines u their comgetitioii with americuz lines hid c mod benenail effect rote oa the before the protinccof the rale ixtejy the act isfi the act ihit on thurt- repad county two weeks ifio the ctntdt tempertnce act etectoei of drummond quebec bat eonirxry to gprerning- these cantesrz faiuiaed by majority of fu defeated in elgin co day iut by orerlooo ktnajor tht the kind erer queen victoria wih perwokhy enperintend the oegtnxzitior of the gn it tgriealtanl thaw in her cutle farfcil will be the biggest ihcur of known in the world il the present puoi ire carried oat visitor will be ible to wiik put twenty ipilec of fsi pij k oxen plowt etc when the next geneni election to the dotainum parliament uke plxoe grett mxay of the resident of t ie county who ire qniiifiedeiectorswillfii dto their chsg- irin thst they hte been dsfrtnehised be cxase they woold not txt the smtu smoont of trouble secesurr to htve hheir nxmes plsced on the roterc lift eoeonnjint sdne the vermont hicxoscopisl aaocution has art innoanced thai al prize of 2j0 gftenby the wells richirdson co- the wellknown chemists wih te paid to the first disoorerer of i new disease germ the wcnderfal discorery by prof koch af the cholera germ axthe caase of cholera rtimalaied great nsesxch ihronghoat the world and itis beliewd thii iiberai priie offered by hoose of sacm standing will greatly usist in the detection of raicro- orgaiiiamsthat axe the direct caosepf its ease and death- all who are interested in the kiflject and the conditions of this prize ahoold write to c- smith boynton 5l d secy of the aaaociitiba be rfington yt dox1xi0s ufe assceavcx coxpake l first regular imfting of the htock- holders of thisnew hfeinroncce company w held in wsierlbb ust tfcgrsdxj- there was a large attendance from diflerent parts of ontario mr trow 1lp the provis ional president occupied iha chair and tfr hhiiard the kanaeer acted ax secretary the election of directors was thecr pro ceeded wjth and resulted aaj fotbwsas trow kp p h sims thos hitlw hon s iferner wwclis w t parker ild wm snider john shut simon snyder chr sampf wvsndcsea john yoaags ahs iferner junes innes hp jacob conrad henry cargiu ilp tfaoc gowdy p e shaatsj j b hoghes jeatz at l fubseqaent meetingo the directors japes trow 1cp wu electd president p h simr yiceprw and thomas hill- iard secretiry the necessary stock for or aniittion has all been taken and twenty-fi- e per cent- oter sixtytwo thousand sol lars paid op and deposited in the hank it was i j reported that tloqco inscn nee is already secured which is a temarki hly rood be- j ginniog- i the company was mamly organiied throagh the exertions of mx thomas hifl- i isxd tereral leadme resident en that town i and county and ux james i of stratford crow- sl p a hint worth heeding- life loses half j iu test when digestion ie peemanenuy im paired soxaly then a fpcj ueans of re storing this essential of bcj y comfort i is worth trying every rank every profes sion bears its quota of erxieaee to the beneficent influence upon ther stomach and also upon the liter bowelcsi d kidneys of korthrop lymans veeis iie discover and djfpeptic core or celfbrtted blood purifier what is the wise c june fuggest- edto the sick by this ttimoiy we leave thwtt ifi decide land there is both in canada states a- strong feeling in fa meats by the central eotho hies regolalion of bankxaptcies bahkropty law simple in pendvfl aad eqoitahle in its is reoognreed by bastoess dastes as a public necessity the doited or of enact- for the a eeueral terms ioex- inistrauon of all neigttborhood news rnrnhhed lj- corriondeatj culled fniai exdiaagr aud flcktd up by b way ekix prioc to removal fromttiu village miu mwkhtm daoghter of rev j sfarkham who has occupied the position of organist lor several joaxa was made llio recipieul of an address accomnanicd with a pane of hi sirs hauna sr had last day of june ls88her left thigh broken list saturday aha had her tight oae broken exacuy to same extent recovery from effects very doadtf al a d rotate a sixyearold ton of mr john pines wu kicked bf a oojr a few days ago on th left leg bresiing it below the kneo georgetown oar iltratd man itr u d warren ac- comptnied by mr acl icckinlay icfl this wk for a trip across the big herring pond eaqaeaing agricultural society has deci ded to exclade greenhouse plants from their exhibition an exhibition withoct flowers will be a tame affair lo many the herald isyt the secretary cuhe ag- ricullural society has beea instruciedto in form tha tvassagawexa soaety thtt anlcss they granted villagcathe same pririlc as the townahip at theif c1 ihow the town- hip of kasaagaweya would not be admitted to the privileges of the eincsing ihow karrow john waldie mp w kerussf v p w ifccraney es ifp rev jot fennel ret j w churchill and rev j argo will speak at the orange demonstration at georgetown tomorrow wo holjbd esq will act as chairman jfr frank d rcid has passed a credit- able eiatnimtioo at the royal military college kingstoa haxfltox what a strange mixture hemmity is 1 how varied are oar natcres what idiots some men are and dont know it every body of men has iu crank obstructionist or whatever yoa like tocslf him toronto council for instance has its e a mac- donald hamilton cosncil iti jail and crmckshankv bat above all is the hippy pair lyle and wilton of the hamilton pcblic library board being members of the library committee and very learned men they imagine that the balance of the board and the citizens generally should bow down to their iclection of boohs and permit 50 and 1 100 to be spent on a book with an cnpronouccibje name that no one bat themselves will ever read or ask for and when this act of courtesy as they call it is hot tendered they forthwith form an opposition which is agin the govern meat on any and every question opposi tion is benescul when coadected in an in telligent gooitcmpered minner batopposi- tion thtt makes atacghingttock of those objecting and all associated with thcm is chfldiih and silly in the extreme sach is the cfiixscter and status of the pcblic library board of the city of hamilton ioor townsman rer talbert moore wax tendered a very beaxty weldome by his new charge oa thursday evening last rev dr fraxer presided speeches were made by other city ministers and an ex ceedingly pleasant evening was f pent the congregation was very favorably impressed by their new pastor and the prospects of a happy and luccessf cl term are bright petty thefts have beca very numerous of late and a good deal of indignation was ex pressed by the citizens generally when after much trouble the police captcrbd a half dozen culprits ranging in sgg from i years iol3 years and proved their guilt before the police magistrate only to have them discharged with a warning it was the second appearand of some of the boys and it seems evident thai the p if allowed bis mercy to xun away with his judgement in cot punishing liiem in some wiy it was a novel punishment bat i have no daabt a very effectaxl ooe that ah ontario judge caused to be inflicted in a similar case not loog ago viz appointing an onicer of the coart to sec that the boy got a good gorging from his father the weather has at last permitted the holiday seaaoa to begin and people axe sitting to summer rssorts hamilton has now a firstclass steamer service and the toronto and beach tripe are enjoyed by large crowds feiiz in eresfc oakville for the larger part of our population july and august axe the holiday months of the year the schools are closed and the children play all day long or go to visit their relatives and friends here and there whole families troop off th woods or the watering places city houses axe sfact cp merchants have little to do and occupy their uac as they sec fit clerks get their fortnight cf liberty in all cities towns and villages it it the slack eeison farmers and mechanics get their turn in the winietv at present the topic ot the holiday season seems to be s school pic- hies we are glad to see that the older ones are willing to take their chare of the trouble and expense of getting them cp a school that is accustomed to behave itself every sunday will not be beyond the con- trol of the same officers oa a week day and oat of doort and if the teachers devbic themselves to the scholars providing plenty of amusements these plcnics axe enjoyed by old and yosflg such was he case at the picnic of the centenary eharch s 8 from hampton held here on thursday the th inst the ladies preparing and spreading tea far the little ones the older scholars ansj teachers amusing and playicg with the children showed the deep interesi they took in making the day as agreeable for all present as it ks possible for them to do i can safely say that a better man aged or a better behaved picnic never happened to reach the pretty little town of oakville j at theiast meeting of theet of t the officers for he ensuing quarter were installed one hundred and 6eventyfoar members were reported to be in good btdcd- ing- we are procd to know that we have such a faithful and intelligent temperance council as the one in oakville j for does not the vigorous efforts to promote the tem perance cause tell most powerfully on the state of religion in the country j on taesday last dr and mxshamiltoa of mckellar arrived at oakvfleadd i en- derstand intend making their home here we very heartily welaome the dr and his amiable wife to oar midst and hope that every success may be theirs rl dr fonter spent a few days at home before leaving for the old land on taesday he left for new york land from there will sail for liverpool ou he follow- ing wednesday his object is to complete his stadies may every success attend him i on sunday afternoon mrs bradley ad dressed the yoang men of our town on the white cross movement and on monday evening the yoqng ladies were favored with to address on the white shield movement both ectores being gi ten in thj temper ance hall yiltox the public school child re a and their loaohors picnic on salardsy in the pleas- an grounds a pleasant afternoon wu spent tho record breaker at albert college this yur was mr f w btollinraka of miltoa ontwho took tho prise in geaeril proficiency in first year work hii per centage of 93 oat of a possible 1100 this is tha highest record made in the his tory of old albert belleville ontario a meeting of the religioas tract society was held in the towu halloa friday even tag rev dr moffat delivered t lecture on the jasait question hr connection with the meeting a garden party and promenade concert will iw held at the home of mr thomas alton appleby this evening kxatchbcll id a foot ball match at morris ion on tuesday jiy 2nd a young mac named hlnglcmaa got a heavy misdirected kick oa the leg breaking the bone just above the ankle the doctors at once set the boae arid the patient is progressing tavorably aboat 6 oclock last monday morning an unknown rash was found dying in his room ia the hovi at clsppisons cocuen west flamboro fivt miles north of hamil ton he lived long cnoagh to say that a man had doue it and had then jumped oat of the window in the wounded mans hand at tho time however waa a bloody knfe and it was believed that it was a esse of ecicide an opinion ia whichthe cor- oaers jury concurred the man came to the place a short time ago and u unknown to any one iroand there ho was looked upon as being queer i while escorting his best girl home oae marky evening receauyakntlchball young man was so unfortunate a to slip down an embankment on the side of the road at the bottom of which a large paddle had ac- csmulated during the recent rains the young man in qaestion emphatically denies the assertion be this as it may be is at present suffering from a bad cold and has not been seen in his best salt since the oldest man living in the township of naisagtweya it mr john logic he was born in kincardineshire scotland in may i7tf aud is how 81 years of age he came to canada about go years ago he arrived in hamilton when there was only a few log huts on king street he if smart consider ing his age and is able to walk aroand he was a temperate man and the last vote he polled was for the scott act he was a contcrvative in politics until the rebellion of 37 when he renounced that party and ever cnoe until through age be is unable to eo to the polls in religion he is a presbyter ian having joined that church some seventy years ago in the old land he married go years ago jsne ritchie daughter of the late wm ritchie of this township and sister of mrs kenneth mckecxie his wife diad three years ago being twealy years younger illi codtv liberals i kwungoniiuoa kfunnfk la jcutaa oa tacsisy milton jaly 9 notwithstanding the excessive heat and the busy haying season a large cumberof representative reformer from all parts of the county of halton as sembled in lyons hall this afternoon to hear mr jao waldie m- p give aa leccunt of his stewardship for the time he had represented them in the domiaioa parliament the meeting was called to order at x30 by the president after ex plaining the object of the meeting he called upon mr waldie to address them after thanking his friends for past sup port and expressing pleasure at meeting theqi mr wgjdie launched into the ques tions now hefore the public and dealt with thera very intelligently he explained to the general satisfaction of those present the various votes he had given in the house aud the course he had taken as haltoas representative mr white exm p followed with a few remarks after which mr w mocraney ex- m p took the platform he endorsed the action of mr waldie ia the varioas matters toached upon excepting his vote on the jesnit motion while he believed mr waldie was honest and sincere in voting as he did he was inclined todirler with him and thought that had he been in parlia ment he would have voted otherwise- mr thomas bain m p for north went worth was then called on and delivered an inter esting address dr back of palermo then rose and after a few preliminary re- maxks moved the following which was seconded by william mccraney exm p tbtt after htvic heard ur wiliies clear aud iccid ctilaatlira of lis wine u ozr a ijci in parliament m dotire to tender him the hartf thinks o thii tuecun and to eipres our implicit cocfidcncc in tjiin is oar nitc- cntilivc slw to lr htin for hi lle sad elo- jucst tdlrcs this was unanimously carried by a siandiog vote after che for the queen and mr waldie the meeting dispersed iiov jjhk vokqcav dead carrkd offsaddcnly la it friday hy diim of tlie heart wikkirti july 5 expremier john norquay who has been the leading public man of manitoba- and its most prominent political figure for many years died very kuddenlyit his residence iboat nineoclock last night his death being caaied by fatty degeaeratisn of the heart mr norquay took ill the previous night bat his indis position was supposed to be of a trifling natare yesterday morning upon rising he dressed himself and started to walk to his oflice feeling hght headed however he was compelled to return andhe was per suaded again to retire in the afternoon his condition became worse and dr blanc- haxd was called in to attend him in the evening he doctor considered him in a critical state and cent for other medical men to hold a consultation tese gentle men had only reached the expremier r residence a short while when he breathed- his last only the doctors and tba foar sons of the deceased were present at his deathbed mrs koroaay and daughters are- visiting friends at straihclalr about hundred miles from here the deceased was il years old and was a native of canada being of scotch and native parentage he was at the head of the manitoba government for about four teen years his mfnistrybeing defeated only a year or so ago children cry for pitchers castoria wlii tai- wiictfcfc trccare bercsitorti- vriiiu lit vz a oifld she cried for castori wboa she becamo jfist lifj clou a to castoria klieu rhc bad children the cave tfcem castoria aijvic ro motuenu are you diftarod at night and broken of your rest by a sick child i adoring and crying with pain of cat- ting tmtb i if so send at ouoe and got a bottle of mrs wlnslowi soothing syrup for children teething its valoo if incal culable ii will relieve the poor uulfl lafferer immediately depend upon it mothers here is no mistake about it it cure dyientrv ind diarrhaa regulates the itomich aad bowtls cares wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammslioa and gives tone and energy tot he whole sys tem mrs windows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one o the oldest and best female- physicians land nsxics tn the united slates and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price wcutyfivc cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winalows soothing syrup and take no other kind it is worse than madcess to neglect a ooagh oc a cold which u easily subdned if taken in time becomes wben left to itself the foreranccr of consumption and prema ture death inflammation wheu it attacks the delicate tissue of tho lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with pcrilons rapidity then do not delay get bottle of bickfef anticonsumptive syrijp tho medicine that grasps this formlfialle foe cf the human body and drivejt it from the bjs- icm this medicine promotes a free andeasy expectoration subdues the cotjgh heals the diseased parte and exerts a most wonder ful inflaenci in caring consumption and other diseases of the throat and rungs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and ibctcsclucs from much tnxi tif troable and expense let them procure a- bottle of bicklcs auticonsumptive syrup and whenever achild has takea cold has a cough or hoarneet give the syrap according to directions powder absolutely pure tliit powder never van a icirvclorparitr trccth sad tbalcfoziezctt 11 ore economical tha tho ordinary kinds and cinuot i fold la oodtmuuaa with the pciuludc of low uritihort weight tlcia or rihotputte- potcrt bold aslr facant earn iutuca iowottt colog wall 6t s r bollerts i in a coaple of weeks mr bollert leaves for the markets of the old country intend- ing to visit britain france and germany he will be most happy to attend to the bringing out of any epccialtics that our friends may desire any special orders will have his most carcfel attention and all commissions of any kind if in his power will be execiied with pleas arc being desirtoas of reducing our immense aadattractpc stock of summer goods we commence today a grand price reduction sale it is to be ft great clearing out time a room making time a money saving time and yoa hadnt better miis it we waat both boom and money and were going to take the quick road to each a few eirawc will show yoa which way the vina blows checked summer silksredcced from 35c to 10c embroidered cham bray drees reduced fromfgoq to350 embroidered white dresses reduced from i3w to 1200 plain and fancy alpicu reduced from 20c to 10c fancy dress goods reduced from 25c to 13c fine wool dress good reduced from 45c to 20c wide hace floancings reduced from- 75c to 35c fancy madras laces reduced from j50c to 35c fine braided jersevs reduced from s20 to 1150 fine white brilliantes rednced from i5c to 6c fine scotch chambras reduced from 15c to 5c all over embroideries rednced from 200 to8iro all over embroideries reduced from liotorjc mens cotton underwear reduced from 50c to 25c clearing line parasols reduced from t200tou50 boyf jersey suits redacedfrom 254 to u00 fancy cretonnes reduced from 20c to life clearing lue eibbcas reduced from 15c a 5c 1000 pair hose reduced from 20c to 5c mens felt hats reduced from fl00 fo 25c i splendid wool tweeds reduced from 50c to 25c and so on all through the house please keep the above list and ask for any of the hues and prices mentioned it will enable you to judge whether we carry out what we advertise j absolutely no credit e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street tfuelph t fhi p commencement ok a great sacrificing sale -of- bankrupt good consisting of r brushes brooms wooden ware tinware stationery cutlery c pie entire stock to be clewed oat it once t 50c 60c sad tsc oa tli dollar barcaioa creawrtlianoverbfltoro kuowu ta aden hargsins create than tnarevcr be ca again in aeoa coma earlf dont tniu thcin a cuancc like tfcta mr net occart fila a t lifff- ums 20 the fih in mrssecords block next to havlls tin shop acton gbreat semiannuaivsale -at- g b ryhn scos to last for two weeks only just glance over a lew of the bargains and you will see that when wespeak of making re- ductions in price we mean what we sa peikts ahd mirsuckzas 1500 yirft priau il 5c mil worth 10c 2000 yttit oc betottfol fonee frinl eitrt widfl former prloo i5c vfl ue cotog to dan tbem oat kt- 10c do oot miic hit lot or yoa will mln brgtin 2000 jfrtli soenocior to be dared oat il i gttil ucritx that ftnit in beiog told in the city at 10c bat we u raihia them off l 5c dress ooods- m0 uit dreu good ft i0c veil worth i5c 0 ytrdi dreti goodf lu wool it 12 worth 2oc 300 yirtu dre goodf at iflc former prioa 25c 00 jitii dnu gooda at 18c and 19c theae gooda wen aold at 5c and 80c 350 yard beaotiinl dreai gooda to be cleared oat at 20c and 25c lormer price 5c and 50c 200 yardi dreaa gooda in all tha uteat ahadea at 35c former price 60c thii ia a beatiful liae ia atripef ii in wide ladies edits we hive a few o thoae hudaome french fittern saiu which we will tell it i treat redaction black goods we ttiil lead tho trade in black ioodi 135 yardi boairy cord former pnoe 60c rednced to foc silks 75 yardi toogee sik alightly damaged former price 05c will clear it oat it 85c im yardi colored luii in ail he leading hadea warranted pore auk former price 1100 redaced to 50c thii line cilli for ipecial mecioaaa the goodi are poeilirely worth ii special taint in black and colored beaded greoadioea jait the thing for lidief wripf lad panel for dreaaea ia black silka we hne a few dreas lengtha we will clear oat at the following rednctioca 1200 or j1s0 230fortlw and 1300 for mx bilk aot3 km oloves- 150 piira ijid gloves open shadei oaly 25c former price 75c 100 pairt kid glove kid shidei it 25c thia a regnlar 75c glove 50 pain ginntlet glovea redaced to 65c theae coodi are wed worth i2j special line at k00 former price f 127 75 pain ladiea black yii gloves at 25c worth 50c special valae in blickahd colored silk gloves mtlliheby voallmarvel at what a aice hal yon will get for very little money we will re- dace th price ol oar hat ihapea jolt one third or la other worda a ft shape will coat yoa only 66c we will aleo iell yoa a very nice baatic hat at sc kew ooda boaght thia aeaaon mahtles- voar pick of the balance of oar choice silk mantles and wraps at a redaction of 2j per cent parasols ifany af halfprice we hive gathered togetner aboat 100 fancy faruoll which we have decided to divide into three lots 75c tl and ii m ia what they will be aold at men s hose we have a few speciil linea in gents wear that have been marked down at a great redaction and we woold aak every gentleman to piy particnlar attestiou to thia lot i 50 doz mens hose at i0c well worth 12j 10 25c 0 8 ri s5c former price 50 and 60c these gooda were excellent valae at for- mcr prices do not miss the golden opportunities offered you by above prices gcbrjan cfe co aueiph the leading dry good house 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son welcome spring henderson mrpl si co kcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance oftheir liberal patronage a qka2srr y millinert displat where there is oilexhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and b- the ard very pretty t ihoound jo f f 1 omioeloodnirtf5j 1 i etaai lumber ful ctibctlras2ls mtj iito l hta hint u i4j i touoxtojruecowt1a lumber and sbuirric thejajmicd ln oo band it ihcvti hm will qaltll ol l teb4 i im al crfu cunf u almmfirt tatlolhikofmj lot and dwelling for sale holul and lot on llirscr ivena bd- hard and ofl wain cooeiiittt ss den aliir ir irjcnin uj vw tv hexdmsowr- a desikabui j house and lot for bale that vcr- ccaifullc hniieiad vrrlti i j3orxcci street actaj eisl ent location- uuujtc in firxxj itjj jl iitiiu iad otber iirucujir ntj to p j blcijlit oa ibe iterrilmja or lo ljsuiclielslejgbt i mirkhm oct for sale steam planing iul carpeni shop piling the ijjotc frania in acion rte trffwrf f uua tlr mithisay compri rimij tod igqaldiag uuchinc tcmt qmiuj c1 gilt 1 clicuur crotkjt wd y uaa tad rood taniinj liilie villi iti taet kaim frlndjag itoac etc ajo t qiimiiifof alw ten woli fll be toll loeklici crrmtchincrttts toolkciantclj aitjw ujs p uccast comfoilable ihrelllngsr for sals i tbt jinc cct druue tmot ijinjlim m west h3irr artniie ito ireyi 2ix ri kitchen ulij juri ts4 tcjittr txarttl- oul in ever- rjoc ti nnii lor ill x the irickid rciijencc ca ujji wrk s3 two itcrcr wi luzt ilcjien tudkft hrd inj ofl ikr the hcum terras nid iirticr ituu kaorn cpon tp plicitioa it i niee ruzs oitice acicr notice- kotice it herett gircn tiit the uiin tuiicrcravclrom my of the itrwu d rii4 teanicipajie- ii itncj y itdhiuioj tad tj person r vnoe iaud rtaoviej ud gravel vet thif daw rill it njpnnal p mcutej v il storey etc iuctc oqce atfoa joj- 3id ua aucnen sale- valuable manufacturing property la the village of acton tu b ulertijjaetl ha rccrived isitrsyioai tan llessis j emcg arvin i co- to itll by public saclifii t tbc itraiia saturday 27th july 1889- al s oclock rja- tht loijdicc tad ytvvzues kuowa u ti- traaktttoitoil4iasuit acicb ik taiinbcidiait30 i i lint lwostotetafidhu ien to is feet wide ninuss tiie tatiie losplt in the baludinj thcro ii i i b p boiki k tton aracc a ui ixi pipes laid to the ertek from xfcieh miut tta be jitunpcd if cwtiri tkllils heasonablkaiuiall jarmestto be mtde balineo to renti3 a tlc propolt for pirtic atari tidjoi the tlxivo t ikrjincr vm hlhatbelt v aurtiomt he largest scale wd in canada over 100 styles or hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales impfioyedshwcises money drawers meit hoppers aud b0tche2s supbues anocits ix rm ivrile ix isbt c wilsom son 6 o esplanade strett cst torontcont menlioa tail paper tktj 1 i j itiiu rare value in carpets in wool tapestr and hemp everybody see our 10 ladies shoe a bargain boots and shoes to fit and suit teas sugars and groceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at iolc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co wlicn i kiycunril d no nvjh eertl rtortficfii f ora i unvvair- tl-i- mien rttara apaiu 1 xrvs a vxik m uhe i has tr cuile the ilcie c fits epilepsy or falling sickness a l talis fliilv 1 iri 1 ft j tlutllkiwdr nics l ci kuirviiifrrl i r r vr nl cc inr a tnvt- rlzv rt lvrlixliir ilrii i r a iunr wi a lr h c boot hf branch osco 164 wosi adelaide boh toronto ssv rtgjf ktranff i ililttlnp caka alxfaw gpe bah it geo b m collatcj king i coonij tbea y and atl mo offendi tlj tloit yiiesl jev baif ticinity ur ipeciol j jeateriiyj the itdproredl printed i rl xbei thehow uria his we hi printer cf suto the iusttmnl priafedjbil change lil the i and wet antbetritj troy i a ltdiea be held od fleoderiol tod lonrybirl earpenterl yard and f the i lira tbemoerl a stack l and 1 pb cao fame the self fa j too hall i prajnstti chtn ulna am atpries ilttstritid which pri manthly uddcr society aonageo tereatin arranged hayil theater first litd favofailel ripeniaj iaexsefdj m manafli large ql to virion cent ifc4 orki3 wsll 1008 011 instraci the volba theart ton he ilamilti rurdoglc r loop will cureor relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsf ikdigeston immf jaundice of the- heart erysipelas acidity of j saltrheulft the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skw aat rnrr tjxcles ol vmfil kf

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