Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1889, p. 4

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m i- mfimmi i thpbbdal jl f 11 iwfc ifoi onng slka it nstsdoncr tbi bai jut tlfftetft uw lnmur sal 1 ttthtoopfn- why ttod yoo tins f vrwfaunraaiditfaatta a ytwr shadow r vtebaryo left bet in udr v otwyoadcssd onfawt hendevoted voftfwerel and m voold u tnt i- ttte4ghyoo might li be abtss deceive hs i wn sbi u utuiha to jtw j wbat lyon forsook hei cmlmlrmiookbflr owof yoar torlng smbrace ktiibrlobdtddmolt eooly ferin2atihtof yoortaes mtlsj together most strike they mingle uh not ft slight qnaml part pw beyond fortius or prospec of healing tiro uitsd in heart to sooner the better veiling yow grief and your in she vfu i org re yoo and gladly nccive yoo back to bet presence again whsw are to merry v aid i enath to colin v d i bi bubble op to roar upi from lifes fan- tain what has come oeryon my ud when we last parted too were down hearts solemn and savage f onoou avnrthave yon taken f and bow ban yon thai ea jfobe that imperil yonr yootl r tfcernttooun j ai roguish smiles stole a fib eyes why yon might hi re ranoised iw i melancholy because of my folly ibnaeetooktfaeeottrseyoa dvised 1 moor hearts ha bad joj alnnewij kervi stag iwoetli in tone 9 btbeooet tore h other nsida above rm to marry her soon r j j the jooerttie better i r yonbtcky to gather fttned k outspoken ai d brave randtdnttnr be trading l a dance it your weddi bin dropping tear oopjtt grave i jdgle8 ad j0kelbt8 ith rtmrttviu of the dj j datrojr tin worms or thejr iatj it teay tit children freamene worm potjdtrt dlatroy and eapelell kiadi ot votnt jjtmm h qumoor ol dltaoar i oo tboleula orpottt bniikvul y i itn ind tmio euiit lot k mnn oold d conh which it jimwmlwy ntiftti id cured ktllt 8 tlom r e i pidntj complaint and bad hon aoh trtudmefwyttboti wu cnrei bj taking lata tmas on bottle of bar look blood bitten for my praatnt ood haalth i owe my thanta to b b b wfllti j arnea gorman sea hollowayi cora can is the medicic to remove all idoda of coma and warta ud only osata the raall iom ol twentjifiw oehtt i a atory ia reri eaalkye alwaya an ami eraed to employ in the hjicampaigna during the fflipen with lodicrooa dtiiklliaart today an tiddectillaatra ting mr fillmorei fitneia f t he podtim iia1otttfeitometcarirrnenharetani- ed home sfa ffllmon told him that taero waaatbobaamthemealaiit what 3id- i mcfslmore do felloweitidna didihe pntaeatintothemealeheai j ko fdlow- eithma heeanghtthemoimhytheean j aid then holding him orei the cheat he canfnoy blew off erery parti je of meal that adhered to him and then le it go sath trngality combined with h humanity foqowcitixens oommacda m f tote fiirt44 mr wm mane of ottawa out writ i ban need br fowlera extract o wild btnwberry in my family- with the very heat naolte i recommend it to my frienda and it the boat medicine in sae for all mm tier oobplainta diarrhtca dysentery etc l j nuril fever and chilli n bet brok en tip ud pretetfted by ntting muboras ajjomttic qnialne wio 1 tbk euctsir licbt h u utoniihiflg how npidiy the eloctrio light ii coming intokeaenj oic it is beim employed for pabiicjy lighticr oar iirge cities u duzle oar eyes with tu ipiec- dor u we pan ilong oar thoroaghiuea u riihl bat with ill its splendor tad niil liy it ii not u light and beaatifol u the biscait mide with imperial cream tart j batting powder mr t c weill chemist and droggia pott colborne 6ot writes northrop it iymaasi vegetable diacotery and dyrpep tsa care sells well and gives the best of mtisfiotion for all diseases of the blood it perer taili to- root oat all diseases froi o the system cores dyspepsia liver cam- puint etc parifies the blood and will make yoa look the picture of health as 3 happiness it is worn than madness cbofhor a cold which ii taken in time becomes whef the orenmiier of oo trfrti death tn 15 tt t r the rvlicste tissue o4hi ul tabes travels with then do not delay get a aaliconsojn pti ve syrup that grasps this formidable hamaa body sad drives it tegi- toisinedjcine promotes nipwcfairation snbdnes the diseased parts and exerts a taxisfyttoot hi corisg other diseases of the throat parents wish to save the children nmfl ety troahle and expense let a bottle of bicklei synip and whenerer has a cough or hoarseness according to djreetkms iptijo elan p peri 70s bolje otaghh ifroii there is not man dangrirboj clan- of diaordezs than those whict affect the breathidg organs kouify this danger with dr thomas eclectru oila pel nwnk of acinowledged effita tj it cores lameness and sntwwsi when i ppiied i iislly as weuu swelled neck and crick in j the back and as an inward pecific poss- esses mcs4 snbsuntul claiiis to pnhuc conlvlepce to neglect y subdued if left to itself f andprema hen tt attacks sno broncb rapiditt of bicklei he medicine foe of the rom the sys- free and easy heahithe nost wondei and tndlangs if lites of their modi anxi them procsxe ant consompuve aehildlutskeocoid g ve the syrap- ceasswstim barely dsre4 totteedito- please inform yoor readers jthai i have a positife remedy for the abovi ease 3by us timely use thou tndi of ho j less eases nmre oeen pcimuectfy cored i thailbe gkdjto send two lottles of my retpsdy rm to any of yooz haifaj commmption if they rul send me tisit erpress and p 0 4dn as respectfully dl x a bu crx 1m wert adelaide st roronto ont t c c biceixxc r co j gausl sprained my leg s had to be driven home tn i imipediately applied uinan freely and in 4s hoars could again as tttllfti ever bridgflwater n- b jwrncf wrucaar i badly that carriage jl s liniment nse my leg amomtlssefsrsri e j the season of green frmts jdnnki ii the time when the wbrst fj cholerk morbos and bowel cop iplaiots j vail ara safegasrd dr tract of wild btnwberry should jhsnd for 80 years it has bejn reliable remedy i the third page of hie tcktmfa dailf ifiwjs noted for want advertisements jlfyoi wsntto tray or sell yoa want a sitoation a nessv machinery lodgings if or found anything or if yoa oat where anyone is sdvertcm ai ythini mechj oic y iu1 hint ing if a boa- have lost to find jo the to- rootb daily mad and readctb 3 adrertise- that paper rd each in- teronto can ments on the third page 61 t tjie charge- is two cents a wi sertion address tu mam a sent rsca i three years ago i had liver complain i and indigestion nothing did me any good otil i tried bordock blood bitters three bottles of which cored me i shall ase b b b ss my medicine john floyd bsinesville k b b b b regulates the liver i a bom or a cat will heal quickly and leave less scar ifvctoris csibolic salve is appfied at once 1 a tint worth heeding life loses its seat when digestion is permanently imj- paired sorely then a speedy means of re storing this essential of bodily comfort ttf worth trying every rank every profes sion bears its quota of evidence to the beneficent infloence upon the stomach and also npon the liver bowels and kidneys of itortbrop lymans vegetable discover and dyspeptic core or celebrated bloa poner what is the wise coarse saggest ed taj the sick fay this testimony weleavu them to decide xcxswecalx after soffering for three weeks fron cholera infantum jo that i was not expect ed to live and at the time would even have been glad had death called me so great was my suffering s friend recom mended dr fowlers extract of whd strawberry which acted like magic on my system bat for this medicine iwooid not be alive now john w bradsaw 303- st paol st montreal p q thereis both in canada and the cmted states a strong feeling in favor of enact ments by the central aothorities for the regulation of oaokraptciea a general bankroptcy lawsirople in its terms inei- penaife and equitable in its administration ii mognixed by business interests of all as a public necessity tie anefemf capital- qaebec t have been troubled with in- digesiion for the past two years and havp triad many medicines without avail t tried bordock blood bitters and can say say there is nothing equal to it thomas obrien b b b cure dyspepsia bil iousness and constipation national pills are sugar coated mild but thorough and are the best stomach and liver pills in ose j u yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wuilymau thai paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoor advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to por- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wechty mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address ine mail toronto canada esfaatf cwsfrte the sstrerfmff browns hohsehold panec ea hasj no eqeal for relieving pain both i iternal and ex ernal it cores prin in th side back or wels sore throat rheums lism tooth- acie idmbago and any kind of pain or ade it wilimost surely iroieken the bk ad and heal as its acting power is totdtrfol browns hooehold pan ace l being acknowledged ai the great pal a believer and of doable t le sttength h ny other elixir or lioirr mtv in the era id should be in every fa oily bandy for ue when wanted as it r ally is the s remedy in toe world for a imps in the 4oi jsch ana pains and aches i all kinds i tod u for sale by all druggists itt 25 oeu fi wtitrt uaiberr cr air nf 1 paines celery compound act at thi eamc timi on the nerves vhe tlver the bowel8 andthe kidneys- tha combined nctiongitci it won derful power to cure all diseases why are we sick became we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated snd these great organs to become clogged cttcroed and poisonous bnmors sre tberdore forced into the blood ihat should be expelled naturally 0ipf celery c0mp0uhd will cvxe kttouoiu pom conrano rxdirr co- naixts imnast mazxsza nxaxzwzaxxx6ehxtixa- tux ictriloii 4jto ill t nxtotri nieoeieej by anjettog tad stfeogtbemog the t nerrefand causing free action of the lirtr unrdj and kidnejf nnd reoor- jug their power to tliro oft disease wlntnbmnirilii talailuil tbytonualaaillifuncrauipuml wlj frtdibiui nirsiurtewziaijti ay nien unnrortuk auiuaml vaj bar slmfbu siffcti t u pjmfxxitt comfovho asd njoiceiahcildi itff laanirctrrcft ut rwdrbtmlcm is ill ata tmlfibdnahlt- frtutlm i sxrlsm f i wufflcbaosmi icopnotmon llohtluliptj the favorite lwhooplnf ooughv bronebllu and asthma soothes irritation at the larynx ami fauces strengthotu the vocal organs allays soreness of the lungs prrvcitts consumption and even in advanced stages of tliat disease relieves cuugblng and induces sleep tliorfi tsnd other preparation for dis eases of ihe throat and lungs to be coin pared wlthuiii reinbdy my wjfe had a distressing couch with ijus in the side and breast we tried various medicines but nono did her any good until i got a bottle of aycr vhcrry pectoral which lias cured 1 r a uclclibor airs glenn had the ittsles otiil the cotigh was relieved by tin ue of ayerls cherry pectoral i lsve uo hesltailou in recommending this cough medicine o every one affile tint robert horton foreman ueadlighu morrill ton ark i have been afflicletl with asthma for forty years last spring i was taken with a violent couch whldi threatened to terminate my days every one pro nounced me lu consumption i deter mined to try ayera cherry pecwra i it effects were magical i was immedi ately relieved and continued to improve uuiil entirely recovered joel buhard guilford conn six months ago i had severe hem orrhage of the lungs brought on by an fucessant cough which deprived ine of sleep and rest i tried various reme dies bat obtained no relief until i be gan to take ayera cherry pectoral a few boftlraof tlii medicine cured ine mrs k coburn 19 secoud st lowell uas for children afflicted with colds coughs sore throat or croup 1 do not- know of any remedy which will give more speedy rvllef liian aycrs cherry pectoral i have found ft also invalu able in casts if whooping cough ann jjovpjoy 1237 washington street boston mass ayers cherry pectoral ffixrikkd sr dri j c ayer k co lowell mass soldbyalldnisitits price tlslx touts annex to morazu are yoa diitarbed at night and broken of yoor rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth i if so send at once and get bottle of mrs winslows sooihing bymp for children teething its valae is inoal cnlable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it carts dysentry and diarrhceav regulates the stomaoh and bowels cores wind colic softens the gomi redaoes inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs winslows soothing byrop for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and n arses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sore and ask for mrs winslows soothing bynxpand take no other kind cvuasspdea cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical core for nervous debility ud all kervoos com- lainlff after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his doty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuate by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will tend free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in germsn french or eng- iah with foli directions for preparing and oring bent by mail by sddreasing with stamp naming this paper w a nona ifo powers block bochester k x the m t sfoccfsl b ss svsr 4taesv vdkhuster mmafmstuicrw keidalls smvh curl qmes ogsms a gtnaaa tt itt tsrnritrit ttimh tir ao2tthsnw dtrjitauaoo mcmjp si aalt dosca wotuduu pttas la terser quatltj i tl loon trity csus aswrss kendalls spavin curl 1 tivylsssotnt staotss kendalls spavin curl oeaa i eel 1 1 mr dnty to ssr whs i km doas wlta your xrocairs bnstto cere iwentvi books lost a eamof aat kendalls spavin curl prtea it per botoa or da bottksi cor hl an dni- atau batfl lii or can an it tor roe or is wtube ami io aaraddrea on neetpc or prtea br tha pnerfa- sold bt all dbtgoibt8 urdock pills a eune cunc fonbiuoushccscohetipatiok imdigesylof di2z1mcs0 sick hcaoackc ktlq oiscascs of tmc stomach livcn and doucu thtr aflc ujwjhonouch amd ktohft ii actio n ai a ronu a vauaolt aio to bunsock bwco dittxis in the thsatucnt as cuiis or chronic ai7d qcztihatzdizzbzz -great- sale -at- a n jermyn acton a picnic for bargain seekers 5000 yds of xew dress goods in the seaxee shades iucij ss shogs and owen tt sboot bau price we ean ssttrou tt leert so per cent black icashmeres badaeed us53sulsqtattltbdt5c w caaraotee the t5c use to be sflic warp and well worth 1 ner nrd wp r yoa st least so per oeal new prints zephyrs chambrays and muslins a good assortmenu ser shades besvt wide cloth and tut dres we ean ssve too 15 per cent in this line gloves and hosiery all kinds makes and colors we are roa so per- cent beta we dot pestend to sell goods eheaper than ststt otbsr boose in canada for there are others who sal equally as cheap bat they dent do dasuess in this coaatr satins 1 qrsnd line of ssllni evening bbsdec st s3 oenu per rtrd da not deur u this line fi belnr picked up nptdlf sod we csnnot repeat u lees then 66 cents millinery during 0i7 we whi sell all trimmed hitc tt cost ud astrimmed bats st is per cent be- low cost now is the thus to secure tome of the finest tuts st medium prices parasols corsets and bustles in variety kellay bros ordered clothing new spring ties hats wi 1 t 1 iawm hoton i 8aiuos a4 pantldss u1 con- ao mortjtaawoiabl jprisvilalawbleh ul7oaniatlbiarulanaatl wbavinatrlialioikina4ollotbo latest anj moat faahjonabl sprto aa ana soarfs for gentlemen readymade olothing as3ssh2hs and styles hens li uede clotblas at kallr bros weliatejnatreeaired udwudtoafwulcbar oltbebccest pattern odd panta from tj op chudnnastuuromunp dry goods groceries oar staple dry goods csut be lat oar stock ol orooeties is rery obmpleand it best qneliir at loeat prloea w tmu the vorld i j par 85e span toa beau tbe vorld kelly bros butter and eggs ranted kelly bros sunshirte fc rain j or parasols and ladies waterproofs as long as the son shines and the rain falls parasols nnd ladies waterproqfihwill be in demand and every lady will probably require one it therefore becomes an impoitabl question with the ladies where they can do the best when buyiug we trust that we shall be excused if wo may say since tero is no one else fo speak for ns that onr stock presents advantages in the above class of goods aa well as in other lines that you will not find any other store in ghielph 1st it is a laige stock it would not do if it were otherwie considering the large number ot customers we have to supply and the large range in quality and prices which is required to suit the taste and pockets of all i 2nd we claim that there is no house in canada that can give you better value in parasolsthan we can and not a store in guelph as good value and the reasons are as follows when our mr ryan was in england he went direct to the manufacturers of parasolsand tmbrollas selecting first the stcks and frames then the various materials they were to be made from giving the exact size in which each line was to be made after which the parasols were made up now do you know of any possibly way that good could be bought cheaper if we bouskt these goods as other merehauts rn guelph do that is from the wholesale houses in cauaaa would we have not to charge you just the whalesale mans profit over above what we requite to do when we go direot to where the wholesale men themselves go the same applies to our ladies wrterproofs oar llr eyan went fo one ofrthe largest makers in london and selected the various waterproof cloths then the shape he wished them made in and in this way not only do we get the very beat value to be had but goods fresh from thehands of the makers see our ladiea waterproofs at hiodsome styles for children from 8100 up to fine silk goods at 1400 also some very remember the place xbry an cfe co guejph 93 upper wyndham st i i x the leading dry ooods house successors to jno hogg son j- a word to the wise js sufficient what we intend doing for our customers the oolr ue wsy to do business is to sell goods oo their merit and we can tar thst u re make onr own goods socb u ingrsis wool sad lnlon darpets we know whit we sre selling we invite onr costomers to call sod see ns before baying elsewhere and dont be deceived by other merchants who iy oar carpets sre not ap to the mark people who do not make carpets do net know u mooh aboat them as those who tnmalactixre sod we sak all intending purchasers to call and see ns notice tbe following or 10 days t v allivvool 6oc union 30c tapestr 30c brussels 6oc hemp ioc per yd- all wool stair carpets 25c per yd bpecialtylace curtains only 50o per pair clhrk st thompsons 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod cos drug store qttelxifh t bhoes and oroeeries kemeraber we nave tbe best ssc tea on the market rbjermyn jennya sells cheap for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins j new gem rings new band rings cruets pickfe stands fish slices- and napkin rings sprinq kgkijn kennej bros dominion boot 65 shoe store main street a6ton t desire to thank their many patrons for their nomerooi purchases dariae the so dan sale aad also to annoanoe that their stcck for the bpring trsale is now completes we nave a well usorted itock comprising all that will be reqttired by the public and hsrlng pnrchssed from the slanoiactoren direct at close prices ve are prepared to give good value- ladles fine shoes and slippers in variety j i gentlemens laced bals ac l a all the usual tunes tninis and valises in good variety caitom work will receito the nsaal attanuon and ropdiring proiapuy attended to kenney bros acton special sale of carpets and dry goods at reduced pribes -at- the right house hamiltolst crand trunk rj ooraoiistjr j express t m nltt- sees main jo tgeit isst aoeom lospiafigiw clilcaeziiresauoeutstntv and bramptoi j i ratatjacioraaajiii3 oojng west9 u aim aacu loait i tka espial npfviemu op consumptiol codghs colbvv asthma choufvilcvai aa diseases of the thrtistumjibs pulskwyutr obgattt j tjj ar its taitbtqt cst oobsdmptioir ha8 bebiolrajj notiierrtaudinsiftijildasiaav m l fiildoeffeabit his rtttxamtafai br pfinm iml jtv 2 r itagoodtral u mtrrtbl tetrimf retv v as aa cxpetctorant rr waa mvjms- it contains no ppium- j4j 1 i insw ptttx sc coc an ai01 raa bema4jg bitllfiliwbiacscfti ocnerml ltv m05t s jflwl cprnpouno jgrkok thiifttmili miidv ip i oral uuui aetaajurtsa foe trith thi futau iisns s ike 1 iuij rte acme of ue nmtfar 5 e casw j hi i nd sat acrdahifiu ifuumcr bttcmt of irntiatirtutiijfuie au tula and you vitt not if dmpfeilloi cores fl f fm-v- arjatng baa a diamfasd itsta rf twujikfri- efcsnach and bowels rash fi 45 pragapsia or inaistatlon gansatv agexitlona headaeha haarttam addltt ortho btomacli bliebniattusa loas of appetite atmjkkito pbully haaaea ortomiunijtets prtoifoirapriottlir r sarmtte emv ar i slvns 4 uwissos cacastofct noapeabajj- i ii- trita iiarrs nkk tww nta ti t twattkftrasv fteisi b4t strj sso mkwiab ubrhiae a tk wacu 4 wamwflaiuhlmtrk ba svwttttbambim t aml bsi ijtbafofi 740 ajijcmtmfintm exhausted vitatlty thb sconce of tffe the groat medical work of the age on uanhoodsarvooa and physical debility pre mature decline erftirs of f oath and the untold mis- erles oonsoquent thereoo 300 pagesvo itt preseripuoiassa for all diseasos cloth loll gilt onsuft fc mall sealed niustraiuve sample fxeo o d young and tniddloaged ben sold now t gold and j c veiled medal awardcij tttu sntb by nauonal jlodicai aisociation addtl f j p ofloi 199c koston mass or dr vt1l tl fy ker gradnate of garvarti medical ccolbii jeajs practice inbojtonwhomajreesintt eonadsntlally specialty diseases of offlcenoibalflnchst mr thomij c watkini in now in eorope parchasior bu wint sopplies for the kuht house beadthis good n i pbraftrnl9j w doo ana hall oarpet a1billglow prli m jl pta vassnatespsatiy t handsome grueade border tormer ririee prloaaboyal wuton cafprt ndnoed from ilm to carpeit al redocedpricse a ta patter is o sauna tialiljra8oodri qajiyjondjfe lss merly aoc c and pilllntaia al jfa 8 ttatti mniow baa tie auwootdootata mi slmsttzsz belta at ndnped prioee beaded grenadine ud wool cashmeres at mentioned bare at apeolal aalepfioetsw jjooda reoelted thlweli blink oidj 6mbjbbooabiu01oteailol4mand eerpent ehadea 01 lot o ladlaal embroldand r ndrwar oointuol flna ltheu band met pnderreete at lfcuam tfalsaaih jqaaliniera hoeeypraaa bn ootton ooodi come to the bvlit horn dnnna the anmmdr oli member to eiter the store eaat of tbe oarpet window many lji3s inta at i 1wlbto bantidy floonoinja white eeo i onwomarajwurjod many other goods not 3eobroidered jlooo- ng lnd18w ssl mtaoolwbdkf araabla a trt lata serru pamona weiett faaanatiutch udlaa finrn tj 5 wl frio ol goods bfc mutajanchlhtoaeblibae jviahood how lost how rostprad jastpablisbeanevfiitiqn ot dr rellvceubrateh eaaoy on the badlcv abeanal eaaihjt r boned a l jaj i f incapacity ladsoset seration of spermatorrbcsa leessorasrlyiiijiscrfltion ttaii tbe fcilebrated aathari in this ngt j- essay oltarly demonstrate tronxa jbfavy t sacomsuul practice that too laencesotearlyerrormay be nyhrrjmw pointing oat a mode ol cnreat cmeq eertalnandeirpctaalbyaieansof wfferii no matter what lili condition smtctirohlmaflll cheaply privately tijlslectoreiaotwibetnlboiapds raottiahdeterymuiatbeuda m bent ander seal in a jlalri avlop f sdilrseajooteeeiptotfoar ctiiol amps address j ytyks ffcioaiwwwsitfst 4 ah st kiw toaa rlrij d low s mmm isdtt kaii stack apt 1 i m kinds in owsfflss

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