Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1889, p. 1

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tt ximfttt press ie pcsluffetf every thursday morning fresess power pr1mtjnq house acton ontario j subscription rates osz rsih firo sir icosths socte tsnnr voszas s5ct ruvsriibly ivlvanco if not paid in advance j per year w ill lclyfsed nopaperdiscon tinned till ill areare are paid except at the option cf the publisher advrtirwq rates sric il vi 10 no 5 uo lmo jksi trlixi lih ai 8t0o 1100 5 iaeucs isoo 700 250 i ia jm 200 100 cakuaudvcriitk cents 6 cents per hector the irfttmcrrito andsccuts per llaefor each e iteitiikrtio cifh the number cfuces retconri by the jcerrejined measured by a ile of solid xocpirtil urtktr without specific dircctioas tt i b incrtjtn 1 orbid end charged accord aiy triaiitqry advertisements mast be paid i tjvtnce clares for contrtct luvittiknitiitsircit i hi tic hspc by 9 tui on tuecuvc otherwise urmtibelcftovirihuuuefolokib k p icoann kditorsril iroiircor umnf oirfffprir jitiuiiimalkhotriiltt l bennett llts dentist m leaxiicleax bastisters solicitors kotarics convcyancers rrivite funis to loan oew town hall acton wir a iicleikj 6 a siclcix t a ilowat 0 i j binnisten soucrror n drier pcruc honey to ijaan orncs dit tuesday asd saturday ffxce uittbcwsslazt acton cpstain s hilton aleak a- bated barristers solicitors tbzoxto axd geoegetowsr oscfscreeciasbiactge3ret6vn ica 63 lg street east toronto tluux j ehiltoj el j sued bjj fortii patexts secured foe ixventioxs kexst guist 0 jljl cixisl tvcnty tears practice xo patent lso pay attie sehstkeet i licensed accttoseee faj the coanties of wellington and hilton orders left a the run- peecs osce acton or t ar residence in acton will be promntly at tended lo ternsseason3ie alio moseyto lacn o7the most favorable ir and it the lowest rates of interest in sanj oltidinduirarards hx day architect gcel ph 0t qeea 5 eotc1 elocc ilarke eqaare axgis xuxax sdccessorto t f chipmia booebikdeh 54gora3esqthre g aelph ontaxio account boots of ill xtavs cade to order pri3licils ofetcrrdsscriptiancsrefciljbonnd italics neatltandpronzpilr doner t he haxlax barber shop sn steeer acxok aacter2ite anerbiiaratincslinpooalsryeven- kaiora noccl andpat ia ritcs condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cstr fsvropdektoneirial artists silfeiten wixted p sphaxejri pacttoascasliid vidi salary l cud expenses paid any dettmiined can csn saccedsritbns pecaliar adrsjtaees to be- siaaeri stocfc complete inclcding raany fast- elihirfpalties oat5t free ktraethis paper adire3acnce bbovs beothers kcr- serrmen kocnester k y situation irith ste34renpoyinentiad good pay ill tlio voir roanc to reliable men furaihin eatiiftc- lorjmfertaccs s aacohbee co- irarserjiasn eociester ky lumber latli sliiugles s avers hill iviisiweva his nsir ia clock aboat a ltoorjq reet o lamber liciodics all fcinis needed for balldics purposes- jais mill has a well eitibliihed reputation for rs- class lumber end reasonable prices lah tea siicrlesoahaad v are prepared to sapply tverv trant in oar line petee savees nas4iireyilpp look avikg dane business in canada for years oar repatation and responsibility is estab- hthtd- vce want three mea in your vicinity to knrtcat us to whom etalasive tcrntorj wul be ia handsome ontst free salary acix- iinsidtpca tretkly previous erpenencq iot icircd write at once for terms eardy ixiforeinadiispeclty 1 h actq otaeio thuksd ayi august i 1889 actoa banking gompanyi storet christie fc co baxkees tv a ontario oexbbjl baxmsg business thasgactld hoxes notes disooonted and interest all on deposits wbarber paper makers georqetown ont iike a kmcultt cr j machine finished book- papers hll liwiikivkiwt wm habefc 4 uroa -acton- i pujip factory -axu- r planing mill thos ebbage man i hsrc rcsumcd the luteiiemeat of the pnnp bmincssin acton tad voalj rcspcctiour inlonn all parties ia ttnt of vamrs thit we tre 2peperd toscpplytheeilroii tbe old st is wooden pump to the best force pump mads pinups for wind mffl5 or hook wells supplied on ehortnotic3 deep wells a specialt prices eight evertume our planing mill lumber dressed srliilc you vait horjdingi tc made to order we have alto a qcantity of lamber for sale suitable for bnilling purposes ordert bv mtu trill receive prompt and careal attention shopatfootofelter street thosebbagei uauacer caught at last lu acton a harness uialicr tbo turns out harness to tziluiy cue hiih ia rices and latterial one vholieccs on bend a etocfc of the nine bath in linht and heavy harcefs has also a stock of liipp curry combs kraibes s eat pads earnesoili ic aaybngwehiacbeylfcin in my line will do well to cil beiora pixg elstwlitfre 15 i am baaed to give kiisfaetiott- all vrcci gaartatcrf collars warranted nofc to hurt j h xattllewactou for 810 to 813 you caubuyaiiice halifax tvp suit taade to order in the best nianncr for m to 10 viiil bay a ftritclass canadieh treisuit fok 816 to 20 you can get the btst eplcndid scotch tvted suits at tfie east end clothing store wmj lee acton stay ukotheusxarecryinea itoch ester k y picture frames at i waters beothees -at- watebs beothers cornice poles banner bods honldings corss ses glassberellei hirrors alltlsts materials wmsor kewtons waters brothers 25 windham street cuelph v fct 5w no vja welliugtoij matbe wgiks qeeecsrnref gcelph clark sc carter d i11fct inxxmers of granite andusrble honuiests add htadstoaes of all ehaae tnl frontthe newest desus au work and xy t rim warranted firetciias parties wshmgto rarcnife will please pvt- us a call and mspcc oiirftoasii prices as we are confident we can cjmpcte with itny etiblihcicat in ontino jhavi- som oat ravlnterest to the ibore fira i werwlfctf dlv solicitthe pctronasi to my fnends ai the rablic on their behalf 7 works j h hamiltons harble works uitper wynd- hametreot gtelfh itilis old foaciry eaiblished 1571 ohn hamilton proprietor thoesile andrctail dealer and direct importer ai manufacture of all kitds cf granit and iridic ttossmests totalisrctc haringbadai ciuntive erperience for theust 15 years the pasac may rely on fiittias all superior article at i tieaiicr rate than anxflther dealer in the wtit kdfljilr cent off on a direct orders re- ihcdforthjltztsldiyj comfortable dwelliiigs foe sale- ws i i that ine new donbla frame dwelling on vtt bower avenue two storey 26x35 with liwlen attached hard and loft water coaveni- eat la evcrr respect md reels for ls pec moctb l 2 the brickclad residence on slain street wsmtwoitorev witilarce kitchen iltaebed hard and toft wiurrinthe nouie term and partiealars made known upon aj- itlcationat feee pkess office actok i the acton- free press the leadisg local newspaper- of halton coanty peiqe theee cejtts hakd painted cloth fine dado one yard wide by 2 yards long 35c 200 pairs to select from -at- daybookstore 0at6ruw0keapc fas mskeaartg- pl ittid llllktllig kfiftd- omcejaatnilton onurio esmiluhvdlf u 111 aodsdioa of baslntes tud itoftssloiiil men having for its object the collection ol debu and to prevent its members from miking bid debts by fumishiac them with lists of parties whddonotptv tlcrtfcants and others having aeccacts to collect will find itto their advantage to become nembere as hundreds cf tccoanta are being collected throagh it that coald not bo collected in any other way lany an account that his been seed tad then retamed by the bailiff as no good after putting the merchant to great expense has been collected through this association merchants wishing to become mem bers by remitting 1000 to our manager at hamilton will receive by return mail full par ticulars certificate of membership etc testi monials seat j b mills co managers acton- livery jlvd bus line the undersigned respectfully eobeits tho patron age of the public and informs them that well equipped and stylish rigs czn al- wsjs be seciired athisitables a comfortable bus meets all trains between 9 a m acdjfcls pm caret al itteation given to every crier tho wants of commercial travel lers fully met john willluis a little talk about shoest figures may lie end facts distorted be but seeing s believing come and see the peeliboo boot and khoo stare is jest nw fihowing s number of new lines of ehoes and slippers specially adapted for the eeifon these new goods are being told it juices as lororlower than those tked for old styles and shop- ttora goods elsewhere everybody he suited for we have al tires in gents wear ladies weir youths we sr childrens wear babje wear- special lines good goods kewest stylo and best valnc for the money at w williams acton custom vcrk and repairing given careful atten tion tmnhs end valises in variety mutual fire insurance company or the cqtcrr or wsllikatrok established 180 head office cuelph nsuresbnildicgsiferch2ndisemaacrictoris iadcll other descriptions of property on the fremiqiakota system fw stune onas davidson president secretary- john 7ivylior arfent acfrj smalt amd easily whea uarothvani i took tea we sat apon the fiocr i nomattfirihow much tea i drank she always give me more ourtable was the icarletbai in which her tea- set came i our guests tatnaless oneeyed doll 1 wooden horse gone lame she poured out nothing very fast the teapot tipped ca high and ia the bowl found sugar lumps unseen by mydull cye- shc added rich pretcadedl crcsiii t eeemeda wilful waste for thoast ihe otcrflowed the cap it did not change th taic she uked take tntiir 6r scgir tad thoagh i answered no eho pat them in tnd told tae the t i aitiit taio itto shed tay another cap ripi intk1 no but then i hid to taie ither caarwsy wtn shim still being neithtr green ubr black nor en- glifblirtakfaettea it did not givo her gneiis the iicnc whit ever thaw uty lw tiitugo tjffeu i uiwtt niycup iho only uiiniie1 kj1 i vuua mltuku tbe empty cuf turtuuiu isied mtfdifilii fcii tsituiuw cup tusny id imtiuw mij hurt mt tm ih- nii m j iiiiiu llm fttmifc fllil tttn k-iii- t-ll- flcl jiiitiv ft allitvldif till- uhau line in lit llihi hi ttinttil wi titrtii kli maite kkut pjiujii tint tiplndiutouhly ta with til tile teteiiitriir of the sieteljjtjiptrf at leiigili file put the cuts iwiy goodtiiit iipi the said and i went to a real te aud dorothy tobeil twloir jtidi in i aicjf ola for july sthd jfamilii llcairing the srdeal is iuuiitbl 1 every thursai morairs tt acton ont- saljsaftiuim rrfcijonly tlw in ailvinct 1 trrlt or tbree montis for 2 5 cents wejlyjjsg mk t mitchell desires to inform the pmplj of acton d enrroanainrs thit he v prepared to ttie ori for k ju kinds of jsncy b all farmers and others who sfik me with the p g wanted vurlmkt on m owroon jaelpli business college gcelph okjaeio fifthgcboitic yc4x there ere no vtca- tioasibe college belnfjin sejion tbrougu- oct tho entire yesr intending itadeuw cin therefore euter uiy time its grdcites ke meeticfi witi ditisgihed eccrs ls boak- teerers business niinsgers ehortiiad writers court renortere etc voces men end women desiring thorough mining for success in tnj o thee lines of worir ill censuit tneir own welftro bv attending lbe gceiph business col lege icorviacsl instruction is feature of the institution graduates assisted in obtaining positions for terms and particulars address siklaccoeiciok prlccipil positions my lumber shingles amd lath renndersigneddeiires to inform the pablic thathe baa now oahantl and will keep in ktoetafcllliceof fine and hemlock as well aa otherkindt of lctnber alio fint and second clisipiieshinsles t lath coal wood havicgparphasedthe coilbasinees of mrc smitbiaazyrcpared tosapply all kiads of store coal thirealeoi goodftoctof wood- hardwood ash cedar and hi ill wood itreuon- sblo prices- ivoodiadcoiidalivored jaifesbeowk fruit trees small fruits and ornamental shrubbery gen piper qevbbcock acton has been appointed jx foe urentfor thii section for the well known old bochestcr nnwerr s uonlson pro- prietor and is prepared to take orders for any of the fruit trees small fruits or chrabs which are shown in the ulustnted catalogues of the norsery the prodacts of the old rochester korsery ire knotrn to begencrtlly reliable and correctly named and i can promise salifaetory results to all who purchase stock from me prices reasonable hevkb cook agent tioy clarence eit in her pretty little par lor as a bright tropical bird balances itself on tbeswayidgbongbsbl ipajm tree for thecirpet wtu of green and tle nindw draperies were preen and the walls vere just tinted of that delicate eea preen that ehines trtnsiacently through tho rolling billows of the deep and ebe herself can oatly carrjicg oat the unity of thiols wore a dress of ibft green cishmero with silver ldliea in her hair her reil nirae was flora bat people called her tiny it was i pet name ehehad ever eince ebe could remember perhaps because she was email and dimpled and fairy like and had a fashion of nestling dovrn on bw ottomans and little footstools- instead o perching herself on big stiff chiirs like fall eizemortalsj she waj rery fair witli transparent skin ftnflted trth fisie rosejand hair like floes silk where the barnished shadows came and went in golden glimmers while her bine eyes were foil ofj sweet wistful erpressiona a humm lily of the valley in short at least e6 earnest sargent lhosht as he sat looking at her with his heart in his eyes j yon will not give me the answer then which is to seal my fate j not this morning mr sargent whynotf i have sorely the right to ask the question j i amnct altogether certain that i kave mads npmy mind itr sargent earnests eyes brightened yon will give me the benefit of the doubt then t i cant ell yon jast yet i dont know myself cannot yba comprehend ilr sargent i efce added with e sadden epirfc of impatience in her soft eye that this matter of marriage is with us women something more important than the selec tion of a favorite elude in eilts or the oolor of the spring ribbon v istszjd rebnked he said rising and bowidg somewhat ceremoaioasly- to- morrow moraine then i am to call and get my answer j yes tomorrow morning if yoa like so earnest sargent bent bis head over tiny clarences little rose leaf of a hand and went bis way well my deir eaidltrs clirenoe as tiny came slowly npstairs twisting the green tassels that hnug from ber waist what have yon decidedi i have decided upon nothing at all as yet raanmi v dont yon like ilr sargent yes answered tiny after a moment or two of grave consideration i suppose i do he is very rich knd your father says in a bniness whose profits arecontinnally increasing ypa would be wealthy ray chud is wealth the first object in oar lives mammii kojbotit is more or less important and then lit sargent is very handsome i knowit mamma and then tiny clarence went farther still apstairs to the room where bridget was sweeping and dusting in a frenzy of energy bridget she said will yon lend me your brown cloth cloak tstis afternoon and the black silk bonnet 1 want to wear thera is it fnn yere making of a poor girl ifiss tiny sure yoa wouldnt even yourself to the likes o thera and you wid all the fines clothes a qneen wonld wear but i am in earnest bridget i am going to see a poor woman who lives in a tenement hoase 3own town i woold rather dress so as to attract no particular attention bridget still stared bat ehe made no farther opposition i cant understand at all at all so i cant she said shaking hr frenzied head as she carried the aforesaid garments into tinys room sure miss ita like dress ing the queen of the fairies up in a cabbage leaf yoar bonny face is lost entirely in in the old bonnet itt alone the cloak caters yoa from head to foot entirely never mind that bridget now lend me the veil there that will do tiny clarence felt curiously unlike the aristocratic little queen of faihioa that she wasai she rode down town in the extreme corner of a second avenue car and alighted at length at a cross street whose narrow pnruena and swarming rows of tenement houses on either side betokenit the residing place of the poor- turnipg neither to the right hand nor to theleiwtiuy clarence kept on her way until at length she entered a dwelling somewhere mthe middle of the block and ascended the long flight of carpeted wooden stairs which was common property to all the inhabitants pausing at adtor on the foarth story she knocked softly came in was the reply and opening the door tiny clarence entered it was a small room comparatively bare of famitare bat very neat a little bed occupied the farther corner of the room and the smalleet possible remnant of a fire smoldered in the tiny grate while one cr two chairs and a pine table constituted u the rest of the ontfittings clcse to the window a young woman sat sewicg while a crippled child played on the floor at her fet she arose as tiny entered is it yoa hiss clirencet she said her pale face momentarily dyed with a deep tinge of color as she coartesied a timid welcome this is bat a poor place for you to come miss clarence repeated our little heroinereproichfclly yon used to call me ttny when we were school girls toeth- er bat there is such a gat between ui noil bcfiihd you are poor and i im rich beiiallyojarc aforsakea widow and i im itill tin faverii child of farlutiaf helen juff jjdje me uvuiuy luuii htifrf yh jim witfi ear ptinf kii ievfrjimli i luv trwfit ymtttm mmwimi iii1 tiiff m i 4 it mm fey ut fily at ltf siilr oiikui vawa util 11 uf llie af iukiu do foil still teirfaf bafdl k loplej- t yts t ahi gaiiig tbate thit idetuooti fa relatn some wotk and it to get a little more are you tiny strove to spetk unconsciously al though the dc3p crimsou flushed her neck and brow would you object tomy going with yoa i i have a great curiosity to see the inner workings of one ofthose great manafactar- ing establishments i shall be glad of your company do they pay you well went on tiny affecting to be deeplyinterestedinremoving a speck of mud from the hem of bridgets brown cloth cloak jtrs starr shook her bead sadly starcation prices tiny and hr sar gent his just cut dojvn the wages oaequar ter he says times are hard and he can not meet expenses yet he drives the handsomest horses in naw york and lives in a brown stone palace observed tiny i know it bat such is the universal justice between employer and employed we are powerless and they know it these grinding rich people she was folding ap the handle of neatly sewn shirts as she spoke and putting on her own worn and shabby outer garments yoa will be good and quiet charlie and not go near the fire until mamma re turns she added pausing on the thres hold yes mamma the childanswered with decile meekness he was accastomed to being left alone poor little fellow andthen heleu and tiny set forth together on an errand entirely novel to the latter it wis payday at the establishment of sargent fc copley and a long string of worn looking women some yoang and some old bat all pale and pinched like plants that had grown in the snide were waiting their tarn for the mistrable remuneration due them mr copley a fat oily looking man with a whith ueckclsth and beaming spectacles stood behind a ponderous ledger and day book and mx sargent with an expression of face very difierent from what he had that morning worn in tiny clarences boudoir leaned against the edge of theaesk and took in the work examining and com menting as hedid so for ilr sarget chose himself to superin tend this portion of his business nor was the tongue of slander behindhand in pro claiming that he contrived to make money out of this personal supervision clara govt he called out sharply as a pale freckled joang girl neared him how ranch das clara coy tl ten dollars and seventy cents take c5 l work greased from sewing machine bat sir began the girl nine seventy here yoa are pass ja clara coy t now then ilary ilacahster behind two days fine mary hacalister oo cents so he went on quick to detect or imagine faults vigorous to panish mejciless to exact fines until scarcely one of the wait ing throng received the amount of money fairly cue her when helen starrs name was called she advanced timidly with her brown clad companion at her side helen starr sharply enunciated jr sargent scrutinizing her roll of work four dollars dedact f0 cents on what account sic faltered mrs starr work spoiled in making np pass on yon are mistaken mr sargent in deed pleaded helen starr the stains were in the linen when it was given oat to me it is rut in the least eoiled in my hands i cant stop to argue matters with inso lent sewing women in my employ snarled ernest sargent take yoar s3g0 mrs starr withoat any more words or leave the establishment we can get plenty of hands who wont tll lies helen starr grew crimron and then pale bat knowing her own utter helplessness in the hands of this human vampire she was about to take tho miserable sum tendered her and pass on her way when a bw soft voice at her side detained her helen stop an instant mr sargent and turning back the long veil which had hitherto concealed her face tiny clarence looked calmly into the rich bullys eyes i am sare that my friend mrs starr speaks only the truth yoa lose all claim to the mme of gentleman when yoa allow yourself to speak thus insolently to aaght bearing the stamp and image of refined womanhood miss clarence he stammered overcome with dnfasioc there is some mistake here i y there is no mistake she answered calmly contemptuous i have wo near making one that might have lasted a life time bat my eye are fortunately opened pay mxasfcarr the money rightly dne her and let us leave this den of money making iniquity mr sargent paid mrs starr the mwjth undisguised awkwardness and strove to detain tinyias she turned away mias clarence he faltered trili yoa allow me toexplain no mr sirgent ih ajuweredhaagh- tily i will never allow yoa to speak to me again she kept her word ernest sargents nature had been tried m the balance of her womanly discrimination and found wanting tiny clarence was heart whole elill chicago ekhihj journal speed of rifle halls how fist does a buuet travel if it is in proper shape for traveling col flagler and hi officers say it ought to go at the rate of 1275 feet a secoad upon leaving the rise this matter of speed is very import ant and if a cartridge is five crten feet too fast cr two slow the quantity of pewder must be changed this matter of speed is is tested iu a very interesting way at the northern end of the arsenal grouads is a long wooden shed in which a distance of 100 feet has been carefully marked cfit at either end of this space is a stand some- thing like a target with a largecircular opening where ibe bulls eve would be acroweach opening if streccbadh rmall electric wire connected with a delicste in atrurteul iu another room the rifla from wliafi llie firing is doae if 10 aimed thai he ballot vhlcu iiet from cut both wjrmr afvialy jifl ifjjttarfrm in nia betted fl efitf ie iri slid tcvij to will mirk iia iji o if iaki lifuiif0iiiiftlt luif liielit til itili fettec t j tfue l tlyhi vf ad ituihut of iftdch ftteuliot ctlel ihe ilouiiage tufonoetftpli when he first wire is cut ah electric citvuu ia broken and a rod which ia tiaipendei from a maguet flla a short distance touching in its de- sceni a point which maker a mark oa iti bide the breaking ef ihe second wire leta drop a second smaller rod in the same way by means of the difference in the marks oa the rods it is possible to estimate the differ ence in the time of their falling and from this the speed of the bullet per eecoad this is a provision for detecting anyerror and nearly absolute accuracy is secured be eyjlct there is perhaps no one thiu more difficult for a to da than to tell the exact truth imagination farms so large a part of the mind that it almost unconscioasly colors llie incidents we would relate and makes them seem essentially different from the reality evenwhsa we mean to be tenth ful for instance in testifying in court it is a notorious fact that no two witnesses ever give their testimony exactly alike when de scribing the same scene and conscientious ly anxioae to give it jast as it happened this i think is largely dae to the fact that when yoang we do not learn to observe accurately the three- year jld baby sees something he cannot understand and gives his own idear of tne incident when in stead of correcting him and teaching him exactly what has happened we iaach at his cunning use of words and odd ways of seeing things and letit go scjtte by little the habit of inaccur acy is formed until we hardly attempt to give an exjici relation of anything think ing if we get within certain limits of truth falness that we are doing very well a man celebralled for his accuracy said that he owed this qcality to the following circamstance he hid a sister who was blind and the lave between them was so sincere that ha tried his best to be eyes for her so every evening as the family gathered round the fire he recalled every pretty scene or iatercsting incident of the day for her benefit and hi feeling3 of ten der pity for her infirmity made him feel that he mast present these pictures with absolute fidelity that she might see thera with her minds eye as he had with his bodily organ so he taaght himself accuracy until his description of any event was looked cpoa as almost photographic in its sincereity and this quality made him both successful and famous in his business relations it is a quality we might all cultivate to great advantage most important ia it to train nar eyes to see car ears to hear and our tongue to tell the exact and simple truth that kiss of ml kuthee fwatlvg ixdrstriixeshibitlovs- floating exhibitions seem to be a success so far as spain and germany are concern ed a fine steamer loaded with the best specimens of all kinds ef goods lately sailed from spain for south america the ger man export company tjas decided to apply the shm of 1000000 5000000 marks on the buiiding equipment and working of a very large steamer which is to serve as a floating exhibition the vessel in qaestion will be called kaiser wiiheim and the principal dimensions are ia follows length 5cf feet breadth eixtyeix feet depthl forthsix feet so the question is nci of a i trail craft the steamer is to have foar engines entirely independent of each other and toar propellers she is to be fitted in exceptionally good style the ex- pecsea for a two years tour are calculated at 76o000 while the takings for hire of room and profits oa sale are expected to reaca is 15000 leaving the very hind soma profit of mora than 1000000 the seatner will according to the present ar- ringeaicntb be ready to start in the ipring of next year a previous audertakiujof a similar nature ilia steamer gottorrr de pilthed from harnbarfifi undflritoad to luce given fiatiafictory rjilf kot oy aru h null i4 rfuadjjogdf ting tali uiwt differ- fam f-fti- f4 m id luff mfrfliptijiftf 4hef im utilis mijflwmfa v lwiiitf l hak ilttd the ttiloui iutia1 add sial feqiiife- tbeit see ta what eifebt atid iti what tuihtiet the different wants are being supplied either br home of other loteigu tnakati couulxivg with nattue close by the iparkling brook whose bilvery waters danced in the sunlight aud rippled joyously over the golden eaada they satin silence george and laura drink ing in the glorioua beauty of the rustic scene and communing with nature in oue of her chosen shrines afar ia the west the sun seemed to linger at the horizons brim as if unwilling to shut out from his gaze he lovely landscape that glowed with a softened and even melancholy radiance in hia departing beams a thrilling cry burst from the lips of the beautiful girl george s george t the almost shrieked what is it darling he asked placing his arm tenderly aronnd her waist has the romantic- yet oppressive loveliness of scenery saddened yoar spirits no george 1 she screamed waring her hands wildly and making a frantic jab at thermal c her back i ihink its some kind of a bag k boasdlvgholse sckrrise dashlfly queer things people discover when they are living at boarding- bosses at dinner at ray boarding- house yesterday i stark my fork into a piece of pie and brought ap a collar button that i lost a week aged scaggs thats nothing i lifted crt the wp of my strawberry shortcake al my boarding- ho use yesterday anl whit do yoa sappose there was iu it dashley i give it ap- a silk um brella perhaps snaggs no sir strawberries dasmey nacredaloasly aw what are yoa giving me v amzrkatt a fact a boy iecomicg possessed of a rooster which kspt all the household awake it night his father threatened to kill it much to the youngsters consternation fo he had become very much attached to h after some observation he- noticed that before crowing the bird stretched his neck so he reasoned that if pot it intoplice where it could not do so an end would be pat to the disturbance accordingly he pat it iiiio a box with room enough for its comfort and no more and then informed his parents of hia great discovery and of his remedy which proved very successful mutch to the amasement of all coimxg a word george brown wanted to go somewhere and his mother was not willing he tried to argae the matter when that would not do instead of saying i should really like to go but if you cannot gie your coq- sent dear mother i will try to be content to stay he spoke roughly and went off slamming the door behind him too many many boys do so george was fourteen and with his fourteen years experience with one of the best of mothers one would have thoaght better of him but he was only a boy whii can you expect ot boys so say some people stop hear more that night george found thorns in his pillow he coald not fix it in any way to goto to sleep on he turned aud tossed and he shook and patted it but not a wrak of sleep for him the thorns- kept pricking they were the angry words he hid spoken to his mother my dear mother who deserves nothing but kindness and love and obedience from me he said to himself i neuer do enough for her yet how have 1 behaved her oldest boy how tenderly she nursed me through that fever these unhappy thoughts quite- overcame him he would askrher to forgive him in the morning but suppose something should happen before morning he wculi ask har now to night this mement george crept oat of bed and went softly to his mothers room m george she said is that yoa 1 are yoa sick for myt hers you know seem to sleep with one eye aud ear open especially when the father is away as georges father was dear mother he said kneeling at her bedside i could not sleep for thinking of my rude words toyoofprgiveme mother my dear mother aud may god help me never to behave so again she clasped the penitent boy in her arms and kissed hia warm cheek george is a big man now bat he says that was the sweetest moment of his life his strong healthy impetuous nature became temper ed by a gentleoesa of spirit it softened its roughness sweetened his temper and certainly if any is entitled to coin a word under the cirenmstances narrated below it is the happy father he was a connecticut man and was already the father of sis children all daughters thenthree little boya were born to him at the sam time badiint with happiness the proud father ml oat to spread the news abroad he stopped first at the house of his nearest neighbor whom he bailded with siay zed knapp ye dont know what t got over few my house no 1 cant say that i do replied zed well whatd ye say if i told ye i had a feetle boy over there i should say i was lad overic fii zed heartily well neow whatd say if i told ye i had two litllle boys hey better slil replied zed so you have twin boys twins why bless yoa zed ive go thrins 1 yea sir thnn boys i and off he rode tonrocliitn the arrival of it thrins at every hoase in the neighborhood fcui gyflpaaios vtho qarjjrm ojt tesbffsufzss itcn dontqjieve ina devil as their fathers used to theyve forced the doer of the broadest creed to le lis higaneas through there isni s print cf his doven foot or a fiery dirt from his brew to bo found in earth criir 10 day for the ord bis vcd50 bui who u t thit nines lie fatal draught that palsies heart and brain and loads tie bier cf eaoii passin- dy- with ten hundred thousand iliia j who blights the bloom cf the land loday with the fiery breath of hell if the deril iinmnd never wis wont somebody rise md tea f vvhoicj tie neps c i the toiling lain and digs the pilfer his feet- yvti3sowilbe tarns in tho fields of time when ever god lows hij wheat i the devil u voted not to be and of coarse the thia is trui bat wbo iadnglhc kinlcfwcrkthe devilaloae should da we ire told ho docs not co iboul is i roaring lion now hat wioi bal we hold niiotnibe forlh overludng row tdbe ijcirit in uaateiti church in state lo iinhi rtiuotan bound if uu dtil lt wuiuiuioqi void it no ufhiiih wil tidi iu j ihu duiil fiiroiwiiii an iif l btri ltl iiul ij frf iv in kuywi iip tf- tifb-t-iitm- f the tluvktvl hatltt one of our passion poeti kis lltaly published a tneuphysical poem oc6 itanu o which will luffioe togtve in idea o what itis think health sud health will find you a certain is the day and pain vil ug behind voa aa3loieyou on the way whynot pa ruse this same line of reaaon- ingrtne bitter end somewhat after this fashion think wealth md yoa will got it a million more or less l think silt and in the closet yattii and i gros grain dress think land when yoa ire drowning beyond all human roach and by this happy theory ycull be wailvd up on tho beach think bread whou you ire hungry and a feast will there bo tpfead think ilecp when yon are woarj- ahd youtj nnsiyoursoit tn bod however much tiiinflring h may help to materialize all the good thinga thui-ro- mised oue grand result will certainly be accomplished for it can hot be denied that the thinking habit will produce a thought ful generation afteil yoltt hoy during the christian endeaior conven tion at chicago ona cf the delegatea a young business man dressed id a natty roughand ready suit every monument alert and eager and telling of bottled energy within came suddenly upon a red- faced citizen who evidently bad been patronizing the hotel bar buttonholing the delegate a trifle unceremoniously the latter said what are you fellowa trying to do down at the battery you an hot on temperance i see by the papers do yoa think yoa coald makea temperance man of me cxo replied the delegate looking him over from headto foot with a keen gtanoe slightly contemptuous we evidently coalint do much with you but we axe after yoar boy at this unexpected retort the man dropped hia jocular oue and said serioatly u well i guess you have got the right of it there it somebody had been after me when i was a boy i should be a better man today the young man gave in a nu tan all the sum and substance- cf the christian ip- deavor movement hie eciiioirs cure a gentleman who bad for many yean been abasing the pleasures of the table at last found his health in noch a state that hfl went to consult a celebrated phyikiax dr the doctor quipuy perceived the nature of his disease j i can cure you- air said he if you will follow my advice the patient promised to do so yoa mast steal a horse what i steal a horse yes you must steal s horse- yea will then be arrested convicted and placed in a situation where yoar diet and regimen will be such that in a abort time yoar health will be perfectly restored a ullvd juvswrr tiiedaxgeil of caeevixg h0vky news recently came from liverpool by telegraph of the theft of three thousand dol lars in money from theroomof an american gentleman who wis staying at one of the hotels in that city the story at once sug gests the thought that the loser was imprud ent in taking so large an amount in cash to such a place by means of a letter of credit from a backing house a man can travel all over europe without ever having any very large sam of ready money with him at any one time many people hqwevershowastrongpref- ereuce for keeping their funds ia the shape of coin cr bank hdls ruber than to place them with a banker and draw them from him aalrequired we have heard it laid of the lite james t brady the distinguished lawyer that he always refased to deposit money in a bank and keep a check book though he enjoyed a most iarcalive practice and was contsantly receiving large fees even this sammer ia the adirondack a newsstand in one of the busy down town strcete of this city ia kept by s blind boy whose affliction brings him many customers thewri ter who often bayi a paper there at intervals saw a newly- painted sign the other dayin front of the little table that holds his stockintrade it read to tuf frulic blind billy keeps thifstand anl this stand keeps blind billy j with your kind assistance ueao billy was said tobirayotira setting up for a joker are yoa since i saw you last with the aid of that not wholly original but highly appropriate sign i mp pese year trade is going ahead at a rapid rate without the vestige of a smile billy replied whit good are your eye to you after all if you cant see that my bualness u it a stand still 1 even a blind man could see that yw yuri- tribune region an instance came to our knowledge helped him onto a true and noble chris- which shows that the peculiarity we hare tian manhood boys are sometimes ashamed to act out their best feelings oh if they only knew what a loss it is to them not to do so husband why is there no necessity of me drinking wine as long aa you are alive wife i dont know darling why is il husband because ill always have you to support mentioned is not yet extinct- a geoueman living at a- small private hotel to- which fishermen resctt left four thousand dollars in greenbacks finder his pillow wben be rose and went oat for his days fishing 1 when he retamed at night he jound the chambermaid bad made the bed but left the money juat where it was this sort of experiment however cannot saielybe tried very often how ioed hacaflay eeaff when a boy i began to read very earnest ly but at the foot of every page i read i stopped and obliged myself to- gw aaac- coact o what i had read on thai page at first i had to read it three orfour timet bciore i got my mind firmly fixd bat i compelled myself to comply wtth the plan until now after i have read a book throogh one lean almost recite it from the begin ning lo theend it i a very simple habit to form early in life and is valuable as a means of ttiaaing our reading serve the best purpose irish ix hoctveit j ive found an irish name in the bible said higgini to wiggins the other day in the bible v i yea in the apoorypha at least what la it aakd wiggins mac giibes was the reply the last language spoken on earth wflj probably be the finnish

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