Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1889, p. 2

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coosrinerinon the and jnlv uk 5t or cnnjtouher cook ol t eon dl taeaaaajaicja on julr trtli the vrtle otmdirljotasoii gcwdr tilbotatgnelphonlheslh icst- fr lie ret g e tnrk joseph goirfv lo isabella reangest daughter of mr jtltxrt lilof gcflljih wll lctfljt to r55 thursday august i votes axd cohjtexts the warden of simcoe when presiding at the county council- sessions wean a gor- geom cocked hatand gufc gown purchased at icoat of siiq it is icde that the qaaeo instead o making t valuable wedding present to princess loaise paid for the greater of her trorasean which cost lqoq i the princess louise of wajtis is being l overwhelmed with diamonds if the dote of fife ever getsjiaxd up his wife can help fchd oat with the aid o his ancle thehaluai voice intimates that there will be a great prohibition convention jit the haritirfle provinces at ilodcton in the latter part of aognst or the 1st september georgia has the largest watermelon patch inlhe world it is owned by company and contains 800 acres the company will ship about 400 cam at a profit it is claim ed of u50 a car the ontario press excursionists had an extremely pleasant time in quebec where they were roost hospitably entertained by their bretfiren of the press and by repre sentatives of the city and tfc local govern ment a little boy of only nine years arrired in pomona cal a few days ago after haying made s journey of over 6000 miles from ltncolthire enff- entirely alone he bad a tag fastened to his clothes and 2mn his pockele the fact that 116 members of the british house of commons last night ypted iquarfl- r against granting any marriage portions to the queehs grand children shows clear ly that public sentiment in great brilian is becoming advene to each grants the leaders of all the great parties voted forlhe governments proposal ye 116 of the rank andele opposed it j there is good news for the new york aldertaanid fugitives who tarry in canada recent trials of the boodle aldermen have all resulted in verdicts of acquittal and the district attorney hs s abandoned the field as hopeless canada can easily spare not only the aldermanic fugitives bat ail the other boodlera who have foonif- a ref cge here let there bold a bee and get oct the stat of massachusetts recently au thorised a loan of 2500000 to run twenty years at three per cent the state- treas- oxer pot 81500000 of thisamoont on the xew york market he other day and it- was disposed of as follows 500000 at 105 jj7 equal to an annual interest of 2g5 1500000 at 10577 equal to 1262 500 000 at i0g17 equal to 42001 this is bor rowing money at s very fine figure in thecourse of his speech delivered on the occasion of the opening of the el john summer carnival on monday sir leonard tilly referred to the fact that by means of electricity the hayorof yancoaver b chidnredthegna heralding the opening of the exhifciiios little did i tfairjc said sir leonard when i visited the mayor of yaneffuver a short time ago that he wsold be able to fire the opening gun of oar exhibition- from yanconver but snch is the progress of electricity there is one and only one great moral lesson to be gained from the prize ring when sach a man as sullivan wlo had suitered from a carecrof much dissipation wrs changed by a few weeks of severe phy- ileal diicipliae regular hours judicious diet and absence from old associations into a better man physically- than he had been before is it not probable hallhese are the most rational and efecaciocs mean of re- storing hundreds of less aggravated cases of dissipation mddoans traniing of sullivan soots what physical culture will do fora man rwho was scarcely more than an alcoholic wreck h0r4tweddivtf brilliant scene fa hackles lam palace i i saturuaylvt j i her boyal highness the princess loaise victoria alexandra uagmar eldest daugh ter of the prince of wales was married at noon last saturday to alexander ytflliam georgeearl of fife knight of the thistle the ceremony took place in the private chapel which is small and the number of guests was therefore limited the princess of wales the crown prince of denmark the king of greece prince albert yicior and prince george of wales assembled in the bowjibrary of buckingham palace at 1115 oclock and there awaited the arrival of the queen from her private apartments on tliearrival m the bow library of the qseen whowu accompanied hy thegrand dcki of hesse the procession to the chapel was fonped it comprised the queen the members of he kcyavfamily who had gathered in the library the king of greece the crown prince of denmark and other guest and the ameers of the boyal hoase- hold upon reaching the chapel the queen was escorted to thereat prepared for her while the other eoyal personages took seats en either side of the altar the earl of fife who wasjtttirediaahighlandcostums and wore the garter of the duffs accom panied by hisaoasin mr horace farquhar took his posiaon at the altar rails and awaited the coming of the bride mi eiles iluuvjll th prince qf wales with the bride and princesses victoria and mand of wales and membera of ihe household arrived at the palace jast before noon tney were re ceived by the dord steward and conducted to the ttaw lihtajy wheie the bride was joined by the bridesmaids eight in number and all erinceaies of royal blood the bndai party then proceeded to the chapel wlierc tue oeremoty- was performed by the archhishopjf canterbdry after the ceremony the wedding rireakj fast was served in the supper room of buckingham ptjace after he breakfast the earl and his rridc the princess loaise of wales and the bridesmaid relcrnod to marlboroagh house the bride and bridegroom occupying the first carriage latar in the afternoon the newly married conple departed for sheen house tbeiubnrban residence of the earl of fifer where a portion of the hooey moon is to be spent ail england took genuine interest in the marriage and a 1 are uiioos fortheyoaug brides welfare votes foli cheese- jokers foe axgcfct ar jittes w eoarssos peofessos or dusyeig a cheese factorys reputation is largely determined by the quality of its aagust scplembeand october oalpat the be ginning of august is a fit time for every cheese- maker who has had only partial success during the hot weather to redaeta his reputation and that of his factory a companion of the prices realized for the summer cheese of ontario with the figures reported from the united states markets shows the canadian cheese are in demand at higher rates than american cheese will sell fori that we have gained in reputa tion and in market favor with british im porters and consumers is evident that this advance and advantage are the result of the applied skill of less than half of oar cheesemakers is well known to those who visit tfae factories and handle their products to reach and to epeeddy help those who workin cheese factories without any ambition or aspiration for improve ment is wellnigh impracticable however we desire to make helpful in formation not ony attainable but unavoid able to such in a short time there will be namerous cable orders from england calling for cool auguft cheese that brief de scription implies a mild rich favor that may be preserved for the winter trade a firm solid body full of meatinesc a fine ontside finish with clean bright rinds free from cracks and bandages freshlooking and not likely to appear mouldy to help the cheesemakers in manufac taring a class goods that may be satis factorily shipped on euch orders i call at- tension to some things both outside and inside of the factories which need their immediate and special personal care leotxd the rexrisks insufficient or inefficient drainage facil ities unless enlarged or remedied will show their worst effects daring this month at a coat of only a few hours labor and a few dollars of erpense the immediate vici nity of every factory can be keptfjee from the noxious odors that arise frost stagnant slop pools the frequency and foulness of these about the factories in some sections is not only a menace u khz permanent prosperity 6i oar cheese manufacturing in dustry but a disgrace to the men in charge of the factories at factories from which whey is drawn hack to the patrol farms in waggons be leaking and spilling near the whey tank too often leave its vicinity in an almoet ira passable condition a few loads of gravel will abate the nuisance and leave the place fit for approach during the succeeding months when the roads became bad the shrinkage in the milk supply will leave a shortage in the whey tank in order that the whey may have more feed ing value the tank shoald be thoroughly washed at least once a week at factories where hogs are fed provis ion should be made for suppling hem with one feed a day of some green fodder such as clover oats and vetches oats and pease or cornstalks salt should be fed liberally during this month lv tee u1eikge001i this month seems the one when flies be- come most numerous and troublesome some afternoon after the cheese are inthe scoops it will be a good plan to close upthe makingro6m windows ard doors and to born a small quantity of sulphur for the purpose bf fumigating the place if a tablespoonfnl of alcohol be railed with she sulphur it will barn more freely care must be taken to prevent the fames from getting into the caring- room the tins or the milk vats and th insides of the einks shoald also be washed afterwards before they are used all vats presses and uterj eils should get a thorough quarterly -clean- icg np early this month every cheese- nstker ehoai3 pereisiently fight nntifiioess and filth in every form and he ought to have a womans passion for cleanliness and a similar antagonism todirt ix tee cxeikgeodi there will be a difficulty in curing th cheese made duringjaly at a snfiiciently low temperature ventilation of the room during the early mornings as well as dur ing the evenings and uights will be of bene fit floors should be eprinkled with cold watet morning jjoou and evening while the cheese are being turned on the shelves there should be an abundant admission of light august is the month when the skippers are apt to do damage aplenti- ful shaking of fix powder in theroom before it is shut up for the day wilt destroy the cheese dies cheese bores should cot be itored in the curingroom thiodor from he elm wood pesetrates the cheese and affects their flavor application of bait from 2 to 2 poanda of salt per thonaand pounds of milk shoald be added to the curds that are fairly well dried by the previous stirring they should be jut in the hoops within twenty minutes after the salt bu been mixed in pressure shoald be applied very grad ually the cheee should le bandaged neatly when they are turned into he hoops wiin two hoars after they are put in the presses they should again be turned in the hoops some time in the following morn ing vhgk practicable cheese ahodd be pressed for at least twenty hours endeavor to get everyone who sends milk to your factory or who is concerned in its management to try to bring it to the very front in point of management to try to bring it to the very fronts in point of repatation for the excellent quality of ita product work conscientiously for that end then talk your factory up always and wherever you go and get your patrons to do likewise in short think and work to make your factory and its product worthy a higher reputation especially for august cheese 1ci0vs park to the editor of the feee psess deie em in your last issue you point ed out some of tke advantages and also the duty of the citizens of acton in regard to he purchase of that beautiful piece of property owned by sir w e smith and at present used as a park it is certainly the finest property thac we can get for the purpose and as yoa showed it would be no harden financially but on the other hand could be made a source of revinue it is the duty of every village to provide some suitable ground for the recreation of its inhabitants onr boys to become men in the true sense must be developed mentally morally and physically icothingisso weliadapted to the phyiical development as the play ground perhaps some ma not see howit is a benefit morally space will not permit me to deal ith this part at length but if your rcueri will just give it some thought and find fl for themselves where our young menlvouid probably spend their evenings and wkat they iwnnld be most likely to spend their spare urns at if there were no grounds for recreation hey will see that each grounds prevent o a con siderable ertcnt the frequenting of improp er places anombe associating with persons who would not be a benefit to them aa it is after they have done their sports they are as a rnlj content to remain at home or spend the balance of the evening quietly boys aro possessed of energy that will be used either for good or bad our duty is then to ceo that this energy is properly directed it is a rule withfew exceptions that the most activeiwy on heplaygrband makes ths most rapid advancement unac quiring an education and the most success ful business man in life provided of course that other advantages be equal the physical part is that through which the niental works and how can it work successfully with a bad instrument a great deal more might be said on this subject bat i do not wish to take ap any more of your valuable space- i hope the people of acton will not view this as t mere question of amusement but will look at it as a duty they owe to themselves and o their children they have now- a chance which possibly they may never have again of doing a great good to themselves and the succeeding generations and that without cost will they do it yours etc y the ilefoelfeesdleptjerr iattoxs since the milk isricher and less in quan tity there will he an increased temptation- to even up by the addition of water or to even down by theremsval of cream yoa will be doing the community moral service as well a the cheese trade eome good by reminding the patrons that the dominion act of last session is in foroe and will beenforced against all discovered delinquents patrons are more likely during this month than at other times to forget to pro vide salt for theircows and to neglect to supply an abundance of pure cold water cool evenings are no excure for the neglect of ration all milk shoald be most thor oughly aired immediately after it is strain ed the miking of cbeese tor exhibitions is usually undertaken daring the- first two weejcsofthis month send a circular to every patron making mention of those matters that are referred to in this bulletin and inviting their cooperation in order to aid yoa in the mahafactare of cheese fine enough for exhibition and prizetaking h some patrons pay no heed and ho improve ment results dont get discouraged leep tight on insistitiug on a better state of things in their practice iiieekg tex cheese when the evenings are cool and the milk needs ripening dont fail to leave it in the vat until it reaches the prsper state c matanty before the rennet is added use enoagh rennet to coagulsle mature milk xo a state fit foe cutting forty min ales when set at 8 degrees fahr dilute the extract to the extent of one pailful of water for every vatfaloi milk and then mix it thoroughly by vigorous rapid stirr ing when yoa are troubled with gassy cards allow a deceiopement of acid such as will be indicated by threads froathe hot iron test a quarter of an inch long before the removal of thewhej it is agod plan tob run most of the whey off at an earlier stage audio leave only enough whey on the curd to permit e free stirring of it after the whey is drawn air the card thor- paghlv and mafeo provision for keeping it warm when a curd eiukis aed if need be to rttain the heat put the- curd back into the vat bat let the temperature be kept above u degrees frcjuent turning and oration will facilitate the development of acid providing the temnenttare is main tained after the card cutter has bei ntfld the card ehoqld be stirred and airod for fifteu or twenty minuter itcfore tfcc to tue editor ol tbexion feee pkess sin tbsifonrfrgaveoceof the finest reports of the lacrosse match which was plffjed here- between the ililloa ajid actoa teams which resulted in favorof the latter that we have had the pleasure of reading its reporter must be possessed of very large- optics and besides he must have called to their aid his facial orifice he must also be an adept at finding out secrets why he found out that acton has hired players that its weak points are filled up by out- eiders that if they had played sgainst a twelve entirely from acton the hilton players wonld have won the game that tho acton dab will find oat that having members of their twelve living outside of acton will sooner or later weaken their club as it is entirely a question of money in this esse take warning boys andthafc the referee did some very peculiar things isnt he a phenomenon he deserves great credit for having sac rificed the slight degree of prejudice that he would probably have in favor of hilton and giving eo straight forward a report of the match and so correct an account of the acton team we are sure the acton boys will foe very much indebted to him for the information and advice they were not aware that some of their men are paid and wouldbe very much obliged to tbelic- fonutr if it would let them know who pays them the reporter forgot to say perhaps space would pot allow that acton has by far the better team- and that although the milton boys did their best they were no match for their opponents yours etc ikheppvuest powder absolutely pure tela powder cevervare jl marvelofptiritr fireflrhacdteoiesoirenesk afore economical tiuatb ordinary kind and casuot be tali in competition with the mcltitade oflow tmtifcrt htr alcmor phosphate pordert sold o air tncani horn bixirapowpea colog wall weigh la earn 6t ky children cry for pitchers castoria nen eahrt2s rici ire pave her ccjicrii wbca tli ris a caild ie crid cor dsioria wfcea sha bocaais hist eia clua to castoria when she hid chil ires she rve lica cls oria civic holiday requsition to ii storey esq pitzvioflht villcqt of adon we tho ncdersifued ratepayers ol xhis muni cipality in accordance with tho honored cos- ton respectfully- petition roa to anoint and proclaim thursday tl firs day of august is a civic holiday for tho present year efued by henderson jtceio i co and ihirtytii otaers pb0cla1hti0s to keadertso ilcliao co and c tiers gnstllinis- in conjfcnnitvkitb your re qneit i hereby procliim tho first day of august proiirao a civic holiday for the vuiare of actou aad respectfully roncst all good cluzezi to observe tho rang w e storey reeve- x0w is the time look out for uk fiffi- ess ts welcome spring henderson mrhe st co hpton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage i millinery display where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see i i i j general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings special attention has been givenlto this branch with a view to pleasing all in stvle quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays i splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the 3 very pretty j rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp everybody see oiir roo ladies shoe a bargain boots and shoes to fit and suit teas sugars and groceries i 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at ioic remember our famous 50c tea henderon mcrae co u ths fkir actoxs humcipal oolvcil coancil met last leanday evening at 750 members present connexion dowry speicht harvey and secord on irjoiioa coancillcr lory took the chair hinates of jast meeting were read and confirmed ihe reeve now entered ku tcck his mat a byiavr appointing mr thos easton as caretaker for the pebho cemetery at a salary of ssotxj per annum was read the reqnired nnrober of timesand passed ilovcd by harvey and speight that the petition of adam cook and others praying for the free nse of the town hall bell on sabbath dajb be fran ted lost ilovcd by lowry and secord that the petition of x sicgarvio and 107 others praying thatthe coancu sabrait a bylaw to acqnire the driving park property now owned by w e smith at the mm of three thomani dollars as set forth in said peti tion be received and that the desire o said property owners be granted by the sobcrus- eion of a bylaw to the property owners for ratification and that the heave and the mover take charge of and see that a proper bylaw is prepared and sabratlted to the coaacil at its next meetiug carried the finance committee then presented their eighth report and recommended the payment of the following accoaota wuliim kaimhxw yprfc on ccmciay 10 00 thanim etfcton do do 9 03 wmiiifl sraith do do s3 00 koyjd htmi cork oa streets 5 63 icnqs jocitos bossier diaelcll tramp it 00 f61 63 ifoved by loorry ind sword that the einlttd report of thefinance committee be adojje j carried on motion the coancil then adjoarned to ujoel in two weeks frutn last monday at h pm the fireat clearing sale is now in fall blast at bollerts the stock most be re- daced in order to make room for the fall importations as ilr bolierf is at present in the old ooantry baying goods for the fall and winter trade he will visit brittle france nd germany and select the choicest goods that canbe had in those market yoa know we have always had the repatation of keepiof nice goods and we intend to cpholi it and this fall we expect to place before the pablio the finest btock of dry goods that was ever before be fore shown in gnelph hence the reason we are having this great clearing sale which the people are talking so ranch abont bdt then j on will tay money is so scarce tree it is generally scarce at this season of the year bat yoaj will be eorprised at the amount of gooda than can be purchased from as for one dollar for instance yoa can bay 10 yds silk for one dollar 20 yds dress goods for one dollar 20 yds brilliant for one dollar 2o yds white ilnslin for one dollar 20 yds colored haslin for one dollar 20 jds print for one collar 20 ys cotton for one dollar jo yd shirting for one dollar 20 yds embroidery for one dollar 20 pairs gloves for one dollar- 100 yds frilling to one dalitr 20 yds ribbon for one dollar 20 dor- buttons for one dollar 20 handkerchiefs for one dollar 20 fairs good hose for one dollar 2q linen collars for one dollar i boys jersey snit for one dollar i parasols for one dollar also great birplics in the ordered cloth ing department scits made to order from fs50 to 37m fanu to order from 200 op to u0c0 and yoa jast onght to see the nobby euits for boys that we are selling for 250 auo great valce in boat ing shirts kow those are jast a few ai tbe many lines we are offering at ench a sacrifice the only way is to tome and see for your self and yoa willjbe ture to gst valce for yoar money and becoarteogelytreited we do n6t make customers feel nn comfortable by forcing them in bay what tfcsy do not want- j do not fail to get some of the many bar gains which we are offering at ko 27 low er wyndharfi stre- bigger than ever this week co a a- h ffl- bigger lot of goods bigger bargains bigger brushes bigger brooms bigger stook f tiaware bigger 15qt pails bigger 10 pails bigger beses of matohes bigger everything come early dont miss it if you do you will regret it the rest of your natural life i co 7hie faie in mrs secords block next to havifs tin shop acton g great -semi- annual sale at i b ryhn 5t to last for two weeks only gos just glance over a lew of the bargains and you will see that when we speak of making ductions in price we mean what we say prihts and seeescoeess 1s0o jirfi prinu it 5c well worth 10c sooo yuisot beotinl fonree print feltra vride former price 15c ve us boioe to clean liem oat it 10c do not miss this lot or yoa will miw i b4rgin 2000 yirdi beersockfir to be cleared oat it verelt ncrlsee these roods ut beioc tali in the city it 10c bat we ire raihinr them off it 5c absolutely no credit e r bollert 27 lower wyndam street gtielprr ararebookr hi ol bitwri boic if sans- ftaa sedku tauia i a as umumi smnar suifl ir hit cmt pun m oc oouu enctx rhode fc touiri on wnrrc at oncc dress ooops- eo0 rinu drew goodi it 10c well worth 15c 50 yirdj drei good all wool at 121 worth 2oc 300 yirds drew good it 10c former price 25c 00 janii dreai gcodi it 18c ind i9c then good were told at 25c and 80c 850 yard beanufnl dreu good to be cleared oat at gc and 25c ormer price 5c and 50c 200 jardi rrea ocodi fa thtimlttmt aadea at 55c former price ooc thia ic a beaatif ai line in tripes in wide ladies suitswe hi i few of thoee handme french pattern sait which we will ell at a great redaction black goods we till lead the trade in black good 18j yard eosary cord former price goc redaoed to oc 75 yards poogee eji flightly damajed former pnee 6c will clear it oat at 35c 0c yards colored silk in ill the leading ihades wirranted pare iilk former price j 100 redacedlosoc this line call for special mention ai thejoodjirepositirelr worth 1 special valoe in black and colored beaded grenadine jut the thing for ladiea wraps and paneu for dresaei in black silks we have a lew dree ienrthswe will clear oot it the following reductions j200 foru50 1250 forjlm and 1300 for f22j silk and kh qlotes 150 pain eidglote opera shades only 25c former price 75c 100 pairs rid glovea mid shades at soc this a regular t5c glove- 50 pairs gauntlet glore rednoed to 05c these goods are well worth h25- special hne at tl00 former price i1j5 5 pair ladies black kid gloves it s5c worth 50c i special value in black and colored silk gloves j mttrtoeby louu marvel it what i nice hat yoa jih get for very little money we will re dace the pnoe of oar bat shapes just one third or in other words a i ship will cost yon only mc we will alio is yoa i very nice rnstio hat at 3c sew good bought tin leuon i l mantles your pick of the balance of oar choice silk mantle and wraps it a redaction of 25 per cent i parasols many 1 balfpnce we have gathered together about 100 fancy earuoulwhich we have decided to divide into threelo i5c i md i1j0 u what they ill be sold men s hose we have a few special lines fa gents wear that hare been marked down at a great redaction and we woold uk every gentleman to pay particnlar attention to ihu lot 50 doz mens hose at qd well worth 121 10 j 0 35c former price 50 and 60c these goods were- excellent value at for- mer prioes in obtrtistnttnjs 10000000 rloan it fire and five und s loll pir ccuei flnt dais anil iccoritv idcs easytkui tihiiy to ucleax mcue j r barrif lr3 soiicitcrr ucc money to loan few thootajid dollars on flzvi rrcnv n t tmasof irloooand upwardf aipvio jlfcbkavvstewaniovs eiqaciisclo lumbei hhose roqoiring lumber can lo ecj t kd t x ujo toronto liimecotupai j f izii j liiie- bouse tha mill u now niutui arlt zl itock of all kinds of lumber is zn lij lo my aiso bo had lliere toronto hue company lid thmexflol ac pl parsonage 1 pnblic bertices lftso 1 choalxi bible i 1 f astor hi cl strmngers n tisioj toatiteiti the d uttias desiret pew stenirj george jewebary 4 esatil toa ilj ihrtys and t piper ta4 envelope cohair3nishc5j kulbnttiic3givuif dajv on iiaad 4 whim tnd biahday sa threading slorl cjcks jnrellcrr bilrtl lumber atulsliinles geo hnds tewel lnaiber and tn ppareliosarrifncrs ui iotbenirlthanyquautity cmiiiiilr icrtmrsi c other balldinfi at reaaonable prictn a itock cf pine and cedur ebinfilcs if ajo en lsti tavlok bkotiieiis lot and dwelling fur sale house and lot on bower aviitsc btrrcj to j e hcgarvis ifcast- eojcrtallc barf and soft water eoctcnifai siksii cw den appit lor lrticclirs to deekpeisay j desirable house and lot for sale that very comfortable fccuso tal frunaci adjoining on chcrcli 5trc ace excel lent location baimicg in good riair for tenns and other rrcairs arijto c c speight on the jiremiies cr o ubs michael speight irfchaeiot i for sale blaan placing mill carpener ehcp add cwelling the above prciaises in actcu are cjtni fir lale tbe ciacbilorv comiirnoi jiiia and moulding machine car1 ttoarlay i cc galtjcircalar croeicul andjig tiws iro acd wood toming lathe with saws jincr itxivfs tniingitone etc alio a quantity cf cariyr- t3r tools will be fold together criracliiacty ltd tocli ioparawly any to sflis 1 mccanx notice totjce is hereby pircn that the tat cf ly ind cr gravel freni any cl thil strccc cl this municipality is strict v prchibilvd and ry person or persons fcund rcc3vig sadtr gmvel alter this date will be vigrciily pro- ad w ii stoke v ilit necve oruce actcs july 3rd is- auction sale valuablemanufacturing projirty in the villjrg e of actonlt tue endersigaed his rcccivoj irstrzejonj frcs mssrs j eiicgaryiutc to sellbvpabicauctin a the itisi c l saturday 27th july 188 at2 0cfckrl the bzildit and tcum4 lwr k trent factor- o jus strvc ai cala biildin30leeiiia store nuu ijas lean to is iv tde manis itc- crtn j v inlhe bcildins thero is a j b y liilcr th tone farcoce yc2 tni pipes laid tj ih- crck trora which waiircaa be p2iuki ii necicl teehs ileasoxaiilli a tcii tvct be made tajancx to raii cs tb for partinlarv uddreaa tho alovo at ijcrjia cr w1i iievistiieet omck quooiilt salesmen wanted havlvfi dorc ls- li ciiia ic- lt w jrors cur ic utaitiii aail rt mv bihtyij well ka3a v pecc fros the start if tcry so pre- uor tc gamine with anv other rru helxrkvclibnidacrictvcrd wj-j- co coramcrciil aficncieg weil vnnr to 1 nesa necor standard riouk col ben- oat chaeebeothehscoupanv so previous espcrieucij requirci v ir tcnai which arv vorv iiura it ag with any other rru ask for flyers cit ii eorsaviri in ijl- ctc it lika ico can makr j take in irultrrji ay erg sarsaparilla l- filjiii ajcrs sirviiin ifillllimi u 1rij ii p aycts sarsatanha u i firr luait over l-itur- i i j rwpiinietil i gtnr ui ururbfatiauany- v i i bui fflfi fu nvin- v lf ayer fciiriariaria fur er 1ii l c yotlierniiutpvesihn f- in- 1 il iiu u avfrv sarsamriia a are tin- i- taur nvic- ii slcrp fan uoiilii u -l- t tiiislyc bitkluj lla koscumliii f we have foh aver itr -y- liere fcr ever ihimi iroiv1 rpiqimnend it wlnav- ii kt liooalurii -r- w t sx iv llrvggui aipia0o iliavck rrli fl at tevcmcvn nr ai a i iwm in fc a a tliere u iioiiitii- f y w wood as awr ftiitfj v h iarktr ix teke v j l cv ut umradlou of anv uijii ii n- ftock r rvitiuiiii t i i i dwtors sav 1 nr- t iin- ii counter it ikur im i cases for vhuu i r i c oj wlicre tlie lxtrrri-hitk- 1 un of tro aail c i cit jlounjoutli icana ayers sarsaparilla 6r j q aysr co uowe haij pli j hi tkllues ii r f thilesdat foliated hj tue trejl free erf aj i girio holiday t special rite oaj citizuuteday- donbtless many j tisjt brtmpisod to dij tbtiazof thethf be hearf in this tici eer father la tbe slices in st gtinday haj in lome pal yielded in average of f tons toue acre- on iharaday erei paraded and diacotu ourciuirns the harvest in th notwitbsandias tew a yield ibore tbe arert tberaatcb betwe eiwuion at bramptl to bo nnttoally tnterej amounted police oommituj guicide regina h v t on t actonbprofpectiv donbtiy betwridapt tbau af dther ipot ml throcghtbat effort denial andenterprlsingl the peoplitof acton rate to all points on t visiting friegd- yoar hnsfaandxominf j o ba a mo3el hnf bpecie3 bf tjoc from i worn off leveral timef enooarged bramptonians ar j boibttng of tbe way bl team uowto walll a fehcun bence probability be ccirtincl has jilayd them ue joh ii flo the o sjchpclao a recent the le had oocaall irahcis ijlf refortner j ity frofntbej elbe bate bt georbtock kebaoe inpply o roll bologru etc it r tiiankx hi bnmerrfai c the put andsolicita a esteemed patronage fori on friday etenj crosse match was ply tween tbe married which alierjrenungi to bpectr fpmpwarj ed in one ha in favor i yesterday wai til ceivingvippiitiobi forf namea oo the dominiol it to bo hoped that nl necessary qqalificasionj fagthat their barce w hie list a party called thiaj retary of acton union i aud offered a prize tail three mile iojole c at tbrtall ilhow here amateurs meidiufi in hi willie given in additif bociety- an oillaokia g caught are near wim eveniug irbe heatjfrol that the trainmen cbula and it was allowed to b blaze blcchad thn trick j twt and wot foivasootl irate cilirenwho f abom me ialoday opal managinfditoroi gentleman bittingthere thebaildob eia chin otj hs bicips citiz shake air dering fjooi style in reply to atefcl in seat bj the officerl waharrifty moatreal p oeaaon tboecasioff of i da fffie tonoffinf b lientcbl boiler- ceft of wales sidcerelj kiqd congrlttllatiota if yoa kant tbe noi ing anitofejotheaintbl emo wlies wellkdof acton m iaq haj the best wkmen vest finest itod in acton tl uaranteesiijafaction afeii choicest v willow ld harso zfa nd 2k each for stconij if yoi vraut a rt aa elegtnsundaysbcj j lippej or a oodtrl tn traveltpg go to sel shoe stori actoo do not miss the golden oppgrtuniries 0 you byabove prices abr7an db co gueiph the leading dr aoods home 93 upper wyndham st successors tojrio hogg son t urdok eup cjns fon b1uou8ncs0 cortcti r- indiqc3ti6h diiincc htadach td tic ctoliac1- llicc id dc thcy abc luthiul atc p iti acnot at3 rrua v- to ounooca cloco eftrn tntarr mi cunc cr cur ard osstikatcci r tr ccte moxiwi jaly alibreed who assisted i -ins- morrison of el t kijjod at son on eatnl men tho fleaolacbrol was niiprokea mi is j revenge or bis part io turei f n jraiuuist qnr j pr a farmer bring at bere whije iralkjng on j roing sontb iroiibis sil the evening eipreaa ai irook onttia beidthj aphore w b hr if yoa want tojfeca or sine made to ordl 1a by reliable wo bros- boo lshoe ort

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