Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1889, p. 3

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the uetrodismrcrch agton rev al gifpoed iu ptc pastor fault services 10tj3rjn ui d soadr tailor all mriiiur fatited etruibrf ml tistters tlirars welcome ai lootm where it ivajaor wto- ai re ssgi l p georgehynds hireuair t stationery store acton ijs sit tn l tnottmoit or nolc j pli tatloct ii voo wint sh n of tt a tut line o birth- ran the lesang ilote la actot for wilches tloeh jereilcrj- siirer wire erci ctci geo hynds acton ont jewellery store ihtlesnit august 1 1889 minymoft logics ooiwl by ihc evcrtliongliirol and alert free frets re porters ortiz holiday loday special rate 01 g t r for actoii citizens loday t doubtless many of oar young folk will rint branpton o day the buz of the threshing machine trill beheird in this vicinity in a few days be father liedeb conducted the rricesin st josephs church last sunday hay in tome parts of llichigsn has an average of over tro and- a half tons to file acre oa thursday evening our cornet bind partdedianddiscoarseateicelient music to- oar ciuacs thefaicvest in this sectionof country notwithstanding a few drawbacks promises a yield above the average the match between the crescents and excelfiari at brampton today promises to betmasaally interesting amounted policeman named hirsch cotwniued euicide in the barracks at eerina n w- t on sunday last acton e prospective public park is en- doafiuy better adapted for such parpssc lhaaasy other spot in the county xfcrocghthe efforts of the g t es genial and enterprising agent h s holmes the pecck of acton will he given special rates to all points on the g t r today yinting friend how are yon and pur husband coming on sirs hopeful 0 he s a model husbsnd 1 there is no ipeces office from- which he has cot sworn off several times i feci very much encouraged j brampionisns are making sarre tall iboastirg of the way in which their lacrosse xan isgrlog to wallop our boys today a few hours hence ana they will in all rafcaeit be convinced their imagination pis played them- fsise y in acq of the- georgetown sunday- c or a recent sabbath the leader ig the lesson on samuel the bad occasioa lo ask for the ufetoreer a grit camo iity from tie small boy liedge the butcher has always in swek a choice supply of fresh meats epiced mil bolagna etc at reasonable prices and than fa bis numerous patrons for favors of tne past and solicits a continuance of their esteemed patronage for the future oa friday evening lost another la- crtsse catch was played in the park be- keen tie married and single novices tiiicij afterpresentiflg an arousing spectnie io ipedators for upwards of an hoar result ed iac goal in favor of t lie young men jesriay was the last day for re- caving appliatiocs forthe registration of rices on the dominion voters list it sto be hoped that none who have the accessary anal i6 cations have negjsciad see ing that their names were dcly placed on tiist ja party called this week on the sec- raarycf acton union agricultural society aal offered a prize valued at for a three mile bicycle race to be competed for at the fall thohere and to be open to pjateursresidiaginhalton other prize t21 bs given ie addition to this hy the t- 7 tan qh unk on a g x e- freight train cihght fire near winona early saturday iterjicf xhe heat from it was so intense ifcii lh5 trainmen could do nothing withit iofl itwu allowed to born ielf out the wla blocked thft track detaining all trains cut and west for about live hours late citizen who wrote that article bjm me ie todays paper ifanaging editor our hero editor the tituanan ntting there in the corner with 4joalifcsgin his lap and the doable pa on hir biceps f jcitialshake sir van have a thdn- miafi fipoi style 4ia replj- to a telegram of congratula- liotantbr the officers of the prince of fltfiseifits kontreal to his eoyal high- 0ton thf occaaon of the marriage of his hter fh following reply wa received h iiectcoi bailer prince andprin- s of wtes sincerely thark oecersfor kuia cocgitulations if you vant the nobbiest and best fitt- ioglscit of plbthes in the county of haltoa ffiowies wellknown tailor shop in acton mr lee has now in his employ taejbest wkmen west of toronto and the finwi eioci in acton to select from and piirarteessitisfaction every time 4- iw choicest variety o weeping whow and horse chestnuts for minisfc each for h s a skcso jlfyokwant a reaable working boot u iegisssundayshoe a comfortable even iar tlippsr ora good trunk or valise to use l tea veiling go to kenny bros boot soesttorractoa home igleakin68 vuitli arc ifosllr cf a local chancier and i all luleresting found peak in bed on saody morning of last weelj ifr wm feathcrson an old and respected resident of fwalerdowh was foend dead in bed the cause of death it is supposed was heart disease the deased was seventy lycapa ol age didnt khofwit vns loaded at staynfer ont last week a young lad named track connoy was amusing him self with jetting off firecrackers and be coming impatient orer the slowness of one to operate he looked into it to see if it was loaded ivhfch fact it immediately demon fitrted by in unexpected explosion as result of wl ich poor frank nearly lost his eyesight afinrcluff whcxt yield it is estimated that the yield of wheat this year hroughout llaniloba and the north wes- provinces wiu average about 15 bushels to the acre some land oa which no rain has fallen for two- months past is expected to produce 23 bushels to iheacre the comparatively low average is due more to careless and ignorant farm ing than to unfavorable weather tiie czjladi cup the cimda cup presented by the cana dian clab of london ecg to the member of the canadian wimbledon team who should make the highest aggregate score during the wimbledon meeting in the matches for which all the members of the team were regularly entered was won by quartermaster sergeant j ogg of the 1st brigade field artillery guelph who was also the winner in 157 accuiczt tv jarezil spartsatn oa friday afternoon last lad named fred bancroft of guelph went to a neigh boring woods to shoot birds while stroll- ing through the woods his ri3e by some oaaccoun table means went off- the ballet lodging in his leg he managed to make conclusion that that man was a little dis- his way home and medical aisktencatip wi e or as he called it sommoned but on probing the bullet coal d not be located young bancraf t will how- evefin probability be around again in a couple of weeks j ftzuy izjanzd on saturdiyof last week a little five- yearold daughter of ilr john atkinson tarfc eoad was kicked on the forehead by a colt medical attendance was procured and on eismipuion it was found that e portion of lh skull which was fractured was pressing against the brain the uu- fortnnite chill wii placed under the in fluence of chloroform and a portion of the bone removed batin spite of medical skill she succumbed to ber serious injuries in short time r adzstsrd2yact last week some fiend or fiends deposit ed pins green iu the pasture fields of sev eral respectable farmers in king township and as a resalt several fine cattle were- poisoned jlynchiqg would be too good for the miserable specimens of humanity who perpetrated this diabolical actbnt hive- cot yet been apprehended althoagh the north vorfc protection society and the corporation cf king have csch oficred 5000 reward for information which will lead to their arrest georgetown sigh school the high school at georgetown is now almost completed and it is expected will be ready for occupation by the latter p2jt of angcsit the building throughout pre sents avery attractive eppearincs and is an ornament that v this magnificient building would creditably grace any of ths large ciilsf of oar prov ince we cocjratulate oar georgetown friends on the energetic enterprise display ed by tbem in securing for heir villager this excellent institution fell oft t ttala on friday egonnell of if i last a man named john ontreal in charge of a load of percheroa h re3 en route from montreal to illinois fell on a c p r train- at hornby and saitaioed serious if not fatal injuries his badly broken the train hand condition at th is bcu kindlj left thigh and arm were he was taken to milton bv he now lies in a critical beanet house where he cared for his leg wus ampntatel rear the thigh joint by drs robertson and stuart who think that the broken arm wife- also hate to be taken off they have email hopes of his recover- a townsman ccmpiunented jtr james matthews is in receipt of a letter from c w robinson general man ager detroit international exposition which is to be lield in detroit from sept i7th ta2thof him on the ex client etani his matched pair of roadster lady george exposition list this year complimenting marei fdton queen and d taken at the bufialo fallland requesting him to exhibit the same matched pair at detroit pn the above mi ntioaed dates also offering free lnsportat ion both ways it wiu neighborhood news furnished by correspondents colled prom eidtaiigeanu picked t by the way kxatchbltl onjary23rd people of brookville give a free pianic the day was sue and pleasant and a very enjoyable time was pent atjtoe same time- and place the base ball claba of brookville and knatcfa ball declared war with the result that kuatehbnh was victorious the ecore stood 30 to 7 on wednesday of ust week charley son of edward darby xnatchbull had tbe misfortune to have one of hi feet painful- ly injured by coming i contact with the tines of a fork which was lying unnoticed nppn the ground the line penetratiog to tbe bone it will be a day i or so before be regains marb use of the injured member mr jaa hammer and jaa b anderson eden mills hive sold their driving ponies to john lyon of guelph for 150 the past week has been a basy oni with the farmers almost every one being en gaged catling their fall wheat and barley and a few have finished if the weather is favorable tbe coming weckwill see a good part of the crop well boused j oakviltx j the methodist and presbyterian sunday schools- held their anauaj pjcmc at lome park oa friday last the day was ait that coald be desired as far as tine weather goes to enjoy oaei self yet oa reaching the warf andcasting oar eyes over the waters the augrj- waves folly led as to an ticipate a little trjuble ahead m the shape of eeasickness we left the oakviile wharf and boarded the steamer hastings at 1030 am arriving at the park just one hour after qut depart ure i heard oae gentleman remark rather quick travelling seven miles in so short a time i evidently came to the quick travelling the question with all was are you sick many felt inclined that way bat some for reasons which are better imagined than described put forth their utmost e5orts to hide their sickly feelings their were a few however who did fulfil a cer tain passage of scripture by casting their bread upon the waters but whether they shaitfind it after many days is doubtful the time we had to remain passed away very pleasantly and quickly on hearing the whistle of the boat warning as that it wastime to prepare for oar journeyhome the old adage came to my mind that time and tide waits for no man truly neither lingered that day for the time was rapidly flying and the dashing of the waves giving us greater warning every mo ment that it was his time to be homeward- bound many being too timid toretnrn by water did so by the 530 tram thereby gaining a new title to their manes namely that of a cowardi bet alas how can we tell what a day an iour or even a moment may bring forth for no sooner had the boat got nicely started than her redder broke and the conseqaences wereihat the courage ous crowd was carried to toronto and was obliged to wait there until the eleven oclock train i wonder if auy cf them wished that they had classed themselves with the wise bat as they deemed them the timid ones when they were all landed safely on dry land they sang the grind old doxology and could they have offered on their thanks in a beilermanner cote him whose almighty hand had protected them from the danger of the angry billows and bad saved them from what might have been a fatal joarcey rev mr- keitleweuhas returned- from his trip to mcikoka and occupied the methodist pnlpii on sanday list mr a e brdwio of the star spent sanday with friends out of town itev mr mcgregor of the cocgregation- al church qaelph preached in the presby terian church here last eacday the erin iodg of aouw visited the rockwood lodge last friday night after the geperal business was transacted all were taken to the railroad hotel where a samptaons sapper awaited them after supper speeches songi etc formed the programme pasmore bros are having their store and residence newly painted road master bragg has made great im- pravtmects on george street ws lizzie hamilton who was thrown from her horse last week is able to be around again on friday evening two of oar young men with their fair ones went for a row all were enjoying themselves when they ran on a log andj while trying to free the load all were tipped into the water one of the young ladies had a narrow escape from drowning a nnmber from gaelph held a picnic on the rocks last saturday james and fred barry of montical are visiting mr j barry miss charlotta hemstreet of shelborce is visiting mrs daiseld misses lilly mann and lucy harris of toronto are visiting friends here hamilton remembered that fulton qaeenand lady george carried jiff the nrst in the matched roadster class at busxb as well as several other prizes throughout oat trio last fall mr mat thews is now ge ting his roadsters intdgood ehape and in ten is exhibiting them at buff alo and detroit luring the coming fall interesting ha rcjroniai vzzt on wednesdtv last mr joseph gowdy of the gowdy jmanafactuang company eldest son of mrj ttos gowdy mayor of guelph was netted in the bonds of matri mony to mils isabella tabot youngest daughter of of i ir james talbot also of guelph the interesting ceremony was performed at tbf residence of the brides father by the e iv g- r turk pastor of the dublin itreet methodist church guelph the large drawingroom was fitted with friends of tbe contracting parties the handaonie voun bride was attended by miss johnston f burford ont while mr thos k gowd brother of the groom acted ts croons nan after the ceremony the company kis seated before a samp- tuoas and ten pting repast to which jastice was done after which the happy couple left for a lripthroagh the western states congratnlofions and presents were uuroeroas the ecee feess extends hearty oaagratula rifts to to of gcelphs most tespectei y 3 cng people the ecjilttg tint in an editorial lately took occasion to rebate tbe ladies of this city for liking advantage of the cheap steam boat service to toronto to purchase goods iu that city i think perhaps where one lady commits this socalled sin there are hundreds who have never thoaght of it and this tzpoii by the finite will eimply be the means of in- forming the majority of purchasers that some of their fellow citizens believe that a dohar goes farther in toronto and cause them to experiment also a new church is being erected by the congregation of st johns presbyterian church of which the rev mr moreton is pastor xhe edifice wilj be of red brick with cut stqse trimmings having a front age of co feet and depth of 120 feet the auditorium will be stated with odera chairs arranged in amphitheatre form the first of the kind in the city a tover on the corner 100 feet in height and a window in front 15 feet by 26 feet will aid in com pleting the appearance of a very handsome building the congregation has had re- verses and deserves credit for the enterprise it is showing the carnival programme has been issned in a neat compact form the ontride red yellow bioe and pink the list of attrac tions will please every one andit is certain now with fine weather that every thing will progress satisfactorily the illumin ation of the city will be grand whole blocks of business hoases combining to have tasteful uniform designs i the fire works on land and water will be mognifi cent all the yachts and steamers are making arrangements to have ah illamin atioa yachting and rowing regettas bicycle tournament international base bill matches cricket matches military and uniform society parades bicycle torchlight processions trades procession land mer- chants convention will keep visitors fully occupied for five days t a mow convenient city for holding such a carnival cannot be found one haurs walk aroand will enable the street car castoma tor infants and children iw22f jpmw 0t i cmoia ran colic oohpuion utojiuradltuiaperiottoutiinsrtptical sour btomich dtarrtkm zracnom bwmtome h a akan n d i hllwijniii itej deep ud jnomf dl- ui so cwdrt st bnaun h t ym injurious mediation tux ctxtf cs cojoa5t t7 3iorrj- street h t bocewood pebsosaii mxtiox paragraphs especticr yiritorsto and from acton with whom free pre readers areiltcre crlessaequaluted miss jessie nieklin spent sunday in ballinafad miss jclia lee visited friends in peter borough last week miss edith storey visited friends in tor onto during the week mr neil keith returned from sault ste marieoa tuesday evening last mr and mrs jasfirstbrookoftoronto spent sunday with acton friends miss aggie ramsey spent a few days last week with friends in guelph mr chas jeans of glovereviue n y- was the gaest of acton friends during the week misses kalie and joe ahern visited friends in hamilton and burlington last week i misses eva and addie bell of toronto were the gusats of mrs jennier cameron at rose cottage over sunday mr ed lucas after an abience of sever- alyears has returned to acton and again occupies a position in w h storey i- sons ove msnnfacttiiry lvtekfxtiktf cocuse of sekhovs akd eectlees ix acton dr james- wadeiward a natire of jerusalem in the holy land preichedin the methodist cfauteh ou sanday morning taking for his sabject the deceased wo man in the crowa and her wonderful cure and in the evening in the presbyterian church to a crowded house he delivered on interesting discourse on the samaritan woman at the well of jacob iu the dis courses dr wadelward entered largely into the every day life of the people of pal estine making his subjects peculiarly in teresting and dealing with special points in such a manner as to render them more vividly instructive than they ever appear to the ordinary readers of holy writ on monday and tuesday evenings he again addressed large audiences in the presbyterian and methodist churches on the customs and manners of the natives of palestine and by his interesting interpre tations an applanations of many difficult passages of i scripture these lectures are rendered peculiarly interesting his wife rebecca accompanies him and during his iectares both are attired in the native costaxass of the holy land they sing in nine different langaages their audiences were delighted with the jectures and singing the beautiful voice of mrs rebecca wad-el- ward being particu larly attractive -great- at xi jd jermyris acton a plcnte for bargain seeksrs 5000 yds of kew drts g iods io the soiree ehides rjch as hauoiuy aci grcn tt about bait price c can mte you at least 30 per cent black cashmeres eeduced to 25 55 is s3 65 73 and 75c we guirtctce the 5c line to be iilk irtrp aid vku worth 1 per yard we canve you at least 50 per cent new prints zephyrs chambraysf and muslins a good assortment xtw shades heavy wide cloth and tut dyes we con cave voa5 ir cent in this una gloves and hosier all kinds intkes and colors wo tave 30a jier cent here it is an established fact that 0 h mktthbws kaev the beit awortod and moot reasonably priced stock of light and heavy if j wbipi curry combs brushes sweat tadi hameis oils dustcw ad fly njt trunks and valises that have var been duplayed in acton ordered work and repairing guaranteed satisfactojy remember collars fitted by us are guarkteed not to ft j k matthews jtill street acton are tou married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager caainpply yoa wilhaii the farmtrerflqciredtofuralsh vocr new and coy little or to repleaiih ycer home it a seized cne inur ityfe at the tery iowmi rri there la no article cf farcite we cancot npply and further we deliver oar furnii yoa have no arncging treicht chargea and ruz no rltk of brcaiare undertaking our thirtyfive yean experience urthis bssines fcs resulted ia cokuicj the public of thii entire camffiacity that we ispplr fintca tcrlc i all orders ted ic ityl whicii ccinpare vriih thoee cf the civ st ocejjf tiiy prices home ire and our hearse ii an excellent cse d ocr team always present t becoair ippcararee wc hav sure in isritis the rsblic to call oc zs fcr tzyihiss required in cur linos plaa- speight fc soil for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem i rings new baiid rings cruets picklestands fish slices and napkin rings b slyage auelph -great- summer sale clearing out our summer gepds great liarfraiiis will hegiveain uillincry gloves feathers rib bons sfravvgoods ot alj kinds a fijic ladiea straw hat worth 100 for 25c borne as low as i8ei dolmans jackets in cloth and silkyi he slaaghlered tarasols 25c original price 81 great lines of dressgoods re- ducedno ec go 10c 12jc and iloc worth jlouble the money muslins plain and printed 5c 8c 10c and 15c a line of fine fancy muslin for 10c worth 25c black and col3red silks at marvellous low prices r colorcd satins and silke iroiii ioc per yard up a beaatiful black and colored satin -merve- leanxatooc per yd seersuckers for oc worth 10ej prints 60 worth 10c ginghams and cy prus lawns in great variety for 5c per yd and up 35 vds of factory cotton for 100 white cotton for 5c 8c and 10c per yd worth 20 per cent more also we are astonishing the people in summer keadymade clothing nice coats for 50c jill our iuimensc stock has aeen bonght right we are selliug it cheap and we have reduced large iiues to be sold regardless of cost ucmnantsiusilksdressgoods prints tweeds and other goods very low it willpay you to give us a visit of course our millin ery department- dressmaking department and ordered clothing department is running at- high pressure speed turning oat the stuff to suit the most fastidious wn mcleod co 3iammoth house oeoroetowk our spring kellvbros ordered clothing- ijew hats spring ties eeady made dry goods groceries a lock liiroaf our wcl lxzuxi and vice yoj that we bse the elicicts goods a cmre 3r fore cye is l set throagh goods f ysctgr loliby itock cf fiprioff suiting and tunings ill coa- u tha county a ierfec til guaranteod everylinio ieuy iro eiani issaruneot of the mcut fuhlaoaliu fpris hata which they can sell cheaper tl on any other house in the coantr we tave jcsi revej a hundred doiei of the latent and most fohiouablo btiug tie taa scarfs for geuuetea vcu can save nicccy by bsyis yocrr ady wadiciothijfiat kelly liros we borejail noelvod ldff a very urge sicxk of m vc5thsiicri aod childrens suiu which are of the ehoiceat pttnu a tsdsvles mens ssiuf re ti t coo ci oc d raaw frcai l13 ay children suiu from 1t5 uj or staie dry goods cant be ua tea wats the wcrld i andofust quality at lowest prices our 25c jajioa kelly bros butter and eggs wanted knrderotulwaalt jjstltul jaly 2pee iroyef tiie abreed who aflsislfid mscmihoa m -cap- ri6smbrron of itegaalic was neulf ailloi isqibi oa satardaj night by two nenftfcfe eeoloct brothers the attack w ttudis supposed to be in morrison cap- turer l tmt walter kfllccl kwkulot oct jaly 2sjoha hop per k utweturws ahoat fire mile from terej fcue walking on the railroad track wanj sooth from this elation was strackhy the rremngeippas and hewas nraakontheawrtftlwltc a leouiphore wire- itrhunx ti fence lwyond u yeowaiit to eenre fl firstclaaa boot fape muae to ofdfr bat of rood material and by liiuble women go w epay bfboot shos aote icton- twi tv liiskfis the first ioeii meat of the forty kshee awarded to ilichoel jomeafentonwho woe convicted of an injeoent assaalt upon a little girl at st thomas wts inflicted at tie central prisaa last tuesday mornicg the prisoner is 53 years of ae bat he received his pnonhmeat with considerable fortitude althnn h he freqaeny yelled for mercy he has o serve a years imprison ment and another twenty lashes is etill in store for him befpre he is enabled to parace his ordinary vdcj lions in the vcorld agiin the cat drew blood at the eighth stroke and the conditio of the man back will cause him to alee oh his aide fora few days at least carefully and eepairin promptly cilj- e2ectd o kcnj y shoe store ac to a fail stock o select from at satisfac tory prices at ke my bros boot i shoe store acton acton uviov ageicultueal stciett- visitors tofeel at home eervica is nretclass one now ancd connects with bill and cricket grormds steamboat wharves parts and all parti of the city every five minctes events on the programme are arranged so that every one will be able to enjoy them all and for 5 cents a programme an be got which will direct and help in every way hotel or private accoinodati a can be arranged for beforehand and at moderate rates many private citizens are indicating their willingness to accomodate delegates to convention etc extraordinary arrangements are being made to welcome and please the large aadi- enoestsatareaow a rarely hamilton and toronto international base ball elebs played here on saturday test md one of the toronto players losing jua temper on being struck out threw hia bat at some small boys who gayedhim jnst escaping injuring them and on the boys continuing their ridicule raised the clab to strike them nd was stopped by the manager in sme to prevent a eerioos iriat finch brasal cdndact on the part of a professional player is dis graceful to cay the least and not to bo tol erated weather cool and very enjoyable a msetinglof the directors of the above named society was held in the town hall here on saturday afternoon last members present messrs duff harvey hemstreet j johnston sharp dunbar carrie shorfell and agcew president iohn dan occupied the chair minutes of loss meeting were read and confirmed moved by messrs duubirand carrie that a separate class be made for two- yearold geldings and twoyear old fillies carried- moved by jmessrs danbar and carrie that the nsiae general purpose horse bo changed to agricultural horse the motion was a tie andtfce president gave tne casting vote in faor of the change moved by messrs carrie and johnston that john harvey john dnff h dunbar and a- j carrie be a committee to revise the prize ltt for the present year car- rjed the fallowing committees of management were then appointed to saperintena the different departments heavy draft and agricultural horses a- j carrie h danbar and j wriggle- wotih carriage horsesend roadsters s johns ton w shortell and w hemstreet cattle avaldie and w sharp sheep and hog r allans and e irving poultry and domestic man of act ores w jackson and w fisher grain hoots dairy ladies work fine arts and flowers d henderson wh storey andjb pearson hall committee j b pearson sapt d henderson t h storey h p moore john harvey r aguew and w santer tickets hi danbar and a j carrie competent i judges were appointed for each department upon motion the meeting then adjourned to meet again on saturday sept 7th agent wanted address household remedy co w8 queen stwest toronto we dont pretcad to sell foods cheaper thxa every other basse in cnda for there are others whosellegnillras cheap hctthey dont do business in thia cocetr satins agrtcd lice of etthis evening ehtdcs at s3 cetils per yard do not delay as this line i txdss piczd cj raindly aid we earact repeal a 155 thaa 55 cents iiilliner special sale of carpets and dry ftoods at reduced prices -at- kellybros the riaht house hamilton mr thomas c watkins is cow in europe purchasing his winter supplies for he flight house read this good ntwi for carpet buyers a large variety best qaality t frame brussels carpeta have beei reduced in pneefrom 6135 to 10j per yrd- a few pattern of tame quality at soc other brueli formerly 125 reduced t 75c handsome braaseli border former iofl 10 now selling at fc brussels stair and hall carpet at equally tow prices royal wilton carpet reduced from u to ls5 best velvet pile carpets reduced to 1 per yard various tapestry cir mtsit reduced prices a lot of mati rugsand tapestry bquarra in large size selling off at bargain prices housekeepers be are aad look at these choice bargain tbfl varioos departmenta are showing many lots of goods at greatly reduced prices ibe bargains in gloves and hosiery ill for prise joa lots of kice silk gloves formerly 5o reduced to soc others fort lerly 25c reduced to 15c folber gioth for merly 20c reduced to 12j a lot of hosiery in ladies and childrens sues red load to 12 jc some of these were formerly 35a per pair remember these cheap gloves and hose bargains in laces wide 1lonncing formerly f 150 reduced to5o per yura deep laces formerly 0c reduced to 15e lots of oriental lace at bar aii prices a lot ot mens socks tery flne quality formerly 50c and 0c cjearicg out at 25c per pair childrens fine u iderwear at reduced prices treas goods for merly 80c 25c and 20c selling off at 15c see them in tha window see the illwool double fold dressgoods formerly 91 now selling at 50c a lot ofblack prints formerly i5c selliug off at 7c various iota of prins at reduced prices ladies belie at reduced prices beaded grenadme and wool cashmerts at reduced prices castomers will find many other goodi not mentioned here at special sale prices new goods received this week black chaotilly flouacings white embroidered floun cing silk ribbons silk gloves in 6id rose and serpent shades choice fancy frulings ladies collars silk paraeoli very flne lot of ladies embroidered underwear beautiful fine linen hand kerchieft fed is famous waists feather stitch ladies sam mer codervesta at lite and 25c each cashmere hose dress shields fast black liuiug also 15 packages of various makes of cotton goods come lo the right hoose during the summer clearing sale you will be pleased with the puces of goods re member to enter the store east of the carpet window many make mistakes and do uot get into the right house i dsrinjcly vre will sell alt trimmed hats at at lid mitrimiied hau at 25 per cent be low cost kow u the time to secare some ot the nest hata at ciedicta pricea i parasols corsets and bafltles in variety boots shoes and groceries iiemember we have the best 25c tea on the market rbjermyn jermyu sells clieap himilton july ind 18s3 thomas c watbixlsrs a word to the wise what we intend doing for our customers the ocjt iae way to do business it to tek goods on ticir merit and we ca ay that ai we maie our own good iuch as lugriin wo and union carpeta we know what we are seilia we invite car castomen u cal and w u before buying elwwbere and dont be cteceired by other merchants wboayocr carpets are not up to tha iiark 1eople who do cot make carpet da cot know- as iaach about them is those wbo tniiafatiire and waoafc all iutcudiuc parchacers to cail and u cs notice the followiuf tor 10 cayi is sufficient ah wool 6oc union 30c tapestry 30c brussels 60c hemp ioc per yd all wool stair carpets 25c per yd specialty lace curtains only 50c per pair clhrk t thompsons i 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod cos drug store f uelph i i

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