Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1889, p. 2

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slumx ul ja oe oa the ird nit tlo xrriez ttuxms ssiv on thaii acx- lit it jie re4rve of lcline in per i ie ferct jtrcftttxrcrt hal c to tc rc o to iiirrucviucii tiic srti o tetoa fwxi niceeroa3u jniv tstcj in tlic old funqj- remdesco jxis jessie lfxui hauler dsh ac o tle lite joseph ulw- evj gjnlan oct to jr ex t rise- bo to a litis to dr gcnioa ofieowcc the tite tnd bidesroo n let oabc uron n train fcr micjiu ii c m1ic e died pinjchul icdjcirfi wtun lulla o o oa jolrilv ttcuhnroa taw gt i ol i 3 its cud is div oil df turro tb ice t utllecc foncrly o godp jjin thursday alglsts te3 imt a hi mi irtntl aam ujuuracd tr triil of tl hilton pro c ted election css lhis wtlato hb ben adjourn from su 3ri the d e tiza on at the ecrat idjoirnttfut nuilttime thit his no e bii i smea probb until the ait for neit gen eltiun the prevs trip tlceifunlohofleci to the ksrltlnc pro ince mid the ancient cm lul tlioronuly lajnjali ftidfulofiulert the jtlts estate att sot to he di- tn dpatst oj hexdei by principal civtn wno n iced the govenio- general it quebec list week to rcqaest of bim th sjiowiac of the jeiiit rtste bill wee me- wjth i dndm no the gare-no- general well iwwre of the grei it j o his ponuod spoke ccarteoa ij and caatxaaslj- bt final v o tfcede egitrs and in erpioit licaig- tola thm that h coald no constitatioally and woald no di th ac tciase b considered jisit it was within the power and right of thqa bee lrgsiiiire to pis it for eqoallv good caiiuoaal reasons h woali not aiore p rliament becice what woald b taking a step wmch th jcjc3eiarce in no way warranted jsetiercoalifa hold oat anj hope that ifc act woak be rc eith- to the scpcne coare or to the fny council nit is th sab ittce of th oscial repl voies avd coithemn tfc railrota comniioners repo- th ave-ag- rulrod treitm cindi at s3 cea s a ton is against 1 00 a ton in th lniueastates si jo in holland si 70 in germany 52 in england and 214 in france i hr ilcfarlac chief pablic analyst ttatesthat fc- 1 now ready to fomalate a standard fc- milt as the result of many experiments ana it only remains for the internal feenn d of th gov emmen to ale ac ion lir m lo haa been eelecied br th conierraurea of wet wellington to con tatftt naicg at th cxt general elecuon fo- the local ieguane he has been reete o the township 61 haryboo for a number of veir and will no daub make e nns cancioite in be rcthmg his dangbtrs to wealthy bnlsli peers o- p ctepecti peers the bncce of ft d i no onlr winning popa linty with hia fatare nb bat ciakine bete provuion for th ntare happine o his dacghters thn if 1 betored tbm cpoh ptsiyhngs of o her kingdoms 1 th clots ge a d ailed utement cov encg nearly two pige recently showing that there are ore- nea millions worth of pcpet es m toronio exempt from tax at on this large araoaant added to th sfocawdebea tores mortgages and incomes waih by hol o- by crook escape taxaon is es ima ed to make the enormia sam of efltent miuions in th city of toronto which neverpayo a cent for tuition having condered th proposal to tax carjiojm cars entering th united bttea t toe government of that country his decid edthat athey havecer been regarded as vehicle of imports oa subject to duty ba conducting an established and legalized trafacj they canno b- tarm it would hive been an oatige on tli re lalona of th two coudtnes if the rule bad been changed in 18ig says a london exchan- it took jest ow bushel o con to buy one poandcf nails now one bushel of corn will bay tan pounds of nss then it required tixty four bushel of barley to buy one srd o boaddo h now th sime amount oi barley will pay for treaty jaras of broaacjs fcr it ticn requirea th pnee of one bushel of wheat to juy for 6ae jard o calco nowoue bnsnel of wheat will ba twenty yards of calico tn ilamtoba grain dealec who lold 600 0co iiaahili o lastyeir s wheat among 6 ihm are sill hangmg on for a rise and ttonot show an egua of mfing go sjc hundred tnouaand ba hsls of wheat now in the fort siiham eleatos has cos icclud inj freht and stoa 51 23 jer basfael to daie while the current price at th el tais is f i 03 ieanng the holders short by 22 puu per buhel but thy are hopef al of th marse reuving pre long u iv pre mnipc utofiallfaics tij tbilomnfi i a list of fall fmrs vhich hate been pblibed op to this date sec re tie a fsrs will oulie as bj sending n ine natneaand dtes of their shows to tliaoscem orde to add to thfuiet iro lio icopro aadi pro ol al leudau sejl i to ii inacs nsi toronto sep j to 21 gselph central gcph sept 2o 20 7 hiakad central hang ton ausatt 2s o sepmber 7 katern tcwnship sberhooks i y serember j to ceutnl ccajs 0 tiva sep j to 11 fee jiern ursntford bpt 10 to 12 oth we e ii godench spw7 to 1 ctntrtl hiinil on bep i to 7 elkpejtt dl ml op elle- bp tender 21 and siuthgrci durlm hpt a and 4 f uf ce l tiele- spt l to 1 l loiiit e t lliooic fiet b4atf crrt i j 7 greit sortltr l ii nwcj t to 27 sorthbrau pari oct land peel bmmptoj o i to tli sotlprn walkerton ot 1 to i ql perth stratford o t 3 and t ca- re u elncgton fegus ou 10 awd t erttmoa- koiwai 0r 3 and i so th waterloo gait oct 3 andf garafnia- belwood di 6 and 9 the iaetr weiicojied eveeiwhece the annual excursions participated mbj the nvmbert of the canadian trcs usoa ationdnridg thepst thirtv ers hae al ways been enjovalle and h e tended to res and rtxapcra e th wenei mental ficaltes of the participants intimte gocal rcatjas hae ben created among the eaitonal fraternity of the country and by the annual reunion prty d fferci c hae been fo ottii ald fnnaly feelings engsodrcd opporlriinitiea hae been ef forded fo- secunng a definite rr anal knowledge of the geography eurrouudmge cusoms and character gejerallv of tie various provinces of our damn ion end to some eiten of the ne shbor ng repjllic tod the combined advantge 1 ave renu ered theuunnal oatmg populr and enjoy able to th n parkr mu and their iadie the prtos cxcortion of 1k i was fnlly equal in point of attrsctions and p ure totbtof am of its prcd ce sorn the party left foro it o i the n oraing of the 1mb joh b till for st john s b tli rout to mo itreal i fur the mobt prt through a nev coui tr but c er 1 unj or unt po oto nch a pelerboro smith s tails peril ac arctoucledf r i at montreal we boardea the st john special and settled oarelves comfortably in one of th- elegant new cpu pullmans this short hue ja t opened b the c p p is one f the roo t lmpor nt featurca in tie his or of nev brnnsrick inasmuch a it br gs montreal and st john 20 milea by rail ne rer each o ht and gnea th cpu s tenninua m eii important seport c ty the consrac ion of the short line was by no mem atnul undertkmg for near h 00 mile crowing the stat of mam the rod is through a continuous acce- ion of granite hills and that territory partke a gooa deal of thecharacter of a wilderne though o ca a sprcely settled bamle is passed the road is well built and is ingreat avor for throngh trafnc bo h passeicer and freight owmgton uafortnn ace d about 00 miles from st john bv htch ten freight cars were piled up in a colfu d mats en tb trac- th line ras am thing bat a thort one to us ae vtre detained eome e ghi hoars llowner to hile away fhetim our cr was convertd into a concert hall and an ercetlent programme ras preented by the talented membra of th prty lveu ually tb track was clear ed and we reached st john abont eleven o clock saturday night here a heart we com awaitd a kprentatnes of the bord of trad eorted us to comfort ab homa and during oar tav did eve v thing m thir power to rendr oar viit to st johnenjoyab bandav w s qnie iv spent the members of th partv at ending th church o their choice the writer visited the centenary methodist church a magnificent structure occupying a com manding position in th re ldntial portion of the c ty th centnary has one of the finest organs in the es and th pnn ces loaie npon th o c sion of a i it pron9uubd th saudav school room one oftheb t id th orld in h evening bv dr dewart pre ident of the pre as o at on delivered a charactristicaly elojnnt and prac ical diconr- on monday moniog e met at th c ty hall and from thence dprtd for a talh ho drive around the c t and it environs and an excellent idea of st john its 0 000 population its bn placa and mnnfacoiea is but ful harbor and abundant shipping and its vaneas featare attractive to witora ras thus obtained thefallion the st john river th fine su pen on and cantileier bidges the asvlam for the mne and otler plc of interest were vistd it is claimed on good an honty that st john ranks fojrh or fifth among the hip owning citie of tborld andenh when on v it e from th hrbor 3 and email craft eerwbre an hing tl tee and four dp along the ext i iv harfs it id i ot hardto give credence to the claim at 3 p m we were dme i to the llectr cal lxhibition to paiicmte m the opn ing ceremomea we are often rem nd tnt we hie map ogre ive ae and here it was eiemplifid the first gun d lar ing th electrical cxh bit on opn v as fired by telegraph from montreal andthosuind gun was fired from ancoaver b c mr leonard tilley who was preeat referred i hnef ttrnia to the prore s of elctncity during th last halfcntary and expread th blif that virzng th present exhibi tion we roald feel that we had ju enter ed on th tbre hole of its development litti did l dream said he hn i visited th kay or of anco er a hort ume ago thai h woald b aol o fire the opening gun cf our exhjb tion irom an couver bat such is the progre of ele tn ay conid nng that the exhibition was exclaaiiely dvo ed toeletnciti and elec ncal apphaijcea it vas a great succe3 to mr ira cornrall the crcirv gre credit is due for thjs success as ell as for the comfort and plesare of lis tors dur mg th carnival sjohn a amedanattrac tne and roal hohda appearanc and its exhibition athmic and acqaaticgmeaud sports its procciei s ec utructed fnsof thousands of visitors f lo vitnstandmg the fact that twelve ears ago a ditrctis confi erep nerh 23 acres of theiusiles port on of th city out of exirtcne cuing a lo s of uerly tliirtt million dollaro h c ty p c an excellent anpearance and its pop lie baildin are the enii of many of more fortunate sister citie jl fail fiuxk toselectfom at satifac tory j risea at eenuy bros boot a shoe itore acvga it has d4n chnsned the phoenix ci a trip op the river to fredncton a d re am bv pial train ws arranged bi the bo m of trad for tu d and was thoronghly enjoved bi th p ry the editor of the fret prt sand mr moore horever look the intrcoioml itailra on laesdv morning far charlottetovvn i l i in order to scenretu extra dy or tvio with friends on th inland f rl on tusjai rnornin the intcco ojial railway rece led us at its ependm depot m st john and rbirlsus off to mbnctoj the railwai follors up the hr inebc- s and hd us dirrnni hed waters fern til a htile bciund th thnvm town tf su t nmcs of ftatio b alo r tl i stction of tl ru d re a trial to ihjnen or ui i n ie au wigwaui lalta kyoh mi pennl tiuib auuance ittucjjac re jui ibled in our its u xtn jlly tl o uoauiri b- lwtxii st joha a id the oo st i fioc and fxrmtr t ju txlibt cjmp rat itk little enteq rnr j arentlv udl to do the t ip acroa tic j ty watr of or tl u uuriald fa rils from 1 nit du cue e to iun mtside o 1 1 r i c ld ardl a j about fifti m ie was ndclih ful l ji e from tl e long journeys b ruil eip lenoed since kiving hunt- i nnce ldvrcrd islnd trfriuullycalled th gem of the gnlf of st lv re cc is aboc kj m ka m lei jh from 1 to 00 i i v id h i as an arcs of 2 los square miles and a pojaltini of 103 09 it i a clyrming pee f terntori so macti in or b- rre 1 vildernfcs i o c j land o- deso tie heihihe islani bots i that 1 ardly r ju vard of its furfecc is incapabe of repaying tha huebandmafli to 1 us vegetal on hu a green peculiarly its own and no ireland itself is clad in ncner hu when samtrer bis bestowed upon it it crown o glory it b farms are thrifty and present a generally posperouj appearance it c produce are abundant and embrace chiefly oats hav potatoes hores cjrgs lsh and oyster potatoes arc a staple crop en everv farm tome farm ers caltiiatmg from 0 to iq acres the potato btle pest is unknown thce charlotcvorn the capital is a thriving c ty of eome 12 000 inhabitants its public buildings private residnces and p little p rks are a crcait to the i and me ro- polis while its bu s ocks and exten sue shipping pre cnt an activity not al was found in an nland torn its hand eome churches and colleges add their re fining mfivnc charoe own has a natural and superior harbor hips are sfe whatever wind may blow and regular diily lines of psjer and freight eteara ers and a large flee of general shipping ue6ptfrom toesiay until friday on the inland ai d tl w was enjoyabl in deed tbrou the kind attentions of me rs h 1 lpe of the glasgow ar hou e and l cotton of the i 1 1 1 ta ir re hd many peasant dnv b thni in tl old atl and boatirj in thi harbor hummerid in innce co th po nt at whitu toun general i touch the i is a tunng town of tooo population it is the iland trminus of the eieim boat line acro the c m th north mr a brennan pubhl er of the jo r al is one of the mot enterpri mg citiuc beide publishing two p he is an extensile stk raiser resident of helton or wcintty naturally fels quit at home on the iland wha th ume of such f miliar towns as george town milton and dandas are heard on all ids returning homward we spent sveral honro at loncon nb th beldmartero of the intrcolonial e it is a grow ing c ty of 10 000 inhabitants has car works ma hmehop extensive sugar re finery and other labor employing coccens in moncton we hd th pleasure of meet ing mr j t hawk editor and proprietor of th dailj tra e r pt late of th ottawa frc pre i during oar s ay mr hawke aideverything po- ble to ma the visit pleasant alo to how moncton s pubkc buildings maiinfe and placa of general it tertst noraidhefaij to point out tl urj rapid growth of hi adop ed citi as eudeuced by the numerous new edi fa ca completed and in course of erection this is th hdqu for the intercob mal railray and magnificent general offices of th company are here located it mav b said that re found tais much tlked of line fully as well equipped in every reap t as its rival th c p e on friday eienmg re departed for qaebe the trip over the i c k on the rs res for the mot part emomplih by night bat we turned out of oar berths at father point rbere tb ocean steamers make their first inward call and lhnce to the anc nt cap tl an interesting view of th country ras ob ained tha scenery is charming glimp es of the nighty st lwrence were cugh a intervala htwen the cont nuiiy re urrmg hill the well tilled fields of the miniature farms of the qub hbitnts nestled sid by sid along the rner bank and th mountains in the distaac indented with littl covea whe strips of sand afford room to land he boats and drv th nets of the numerous hermen vbo ply their labors along the shore early in the afternoon we reached the city here re were joined bv tb prty who had iu th me nt me taken in halifax and its b- n public pares and gardns hand some buildings its forts and war ships and moat of all p rhaps its pre s reception commit they also wited prince ed aid i at no point in the rhol of our traiels v as a more herty welcome accorded than that of theqnbc pre 3 as ocie ion and cit couuc 1 bedd bi dr dioune and m lave cur and acting mayor tesier i 1 p and this welcome ras remforod on ail s dea by the citi it lf oar three days sta was fill d with p and delight and undr tl e guidance of a contingent of the qaek brethren eiery momnt was occapi d m i s tin places of historical and general interest and ccery of th most picture qo and attractive character for is it no a fct tl the spot where the re fin auilization of the old ft orld first touch d tl e b rb ric rildne a of the v is ajo the no v here the largest ehare of the p cturesiue and romantic element has gathered round the outlines of a grand though ragged nture the first ghrapsa of qubc from ioint lvis or the harbor is a reiel on th outlines of tm rocky ramp rt and its crowning fortress the swp roofed old booses that skirt th height the qu int gcbled and balconied french dwellings climbing tb rofcvleoves to the n uppr town and the citaael above lower torn and the harve at its fe t all gne a aimreahzat on of thvisions gined from literature and geography and historical a o lation th pa- ing eiow jv to the citv the e nking fetures of the c ti it elf come gradahy into n in a manner enchanting on a c morning the nrm lines of rampart end b the shelving outlines of the rock dufiem tcce with jt3 pavilliojs th slojy mountain hill th grand battexv laal cnnersity the serried masa of houses ns ng gradually to th top of th elvann th many church spires the busy quaa tl e jare pa- eager bcuts thecoart hon and cu toms houe m front and th bntifnl parhment buildings in th re r impress the stranger with the moat destnetne asp t of quebc before h lands tl e heay and hospitable reception upon arrival wa fol ovej np on monday by a delightful programme arranged by the re ccption committee of th crty council and tre a ociation iu the erly forenoon ve ere accompnid by the quebec jour nlis the p o maor and mmbers of the gh couucil and a large numberof muted gue b together with b battery s fineb d oa an eicurs on around the harbor ana ile of orlcns and as far down as la bonne fat nne in the steam yacht ega bhorilv after lcailg the champlim mar let ai d whil go i g into th louise basin tl e c carac into violent collision with the steamer beaxer cmm away her bteni a 1 sustaining tone o her damag but as she made no wuer the tip was con tn jcj ac v itcd the waiin dockwh- tie tean si ip folw mji wrecked at mon treat i day is i nfcro i rcpaj and found i iucii of interest there it is etated tht tl e iqaiib ill to t c 0 000 but the c- 1 j led e i v ill bt n ad asgoodasever wiile diaauge is also ban taken of the opportauitv touile eci am lalcafe im provemen b n b rd h ch will add to its coaifor fo pse er at the shr ne of la lonn ste anne n int rest i as mtnife ed in the church p3nlm and the d ffeient evidences of miraculous curea in the pile of crutches e c left behiud by the bencficjlnt after a ei ernus inceh on bo rd tl e steamer the 1 riy returoea lo quebec bi ihe qcebec cjiai evoix d mot morei cy railway which u de it inilal trip w clt hoj r and etojj ped it the montmorency ftlla on he way to enablfl nt to vmt tad hwpect the woks there of the elecinc light company and the aplendid dvnamoi and water power by which the city lighting is etuted on reaching the railway terminus carriages were provided and the partv were taken to the jacqnes cartier brebceaf monam the pliis of abraham ani thence to the parliament buildings where we were re oe ved by lieut governo- angers hon henry staraes and hon col rhodes the litter gentleman peented the ladies of the party each with a beautiful bouqu t from his clebrated conservatory kt the conclusion of the poceedinga hre the com pany were dnven to their lioel to mk pepatations fo their departure lioiiewird during oar t there w no evidence of anything but th mes fraternal fhms between the mmbes of thep i aofqnebe and then bejireno the west otwi h standing the caasic articles which hae appeared so frequently during jie p few months m fiom of the jkrt papers of ontario attacking th poj of qubct fcr alleged disloyalty to the domn ion and a desire to frature confederation no such spint was in any respt manifest on the contrary th desire v as freeh e and all actions proved the truth of th wo that qchec is anxious for lh en gendenng of closer bonds of nnion w th th o her povmca in the general aim and acxity to make thiscanadiofoara great and mighty nation while old asocitions render the national conga of their fatirs dear and always attractive no people on earth eing with greater im enthu sm and loyalty the national anthem on all eides the d ire seemed to be to rect against th undeirable carrentof ideas and conclasions which certain political agitators are seeking to create our u t was d hghtful and th v as no compromi- of opmion or principle necesary for a general fraternization of th repreentatiies of the two provinces and just here the following from an ontario po is prhep3 sp la k apropos olu jq1 mov ofiloagiunbliil u t r tui newttlened from tie li ot centurie in all the epleaiioar ol thy iuebood r s cleareyed purehearted let u r ae ol b baln bcd hutor arigh that thou shalt g iiost riciestii old laids thine crs and shut fast gtiust fittrers wile tn j 1 r cr b le i arty iiioa call to t j c u thj i nn is oa tje no e j ooa 1 all i ur t the ripejiii eu nmtr bo a lho d r ap ttui lc cr jilent iro lueculrl the laiu of blood tbtt baj til natio c r d norcesfi to pai that he who jji all natioa and man niaj never e thee fall at 8 so re bad aoi to our friends in qubec and re ired for th night in the pullman halifax arming in montreal in tim fo an early breakfast it wa our intention to spend a day m montrel but th heavy downpour of ram deterred us from making th propo d visit the fine new depots of the grand trnnk ond c p r lines are modl of thir kind bo h have been erected eincethpres3 s oul pas ed through montreal t r archite tnre and all appurten arem gniccnt the trip homward by da light was pleasant the road bordering the st lawrence the thousand islands and lake ontario and exhibiting aried and pic ar esqa scenery all along the wai from brckwlle westward lingering good byea were end to departing members of the party and at toronto the party broke up th mmb returning to their venous homes each feeling m his hit ard cons ienc that in reality notrithstandiug ail the pleasures enjoyed th re is no place like home eev dr depart the ires dent was the lifeof th prt and to him a id mr v r chmie the indefatigable secretarv are due th thanks of the part for much of the comfort and pleasure of the trip toronto b elat lahibltiov there t3 perhaps not a ci v o th co itin ent thathasmad morerep d pro durme the past ten years than tuec ti of toronto and it 19 still goine ahead it populatio during that period has advanced from eighty thousandm 1 tocue 1 audredand eighty thou audio lfes t bring an average increase of ten thousand a year butejtra ordinary as this may appwr it is no more so than the suco3 which las attuded the establishment of the great agricul url and industrial exhibition which is held annul ly in that city and which during the same period has reached a point in n asnitpde far beyond the m c sangum expcttiona of its promoters the attendance of viei cs at this exhibition rhich in 16 j was about ninety thouand has stedily in ceased each year until last year it reached over two hundred and nfty tbound the number of exhibitors has also proportion ately increased and the indications are that the exhibition for the prcnt yer which is to b held from th 0th to tl e21st of 5pember will b greater and b thaneier although the buildmgo on the toronto fair grounds are alredy far more numer ous and commodious than any m tle coun ty the as ociation is expending over fo 000 team this year in pronding increased accommodation in tb way of n7 t on the most imp oved and modern plans a nw poultry building and many other ad ditions which thy coufider necerary to mee the requirenenrs of the fair they fully realue tb fact that they cnnot stand eill that their patrons want something greater and better every year with all that is new auu interesting in tl way of inven t ous to be found on this continent and this is rhat thy appear determined to give them this is reallv the people s exhibi tion it is no aa many suppc- control led by a tok companv but by gen lemen who give it their time and services fornoth mg and their charter poida that eery dollar which is mad out of the show must be expcnd in adding to apd improving the grounds and buildings l tl a the country and genral public ce the full ben efit of rhat ever as stance thei may give the institution by thur annul patron in adaition to the great exposition o i ve stock agricultural dairv and hort cult oral products manafio ure of til l nos fine arts and ltdie sork ec there will bo a much larger programme than usual of epecial feature of tl e mo t i oicl and interesting character that it 1th been possible to procure full pirtieuun of vil ith will oe giveu in the op c al prc me to issued ehortly there vill be an interna tional dog slow the second week and pain s great hi toricil facenio prcducti n the bdrntugof moco with rat d y roechuic diepiitje even eve in and in fact every day there will b letty to o- at this great exposition that will b instruc tive amoving and entertaiunu fapec jlly low rates will prev nl a i all railways lur mg the two eess of the f r eutnc f exhibits in all departme ts tans t- mde before aagts 17tl cxnada has m this exhibition an mtit it o i that the coartry may well feel proud o and take ai interwt in as it is one of the 1-e- on ibn conti nent and those wl n 1 ave u ted n auy of th larger fa rs oj t e tl er t de tb i or der realilv ndniit t a it will be many years before they can reach t pa ttiu f o- begin to comjtrc with tbfi toco n show for infants and children cforl4lssotdl4drmoeuidrenaiat i ctari ares cohe oocflpa- irecocadi utsntxiorlotzr terser pldo1 soct eciaaa dracji ervcca ia iu so oxford st eroctita t witioct taunoci agdjadro headquarters 1 or scythes snaithsj rakes hoes spadesj shovels forks scythes grind stones nails hinges locks and alf building supplies harvest mitts machine oils paints and oils tube paints peuchens prepared paints wad papers window blinds alabastine croceries c soll get for ii am s common sense 5 sb u tiec tra tj be hlo k d c i ollc klhv 1 l t ence 5 p icc c j i cc cle j b pearson oar j0 t b ihem all 41this pigturb is an exact reprv ent tion of the ret j r dtj rtu e t of mv jewe jry e e gaclil it ras photo for the parpo of hown n til t crcol arrxn rrent- fcr cl ng and overseeing all work and the syotemt c manner of do i h s i clim tl lo v crll op c n turn out sati factorv rork vitl out eintli i g b- donesistmatic iiv ca h ork man hvmc liisorn kind of rork to do and each rojs work directed- and exmined by the employer lien good job brings anotl er nd every poor joo turns awa a en tomer now everv watch co a and pie of je vein rl ch com a in my e op for re pairs is examined by me before it is given to the rorkman and a n after it is done o course once in rhile an article i ill sud throjh f m a hurry but i lu as particular as it is po aible to be it is impo ible to do all the rep a rl ich come in myelf tut i do v hat is next v- i that a ool v orkmn do tl e b luce i roptrh i wi h prticularly to impre a on the pablic tbt the repair ug ol r tcha is wh t i p y the the greatest atteut on to no uattr ho mucl i haie to b i tl t were does not te ne cle ted and i alwava ill return the money if i c nno mal the w tch giveeati no watenmaker can prevent mam pnngs breaking and ivstchca gt mg dirt m tlem be fore the warrant is out but careful at ention by a good workman will ne many annoy ancc m that way repairs from the neighborhooa of acton solicied ceo d prtncle watchmaker cuelph si 4oaooa peorteirsin and united states vouch thmt ir you are sick they are the okly re l h wcpld 1ut wsssmem styccccctnis extranfrom ths scientific purs of great britain and europe 5 tbeiourpxites ccd lc cs of tho world uro locdoj f 0erm and i una tec c have imracrs 1 ora is t n with sas n c hua jiity c o cf etuie ts throng t c ttuiriaj nndc- the po j charge tneciostrenowuc i cisc of thq wo u t ach et 1 1 taihec and th insti u ans kto chociek of me i kovl and etp r nee v ith v ci catiar th tpcco i- l totborauo thehosr hki i co at pt t cxjxn 1 t ie nj o i of the o ho r 1 jmut ci tjc spec f cs id al tloeh i wo h cot froa c 0 10 toicre tne atttnt on oi l diu nfxisbed crigicatot yc in tfci vay the r prepared 6tcu s are oneeiat the pnee of theouick patet nicl uaes that flood th marlc undal rdly cla n tocrc evcrr ill frctn a mgle bottle tl vmt felt for ft relial c eji ot dojtti rosed a is now fllftt kill perfect satufott on tce hoiral remcaie rrak i o ci reaiacaua c its thspecl- fo catarrhcarc t ita dnoour e i so ujth tbe tccic fcr p on chi a cocsnptior ad lui c troubles ebenaaii is cared lv o j while troafcea cf digeiaon stoma h lierand kiner have tt j on cere to thec is d a sjecic for fever and agc o o for fesalaswetfcneis geicral loaicacdl ood maker tiatrrakc loojaad gives form aci fulcets and an mcampaiac 9 remedy for ncrvoci deuiity n c nc p vj d cf a r r a s j c- c i r- t c r cr s a t r c re c ld u v ir tf a -j- u r t r c r j rcc u j c c 1 c 0 r c c i p jc c t rt d t j tr a ili z af1 i r j io c a r s r a 0 scrwfw tj j feupalcafc f tf c tt zs t t st c ot c trci c c io ko qrtfale hnn i ttj c t edt s sir t r t c gc re l a c q tffittt fv u afd fl ctcjfcftljie fl ut r ul pcrf j 0 8s 0js d c kc cr j d p f r c rj r cc c e t jr prxc e r tcto c r t p s fcr ir 1 if p tt- pr w ic i i re c tf3 cr ccr t u liters t cj u i l ac c i 1 1 0f uottjlkl each to be had of atll de cists rz i ji jucci lriujrtt l j lcecoacuareir y t e bant u t j rt u sifjeosfirillemedrg janmiftcan proprietor xow is ihe time look our for bargains dr washington throat anctlung surgeon of toronto x v acton 6 a oiffoeb m j psfi i ijo ft m ud t lcordji in jcs red ftt the grtit coring al i no u ilii bat at bo je i tl e tok mu bo re duced in o-ti- to make room a- f ull import iou as ifr be 1- a pxset m the o d 002 bnvg cocy fo th fall and rin trad h will bnuin france and oermanv ana th ch 1 c gs that c n ix had m t marker loa know we lave always k a the repuvatioa cf kcnicg dic good ana we intend to upc 1 ad this fil we expect a p bvoa the pnh c the ne- et o qr goo that w ever b- 0 e h fo e shown m guiph h n th rson we are uuns this g tt dc ring c wh eh thepeope are ul much aou but then 50a rill ti riuv s tru 1 is g aih a ce a us on of ljeear but vou rill t eu p cd a theasutof gcod thnc nt pjreea from nfnrnnp dollar fo- i n mju can b- 10d- s lkfo ocec i o dz dre gooa fc 0 e co 1 r oya bnjuntfoc do oyd hit ic 1 n fc oc oil r 0 vd col ed ha im or 0 d 11 r q yd pr nt fo- 0 e ao r 3 yd co ton for 01 doll 23 d slir ng fcr on t 1 r 20 yd crrbroiacy fo oe doll r 20 pt rs coses for on aollar 1w ya frilhcg for on- aoll oyd r toon for on- go l 20 dcz bu ans fc- on aollir 0 handke chies fo- 0 e aolli- 0 ptiro gooi he j for one do lar 2o linen collars for cn c 11r iboy je- v eui for o q r i piras- s for on coit al o gret hargi n iu th 0 ed cloth ing d n suit mde to 0 d from c x to v jo pants to od from 00 up to 10 l0 ad on jl 0 ht to see th nobby suits fo- bov tht w are selling for oj s 0 gr t value n b- ng ehir now tho are ju t a fer of tit mny lines ru are oern g at a e c i5 e the 0 lv wai is toomeang r self and oj will t enr to g vij fo- 1 our men y anob conr co alv trct d wc do no make cc toners fel nncomo t by forcing tcra to lu rl t tl c da no want don f 1 to g omc o th n- y fcjr gains w3 ch wc an on rin lno lor cr v ndh b t bollll no ckldi1 e r bollert 27 lower wyndnam street glellii l tl 1 1 s t i ji l dv l cj 511 j 1 u t l lj c c p c j l w c j i c o t l- tl 1 l 1 l h 0 c to r b u ls 1 l a 1 l v ic l l c i tli tr- c f- 1 i to t u cl vc s l l c h t 6 5 ir c r jij l 1 c it i c j a l 1 is tlif ii 3 ur 1 rvcev- ilrl at lit b l li 1 l li cl jl t ii ru i ul l r l 1 tlo lts u xj l c r 3 iut 1ljl 13 u ls r t al i i l t ltiu ta t r t w t l d a- l l n ci u 1 ro i d oclj pi sjvj tijlr 1 i f 1 il ii ltl k o tj a cf s lt dz 0 i ci 10 id e v ei i ik c t tl- 71 t j siv c ci w l ad iui 1- v t c erz- c s c ca i v l k ot 1 il- v ou c j i 11 rt all 1 c t l t c c r it 1 li t i ts 1 1 v t- ve- csictie ot 1 t i c e ii t u loci t e c 11 trj i u 1 e t 1 e t i i c a sjmptoms of caarrn f 1 1 t v o 1 1 j e- c 1 c t t r c siu c fc il 1 e c c i c t il s l c i sit i c i c e d u i 1 s a a c t a c c l i r t ep it e i t to f c 1 1 d i 1 c i s c 1 v av w fsl 1 wc r 3 v t t tl j tu r v v c t ir lip 1 ii c t i aio u v t a co e i a 11 lar b c e ri c f- c i- lill l- l l 1 i w u cj- c s s flf p- s 1 l a tlc jp 1 r a 2 c atobem jr e 1 d en t a lu a h r a u d d lo i ilelsc d hcll c iv t a o ii ol t i i lac i f- 1 lli t r l 1 1 r cs 1 1 k i 1 t c s c 1 0 j o l t c 4 l- u c j i r t lkil he 1 l i u i cr l r r tw u c us l u i x ts r ci 1 v cl l jl j t el 3 t ro a il l u 1 i 1 tcrc t l v i f 1 i r l a 1 o i- c il i l i 1 i d l til h 1 1 f s t j -the- golden lion guelpif a glasgow e mention dliow 1 ft plcnl hnc a inch c co nn d tj our ittcntun a line of all vool delainrat 25c sold esewnere t 50o a line of beautiful prints at 60 worh 9o a beaut ful line of hennet at 50c vrori 75a all our braided embroidered and comdino ion co tu- s o b sold at cos- excellent value in eat nsandvth tedres gcods v m i i t r mtiu uf glc 1 in kid s 11 1 k 1 1 1 siit to m itch ill the icw h de- f jed- j d williamson 8c co h spring goods i we lue cured urejotcf worsted coatiivgb in bue and black ul uu itl j ir ov lot r si i- t i v i s i good w ciimed suit for 2 cj to a fokte pfice sjo bwediicl shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph- fi ii 7j hinds cton jeyreliery stop ij jhenioci bark jj cojtco- bieriea bv iho tram lead iie i o ttii banssticg oren ocs ir lijepu- altent on cf tle far- bortch a barnip l l inpm plaj frklm xhe woodcoccl siao- jilioaop- tne jmttiit 1 aosa tf iho bnckio1 of the nw u i francis new reide rifokardtcrccrajt somc txz iporuti ojcmber tha tle c o pjjsaoesnoioduj h4 bsp do cot patronus raid ers pubises of borne rr cbanls ba vdferir at ju pa grcmad has been broleu 1 ipper leathr tanner j oa qace strict for 1000 loads of itoue jons baa b let a dnmbe- of london 1 lu been reoened at lb a effi- jiebollert ofgcelcb wbci uthe eaopean nrarketa qoarte ly cocmcnion luia in the hetbodu church aepasto- est j3r gifiord p btllcnt sef mens mormn and e- at the indnc ion of rer nto the piatoral charge of mel ferpu last t eek rer jwr lh congrega ion m earnest tcrdt bobt laidlaw and olh rs incorporation as the llalton jfertgage ccrcpan with ifuooooo the chief place till be milton tbe froh birion camp o rillaon 6anrda and conlina tetend lb iranceme thbsaperiqtendeuce of the 1 o of temperance iua do oat of tlace to a tentioq to ueact that ever illowed to ko to beed od or leuou niav cauq hundreds noa up neit season last saturday a 1 oelph e well 1 ortraita bf tbc public building and luyor jamce iuneai il p tdamns ot dejcr ptive matter iosane through smokirg via the rerdict reached by j ofriev lorn on saturday in matcaastelv apalefaitoao wm found waadcriagaloyj o vi e are iryfoeeipj of the p rs1agris2o a scclel l 1880 it 13 i3tied from he streelsyille c and u a mc joo the l c fie is hjan ally in veel a curiosity in thu aara o att apple tree bearing apples a uwter and new blossims ri uebea of each c her irx let paw office by ilr jola tbfi nflh line on slondty we are in recc pt cf a coi bobimen 9 aathonzed edit ol spin the s reet3 a romal german of h fccbobe bi wblster ajd also axop of wedding b cojad tcrdi pnee thirty centa one of th- bruh docw ibte absent mnded or bl knewhas teales ate mitde toa on a bottle of medicine d lake one third do rt iu one and two cara int mortgage within ercat a the brusst b ifleveueentb year aci ice d bewayas eer tee ful proves that c esx read 0t local nes pis e u derauuds lot to sne al journal v lu addition o 1 i jn i craig to the pas era sus the cue pi ivabi n in ferg ht rauslalion o rv t tj chalmea chuiah the t cu cl pajral ti a v lr mckai s lt r rg ro i 1 l eljkwd a k t ehoo arevcton the uomin i i 1 a ulan luirom to r j flby of the loa- aia pindeat featurea of i o t m j re a iheme for art i aj uit number th m fbomacaitallikent t progress of tle vor w pore cup remind ciuada doing their du u t c j number on thcrwl o tf deaeruslo be cl if jou wal a rel all egaut saudijthoe ac f thpper or a good truk travcuing go totvani blo store acton u you want tteui uitof clothe3 id the o w ueellkw r mr lchi3 dot j workmercwos c i atotk in aaou to sc pranteei satiafactioh etr j

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